Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Saturday 1 November 1952, page 9

_ PII1LIC NOTICES stMCHE AKD XINDSROARTEN Chloral Carpet Art union— First Jrfa, ticket No. 4M1. Miss E, Atkln SSr «J Llverpoo Street, Clayfled. Swnd prlte, ticket No. 8303. Miss EMcKenna, 69 King Street. Anner i« J. Cater, hon. secretary. I Kevin Anthony Honan, hereby ' declare that I am In no way aisoelattd with the Firm ot Sroad 'iy Motors. Brisbane. X. A. Honan. LIBERAL PARTY OF AUSTRALIA (OLD. DIVISION). NOMINATIONS are lnvlt«d from Dtricns desirous of obtaining en Sor'ement for the 1953 Bute Elec tions In the Electorate ol WYNNUM. Nomination Forms obtainable from the Liberal Party of Aust., 175 Albert St., Brisbane, Applications to be marked 'Nom-Iritlons,' and submitted to the Central Secretary. Liberty Party of Auit., Box 1045N. O.P.O.. Brisbane. Closing date: Mon., 10th Nov., at ATOTICE TO MARINERS. N No. 10 OF 1953. AUSTRALIA — BAST COAST — MORETON BAY. PILE LIGHTHOUSE — BRISBANE RIVER ENTRANCE, position: Latitude 37deg. lthrs. 45mln. S. Longitude 153deg. 12hrs. 40mm. E. Notice li hereby given that work Is in progress with the reconstruo ;,,of the Pile Llfht structure damaged on the 17th October, 1949. A flashing white light will be exhibited from the completed struc ture. The Oas Buoy (M.5) will be DITAILSn'OF LIGHT— Fluhlng every three seconds with i rhite and red sector, thus — fluh 0.3 seconds, Eclipse 2.7 seconds. White from 335deg. T to 091deg. T. Red from OSldeg. T to 335deg. T. Elevation 33 feet. No further notice will be given, publications and charts affected:— Australia Pilot, Vol. HI. Balling Directions for the ports and Har bour of Queensland. Chsrts 1674, 167OB. 1029, AUS. HE, AUS. 118. B. MASTERMAN. Portmaster. Sept. of Harbours and Marine, Brisbane, 38th October, 1953. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undermentioned application for license under 'The Water Aots, 1826 lo 1(12' has been made to the Com mluloner of Irrigation and Water Supply. Applicant: E. Broun, of sub. 7A rt portion 36, parish of Telemon, aunty o( Ward. Existing work:— 10' tindmlll for dairy purposes. Pro pued work:— 3' pumping plant for irrigation purposes. Watercourse: ;hrl«tmas Creek. Any owner or occupier of land :or,tlfuous to the abovenamed water :ourse, and situated within a dls :ancc of five miles of the land ol he applicant, may in writing signed jy him and addressed to the Com missioner, object to such appllca Ion being granted, and submit to he Commissioner the grounds of ?uch objection. The Commissioner ft Irrigation and Water Supply has ippolnted 30th day of November. IBM. as the last day for the receipt if objections. D. F. ERICKSON, Secretary to the Commissioner of Irritation and Water Supply. Cnr. Margaret and William Bit., 30th October, 1952. NOTICE TO MASTERS AND OTHERS IN CHARGE OF SMALL VESSELS NAVIGATING THE HAMILTON REACH OF THE BRISBANE RIVER. A Bandrlngham Flying Boat lies submerged at No. 3 Mooring Buoy In the Hamilton Reach of the Bris bane River. No. 3 Buoy Is approximately abreast of E Berth and 475 feet to Eouth of line of leads. Position will be marked by a green buoy by day and by four amber lights at night. Masters and persons In charge operating small craft, are warned to keep well clear of this area and pass to the Northward of green buoy u-.d lights. The submerged craft has on board !00 gallons of highly Inflammable liquid, which may escape into the river. Boat owners and others are rsrned not to u*e naked lights n-hen In the vicinity of the sub merged aircraft. R. MASTERMAN. Portmaster. Dent, of Harbours & Marine, BRISBANE. 31st October, 1952. ^TOT1CE TO MARINERS. - No. 9 OF 1952. PORT OF GLADSTONE— ALTERA-TION IN LIGHTS. Notice Is hereby given that on or ibout the 29th October. 1952. the 3ojne Ulsnd Leading lights will be iltered from fixed white to flash nit white:— Position— Boyne Island leading trhte. Front light— Latitude 23deg. 56' 0' S. approximate. Longitude 51drr. 22' E. approximate. Back Light bears 264deg. T dls ance 9-i cables from above posl Alteratlon from fixed white to lashing white—Front llkht— Flash i.3 seconds, eclipse O.7 tecs. Back lrht— Flash 3.0 seconds, eclipse 2.0

Publication* and charts affected— ustralla Pilot, Vol. IV. Sailing ilrectlons and other Information -r the Ports and Harbours of lueensland. Charts 1900, 346. Aus. R. MASTERMAN, l . Portmaster. lept. of Harbours & Marine, BRISBANE. 2»th October. 1953. T1HB AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL 1 PROVIDENT SOCIETY hereby ilrfs one month's notice of Us In. tnUon to issue SPECIAL POLICIES n place of: — Policy No. 1712433— WILLIAM 5ARNET PHILLIPS, effected by SARNET NOEL, PHILLIPS (De eased). MRrYsON' 606l65~IllARK ROBERT Policy No. 1729451— MISS ARLEY ACQUELINE BEAK, effected by 1ERVYN THOMAS BEAK— declared o have been lost. TIHE MUTUAL LIFE AND CITI L ZENO' ASSURANCE CO.. LTD., lereby gives one month's notice o: ts Intention £0 issue SPECIAL =OL1CY in place of Policy No. 197631 bi/q, on the life of A. E. Campbell, declared to have been ost. O. E. ALLEN, Manager. Brisbane. ?30th October. 1952. ? ORIENT LINE To ENGLAND, Via COLOMBO, ADEN. PORT SAID. NAPLES, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR ? Steamer. ions. From Sydney 3RONTE6» 20,000 8th Nov. STRANTOi 30,000 6th Dec. DRCADES'a 'J8.000 30th Dec. ?)R!ON«h 34,000 3rd Jan. DRONSAY'a 28,000 31st Jan. DRONTES* 20,000 14th Feb. 3RCADES'a 28,000 14th Mir. WRANTOi 20,000 16th Mar. DRION'h 24,000 Uth Apl. JRQNSAVs 38.000 24th Apl. ? First and Tourist B. t One Class rourlst. a Omits Aden, h Calls Hobart, en route to Melbourne. H. FLETT, Branch Manager, Drient B.N. Co., Ltd. (inc. In Eng.), 113 Eagle St.. Brisbane. B3631. P. & O. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO ENGLAND, VIA CEYLON, INDIA. SUEZ. MARSEILLE3. Vessels. Tons. Ex 8yd. STRATHMORE'X 23,580 Nov. 22 5TRATHEDEN* 23,732 Dec. 19 HIMALAYA'xt 28,000 Jan. 5 STRATHAIRD* 22,5(8 Jan. 16 3TRATHNAVER* 82,270 Jan. 30 :HITRALt!C ? 15,555 Feb. 4 Vessels. ? Tons. Ex Brla. MOOLTANt 31,039 Nov. 25 MALOJAt 21.086 Dec. 16 ? First and Tourist Class. t Tourist. One class, x Omits Bombay, t OmlU Marseilles. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE IN ALL SAILINGS UP TO AND IN CLUDING- HIMALAYA. JANUARY. To U.K.— When ee« passages are unavailable you can travel by 6hl»to Colombo or Bombay, tbenoe to U.K. by air. Heavy baggage may continue In the vessel at reasonable cost. COLOMBO AND BOMBAY EXCURSIONS. AVAILABLE IN FIRST-CLASS SAILINGS. Full particulars on application to MACDONALD, HAMILTON 4i CO., Agents, 193 Mary St.. Brls. FA0221. PENINSULAR 4c ORIENTAL S.N. CO. (Inc. in Eng. with Urn, liability). AUSTRALIA CANADA (PACIFIC COAST).. Passenger Steamer LAKEMBA (About 10,000 Tons D.W.). Ballings for VANCOUVER. B.C.. via Suva and Honolulu. Carrying First Class passenger! only in : well-appointed 2-bertr cabins, including deck cabins with private toilets and showers. Excellent Cuisine. Expected Sailing mid-February, '53 May/June, ?63. ' ' Aug./Sept., '63 ' ' Late December, '63 For further particulars apply to WILLS GILCHRI8T * SANDETSSOr. PTY. LTD.. 400 Queen St.. Brisbane. . SITMAR LINE ONE CLASS. FAST. REGULAR PASSENGER SERVICE BETWEEN ITALY AND AUSTRALIA. ~ ] I from Veasel. From Genoa. Sydney CuUI Felice 6/10/5! 8/11/68 Cutel Felice 8'18/62 7/1/53 Castel Blanco 6/1/53 6/2/53 Caslel Fellct 10/2/53 12/3/53 Cast*! Blanco fl/3/53 8/4/53

Subject to alteration without notice. PREPAID PASSAGES AVAILABLE FOR ALL SAILINGS. THROUGH BOOKINGS TO LONDON. BOOK NOW FOR TOE CORONATION. For full particulars apply ADELAIDE STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., 1.73 Eagle Street, Brisbane, _And All Leading Travel Agents. ~~ BRITISH INDIA 6TEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. (Incorporated In England). PASSENGER SERVICES. ? To EA8T and SOUTH AFRICAN PORTS — by P. and O. Vessel to Bombay, then transhipment to B.I. Steamer. TO PERSIAN GULF PORTS. . B.I. Vessels . sail regularly from Australian Ports Direct. TO SINGAPORE, RANGOON, and CALCyTTA-B.I. vessels said regu larly from Australian Ports direct. Fares and particulars from KACDONALD; . HAMILTON & CO.. FAOaai. FA0331.. ' 193-207 Mary St., Brisbane.

HJILIC NOTICK THE CISTERN MANUFACTCmiMQ CO. LTD. Notice la hereby «lven that the Register of Members and Transfer Book* of the ordinary Shareholders 3f the Company win be cloud from 24th November, 1959, to the 1st De cember, 1962. Inclusive, for the purpose of assessing and Issuing dividend ? cheques. Transfers must be lodged not later than -4. JO p.m., 21st November. By Order of tht Board, C. E. 6TUDDERT, secretary, 1st November, 1953. 117ARNING. TV Field Firing Praotlces, using lve ammunition, are to be carried -ut in the Oreenbank Area, between I a.m. and 6 p.m. on the following WED.. BTK NOV., 19D2. THUR,, 6TH NOV.. 1952. TUBS., 11TH NOV., 1932, WED., 13TH NOV.. 1963. THURS., 13TH NOV., 1952. The Danger Area will be an area inclosid aa follors: — 3N THE EAST AND SOUTH-EAST „ BY THE PARADISE ROAD. 5N THE WEST AND SOUTH- WEST BY THE OREENBANK/OOODNA 3N THE ' NORTH-WEST BY A LINE PARALLEL TO. AND 3 MILES 'TO THI WEST OF PARADISE ROAD. 3N THE NORTH-EAST BY A LINE PARALLEL TO. AND 3 MILES NORTH OF THE OREENBANK/GOODNA ROAD. All persons ar« warned to remain slear of the Danger Area during the ibovcmentloned periods end to fol ow the direction of Sentries and Danger Notices posted In the vlc nlty. Handling unexploded ammunition Is langerous. Any such articles found nust not be touched, but their ocatlons reported Immediately to the nearest Army Training Depot or civilian Police Station. M. P. O'HARE. Lt.-Col., General Staff. LEGAL NOTICES CARL KAJEWSKI, late of Silver leigh, near Oakey, in the State of Queensland, farmer, deceased. AFTER FOURTEEN CLEAR DAYS FROM TO-DAY LEONARD KAJEW SKI of Silverlelgh near Oakey in the State of Queensland farmer a lawful son of the abovenamed de ceased and MARTHA KAJEWSKI of Silverlelgh aforesaid widow and law lul widow of the said deceased the executors named in the Will and Codicil of the said deceased dated respectively the sixth day of Febru ary 1947 and the twenty-second day of August 1950 will apply to the Supreme Court Brisbane for Probate of this Will and Codicil. Any person interested who de sires to object to this application or to be heard upon it may file a cav eat in the Registry at any time be fore the grant is made. A. W. D. WHITE, Solicitors for the Executors, Oakey. Town Agents: HAWTHORN, CUPPAIDGE & CO., Solicitors, A.M.P. Chambers, Edward Street, Brisbane. EMILY NOCK late of Brlsbano Roud Wynnum West near Bris bane in the state of Queensland (wife of John James Nock of the same place Retired Dealer) deceased Intestate. AFTER fourteen clear days from to-day JOHN JAMES NOCK of Brisbane Road Wynnum West near Brisbane in the Btate of Queensland Retired Dealer the law ful Husband of tbe said deceased, will apply to the Supreme Court Brisbane lor a grant of administra tion of the personal estate of the said Emily Nock who died Intestate. Any person Interested who desires o object to the application or to be heard upon it may file a caveat in the Reelstry at any time before the grant Is made. A. TINGLE & SON, Solicitors for the said John James Nock, Transport and General Build' Ing, Edward and Elizabeth Streets, Brisbane. IN RE VICTOR JAMES OFFNER deceased. PURSUANT to the pro visions of 'The Trustees and Execu tors' Act ol 1097' NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands acalnst the estate ol Victor James Oflner late of Lang ley and Murray Streets Wllston Brisbane In tne State of Queensland Company Director deceased who died at Canossa Private Hospital Gregory Terrace Brisbane aforesaid on the eleventh day 61 October 1952 are lereby requested to forward in writ Ing In duplicate particulars of theft debts or claims to QUEENSLAND TRUSTEES LIMITED ol Queen Street Brisbane aforesaid one of the Executors of the Will of the above named deceased on or before the thirteenth day of December 1052 And Notice is further siven that after that date the said Queensland Trus tees Limited THEODORE NORMAN OFFNER and VICTOR ATHOL OFF YER the Executors of the Will of the mid deceased will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de ceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the debts or claims of which the salt Queensland TruEtees Limited shall then have had notice and that the Executors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis tributed to tcy person of whose deb

notice at the time of such distribu tion. Dated this first day of Novem ber. 1952. TULLY & WILSON, Solicitors for the Executors, E.S. A: A. Bank Chambers, ' Creek Street, Brisbane. IN re 'ESTATE lata EDWARD AUSTIN BELL. Notice is hereby liven that all Creditors and other persons having any Claims against the Estate of Edward Austin Bell late of Flinders Parade Sandgate near Brisbane in the Elate of Queensland Retired Accountant who Mti at Sandgate on the Fifth day ?A October 1952 are hereby required to send In particulars ot their Claims In duplicate to QUEENSLAND TRUSTEES LIMITED and LUCY MILDRED KING-HARMAN the Exe cutors of the will or the above named deceased at the office of the said Queensland Trustees Limited at 395 Queen Street Brisbane aforesaid, on or before the Thirteenth day o December 1952 after which date the said Executors will proceed to dis tribute the Assets of the said de ceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the Claims of which they ehall then have had notice. Dated this Thirtieth day Of October, 1952. NICOL ROBINSON FALLU k KIDD. Solicitors for the Executors. 400 Queen Street, Brls bsne.

FOR NAPLES AND GENOA VIA COLOMBO O BOMBAY 1st and TOURIST CLASS. From From Motor Vessel Genoa Sydney -ceanla Sailed Nov. 8 Keptunla Oct. 30 Deo. 6 Australia Nov. 20 Dec. 27 Oceania Dec. 18 Jan. 24 Neptunla ? Jan. 16 Feb. 21 Dhrlstmaa to New Year in Colombo —Special Holiday Cruise. FOR BRINDIBI. VENICE. AND TRIESTE, Via SINGAPORE anr! COLOMBO. From From Vessel Trieste Sydney San Giorgio 6alled Nov. 29 foscana* ? Dec. 1 ? Jan. 23 Tobcana and San Giorgio will call it Paints (Greecei, accepting oat--sencers to Australia. Toscana — 'Cabin' and 3rd CIbsb San Giorgio— 3rd Clasr Only Return Bookings Guaranteed. WILLS, GILCHRIST & SANDERSON PTY.. LIMITED. 400 QUEEN STREET. BRISBANE. FLOTTA LAURO (Italian Line). To LONDON, via BARRIER REEF. DJKARTA. SINGAPORE. COL OMBO, PORT SAID, NAPLES. MARSEILLES. GENOA. ? ~ ~ From From M. Vessel GENOA B'BANE (about) (about) SYDNEY 12th NOV. 15th D;c iOMA 1st Dec. 6th Jan. SYDNEY SO/1/63 H4/2/53 ?? ROMA ? 15/2/63 21/3/53 ? NEW LUXURY LINERS. THE SAFEST AFLOAT, being fitted throughout with MARINITE (the latest and most efficient flre-prool material). UNPARALLELED CUS1NE SPEED. COMFORT. SERVICE. PREPAID AND RETURN PASSAGES GUARANTEED. THROUGH BOOKINGS ARRANGED. CARGO SPACE AVAILABLE. For particulars, apply to James Patrick & Co. PTY., LTD., . ' Operating Agents in Australia. MARITIME BUILDINGS. Telephone B1686-6. To LONDON TWO CORONATION SPECIALS In One Class 13.000 Ton M/V : 'FAIRSEA' No. 1. Depart Sydney: January 1, 1053. No. Z, Depart Sydney: March 24, 1953. FARES FROM £90 (Aust.)

The Adeloide Steamship Company Ltd., 175 Eagle Street. Brisbane. -R ALL LEADING TRAVEL AGENTS MALAYA, INDONESIA Regular Cargo and Passenger Ser vice to Indonesian Ports, Slnga pore, Port Swettenham, and Fenang. VESSEL. | BAILINGS. ~ sMEUW HOLLAND 14th Jan,. 19DS ?TJIBADAK 12th Nov. I8TRAAT BANKA 31st Dec. 'tMAETSUYCKER 15th Nov. x Froth Brisbane Direct. ♦ From Melbourne, via Fremantle. 1 From Brisbane (optional). ?t From Fremantle. via Geraldton. For particulars, apply — ROYAL INTEROCEAN LINES. Incorporated In the Netherlands ai Konlnklljke, Java-Chlna-Paketvaart, Ltjnen, N.V.. Amsterdam. Agents: DALGETY ii COMPANY, LIMITED (Inc. In England), 331-801 Elizabeth St., . BrlEban*. B1285.

LEGAL NOTICES rN THE SUPREME COURT OF „ QUEENSLAND. No. 78 of 1941. £r. Justice E. A. Douglas, Mr. Jua l'_Phllp. in th« WILL ol JOHN 1ARKWELL, late of 'Kargorum,' ieaudesert, In the Slate of Queens and. Grazier, deceased, and in th« TRUSTS of the said Will. The ac :ount from the Twenty-third day of «aroh 1043 to the Tnirty-tlrsl day )f March 1952 of FREDERICK 3HARLE8 NICHOLSON and FRED RICK MORISSET NICHOLSON as Sxecutors and Trustees (who are ap Dying for allowance of a commission in Income and proceeds of sales oi rust property i has been filed , and vlll be examined on or after thr Tenth day of December 1952. The iccount may be Inspected and ob ecllons to the account or to any tern thereof or to the allowance miul -e filed prior to that date. Dated his Twenty-ninth day of October, £52. For the Registrar, L. CHRIS ?qPHERSON, senior Clerk. [N THE SUPREME COURT OF L QUEENSLAND. In the LANDS LEFT UNADMINISTERED) ot ERIC V1LLIAM RAMSAY, late of 125 .lusgrave Road, Red Hill, Brisbane, n the State of Queensland. Pen loner, Deceased, Intestate. Nollco s hereby given that after the ex ilratlon of fourteen days from the late of the publication hereof ap illcatlon will bo made to this Hon lurablc Court that Admlnlstn.tlon le bonis non of the Real Estate of he abovenamed Eric William Ram »y deceased left unadminlstcred by JONEL BRODERICK RAMSAY may « granted to BABINA RAMSAY ol lowe Terrace Darra near Brisbane n the State of Queensland Widow he lawful Mother of the said de eased. Any ? person interested who leslrcs to object to the application t to be heard upon it may tile a :aveat In the Registry at my time «fore the grant Is made. Dated this 'lrst day of November, 1962. COLIN .11LL1NUR, Solicitor for the said iablna Ramsay, King House, Queen itrcft. Brisbane. [N re ESTATE ELLEN CATHERINE TUNLEY. Deoeascd. Notice Is lereby given that all Creditors and ther persons having any Claims or -emands against the Estate of Ellen :atherlne Tunley late of Emily Street Ilghgate Hill Brisbane in the State f Queensland Widow who died at :mlly Street Hlghgate Hill Brisbane foresald on the Fourteenth day of )ctober 1953 are required to send heir Claims In duplicate to JUEENSLAND TRUSTEES LIMITED f 395 Queen Street Brisbane alorc ald the Sole Executor of the Will nd Codicil of the abovenamed de eased on or before the Fifteenth lay of December 1952 after which late the Executor will proceed to listrlbute the Assets of the deceased mongst the percons entitled thereto laving regard only to the Claims -f which It shall then have had lotlce. MORRIS FLETCHER & JROSS, Solicitors for the Exocutor, 63 Adelaide Street, Brisbane. I-N THE SUPREME COURT OF . QUEENSLAND.— In the WILL of PATRICK JAMES McNAMARA, late )f Jandowae. In the State ot Queensland, Farmer, Deceased, lotlce is hereby given that alter the ixplratlon of fourteen days from the late of the publication hereof ap jlicatlon will be made to this Hon mrable Court that Probate of the Will of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to CATHERINE MARY McNAMARA of Jandowae In he State of Queensland the lawlu! Widow of the (aid deceased niOMAS LEO. McNAMARA ol Jandowae aforesaid Farmer and DANIEL JOSEPH McNAMARA of Dalby in the said State Foreman lawful Sons of the said deceased the Executors named in the said Will dated the Twenty-seventh day of July One thousand nine hundred and forty-eight. Any person Inter ested who desires to object to the application or to be heard upon It may file a Caveat In the Regis try at any time before the grant Is made. Dated this Twenty-second day of October. 1952. JUSTIN F. O'SULLIVAN, Solicitor for the said Executors, 43 Cunningham Street. Dalby. Town Agents: JAMES DRAKE & WALKER. Solicitors. A.M.P. Building, Edward Street. Brisbane. JOHN JOSEPH KELEHER. late ol . 'Woodlawn.' Pratten, in the State of Queensland, Farmer, De ceased. After fourteen clear days from to-day MARGARET FRANCES KELEHER of 'Woodlawn' Pratten In the Stale of Queensland the law ful Widow of the said deceased MARY GERTRUDE KELEHER of the same place Spinster and VER ONICA JOAN McMAHON ol Rosenthal near Warwick in the said State Wife of Thomas Clancy Mc Mahon two of the lawful Daugh ters of the said deceased the Exe cutors appointed by the deceased's Will dated the Eighth day of March One thousand nine hundred and fifty-one will apply to the Supreme Court Brisbane lor Probate oi this Will. Any person interested who de sires to object to the application or to be heard upon It may file a Caveat in the Registry at any time before the krant Is made. R. J. LEEPER. Solicitor for the said Executors. Warwick. Town Agents: McSWEENY & LEEPER. Solicitors, Penneys Buildings, 210 Queen Street, Brisbane. . ? ? , . - . . . RE ESTATE . ELIZABETH NOR GAARD,.. DeccEsed.:^.. Notice . li hereby given that all pertont havlm any Claims agalnet the Estate o: Elizabeth Norgaard- formerly of Per anga Cooyar Line In the State oi Queensland but late of Nara In thi said State Widow who died at Nan aforesaid on the Third day of Sep tember One thousand nine hundrei and fifty two are hereby required t-send In in writing and in dupllca'ti particulars of their Claims to THF UNION TRUSTEE COMPANY Ot AUSTRALIA LIMITED Margare' Street Toowoomba on or before thi Twenty-second day of November oni thousand nine hundred and llfty-twi after which date the said Compan: will proceed to distribute the asset; of the said Deceased among thi persons entitled thereto having re «»rd only to the Claims of which shall then have had notice. WOl-DERLEY & HALL, 14 Russell Street Toowoomba, solicitors for the shIc The Union Trustee Company of Aut tralla. Limited. Margaret Street. Too S'oomba. Town Agents: FREDERK

iueen street. Brisbane. ' ' SHAW SAViLL LINE ABERDEEN & COMMONWEALTH LINE To ENGLAND, ? Tla SOUTH AFRICA. ? Dominion Monarch -Uw. Nov 1962 Dominion Monarch H'.nAug 1963 Ara*a ? 1st Oct 1953 ? First Class— from SYDNEY, t Tourist Class— from MELBOURNE . Via Colombo, Suez, and Malta, All Tourist Class. SAILINGS FROM SYDNEY. jarss Bay 21st Nov., 1952 doreton Bay Feb.. 1953 ?Isperance Bay March, 1953 -*rgs Bay April, 1953 Moreton Bay July, 1953 Ssperance Bay Aug., 1953 ^args Bay ? Sept.. 1963 ? FROM NEW ZEALAND. Via Panama and Curacao. Akaroa 6th Nov., 1962 Tamaroa . 2nd Dec, 1952 'Ceramic 23rd Dec.. 1952 'Corlnthlc 16th Jan.. 19D3 Matnron ? Kth July. 1953 ? First ' Class X Cabin class. ? t Tourist Class. Full particulars on application to DALOETY & COMPANY. LTD., (Inc. In England), 201-301 Elizabeth St. B1285. SHAW. SAVILL & ALBION CO., LIMITED, ABERDEEN and COMMONWEALTH LINE, LTD. (inc. in England). 397 Queen St. FA18«1. Interstate Sailings (Clrcumstauces Permitting.) Mi. CARGO MUST BE BOOKED. FOR SYDNEY MANUNDA, 7 p.m., Wednesday. Nov. 6th. (Passengers and Cargo.) Adelaide steamship Co., Ltd. I B3111 BALARR, Friday, November 7th. (Cargo Only.) Howard Smith Ltd. I B3366 3ORINDA, Friday, November 14th. (Cargo only.) i.U.S.N. Co., Ltd. I FA0221 ORMISTON. Saturday, Nov. 15th. (Passengers and Cargo) Ik.U.S.N. Co., Ltd. I FA0221 FOR MELBOURNE MANUNDA, 7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 5th. (Passengers and Cargo.) Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd. I B3111 ORMISTON, Saturday, Nov. 15th. (Passengers and Cargo.) A.U.S.N. Co.. Ltd. T FA0331 FOR ADELAIDE BALARR, Friday. November 7th. (Cargo' Only.) Howard Smith, Ltd; I B3366 CORINDA. Friday, November 14th. (Cargo Only.) A.U.S.N. Co., Ltd. I FA0221 FOR TOWNSVILLE CALOUNDRA. Thursday, Nov. 6th. (Cargo Only.) A.U.S.N. Co., Ltd. I FA0221 MANUNDA, Friday. November 21st. (Passengers and Cargo.l Adelaide Steamship Co.. Ltd. I B3111 (Limited number of berths available . tingle voyage only.) FOR CAIRNS MANUNDA, Friday. November 21tt, (Passengers and Cargo,) Adelaide steamship Co.. Ltd. I B3111 (Limited number of berths available, single voyage only.)


LEGAL NOTICES N THE SUPREME COURT OF L NEW SOUTH WALES JN DIVORCE. TO GEORGE FREDRICK BDR MSON. formerly of Bondl, New South Wales. Take notice that NORMA MURIEL 3URUNSON bas tiled a Petition for divorce No. 3823 ot 1052 on the irounds of desertion for 3 years tnd upwards without Just cause or ixcuse and la asking for the exercise -f the Court's discretion under Bcc on 19 (3) (a) of the Matrimonial Causes Act (1899). If you wish to lefend you may enter an Appearance it the Divorce Office Supremo Court Clng street Sydney by 13th of Janu iry 1953 and obtain & copy of the Llllon without charge from W. D. Ichrader 4: Dudley 113 Pitt Street Sydney New South Wales. J. DOUOHAN. Registrar. TN THE WILL OF MADGE 8ULL1 . VAN, late of Stratton Terrace, .innly, in the State ot Queensland, Vldow, Deceased. After fourteen lear days from to-day JOHN SUL .IVAN of The Hostel Bullmba Brls lane In the State ol Queensland Itorcman-Packcr and EILEEN MAKY JIXON of 11 Pottlnger Street Too roomba In the said State Wife of femes Dlxon the lawful Son and -aughter respectively of the deceased he Executors appointed by the Will lated the Second day of April 1051 ill! apply to the Supreme Court Brisbane for Probate ot this Will. iny person interested who desires 0 object to the application or to be leard upon it may file a Caveat In he Registry r t any time before the rant is made. NEIL O'SULLIVAN 1 CO., Solicitors for the Executor, 19 Queen street. Brisbane. WILHELM CARL ALBERT GOE-BEL, late of No. 320 James Street, Toowoomba, in the State of Queensland, Retired Farmer, de-ceased. AFTER FOURTEEN CLEAR DAYS from to day QUEENSLAND TRUS-TEES LIMITED of 395 Queen Street irlsbane in the State of Queensland one of the Executors named in the Will of the abovenamed deceased dated the seventeenth day of April 1951 will apply to the Supreme Court Brisbane for a Grant of Probate of this Will (reserving leave for CARL HENRICH GOEBEL and WILLIAM WALTER GOEBEL lawful sons of he deceased the other executors named therein to come in and prove the same at any time hereafter). ANY person interested who desires to object to this application or to be heard upon it may file a caveat in the Registry at any time before the Grant is made. STUART McCONNEL, Solicitor for he Applicant Company, Margaret Itreet. Toowoomba. Town Agents: IAWTHORN, CUPPAIDOE & CO., Solicitors, A.M.P. Building, Edward Street, Brisbane. FTER fourteen clear days from OL to-day, applications will be made o the Supreme Court, Brisbane, for Irants of Probate of the following Vllls. Any person Interested who leslrcs to object to any application -r to be heard upon It may file a Caveat in the Registry at any time -efore the relevant Grant is mode. Deceased: MARY JANE REYN OLDS, late of 68 Maygar Street. Windsor. Brisbane, wife of James Donald Reynolds, of the came place, rally Clerk. Applicant: CONSTANCE ?TTHEL REYNOLDS, of 68 Maygar Street, Windsor. Brisbane, Spinster, awful daughter of the deceased, the ;olc Executrix appointed by the Will iated the Thirtieth day of Septem ler. 1932. Solicitors: STEPHENS & roZER. 236 George Street, Brls b!Dccea5ed: MAY VICTORIA WEST &WAY. late of 'Clewley,' 25 Villa Street, Annerley, Brisbane, in the 3lale of . Queensland (wife of Wll lam Westawav. of the same, place. Retired Public Servanti. Applicant: WILLIAM WESTAWAY. ot 'Clew-!ey,' 25 Villa Street. Annerley. Bris bane, aforesaid. Retired Public Ser vant, the lawful husband of the de ceased, and the sole Executor ap idnted by the Will dated llth July, 949. Solicitors: A. TINGLE & SON, Transport and General Building, Ed ward and Elliabeth 6treets. Brls Deceased: ALEXANDER JOHN McALPINE. late of 'Bow Hill' Flats, ^clchhardt Street, Spring Hill. Brls mne, Business Proprietor (In the Will called Company Secretary). Ap plicant: QUEENSLAND TRUSTEES jIMITED. of 395 Queen Street, Brisbane, the sole Executor ap pointed bv the Will dated Uth Janu ary. 1931. Solicitors: CHAMBERS. McNAB. & CO.. 33 Queen Street. Deceased: ROSARIO GAROZZO (lormcrly of 172 Breakfast Creek toad. Newstead. Brisbane, In the State of Queensland) but late ol Dregory Terrace. Brisbane, afore said. Labourer, deceased. Applicant: MARIA GAROZZO. of Gregory Ter race. Brisbane, aforesaid., the lawful Widow of the said deceased and the sole Executrix appointed by de ceased's Will, dated the Twenly ourth day of November. 1949. Eollcl ors: FEATHER. WALKER. 4: DE JVNEY. Solicitors. 289 Queen Street, Brisbane. Deceased: GEORGE DOBLOO. late of 43 Racecourse Road, Ascot. Bris bane, in the State of Queensland, Retired Butcher, deceased. Appli cant ETHEL MAY DOBLOO. of 43 acecourse Road, Ascot, Brisbane. Ill te Stale of -Queensland. Widow ol the deceased, the sole Executrix' ap. pointed by deceased's Will, dated th-Eighteenth day of June. One thou sand nine hundred and fifty-two Solicitors: LEONARD POWER 4 'OWER. Atcot Chambers. Queer Street. Brisbane. Deceased: JOHN STEVENS, late 0! Klngaroy, In the State of Queensland Retired Butcher. Applicants: JOH1* ROBERT STEVENS, of Atherton. li the said State, Branch Manager, thi awful Son of the deceased, am HAROLD EDWARD LEE, of Klnga roy aloresald, Storekeeuer, the Execu ora appointed by the Will, dated thi Twenty-fifth day of September. 1947 Solicitors: CARROLL 4j CARROLL Solicitors, Klngaroy. Town Agent: J J. ROWELL, Solicitor, Colonla Mutual Life Building, 289 Queei Street. Brisbane. Deceased: THOMAS FRANCIi HOGAN. late of 'Spring Glen,' Coo ranga North. In the State of Queens and, Farmer, deceased. Applicant iIARY HOGAN, of 'Spring Glen.' Cooranga North aforesaid, the lawfu

J^ulrix appointed by the Will. ?£-«* lhf 7nlrd day of November. lOoO. Solicitors: CARROLL 4s CAR JOLL, Solicitors. Klncaroy. Town Jgent: j. j. ROWELL. Solicitor. :olonlal Mutual Life Building. 233 Sueen Street. Brisbane. Deceased: JESSIE ELLEN HOLMES, ate of Short Street, Plttsworth. In .he State of Queensland (Wile ol onn James Holmes). Applicant: OHN JAMES HOLMES, of Short Street, Plttsworth. in the State ol Jueensland. Farmer. the sole ixecutor appointed by the will, dated he Fourteenth day of October. 1947, Solicitor: G. s. KINGSTON, oi fandllla Street, Plttsworth. Town kgents: FEATHER. WALKER. & 1ELANEY. Solicitors. 289 Queen Street, Brisbane. Deceased: GEORGE LANSLEY BEAL, late of Kingsley Terrace. Wynnum Central. In the State of Queensland. Retired Auditor General of Queensland. Applicant: GEORGE ROYDON HOWARD GILL, of Cavendish Road, Coorparoo, Bris bane, in the said State, Solicitor, the sole Executor appointed by the Will and Codicil, dated respectively the twenty-sixth day of September, One thousand nine hundred an-forty-six, and the fifth day of September, one thousand nine hun dred and fifty-two. Solicitors: KING & GILL, of Bank of New South Wales Chambers. 33 Queen Street. Brisbane. Deceased: ANDERS PETTERSBON, ate ol 4 Avoca Street. Bundaberg. In the State of Queensland, Retired S53&..APM SS&Bs555: 3undaberg aforesaid, Labourer, a awful eon of the said deceased, he surviving Executor appoints by the Will, dated the seventeenth ay of August, 1»37; CLEMENTINA PETTERSSON, the other Executor named in the said Will, having pre deceased the Testator. Solicitors: HAMILTON NIELSON SHELDON is 3OREHAM, Solicitors, Bundaberg. Town Agents: G. A. L. UHL & SHELDON. Solicitors, 217 A.M.P. Chambers Edward Street, Brisbane, Deceased: CATHERINE ELIZA BETH HASENKAMP, late of Wynd ham Street, North Ipswich. Spinster. Applicant: ROSE JANE WHALLEY, of Wyndham Street. North Ipswich (wife of Herbert Francis Whalley, retlred Farmer), a lawful sister of the deceased, the sole Executrix appointed by the Will, dated 26th November, 1946. Solicitors: WALKER A: WALKER, Bell Street, Ipswich. Deceased: MARY ' MENZIES MORRISON, late of 92 Monmouth Street, Mornlngslde. Btlsbane, Spinster. Applicants: SARAH JAr MORRISON. of 92 Monmouth Street, Mornlngslde. Brisbane, Spinster, and CHARLES ALEX ANDER KEITH MORRISON, of 28 Mourilyan Road, Innisfall, Public Servant, lawful sister and brother respectively of the deceased, the Executors appointed by the Wil dated 17th September, 194; Solicitors: WALKER 4: WALKER. Bell Street, Ipswich. Deceased: JULIA AGNES BERMINGHAM, late of Greenmount, the state of Queensland, Wife of John Vincent Bermlngham Applicant: KATHERINE CULHANE, of 348 Ruthven street, Toowoomba. In the said State. Spinster, lawful Sister of the said deceased, the sole Executrix appointed by the Will, dated the Twenty-second day of February, 1951. Solicitors: EDWARD W. CLEARY 4: LEE. 45A Russell Street. Toowoomba. Town Agents: MACROSSAN AND CO., A.M.P, Building. Edward street, Brisbane. Deceased: HERBERT COOPER PATRICK, formerly, of Allora, the State of Queensland but late of Buckland's Road. Nundah. Bris bane, in the State of Queensland, Hetlred Drancr Applicant: GE TR-TinF, PATR.TCK. widow, of BUG

and's Road. Nundah, Brisbane, iforesald. lawful widow of deceased. iole Executrix appointed In de ieased'6 Will datetf 4th January, .022.— Solicitors: McGUIRE & REA, transport and General Building. Sdward Street. Brisbane A FTER fourteen clear days Iroi t\. to-day applications will be mac o the Supreme Court, Brisbane, or Grants of Administration In th» following intestate Estates. Any jerson Interested who desires to o lect to any application or to ' ueurd upon it may file a Caveat In ihe Registry at any time before the relevant grant Is made. Deceased: ELEANOR BLANCHE HERBERT, late of Chester Terrace, Bouthport, In the State ot Queens land, Widow. Applicant: ALICE MAUD MARY 8TANLEY, of Ches ter Terrace, Southport, aJOresa Spinster, sister of the said de ceased, who died Intestate. Sollc tors: TULLY tt WILSON, E.S. and A. Bank Chambers, Creek Street, Brisbane. ,

LEGAL NOTICES Deceased: EVELYN ELIZABETH MAY ALLISON, late of 12 Ooodwln Street, Bundaberg. in the state of Queensland (Wife of- William .Alex mder Allison). Applicant: WILLIAM JiXANDER ALLIBOrf, of 12 Oood n Street, Bundaberg, Store Man ager, the lawful Husband of tin d deceased, who died intestate. Solllctors: PAYNE 4: GROSE, 173 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg. Town Agents: W. R. SCOTT 4j SCOTT, I Queen Street, Brlsbano. deceased: CHARLES WILLIAM DUMKE. late of Lobb Street. Churchill, Ipswich. Soap Maker. Ap plicant: EDNA PEARL DOMKE, Of x-bb Street, Churchill, Ipswich, the awful Widow of the deceased, who Died Intestate. Solicitors: WALKER 5: WALKER, Bell Street, Ipswich. Deceased: JOHN DAVIS, lat«, of Irlsbane Road, Bundamba, Ipswlcn, letlred Engine Driver. Applicant: iohn DAVIS, of Byrne Street, Bundamba Accountant, a lawful son }f the said deceased, who died ntestate. Solicitors: WALKER tc WALKER. Mil Street. Ipswich. Deceased: MAGGIE RUSSELL, late -f Amberfey, Ipswich (Wife of Ben amln James Rustell, Retired Engine Iver). Applicant: BENJAMIN TAMES RUSSELL, of Amberley, Ips tftch, Retired Engine Driver, the awful Husband of the «ald d« :eased, who died Inteatate. Solicl ors: WALKER & WALKER, Bell Street. Ipswich. ?TENDERS ? AMBERLEY ROSEWOOD BUS COY. ONE MILE. IPSWICH. Tenders are invited, and will be received up to 6 p.m. on Wednes lay. 5th November, 1952, for— Purchase of a very large quantity -f motor bus spare parts, Includ ng White, Chevrolet, and Bedford mgincs, tyres, tubes, gear boxes, ilstons, springs, and general assort nent. All Items are laid out for nspectlon at the Company^ Depot, Dne Mile, Ipswich. BELYANDO SHIRE COUNCIL. Tenders are Invited and will be ecelvcd at the office ot the above Council In Clermont until 5 p.m., ilonday, 10th November, 1952, for he Supply of a Ripper (rope con rolled), suitable fitment Crawler Tractors, 35/45 DBHP. The Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. R. C. McDOUGALL, Shire Clerk.

:OMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. The date for the receipt of Ten era, closing with the Director of Vorks, Department of Works, 130 :ieek street. Brisbane, for— MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY OF ?ENSTOCKS AND SURGE TANKS, 3ORT MORESBY HYDRO ELEC TRIC SCHEME, las been extended from 2 p.m., Tuesday, 4th November, 1952, to 2 -.m/, Tuesday, 2nd December, 1052. Plans, specifications, and tender orms are available at the Office ol he Director of Works, Department -f Works, 130 Creek Street. Brls -ane. Tenders should be enclosed In en i'clopes endorsed with the name of .he work. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. Tenders, closing with the Director 3f Works. Department of Works. 130 Creek Street. Brisbane, at 2 p.m., Ml TUESDAY. 25th NOVEMBER. 1952. are Invited for: — MANUFACTURE, SUPPLY, DE LIVERY. AND INSTALLATION OF SPIRAL CHUTE. CHIEF PARCELS OFFICE. ROMA STREET. Plans, specifications, and tender forms are available at the Office of the Director of Works. Depart ment of works, 130 Creek Street, Brisbane. Tenders should be enclosed In envelopes, endorsed with the name of the work. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. Tenders, closing with the Director of Works, Department of Works. 130 Creek Street, Brisbane, at : p.m., on TUESDAY, 18th NOVEM BER. 1952, are Invited for:— (1) EARTH WORKS AND CON STRUCTION OF 8TORM ' WATER DRAINAOE. CABLE DUCT PIPE LINES. R.A.A.F. STATION, AMBERLEY. (2) CONSTRUCTION OF OREN ADE THROWING RANGE. R.A.A.F.. AMBERLEY. Plans, specifications, and tender forms are available at the Office o the Director of Works, Department of works, 130 Creek Street. Brls Tendcrs should be enclosed In cnvolpes endorsed with the name of the work. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES. WAR SERVICE HOMES DIVISION. CORONATION HOUSE. EDWARD STREET. BRI6BANE., TENDERS, suitably endorsed, arr Invited for tbe undermentioned work: — CLOSING 10 A.M., 11TB ' NOVEMBER. 1952. ; WAVELL HEIGHTS— Erection ol elirht (81 War Service Homes, Timber Framed. Sub-Group 3 Group 20RQ. Wavell Heights Materials exomut from Sales Tax Plans and specifications are obtain able at thlf olllce. Tenders to be In a sealed envelop* and endorsed 'Grouo 28RQ. Wavel Heights.' in too lelt-hand corner The lowest or any tender no' necessarily accepted. Fixed tenders only will be rt celved. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES. WAR SERVICE HOMES DIVISION, CORONATION HOUSE, EDWARD STREET, BRISBANE. TENDERS, suitably endorsed, are Invited for the undermentioned CLOSING 10 A.M.. 4th NOVEMBER, 1052

SAMP HILL— Erection ol Elgin ibi War Service Homes, timber framed — Sub-Group 3— Group 16R IQ.I, Camp Hill. 2AMP HILL— Erection ot Six (6) War Service Homes. timber flamed. tjub-Group 4— Group 16R IQ.), Camp Hill. Materials exempt from Sales Tax. Plans and epcclffcatlons are obtaln ible at this office. Tenders to be In a sealed envelope ind endorsed 'Group 16R (Q.). Camp Hill.' In top left-hand corner. ? The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC W0RK8, BRISBANE. Quotations are Invited, closing at the above Office 10 a.m. Wednesday, 9th November. 1962, for the fol owlng : 1. Montvllle state School Residence —Painting Kitchen and Bathroom. a. Jimboomba State School Resl lence— Painting Kitchen. Further particulars may be ob tained from the Office of the Un dersigned or from— 1. Head Teacher. Montvllle State 3chool. 2. Head Teach, Jimboomba State 3Ch°01- T. F. LYONS. Under Secretary. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES. VAR SERVICE HOMES DIVISION, CORONATION HOUSE. EDWARD STREET. BRISBANE. -TENDERS, suitably endorsed, and [losing 10 a.m. TUESDAY, llth JOVEMBER. 1952. are Invited for he undermentioned works:— Erection of timber framed dwell ng houses at ASHGROVE. ' BOO ML. EKIBIN (3). KEDRO HANLY. REDCLTPFE. 6ALISBUR1 STAFFORD. WAVELL HEIGHTS (2 Erection of BRICK VENEER IwelllnK at ENOGGERA. Completion of a partially erected IwelllnK house at WELLER'S HILL. Erection of a GARAGE at TAR ' Rt-roollnn of a dwelling house at WAVELL HEIOHTS. Papering repairs at EKIBIN. Materials are exempt from Sales Tax. Flans and specifications are obtainable at this office. The lowest ir any tender not necessarily ao :epted. Fixed tenders only will be received. EIDSVOLD SHIRE COUNCIL. Tenders are Invited for the supply and delivery of one only hydraulic ally controlled -i cubic yard end oader, for attachment to a main tenance grader. Tenderers should submit full details of plant and dale of delivery, and be suitably endorsed. Tenders close at 5 p.m. on Friday, the 7th November, 1953. The lowes or any tender not necessarily accepted. (Signed) JOHN G. DUFF. Shire Clerk. Council Chambers. Eldsyold. 28/10/1952. FOR. SALE BY TENDER. ELECTRICALLY - OPERATED SINOLE-DRUM QUARRY WINCH FOR SALE. Used for lowering 12 loaded 2ft. gauge trucks, each 2li tons gross down 1000 feet slope 1 In 400 and 1 In 13 in 1-A minutes. Fitted with solenoid-operated brake and 50 h.p. 400 v. 3-ph. 60-cycle motor, to gether with 80 sets of track rollers and 6 sets of gravity rollers. The winch Is in excellent con dition. Now at ICI Angaeton Quarry, neat Adelaide. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply Surplus Stocks Section, ICIANZ Ltd.. 380 Collins Street, Melbourne, HINCH1NBROOK SHIRE COUNCIL, TENDERS FOR ORADER. Tenders, closing with the under signed at 5 p.m. on 19th Novem oer., are Invited for the supply o! one Dlesel-engined Road Grader, approximately 100 b.h.p. F. T. LEHANE, 6hlr» Clerk/Manager, lpfham, ?

MACKAY HARBOUR BOARD. TENDERS. Tenders are invited for the pur :rmse of approx. 40 tons of SOIb. to he yard rails. Rails were used on recent Harbour Construction, and ire In very fair condition. Tenders :lose on the 20th November, 1952, it 5 p.m. For further information, ipply to Harbour Board Office, W. D. CLARK. . Secretary. MACKAY. 27th October, 1952. MURWEH SHIRE COUNCIL. Tenders, closing 6 p.m. on Tues lay, 18th November. 1952, are In cited for the supply, delivery, and trectlon of one 20,000 gallon gal ranlsed Iron tank: 160 feet of con :rete troughlng, with all necessary ilplng and fittings, to connect same o Chance Bore, about 40 miles from Morven on the Morven — Neblne Road. Specifications available from ilrt Clerk, Box 63 P.O., Cbarle vine. Neither the lowest nor any tender win necessarily be accepted. B. R. Mackltn, Shire Clerk. MARITIME SERVICES BOARD OP TENDERS FORS35-TON CRANE. Contract 52/2 (closing 19/1/53). Design, part supply, manufacture, rial assembly, part testing, and de very of one (1) 35-ton bull wheel stiff leg derrick crane for mounting jn a oontoon. Specifications, etc.,

^nRineering urancn ooaras neaa )fflce. Circular Quay, Sydney. S. COHEN, Acting Secretary. MUNICIPALITY OF NORTHAM. Tenders are Invited and will be ecelved until 4 p.m. on Thursday, he 27th November, 1953, for the pply and delivery to the Council, -f one (1) only, enclosed 30 ton, cylinder, vertical, single acting Ammonia Compressor, together with B.H.P. slip ring, 60 cycle motor, vlth fully automatic controls, Com iressor to be fitted with easy start ng by-pass, and liquor trap, and notor to be fully protected. Founda tion bolts to be Included and ten lerer to state whether shaft gland £ sealed or packed, approximate late of delivery, and enclose Illus tration or blue print of Compressoi snd foundation. Tenders to be endorsed 'Tendei for supply ol Ammonia Compres lor,' and addressed to the Town erk, Post Office Box 69, Northam, W.A. No tender necessarily accepted MAIN ROADS DEPARTMENT. Tenders Invited for — 'A' Class Timber Bridge over Canning Creek 6/30' spans x 12' be tween kerbs. Inglewood— Canning Creek Road. Job No. 63/9/2. Girders and Corbels supplied on Job site. Ten ders close with Shire Clerk, Ingle wood, at S p.m., on 29th November, J. E. ENGLAND. Secretary. Brisbane, 27th October. NOTICE OF AOISTMENT. Tenders are hereby invited for the Aglstment of a Property, com prising 320 acres, being Portion 53V, Parish ot Brlbic, situated at Peachester. Occupancy will be for t -erlod of 12 months, with possl llty of extension, and tendereri should Quote on a, monthly basis. For further Information, applj Timber Officer, Queensland Indus tries Pty.. Ltd.. 447 Gregory Ter race, Brisbane. PAROO SHIRE COUNCIL. CUNNAMULLA ELECTRIC AUTHORITY. Tenders are invited and will b-received ud to noon on Wednesday 3rd December. 1962. for: — Contract 14/63—75 KVA Dlstrlbu tlon Transformers. Contract 15/62— Copper cable. H.I Insulators. Outdoor Swltchgeai and erection. . Contract 18/52— Wooden, Polei Crossarms. ahd erection. Contract 17/5!— L.T. . Bwltchboai ? Bxttnsldh. .. ?: . ?-?-.: v' Specifications ma? be obtained a the office ? of the Consulting En glneers. A. E. Axbn & Associate! 27 Eagle Street. Brisbane, to whoi tenders sealed and endorsed are t be delivered. No charge will M made for th first copy. A charge of 2/6 (nc returnable) will be made tor eac additional copy. Neither the lowest nor any tende will necessarily be accepted. -L. F. SCHWARTZ. Shire Clerk. PINE SHIRE COUNCIL PICTURE THEATRE LEA8E Tenders are Invited from person wishing to obtain a licence from th above council, to exhibit plctut shows, In the Pine Shire Hall, e Strathplne, for a period of 1 months, from the 12th Decembei 952, with an option for a furthe 2 months. The licence to be on th

now open for Inspection at the Shire Dfflce, strothplne. Tenders to be submitted In writing and delivered o the undersigned to reach him be Tore 10 a.m. on the llth day o! November, 1953. Highest or any lender not necei sarlly accepted. Strathplne 27/10/62. E. Hyland, 6htre Clerk. 8HIRE OF TWEED. TENDER. SALE OF ALL1S CHALMERS BULLDOZER, Tenders are Invited, and will be received by the undersigned up to Joon on Monday, 24th November. 952, for the purchase of one HD7 Tractor, with hydraulically operated iozer blade. This machine Is In good order, tnd may be Inspected under work ing conditions in the Tweed Shire. Deposit on Tender Is 5 per cent., ind the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN D. KAY, Shire Clerk. Council Chamber, Murwlllumbah. 39/10/52. SOUTH COAST TOWN COUNCIL. Tenders. closing on Wednesday, 19th November, 1953, are Invited for license to sell refreshments (sand wiches, Ice cream, soft drinks) on the surfing beach at Surfeis' Para dise to 30th June, }963. Tenderers should state the total amount they are prepared to pay for the license and should submit an outline of the methods to be em ployed In selling the refreshments. W. F. SER1SIER. Town clerk. STATE STORES BOARD (Q'LAND) TENDER NO. A412— SAWN TIMBER AND FILES. A/C. DEPT. OF HARBOURS A; MARINE. Tenders, closing at the Office of the Stale Stores Board, at 11 a.m., m Thursday, 20th November, 1952. ire Invited for the supply of Sawn Timber and Piles A/o. Dept. of Harbours and Marine. General Conditions ot Tendering, etc., may be obtained on applica tion to the undersigned. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. On Behalf of the Board, R. J. WRENCH, Manager, State Stores. 60 Margaret St., Brisbane. 30th October, 1963. TENDERS. Tenders are invited for the erec tion and completion of a new school building (brick and concrete con struction) at Coorparoo. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the undersigned lo whom tender* are to be delivered not later than Noon. Friday. Novmber 31st. 1953. FRANK L. CULLEN. A.R.A.I.A . Architect. 645 Ann Street, BRISBANE. THE 8TATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND. Tenders are Invited on behalf of the Blacka.ll shire Council for the following : SPECIFICATION No. 366. COAL BURNING GAS PRODUCER PLANT. Specification, Tender Forms, and full details are available for Inspec tion at the office ot The Sta Electricity Commission, BRISBANE; The Queensland Government Liaison Officer, 4th Floor, 61 Hunter Street, BYDNEY: The Queensland Govern ment Liaison Officer, 485 Bour Street, Melbourne; and may be o talned from The State Electrlcl Commission by the payment ot £2/2/ for the first copy and to/6 for each additional copy. The cost of the first copy will be refunded upon receipt of a bona fide tender. Sealed tenders, which must be en dorsed as specified, will bn received at the Office of The Btate Electricity Commission, Scottish -Tn|on House, Eagle street, Brisbane, up to 3 p.m. on 21st January, 1953. . The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. a. D. LEE, Secretary.

THE JOINT COAL BOARD. Tenders ire invited tor the pur laao' of various Items ol earth loving Plant, which is surplus to he Joint Coal Board'a require ments. All plant offered U used xcept .where stated . otherwise on he schedule, and In ~ various con ltlons. . SCHEDULES: SCHEDULE 'A' — TENDER NO 35: TRACTORS. Clncs . 1 *nd ass II, various makes and models ICHBlJULE 'B' - TENDER NO 66: EXCAVATORS. . both shovel nd dragline equipped— capacities % u. yd; to, 3Va cu. yd. Various makes nd models. SCHEDULE 'C1 — TENDER NO 57: LE TOURNEAU TOURNA 'ULLS. MODEL 'SUPER C. with arlous attachments. SCHEDULE 'D' — TENDER NO 58: EUCLID LOADER. Model 6BV. rlth Euclid Bottom Dump Waggons. ,loded 5.W. 8CHEDULE 'E' - TENDER NO. 59: 'SCRAPERS, capacities 6 cu. ards to 12 cu. yards, various make* -nd models, SCHEDULE '*?' — TENDER NO i: AIR COMPRESSORS, capacl ies 10.1 c.f.m. to 315 c.l.m., port ibie. various makes and models. sdHEDULE 'G' — TENDER NO : MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. In udlng Cranes. Rippers, Graders, itc: various makes and models. SCHEDULE 'H' — TENDER NO 162: MACHINE TOOLS. Lathes, Mill ng Machines. Drilling Machines, etc

SCHEDULE- 'J' - TENDER NO 163: DRILLING AND BORINCi PLANT. Percussion ahd rotary typct —various caDacities and models. Schedules may be obtained from Joint Coal Board- Plant Division, cnr. Goulburn and Brisbane Streets. Sydney: the District Mining En iineer, Joint Coal Board Oil Ices at Voollongong, Llthgow, cessnock, or Newcastle, or by letter to the Sec retary. BOX No. 3842. G.P.O.. Syd Oflers to purchase will bo ac cepted lor single units, groups bl any one. make or for. the complete lcdule. Separate tendera are required loi each schedule where olfers include Items from more than one (II schedule Offers to purchate plant, shown in one or more of the schedule! must be in sealed envelope, endorsed with the applicable tender numbers, and must reach the Secretary, Join :oal Board, A.C A. Building, 66 King street. Sydney, by 2.16 P-rn on Wednesday. 13th November, 19'! The tender Is to be accompanied by a deposit equal to 1 per cent the total amount tendered. Highest or any offers not neces sarily accented. THE QUEENSLAND HOUSING COMMISSION. Tenders will be received at the Office of The Queensland Housing Commission, Brisbane, until 10 a.m. on Thursday, 13th November, 1952. for the erection and com pletion of the undermentioned dwellings. Drawings and Specifications anc Form of Tender, with Conditions o Tendering, etc., may be obtained at such office The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The Contractor must Include* Sales Tax as chargeable In tender price Tenders should be In sealed en velopes, dearly marked 'Tenders.' SCHEDULE: 1 Timber Dwelling at Belmont. 1 Timber Dwelling at Mltchelton. J. E. OREENING. Secretary. TENDERS are hereby Invited for ?ne Erection of TIMBER RESI DENCE at ? CAREY ST., BARDON. Tenders will be received up to Noon on Monday, 24th. Plans and speci fication may be obtained at the Office of the Architects. T. H. A. CROSS 4: D. BAIN, Wickham House, Wlckham Terrace, Brisbane. THE STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND. Tendera aro Invited on behalf of the Caprlcornla Regional Electricity Board for the following:— SPECIFICATION NO. 361. ALKALINE BATTERIES— CHARGINO SETS. SPECIFICATION. TENDER FORMS and full details . are available for inspection at the Office of The State Electricity Commission. BRIS BANE, and mav be obtained from The State Electricity Commission by the payment of 10/6 for the firs copy and 5/ for each additional copy. The cost of the first copy will be refunded upon receipt of a bona fide tender. Sealed tenders, which must be endorsed aa specified, will be re ceived at the Offlco of The State Electricity Commission, Scottl Union House. Easle Street. BRIS BANE, up to 3 p.m. on 4th Feb ruary, 1953. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. D. LEE, Secretary.

THE STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND. Tenders are Invited on behulf ol he Barcaldtne Shire Council for the ollowlnit:— SPECIFICATION NO. 381. JOAL BURNING OAS PRODUCER PLANT. SPECIFICATION. TENDER FORMS md full details are available for nspectlon at the Office ot T State Electricity Commission. BRI3 3ANE. The Queensland Government Jalson Officer. 4th Floor. 61 Hunter Itreet, 8ydney: The Queensland Gov rnment Liaison Officer. 485 Bour Street, MELBOURNE: and may be ibtalned from The State Electricity Commission by the payment ot £2/2/ or the first copy and 10/6 lor each iddltlonal copy. The cost ot the lrst copy will be refunded upon re «ipt of a bona fide tender. Sealed tenders, which must be indorsed as Specified, will be re vived at the Office of The State electricity Commission, Scottish Jnlon House. Eagle Street, BR1S 3ANE. ud to 3 p.m. on 21st Janu iry, 1953. The lowest or any tender not lecesburlly accepted. G. D. LEE. Secretary. LENDERS are invited lor the erec Ion of a BRICK AND TlL'E PUBLIC ^AVATORV AT YARRAMAN. renders, enclosed in sealed envelopes, iultnbly endorsed are to be In tbe lands ot the SHIRE CLERK, ROSA AK SHIRE COUNCIL.. 141 HERRIES 3T., TOOWOOMBA, not later than MOON, 21st NOVEMBER. 'Ions and Specifications may be ob alned from the COUNCIL'S OFFICE «,T TOOWOOMBA, or from the mderslgned. W. J. RE1NHOLD, Consulting Engineers. 371 Queen 3treet, Brisbane. (Colin P. TRAPP, A.R.A.I.A., Architect.) TENDERS ere Invited for the Eree ion of a BRICK VENEER DWELL NO, at CAMP HILL. Tenders close Tuesday, 14th November. Plans am ipedflcatlons available from BILO IGENCIES. 7th Floor, A.M.P. Bulld ng. Lowest or any tender not neces larlly accepted. WINTON SHIRE COUNCIL. Tenders, closing 21st Nuvember, 1952, are hereby Invited for the sup ply to the Council of the undermen tioned materials : 198 lineal feet 24' x 18' R.C. Box Culverts, 32 lineal feet 18' X 12' R.C. Box Culverts. 16 lineal feet 16' x 9' B.C. Box Culverts R. C. PALMER. Shire clerk. BUILDING MATERIALS WHITECHAPEL TRADING COMPANY PTY:. LTD. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Galvanised Iron, ton or sheet lots. 7' and 8' 10/31n. corr., 2«g. 6' and 8', 8/31n. corr., 24g. Arriving shortly at special prices, corrugated, 8', 9'. and 10'. 86g.; flat, 24g. and 26g., 6x3. Galv. barb wire, Iowa, IUVjB., 66 and U2lb. coUs. Galv. fencing wire, Bg. and 10g., lowt. colls. Galv. h/t. wire, 12'^g,, lewt. colls. Galv. tie wire, 14g., iewt. colls. Black balling wire, 12, 13, and 14 g. Steel fencing posts. Y section. Galv. water pipe, 1', V/t', and J'. Bird netting, 36 x ?-, x 22g. Poultry netting, 36 x US x 17b. Poultry netting, 36 and 73 x 2 x 19g. Rabbit netting, 12 and tt x I'/j i 17g. Dog netting, 36 X 3 and 4 X 16g. Swedish hardboard, 6' and 8' x 4'. Rainwater goods: Capping, Gutter, downplpe. Mild steel: Angles, flats, Joists, channels, plates, rounds, sheets. Bright steel: Rounds, flats, etc. Phone, call or write for proved and dependable service. . WHITECHAPEL TRADING CO., PTY., LTD., 161 STANLEY ST., STH. BRISBANE!. J1691 and J1081. , SHES, 10 yds. £3, sawdust, 10 yds. £2. Prompt; UX3314. A LL classes tana, gravel, soil, top a dressing. General ' Carryln Prompt attention. XL3429.

BUILDING MATERIALS AA. LATEST Q.P.S. i PRICES : NOTE BIG REDUCTIONS. '. , See this Column each Saturday. IALV. CORR. IRON. British, due early December, Eft., 26«.. £130 ton, or open stock 20/ sheet. IBROL1TE SHEETS, plain 3/7 pet »q. yd., or . corrugated 8/1 Vi yd., In all sizes. LASS BRICKS. 4/6 each. -ABLE ROLL, galv., 31. 3OE CAPPINO. 9/6 length. ITTER, 8/ length. lOWNPIPE. 3JS.V 3/3, 3' 2/9, 3' 3/ per length. ' . :OUND BARS. half-Inch, £57/10/. IALV. FLASHINO. 3/1 length. LAIN WIRE, imported gaiv.. log., in lewt. colls of 880 yds., sell . Ing at Australian price, namely £67/10/ ton or 60/' Coll. Also 13V] galv. high tension, 75/ out. 'LAIN WIRE, galv., lie.. soft (suitable for telephone), catch weight coils, 67/6 cwt. ILOTHfcs WIRE, galv.. twisted. 8 strand. 60ft.. 6/6, lOOft.. 12/8. IARB WIRE, galv.. 19a.,' imported, 661b. colls of 370 yds., 40/. 'IG NETT1NO, 31 x 4, K Wire. barbed wire at bottom. In 80yd. rolls, £4/2/6. VIRE NETTING. Galv., 42' x 1','a' x 17g., £4/7/6 per 50yd. roll. Also 36' x -,}' x 22g., at 4/3 JHAIN WIRE, 36 x 2 X 12g.. 22yd. roil, £3/10/ roll, or 4/. yard If 'ENCE DROPPERS, autoacrew. 5 and 6 wire, £6/10/ and £7/10/ per 100, Galv. 2d. each extra. 3OG TRAP8, 8', M/6: double spring, Vm, 7' Jaw, 30/. UBulT TRAPS. 3/4. 3ALV. IMPOKTED PIPE. li'. 1/3, W 1/9. Hi' 4/6, 3' a/ foot, Australian, UW'., 4/3 a foot. CLOTHES HOISTS. 30ft. arms. £16/10/, less 10 p.o. for .cash. 5PINDRIERS, £8/10/, less 10 p.o. for cash. STAINLESS STEEL SINKS. British 4ft. centre bowl, £15/15/ . BATHS, oalv. Iron, roll edge. 5' 6', £4/10/. Enamel (C.I.P.), English, In green, £20. SPRING HEAD NAILS, Imported galv., 2V4 x 9cwt., kegs 1/6 1b. Broken, stock, 1/7 1b. JOLTHEAD OR CASE NAILS. Im ported, at Australian prices, 8g.

73/8. 8g. 74/4, lOg. 75/, llg. 76/t-: 13g. 7U/6, 13B. 81/1. ATE HINOES, hook and eye. all sizes, made to order from 2 x V« steel. 2/6 lb. UCKET SPRAY PUMP, brass, with air chamber, complete with 5ft. hose, adjustable nozzle, etc., ATHROOM TILE SHEETS, 61 X 4' 61/6 per sheet, or 59/11 In crates of 14 sheets. Plastic mouldings for same. 1/ ft., all colours. AMINEX, all colours and grains, £11/13/11 per 8' x 4' sheet, HREE-PLY, Imp., beautiful red grain, 6' x 3 . first grade. 10/. ,AWNMOWERS, special, 10 p.c. dis count. Hand or motor models. IITUMENISED FELT ROOFING. 3-ply, In rolls of 72 x 3ft.. at 77/ roll, less 10 p.c. for cash. 'AINT: Hibiscus, 1st Grade, white and colours 42/ gallon. IAND SAWS, Belgian. 26', 15/. INGLISH SCYTHE BLADUS. with best bent hickory htndle. 35/ complete. IARROWS: 4 cubic ft., contractors, tubular frame, pneumatic lyres, £15/15/. or garden, with Iron wheel. 66/. I6H— CRAB TRAPS, wire, 50/. JIRTHING TAPES. Steel, first for 9 years, 12ft. long. 29/6. tEFRIGERATORS: 'Hibiscus,' 5',-i cu, ft,, electric or kerosene, £95. QUEENSLAND'S BldOEST STOCKS OF GENERAL HARD WARE ARE AT Queensland Pastoral Supplies Pty., Ltd. Sowen St. (opp. St. John's). B3131. ^LL ORADE GRAVEL. SAND, 8.S. GRAVEL PTY., LTD., Llbany Creek. Ph. 27. Strathplne. A SHES. BREEZE DELIVERY. t\ 13 yds. £3, 9 yds. £2/5/, Same day delivery anywhere. 'M3714. .JW1057, LM5552. R. Michel. » SHES, breeze, 9 yds. 40/, 12 yds. 65/. MW13B6, MW1021. A .A. A. Ashes, breeze, guaranteed. A 12 yds.. 45/. J4893. A PEX Floor Sanding Co. for your t\. next sanding Job. B7193 or LU2371 A .All classes sand, gravel, ashes, o-fllling, granite, soil. LM5543. A sbestos cement sheeting goes i»- black, clay tilts grow moss, and rot with age. but Ann Zat Roofing tiles. 'The Crowning Glory of vour Home,' last forever. Ring Red AJllffe 235. for Immediate service. . Sand, gravel, mixed loam, vi .i?Sment- 8PW»llsed small loads. TIREEZE partition blocks. 18 x t iiTfiow^MuVi1^17 .' u' Denarf BUILDERS, free quotes supply al C materials, any plan, Job. FW3418 LO8INO down. Everything to b-sold below market prices. Cor rugated aluminium and Iron, han board, timber, louvres and glass. an( other lines. Inquire now. Amalga mated Building Co.. J2854. No ! stop, West End tram. piYPRESS Pine Flooring and scant V^ lings required, from nermanent rollable supplier, by L. E. Bowmar 4c Co., pfy., Ltd., Timber Mer chants. Commercial Road, Rozelle Sydney. WB2541 PONCRETE Building Blocks vj XU1692, after 6 p.m. pASEMENTS, Doors, Oak, Stocl V^ sizes, glass louvres, leadllghts Moroney, Glazier, 612 Wlckham St L4169. DWYER'B HARDWARE IS THI PLACE TO BUY. Try then for Oalv. and Tank Iron, Fla Iron. Plain and Barb Wire, Win Netting, Eng. Baths. Build. -8up. plies, Milkers. Separators, Refrlgs.

t unipa, lijltld. tic ilinilUiavL U» V IT nation plants, all We want ngents. We make gates, L. Trol lies. Try us for 1st quality Paint. at 30/ gallon. Ph. Roma St., B9438. Phono Warwick 217 12 lines). T\ENARO, Denaro, Denaro Air I* Flow Building Blocks, early delivery. 85 Buckland Road. Nun lah MU1194. fiOR sale, a half bag Brltitand cement mixer and hoist, 4 h.p. leirol engine, and rubber-tyre-vheelbarrow. 86 Union Street, City. ITiANCY plywood available In rea i- sonable quantities, also all Join iry and builders' hardware. Town Ss Country Joinery Works Pty., Ltd., commercial Road, Valley. L1685. fTURMERS. Graziers, we have to E clear German Dog Netting. 96' c 3 x 17 Gauge. In colls of 100 rards. at only £6/13/6 coll. UNLIMITED QUANTITIES. DWYERS. 162 Roma St.. B9438 GDWYERS. Warwick. 217 ARAGE. Sell for removal, gal vanlsed Iron root, and aides, [Irst class condition, JW1566. HANDYS Plywood 6 x 3, and 7 x 3. from 10/ sheet. 3. Oak Casements, from 48/8 pr. Shaln Wire, from 65/ Roll. Ledge, Doors, Pine, 65/ ea. Steel and Wire Oales. Ut), set 3, Sin. Quad Gutter. 8711 Lth. C.I.P.E. Baths, White, £20/15/ ea. Swedish Hardwood, 68/ per 100 a. t Panel Doors, 58/6 ea. Tile Board, 35/ sheet. Boiler Stands from 23/6 ea. Rainwater Goods, Builders' Hard ware, Tradesman's Tools, Household Hardware, wire Netting, Laundry Tubs, Faints and Enamels. QLD. PINE MOULDINGS. Cover ?Strip, D. Mould, Quad., Archi trave, Skirting, Cornice; also 3 x 1 to 4 x 2 In Rough Fine. Always in Stock 50 Annerley Road, South Brisbane. JS868. We Open Saturdays. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, IMPORTED GALVANISED P1PINO. 25,000 feet, %ln.. 1/6 foot. . 10,000 feet, l'.fln., 3/3 foot.. 5,000 feet. 2ln., 5/7 foot, JOHN MCDONALD. 203 Queen street, Brisbane. Phone FA1330, XY4319. TMMEDIATE DELIVERY, 1 CORRUGATED and FLAT Galv Iron WIRE NETTING I 31 X li 11 22c 42 X Hi X 19g. 43 X 1V£ X 17g. 72 X 3'X 19g. Iowa BARBED WIRE. BELGETTS PTY., LTD., 353 QUEEN STREET (over Christie's Cafe), B4309 — B4617. PITERFUSION, the new plastic door covering, Details from Sldco, 333-338 Old Cleveland Road, Coor paroo. Phone XU4701, XU6312. L AMINEX FORMICA. Cut to your else or shape and fitted If required. All colours avail able. TRADE SUPPLIED. SIDCO. 33J-338 Old Cleveland Road, . COORPAROO, XU4701, XU5313. L AMINEX or Formica table and cupboard tops, cufe, milk and hotel bars, Installed with rubber Joints. No leaking tops. Beer gardens, shop fronts, etc. Whlmp, 63 Munitions Area. Salisbury. JW2673 -pALINGS, all sizes, lor Immet iT delivery at wholesale prlc Simpson's Sawmills, ChermMi LX1583. PLANS and spec, prepared, perm obtained. 300 Queen St. B7I4:

UUANS and BpecltlcatlonB, house, B6189 ^244 °tOry' P'mlU obtalned' QUOTES all built-in unlta. oupd. ? doors, Joinery.. etc. FW3418. TJOTARY CLOTHES HOISTS. JLV 'MACS.' 16ft. Diameter : ? £16 18ft. Diameter ? £16 john McDonald, 203 Queen Street, Brisbane. Sv Phone FA133O, XY1319. OLVE -our levelling, problems with the Cowiey Automatic Leve Particulars from Brotts. Grey Street, South Brisbane. CTEP ladders, lock joint hinges, £3 strongly made, 6ft. 64/6. 71 01/6, at Ironmongeries Pty., L 152 Queen street, Brisbane. (JELL large quantity ' standing mill O logs, Mt. HalJen, near E«k. Box S333, P.O., Toowoomba, ELL set of 3 concrete tubs, as new. LX1763. ' CELL quantity ' used hardwood, O Phone FW1204. CELL quantity new O.I. gutter, p Valleys Bull Nose Bricks* 2 x 1,. Battens. 6 x 3 channels.' Iron. Phone LU1002.

LATEST FARM EQUIPMENT PMS.' HIGH PRESBURE PORTABLE SPRAY UNITS, with 1.3 h.p. 4 eycle engine, 40 gallon Barrel, Pressures up to 3001bs. Suitable Bananas, Row-crop, Orchard, Dairying, Pineapples. EQUIP. YOUR TRACTOR WITH an eailly fitted Low Pressure Pump unit, powered by Tractor p.t.o., available for FERGUSON, FARM ALL, DAVID BROWN, FORDSON MAJOR, HOWARD, RANSOME, GUNSMITH, AND OEM, and suitable for Spraying,. Flre-tlghtlng, Jetting, Boom Spraying, etc. PMS. KNAPSACK SPRAY — available for Immediate delivery. Copper and Brass throughout, Deslgnod for ease of working. Only i.wo moving parts, PRICE £13/10/. PMS. SELF-PROPELLED AUTO SPRAY,, with 2.5 h.p. 'Vllllers' En gine—designed for row-crop or Pineapple Wcedlcide spraying. NEWI NEWI NEW! NEWI 'PEMESIDE.' The new arsenical general-purpose weed, grass, tree, and vermin killer, complete with wetter andsprcader. Available In lgl., 4gl. 44gls. Cheaper per acre. 1 Gal. to 44 galls, of water, £2/4/ per 4 gall. drum. ARRANGE FOR DEMONSTRATION WITH THE 'BIMAR' ROTOT1LLER It will not create ft hard pan. Designed for years of trouble-freo service. 6 h.p. and 8 h.p. Models available. Contact local P.M.S. Agent, Applications invited for representation where no P.M.S. dealer appointed. POPE. MAYNE. 4: SOUTHERDEN. PTY., LTD., 300 ADELAIDE ST., BRISBANE. B6994, B8645.

A LTERNATOR SET. 1 For Immediate Delivery. 160 K.V.A. MARELLI ALTERNATOR. ;ouplcd lo Twin General Motors Diesel. DICKSON PRIMER, QLD., PTY., LTD., ? J6380. ? AT U.K. 4: DOMINION MOTORS, A wide range of equipment for AORICULTURE, EARTH MOVING, CLEARING. ROAD BUILDINO, and MATERIALS HANDLING. By World-famous Manufacturers, Oliver WHEEL and CRAWLER TRACTORS. Oliver CORN PICKERS, HEADERS. HAY BALERS, etc. Briutand SCOOPS, RIPPERS, DOZERS, IVINCHES, ORADERS. DITCHERS. HOTO SCRAPERS. PLOUOHS, etc Avcllng Barford DIESEL ROAD ROLLERS. CALF DOZERS, TRENCH CUTTERS, etc. Avcllng Austin 4 WHEEL DRIVE MOTOR GRADERS. Coventry Climax FORK LIFT TRUCKS. Herman SHOVELS. Many lines for prompt delivery. Call, phone, or write for details and literature. U.K Aj DOMINION MOTORS. 275 Wlckham Slreet, Valley. Brisbane. Phone L1751.

a ijuaiimuiu. Drasa, copper, gun A metal, lead, radiators, old bat ;crles, cast iron purchased for cash. Grahams fc Williams, cr. Montague ?oad and Stanley Sts.. South BrU mnc. open Saturday morning. AVAILABLE AT I.S.A.S., for Immediate Delivery, 2 USED FOWLER 3-1N-1 'MOVE-MOR' CRANE SHOVELLOADER TRACTOR UNITS. These famous machines serve three purposes. CRANE : Lifts 25-40 Cwt. SHOVELS : 2/3 Cubic Yard Capacity. TRACTOR : W6. 40'j H.P. Model, provide motive power and can be used for normal haulage uses. For Sale In 'As Is' Condition. For full particulars and prices- call, write, or phone INDUSTRIAL SALES AND SERVICE (QLD. I, LIMITED. Robinson Road. Geebung, Brisbane. Phone LX1181. BRAHAMS 4s WILLIAMS. PTY., LTD., Secondhand Machinery and Metal Merchants. Cnr. Stanley St., and Montague Rd., South Brisbane, OFFER : 1 40 h.p. Southern cross Dlejei En gine. 1 30 h.p. Southern Cross Diesel En gine. 2 20 h.p, southern Cross Diesel En ? - gtnes. - 25 h.p. McDonald Diesel Engine. l 11 h.p. Ruston Hornsby Diesel En gine. 1 2','3 h.p. Air-cooled Petrol Engine. I 30 h.p. Eleotrlc Motor, new. 1 6 h.p. Electric Motor. 3 Press Drills. 6x8 Kelly and Lewis Portable Com pressor. 8x7- Kelly and Lewis Stationary Compressor. 35 h.p. Electric Motor and 100 per sq. Inch receiver. 3 Stone Crushers. 3 Babcock and wilcox Tube Boilers. Good range Steam Pumps. 32-Volt Southern Cross Lighting Plant. 8' Double Wire Blocks. Sliding Docking Saw. 500-GalIon V»' plate Oil Tank. Mild Steel Angles, Flats, Rounds. Quantity steel, off cuts, for ',-'-3,i'. good sizes. ALTERNATORS and Diesel alter nator acts for Immediate de

'ly., Ud.. Atlat Bides.. 150A Stan ey St.. South Brisbane. Ph. J6330 rjnASS rcpetltllon work manufac l-- ture'd on modern Cnpstai, athes. Best prices quoted. P. M. 3alton, Annie St., K. Pt. X3184. BOOTMAKER'S finishing machine, complete with motor. £35. Hay Ion. Tweed Heads. C (LOSING down everything to be ' sold below market prices. Inolud ng plant, woodworking machinery, ools. equipment, etc. Inquire now, Amalgamated Building Co., J2854, lo. 5 atop, West End Tram. HASH. CASH. CASH. Old cur lj batteries bought. Abrahams A; Villlams. cnr. Montague Road and Itanley Street. South Brisbane. -pen Saturday morning. CARPENTERS, woodworkers, comb. ~J outfit, planes, saws, rabbets, ores, mortices, tenons, make louldlngs, £22/10/: Jigsaws, lathes. 222/10/: snlndle moulders. £13/ 0/. Woodmachlno, rear of 98 irey Street. J1716. PAN now supply Endmatchlng O Machines. Particulars from Jueensland Machinery Co.. Ltd.. Al iert Street. ? ? ? DANARM DANARM is the world's leading :haln Saw. cuts all kinds of tlm jer, soft, hard, green, or dry. aster than any other Chain Saw DANARM Is powered by the famom /Illlers engine. DANARM TORNADO, the one-man iperated type is portable, weighing inly 431b. with a 14in. or 22ln. cut Ing blade and Is undlsputably the lest one-man operated Chain Saw induced anywhere in the world. If he timber you are working Is I'lthln the range of a 32ln. dtam iter outter bar, take our advice and nake use of Danarm's Little Wonder. t makes work easy, and can in :reste production 4 times over. DANARM Is also available In wo-man models, cutting width 3ft. lln. to 7ft. DANARM literature will be for cardfd on request from the Qld. Jlstrlbutor— A. W. PRYOR. 56-68 Logan Road, South Brisbane. Phone X33I1-8. Telegrams: Supryor, Brls. DRY cleaning, washing machine 33' x 54' approx., and filter md pump to match, wanted. Write Densleys N.Q. Laundry and Dry Cleaners, 66 Charters Towers Road, Townsville. ELECTRIC motors, all sizes, T. H. Cock. 521 Lutwyche Rd. M3483. |7-OR sale. 5 h.p. boiler, complete L with blower and oil burner. Snap. £200 cash. Phone L2676. after lours MY5430. ? BUILDING MATERIALS SELL 1000-gallon tank; good order. Apply Noume, 33 St. Leonard's St.. Coorparoo. SELL 7 sets wooden louvres, all good condition. XU122O. TILES supplied, fixed. Bargain. Excelttor Tiles, Paten St,. Milton. FM3958. TITAN guaranteed chisels, lull range stocked; socket lln. bevel :dge, 9/8; three-foot rules 0/6 each, tt Ironmongeries, Pty., Ltd., 153 Queen Slreet, Brisbane. TIMBER. TIMBER. Hardwood, immediate supplies ol all size scantlings, flooring, and weatherboard, sawmill at Shearer and Brown's, Lytton Road, Hemmant. Phone XY4323, WE Restump Houses, Robinson Bros. XU1731. ?\X7'ANTED to buy snuat tank. W Wlshart, Bridge St.. Redbank. WANTED paling fencing. Phone J2126. 1000 gallons, squat tank, suitable cementing, £5. /Wellington Point 314.

PREFAB. CONSTRUCTION A House, temp, dwlg., ulied, « up-piled ready cut to erect, frame -r complete. Quotes free, Hughes b Co., Sawmlllers, Builders, Btrath ilne 98. Workmanship guaranteed. A DWELLING. 34 X 20. A Only £493. Complete with out louse. Compact design, simplicity tself to erect, easily extended later. Uk for detailed leaflet, showing blue irlnt and materials supplied, etc QUEENSLAND PASTORAL . SUPPLIES. Jowen St. (opp St. John's).. 83191. SEEDS, PLANTS. BULBS ROSES. 4/6 each. October. No vember, best months plant hem. Dahlias 60/ dozen bulbs No lataloguee. Orders cash. Noorong Nursery, Toowoomba.

f^OR sale. McKte Radial Arm Bench, spindle moulder (heavy .ypei. Robinson srflng docking saw, foot pedal docking saw, sliding lop locking saw, blacksmith's lorge. buttons. 116 Montague Road, South Brisbane, J5851. F'ARM SUPPLIES PTY., LTD.. for all 'Southern Cross' wind nllls, dlesels, pumps, etc.. V-belts » specialty. Upstairs. B.A.F.S. 3hamberB. W'gabba. X3464. TTUELD MARSHALL Tractor ahd r 4 furrow disc plough for sale, aa new, lights, pulley, etc. Stand my Inspection, £1200 outfit. Ring Beaudesert 65, or write Beaudesert Motors, Beaudesert. 'IT'OR sale, 2 only '/j h.p. 3 phase -L electric motors, perfect condl on. Apply A. Willocks. Maleny, Q ?OR sale, Caterpillar Twenty Two, -C with six foot dozer blade, mech anically operated. First class order. Apply p«t Lee. Mudgecraba. TiOR sale, one a-well bag loader. - Ring M2595. ^.ARDNER Diesel Engines, marine VT and automotive. In stock and lo arrive shortly. Undcrhlll. Day. 4: -o.t Brisbane. 'MMEDIATE Delivery New Ncale L high-speed, ball-bearing, 8x3 ,- header planing machines. Inspect, Connors, Hudson Rd., Albion. M3998. KEN McFADYEN & CO., PITT8W0RTH. 14 RUN SPRINGTYNE McKAY COMBINE, with Harrows. 3 RUN RIGID TYNE McCOR HICK-DEERINO COMBINE, with Fertilizer Box and Lucerne Box. with Harrows. 18 RUN RIGID TYNE McCOR

-ui;n.-u£E;mr4ij cumbine. witn Harrows. 0 DISC McKAY SUNDERCUT RIGID PULL. FURROW STUMP-JUMP SUN „ ,_ BOW DISC PLOW, ill above machines in good order. KEN McFADYEN 4c CO. KINGAROY SHIRE COUNCIL. . FOR 8ALE. )ne only 3 cylinder Southern CroES 10 h.p. Diesel Engine, in very good order. Price £350. The Unit will stand close Inspection it Council Yard, In Pound Street. kpply Shire Clerk. Klngaroy Shire Council. Klngaroy. ESTO ELECTRIC DRILLS, Saws. Nlbblcrs, Grinders available tor iemonstratlon at WILLIAM ADAMS t COMPANY, LIMITED. 44 Stanley St.. S. Brisbane, Grey 8t. Bridge end. P.O. Box 971M. J1357. MARS MACHINE TOOL MNFG. CO.. PTY.. LTD., BRIDGE STREET, VALLEY. 'MEEHANITE' (Reg. Trade Mark). CAST IRON FOUNDERS, CASTINGS. A wide ranee of 31 Grades ol Alloy Cast Iron available. FREE MACHINING. HEAT TREAT ABLE. HIOHER TENSILE. OUR FOUNDRY WILL ASSIST YOU. MOBILE Crane, 3-3 ton lilt, Peters 24ft. hydraulio Jib crane, powered by case tractor, eight pmu 35?'p.o!!'rvalie?'1'al M0l°'- B°X METAL Spraying rebuilds machine parts, no distortion, cbmpetent, M.?7'Hfblon'''M- W- Me'yUtln'-PERRY BROS.. PTY.. LTD.. -65 Vulture Street. Emit Brisbane Phone J11S1. For metal stampings, guillotining, and presswork, press tools, dies Jigs. electro galvanising, barrel plating, machines overhauled, and general repair work, assembling and packing facilities. S~ TEEL sawbench, rise and tall table, motorlsed. Inspect stiles ti Sons Mill. Upper Cavondlsh Hoad. Holland Park. CJECOND Hand Ferguson Tractor, O good condition, new tyres, rea sonable price. Apply Sales Manager. BrltiBh Tractor and Implements. 0 j Boundary street. CELL 44K Masse? Harris Tractor.

-J at £850. This tractor is in good order and has spare rear tyre. H. n. Anderson 4s Co.. Auctioneers, Proston. CELL concrete tlle-meking plant. ° . comprising mixer, compressor, noulds, kerosene engine. Details from Laurie Rhodes, Bos 173C. 3.P.O.. Brisbane, phone XL11S8. SECOND HAND 'LIGHTNING1 ?3 MIXERS. 3'., c. ft. powei nodelB. In good order and condition ^IGHTBURN A: CO.. LIMITED 116A Margaret St.. Brisbane. B8314 CELL Gun Smith 6 h.p. tractor, p single disc. 6' scuffle?, as new 5?n'.tyl.rllXY4i392!il °r 'CCePt & 'ghJ SELL Ferguson Tractor, very good order, also 4 H.p. Southern Jross kero. engine, very good or l'- £50. Apply Townson 4: Heasllp Pty., Ltd., Klngaroy. Phone 70 day. 147 night. SEPARATOR in first class order, ^.ton'go'ffiSh'-0-11'- W''-TRACTORS, 26 h.p. to 130 h.p. WINCHES. DOZERS, RIPPERS, AND SCOOPS. Fully Reconditioned and with Warranty. Delivered Brisbane or any part Queensland. Terms from 25 per cont. deposit and two years' repayment period. L. J. GLEESON. Wlngham, N.S.W. 17 ANTED. Bulldozer, to 60 h.p. r Price and terms, etc., to Box CLX5. Courier-Mall. '\ITANTED t0 purchase 24' panel »v Planer (6lngle Eider). Please advise lowest cash price, where machine may bo Inspected, age, and condition, to R. A. Mcconachle, Brisbane Street, Ayr, N. Qld. WANTED to purchase air compres sor, unit capable 1101b. pres Mwi308T'ePhOn'' ''' PlttlcularE' WANTED for country sawmill, k ii P0'ab]e steam engine and go'lsr. Price and particulars to G. W. Qllmour, 173 Sandgate Road. MU3234 Phone M6075, Residence V\r ANTED to buy two or three .TV Iron pulley blocks to take Inch diameter rope, single or double purchase. Ring B6451. IXfANTED trackqulp automatic Bol SCCLl26n^outr.-erre-1Ilahiun S yardS u3nteB8S98.a' 'ndUStr''- Ut'nB 5001b. to 20 tonB capacity hoists, electric or manual. Brown & pureau. Ltd.. Ryan House, char l'tt» St.. Brisbane. PA1901. . _ GARDENING, MOWERS A Grade Burden soli. turt. phone LL164O, LL1700. A -A. Lantann scrub soil, 6 yards i\ £4/6/. 3 yards £3/15/, turf 30/ hundred. Ph. XY6353. A SHES, breeze, 0 yds. 40/, IS yds. rk.65/. MW1386. MW1921. A BSOLUTELY best garden toll, f* top dressing in Brisbane, prompt delivery. Hoprlco Sand and Gravel La 1458. A LL hoursl Perfect Lawnmower ti Repair Service, work guaran teed. Wo pick up and deliver. Ring LU1533 TJ LACK iantana garden soil, top 0 dressing. No nut grass 4 yards £3, 5 yards £3/15/. FW3129. /'1HO1CE Blue Couch. Turt 25/ per C*.^ 100, delivered. Ring B855O OW manure, 10 bags 35/, 5 bass £1. Collins, UX1271. IT'LBCTRIC lawnmowers, self pro l-J pelled lawnmower. sales and re pairs, spare parts. Qarton 4s Wad dell, 130 Adelaide Street, opp. Pin f's. B9368. OR sale, 40 yard old stable manure, suitable garden or small crops. Phone JX780. rj UARANTEED Iantana sorub soli, VJ top dressing, no nut grass, i tm'oM 6uffic-.shl6.v-' 1 J .£7/15/: grass catchers, l8/« each, at ironmongeries Pty.. Ud. 152 Queen street Brisbane. rpRY— E60o FOLtUOL lor Red 1 Spider, Aphis. ThrTp. Mite, Scale T'8 MIGHTY, aoz., ll/a. Makes A0LLg'^O6R,OStTl''t|Tn. 0BT'WA^ PRICES WANTED JOINERS. Cabinetmaker!,, Carpen ters, prices wanted Construct 100 Wooden Benches, Labour only oi labour and materials. Reply Box C3I nolirliT-Milll ART AND ANTIQUES SELL, good cedar, other antique furniture. LM5661.

THE COURIER-MAIL CLASSIFIED INDEX PAGE 14 POULTRY, DOGS. BIRDS A. VV wire netting, 4/ yd., £8/10/ 60 yd. roll. L, Tew. 195 Mui irave.Rd.. Red Hill. FM8968. AVAILABLE, 3-month-old crossbred pulled. £1 pair, £46 100, freight »xtra. M. Melsimr, Redland Bay. Phone 214, ATTYCrfAP, Ipswich Road, Oxley. Chicks, pullets, ckls. UX3386. A .A. WYNNUM Poultry Abattoirs, Allan St., Manly. Phon* JX373. AUSTRALORP pullets, day old to five weeks, a. Wlnwood, stop rt, cavendish Road, Rutland St., Coorparoo A USTRALIAN Terrier Puppies for A sale. Pedigreed. Davies, Acacia Ridge. JY3363. AVAILABLE, Dachshund female pups, Moore Moy Kennels, Beau desert Rd,. Cooper's Plains. Phone JY3263. A. WOODSTOCK, the great name in Australorps. We don't buy eggs. Largest trap-nest farm In Qld. Chicks bred from our non broody, large egg strain. WOOD [STOCK POULTRY FARM. Toohey Road, Tarraglndl, Brls. JW3607. DUCKLINGS. DUCKLINOS. Aylcsbury or Muscovy, 3/6 each, £10/10/ per 100. Air Freighted Free. Buy From Australia's Largest Duck Farm. STRIKE BROS., Matravllle. Sydney. DACHSHUND puppies. Ilemmlngs, 73 Slrlus Street. Coorparoo. DACHSHUND puppies available. Fitzgerald, Betheden Creek Road, Mt. Gravatt. XY6274. DEFINITELY last hatch quality Australorp day-old chickens, available, Mon., Nov. 3rd. 'Olenal-byn ' Gov. Reg. Hatchery. 768 Oxley Road, Corinda. Phone UX175J. B. E. Frederlch Prop EXCHANGE trio Light Sussex, 15 months, Majsty strain, for trio 'lymouth Rocks. 174 Lutwyche load. Windsor.

C pies. Rfng U4175. n OLDEN Cocker puppies, cham UTpion strain, 9 weeks old. ideal tun dog or pet. Inspection Invited. Vynnum 914. IRISH Setter Puppies, prize win ning stock. Sherwood Rd,, Roclt ea. JW1637. IRISH Setters: Puppies available by C.C.C. Champion 'Beaufort Fieldmaster.' Ex c.c.C. Champion 'Richmond Myall Lady,' suitable lor gun or show. Belschner, Roti brook Kennels, Woombye. Tel. 41. JLTANLY Hatchery, Moss Rd., WX Manly, XY4353. Red pullets, nth.. £2/8/ doz.; black and white nillcls, fortnight, £2/4/ doz.: day )ld pullets, £1/12/ dot; white cock srels, 8 weeks, £2 doz.; red and jlack to 3 weeks available. NOW Docking oraert 1UD3. M. H. Campbell and Sons. Albany Sreck. Phone Strathplne 64, POULTRY farmers, delivered to F. Cooks Abattoirs, Eagle Farm Road, cockerels 2/7 per lb., hem 1/11, ducks 2/1. For pick-up ar rangement* ring MW1070. ?pULLETS. E. and W.L.. crossbred, 17 3 months, £1 per pair, doten lots delivered Brisbane suburbs. PUG Dogs and Puppies, make real Xmas presents. Hurry, before they all go. Ma-Ha Kenneli. South aide, oymple. ? Q.P.S. MASHES NOW REDUCED IN PRICE. Hibiscus Laying Mash 33/9 per 1121b. bag. Hibiscus Growing Mash 33/6 cer

jijid. Dag. HIBISCUS SUPA-CHIK. Containing Antibiotics — 'Mydnj' contains ALL ingredients necessary to gives the perfect Chick Mash, PLUS revolutionary new American discovery — the antibiotics. For chicks (rom day-old to six weeks. Give startling results. Ask tor details. 1121b. bags 39/6 (10 bag lots less sixpence per bag). QUEENSLAND PASTORAL SUPPLIES. Bowen Street. B3131. SELL Poultry and Brooder sheds, two 1350 Multtplo electric tncu ?ators. chicks and growing stock. QELL 6 weeks old puppies, half O toxie. LM3261. QELL turkey eggs. Phone Roche O dale 37. SELL, welsh Corgi Bitch Pups. Sire. Scotby Master Tomboy. Dam, Colty Minx. 5 guineas. L. dc&ton. The Bridge, via Warwick. SELL Australorp and Crossbred pul lets, four months. Sampson, Simpsons Rd.. Bald Hills. SIX Australorp and Leghorns, lay ing, three pounds five. Ring XL3192. SELL pedigreed watchdog and ken nel. 48 Hocklngs St., Holland Park. QELL Multlplo Incubator, capacity O 1350. Ring Sandgate 486. CELL s-ve!k-old cockerels, black O and white. 4/ each. Ring LX3234 or apply 60 Evans Street. Kedron. CELL 3 months' old Cockerels. 13 O Burke St., Coorparoo, Satur day afternoon or Sunday morning. fliRIO Indian game, black and red, X pullets, bantams, muscovy ducks. Cheap. -92 Butterfleld Street. Hert 'VVANTED Dog Baskets, Terrier 'V size. DhvIcs, Acacia Ridge. JY3363. FURNITURE. MACHINES AUCTION every Tues., Futn.i Trade Unes. Wanted. Block sldge 4: Ferguson. Ltd.. 140/6 Ade laide Street. B3636. A. Olsen 4: Bell want all classes of furniture for their weekly auction. Ring L2036. ANY furniture you have to dis pose of, ring L2600. A. Wire mattresses rewired or re paired, your home. JW3229. BEDROOM Suite, 5 piece, unused, sell bargain price, terms may . be arranged. Phone quinn, B2784, offlco hours. Box 826L, O.P.O. . COT wanted, meat sate type. Ring FM3208. FOR Sale, contents 6 rooms of furniture. Inspection, J5586. FOR Sale. Silky oak wardrobe, three-quarter bed, single bed,

Ion duchess, largo bookcase, glass loors. hat rack, with mirror. XU3248. HEDLEY. SMITH. *: SONS, Period Furniture. 515 Stanley St. KEEP your furniture up to date. Trade In old for new. 'The llobe.' prompt Inspection. X3681. KEEN Prices, long term». 'The Globe.' stop 10. Stanley St., 3outh Brisbane. Complete Home furnishers. Trade-ins. X3681. KITCHEN Suite (cream), Hno, £10 lot. ii Bunya St., Green ilopes. lifoSQUITO nits, double bedspread, L-X lounge chairs. English Crown tea et and dinner set, elect rlo lamp, Ine lot gloss kitchen ware. Lobb, Jxford Terrace. Tarlnga. MATTRESSES rewired, same day service. McKenna, Melton Road, lorthgate. MU1045. MODERN dining-room and kit chen suite, carpets and re frigerator. 48 Ison Street, Mornlng MUST sell, lounge suite and mock fireplace, 4 months' old. JW2679, MODERN 7-pIece Kitchen Suits, £25: cot, £3. U4402. PfAMr, the world's oesl. the only 3ewlng Machine to carry lifetime luarantee Sews backwards and [orwards, darns, embroiders, etc. Portable electric £60/13/, lesa 30 p.c. lor cash, making nett price CMS/10/: alto beautiful oabltiet treadle and electric models. We trade In liny machine. EljOtilO motors fitted to old models, £13/10/. QUEENSLAND PASTORAL SUPPLIES. Bowen St. (opp. St. John's). B31S1. SELL Singer Machines, guaranteed, from 5/ weekly. Phone XW1403. SELL period lounge suite, new, single bed, complet*. silky oalt dining suite. Box C36. Courier-Mall. 8N1TH BROTHERS FURNITURE MART, . 6-13 Logan Road. Flvenajs, Woolloongabba.. J3659, J4129. Tram Stop 13. New Pine Linen Press .... £7 10 0 Upholstered Glory Box .... £5 10 0 Gas Copper ? £3 10 0 Gent. 's Bicycle ? £8 10 0 Werthelm Sewing Machine £5 0 0 3-Brush Tecnico Polisher .... £19 10 0 3-Burncr Kerosene Stove .... £1 19 0 Fitted Wardrobe Trunk .... £15 0 0 Crown Elevated Gas Stove .. £9 }0 0 Sell Singer reconditioned machines easy terms from £4 dep. FW34M SELL cedar chest drawers, Ivory kit. cabinet. 4ft. 4ln., £10: pol ished kit. cabinet. 3ft., £6. 27 3UEsex St., west End. SELL, 3 Chain Venetian Blinds, V drop. Ring M5880. QELL genuine Hills ot India Car O pet, 10' 6 x 9' 6, mushroom. 4 hills, circular carpets, 3ft dia meter, burgundy. Electrolus, model BS, floor polisher. Tel. X432O. CELL, round silky oak dining ~ table, six spring seat chairs, very (ood. £35. Telephone U1780. SELL Reinforced Wire Mattress, aa new. 72 McLean Parade. Ash jrove. CELL. Largo S.O. Lowboy, good O £0/10/. Tel. XU4I29. CELL privately, eight piece walnut O dining-room suite. Box D4, Courier-Mail. SELL, white Indian carpet-border, cash, fifty. Box C03, Courier S3ELL =,i kapok mattress. £6/15/, perfect condition. LU3386. SELL Modern Kitchen Cabinet, ex cellent condition, £14. Phon* FM5835. WANTED Buy Armchair Commode. Slate price, Box BOS, Courier Mall. Vi/ANTED. in Rood condition, single TV room furniture, large table, chairs, Ice chest, wireless, fuel cop per, blinds, curtains, lino. Prices lo Box CLX55. Courier-Mall. KX yds. coir runner, 33' wide, Oa£l. Box C50. Courier-Mall, ? DENTISTS ? A. W. GATES, Dental Surgeon, Meib. and Orey St., S.B. J3952. A LAN E. PORTER, Dentist. 334 JX George St.. Duncaife Chs. B763O. A ? D. MOSSOP, Surgeon Dentist, A National Mutual Bldg., Queen St. Full upper or lqwer sets, natural pink gums, translucent teeth from £6/6/; Gas extractions from 7/6. Immediate dentures from £2/2/. Re pairs from 10/6. B7256. A. G. CRA1N. 97 Adelaide Street, Imm. American plastic dentures, £10/10/. Repairs from 10/. B4837. pEORGE O. STEWART, Dental \X surgeon, McWhlrters' Emporium, Valley. Brunswick St. Ent. L1768. M ALLAN, WILLIAMS, 4; BA6H ? FORD, DENTISTS. 217 GEORGE STREET, BRISBANE.