Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Wednesday 20 June 1906, page 9




KINGSCOTE, June l8.-Mr. E. A. Leeder, secretary of the Liquor Tfades De fencv Union, delivered an address at tho Councii Hall last Saturday evening upon liquor and licensing questions, and having special reference to the forthcoming locaL option poll. There was a large attendance, and Mr. A. Daw, chairman cf the district council, presided.


BENDLEBY, June 18.—Two earth shocks were felt here this morning between 5 and 6 o'clock.


BLUMBERG, June 19-It has been de-cided to ask Sir Langdon Bonython to 'open the new Institute Hall'on July 10.

BLUMBERG, June 19.- At the Blum-berg Institute on Friday evening" last, be-fore a large audience, Mr. H. Chesson, MP., and Mr. E. A. Roberts, .M.P., gave addresses on "Current pohtics." Mr. Ches-son spoke mainly on the chief planks of the Labor Party platform, while Mr. Ro-berts contented himself with replying to recent critics of the Labor Party. An ur-gent appeal was made to those present to attend at the polling-booth on election day. Both speakers had splendid recep-


BIMDLEBY, June l8.-The land has had a thorough soaking and everything is look-ing well. - The Nappa Nappa phosphate mine, which is situated on Mr. P. H. Jones' property, who is also the claim holder, is likely to go ahead in good style, as it has been taken in hand by some wealthy nuning men. Assavs prove the rock to be very rich and the supply is practicallv unlimited. It is only a short distance from the Carrieton railway-station.

COCKBURN, June l8.-It will be a dif-ficult matter for the miners at the Mutoo-roo mines to get their ore to the railway, as every rainfall is making the road worse. Teamsters and miners ,have been asking for about l8 months that an exchange of roads might be made, but nothing has been done in the matter, though the exchange would cost the Government little or no

FARTNA, June l8.-The low-lying coun-try is all under water. ' The Innamincka mail'left yesterday at 6 a.m<; but returned a little after noon 0n the same day, being un-able to cross the Mundi, Creek, which is still rising. The mail'left, again this morn-ing, and will no doubt, go through this time, unless, very heavy rains have fallen along the track. Messrs. Ragless Brothers, ot Witchelina, report only 0.75 in. there. Wirra Willa reports an inch. The country is already looking 'in splendid fettle, and this rain will assure plenty «of feed until the summer months. The backwaters from Lake Blanche are still running strongly past Lak'e Crossing, and the maus for Inna-mincka and above have to be taken across by means of a boat. It is estimated that this water will be running for a month yet. The crossing place at Innamincka is re-ported to be very boggy, and live -Stock or vehicles will-have to use the Cullumurra or Nappa Merrie crossings for some little time. -Mr. F. W. Whyte is giving over delivery of Mundowdna station to Mr. S. Kidman on October 8.--A number of miners have lately been engaged, and have gone out to the Yudnamutna district for the purpose of doing development work on properties in that district. Providing the market price of copper keeps up, this district will be a centre of mining activity ir B few months. Shearers are beginning to make for the up country sheds now.^ A party of four men passed through here" last week for Queens-land sheds. They are travelling on bicycles, and make wonderful progress, considering the bad state of the roads and the sandy nature of the country to be passed through.

HOUGHTON, June 19.-A meeting of the United Labor Party wa»,<held'in the

Rechabite Hall last eveannfa^wEen Mr. J. T. Tregilgas presided over aSàîr%ttendance. Addresses were given on cuja^tepolities by Mr. C. Goode, M.P., andJtt2TcrrVaughad, M.P. %. rf*H'

HORSHAM (Vic), Jut¿e48>-A Wim-mera pioneer fanner. Mr. J.^M-olyneux, ched at his residence, Wooen, .On Friday, after I a short illness. The deceased arrived nv South Australia in 1SSI; and proceeded to Mount Gambier, where he was employed by Mr. J. Sutton. He subsequently leased a farm", and worked it on his own account. He( came to this óUstrict about 35 years

agpl Aboift three 'years ago he visited I

Great Britain. The deceased was a nat:ve 'of county Down, Ireland, and vr^s born in 1837. He was an active member of the Horsham Agricultural Society, which he joined on its inception 30 years ago. He was a successful breeder of draught horses, and was a keen judge of stock.

LEIGH'S CREEK, June 18.~Feed ^is looking reniarkably well, and should the weather conditions continue to prove favor-able a prosperous season is assured.-Mr. D. Ferguson, of Moolooloo, and family have taken possession of their new home, which is now finished at McKay's Well. Mr. Ferguson's entry into this district will cer-tainly prove beneficial to the township of Leigh's Creek.-The annual visiting day of the Leigh's Creek pnbhc school was held on Friday, a number of parents assembling, to see the children at work. The Rev. F. W. Rolland addressed the scholars and pre-sented the certificates, which had been awarded at the recent examination. He complimented the scholars on _ their excel-lent work. After presenting his annual re-port the head teacher (Mr. H. F. Nade-baum) stated that the scholars had planted some trees in the schoolyard cn the pre-vious day. He deplored the fact that the two previous attempts to grow trees had proved failures. The trees, when eommg on nice'y, had been destroyed by goats. It is high time that a. suitable fence_ was erected round the school. The cost of pig' netting the fence would not be great, but while the yard-is open useless to at-tempt to wow trees, ' .

MILLICENT, Jane l8.-A public meet-ing, convened by Messrs. W. .!.' Williams" and R. Campbell, was held in the institute on Saturday afternoon last to consider the advisableness of forming a co-operative society. Mr. Williams was voted to the chair, and Mr. Campbell explained the ¡movement. He also spoke of what waa still [being done on the Continent of. Europe. The Eudunda society was quoted as doing ia good work and being-a payirig concern. It was resolved that a society, to be called

the Millicent Co-operative Society, should i be formed, and 20 names were given in.)

The following were elected ' directors:- ; Messrs. W. J. Williams, R. Campbell, W. Sinclair, and Major A. McRostie. Mr. Campbell offered his services free as secre-tary for the first three mouths, and Mr. Williams, offered storage for the time being.-A large deputation of ^rate-payers waited on the Millicent council to-day, and requested that the town should be supplied with light. Mr. S. J. Stuckey introcmced the deputation. He thought the

water in the drain should be used to en-able the town to be lit with electricity. Messrs. M. White, J. A. McLaughlin 'Vv*. Campbell, W. Fairweather, and H. Hart all spoke m favor of the proposal. The Chairman (Mr. W. Sutherland), in reply, said something would probably be done shortly to meet the request.

MEADOWS SOUTH.-A meeting of the Meadows Mutual Improvement Society was held in the Oddfellows' Hall on Friday evening. Mr. T. B. Brooks occupied the chair. Miss I. El-is played the overture, and Miss Adams contributed a song. Books and authors were discussed, and several in-teresting papers were read by the members.

OLARY, June l8.-The Bimbcwrie mail driver on arrival here to-day reported that the rain had been general through several of the stations, from li in. to^about ii in. being registered.-Mining operations are steadily improving. On the enrnotite field one shaft has been sunk to about 15 ft., and is showing splendid material in the bottom. Other prospectors are diligently searching for the mustard-colored sub-stance in the -vicrnitv of Mr. Smith's claim.

PORT WAIOFTELD. June 19.-The an-nual meeting in connection with the Port

.-. ?*»- -

I Wakefield Institute was held last evening,

j the vice-president (Mr. B. Donnelly) pre-

siding. The report showed receipts £60 and expenditure £71. The total number of sub-

scribers is 60. Over £14 had been spent in new' books, while at a cost of £17 the building had been fitted up with acetylene gas. The following officers were elected: Patron, Mr. G. C. Hubble; president, Mr. B. Donnelly; vice-president,"Mr. J. Allen; treasurer, Mr. H. S. Blonde! : secretary, Mr. F. Cherry, jun.: committee, Messrs. P. J. Chapman. W. W. Fiddaman, E. B. Bednall, F. H. Drake, F. B. Brausen; audi-tors, Messrs. J. J. Johnson and J. J.


PICCADILLY, June 19-A fine big dog fox was killed" here on Sunday. It mea-sured 5 ft. from tiD to tip.

.PORT PIRIE, June 19.-At the invita-tion of the institute committee, Mr. W. J. Sowden lectured at the Institute Hall last night to a large audience. The chair -was taken by Mr. S. H. Warren (president). Descriptions were given by tue speaker of places of interest in many lands visited bv him, and the lecture, which was illustrated by lantern views, was much appreciated.

SALISBURY, June l8.-A confirmation service was held in St. John's Church on

Monday evening, when_the church, which has just been ht witn acetylene gas, was crowded. There were eight'candidates for confirmation, and the Bishop of Adelaide (Dr. Thomas) was assisted <bv Archdeacon Bussell and the Rev. S. J. Bloyd At the conclusion of the service a social was held in the schoolroom.

STRATHALBYN, June 19.-At the Insti-tute Hall last night the members of the Strathalbyn Brass Band gave an entertain-ment in aid! of che fund for the purchase of new instruments. There was a large atten-dance, and much credit is due to the band-master (Mr. A. H. Heinjus) and the hon. secretary (Mr. H. J. Prosser), who, with the committee, worked' very hard to make the affair a success. Items were given- by Aliss Eva Jeffery, and Messrs. W. tí. Ross, C. Wallis, E. Honey, S. F. Jackson. W. B Holmes, and E. G. .McCameron». The piani-ts were Misses C. Wallis and Prosser and Messrs. J. W. Elliott and K. Mursh. .

WAUKARINGA,. June l8.-A heavy waggon-load of building material passed through here this morning for one of -the northern, stations. It is intended for build-

ing purposes.

WOODSIDE, June 19.-A meeting of the literary society was held last night, when the programme consisted of a debate on "Protectaon and free-trade." Mr. E. S.,, Masson presided, > and Messrs. P. G. Sneyd and W. li. Redpath upheld the protectionist view, and Messrs. A. S7 Hughes and R. R Keddie advocated free-trade- Several mem-bers spoke in the discussion which followed, and the meeting finally decided that protec-tion was the more desirable by a large ma-


YATINA, June IS.-A welcome social was tendered 'in the Methodist Church to Mr. J. »Burton and family, who have re-turned to Yatina af ter an absence of about nine years from the district. / The Rev. J. Raymont,' of Yongala, 'presided over a fair attendance. During the evening songs were rendered, and speeches were delivered by the chairman and Messrs. Pearce, Tay-lor, and others. »