Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Wednesday 10 December 1952, page 15

~ PUBLIC NOTICES TK THE HIGH COURT OF AUSI\HTAHL.A.RNgWTSOUTH WALKSCOURT COURT BOOK No. 22 nt 11)50. COURT BOOK No. 10 of 1091. COURT BOOK No. 34 of 1032. IN THE MATTER of Letters rs-tni gr.-nted to FARNSWORTII ?TELEVISION INCORPORATED, the rll'lLO0 TAYLOR 'fARNSWORTH, n-'mbcrcd 101006. for n charce storiit amplifier, numbered 101402 for r Inrlhod of and means for electron fmncc amplification nnd the like. numbered 100905 for Improvements la projecting oscll!lght3. nnmbered .no'iii for scanning current gencraii- rnd the like, numbered 100451 (or method, of and apparatus for providing anode current tor television rriroducing apparatus and the like, {ii'd ninr.bcrrd 100457 for a sennning EI,rt ►ynchroiilzliiB system. IN THE HATTER of the Patent? Act 1U03-10SC. IN THE MATTKil of three appllr lions bv FARNSWORTH TELEVISION INCORPORATED, l'ARNSWORTH TELEVISION & RADIO CORPORATION, alltl FAHNSWORTH J5ESKARCH CORPORATION for nn lilr 'said Letters Patent. Notice Is hereby Riven that FARNSVOHTH TELEVISION INCORPORATED. FARNSWORTH TELEVISION * RADIO CORPORATION, f'rt FARNSWORTH RESEARCH CORPORATION, whose addresses arc W Crocker Building. San Francisco, California. United States o[ America. '[ ' i {.plying to the HlKh Court of Australia. New South Wales Registry V' Svdncy. by OriuinatinK 3umjr.onscs that the terms of each of the obovcmcntloncd Letters Pr.tent msy hf extended under Section »4 '61 of 'the Patents Act 19031SW for a period of TEN YEARS f-r.m the date of explrrtton of the t-rm of each of the said. Patents. \nd noticr Is further given that the bearing of the said Originating SummiiiftJ has hecn fixed for the SltV~^ of the said Court appointed to commence at Sydney on the 26th day of March. 1353. and thf t on the Ijranns of the suld OriBinatlnB Summonses all such Originating Summonses shall be heard together. Caveats - giving an address for service within two miles of the acneis! Po.-; Office. Sydney), must be rnirrcd nt least fourteen days prior ?n Hie 26th dry of March. 1053. nt tht New South Wales Registry of the mid Hl?h Court- at the Court House, narllnchurst. Service of nil documents or proceedings of whntsofver nature upon the said Fnrnsi-orili Television Incorporated. Furnrworth Television A: Radio Corrnratlon. and Farnsworth Research Co^porMlon may be made at the office nf the undersigned nt No. 61! Km! Streel. Sydney. Dated this 5th day of November, K'2' THOMAS JOSEPH PURCELL. EnMcltor for Farnsworth Television Incorporated. Farnsworth Television i- Radio Corporation, nnd Farns.trorth Research Corporation. ?VJOTICE TO MARINERS j- No. 11 of ID62. AUSTRALIA — EAST COAST — MORETON BAY. PILE LIGHTHOUSE — BRISBANE RIVER ENTRANCE. Notice Is hereby Riven that the dtnlls '! llsht shown on Notice to Mariners No. 10 have been amended Details 'of Light: Flashing every three seconds with ? white and red sector thus— Flash 0.3 seconds Eclipse 2.7 «ecWhl-e from 155deg.T to 371dog.T. Red from 271dcR.T to 155deg.T. R. MASTERMAN, Portmaster, Dtpi. of Harbours and Marine, nrilSBANE. 8th December, 1952. QUEENSLAND RAILWAYS. ALTERATION TRAIN SERVICE, SOUTH BRISBANE-MANLY- CLEVELAND COMMENCING SATURDAY. 13th DECEMBER, the 8.55 a.m. Rail Motor. Manly to Cleveland on Saturdr.s will leave Manly at 8.49 a.m., arrive Cleveland 9.26 a.m. COMMENCING MONDAY. 15th DECEMPER, the 7.7 p.m. train Manly to Fr.jth Brisbane. Mondays to Prl. lit-.-j. will leave Manly at 6.57 p.m.. nrrive South Brisbane 7.43 p.m. Fur!V.r particulars may be nbtalnrvj from S'atlon-masters. J. L. E, LIN* OAHO. Fpcretnry.

PUBLIC NOTICES AUSTRALIAN nED . CRO3S SOCIETY — QUEENSLAND DIVISION. Fleiult of 'Pair Nylon Stocklnes' Raffle, drawn 1st December, 1962. Winner, Mrs. C. Klrkpntrlck. Thorrold St., Wooloowln. Ticket No 17151. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE PREVIOUS TO ADMISSION AS A BARRISTER.— I hereby notify that I Intend to upply nt the Ensuing Slttlnus of the Full Court to be Admitted as a Barrister of the Supremo Court of Queensland. STUHOESS. Desmond Gordon. 217 Eklbin Road. Annerley. Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor of Law. studentnt-lnw. Dated this ElBhth day ot December. 1052. D. a. STURGESH. TENDERS BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICITY. Tenders, appropriately endorsed, arn invited nnd will be received by tho undersigned ud to 12 Noon on FRIDAY. 30th JANUARY. 1953, for— CONTRACT No E20/52. P.V.C. COPPER CABLE Copies ot Sneclficatlons may be obtained from the Chief Engineer and Mnnnser. Department- nf Electricity. Keivlti Hour.e. Adelaide Street. Brisbane. ON AND AFTER. MONDAY. UiTH DECEMBER. 1952. at a co-l of 10. G !-cr i;opy. The lowest or nny tender not Tenders will b; ' opened In the Council Chambers Immediately after .7. C. SLAUGHTER. Town Clerk. CHINCHILLA SHIRE COUNCIL. CHINCHILLA WATER SUPPLY. TENDERS are Invited, and will be received b/ the underticned for — Contract 6C— Reinforced Concrete Pump. well. etc. Contract in— Concrete Weir. Further details nnd Plans and Specifications arc available at the office of W. J. Relnhold. Consulting Engineer, 371 Queen Street, Brisbane. Deposit: Contract 6C. 30/ per set. and Contract 10, £3 per set. Tenders, enclosed In scaled envelopes, suitably endorsed and accompanied by a deposit equivalent to one per cent, of the amount of the tender, are lo be In the hands of the Consulting Engineer not later than 5 p.m. on the 3rd day of Feb., 10f3. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. W. VILLIERS, Shire Clerk. Chinchilla Shire Council, Chinchilla. DALBY TOWN COUNCIL. ELECTRIC SUPPLY DEPARTMENT. Fresh Tenders are Invited for and will be. received up to Noon on Janunry 10th, 1953, for:— CONTRACT 69/51— COAL ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT. Speculations may be obtained from the office of the Consulting Engineers. A. E. Axon and Associates. 127 Eagle Street, Brisbane, to whom tenders, scnlcd and endorsed, are to be delivered. Neither the lowest nor any tender will necessarily be ncceptcd. H. E. THORLEY. Town Clerk. TO BUILDERS., TENDERS are Invited for the Erection of EXTENSIVE ADDITIONS and RENOVATIONS to . TWO BLOCKS OF TENEMENTS, each containing (7) Tenements, at the corner of BOUNDARY AND BROWNING STREETS, STH. BRISBANE. Plans and Specification!! may be obtained at the office of the Architects. PH. B8002. Tenders close at Noon on Monday, 32nd December. 1052. CAVANAGH -fc CAVANAGH, Architects and Valuators. 240 Queen Streel, Brisbane.

TENDERS cl]Tenders^nro invited for the purm'i'.*'? J2), Ollly Blackstono Lister ?215'!^nB1lr6boTl85rBPVMaiu or bpcclUcntlnn No. 201MB. Enmne Nos. 4fi7DD nnd 46315. ? boxes s''nl'K and complete with gear Two (2) only Prnpellors and Shafts for abovcnicnttoncd engines. One in nnly Ruston Hornsby Auxiliary Generator. 110V. trS'C i,},' Jiniy mv ''i 'p- ElK' AC. A Wlndl''- m.inutaclured by hoN''-t Each of these enclnej has been run lor less than 1500 hours. Locntlon: Port Moresby. Papua. Inspection; By appointment with iho Olflcer-in-Chargc. Marine Branch, Port Moresby. ,, Ills equipment is offered on an as Is where Is' basis nnd no -vnr-satisfy himself as to condition ,»Mifhcst 'r /ny tcntl(;r not nccesi-nrlly accepted.Tenders Tenders close nt 4.00 p.m. on 'hursdny. 22,lrt .January, 1953. rv iaJ,'id J°ildnrs mnrkctl 'Engines ex Laurnbadn.' to he addressed to, A. L. A. de GROEN, Board'rman' Tentlors 'nd Disposals Department of tho Treasury PORT MORESBY, PAPUA. THE STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND. TENDERS are Invited on bchnlf of £C ,u»rcaldine Shire Council for l-f followl'in: SPECIFICATION No. 3-1: The Prcparntlons of Consumers' Instnllutlons nt Bnrcaldlne tor Connection to A.C. Supply. Specifications. Tender Forms, nnd full jietnlls arc available for Inspcctloii at, and may be obtained from the Office of The State Electricity Commission. Brisbane, by the payment of 10/0 lor the first copy nnd 5' for each nddltlunnl copy. The cost of the first copy will be refunded upon receipt of n bonn fide I endcr. Sealed Tenders, which must be endorsed as specified, will be received nt the Office or The State F.n.C rlciity C(lmml«l™. Scottish Union House, Ea?le Street, Brisbane yPS3'° 3 p.m. on 14th JANUARY. The lowest, or any Tender not necessarily accepted. O. D. LEE, Secretary. THE STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND. SPECIFICATION No. 332. BOILER FEED WATER PUMPS— MACKAY CITY COUNCIL. Tenderers under the above specification are advised that the closing date of this specification has been extended to 3 o.m. on 11th March, a. D. LEE. Secrctnry. TENDERS arc- Invited for the ERECTION nnd COMPLETION of a MONASTERY (Brick and Ttmfc-r Construction), near L-:irra. Plans. Specifications, etc.. may on obtained from the undersigned, ti whom Tenders are to be delivered, not later iSffi.iV-n' PRIDAY- Deccmtcr FRANK L. CULLEN, F.R.A.I.A., Architect. 64S Ann Street, Brisbane. THE STATE ELECTRICITY COM. MISSION OF QUEENSLAND. SPECIFICATION No. 328. BOILER FEED WATER PUMPS— CAPRICORNIA. TOWNSVILLE. AND WIDE BAY-BURNETT REGIONAL ELECTRICITY BOARDS. Tenderers under the above specification arc advised that the closing date of this specification has been extended to 3 D.m. on 11th March, 1053. G. D. LF.E. Secretary.

TENDERS ? DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY. TENDERS, as under, will be received up lo 1 p.m. on the dates indicated nt the Office of the Secretary; District Contract Board, 2nd Floor, Coronation House. 113 Edward street, Brisbane, from whom Tender Forms and further particulars may he obtained, SUPPLY OF: 11th December, 1952: KNIVES. COOKS; ELECTRIC CABLE; UNIFORMS. TWILL GREEN: REMOVAL OF FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. GOOND1WIND1 TO MASCOT; FLOOR POLISH AND PAINT; CARTONS CARTRIDGES, .30.1.12th 12th December, 1052: PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES AND CHEMICALS. ? 16th December, 1952: BOXES, STEEL, A.S.A. 11.50 M.K.I; HAND TOOLS: RADIO RELAY SET: C.A.V. DIESEL FUEL PUMPS: ELECTRIC WELDING SETS; GABARDINE FOR RAINCOATS; SOAP, CLEANSING POWDERS. ETC.. HARD SOAP; TIPS, HEEL AND TOE; SHIRTS AND COLLARS; FAWN, WOMEN'S; FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: MOTOR CYCLE AND SIDE CAR FOR DEPT. NAVY. 18th December. 1052: BOXES transporting m.204; mki: relay; test set; tools and gauges; boxes, asa ii 51, mki; medical stores; resin vinyl proofed fabrics: service biscuits; boxes m 212, mki. m215, mki: battery banks; rubber insertion sheet; badges, embroidered. 19th December. 1952: BROWN PAPER DURING PERIOD 1.1.53 to 30.6.5:1. 15th January, 1[-53: FLARES GROUND WARNING MK3. ELECTRIC CABLE; MOTOR CUTTERS 25ft: DINGHIES 16ft. 20th January. 1953: BOXES. STEEL M.104 MKI: IGNITER PERCUSSION. ASSEMBLEDDEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPLY OF 11th December, 1052: MANPORTABLE HF TRANSMITTER/ RECEIVER B51I. 20th January, 1953: A. A. FIRK CONTROL TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF: 19th December. 1952: GRASSCUTTING EQUIPMENT DURING PERIOD 1.1.53—31.12.1953. SALE OF: 11th December. 1952: INSTRUCTIONAL AIRCRAFT/A1RFRAMESAND AND ENGINES LOCATED AT TECHNICAL COLLEGE, WAGGA. N.S.W. 12th December, 1952: PRATT A: WHITNEY AIRCRAFT ENGINE SPARES. LOCATED AT R.A.N. AIR STORE DEPOT. BUNDOCK ST.. RANDWICK, N.S.W. 16th December. 1052: PROCTOR AIRCRAFT AND SPARES. LOCATED AT R.A.A.F. BASE, SQUADRON PT. COOK. 19th December. 1952: LIBERATOR AIRCRAFT. LOCATED AT R.A.A.F. STATION. TOCUMWAL; GEAR HOBBING MACHINE. LOCATED AT LITHGOW SMALL ARMS FACTORY. 20th Jnnuary. 1053: SCRAP BRASS. LOCATED AT NORTIIF.RN COMMAND AMMUNITION t DEPOT. ASHGROVE. TENDERS are invited for tho construction of 8.1 chains of gravel road on the Rcdcllffe Peninsula. Plan nnd specifications are available at the office of WILLMORE & RANDELL. 454 Queen St.. or WEBB & WEBB. Solicitors. Rcdcliffc. Tenders close on the 23rd day ot December, 1952. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.THE THE STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND. Tenders are Invited on behalf of tho Lonsrcach Shire Council lor the following :-SPECIFICATION NO. 370. ELECTRIC METERS. SPECIFICATIONS, TENDER FORMS, and full details arc available for Inspection at the Office of The State Electricity Commission, BRISBANE; the Queensland Government Liaison Ofilccr, 4th Floor, 61 Hunter Street. SYDNEY: the Queensland Government Liaison Officer, 485 Bourke street. MELBOURNE; and mny be obtnlned from The Stnte Electricity Commission by the payment of 10/6 for the first copy nnd 5/ for each additional copy. The com of the first copy will be rclundnl upon receipt of a bona fide tender. Scaled tenders, which must be endorsed as specified, will be received ut the Office of Tne State Electricity Commission. Scottish Union House. Encle Street. Brlsbnne, up to 3 p m. on 28th January, 1953. The lowest or any tender not necciiniily accepted. G. D. LEE. Secretary. CLASSES AND TUITION A BUDGE'S COM. COLLEGE. 3ii Queen St. Individual tuition nil com.- subjects. B5273. V MODERN MOTORS SCHOOL. ./Il complete tuition in car drlviue. traffic regulations, and road courlosy, 306 Ann St. B5566. B8307. A Nunn A; Trlvett's College, i\ s li md-typ., Eng., arlth., b'klng. day, even. 125 Ocorge Street (opp. Lxccutlve Buildings). B9520. AT Stott's Business College, 200 Adelaide Street. Sht.. typing. bkkK., etc.. day or even. K. H. S. Kerr. F.I.C.A. ACCOUNTANCY as a CAREER— Hundreds of young men enter business organisations every year to work their way to the top positions along the route of Accountancy. Assure your future career. Commence training NOW under the H.R.I. Personal-Individual Method. Free particulars fromHEMINGWAY HEMINGWAY ROBERTSON INSTITUTE. 69b Nat. Mut. B'g. 293 Queen St.. B A Elizabeth Burke. Atcherlcy Hotel. Private Tuition. Shorthand. Typing B0301.A A . bTOTT'S POSTAL COURSE. ^V accountancy, bookkeeping, shorthand typing, sketching, showxards. English, arithmetic, story writing, motor, radio, dlcscl. etc. Write Stotl's College. 202 Adelaide Street. A CCOUNTANCY. tuition given by -cv cxp irienccd public accountant, success gunrrnteed. Llghthand and Donaldson Pty.. Ltd.. 319 Queen St.. Brlsbine. BRISBANE Engn'g. Acad. CorresCourses, Govt. Mach. Dept.. Engs., engine-drivers, inspectors. A & B grade motor mechanics exams Teachers' Bldg.. Box 197C. G.P.O. BANIO-MANDOLIN. personal tuition. Brisbane Music Academy. 246A George St. CAHILL'S Motor Driving School. 9J George Street. Phone B0505. CENTRAL SCHOOL OF MOTORING ensures driving proficiency in one week. Immediate nppointmen's 179 Ann St. (opposite Canbcrrnl, B5261. after hrs. LM20S1. riAIl DRIVING TUITION by Dual V / Control Driving School, 99 Stanlev bt Ph. J6807, aft. hrs. XLU42. DRFSSCUTTING. Making, etc. Cut bf Tape Measure Only. Thorough Private Tuition. ? MODERN DESIGNERS' ACADEMY.' King House. Queen Street. B'JOIO. j^URNITURE making classes for J u oincn daily — tools, materials provided. Polvtechnlc. ,14526. GUITAR Personal tuition. Brtsbinc Music Academy. 246A Geoifce Street, City. IF habits beat, lenrn F.A.Y. Alb. H..C. B4685. Polyglot. MOUTH organ, personnl tuition, Brlsbnne Music Academy. 246A Oeorec Street. MECHANICAL Courses rcvenlnff). for car owners, men and women. Polvtechnlc. J4526. OLIVE BEHAN MILLlKhRY COLLEGE, prhnic tuition. Rlntf U4863 TRADE training, fitting and turning, electric and oxy welding, woodwork, motor mechanics, commercial art, ticket writing, day and evening. Polytechnic. Grey St.. Sth BrlsbMle. J4526. ?\7-IOLIN. Helen Brown. Martin V Chambers, opposite Roma Street Station. J3605. ? PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONFIDENTIAL typing, duplicating, specifications, prompt, efficient service. Miss C. McCrlndle. 104 Eagle Street. B8009. CALCULATING service. Casual calculating work, stock Eheets, extensions, etc. Skilled operators provided with machines If required. Accuracy guaranteed. Control Systems (A'asla). Pty., Ltd.. 103 Elizabeth Street. Phone B3561. MUNROS speedy same day service for copying. Keen rates. Helndorff Use., next Regent Theatre. Phone B9332. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CO A.M. P. Bldg.. for typing, duplication. Mall order work. B0321. RENTS COLLECTED by n most capable and efficient service. Consult MAGEE k ROBINSON, of over ?0 years' business evperlence For further particulars. Adelaide Chambers, Adelaide St., City. B8732. B3184. ? PLANS, SURVEYING PLANS. Specifications. PROPERTY SERVICE CLINIC. 158 Roma St.. Brisbane. B4226. PLANS. specifications, 4iouse, shops, factory, permits obtained. B6180. J2244. ? TAXATION CONSULTANTS ARTHUR ED. SOANES. Civic Building, Queen St. B4357. AGENCIES, PARTNERSHIPS A '/a Share ICE RUN. CITY AREA ONLY. Nctts £30 wk. each. Price £600. H. F. PAICE & CO. IR.E.I.Q.), 233 Albert St. Ph. B0227. Have you tried this column for your advertisement? All you have to do Is to Ring FA0111 and ask for 'Classified ' Ads.' We do the rest— and you pay when you. come to town. Country readers! Send us your advertisement: We will Insert It and send you an account.

? POSITIONS VACANT ? .__ ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE . Incorporated by Royal Charter A.D.I720. Due to steady expansion of Its Interests, applications are Invited for the Following Progressive Appointments : CITY & SUBURBAN INSPECTOR, FIRE CLERK, ACCIDENT CLERK. Applicants, who should apply in the Ilrst place by letter to the ,ind-,rs!;ncd. must possess technical experience; only ambitious, progressive men under 30 years of age need apply. Generous salary according lo qualification!. Non-contributory pension scheme tretlrement at 60). INTEGRITY PROGRESS SECURITY. -Applications are also Invited for 2 (H-ol Male Junior Clerks. Good educational standard essential. All Applications Treated Confidentially. E. H. COLE. . . Manager for Queensland. 7*-'6 Eagle Street, Brisbane.

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A Specialty Selling CAREER WITH A REAL FUTURE? If You Are. and Your Age is between 26 and 35, asR yourself theso questions. 1. Does your present Job offer you the means for training and self development? 2. Docs It five you clear-cut propects for advancement according to your ability? .1. Does It give you the opportunity to achieve what you want In money, position and state of mind? It you cannot answer these questions satisfactorily, decide:— —Have you Good General Educa—Have you Good Appearance nnd Presentation? —Have you the Ability to Express yourself clearly? —Arc you prepared to undergo s period ot Intensive training? —Arc you able to Interview Retall Business Owners? —Do you want a position In n soundly established Company whoso product is In universal use throughout most businesses nnd commcrcinl orgnnslntlons? A secure position offering excellent conditions and sound Superannuation Plan? It you would like furlhe.- particulars, apply in writing, giving telephone number, it any, to Box CD04, Courier-Mail. pTlTcatiONS are fnvucd~To~r position of Secretary to Manager of a large retail store In northwestern New South Wales. Applicant must be fully qualified ShorthandTypist. Excellent salary, conditions, Apply Manager. A. C. Reid 4: Co., Pty.. Ltd.. MOREE. A COMPETENT INVOICE TYPIST}' Required by A. O. HEALING. LTD., 303 Adelaide Street. AN EFFICIENT FEMALE CLERK for Filing and General Olllcc Duties required by A. O. HEALING. LTD.. 303 Adelaide St. AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS. Two Fully Qualified all round men required for modern south-western Garasc. top wages and good conditions. Apply either by letter or personally to Motor Supplies, Limited. Perry Street. Brisbane. A CTIVE Youths wanted, without * J- previous boxing experience, for Novice Boxing Trial Bouts. Apply Stadium. To-morrow (Thursday} Night. 7. .in o'clock. ? ACCOUNTING Machine Operator Smart. Intelligent Accounting Machine Operator Required for Our Accounting Machine Division Relieving Work. Personal Application to MR. R. HAMILTON, BUSINESS EQUIPMENT (Q'LD.), PTY., LTD., R.A.C.Q. Buildings, 460-4 Queen Street. ACCOUNTANTS Qualified Accountant, below 30, required as Assistant to Chief Accountant of British Company operating m the Far East. Some knowledge ol Costing and Mechanised Accountmn desirable. Preferably single. but married candidates will be considered. Commencing salary, Including variable high cost of living, between approximately £AI440 und £A1810 per annum (plus £A704 II married), according to qualifications and experience. Provident Fund, lrce furnished quarters. Applications, with full details experience, qualifications, and earliest date available toManaging Director.HONG HONG KONG TELEPHONE Compnny. Limited, by Air Mail. SCHAM SCHOOL. Darling Point, N.S.W. Applications are Invited from u Mistress qualified to take In the lowest Secondary School. Physics and Chemistry as an Introduction to Biology, and either Geography or Mathematics: with Hygiene and Physiology lor u Senior nou-cxamiuatlou group. The appointment could be u part-time one. Further particulars may be obtained from the Headmistress' Secretnry. ' A A. LEDGER CLERK for light A machine postings. experience necessary. good condition. Apply personally. Q'ld. Cereal Industries. Cercvlte. 395 Montague Road. South Brlsbnne. .12187. A . Wanted man. country auctlonZ\-cerlng. machinery agency, own car. Interview Brisbane 17th. Apply, all credentials. R. Shelswell, c/Mb its. Tank St., Brisbane. Bookkeeper— Cashier EXPERIENCED SENIOR GIRL. Required for Permanent Position In Large Organisation. Must be capable handling all Banking and Keeping Cash Books. Ring ACCOUNTANT, L2701, For Appointment. BOOKKEEPER Required, Keep set of books, Engineering firm. State qualifications. Salary required. Box 710K, G.P.O. RITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION have Vacancies for PILOTS. Successful Applicants will be enBaged on worldwide service, but under normal circumstances will be based in London. Applicants must not be over 30 years of age. Flying experience on large twin or four-cnglncd aircraft, preferably engaged on route flyIng, essential. Minimum qualifications British Commercial Pilot's Licence. Instrument Rating and R/T Licence, but Australian or New Zealand equivalents will be accepted subject to conversion within reasonable time. Qualifications higher than minimum will be expected ol applicant's approahclng age limit. Commencing salary as Second Officer £815 p.a. (sterling}— £A1022, plus superannuation benefits, subject to qualifications. Apply by air mall letter giving fullest details direct to the Chief Personnel Officer, B.O.A.C. Airways House. Great West Road. Brentford Middlesex. T)URROUGHS ACCOUNTING MAJ-- CHINE OPERATOR REQUIRED Excellent salary mid conditions. Apply Co-operative Insurance Co.. 436 Queen street, or ring B2566. BOILERMAKER-WELDER. The C.O.R., Ltd., has a vacancy on construction Job at Whinstanes. Experience must Include oxy and electric welding. Apply Personnel Officer, 3rd Floor, A.M.P. Building, cnr. Edward and Queen Streets. /1HARTRES LIMITED advise that V-/ they have a limited number of vacancies for students desirous of training as Remington Accounting Machine Operators. Day and Night Classes commence early In the New Year. For full particulars apply to Miss Winning, Chortres Limited, 256-278 Wlckhum Street, Valley. Brisbane. Telephone L4651. I^UTTER and Tailor for front shop Kj with selling experience in tailoring. Apply Claude Robertson. 233A Adelaide Street, opp. Anzac Square CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY rc' quired for Company Manager, good wages for success! ul applicant Apply Commonwealth Employment Service, cnr. Stanley and Peel Sts., South Brisbane.

COLONY OF FIJI. BIOCHEMIST SALARY: £F800 to £F1300, according to qualifications and cxicrlcnce. plus temporary cost ol living allowance of 10 per cent, ol salary. Partly furnished Government quarters may be available, and in such case rent at the rate ol 10 per cent, of salnry Is payable bj appointee, plus 3 per cent. In addition on salary in excess of £F1200 a year. £F100 equals £111 Australian. PASSAGES: Free first-class passages not exceeding 4 adult, fares arc, provided on first nppolntmcnt. and on leave not more than 3 adult lares arc paid. LEAVE: Appointee will be eligible for leave lit the rnte ot 4 days loi every completed month ol service niter a 4 year tour of service. When sniary exceeds £F1000 n yonr leave will be at the rate of 5 days for every completed month of service and^ win then be taken after every PENSION: Port Is pensionable DUTIES: The officer will be concerned with biochemical research and general analytical duties In connection with animal nutrition and pasture improvement. QUALIFICATIONS: An honour desreo in chemistry or Its equivalent (with particular reference to biochemistry) as required for the Colonial Agricultural Service PostGrsdunte experience In biochemistry, is deslrnble. Application forms nvnllable from FIJI Government Agents, Box 1624. G.P.O... Sydney. No correspondence will bo entered into with anyone on nny subject except regarding the above vacancy. fiOLLIERY ELECTRICIAN' Kj A vacancy exists for a certificated Colliery Electrician at the Quc'enslnnd'' M'le' Col''sv'lc. Tins mine nt present Is being fullj equipped with modern large capacity mechanised equipment to a value ol £420,000. The equipment comprises 42' M. and C. trunk conveyors, B.J.D. fnce conveyors, 'Jcf-Ircy' coal cutting loading machines, nnd 'Joy' dlcsel shuttle cars. The succcsstul applicant will be engaged under the terms of the Coillery stall Award and be provided with a free residence, light, and lucl. and hnvc his Inrcs pnld. and furniture and personal cffccti transported In nccordnnce with the Public Service scnlc. A talnry in excess of the Colliery Stall Award will be considered loi applicants with prior experience ana knowledge of 'Jeffrey' or other modern mining equipment. Applications, stating age, experience, and qualifications, with copies of references, are to bo addressed to A. Llghtloot. General Manager, state Coal Mines, Department ol Mines, Brisbane. Applications will close on 24th December. 1D52. CARPENTERS wanted. Apply, on Job. to-dny. dlbbs. next door Fire Station, Surlers' Paradise. /?lOMPEl'ENT senior stenographer \J required by pastoral group. Good conditions, no Snlurdny work. Apply with references to Marlon Downs Pty.. Ltd.. 185 Mary Street. Brisbane. E. G. EAGER As SON,- PTY., LTD., Require SENIOR STENOGRAPHER, Permanent position, 5-dny week. Apply Personnel Officer, 85 Breakfast Creek Road. Newstead. Phone L0M1. LECTRICIAN. fully quallllcd Electrician required lor our Tentcrflcld Meat Works, permanent position for suitable applicant, accommodation available tor single man. Apply. In writing, TANCRED BROTHERS PTY.. LTD., 713 Darling Street. Rozelle. N.S.W. EXPERIENCED furniture salesman required, good wascs and conditions. Lowes Home Furnishers, 186 Wlckham Street, Valley. EXPERIENCED Clerk Receptionist for city hotel. Apply Box CLT67. Courier-Mail. IJiXPERT Rouleaux Maker tor model il/ Frocks wanted. part-time, by lending factory. Phone J2MI. EXPERIENCED manageress, for exclusive fashion salon, excellent prospects. Start now or January. Box CLT8I. Courier-Mall. EXPERIENCED STATION BOOKKEEPERS |2) required lor N.W. cattle stations: single men only: salary excess awnrd. Apply with relcrences to Australian Estates. Brisbane. GARAGE foreman, tor working evening shift. Apply GarageManager, George Tickle & Company, 407 Stanley St., South Brisbane. Have you tried this column for your advertisement? All you have to do Is to Ring FA0111 and ask for 'Classified Ads.' We do the rest— and vou pay when you come to town. Country readers! Send us your advertisement: We will Insert it and send you an account. OTEL Manager and wife, capable supervising house, required for Brisbane hotel, previous experience not essential If other qualifications satlstactory, excellent salary pnd opportunity. Apply Box CR92. Courier-Mail. HOYT3 REGENT THEATRE Requires the services of 2nd year Assistant Operator, permanent position; good salary and conditions suitable persons. Apply Chief Projectionist. Regent Theatre. Wednesday, after 9 a.m. TNSURANCE. Applications are In1. vited by the Phoenix Assurance Co.. Ltd., for the position of ReInsurance Clerk. Phone B3171 lor appointment. f 1NOTYPE Operator wanted, good Li wages and conditions. 4pply Qymplc Times Pty.. Ltd. LEADING Handbag Manufacturers require a competent and energetic Representative to trke up duties in the New Year. Applicants must have sood record, ability, and connection with buyers. Business is established, and only requires representative with mod personality to maintain and extend business relations. Applications must set out complete record and qualifications and be accompanied by copies or references. Apply Box 2068X. G.P.O.. Brisbane. ? MOUNT MORGAN. LIMITED. . ELECTIUC WINCH DRIVERS. Experienced electric winch drivers, must possess Mines Department special winding licence, for electric winches powered by electric motors up to 75 h.p., or with general winding licence. Please state certificate number and accommodation required. .Apply by letter or In person to GENERAL MANAGER. MOUNT MORGAN. LIMITED. Mount Morgan, Q. OTOR MECHANICS. . Major Motor Company has permanent and well pnid position!, available tor skilled men. Modern workshops nnd equipment. Excellent opportunities for advancement. Superan. benefits, etc. Applications strictly confidential. Apply Box CLT84. Courier-Mall. NORTHERN Representative required, with hcp.dquarters at Townsvillc, must have knowledge paper, stationery, nnd kindred lines. Application, by letter, to Edwards Dunlop fc Company, Limited. Edward Street, Brisbane. NORTHERN RIVERS COUNTY COUNCIL. ASSISTANT MECHANICAL ENGINEER. Applications are Invited for the position of Assistant Mechanical Engineer to be stationed at Grafton for duties principally in connection with tho construction of extension lo a Steam Power Station. Salary £1031/16/ on a haslc wage of £11/17/. Applicants should possess n Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent us well ns suitable previous c\ perlence. Applicants should give detnlls of nge, mnrltal status, health. War Service (If nnyl. qualifications, and previous experience.Applications Applications will be received by the undersigned up to the loth January, 1953. The provisions of the Reestablishment and Employment, Act, 1045. will be observed in mnklng the appointment. CHAS. M. SEYMOUR. County Clerk, Box 5. P.O.. Ornfton. ? PLUMBER LABOURER. We have a Position for a Man as Assistant Labourer to our Plumber, Experienced men only need apply. Good wages and conditions, WILLIAM ARNOTT MORROW PTY., LTD., 83-107 Coronation Drive. AINTERS wanted, some spray painting experience advantage. permanent positions for energetic workers. Ring FA1336.

POSITIONS VACANT PRINTING. PROOF READER required by leading Brisbane PrintIng House, capable man with full Jobbing experience. Oood conditions and permanent employment for suit, able applicant. Apply Box CJ52, Sourlcr-Mail. PANEL-BEATER, first class trndesJ. man, required tor repair work. Apply 3M Stanley Street, South Brisbane. RADIO Electrical Salesman required to handle finest quality soods. Including Radlola. Hoover. Silent Knight, nnd Kclvinator. etc., in country areas. P.O. Box 42. Oymple. REMINGTON ACCOUNTING MACHINE. Experienced Operators required. Apply in first instance to Miss Winning. Chartrcs Limited. 256 Wlckham Street, Valley. Telephono ? REMINOTON ACCOUNTING MACHINE OPERATOR. Applications are Invited from First, cinss Remington Accounting Machine Operator*. This Is a gooa opportunity for an Experienced Girl. Apply ORAZCOS CO-OPERATIVE LTD.. Cnr. Adelaide and Creek Sis. B8721. STENOGRAPHER. Applications are invited lor a position on our staff as a Senior Stenographer. Excellent, position in modern offices, with staft benefits and no Saturday work. Apply HARRISONS RAMSAY, PTY.. LTD.. G.P.O. Box 645J, or Telephone FA1756, Accountant. SALESMAN. Applications are Invited from young men, 24-20 years old. Holding at least Junior Certificate, to fill a vacancy on our Selling Staff. For further details CYCLONE CO. OF AUST., LTD.. Box 55, Rocklea East. ALESMAN required, visit business houses, new process duplicating, comm. basis, local man preferred. Phone B6826. SHEET METAL PANEL-BEATER required, used to new work. Apply Stanley Motors. 314 Stanley Street. South Brisbane. STENOGRAPHER required for Advertising Dcpt. of city Printing and publishing House, must be compctcnt and experienced In correspondence and filing. Interview Advertising Manager, Jackson & O'Stilllvan Pty.. Ltd., 304 Queen Street. Brisbane. SMART reliable senior required, shift work. Grlffos. Albert St. SHIRE OF WALGETT. TYPISTE-STENOGRAPHER. ? Applications are invited from persons In pessession ol the New South Wales Intcrmcdlnto Certificate, or Its equivalent, and will be received by the undersigned up till 12 midnight, Saturday. 27th December. 1952. for the position of Typiste to this Council. Preference will be given to persons hnvlng shorthand experience, although this Is not essential. Salnry in accordance with award, nt present £598 per annum. Applicants nrc requested to forwnrd copies only of references and to stnte ace. experience, nnd earliest date duties could be commenced. R. H. JOPLINO. Shire. Cleric. Council Chambers, Wnlgett, N.S.W.. 3/12/1952. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT. DEPARTMENT OF MINES. RADIUM HILL PROJECT REQUIRE A Drilling Foreman Experienced man to supervise dinmond drilling rigs in Radium Hill Also Diamond Drillers Several experienced diamond drillers are required to use Departmental rles. In both positions overtime is available, and In addition drillers are pnld a footago bonus for coro District allowance is paid in addition to wages and bonus In both positions. Mcssinc and accommodation for single men only. Write to-day to: THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICER. Department of Mines. Fifth- Floor. Education Bulldlnc 31 Flinders street, ADELAIDE. S.A. SUPERVISORS AND FOREMEN for large civil engineering project, must be nblc. alert, conscientious, experienced nnd keen. Good money nnd good prospects to the right men. Apply in writing, with copies of references, to Farley -t Lewers Pty., Ltd.. 58 Young Street. Sydney. SWITCHBOARD attendants required hy Yellow Cnb Coy. Ring J1234: 9-10 n.m. only. ? ' SOUTH JOHNSTONE SUGAR. MILL. VACANCY FOR BOILERMAKER, With, cxperienco on Locomotive Boilers, also knowledge B. and W. Boilers desirable, but latter not essential. W. RICHARDSON. Manager. The Broken Hill , PROPRIETARY, a ' COMPANY, LIMITED (Incorporated In the Stats ot Victoria). ' IRON AND STEEL WORKS. NEWCASTLE. N.S.W.. WANTED Boilermakers. WITH MARKING OFF EXPERIENCE. full accommodation available lor SINGLE ADULTS ONLY. Apply In writing, stating full Particulars of age, experience, to THE MANAGER.' Box 196. Post Office NEWCASTLE. 2N. THE MILLAA MILLAA CENTRAL TABLELAND CO-OP. BUTTER ASSN.. LTD., INNISFAIL BRANCH, N. QLD. Applications from qualified und experienced Milk and Cream Testers and Graders for the position ol FOREMAN AT THE INNISFAIL MILK PASTEURISATION PLANT, are invited. Wages £14 per week, with overtime rates over 40 hours. Experience with A.P.V. Plate Heat exchangers an advantage, but not essential. Applications, with copies nf references, close with the undersigned, at Innisfnll, on 27th December, 1952. A. SEALY. Manager. rpHE. J. R. WATKINS COMPANY Is X desirous of appointing Authorised Dealers for well established rounds In thb Metropolitan area. Over 125 Fast Selling Household necessities. Excellent opportunities tor selected applicants'. Experience not essential. Car or Panel Van an advantage. Any Industrious man Interested In conducting a profitable business ot his Dwn, call or write. The Sales Manager. 103 Mary street. Brisbane. TIMBER Salesman, also Orderman, Applications are invited from persons having knowledge of coastal hardwoods for the above positions in connection with sales of rough and dressed, from our North Coast mills Apply, stating particulars of experience, age, etc., to Secretary, QueensInnd Industries, 447 Gregory Terrace, Brisbane. WANTED. Competent Workshop Foreman, able appraise and estimate for old established Pnr North Coast. N.S.W. earagc, and service station. Apply, first Instance, by letter, with copies ol references, to 'Workshop Foreman,' enro Butler Brothers, Australia (Pty.), Limited, Creek Street, Brlsbnne. WANTED experienced panel beater, permanent position with progressive firm. Good conditions. No Saturday work. Apply Brown. Bolton. and Co.. Grafton Street. Cairns. WANTED Slaughterman-Butcher for country town, married man preferred. House to rent. Apply Box 113. Pittsworth. WANTED Secretary for MacLagan Co-operative Dairy Association, house available. Applications to close Saturday. December 13th. Apply, stating salary required. F. Scheurle, Chairman. Phone 18, Kulpl.

POSITIONS VACANT WANTED RELIABLE MAN ' Capable of Talcing Control Expanding Merchandising Business, handling principally Butchers' requirements. Written applications only by 16th December, 1552. Apply, stating ase, experience, sniary required to SECRETARY, MASTER. BUTCHERS' COOPERATIVE (QLD.), LIMITED, Box 863L, O.P.O.. Brisbane. ANTED Journalist, relieve provinclal bl-weckly, 4 weeks from □cc. 29. Country Press. Myers House, VMley. WANTED Senior Female Bookkeeper, knowledge ot typing essential, previous motor experience an advantrge. Apply Coronation Driveway. Phono U6918. WANTED Maintenance Fitter. A.C.F. and Shirley Fertilizers. Ltd. Apply Plnkcnba Works Otflcc. WANTED, thoroughly experienced hardware mnn, cnpnblc of eventually being in charge ot hnrdivrrc department. Applicant must lave a thorough knowledge of the trade. Excellent chance of advancement for rlcht man. Apply Box No. 178. P.O., Armldalc. WANTED Jackeroo, sheep property. Apply New Zealand Loan, Eagle Street. WANTED qualified motor mechanic, 30 miles Brisbane. Box CLT83. Courier-Mall. . POSITIONS FILLED APPLICANTS to position lor handy man driver. Box 608K. G.P.O.. arc advised that the position has been filled. JUNIOR EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS are invited from girls leaving school this yenr desirous of entering Into Interesting nnd remunerative employment, with leading Underwear and Clothing Manufacturer. Splendid opportunity to learn well paid trade, with constant work. First class amenities. Staff canteen, etc., in modern factory, set in grrden area. No Saturday work. Call, write, or phone. Stirling Henry's. Ltd.. MW1308. A. Typiste required, between the age of 16-19, preferably Junior standard. Apply, In writing, to G.P.O.. Box 322E. APPLICATIONS are Invited for tho position of Junior stenographer to nn Employers' Organisation located In Brisbane. Applicants should telephone Secretary, at B7406. for nn interview. ACCOUNTANTS' OFFICE has vncnncy for competent clerk-typist. Phono FA1683. Miss Young, for appointment ?CLOTHING CLOTHING TRADE. We have vacancies In our Modern JUNIO^ MACHINISTS. Also boy for duties In the Cutting Apply In person to A FFROST & CO.. 10 Annerley Roiid. South Brisbane. URZONS hnvc attrnctive position nvf liable for clerk or clerk typiste. 18-20. Apply 120 Queen St. CLERK Typiste rcq.. good position girl school leaving age. Apply Stntf Manager, Rotluvclls, Edward St. E. G. EAGER -t SON PTY. LTD.. rcqulro JUNIOR CLERK TYPISTE. Up to 20 years of age, for then Head Office. 5 day week. Apply Pcrsonncl Officer. 85 Breakfast Creek Road. Newstead. Phono L0141. EMALE Clcrk-Typlste, 17-19 years, required for Insurance Office. Apply Box CLT87. Courier-Mall. fS ENERAL Motors Acceptance CorVX poratlon require the services of n capable Junior stcnotypiste. good commencing salary, no Saturday morning. Apply B6791 for appolntHave you tried this column lor your advertisement? All you have to do Is to Ring FA0111 and ask for 'Classified Ads.' We do the rest— and you Country readers Send us your advertisement: We will insert it and send you an account. Junior Female Laboratory Assistant Required. Senior Standard in Chemistry and Physics. Position offers good prospects In a Progressive Manufacturing Compnny. Apply Box CR98, Courier-Mali, Junior Clerk Typiste Required for Works Office. Situated at Murnrrie. Person living Monilngslde to Wynnum line Good Pay and Conditions. No Saturday Work. Apply Box CR99, Courier-Mall. EADlNG Optometrist requires Junior Receptionist, excellent conditions. Apply Box CLT38. Courlcr-Mall. Please give phone LAD wanted to assist in service station. Hydro Service Station, Hamilton Road, Hamilton. ? MALE CLERK. About 19-20 years of age. Required. Permanent apolntmcnt with Excellent Prospects. Good Conditions. Apply immediately, JAMES BARDIE A: CO., PTY.. LTD., Newstead, Brisbane. ALE, 17 years, required for clerical duties, Junior standard education essential. 5-day week. Apply Lr.wrcnce & Hanson Electrical Co:, Elizabeth Street. ? OFFICE JUNIOR — MALE. The services of a youth arc required In tho offices of an Importing and Exporting Company with world-wide- connections. Excellent opportunity tor young man interested In commercial future. Application hnd references to be addressed to— THE ADVERTISER. ,c/o G.P.O. BOX 645J, BRISBANE. ACKER required for training as luluro vun salesman, splendid opportunities for Intelligent young man, 19-21 years. Apply Sales Manager, George Tickle is Co., 407 StanIcy St.. South Brisbane. ? QUEENSLAND RAILWAYS. VACANCIES, TWO APPRENTICE DRAFTSMEN SURVEY SECTION, CHIEF ENGINEER'S BRANCH.. Applications will close on 7th January, 1953, for the position of Apprentice Draftsmen, Survey Section—two required— in tho Chief Engineer's Brnnch. Brisbane. Applicants must not be over 18 years of age and must have passed an examination ol the same standard as that required for tho Diploma Course In Engineering at the Central Technical College. Brisbane, ns, tor Instance, a satisfactory pass in the Junior, mathematics Included. Particulars of cducntlonal qualifications must be submitted, as well as school references, and snmples of penmanship and drawing. Salary on a sliding scale. . commencing at a salary of £352 per annum. The appointees will be entitled to tho usual rail pass and privilege ticket concessions applicable to 'employees of the Queensland Railways. Further particulars mny be obtained from the Chief Engineer for Railways, Adelaide Street. Brisbane. J. L. E. Llngard, Secretary. QUEENSLAND CHAMBER OP MANUFACTURES has VACANCY FOR JUNIOR STENOGRAPHER, 17-18. Apply In writing, 74 Eaglo Street. STENOGRAPHER. A Vacancy exists with Commonwealth-wide Organisation for Accurate Shorthand Typlste, 18-20 years, with good education, for General Duties. Ideal conditions. No Saturday work. Good commencement wages, with steady Increments for girl with ambition to succeed. Apuly. In writing, to Box CR69. Courier-Mall. rpEMPORARY Junior typist required J- for Real Estate Office. MARTIN HANDLIN M CO.. 302 Queen St. TWO SMART YOUTHS, 16-L7. WANTED FOR OUR FORWARDING DEPT.. 5-DAY WEEK. GOOD CONDITIONS. Q.P.S.. PTY.. LTD., Bowcn Street, CITY, near Fire Brigade. ANTED smart Junior Boy, age 14-16. for Insurance attorneys' office. Apply Box 534H, Q.P.O., BrisW8'e'A»mP) hSUble Bo?' experience with horses. Apply Athol Strong, Hendra, M3351.

JUNIOR EMPLOYMENT WANTED Clcrk-rcccptlonlstc, 1721 years, typing essential, preforably with previous experience. Apply, personally, secretary, Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, 409 Adelaide street. WANTED Young Girl, relieving receptionist, doctor's rooms, chance further employment It suitablc. Box CRBB. Courier-Mr II. HOSPITAL VACANCIES COLL1NSVILLE HOSPITAL. D.C. Sisters, two required tor District Hospital, Colllnsvllle. Good quarters. Fares refunded after six months' continuous service. Applications, with credentials, clone with the Secretary. Bowcn Hospitals Board, Bowcn. LERMONT HOSPITAL. lmm--dlatc vnconclon exist for 2 D.C. Sisters and 2 Trninccs. Awnrd rntcs nnd conditions. ? £25 bonus first six months. £30 each successive six months paid by local committee. Further Information available frcm Sccretnry.- ciermont Hosultn! Board. Cicrmont. Q. GLADSTONE HOSPITALS BOARD. JUNIOR RESIDENT MEDICAL OFFICER Applications are Invited from qualified persons for the above position at the Gladstone Hospital. Salary: First year. £874/10/; second year. £971/10/: plus basic wage, at present £80'10/ per annum. Free board and lodulnss are provided. Single quarters only available. Appointment is terminable by one month's notice on either side. Applicants should stnte date on which can take un duties. Applications, stating ase. marital state, qualifications, and experience, will be received until 18th December. 1952. by the Secretary. P.O. Bo» 4. Gladstone. Q GLADSTONE HOSPITALS BOARD MATRON. Applications nrc Invited for the position of Matron nt Gladstono District Hosultal. Dally average nt present: Innntl* ents approx 40, outpatients, approx. 48. Applicants must have General nnd Midwifery Certificates: Two-full-time Doctors nnd a part-time Dispenser employed: also a Housekccner Conditions and sniary as per Nurses' Awnrd fStntc). Gladstone is a training schcol for Gcncrnl Nursing. Copies of references, including inns' recent ones, should bo forwarded with applications. Successful nnnlicant to commence duty 22nd December. 1952. or as soon thereafter as possible. Applications close with the Secretary. Hcsoltnls Board. Gladstone. Q.. at noon on Thursday. 18th December, 1952.GLADSTONE GLADSTONE HOSPITALS BOARD. HOUSEKEEPER. Applications are invited from registered Nurses, tor the position of Housekeeper at the Gladstone Hospital. Applications should show marital state ? nnmc In full, ase. qualifications, and experience, and copies of recent references should be enclosed. Any further particulars will be suDDlled on request. The Secretary, Gladstone Hospitals Board, GLADSTONE, Q. GLADSTONE HOSPITALS BOARD. TWO D.C. SISTERS required for duties at the Glndttonn Hospital. Award conditions. Apply to Secretary, P.O. Box 4, Gladstone. Q. HOUSEKEEPER— WONDAI HOSPITAL. APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR THE POSITION OF HOUSEKEEPER at the Wondal Hospital and are to be in the hands of the Secretary. South Burnett .Hospitals Board, Klngnroy. by 12 noon on Friday. 12th December. 1952. Wages payable, if a trained nurse, are those equivalent to corresponding irate as Sister, otherwise for an experienced housekeeper the amount of £8/15/6 per week, together with board and lodging, will be paid. Have you -tried this column for your advertisement? All you have to do Is to Ring FA01U and ask for 'Classified Ads.' We do the rest— and you pay when you come to town. Country readers Send us your advertisement: We will Insert It and send you an account. MOUNT PERRY HOSPITAL. Sister', D.C. or s!b.. required for duty as early as possible. Usual Award conditions. Applicants to state date available for duty. ?.nd to apply to Matron, District Hospital, Mount Perry, or to Secretary. Hospitals Board, Bundabcrg. THE CUNNAMULLA HOSPITALS BOARD. Applications invited for one D.C Sister, to take charge Maternity section. Award rates and conditions. Applications, together with copy of references, to be forwarded to the Secretary, P.O. Box 26, Cunnamulla. THURSDAY ISLAND HOSPITALS BOARD. Applications are invited from registered Medical Practitioners for appointment to the position of Medical Superintendent, Thursday Island Hospitals Board, with salary at tho rate of minimum £1500. maximum £1750. the salary payable being commensurate with qualifications and experience, together with extra cost of living allowance of £75 per annum and basic wage, variation, at present £130 per annum. Appointee has right of private practice. Free furnished residence provided with electric stove, refrigerator, and deep freeze unit. Free fuel, light, water, and power. Four weeks' annual holidays.- Appointment terminable by two months' notice on cither sld=. Closing date of applications, Wednesday. 31st December. 1952. Submit applications in wrltlns. air mall, giving particulars of age. marital status, qualifications, experience, and war service (if anyl,. to Secretary, P.O. Box 4. Thursday Island. THE CHARTERS TOWERS HOSPITALS BOARD Invites applications for the position of LOCUM TENUMS for MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT for the period of tour weekE. commencing as from the 15th December, 1952, or the closest subsequent date possible. Salary range £1307 '10/ to £1617/10/. Local Medical Officers will assist at all immediate surgery and all obstetric difficulties. II so desired. Applications to the'Sccrctary. Box 63. Charters Towers. H. J. SPARKS. Secretary. WINTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL. Central Western Queensland. D.C. and Obstetric Trained Sisters Required. Apply by Air Mall to Secretory. Winton Hospitals Board. Wlnton. WALCHA DISTRICT HOSPITAL. » - Wanted Sisters. D.C. Commence duties soon as possible, conditions good, award wages. Apply with rclercnccs, to Matron. Syd. Campbell, Secretary. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT A. HOUSEKEEPER wanted tor Miami Hotel. Ring Webber, Regatta Hotel. between nine and eleven a.m. to-day. A WOMAN wanted for laundry, cleaning, one day week. XU5209. A. WANTED, capable housekeeper, all modern conveniences, prepared pay good wuscs. Phoin.XU5209. A. CAPABLE domestic wanted, plain cooking, live-in, all modern conveniences, other help kept. J5156. AT LEWIS AGENCY, Strunrt Bldgs. Wanted, cooks, waitresses, mother, son, housekeepers, child taken, lady helps. AT Town Country Agency. Nutlonal Bank, next Flnneys. Wanted for stations, married couples, cooks, £15/10/; cook and housemaid, same station. COOK, temalc. thoroughly experienced cafe cooking Apply, ready to start. 242 George St. EXPERIENCED female cook required, capable cooking 70 guests, seasldo resort. Box .CLT69. CourierMall. EXPERIENCED yardman required. Apply Transcontinental Hotel. George Street. EXPERIENCED fruit and milk bar attendant wanted. 276 Edward GLOSTERMIN wants Waitress, live in. Ring M2121. GENTLEMAN, elderly, requires housekeeper, live-in, or daily, close suburb, excellent home. Box 857, G.P.O.. Brisbane. GOOD home, small wage offered In return light duties, no objection migrant or widow, one child school age. Apply 28 Ruthven St.. Tnowoomba. Ph. 5273. ? Havo you tried this column for your advertisement? All you nave lo do is to Ring FA0111 and ask for 'Classified Ads.' Wo do the rest— and you pay when you come to town. Country readers I Send us your advertisement. We will Insert It and send you an account. Xi fully experienced 'waitresses'. Ring Mrs. Townend. Tweed 7. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. January February, March, live-In or out. MW1405. HOUSEMAID Waitress required Apply personally, Belfast Hotel.

GENERAL. EMPLOYMENT MANAGERESS, small residential, keen Protestant, age, salary,' Box CJ68. Courlcr-Mall. MARRIED couple for sheen station. General station hand, prefcrnbly mechanical experience, and woman cook, worcs £12 and £10/10/ plus keep, Tnx Zono A. Comfortnble cottnge. Box CLT89, Courier-Mail. Interview Brisbane. WANTED Junior domestic lor private hospital. live In. Phone U4141. WANTED experienced Waitress. Apply Southporl Hotel or Hotel Daniel. WANTED experienced femalo cook. Nclhcrway. North Quay, B.1458. WANTED, waitress, for Mac's Cp.fe, Burlcigh Heads. Phone 106, ficcommodnt ion . WANTED, reliable woman, for house cleaning, one day weekly. M4576. WANTED. mlddlc-ncerl housekeeper, 32 Ernest atrcet, South Eiicbnne. ?\XTANTED. woman cleaner. 4 ^JT hours dnlly, mornings. Phone WANTED, capable housekeeper for private hoiv.c. eight miles from city, every convenience, separate living quarters. transport provided. For further particulars, ring LX1348. WANTED refined Dining Room ' V Attendant for exclu-,lvo reception lounge. M6744. WfANTED first, class cook, young »r man preferred, Pacific- Hotel, Southport. WANTED young woman. housekeep working man. child welcome, urgent. Box CLT62, CourierWANTED man to repair chairs and other school furniture during the holidays. Ring St. Laurence's College. J265G. \TTANTED Laundress immediately, MU22™nC' Home. Nundah WOMAN Cook required. Apply personally. Belfast Hotel. WANTED active aged pensioner, lUht gardening, useful, live In. Box CR97. Courlcr-Mall. -yoUNG Klrl, 1U-18. experience ?1- preferred, fruit shop nnd milk bar. Ipswich Road. Woollooncabba. EMPLOYMENT WANTED DVERTISING Executive, young, qualified associate, at present employed with leading Sydney agency, returning .Nmns. seeks suitable position, B'nc. experienced all depts. Phone XL'-'ra. or write Box C.I63 Courier-Mall. A VAILABLE. experienced yardman ^.V- for hospital, hotel, or boardinshousc. anywhere. Box CR05. Courler' A CCOUNTANT, young. recently ?£\ qualified man requires position, accountant or assistant, good references. Box CR05. Courier-Mall. BRITISH widow, young schoolboy, good plain cook, wants position beginning January. Box CLT82. Courier-Mail. pONFIDENTIAL typing done at V home. expert, quick typist Downs. M53H7. CAPABLE Senior Stenographer. Bood references, desires temporary position, up to three months. Bo:: CR8f-, Courier-Mall. COOK-oeneral wishes position, live in. no laundry. Box CR83, Courier-Mall. GUEST Houses! Gentleman, single. 47. experienced, non-drinker, energetic, seeks post ns Manager. Reply Box MB11. Courier-Mail. JINOTYPE operator disengaged, J last, clean, mechanical knowledge. Apply Box CR93, CourlcrMIDDLE-AGED single man. farmIng experience, looking for Job. handy city, small wage nnd keep. What offers? Box CLT5a. Courler^TARRIED couple, first class cook. country. Box CR6, Courier-Mail. ?\,rALE cleaner, casual, open tor ItJ. engagements. Box CR76, Courier-Mail. IJASTRYCOOK wants work In city or north side. Please ring MX356, any time of day. CJINGLE man, ago 28, good appenr0 ance, experienced truck driver. salesman, references, wants position. city, suburbs. Write Box CRT. Courlcr-Mall. rpiMBER Fallcr requires position, X tent needed, own scar, start now. Apply Box CLT50, Couricr-Mnll. WANTED by reliable married couple, share dairy, experienced tractor and machines. Particulars, Box CLT74, Courier-Mail. \i7-ANTED,' temporary position. -- cafe, milk bar, hotel, no cookIng, references. X3562. WIDOW urgently wants day work, laundry, cleaning. Reply Bo:, CR91. Courier-Mall. YOUNG man wants work, odd Jobs. gardening. Box CRiil. CourltrMall. ?TRADE TRADE WORK WANTED ALL building repairs, restumpins. levelling. Scctt. B9125. A PALMER, lounge suites covered, repaired, respruns. 586 Stanley Street. South Brlsbnne. J2C81. A LLOTMENTS levelled, terraced. xi. drives, cut, small dozer. Jcnklnson, XU2595.ALL ALL carthmovini; machinery for hire, bulldozers, scoopi. rippers, patrol graders, mobile cranes, tip trucks, tow graders, semi-trailer, rondmaking. dam-sinkers, clearing. and ploughing. With new tractor and multi-disc ploughs, hourly or contract. Phone X317B. Al ROOF .t BUILDING SERVICE PTY.. LTD.. 289 Queen Street. Brisbane. Ring FA1330. For all classes ot Industrial, Spray Painting, to commercial buildings, factories Bnd plants, etc. Free Inspection and quotation. A.A.A. for first class alterations and repairs, Immediate start. MU3358. BUILT-IN Cupboards. Lamlnex specialists, designs, quotations free. Exuert craftsmen. JW3564. BORERS and WHITE ANTS, RESULTS GUARANTEED. Repairs. RATS. COCKROACHES, VERMIN eradicated by new, safe methods. AUSTRALIAN PEST SERVICES (Q'land). Pty., Ltd.. 125 Adelaide Street. Phone B1061. jhONCRETE floors, paths, drives. V' drainage and sewerage. J6259. pARPENTHY and Joinery CouKJ tracts wanted. Apply Box CR51. Courier-Mail. ELECTRICAL repairs and Installations. A. W. Anderson. 67 Nelson Street. Kallnga. LU3297. ELECTRICAL repairs. Instals. T. H. Cock. 521 Lutwychc Rd. M3483 ELECTRICAL Installation and repairs. South Side. Potter. XU5426. Available any time. 171ENCING. For all yuur chain wire JO and puling fencing, you want erected, consult s. P. A. Builders, Quutes given tree. J4O90, XU4573. 'fc^LOOH sanding, polishing, cstab. J- 20 -vrs. Fallon Brcs. LM3392. IT'LOOR sanding, polishing. Hicks - & Sons. 15 Newdegate Street, Greenstones. XU4605. all hours. J7-LOOR snndlng, staining, and - pollshlliK by Brisbane's leading floor specialists. Quotations and advice given free. Immediate service. Apex Floor Sanding Co. Phone B7193. or LU2571. all hours. TTiRENCH polishing, pianos, on-»? tloues, furniture, shop fittings. Mirny painting. JW4581. 'CiLOOIt sand. wax. shellac polish. -C crntccd. Smith. XL1094. all hrs. TT'LOOR Polishing, alto polishers . for hire. Illnch Bros. L1071. ITiLOOR sanding and polishing. Si ?I- years' experience. satisfaction guaranteed. T. Graham. Tarlnga. Ph ';?8n. FLOORS sanded, polished Modern F'oor Sanders. LW1637. FRENCH Polishing, first-class Tradesman. J3C12. TLTOSIERY. Nylons repaired. Nella A «- Salon. Brisbane Arcade, Centre Block.'TTOUSES 'TTOUSES restumped and levelled, J-A stairs repaired or renewed. JW1604. ? Have you tried this column for your advertisement? All you have to do is to Ring FA01U and ask for 'Classified Ads.' We do the rest— and you pay when you come to town. Country readersl Send us your advertisement: We will Insert It and send you an account. ?\T. McLENNAN, Guaranteed palnt-l^ Iiib. repairs, tradesmen. U3168 PAINTING, interior, exterior, cash . , =,«r tcrms arranged. Waldron, L1539. PAINTING, decorating. paper X hanglnt;. Murray, FM4982. TJAiN'iEUS. psiijcrhuin-i!, ruo: I- painters, tradesmen only Earls stnrt. MY5438. LM4227 'IJAINTING. Immediate start, rea1 sunable. B7569 PAINTING, tradesman, largo, small IardJ°bXL15'a suburb' quotcs- BalpLUMBER,' guttering, downpipes. 1- rools. sparrow proofing genera repairs. U4570. 1JAINTINO. Ring Fred. Larsen 21 ? years' experience J5458 PLUMBER, .Gutters. Roofs. H. & C. General Plumbing. Immediate attention. Accept orders for New Year. U5016. PAINTING or Fencing, Immediate J- start Phone B8054, week days. Reasonable. rpANKS made to order, all sizes X Phone U4008 after 5.30. rriREES felled and lopped, nllot-«- nienti, cleared. Phone XLlotiB. REMOVALS. TRANSPORT A LWAYS AVAILABLE Prompt i Ui1L4T.V CARRIER. XU4022. A . F- PALMER, country. Interstate j-i furniture removals. foruMgh' ser. Sydney— Melbourne. XY6109. A UBURN, carrying day, night, or ?ft. week-end. JW214O. A 1TKIN TRANSPORT PTY. LTD. ^ Carriers Customs, Erectlns l-.nglnt-ers Contnu-tors. L15fiti BRISBANE, Caboolture. Woodford Kllcoy dally. LW2129. 45; Brunswick Street. BROADBENTS, Pmno, Relrigerator Removals Specialists. B1751. PRYCE, LTD.. FB0141. General X- Cf.rrlerii. Oldest furniture remoyallsts In Qld. Country. Interstate removals.CHAS. CHAS. O'REILLY, Est. 1864. Carriers, Shipping, and Customs Agents. 93-115 Margaret St. B3348. TfiLYNN BROS., Heavy Lift SpeclXI alists, Carriers, Customs Agents. Home Raisers, 121 Eagle St. B3327. /'1RACE BROS. Removals, Storage V* Specialists, Local, Country, Interstate, c/o McWhlrters, Ltd., VPlley. L4631. \\7ARWICK - BRISBANE. D ally -- Transport Service. Matthews & Sons. Phone B0205. ^ . ' - *

THE COURIER-MAIL CLASSIFIED INDEX PAGE 18 HOUSES TO LET, WANTED AIRLINE executive requires lurnlshed house or flat, near Bacmoral tramline, rent no. object, XL2343. ASCOT, home to let. 3 weeks, January 3rd. modern conveniences, bank references. Box CLTS1, Courier-Moll. CLAYFIELD residence, £6 '8/ weekly, very spacious. 4, splendid, convenient, corner position. Apply Box CR52, Courlcr-Mall. rtOORPAROO,- attractive brick, tiled l^ roofed, unfurnished residence, comprising dining room, lounge. '1 bedrooms, kitchen, hot. water system. £5 per week. Immediate posjesslon. Phono B2711. ISLES LOVE, li CO.. 233 Adelaide Street. EXCLUSIVE new furnished Maisonettes, St. Lucls, Septic. Oarage. £u/8/. U337O, ? Have you tried this column lor your advertisement 1 All you have to do Is to Rln« FA0111 and ask for 'Classified Ads.' We do the rest— and you pay »licr. you come to to-arn. Country readers ! Send u« your advertisement : We will Insert It and send -ou an account RGENTLy' House, unfurnished . preferably South side, lease, 13 mths., clergyman, 6 mths.' advanco rent. FM5335. URGENTLY wanted. furnished house. 2 brs.. suit four, North Side. Ring M15H1. WANTED house or halt house or self-contained flnt. 2 bedrooms. Ring M2714. WANTED to rent furnished hoU3e. mother and daughter, adult, will pay good rent. JW1733. WANTED Furn. House, recommended tenant. £8/8/. Lewis Agency. Strand, B767B. YVANTED. unfurnished house, VV reasonable. £20 reward. Ring L1025. require- self-contained or -V larse modern home, fully furnished, for recommended client, pay £12/12/ per week for suitable residence. Broderlck & Jackson. M4928 YOUNG married couple, 1 cnild, urgently require furnished or unfurnished flat, house, reasonable rent. JY33D3. SHOPS. OFFICES BRICK Oftlce, 630 sq. feet, Store In rear 1200 sq. leet, seml-trallcr entrance, ideal manufacturers asent. Ring B4M6. Ij^MPTY Shop, with living accom'j morlatlou. 5 years' lease, fully furnished, £325. Box CS27, Courier-Mall. OFFICE . Space. 180 feet, Ann Street. City, available approved tenant. Box CR64, Courlcr-Mall. REAL estate agent has one oftlco available for accountant and/or Sccretnry. Overhead expenses could be apportioned. Splendid centra] position. Apply Box CR42, CourierMall. rpo let old established Grocer's 1 Shop. Keating. Station Road. Indooroopilly. rpo LET. equipped brick kitchen. X vjry suitable pastrycook, shop adjoining, will take portion output. Apply O.P.O. Box 1470V. ?\iMNTED office. near city. -- B6324 POULTRY, DOGS, BIRDS ATTYCHAP. Ipswich Road. Oxley, Christmas cockerels. UX2386. A .A. Poultry Abattoirs. Allan St., Manly. Phone JX273 A. Buy pullets. Box 80, Post Otr flee, South Brisbane. BABY ducklings lor sale. Phone 117. strathplno. /-tOCKER spaniel puppies for sale. \J tiO Swan Terrace. Wlndior. DUCKS wanted. 2/3 lb.. collected, Poultry Abattoirs. Southport. D^UCKLINGS. DUCKLINGS. Ayleibury or Muscovy, 2/6. each. £10/10' per 100. Air Freighted Free. Buy From Australia's Largest Duck Farm, STRIKE BROS.. Matravlllc. Sydney. KGO cleaning machines. save hours of drudgery. Order now from Lauvon & Sons, Manuf'rs.. 59 Pennant Hills, Rd.. Parramatta, N'.S.W. TTiOR sale. 2 Irish setter puppies, .i; championship stock. FM4878. IrOR, sale, cocker spaniel puppies, ? hoth sexes. M3003, ? Have you tried this column for your advertisement? All you have to do is to Ring FA01H and ask for 'Classified Ads.' We do the rest— and you pay when you come to town. Country readers! Send us your advertisement: We will insert It ALAGUNA boardlns and breedIn? kennels, selling -Irlsh Setter Puppies. JW1627. MELROSE Kennels. Golden Cocker . Bitch Punpy. Stewart, Gay thorne. LL1429. ^TOW booking orders 1953. M. H. I Campbell and Sons. Albany Creek. Phone Stralhpinc 51. ORDERS now being accepted for deliveries. beginning end of Mr.Tch. 1953. for Australorp and White Leghorn Chicks, at the following prices. 3 weeks' old. unsexed. 15' l-er dozen: 8 weeks' old pullets. £1 10/ per dozen; freight extra, sent nir freight or rail, no order too laruo or too small. Writs A. White. 15 Welsh Street. Queen's Park, North Rockhampton. Yeppoon- Agent. J. B. Barnes, StorePOULTRY Farmers, highest prices paid poultry, delivered to F. Cooks' Abattoirs. Easle Farm Rd For pick up arrangements. rln» MW1070. SELL German Shepherd puppies, champion stock, excellent temperament and pedigree. Mrs. Kennedy. Frederick St.. Belmont. Ph. XY4214. SELL. pedigreed Scotch co'.he puppy. Apply 261 Beaconstleld Terrace. Sandgate. SELL. Bonser feed mixer. 2cwt. capacity, belt drive. £20. 3 lanvon conical brooders. LX1224. SIX hens, pair of cockerels. drak» and 2 ducks for sale. LM5719. WOODd'lUOft. I'uuiti.v rat-ui. i»iraglndl. orders taken. Australorps only. 1953. JW2607 '\7fTANTED kitten, half or quarter VV Persian. Phone FM3B30. LIVESTOCK, VEHICLES CLEARING Sales promptly arranged. ANDY FERGUSON. A.M.P. Bldg.. A. H. Kuss and V. S. Groom, Auctioneers. Phone B2515. ITIOR Sale. 2 Forwr.rd Springers. . Also 3 Young Sows, forward. 1 .boar. Ring U1800. SELL light cart and harness. Burke 32 Bllyana Street. HawSELL 6 good quality Jersey milkers, fresh In! first calf. Stevens Bros.. Phone Mooloolah 40. SELL 8 lllawarra springing heifers. ?XL1521. WANTED Stock Saddle, good VY order. Phone MX276. GARDENING. MOWERS A .A Luntana Scrub Soil, ts ynrdi il £1/5/. 3 yards £2/15/. turf 30/ hundred. Ph. XY6353. A BSOLUTELY best garden ? soil. ft top dressing in Brisbane, prompt delivery. Hoprlco Sand and Gravel. LX1458. A . Top dressing, garden soil, tlllA. Ing. ashes, breeze, turf, lawns expertly laid, allot, filled. Smith. B8067. A.A.A. INSIST on seeing the 'LAWNMASTER' Petrol Motor Mower before purchasing any other. Obtainable all leading stores. ASK tor a demonstration ot the Larsen Electric Lawumower. It's self-propelling. Arthur Larsen Engineering Felix St.. City. B9323. A A. GARDENING EQUIP. Dutllop ?ft Flexlvane, 60ft., £2/17/6: 1-iin. 3-ply rubber hose. 60ft.. £5/6/, fittings extra. Reaping Hooks from 58. Scythe Blades, 18/4. Hickory Handles, 29/. Spades, Rakes, Forks. Weeding Forks, Hoes, Lawnmowcrs. D.P. Hardware, cnr. Wlckham and Gipps Sts., Valley. Ph. L2461. A Perfect ? Lawnmower Repair SerrV vice, work guaranteed. We pick up and deliver. LU1532, all CHOICE blue coucn turf. 25/ per 100. delivered Ring B8559. COW manure, 5 bags £1. 10 bags 35/. UX1271. COW manure, 6 bags £1. Stable manure 25/ load. LX2423. ELECTRIC Mowers, less motor. While they last, £13/10/. Garton & Waddell. 130 Adelaide Street, opposite Flnneys. B9358. GARDEN soil, 5 yards £3/15/, sub soil tilling. 5 yds. £3. all suburbs. FW2129 GOOD filling given away. Currans Bakery, Nundah. HOPS for tho garden. Ring MU2903. ? Have you tried this column for your advertisement? All you have to do Is to Ring FA01U and ask for 'Classified Ads.' We do the rest— and you pay when you come to town. Country renders! Send us your advertisement: We will Insert It and send you an account. 'T AWNMASTER' Power Mower, Xi Used only 3 times. Cost £63. Sell £50 or near offer. MU2964. T AWNMOWERS. Qualcast 16'. 1j £7/15/; grass catchers. 18/6 each, at Ironmongeries. Pty., Ltd.. 152 Queen Street. Brisbane. QUALITY stable manure, guaranteed no weeds, 7 bags £1. M5057. CLOTHING & ACCESSORTis A. MALOUF'S. Wharf and Adelaide Sts.. 8 tram stop. Stanley fn'i. HJR5'S25PrlC' Pa'd' »'?? Cl0thGs^collt'r^cu.^ SvaClions. 237 Edward St., Brls. B2459. Q.ENUINE snake skin court shots. HOSIERY6 N'ylonsS°repalred,' Nclia' Salon, Brisbane Arcade, centoe QUPERIOR. good, 3-plece summer muSIS: man 5' 6'- £7/!9/