Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Thursday 31 May 1906, page 6


Sir(Regrnald Talbot and Lady Talbot et tertained the following guests at dinner a the State Parliament House, Melbourni last evening:-Mr. R. J. Seddon. Mrs. an Miss Seddon, Sir Samuel Griffith, Si Henry Wrixon and Lady Wrixon, Mi G. Swinburne and Mrs. Swinburne, Mi Justice a'Beckett and Mrs. a'Beckett, Mi Donald MeKinnon and Mrs. McKinnon.

The Premier (Hon. T. Price), who tr¡ veiled with Mr. Seddon as far as Aldgatt on Tuesday, proceeded thence by convex ance to Echunga, where in the evening h and Mr. Crawford Vaughan, MJ?., ac dressed a large meeting in the institute o "Current politics." They received an e: cellent hearing. Afterwards che Premie drove back to Adelaide, reaching his horn at Mitcham in the early hours of Wednei day morning. He was up, however, betime to catch the train to Quorn, where he spok last night. To-night he addresses a meei ing at Port Augusta.

"face-Admiral Sir Wdmot H, Fawkes wi] leave Sydney next week in the flagshi] Powerful, on a visit to .Fiji.

Messrs. J. Devlin, M.P., and J.T. Dona van, the Irish Home Rule envoys to Aus tralia, joined the express which left fo Melbourne on Wednesday at Wolseley.

M. Pinard, French Consul in'Austral asia, who has been on a visit to Adelaide left by the. express on Wednesday fo: Sydney. '

Mr. W. Gibson, ot Messrs. Foy & Gibson I accompanied by his wile, arrived in Ade

laide by the express from Melbourne 01 Wednesday morning. Some years ago hi' firm purchased the York Hotel and th< buildings adjoining in Rundle-street, ant it is understood that on the present sit< of the York* Hotel a large drapery estab lishment will be erected. Mr. Gibson, how ever, stated that no definite plans have yel been arrived at. He will ieave by th< China for Western Australia to-day, ant «ill remain*a few days in Adelaide 01 the return journey about the middle of nex month. r .' Mr. C. T. Eley (manager of the Silvertoi Tramway Company) arrived in Adelaide 01 the way to Broken Hill on Wednesdaj


Mr. F. W. Coneybeer, M.P., and Senaioi Guthrie returned to Adelaide on Wednesdaj morning by the Melbourne express.

During the absence of Dr. Ramsay Smitt in the Northern Territory and the Philip pines Mr. G. H. Ayliffe wfll carry, out the duties of City Coroner. ,

Lieutenant W. E. Cass, of the 6th Infan-try Regiment (Victoria), will take up ar appomtment on the staff of the South Aa¿

tralian forces to-morrow.

Mr. Luther Scammell, -of the firm of Messrs. F. H. Faulding & Co. completed his 80th year yesterday. He arrived in South Australia in the ship William Wilson in 1849, and was the first medical man who practised on the Burra mines. On March 9, 1857, he was elected, with the late Mr. J. W. Cole, to represent West Torrens in the first House of Assembly under Con-stitutional Government, and he retained his seat for three years. In 1861 he entered into partnership with Mr. F. H. Faulding as a chemist and druggist. Mr. Scammell, who is a Yorkshireman, enjoys excellent health, and has always taken a deep interest in the progress of South Australia. He helped helped to establish the olive oil industry


Reference was made to the death of Mr. G._ F. Ind, a member of the mis-cellaneous committee of the Royal Agricul-tural Society, at tie meeting of the council of that bo'dy on Wednesday morn-ing. The pte3ident (Mr. A. J. Murray) said they all deeply regretted the death of Mr. Ind. They could iii afford to lose such a man, as it was to men like him that they owed the success .of the society and otaer kindred bodies. In referring to Jais good qualities, he said he'voiced the feeling3 of the whole of the members of, the society.

Veterinary-Surgeon Desmond left Ade-laide by tile Melbourne express yesterday for Tasmania, where he will make en-quiries concerning a mysterious disease that has . broken out amongst cattle in that State. . '

Dr. Ramsay Smith and his wife left Ade-laide yesterday for the Northern Territory and the Philippines, .and they will sau' . from Sydney on June 6. Health ' matters in the 'Northern Territory ,have become of more im-portance recently on account of the presence of plague, cholera, and smallpox in the East Indian Islands and because ot the fact that'Manila is now only five and a half days from. Port Darwin by swift steamers. The subject of health in hot countries has also claimed a large amount; .of attention on the part of the British Government, who have been . urging the colonial authorities to educate the people in sanitation as well as to issue handbooks dealing with the methods of preventing dis-' ease in the tropics. "In the case of the Nor-thern Territory the two diseases that most require investigation at the present time are malaria amongst the whites and leprosy among the aborigines. Dr. Smith will spend several weeks in the Territory inves-tigating these subjects. He will then go on tofManila to confer with the American authorities there and study the health ad-ministration in the Philippines. Dr. Smith has also been charged by the Common-wealth Government to enquire into and re-port upon diseases in the East Indian Islands on the same lines a8,he did in New Caledonia and the New Hebrides. He ex-pects to be absent from Adelaide for about two and a half months. J *

The following Adelaide passengers have booked to jein the R.M.S. China at Largs Bay to-day :-Round the world-Mr. Charles Birks. For London-Mr. J. S. McConechy, and Mr. George Atkinson. For New York-Mrs. Kate Peck. For Cal-cutta-Mr. Alexander Logie.

The Brisbane "Courier" of ' Saturday last writes:-"Dr. Torr, the South. Austra-lian evangelist, who was invited to Queens-land by the State Methodist Conference, was accorded a public welcome in the Al-bert-street Methodist Church on Friday evening. The president of the Queens-land Conference, Rev. J. G. Martin, pre-


Probate has been granted in respect ot the will of the late Mr. G. W. Cooper, who was manager of the wool department ol Messrs. Elder, Smith, & Co. The estate was sworn not to exceed £16,900 and is bequeathed to the testator's widow and


Great sorrow has been caused in James-town by the death from typhoid fever of Nurse Cameron, of the staff of the locai hospital. She was a daughter of Mr. John Cameron, of that town, and was exceedingly


Mr. F. Hewitson, cateehist at St. Peter's Church, Petersburg, *1s about to leave lor Adelaide. He was entertained at a fare-well social on Tuesday evening.

Mr. James Lane, of Melbourne, on Tuesday completed his S4th year. Mr. Lane is said to be the last survivor of the Burke and Wills expedition party, which left Melbourne on August 20, I860. He was en-gaged to drive one of the" waggons, and when severing his connection with the party at Swan Hill Mr. R. O'Hara Burke handed Mr. Lane a tinder box, which he treasures to this day. Some months ago the case ot Mr. Lane was brought under the notice of Mr. Bent, who arranged that he should re-ceive e pension of 10/ per week for life. Notwithstanding the fact that he has broken a leg upon three different occasions, and an arm once, Mr. Lane is hale, hearty, and contented.

Mr. H. Y. L. Brown, Government Geolo-gist, has s-ent samples of' carnotite, dis-covered at Olary, to Madame Curie, the discoverer of radium, who is now profes-sor-ráchemistr-j in the. Paris Sorbonne.

Mr. ^F. Fairweather, clerk of works in' the Public Wbrks'Department, who died on Sunney, was an"old colonist. He was in the Government Service for 41 years.

Mr. H. M. Martin was elected president of the South Australian VinegrcwersV Asso-ciation at the annual meeting of that body, on Wednesday, in succession to Mr. G. F. Cleland, who has occupied thal position for the last two years. ' Professor Perkins- wa& elected a Lie member in. recognition of his


Mr. David Taylor, of Kadina, is again'

seriously ill.

The Rev. E. G. Gange, F.R.A.S., a weB

ltnown Baptist minister, leaves England in * the White Star liner Afric shortly on a visit to South Australia and the other. States.

The Rev. J. p. Bulteel, M.A., is to be in-

ducted to-night into the charge of St. Paul's, Church, Port Pine, by Archdeacon Sam-;


The "Border Watch," Mount Gambier,wites:-"Mr.-and Mrs. J. F. Kirby, of' Mingbool, whilst enjoying a few days" sojourn in Rome last month, were, with other Australians, granted an audience by, the Pope. The Rev. Father Shanahan," of Hamilton, was present, and asked for" a blessing for himself, his relatives, and par-ticularly for his parishioners and friends in Victoria. The Holy Father said. Ties, cer-tainly, I bless each end all.' " '

Professor Henderson, of Adelaide Univer-^ áty, is delivering a course of lectures in Perth with great success. Last .night he lectured in the Town Hall on "Oliver Crom-well," and not a single geat was vacant, /