South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 19 December 1849, page 1

FOB LONDON. i_ *- _ The well-known superior A I ship S^B^. J.HN BARTLETT, MtdSiiv^. **? ^* Woodward, commander, has been I Wu8MS§r ^a^ on the ^erl^ for London, for WH|£AT» «5b£bb- and will receive unusual despatch. i For freight, apply to the captain, on board, or to -5 A. L. ELDER & CO. I December 13, 1849. -NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. ; For London and Hamburg. Witt sail from the Light Ship positively on 1st January. e-STgr The splendid first-class ship IW33K . A USTRALIA, Wxdt&s^ °°° ton8' Capt* Sleeboom'&2MiMgr This vessel carries an experienced «h3e£KBB9 Surgeon, has superior poop and lofty 'tween deck accommodation, and offers a desirable opportunity for cabin, intermediate, and steerage passengers. * . . For'freight or passage, apply to . CAPT. SLEEBOOM, ? Onboard; or to CHAS. & F. J. BECK. Hindley-street, Dec. 17i 1849. First Snip for California. *.«-.- ' The undersigned having chartered the JKgjjX remen ar^ra/iV^ . wffillPy^' 600 tons, Captain L. Steljes, guarantee tBCMmhy that she will be the first vessel to prcceedjo San Franciseo, California. The Charterers bind themselves that an ample supply of provisions will be provided according to a- scale which may be viewed at the counting-houses of the undersigned. A number of passengers have already engaged, and immediate application is necessary. A qualified surgeon proceeds with the ship. ' BUNCE, BROTHERS & CO., King William-street; J. F. BENNETT, .'.... Port Adelaide. Ballast, water, and fittings are on board, and the ship will positively sail on or before the 10th January. Adelaide, December 17th, 1849. For Madras and Calcutta. To Sail in a few days. r-x- ?- The A 1 barque tJyjf|E|ij^ Edward Duncan, commander. wBw»[B-P^ For freight or passage, apply to aflUHP ACRAMAN, COOKE, & CO. For Freight or Charter. f. r- — The splendid new British-built ship »Jta£k ASCENDANT, wffly£|^ 500. tons per register, A I for 12 years, fl[^P|ffly Captain Spencer. PPyC°HAS.&F..J. BECK, Agents. Bradley-street, Dec. 17, 1849. Firat Vessel for Sydney. VV. The fine fast-sailing schooner Wfl|^, VELOCITY, js/B&Sm- 1.38 tons, Captain McVeigh. This vessel has splendid accommodation for passengers. ':?-?For For freight or passage, apply to ? - ? GEORGE HALL, ? Port Adelaide ; or to * CHAS. & F. J. BECK, Hindley-street. December 17, 1849. BILLS OF LADING' on sale at the Offices of the South Australian Register and Adelaide Observer. XF MR. THOMAS DUE JONES, third son of Capt. X Thomas Due Jones, of the Royal Artillery, deceased, trail apply to Messrs Walker, Grant, & Co., King's Road Gray's Inn, London, or to his brother, H. I. Jones, at the office of R. B. Colley, King William-street, Adelaide, he will hear of something greatly to his advantage. Any person giving authentic information respecting the above Mr Jones, who left England in the vear 1842, shall be liberally rewarded. Apply to either of toe obove offices. Adelaide, November, 1849. South Australian Agricultural and Horticultural Society. THE Annual Exhibition of field, garden, and other - produce, will take place on Thursday the 21st February. ' For the list of prizes to be offered for competition, and all particulars relating to the Show, the Committee beg to refer to the advertisements in the South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal of 6th December, the South Australian of 7th December, the Observer of 8th December, the Times of 10th December, and the South Australian Register of 12th December, copies of which may be obtained at the Secretary's Office, Exchange Chambers, and at the principal inns in the country. Subscriptions are due, and will be received by the Secretarv-or any member of the Committee. E. A. WRIGHT, Secretary. Adelaide, Dec 13, 1849. ? N.B.— All Wine intended for exhibition must be sent to the stores of Messrs Hamilton & Henderson, King 'William-street, on or before t lie 1st January, 1850. Thrashing Machines. FOR SALE, at the stores of the undersigned, two powerful thrashing machines, with duplicate machinery, ex Benjamin EDcin, manufactured by Wm. Crosfikill, Yorkshire. JOSEPH HOWARD & CO., . -.I*., ,n-L ?»- Tavistock-street. Adelaide, 12th Dec, 1849. To Capitalists. A GENTLEMAN possessed of valuable landed J\, property in South Austialia, wishes to meet with a capitalist of experience and probity, who would be willing to embark in an undertaking 'free from risk. and offering present and prospective advantages of the highest order. Letters from principals, or from their agents, with real name and address, directed to T. N. N., will procure immediate interviews with the advertiser. ? Adelaide, Dec. 6, 1849. California. PARTIES going to California are recommended to take a supply of ; CARLETON'S BAKING POWDER, .*. substitute for yeast, prepared by C. J. Carleton, Chemist, Hindley^treet, three doors east of Leighstreet.

Public Meeting. To C. B. Newenham, Esq., Sheriff of the Province of South Australia. THE question as to the future Legislative Government of the colony being now under discussion in Council with a view to their forwarding a Memorial on the subject to the Secretary of State, expressive of their views and opinions in reference to the Bill as intro-duced by her Majesty's Ministers in the late Session of Parliament, we, the undersigned, request you to call a public meeting of the colonists on Friday, the 21st inst., to take the subject into consideration. J. H. Fisher E. E. Naylor G. S. Kingston James Philcox Wm. James David Randall F. H. Dutton James Archer F. J. Beck B. Raye Wm. Allen Wm. Williams Sam. Slocks, junr. J. Roberts Jas. Allen Philip Levi Geo. A. Anstey John Brown f . S. Dutton George D. Penny Wm. Roberts Christ. S. Penny . Nich. P. LeBair John R. Harris . J. Taylor S. Stocks Geo. Tinline John Stephens J. B. Montefiors John Slatter John Adams Stephen King George Elder, junr. Thomas Price James Hardman J. B. Carey Wm. R. S. Cooke Henry Harrison A. Scott E. N. Emmett Matthew Smith W. J. Bkckham Frederic Wicksteed ' H. Snelling P.J. Tod Geo. H. Fox George Stevenson R. Amsberg John Hart John Birnie Richd. Bosworth. Wm. MaGuire Wm Robinson Wm. Sanders J. Munday R. F. Macgeorge Fredk. Jones Henry Mildred George Green M. & S. Marks G. M. Stephen J. Y. Ashton Chas. Fenn W. M. Boswarva John Chamberlain J. H. Stuckey Wm. Peacock G. M. Water house H. Feathcrstonhnugh Alex. McDonald John Waterhouse W. C. Crane Henry Ayers Robert Tod Samuel Hart Francis Veysey C. J. Barry E. J. F. Crawford Neville Blyth J. B. Hack J. W. McDonald . Chas. Rowland. In compliance with the above requisition, I hereby appoint Friday next, the 2lst instant, for a public meeting, to be held at the Exchange Room, King Williamstreet, at the hour of twelve o'clock precisely. C. B. NEWENHAM, Sheriff. Adelaide, Dec. 14, 1849. . To be Sold, Af\ ACRES of freehold Land, with a good Brick ^*- . House and Dairy, and Brick Cottage, pleasantly situated about a mile from Holdfast Bay, and four milss from Adelaide, adjoining the residence of John Morphett, Esq., and well adapted fur a Nursery or Market Garden. ? also, . . . A team of good Working Bullocks and Dray, a new Plough, anh Hairows. &c. Enquire at Mr Muir's, next door to Mr M'Cabe's auction-roums, Hindley-street HENRY YAK LEY, the ? oldest Cooper in the colony, begs respectfully to return thanks for all past' favours, tor the last ten years, and informs his friends and the public of Adelaide and its vicinity, that he has recommenced business in the above line, opposite Mr Stewart's Timber Yard, Hindley-street, where he hopes, by punctuality and attention, to merit their support. N.B. One or two good workmen wanted, to whom liberal wages will be given. . . . . To Small Capitalists. FOR Sale, in the most business part of the Burra Burra, two stone-built Shops, containing, two rooms each, at present occupied, and will produce a weekly rental of 25s. or 30s. They are rituated in the most central part of the town, being directly opposite Mr Were's public-house. For particulars, apply (if by letter post-paid) to Mr W. Williams, hairdresser, Burra Burra, or to Mr Thomas Willoughby, Adelaide. Witton's Musical Repository, HINDLEY-STREET. ACCORDIONS, Cornopeans, Violins, Guitars, j^\_ Flutes, and new Music. Just received, a choice assortment of the above, and a great reduction in the price of things. 20th Nov., 1849. . . ... CEDAS, ??-? A(\ OOO F^ET CEDAR, in logs and boards, -*v5 W v now landing from the Phantom— the cheapest lot.iu the market. ' JOHN STEWART. .. Australian Timber Yard, '-: Hindley-street. , Victoria Iron, Brass, and Bell Foundry, LEIGH-STREET. WPYBUS, Junr., begs to return thanks to his ? friends and the public for the liberal support he has received since commencing business as a Founder, and at the same time to inform them that he has relinquished his late premises in Leigh-street and removed to a more commodious site at the West End of Hindley-street, where he will be happy to execute all orders with whicn he may be favoured, with his accustomed punctuality and dispatch. N.B.— W. P. continues to make. all kinds of castings in loam and sand up to 3 tons weight. Oven and kitchen ranges of every description manufactured on the premises and always on band. Mould boards, thrashing-machine castings, lampbrackets, &c, &c, &c. (Kf» All letters intended for W. Pybus, Junr., to be addressed to his new Foundry, West End of Hindleystreet. Adelaide, 14th December, 1849. IF I had money, I should buy a Goose, and fatten the same ; but as I am poor, I can do neither one nor the other. . CHARLES PREUSS, Watchmaker, . . King William-street. Five Fonnds Reward. WHEREAS some evil-disposed person or persons did, on Saturday the 1st, or Sunday the 2nd of December, wilfully and maliciously shoot and kill a valuable bull, on Section 896, on the Upper Sturt, the above sum will be paid to any person who shall at any time give jsuch information as will lead to the detection and conviction of the perpetrator. ? WM. MARTIN, Dec U, 1848. ? *»*-»*??

Notiee of Removal. RW. K KM PLAY, Builder and Undertaker, re? spectfully announces that he has removed from Morphett-street to Franklin-street, opposite the ♦' Farners' Inn ;' and in relumine his best thanks to his riends for their favours during several years, begs to wsure them that nothing on his part will be in future van ting- by promptitude, good workmanship, and the )est materials, to merit the continuance of their paronage. N.B.— Funerals punctually attended to. Bayvillo the Healthful. Oil the Bay Road, nearly opposite Dr. EverarSt. HHHE proprietors of this most eligible property have X consented to its being laid out as a Village, and lo sell the allotments for the accommodation of those ivho prefer a freehold a short distance out to one in the IMtv. ?...??? Bayville possesses an advantage over many suburban irillages, from its contiguity to Adelaide, its distance being only ? . One Mile and a- Quarter from the Path Lands, which must render it attractive to those who love an agreeable walk or ride upon a Well-made Road. All who are acquainted with the Bay Road, know it to be one of thebest approaches to the City. It is not intended to exaggerate the merits of Bayville, but the proprietors consider it due both to the public and to themselves, to say that the beauty of its locality can scarcely be exceeded, situated as it is in the midst of park-like scenery, and commanding on one hand a most enchanting view of the hills, while on the other is the more expended prospect to the Gulf, where it is open to the refreshing influences of THE SEA-BREEZE. Another most important advantage of the Village, is that it possesses EXCELLENT WATER, at a moderate depth ; this has been satisfactorily shown by two wells aheady sunk on the land. Much more might be said ; but the proprietors content themselves with adding that the price of the allotments is exceedingly moderate, and the terms of payment will be liberal in the extreme, SEVEN' YEARS' CREDIT being allowed, without interest, and a good title furnished when the payments are completed. Further Darticulars may be obtained from Mr J. W. Cole, Architect and Surveyor, Gawler-place, Adelaide, who is appointed to sell the property. North Arm. FOR SALE, in allotments, portions of Section G., near the proposed Railway Terminus. Apply to Mr T. B. Strangways, at the Exchange* either personally or bp letter. Adelaide, July 27, 1849. To Capitalists and New Colonists. Valuable House Property, within one minute's walk of the Exchange, and first-rate Farms in the Neigh' . hourhood. ? - ?? TOSEPH GILL AM, Laud and Commission Agent, ll King William-street, has been favoured with instructions to dispose of the following eligible properties : — The tvrcnty-one years' lease, ?with right of purchase, of two shops and dwelling-houses in the best situation in the city. A capital farm, of. 160 acres, under cultivation, comprising some of the first land in the colony, with stock, thrashing-machine, and implements of farming. Forty acres of good land, in blocks of five acres, fenced in, and within five miles of Adelaide. Price, £15 per acre. TO. LET OX LEASE, Forty acres of capital garden ground, in blocks of fiye or ten .acres. Price, 30a, 'per acre. y~ ' ? Several houses for sale in Itundle, Gouger, and AngasstreetB, South-terrace, and Kensington. ?wanted, £200, for twelve months, at twenty per cent. TO LET, Two capital Bhops and dwelling-houses in Bundlestreet. . . Capital Investment* The Proprietor retiring from Business. TO be disposed of, at Port Adelaide, a first-rat© general Drapery and Grocery business, now doing the largest business at the Fort — the goods and fixtures to be taken at a valuation. Also, tho unexpired lease of the premises may be taken. To parties about to commence business in this colony, and wishing to make A fortune in a short time, this is au opportunity that should not be allowed to pass. None but capitalists need apply. For further particulars, apply to Mr Debano, printer, King William-street; or to Mr Joseph Fonsaker, Cheapside House, Port Adelaide. Dec. 10th, 1849. For Sale, ABOUT Five Acres of good Land, having a running stream of water . throughout the year ; fine sea view, and a short distance from Kensington. Terms— £37 10s., cash deposit; '£37' 10s., by acceptance at 3 months ; and the balance, £/5, to remain for 5 years, bearing 10 per cent, interest. Apply at the -Office of the Register and Observer Newspapers, Hindley-street, Adelaide. For Sale, fp WO Sections of Land in the District of Willunga X (425 and 430), with 120 acres fenced in. Also, stockyard and stackyard, a well of water, and a slab house Apply to the proprietor, Mr William Selleek, on the sections. ' ANDREW JOHNSTON, Accountant and General Agent, HAS on sale Land, in various sized allotments, at Norwood (close to Kensington), North Adelaide, South Adelaide, Bowden, and Islington. Also, a few Cottages in South Adelaide, with freeholds to each, at prices varying for freehold and cottage, from £60 to £80. Terms — From cash to seven years' credit. To Let, a most commodious residence for a respectable family, with cellar, out-offices, and large garden, all in the best oraer, and fronting the Park Lands. To be Sold, a Bargain, TWO substantial stone cottages, containing four rooms eaeh, and adjoining a plot of ground with forty-two feet frontage to Gilbert-street, by seventy feet deep along Minforu-street, to which the cottages front. Apply to ^ ? ANDREW JOHNSTON, Agent and Accountant, V King' Willliam-streer. Two doors north of tqe Southern Cross.

Festival of at. John the Evangelist. ] THE Officers and Brethren of the South Australian ] Lodge of Friendship intend celebrating the above , Festival by a Dinner at their Lod^e-room, ' Freemasons' Tavern,' on Thursday, tho 27th instant, on which ocea- | lion they will be joined by the Officers and Brethren of j ihe Lodges of Harmony and United Tradesmen, and [ espectfully invite all Brother Masons to attend. | Lodge will be opened at high twelve, for tho instal- : ation of officers and transaction of other business. Dinner on tho table at 6 o'clock precisely, for which ;ickets, 5s. each, may bo obtained of Brs. P. M. Nash, Lodge of Friendship \ Secretary Noltenius, do. r gteward« V. Solomon, United Tradesmen Lodge j Ol*w*' ? M. Marks, do. / Also of Bn Host Dyke. By order of the W M.f HENRY NOLTENIUS, Secretary. Adelaide, 15th December, 1849. ':, . To Stonemasons, SEALED Tenders will be received by W. Weir, Architect, up to the 20th instant, from, stonemasons willing to contract, at per yard, for the masonry and brickwork of the walls above the casement of the Bank of Australasia, at the angle of King William and Currie-streets, Adelaide. December 6 th, 1849. Patent Galvanised Tinned Iron, and General SSetal Stores, Hindley-street, opposite the ' Castle Inn.' /^IHARLES GELIj begs to announce to builders, \J farmers, storekeepers, and the inhabitants of Adelaide generally, that he has lately imported from England, and has now on sale, a large quantity of the Patent Galvanised Tinned Iron, in sheets, either corrugated for circular or lean-to roofs; likewise galvanised iron nails, screws, rivets, wire, O. G. and half-round gutters, water tubing, shower baths, garden engines, milk dishes and pails, rain. water pipe heads, &c. &c. &c. This valuable metal will be found available for every purpose to which tin, iron, lead, zinc, and copper has hitherto been applied. It has now been in use for a numbt'r of ycais in England, America, the East and West Indies, and in almost all parts of the habitable globe, while all parties who have any practical knowledge of it unite in certifying that it is lighter, more durable and economical, than any other material by them employed for roofing any kind of building. It is anti-corrosive, and is not by three-fourths so liable to contraction or expansion as lead or zinc; it partakes at the same time very strongly of the principle of refraction, so that it will be found, when properly applied, to be quite as cool as any material ever used for building purposes. . The following are a few of: the numerous buildings which have been roofed with the Patent Galvanised Tinned Iron, at various periods during the last nine years: — The Ordnance Department of the Tower of London, Admiralty,' Sheds and other buildings in Deptford, Portsmouth, Devon port, Chatham and Sheerness Dockyards, and the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, the Salt House, and Clarence Dock sheds, and the new Albert Dock warehouses, Liverpool. The Merchants' Exchange, New York. The Post Office, New York. The Cathedral, St. Johns, St. Phillips, and other Churches at Antigua. The Post Office, Sydney, New South Wales. Bramard Chapel and other buildings, Jamaica. It has also been employed for various buildings on the Blackwall, Eastern Union, Ipswich and Bury, London, Brighton, and South Coast, Syston and Peterborough, Huddersfield and .Manchester, Leeds, and Bradford, Leeds and Dewsbury, East Lincolnshire, and many other Railways. , . Innumerable letters have been received, all highly expressive of approbation and approval, from persons who have used this truly valuable material previous to giving their opinion, and among others, from the following practical and scientific gen Jemen : — Chas. Brown, Esq., Clerk of the Works at H.M.'jS dockyard, Deptford John and Benjamin Green, Esqrs., Engineers to the Newcastle and Berwick Railway Company 0. G. Warren, Esq., Architect, Exchange, New, York J. G. Pearson, Esq., Chairman of the Building Committee, Merchants' Exchange, New York W. Hurry, Esq., New York J. Francis, Esq., Iron Works, New York ' ??? B. F. Miller, Esq., William-street, New York ? H. Penton, Esq., present Engineer of the Leeds and Manchester Railway J. P. 'Nesmitt, Esq., New York B. Exley, Esq., St. John's, Antigua ' W. Allen M iller, Esq.. M.D.', F. U.S., Professor of Chemistry, King's College, London, England John Ryan, Esq., M.D., LL.D , London E. C. Weeks, Esq., Sydney^ &d &c. ? ? Prospectuses, with price, may be had nt the store, Hindley-slreet, where builders and others are invited to inspect the stork, consisting of all kinds of iron for roofing, bar iron, and in sheets, tin plates, &c, &c. ? N;B.—Charles Gell undertakes to erect and cover verandahs with ornamental moulded guttering, roofs for all kinds of buildings, to fix rain water pipe — half-round guttering, bell-hanging, tin and plumbing work in all its various branches, in any part of the colony, on the shortest notice, and on moderate terms. ' Lead Piping. To Plumbers, Painters, and Others. THE undersigned has just received supplies of Lead Piping, sizes 2, 11, 1£,1, f, and j inch, together with an assortment of Varnish, Gold Size, White Lead, Tin, Zinc, and Sheet Lead ; Window glass, plain, coloured, and enamelled ; Linseed and Boiled Oil, Turps, Paints, Brushes, Paper' Hangins, &c, at very low prices. Country orders punctually attended fo. S. E. HALL, Leigh-street. Hotioe to the Public. ' : THE undersigned begs to inform the public that he is prepared to sell Saddlery and Harness at very reduced prices. N.B. — A good assortment of English and Colonial Goods of the above description. GEORGE SHADGETT, . . Rundle-street, Next door to the ' Hamburg Hotel'. Ship Biscuit. THE undersigned begs respectfully to inform Captains and Agents of Vessels that he has always ;on hand a large supply of first-rate Bread, at very low prices* ... »?, v ROBERT BIRRELL, T » ' ? . (Late Taylor.) - - . ., Grenfell-streefc f.-Noy.-a&Jtm. ., .. rifc *,. .^JiB-rrEight Tons now ready for shipment.^ v

jiTESSRS WINTER & CO. have much pleasure LtJL in informing the public that they have just im-orted a new and improved machine for the nianufacure of every description of JErated Water. Particular ittention is called to their SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE LEMONADE. This delicious summer beverage is manufactured after ho recipes of tho most eminent physicians of London ; uid is adapted, from its medicinal qualities, as a safe, lealthy, and refreshing drink, calculated to invigorate ill persons subjected to tho variableness of this clixiate. Soda, Carrara, and all other serated waters, in the Highest perfection, supplied on the shortest notice. j^» Orders received at the Manufactory, Morphett-strcet (opposite Trinity Church), Adelaide. Carrara Water, THE undersigned have much pleasure in informing the Public that they, are now enabled to supply 3rders for the above to any extent. . . DISHER & MILNE, Hindley and Currie-streets. October 2nd, 1849. Harvest Wines. CAPE WINE in hogsheads, quarter-casks, and halfaums, VERY CHEAP. ' v' DISHER & MILNE, - . ? Hindley and Currie-streets. October 30th, 1849. Cheap Harvest Wino. ON SALE by the undersigned, in packages of every size, to suit farmers. ?-DANIEL NICHOLSON, Behind Bray's, Hindley-street. npUMBLERS, GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, plain, JL pressed, and cut. 500 Dozen of the above, regular half-pints, from 3s. per dozen, at FOX'S Auction Rooms, Rundle-street. ?????? New Drapery Goods. T)UR CHASERS of sheetings, counterpanes, quilts, XT linens, tablecloths, flannels, bedticks, prints, do laines, printed muslins, rich figured satin dresses, gloves, hosiery, shirts, drawers, ready-made clothes, haberdashery, straw hats, parasold, ladies' boots and shoes, &c, &c, will find it to their advantage to inspect the NEW STOCK, lately purchased upon the most advantageous terms', for cash, in the London and other markets — the whole of which are now selling at unprecedented low prices by the importers. FARMER & HODGKISS, Hindley-street, Opposite the ' Royal Admiral.'' N.B.— A large stock of the New Registered Clubhouse Shirts. In these shirts, a good fit is obtained, with perfect easo and freedom to the wearer; the plaits are smooth and even, however open the waist- . coat may bo worn. Increased durability is gaiaed by makiugall the parts most liable to wear of double cloth, and strength and neatness are effected by stitching, instead of felling the seams. Price — 0 for 45a. TERMS— CASH. Palings! Palings!! Palings!!! Ex ' Dorset' and ' Palmyra.' r JA (\(\(\ 5 and 6 feet BROAD PALINGS -±U \J\J\f 100,000 15 inch shingles \ ' ',''? . 7 50,000 laths . _.„??» Van Diemen's Land and Colonial joists, quartertngs, battens, posts, and rails, &c. On salo at the yard of BROOKS & CO., __. Timber Merchants, Cabinetmakers, and Joiners, Back of Blyth's Buildings, Hiudley-street, Adelaide. 6,500 Sheep, Clean, and in Good Condition. SPLENDID Run, Huts, Hurdles, Working Bullocks, Horses, &c- for sale by Private Contract. Apply to ' E. N. EMMETT & CO., Auctioneers. - Merry Monarch. nHH IS celebrated thorough-bred Horse^bred by Mr JL Baynton, of Van Diemen'S Land, imported to South Australia by \V. Van Sittart, Esq., got by Little John, out of Miss Finn, by Peter Finn, he* dam Curiosity by Buffalo, iniported by the Cressy Horse Company to Van Diemen*8 Land, will stand this Season at Mr Wm. Malcolm's, the Reed Beds. Miss Finn is the dam of Termagant, winner of several races in Van Diemen's Land in 1841, also dam of Young Snoozer, winner of the Town Plate in Hobart Town in 1848. (Little John by Octdvian, by Stripling, dam by Oberon, grandam, sister to Sharper^ by Ratdhos, Turner's Sweepstakes, out of sister to Ifutton's Careless. StJtpliiig by Phamomenon, out of Laura, by Eclipse, Locust, Cade, Young Gi eyhound, Partners §y. — Pick's Racing Calendar or 1815J Has got more winners than any other horse ever imported to Van Diemen's Land. Metry Monarch is a bright bay, with black points, nearly sixteen hands high, and of the best possible temper and constitution. Terms — Three Pounds Ten Shillings per mare, groomage included. ' ? ?-?-.-Well-grassed and well-watered paddocks provided for mares at 3s. per Aeek, where every care will be taken of them, but without responsibility. : The owner of Merry Monarch will give a cup, Talue £30, for two-year old colts, the produce of his stock ; geldings and fillies allowed 3 1b. Stock going to start for the Merry Monarch Cup to be named and registered when dropped. Adelaide, July 12th, 1849. ' MILTON.' TO stand at the farm of the undersigned, at the Meadows, that magnificent grey cart stallion, Milton^ just imported from Van Diemen's Land. . 4 pedigree: Sire, Old Lincoln, imported »by Dr. Wilmore, dam by Ajax, imported by Mr Bisdee, grand-dam by Old Duncan Grey. Milton was awarded the first-class prize at the Midland Agricultural Show, at Campbell Town, in 1845, and the Judge's certificate as the best Cart Stallion in the extra stock, 1846. Terms— Two guineas and a half each mare, groomage included ; payable on the 1st January, 1850. ALSO, . That celebrated and beautiful blood horse 'EGREMONT,' just imported from Van Diemen's JLand. pedigree: Sire, the imported horse Old Liltlejohn, dam Most Rose, by the imported horse Old Wanderer, grand-dam Miss Grizzle. Egremcnt won the Launceston St. Leger, beating a field of seven horses ; the same year he won the Government plate at Oatlands, beating Coronet, Amelia and another. Terms— The same as for Milton. STANFORDS & BURLEY. Meadows, October 20tb, 1849. 'N:B. Mafes paddocked for one month free ot'ex pense, without responsibility. 2s. per week each after thattimc. ,