South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 14 March 1849, page 2

SALES BY PUBLIC AUCTION . Ex 'Joseph Albino.' ? ..'? ' SAMSON,- WICKSTEED, & CO., (Successors to Mr John Bentham Neales,) HAVE received instructions from H. W. Phillips, Esq., Lloyd's Agent, to offer by public auction, at the Port, This Day (Wednesday), the 14th March, at twelve o'clock — The following damaged sugars from the above ship, on account of whom it may concern — CF 1-2— 8 bags sugar 3-6—27 ditto 7-9—14 ditto AFTER WHICH, Tht lonnd portion of the above cargo, eonsisting of— CF 1-2—194 bags sugar 3.6—85 ditto 7-9—352 ditto. . . . ALSO, Surplus stores, ex Candahar, &e., &«. ALSO, . Tha old slaughter-house at Thebarton. AFTER WHICH, 19 kegs tobacco in bond. Cargo of the schooner ' Thomas Lord,1' frotn Singapore' SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO., (Successors to Mr John Bentham Neales,) HAVE received instructions to ofler the well«assorted cargo of the above vessel by public auction, on Thursday nest, the 15th day of March, at the stores of Messrs Wm. Younghusband, jun., & Co., King Wil liam-street, at 12 o'clock, consisting of— 700 bags sugar, Siaoi and Java, various samples 68 bags coffee , 83 ditto pearl sago 53 ditto fine rice 220 boxes of package tea of «x««U«nt quality, the only lot in the market 200 Singapore planks. AFTER WHICH, Without reserve, to close consignments, a great ?variety of merchandise, viz. — Hysonskin, imperial, and young hyson teat Black pepper Cayenne pepper Cavendish tcbacco Port and sherry wines, in wood and bottlts Martell's brandy Cape wine Mustard, thumb blue Blacking, vinegar Invoice of saddlery -and harness Ditto of looking-glasses ?&c, ' &c., &e. Cargo of the ?? Mazeppu,' hourly expected from Singapore. SAMSON, WICKSTEED, & CO., (Successors to Mr John Bentham Nealcs,) HAVE received instructions to sell at their Mart, immediately on arrival — The entire cargo of the above v ssel, consisting of 2000 bags of sugar, various samples 100 packages of sago 52 bags coffee HO bags rice 9 bags white pepper 87 bags black ditto 140 packages Bengal ropa 100 boxes fine Manila cigars. The Auctioneers are instructed by the importers to ' state that, as heretofore, the cargo will be sold positively without reserve. By order of the Colonial Ser eta ry. THE GOVERNMENT AUCTIONEER WILL sell on Saturday, March 17, at Hie rooms ol Messrs Samson, Wicksteed & Co., at twelre o'clock — An old barge lying at the mouth of the Onkaparinga, She is about 20 tons burthen. John B. Neales, Government Auctioneer. Under Distress for Hates. Oa the premises of E. Solomon, Esq., Currie street., or Thursday, March 15, at 12 o'clock. OAA ORE BAGS, or a sufficient number tocovei **V' the amount required. By order of the Collector of Rates. J. B. Neales, - Government Auctioneer. MOUSES AND SUNDRIES. E. N. EMMETT & CO. WILL sell, This Day, (Wednesday), the Uth inst. ?t their Rooms — A lot of very useful horses. CART MARES AND SPUING CARTS. I. N. EMMETT & CO. HAVE received instructions to sell by public Ruction oa Saturday, the 17th instant, at their Rooms— A fine lot of eart mares Spring carts, and a lot of sundries. 200 Fine BuUochs \b Horses and Mart.s 1 Team of Eight Working Bulloeki 1 Dray, Bovs, Yokes, Tarpaulins, and Chains. E. N. EMMETT & CO. HAVE received positive instructions from M Thomas Luscombe, just arrived from the Murray to sell by public auction, at Crawler Town, on Monday .. the 19th instant, at eleven o'clock precisely— ? The above lot of splendid Cattle, Working, Bulloekt 8n. - ..'... ; Fifty of the Bullocks are fit for the Butchsr. Terms at time of Sale.. The sale will take place at 'Mine Host' Calton'i. E. N. EMMETT & CO. TTAVE received instructions to sell by public auctior II in a few days — All the farming implements, thrashing machini stock, and sundries, of Mr Thos. Taylor, of the Sturt. Particulars, and day, of sale, in a future advtrtisemen E. N. EMMETT & CO. HAVE for sale by private contract— . Sections of Land Allotments in townships Bui-ding 6ites 2,000 sheep, with run for 16.000 ? , Well watered homesteads, &c, &e. ' . 100 head of mixed cattle A handsome buggy. SPRINGBANK. ~~' E. N. EMMETT & CO. ' r'jrr ATE a few allotments of land in 'Springbank ?JlL- diiposeofby private contract. =?- ? ' . Terins Liberal. ',/_, , , '! ...... , .- CELLAR. i ; '- .. - E. N. EMMETT & CO. : HAVE a splendid CELLAR to let, well adapted f a wine and spirit merchent.

»?, . - ? REMEMBER THE DRAPERY SALE TO-DAY. This day (Wednesday), March, 14, a* Eleven. NATHANIEL HAILES ,.,;, WILL sell by 'auction at his mart DRAPERY, &c,, ? by late arrivals, including — 70 pieces chintz prmt % de laine dresses 84 print dresses 15 Florence print dresses 3 shawl d. esses 253 yards grey calico 182 'ditto long cloth ? * 86 ditto shirting . .. ? 235 handkerchiefs 12 dozen women's white cotton hose 3 ditto men's ditto ditto 1 1 ditto women's and men's black, blue, marble cotton, blue knit, and half hose 38 pieces satin shaded, and sarsnet ribbons 41 muslin dresses GO orint ditto 71 Shetland, embroidered, barage, plaid, print, plaid cashmere, print cashmere, and embroi dered shawls I 9 lobe cashmere dressea 4 pieces Oregon plaid ALSO, 29 fashionable hats, of first quality, Mackintosh coats, 27 single and double breasted dress coits, 16 Chester field coats, 6 black frock, ditto, 22 gross sewing cotton, 6 dozen waistcoats, 40 dozen stripped, regatta, and white shirts, 26 pairs trousers, gloves, mitts, bonnets, 4 pieces hair-seating, 40 sets table covers, 6 pieces swansdown, 3 pieces black balzarine, 12 table covers, 50 white pongee handkerchiefs, straw plat. ALSO, 20 bales gunny ba*G, 2 hogsheads lime juice, 10 reams writing paper A SPLENDID MARQUEE, &c, &c, &e. Be Punctual ! ! ! To Publicans, Brewers, Dealers, and Others. ART HUR FOX HAS received positive instructions to sell without reserve, at the 'Miners' Arms,' Glen Osmond, on Monday, the 19th March, at twelve o'clock pre cisely — All the household furniture, pictures, looking-glasses, chairs, sofas, tables, tent, and four-post bedsteads, feather-beds, pillows, &c. First-rate beer and spirit engine, 60 feet of piping, taps, wrench, &c, com plete, Spirit fountain, kegs, pewter measures, glasses, funnels, pewter saveall, pictures, tobacco cutting ma chine, hall and sign lamps, dressers, meat safes, and every article requisite for a country inn; with a large quantity of brandy, rum, gin, hollands, whisky, port, and sherry wines,' 3 cusks of English cider, cordials, &c, &c, &???. Remember, no reserve— the proprietor relinquishing business. EDUCATION, At Prospect Village, near Watkervnlc. rpHE Rev. T. Waite, late of St. Catherine Hall, J_ Cambridge, bejjs to inform the inhabitants of Adelaide and its vicinity, that be intends to open a School at the above place, on Monday, the 26th inst , for the education of young gentlemen. The subjects of instruction will comprise, Greek, French, English; composition and mathematics, with everything conducive to a liberal and Christian education. Terras : 2 Guineas per quarter Day boarders £15 per annum. I3th March, 1849 WANTED, for the South Australian Library and Mechanics' Institute, a Secretary and Libra rian, likewise a youth as an assistant librarian. Appli cations must be addressed to the secretary, on or before Tuesday the 20th inst., from whom particulars may be ascertained. J. RAWLINGS, Secretary. To Brick-Moulders. WANTED, a steady man as moulder, and one whe can set a kiln of bricks. Erery encouragement will be given. Information to applicants may be had, by applving to the undersigned, at Thebarton. CHARLES READ. ANGASTOMT RACES. ON EASTER MONDAY next, April 9th, a supcrioi new saddle, bridle, whip and spurs will be run for at Angaston, by bush horses, in. two one and a-half mile heats. Entrance £ I each, to be made at Mr N. Player's 'Angaston Hotel.' DR. SACHSE, M.D., Surgeon and Accoucheur, begi to acquaint the public, that he has commencec practicing in Macclesfield and the surrounding country and al-io that he keeps there, a complete chemist's shop South Australian Building and Investment Society. ' HJIHOSE persons who have signified their intention o I taking shares in the ahove association, and al persons wishing to purchase land, or buy, or build house* will please to take notice, that a meeting for the adop tion of the rules of the Society, will be held at the Wes leyan Methodist School-Room Gawler-placc, on Friday evening next, the 16th instant, at seven o'clock, when they are requested to attend. ANDREW JOHNSTON, Secretary, pro.tem. Adelaide, March 13th, 1849. RAFFLE TO BE RAFFLED FOR, a Barrel Organ, playing eighty tunes, at Mr Trott's, ' Music Saloon^ , Early applications are requested as the list is nearly filled up. -— -— 2rOTIGS ANY Person detected cutting or removing woo from Sections 317, 324, and 325, and Gree; Slips No. 2057, 2058, situate on or near Gilles* Plain: will be prosecu'ed. ROBERT DAVENPORT. ' March 13, 1849, ' Just published, at the office of this paper, in 8vo., price Is. SANITARY REFORM: its general aspect and loci importance, considered in a Lecture delivered ; the New Queen's Theatre, Adelaide, on Tuesday evenin 13th February, 1849. Together with practical observi tions on South Australia, applicable to the subject { affecting the Sanitary condition of the colony, by ? ????... John Stephens. Also,, by the Same author, a Lecture on Comets, price- 1s. Just published, and on sale at the office of this paper ' t-rice2s6df ? THE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BOO ALMANACK, FOR 1849. This Almanack, . to which the twelfth volume is now issuing, has acquire ? a just celebritynot only in this colony, but i England, on the continent of Europe, and elsewhen | and ihe proprietor feeta much pleasure in the assuram - that this publication will not only bear con . parison with any of i:s predecessors, but exhibit ind bitabie evidences of the march of improvement. Nothing having been spared in its compilation, it 3r hoped that the driest details will at least ensure tl smile of approbation.