Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Wednesday 22 March 1905, page 5




The success which attended the opening

of the Chamber of Manufactures' Exhibi-tion on Monday evening was exceeded on Tuesday, when the merits of the great dis-play received due recognition from a much larger number of visitors than was expect-ed. When an exhibition is open for so long a period as six weeks the public do not rush to see it in its earlier stages, for they know that many important additions are often made after the first week. On Tues-day a number of fresh exhibits were placed in position, and the committee anticipated receiving many others. Nevertheless the exhibition at present is in a very complete state—more complete for the second day than any other exhibition promoted by the chamber. Thousands of people wandered over the huge show on Tuesday, finding much to interest them and repay study, arid it is hoped that the good attendance will be maintained.

Compared with the Century Exhibition of

five years ago, this one so far promises to be an even greater, financial success. The receipts for the first day; were'more.,, double what they were în'vISOO» injspr the fact thàfvthTree tiiriesi'aB many£ were this year' ñi^iedFfp'jtíhe. openM mony. It'-is' cwmpûfedjT^fc-thè^Sfi

the Chamber of Manufactures'? «ve^fil i'mbitip¿^wiÍlbe".i^nt;-:¿KP^;::^a^^H j .factory. to tie chamber ' lo k^##tnaM ' provides more raceominodatibn .al^feeä^

than ¡was: incurred .> at the-last^exhi!

The receipts on TuesdàyïwireyCT^^L than on í the opening ííighü VÍFOT^É^ time the pbvteiiul ^sèartdiÏÏght'b^eamè^^

in a[startling fash^oàifrqin the ^dníefsgí Exhibition B^ding^^dvIiï-.'ùîf^Ér

theVsuburbs,:8nd the hills; brílhífiti^ ^Ttíá -iiifer-State ¿visitors 4'yre&0ñ]¡t ôbservéTB'of ..;thie:'¿rp^ac^¿ic^^Íia^| 'Ùte'.-inid^rirâ/v^raaç^urJ^iglj^B.^ '-¿hey^"mé1t''''.the^;CCHnniitteé^û£f^e!^ and; had; aV^t^h^pet^fä^

tíonfándí^mattérs óf;mter-SÍaiEÍT»Df .mté^tj^uch^

? ?;^^ ^¿'cón^ittóe;árejsp^rig^^_ màke'the é^ibition at^cííve^nd"^ ihg;' musical prc^BñímesI^»^^^ * "day.;-..Q¿ TuësMy^aîtwn^^al

rthë>'ïfoDçn^ing;.;'''Jprograó^l^^^^ ¡ sen ted :^-Marcn, 4 5Ít!4BÍgnaͧ^^ ! (Paull) ^oyertui^33^p^* I mänh)f ígayoíte;:'CRoogM}'í6L_

tiori; ^ÍGeMa'S (SydíÉon^Vs^ ! íáidefj c';;^m^ehítéuy|^

'v^d^l-tí^jmoon^i^B.,^^ !'JEÍ6rador¿'VV{Stua^)íí}^e|^ lyh^,(Thurbán>í''ihterAé^'' väerwell) '; :- seléetíon^íTIfef "

(Hefbe^^gavóíteiápa^iw? ^r'ch,;"Japanesei>paiOTl%*gfee ¡evening"; an *2ëx|^ëf[if^p}*g|ffiB|

sentedcb^Héft^BKMifiB^^, ife^^^rèaeac^ofja^ifahJfSî^m


Y&sá ^ámS^T^dín^^pteniBis,^^ : plaùded. .#T¿e.^^b^J*â^^PÈ

tiori,^^ "Rondb^î (MStuhièfcSSëÎaïalf' storm- ?Pig'^ptóin»^^

_ __ _ Ionia

(Cellier) p *Mào&t^eM&Êk 4 Arnold) ;;itftèrmèzzo;|^o^jDf|


tra* öfif&íp'eHprmerSí^^^gjy,eV^j^ .the pro^mmeincltfdmg^hWpye

v?*Marth^s^ef^älp|^^;a:eS sprihg^aridWiïbbfl'^afl^^ -.gresentéd;^^^^ The Electric Tramway

Much disappointment was felt on Mon-day evening through the failure to --------------

electric tram, which is to -----------------ing track in the shape of the figure -----near the northern annexe. The ----------

of the tramway is in the hands of the Gene-

ral Electric Company of which Mr -------Finkelstein is manager. The same Com-

pany is carrying out a great part of the

lighting arrangements, and owing to ----

unsuitable lamps having been sent from Melbourne, attention had to be ----

the illuminations on Monday night and it was impossible to see to the mending of a broken wire in connection with the tram-way that evening. The difficulty was over-

come on Tuesday, and late in the afternoon a trial run was made, the passengers in-cluding the president, Mr. J. -------------a member of the committee, Mr. -------

ford, who was president of the -------

when the Centenary Exhibition was ---------The electric tram on its trial run ------ed all requirements, and it performed -----work in the evening, equally ---------proved the best attraction in the ---------tion and was exceedingly well patronised, being crowded on each trip. The ------viewed from the terraces was an ------

ly pretty one. The tramway, the gauge of which is 17 in., was tastefully ed with coloured lights, and along ------locomotive with its two carriages ----

capable of seating eight persons, ------a rate that would make some -----horses blush. The carriages were ------decorated in the Governor's colours with artificial flowers by Messrs. ------Brothers. A clanging of the bell -----reality to the scene, if any were ------Two circuits of the track are given for ------fare, and variety is provided by turning off and on the electric current which il-luminates the artificial tunnel. This tun-

nel is 50 yards long, and when illuminated

with hundreds of coloured electric jets it is like an enchanted bower. When the lights are off it compares for darkness at any rate with the tunnels on the hills line. The carriages are preceded by a 6 horse-power electric locomotive, which is connected with an overhead wire, and they run fairly comfortably. The tramway is of course quite an innovation in Adelaide, and it will do much to make the exhibition attractive and profitable.


|É*$ftayote: of-the- visitors tóf the exhibition

?'"Macs'!itakèn'a's'.:to the most attractive por fë'jhôu'iofjthe great show, iii can safely be said/ ^thereiwould he, a- great majority in favor |cM?$thë;?ndrtbern ànheke^ where the "ma ?féhmérysín jmotiori and- trade processes in îg^pèratîon,"' to use a programme; phrase, are feeyeföthe centre of "an admiring; crowd. But «>thë? produce ' of some machinery;?? that can |-^t^; in" the exhibition is of

¡ter importance to.Hhe State' than some

">the eye, and the largest and best collection

of this produce is m the mam hall Group ved round Messrs. Burford t& Sons' fine ex-

hibit on one side and the magnificent dis play of Messrs. D & J. Fowler on the pother, are numberless articles made by

.South Australian firms, which bear the ^closest inspection, and do infinite credit «to the State. One spot that should not ^be missed is the "enchanted bower," in .¿Messrs. Thompson & Harvey's stand A ^triangular room is formed by three large ^mirrors, 1? ft long, and when one entera fîhë sees his reflection more times than he sjfcan' count. The room IH tastefully deccr l.ratedTand nicely illuminated It attracted ftïauch attention and caused much amuse ment on Tuesday.

A most attractive exhibit is a beautiful " model of the steamer Bombala, the latest ç addition to the Howard Smith Company's ^fieefc, and a vessel which has already made péname for herself in-Ahe inter State trade, ¿both for st»eed and comfqrt This model ¿?^??.exhibited m the maint entrance, along £with,-xi. large photograph showing the stea iiner; her promenade decks, and smoking, NLmmg, and music saloon, &c The model *«f in perfect detail, being a quarter-inch to îthe foo£. A novelty m connection with ^the .model is that the masthead and side ^ lights are lighted by electricity.

The Central Annexe.

M'.The \anety to be met with in the central

?fïnnexè can* scarcely be adequately descnb ".ed. Close to the ¿entrance is a fina collée j^tîon offbrushware, shown, by the SA. Brush ^trompajiy^and immediately to the left are a number of novel and useful articles, which serve admirably to illustrate the wonderful utility and effectiveness of that subtle power -- electricity. These were displayed by Messrs, Unbehaun & Johnstone, and in cluded, an electrically driven sewing machine, an elevator, and various heating apparati, such as a heat radiator, which will keep a room warm in cold weather at a cost of from a penny to twopence an hour. Dynamos and accumulators, and articles undergoing the electro-plating process were shown by Messrs. Ellis & Clark. There are -¿nearly 100 distinct operations in the manu rfïaoture of ¡a boot, and these are lucidly ex-plained by an exhibit of the Standard Shoe '^BpftLea.tner Comptny. At the time of the jCentary Exhibition 4ne cychng pubhc were ?gturning'-their attention to the free wheel, gj^iph/is nowicommonly- used* As might be [ve&peeíéa, during the five years which have gelansedj^BomethiDg fresh jn the bicycle bne ^a% been'indented, and that is the two speed Sgear/ ?It has not / caught on" so readily as ^tberpleasare-giving'free wheel, but its great k-TÖrefulness is\bound to wm for it popular ^Kftfi-vVA cyclist with a machine fitted wich Í *"%o-speed,geaE may, while riding, change isihVgear irom high to low at wilL and tlie $.ad;Yantage"o£ this is apparent on hilly roads Sort.'W&en. riding against a strong wind. A ^acfiin'jÈf'-bf^tljis-.désonption. is, shown by *aíessrfrí,Gard-Rros k» In the south eastern £E{írner'-ofvihe annexe portion of the gal {¡rsamçed iron-has been removed and replaced Ejfey^íií-Verv large and artistic lead Tight, the Mr. FÎ T?. Troy. The incubator, gkn^iovencfon of about a dozen years agoj will ¡..jbè'sê^n on, exhibition, for the third finie m Adelaide. A number of these interesting

¡*_¿ - -, w - iTiscnptio

^Darkeaj: England and the Way Out,

«ffiinyûn proposes to rear 2 000 coickeis dur í^íbí&the'course-'Of the exhibition The m i-enbators^re ïonsfructed so as to treat from &V$£tp,4i)0 eggs athone fame ' When out of «their ¿shells the chicks are pliced m a ^^nurjterv-*' until'they gain a little strength, gjana"iheD^they are transferred to a h>dro, ¡jjor^brootier to,which m attached a run ^Spectators, both young and old, evince much "Niatersjat ra the Tno\ ementa/of the chickens ^J4iihough these little feathered things have .jOaever =expenencea,"the warmth and protec 13 iaon of a mother's wing, yet as soon as the i?artrficial brooder as opened they rush into ;it ah the first opportunity as readilv as other ?Chicken's answer .to the clucking of the hen.

The Northern Annexe.

There was no more popular section of the exhibition on Tuesday than in the northern annexe, where heavy machinery, both sta tionary and in motion, attracted large crowds of spectators No doubt by reason ?£oï"- the variety of interesting exhibits here ^displayed this annexe will remain a favo Slate resort of patrons Though it does not »coasfi* of4a blaze of color and elaborate de <|óorahons, visitors will find within its walls décores" of specimens of machinery merrily J^yorkihg, and numerous other industrial ^exhibits. ¿ ,The crowded attendance on ÜMonday evening made it practically nnpos neible for"one to see everything on view, * but "on Tuesday afternoon and evening ijnany hundreds a>£ people availed them "^feelyes of the opportunity to make a de flailed inspection Considerable interest ^.was*'centred on Berry, Hodgson, & Go's ^"¡wood-turning Iafhei just inside the first en ifsjtrance, at which a,workman was dexte. ^^arously manipulating his chisel and gouge, ^%j^"rurmng out articles such as toy can itnons, rolhng pins, and table legs at a- rapid j xaffî. The first electric motor that at tracts the eye is that erected by Rapley, Purvis & Co, who also supplied the electric lights in that corner of the annexe. The motor, which is of 50 h.p., and belongs to Messrs. Todd & Samuel, was for merly used for six months in driving the printing machines at The Advertiser offices. It is now providing the motive power for the main shaft at the southern end,

to which are attached a number of belts and pulleys for trade exhibitors. The re maining portion of the shaft is driven by

a Robey double-cylinder portable steam engine, which will develop 48 indicated horse-power, installed by Messrs. Forwood, Down, & Co. An interesting little exhibit which stands out in striking contrast against the old Watts' steam-engine and the primi tive plough, which were the first two used in South Australia, is a compact oil-engine of about 1 horse-power, which is only a

yard in length, and is the first one made in the State. It is the handiwork of Mr. T. Lander, who recently finished his ap prenticeship, with C. A. Smith & Co., of Wakefield-street. *Mr. Lander, who started ^cPcc$struct the^ engine in October last, ?^¡¿¡g^e-dt "wholly in his leisure time, and èx *£presslyv for' the exhibition. Messrs. May ¿/Broa, ^concentrating and crushing plant is «3>eing\worked by a 40 horse-power gas-en grg}ner which clearly demonstrates the prac-ticability, of eucalypti gas for motors. The ^engine seems to be remarkably clean in its ¡¡^working, and the fuel is very cheap. The ¡¿cost of 1,000 cubic ft. of eucalypti gas is AÍroni l/¡ to 1/6, according to the price of Sc;the'wood. Near the engine, which is AëxTubîtèd by Mr. W. H. Brooks, ¡¿ia,, a large retort, and a gasometer, P~with" a"capacity of nearly 1,000 cubic feet. ^¿Qidinaxy wood is utdised for the produc t, Son",'of the gas, and the charcoal which jalone remains when the gas has been ^liberated, is burned under the retort along iJwith more wood. Mr. Brooks also has a ,?"group of eucalypti gas lights, and the "**power of the illuminant is shown by the * j manner in which one small burner and y mantle lit up a room of about the size of ÍÍaaírailway-earriage. The table game of 4^!bülatelle," which appeared about a year ^«go,* arid the more recent game of "circles," ^oceceived a share of attention. Those m ?'ttefested in wood-carving-or chip-carving. i» "as it is termed in the State schools-will '¡inotice some" capital specimens of wooden ^"articles turned out by Messrs. "Wiley and j"'Gray*; - They have been constructed of ^colonial beech, and specially prepared for '^ being carved. A splendid soft wood, it ^bjfls fair to be much m requisition, as it iT'doea not split or warp, and is superior to ?/îkauri and huon pine.r This timber is im ^.?"pSrtedby the firm in large quantities from fííVictoria, where only recently its value has *>"been realised, and is being supplied to the

f^South. Australian schools. Their wood and .^Blaster picture frames also represent a Cs.'iiew industry, the samples being decidedly

."iart'stic. Housewives will be rewarded by 4 visiting the exhibition if they only see the ¡T*' latest methods for facilitating the work of '^"-washing clothes. The lollie-making plant is ¿.#now in full swing, and it proved* a great at ^t&ction on Tuesday. The excellence of

'South Australian-made pottery is shown .5 byx the London Pottery Company, who are \^Iocatedlin,theJnorth-east corner. The ex ^"hibits range from a small flower-pot to an Í^.Bxqtúsitely-polished teapot, jug, or vase. ^YfThe S.A. Portland Cement Company also ^represents" a valuable industry. The - northern end of the annexe is largely taken ICpp'by harvesters, strippers, seed-drills, ¿^wagb, and cuiiiFâtors, .«*HtuHte4 by

I numerous firms. Here, too, is a collection

of articles manufactured at the Islington railway workshops. Over an effective back-ground is <i neat arrangement of brass and nickel fittings, such as would be used in first and second-class carriages. In the north--« est corner Messrs. M. Donaghy and Co. have an attractive exhibit of harvest twines, ropes, and mats, near which Messrs. J. S. Watts & Son and the S.A. Firebrick Company each have a good collection of firebricks, tiles, &c. Acetylene gas, which is well maintaining its reputation as a reliable illuminant, is prominent in various parts'of the exhibition. Between the northern and central annexes, Messrs. F. W. Gray & Co. have a good display, and just within the northern annexe Mr. R. B. Scarce also has a collection of acetylene gas generators and lights. ' The numerous garden seats, thoughtfully placed in con-venient spots throughout the annexe, were found to be a great boon to visitors.


Art is only fairly represented so far as paintings are concerned. Amongst the exhibits which are housed in the eastern annexe are several meritorious canvases, but a number of these have previously been shown at the Society of Arts Exhibi-tion. Mr. Hayley Lever is well repre-sented in a number of sea studies. The Misses Hambidge show some good ex-amples of their paintings from life. Mr. Hans Heysen, Mr. R. Comley, Miss Arm-strong, Miss Overbury, and Mrs. Scott are each represented by characteristic paintings.

In the general division works of varying degrees of merit are displayed, and as is usual in exhibitions of this kind, the still life studies are unduly numerous. The ar-rangements for displaying the pictures are not ideal, but this is presumably owing to lack of space for better accommodation.

In the non-competitive division some fine works are hung. The historical painting, "Black Thursday," by W. Strutt, is well known, and many visitors will appreciate the opportunity of'seeing the original work to which so much historical interest at taches. "Mount Macedon," by H. Reilly, makes a pleasing landscape, the tone and composition being alike admirable. A very fine piece of sea painting, "Off the Long ship Lighthouse, off the coast of Corn-wall (W. Melbye) is a splendidly-executed painting. The movement in the water and the foam playing , about the well placed vessels, together with the pleasing light effects, make an admirable study. "John Bunyan," preaching to the jailors in prison (John White) has an artistic interest which will appeal to many. Three beautiful watercolors by J. Ammoniere, R.I., are shown. Of these the 'Farmhouse in Devonshire" and "Autumn Devonshire Hills" are particularly attractive. The for-mer is a pleasing composition, full of do-mestic charm, and the latter displays very fine color harmonies. Miss Mary E. Creeth shows some instructive studies in wild flowers, mostly Western Austra-lian, which are executed with considerable skill. A nice selection is exhibited by Miss Jean L. Wilson, including "Wattle Blossom," "A Man's Head," ana a pleasing seascape, '"Sea and Rocks," being a morn-ing study at Port Elliot.

The Society of Arts' -bay contains a fairly good selection of paintings by members. Most of the Important pictures, however, are familiar to visitors at art ex-hibitions and art studios. Mr. Hayley Lever is well represented, and his power, a's an interpreter of sea scenes is well evi-denced in a number of canvases, each of which reveals some specific phase of in-terest. "Herring Boats. St. Ives," has al ready become a favorite, and the power and breadth of treatment which always charac-terises his work is apparent. Another fine work in which light and color blending are strong features is the picture entitled "Fishing Boats Leaving St. Ives." "St. Ives Harbor,' also from Mr. Lever's brush, is a characteristic piece of work. In choice of theme for pictorial treatment as much as in artistic feeling the several exhibits by Mr. Lever reveal an insight which de-notes that he is more than a mere painter. Mr. Hans Heysen is represented by a pleasing study, "Bluebells of Scotland." The composition is effective, and the artist has taken advantage of the opportunity of working out a telling color scheme. Like many other pictures in the gallery, it is at a disadvantage in the position it occu-pies. The massive and rugged effects obtained in the painting "Coast of Capri," shows the artist in another vein, and the realism of the work will appeal to most visitors. Those talented ladies, Miss Alice Hambidge, Miss Milly Hambidge, and Miss Helen Hambidge, have each estab-lished a reputation by their excellent life paintings. The fine delicate finish, the dainty 'coloring,' and the expression they impart have made their studies popular at all the exhibitions of the Society of Arts held during the last few years. The ex-amples of work by these gifted ladies have been well selected, and are in each instance characteristic. Miss E. C. Armstrong is always powerful in her still life studies. "A Basket of Pomegranates" is in her best style, the drawing being as excellent as the colors are natural. Mr. E. Comley has succeeded in introducing some striking ei fects into "Awaiting a Cargo." Miss Amy Bosworth, Miss Rosa C. Fiveash, and Miss M. A. Overbury also show meritorious


In the general division for persons over 21 years of age the degrees of merit vary widely. A large amount of space is de-voted to still life studies, and while several of the canvases hung show good drawing and an appreciation of light and shade, and of color values, there are also a consider-able number which possess no real artistic merit. Mrs. A. Scott Broad shows some dainty speciments of figure painting, in-cluding Japanese ladies, panel work, and decorative studies. She shows also some good examples of black and white crayon and pen-and-ink work. Her exhibits are decidedly clever, and her texts uncommon so far as South Australia is concerned. Mr A. E. Milbank is represented by a number of still life studies, a variety of work in which he achieves great excellence. He also shows some good examples of his work in other departments. An attractive pic-ture, Peaceful Waters," displays pleasing tone in a presentation of a scene at the Grange, and his study in saplings is finely executed. A nice seascape, "Cape North-umberland (A. E. Reynolds) shows a bay with rocks and rising land in the back-ground, done in promising style. Several sketches in oil of views at Mount Barker are hung. Miss May Hinsley has an at-tractive double panel amongst these. The pictures are tasteful in composition, and well drawn, with good perspective and color. A cottage and woodland supplies

the theme of one panel, and the other

a suitable companion scene. Miss M. J. Bishop shows three Mount Barker sketches each of which is characteristic of the locality. Mrs. E. A. Johnstone "Quinces" is a well painted picture, and Miss Olive Lunn was awarded a certificate for "Boots," and she also exhibited several landscapes of merit. A number of flower pieces are exhibited by Miss M. L. Key, Miss A. Collins has done some nice work in her landscape, "On the Banks of the Torrens," and her "St. Mary's Church." Miss Olive Lunn exhibits several landscapes

of merit.

Portiait caricature is admirably repri sented in the black-and-white drawings h James Pearce. There is humor as well 5 skilful drawing, in the sketches which ai sure to be admired. The "armless artist, Mr. W. Smith has apparently made progre« under the tuition of Mr. James Ashtoi Two fruit pieces are shown by him. Th productions will strongly appeal to visitor who remember the\ difficulties under whic the artist works.

Some promising work is "Shown in the sec tion for persons under 21 and over l8 year of age. The exhibits consist mostly o fruit and flower studies. Miss Ivy F. Sole mon shows a number of ..nicely composa works. Miss 0. Trevaskis, Mis Ada Coombs Miss M. Fraser, Miss O. S. May, Miss li Drage, and Miss M. G. C. Clarke may b mentioned as showing careful and mérito

rious work. <

A creditable study by D. D. Tucker in th division for persons between 15 -and 1! years of age shows attention to detail '"Eggs in a Basket," by^Miss Hilda Thomas is a satisfactory piece of drawing, and'; number of paintings by Miss W. J. Weiden hofer are worthy of mention.

The committee offered a first prize anc certificates in each of the three divisions in to which the paintings were divided, ac cording to the,age of the exhibitors. Th< pictures were iudged before the exhibitiot opened, with, the following results:

Judges-Messrs. E. Davies, G. J. Webb, and H Heysen. - v.

Division 3.-Work of persons over 21 years of age -Still life, Mrs. E. A. Johnstone, "Quinces," 1st prize; Miss Olive Lunn, "Boots," 1st certificate; Miss B. S. Leicester, 2nd certificate. Flowers,. Miss Eva Peters "Hoses, " special; Mrs. A. J. Nickels, special; Miss E. P. P.ilmer, "Study oí Hoses," 1st prize; Miss G. L'A. Adamson, "Koses," certificate. Landscape.-A. E. Milbank, "Sap-lings," 1st pnze; A. E. Milbank. "Blossoms," lst certificate; Miss Olive Lunn, certificate. Sea-scape.-Charles Marques, "Just a tunnel and a mast lurching through the spray; So we took the Bolivar out across the bay," 1st prize; A. E. Rey-nolds, "Cape Northumberland," certificate. Por-trait of Figure Study.-Mrs. A. Scott Broad, 1st prize; A. E. Milbank, "Head in Pastel," certifi-cate. Watercolor.-Miss Millicent R. Hambridge, I "Figure," special; Miss G. L'A. Adamson, "P#fc 1 ces3 Bridge," 1st prize.

I Division 4.-The work of persons over l8 and un-der. 21 years of ace.-Still life, Miss M. G. C. I Clarke, "Finit," 1st pnre; Miss Olive Trevaskis, I "Study," 1st certificate; Miss Clarice Fea, 2nd cer Jtiflcate. Flowers--llisa Ivy. E, Sotanea. "Gama

tion Study," 1st prize; and "Nasturtiums," c flcatc. Landscape.-Miss Lillian Giles, certifie Portrait or Figure Stud}-.-W. A. Seppelt, ' Welcome Letter," 1st prize.

Division 5.-The work of persons over 15

under IS years of age. Still Life.-D. D. Tue 1st prize; W. F. Colyer, 1st certificate. Drav from the cast in black, white or sepia, Carl Schneider. 2nd certificate.

The Needlework.

(By "Lady Kitty.")

Many exhibitors in the fancy aud pi needlework section will no doubt be

appointed with the small amount of sp allotted to them, but the number and^i of the exhibits ia this class was so m larger than the space set aside for th that it would be a most difficult task to i play them as they deserve.

The show of hand-made lace is one of striking features in this section. It is the most varied and exquisite descripti and would take columns of description do its beauties full justice. In Miss Ne W. Nillas' exhibit of a point and Honi lace collar the beauty of ita design £ variety of finest stitenes chain the att tion of a lace lover (and what woman not?l at once. It. is a superb piece work. No less lovely in its way is Al Mardon's case of Honiton pillow lace,

has that "good"' look which associates r lace at once with a legal black velvet go and diamonds.1 A^ fascinating exhibit Miss V. E. Olifent's handkerchief bon of filmiest Carrickenacross lace, her liai made Torchon, and a Teneriffe lace col of tasteful design, and an infinity of wi derful stitches are charming examples

skill. Mrs. H. Rudkin shows a Flem point handkerchief border, which is a lovi design of many uncommon stitches. È point lace collar, deep, and showing doze of stitches, one more fascinating than t other, shows how she excels as much the fine as the heavier varieties".

Mrs. S. Venn's point lace' bertha is

exceeding fineness, artistic in design, a skilfully* executed. Miss Jude's point la collar of handsome design is effective tinted in an ecru shade. The exhibit

Mrs. J. R. I'Anson is a rarely lovely a lection, and stands out in point of attn tion from the charm of its originality. H duchess lace collars, handkerchief, ai d'oyley show a fine lace, which is a crc between point Honiton andCarrickenacroi a blend of all the best stitches of thv kinds. Her d'oyleys in Honiton and lint work axe charming. Miss K. J. Mess« shows a white point lace necktie, the em of which are lacework in stitches fine

"gossamer. A crochet collar done in si by Miss Friedman is so finely worked : to appear like hand-made lace.

Among the embroidery the daintiest at most exquisitely worked exhibit is a whi satin cot quilt by. Miss Ethel G. Lan. It mast have been done by the lightest^ < fingers, so delicate is the fairy-like desig of ribbon work. In the centre is a graç fully shaped basket worked in palest goli from which falls a mass of forget-me-not sprays of delicate pink and red rosebud and forget-me-nots intertwined, with tru lover's knots decorating each corner. It . a fascinating cover, fit tor the cot of a bah prince. Miss A. C. Ewens shows a cas of different kinds of work, the most effei tive of which is a» muslin table centre ril bon, worked with baskets of forget-me-nol and delicately embroidered with butterflia An art linen photo, frame is finely wbrke with golden daisies, and a linen tea cose is _ embroidered with a glory of golde


An uncommon and most effective table cover by Mrs>R. E. King is of cornflowe blue linen, worked in a forceful design o white linen applique, edged with a stitcher; in terracotta and palest yellow silks, an' ornamented with gold and red sequins. A] attractive collection is that of Mrs. Hay man, in which are some samples of fines drawn-thread work, and a point lace coila in a myriad 'of stitches, each' one fine and more complex than the last. Thi Sisters of Mercy of Angas-street havi brought needlework to a fine art. Arnon g= the wàrk exhibited by their pupils then are beautifully worked specimens of drawn thread .d'oyleys,^crochet mats¡ small woo! len garments, two White shirts of fairj size, exquisitely hand-sewn, besides sill embroidered' tray cloths, and pther things Mrs. E. Hi Gitten's silk frock, trimmer with masses of tatted lace, shows how tatting can be carried to the highest stan dard. It looks like finest lace.

A most interesting exhibit is made by the Education Department, whiçt shows how the pupils of the dif ferent public 'schools are as wel. instructed in the gentle . 'arts as in the three R's. In this exhibit t large cabinet, beautifully carved, catches ones eve; this was cleverly done with the pocket-knife of a pupil, aged 15, who wa; formerlv at the Rose Park School. Fron Lake Ormerod School came the choices! samples of- eanvas work. East Adelaide sent some clever examples of clay model-ling, with a goodly display of needlework, The Waterloo children are of a practical turn of mind, and show children's blouses -beautifully smocked, too. Williams town's exhibit is a most creditable show of utensils from the carpenter's shop.

It is not possible to give the least idea of the variety o? quilts, patchwork, crochet, &c, but special mention must be given to the novelty cot quilt, made by Mrs. Blunck. It has a green sateen back-ground, on which are cotton dolls, fowls*, rabbits, dogs, cats, &c, all done in a raised design. This is to'be a donation to the Children's Hospital when the ex-hibition closes. Imagine the delight it will give to the sick children! < Want of space prevents any further description of this big collection, which'_ includes cushions, dressed dolls, afternoon '^tea-cloths in even- kind of work, crochetted goods, Mount Mellick work, woolwork of every description. Ma-cramé work, plain needlework, silk-embroi-dered blotters, Corticelli ribbon, and Tene-riffe work; in fact every kind of work that skilful hands can execute with ''the needle, and there are indeed some lovely things. ^ (

School of Design Exhibit.

In a room, just inside the entrance to the main hall, -the"" School of_ Design has a handsome exhibit, artistically set and grouped in a large glass case, which occu-pies one side of che room. At the back of the case hang 'four portieres-a fitting background to» the artistic whole. The most'striking is a conventional design in shades of pink, blue, and green, worked with a multiplicity of art stitches on a creamy-tinted Roman sateen ground. An uncommon portiere is of sage-green linen, appKqued with a pattern in a lighter green. One is much struck with the boldness and grace of tue designs.

Wood-carving is a great feature of the exhibit, and the quaint designs shown in wooden cabinets, . fire-screens, &c, are charming., A pair of bellows in carved wood have quite an old-world air. The samples or copper and brass work are most attractive. The carved tables are covered with art- embroidered table covers, which are specimens of rare design and attractive coloring. Then there are blotters, photo, frames, and cushions in dozens of beautiful designs, and a marvel of blend in colors. All the work of this exhibit is stamped with a richness of effect that reflects great credit on the designers.

Mr. J. H. Coghill, one of the visitors, is an Adelaide man, and at the present time holds the position of editor and manager of the Australasian Leather Trades' Re-view. He was favorably impressed by the exhibit's of leather. It is remarkable that in Adelaide and Sydney the presidents of the Chambers of- Manufactures are con-nected with the leather industry. We have received from Mr. Coghill a copy of -the anniversary number of his paper, which deals in an interesting manner with all sub-jects connected with the leather trade. Although it is published in Sydney all the States in the Commonwealth receive fair; representation, and the Adelaide firms are dealt with both in the letterpress and the illustrations, which are admirably produced.