South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 28 March 1849, page 1

FOR LONDON. A Regular Trader. _j£jc-:_. The well-known first-class fast'Sailing '£#4^k ROYAL* ARC II Bit, i?8&£S]r 3l0 tons I** reg-slcr, Frederick Scott, '^SsrsSsy commnmlrr, is now receiving cargo, and will meet with accustomed despatch 'For freight or passage, apply on board, or to A. L. ELDER & CO., Grenfell-strcer. Adelaide, March 1 7, 1849. ^- Advances made on wheat snipped by tins vessel. Pot London Direct _t- The first-alaas barque $iyj*tfK8^30Q tons, John Byron, commander, will «|||i||jg|p^ meet with quick dispatch. ^SEESESss^ Has room tor a few light goods. Apply to JOHN HART, King Williara-ilreet. Adelaide, March, 20th, 1849. FOX BAT A VX3. _*— TnE fine ship |M. GEORGE WASHINGTON, ^g&JI&ritfL Ttilj nieet with quick dispatch for the £35j38?zMtt For freight or passage, apply to H.NOLTENIUS, Hindley-street; Oh, to JOHN NEWMAN, Port Adelaide. March 16th, 1849. Notices to Consignees. iJTr? The ship Ramilies Captain Me Lean, from iJlfs^ London, having arrived at her moorings, Port 5g|i»2 Adelaide, consignees are requested to make arrangements for receiving their goods. CHAS. & F. J. BECK. Hindley-street, 27th March, 1849. Mount Barker Agricultural Association, Patron — His Excellency The Lieutenant Governor.. THE Committee beg to announce that the Exhibition of Stock, and Agricultural and other produce, will take place in the Township of Mount Barker, on Thursday, the 12th day of April next, when the follow-ing prizes will be offered for competition :— £ s. d. Wheat— -For the best six bushels ? 3 3 0 For the second best ditto ? 2 2 0 For the third best ditto ? . ? 1 1 0 Barley, English— For the best six bushels 2 12 6 Norths second best ditto ? 1 li G For the third best ditto ? 0 10 6 Oats— For the best six bushels ? 2 -2 0 For the second best ditto ? 1-1 0 s Potatoes— For the best cwt ? 110 For the second best ditto ? 0 10 6 Butter — For the best keg or jar, not less than lOlbs, at least three months old 1 I 0 For the second best ditto difo ? 0 10 6 Cheese— For thebest in marketable condition I I 0 \ For the second best ditto ? 0 10 G Hams— For the best two ? I 1 0 Bacon— For the best Hitch ? 1 1 0 Hops — For the Lest sample prep -red, not ! less than 2Slbs. weight ? 110; For the second best ditto ? 0 10 G Fruits, Sec. ? Grapes— For the best lOlbs ? 1 1 0 j For the second besi ditto ? 0 10 G j Fruits — For the best collection ..... ? 1 I 0 For the second best ditto ? 0 10 G 'Vegetables — For the best collection ? i 1' 0 Onions— For the best cwr ? 0 10 6 Live Stock. For the best entire draught horse ? 3 3 0 For tne second best ditto ? I II G For the best draught brood mare ? 2 2 0 For the second best ditto ? 1 1 0 For the best pair of plough horses ? 2 2 0 For the second best ditto ? 1,1 0 For the best team of six working bullocks ... 2 2 0 For the second best ditto ? 110 For the best bull of any breed ? 2 2 0 For the second best ditto ? I I 0 For the Lest dairy cow of any breed.. ? 1 ll 6 For the second best ditto ? 1 I 0 For the best Fat beast..... ? 1 11 6 For the second best ditto ? 110 For the best boar 'pig ? 110 For the best breeding sow ? ;.... 1 1 0 For the best pig of any kind ? 0 10 6 Sheep. For the best ram of any breed ? 2 2 0 For the best pen of six fat weathers ? 1 11 6 For the best pen of six breeding ewes ? 1 li 6 Vouttry. For the best pair of fowls ? 0 10 6 For the best pair of ducks ? 6 10 6 For the best pair of turkeys ? 0 10 6 For the best pair of geese ? 0 10 6 The Committee will have much pleasure in awarding prizes to deserving agricultural implements of colonial manufacture, and extra stock and produce, exhibited, And rio£ enumerated as above, should the funds of the Association permit No prize will be awarded to any article the Judges may deem undeserving. REGULATIONS. 1st. The Show to commence at one o'clock pre cisely. 2nd. The six bushels respectively of wheat, barley ^aridoats, obtaining the prize, shall be disposed of after the exhibition ; and the party showing shall guarantee to produce forty bushels more, equal in quality to sam ple, for sale, if required. ? 3rd. No competitor to be allowed to show the same 'gtock .for two prizes'. 4th. All grain intended for exhibition may be de livered at the yard on the 'Wednesday evening previous, Lut cannot be admitted later than nine o'clock on the morning of the Show; and stock and all other ardcles riot later than ten o'clock. 5th. All articles exhibited shall be the growth or manufacture of the colony ; and.all produce shall have been grown within twelve months of the dateof the ex hibition. 6th. All competitors shall be subscribers; and shall be the growers or manufacturers of the articles ex hibited. ? 7th. Admittance to the enclosure and pavilion, one shilling for every person not being a member of the Association. Children under ten years of age admitted free. Donations and subscriptions in aid of the funds of the Association will be received by the Treasurer, Mr J. B. Shepherdson ; W. B. Dawes, Esq., Nairne ; or the Secretary. WM. ANDERSON, Secretary. Mount Barker, March 19, 1849.

Adelaide and Suburban Building Society. f |T)ERSONS desirous of joining this Society can do so JL by applying to the Secretary, on the following; terms, in lieu of the back payments, viz. : entrance fee, , 10*.; subscription, 5s. week. ! 'GEO. BRUNSKILL, Secretary. South, Australian Building and Xnvestmeni j Society. In Shares of £60 each. Weekly subscriptions, 3s. per Share, and on every Drawn Share 3«. per week ; , additional. . j nniiE objects of this Society are twofold; viz, to , J. enable its members to purchase or build houses or to buy land, and it- particularly recommends itself to the favour of persons holding property (,n uasa tcith a jmicer of redemption, as it gives them a certainty of being able to redeem such property sometime within six years. Notice is hereby given, that on Friday evening, the Hth of April next, at seven o'clock, a meeting will be hclJ in the long room under the Mechanics' Institute, for the election of three Trustees, eight Directors, and the other officers ol the Society; also, that the Secre tary will attend in Mr Tajjley's office each Monday evening previous, from seven to nine o'clock, for the purpose of receiving the names and entrance fees of persons intending to become members, and no .-me will be entit'ed to vote at the above meeting except he or she have had their names enrolled and paid the entrance fee, which, on the first two hundred shares, will be one shilling per share, and two shillings and sixpence per share on all after that number. By order. ! ' ANDREW JOHNSTON, Secretary, prr: tern. March 20, 1849. rr§- As the Gtk of April will be Good Friday, the j above meeting will be held on Thursday, April the 5th, i at same time and place. ! ? r ? j South Australian AgriculSural and Horticultural Society. A N Adjourned General Meeting of the Members of X\_ this Society, v.iil t-e held at the Auction Mart (Messrs. Samson, Wickstccd & Co.'s) on Thursday, t'ae 5th day of April nexr, at 1 1 o'clock, a.m., precisely, to receive the rej-ort of the Provisional Committee, this I day appointed to prepare Rules and llegula'ions for the future government of the Society, and to transact such other business as may be brought before the Meeting. E. A. WRIGHT, Secretary. Adelaide, March 15, IS49. Witton's Musical Xepositovy. VIOLINS, ACCORDIONS, FLUTES, CORNOPEANS, AND NEW MUSIC. TUST received from a first- rate London house, a large $J stock of the above instruments, and every article in the tiade, which will be considerably reduced from former charges a: Witton's Musical Repository. C. J. CARLETON, formerly Resident Apothecary at the Adelaide Hospital, begs to announce that he has commenced business as DISPENSING CHEMIST, in Hindley-street. three doors east of Leigh-street. Depot for Carleton's South Australian Pre-pared Pearl Barley, recommended by the Faculty, being free from mustiness or acidity. BSOSAIJGE. rjpHIS Establishment now 'offers many peculiar JL advantages to the Merchant, Settler, and Tradesman. THE CAPACIOUS HALL has been fitted up with complete accommodation for the prompt despatch of genera! business. On the tables, will be found book files of British, j Colonial, and Adelaide Newspapers; and a most J valuable collection of Maps of the Special Surveys, Districts, and Toicnshijis throughout South Australirt; the Acts of Council, a Ship Register shewing arrival and departure of vessels at the Port, as well as a variety j of Postal. Local, and Mineral information, not otherwise obtainable. Free Admission for Commanders of vessels during their stay at the Port, and all respectable newly-arrived persons introduced by subfcribcrs, for twenty one days after such introduction. Suburban Residences. rjpIIE beautiful section No. 4G0, adjoining the Park _!_ Lands of North Adelaide, is now offered for salk, in allotments of not less than five acres each. Tnis pro perty overlooks the well-known section of Joseph Gil bert, Esq., and from its acknowledged salubrity and beauty of situation, is by far the most desirable locality for suburban residences within a reasonable distance from Adelaide. Terms liberal. Application to be made to W. H. CLARK, Halifax-street Brewery. The only remaining Business Frontages in Hindley-street. TO BE LET on building leases of twenty-one years or upwards. Apply to W. H, CLARK, Halifax-street Brewery. Valuable Country Allotments. Splendid Tract of Land known as ' Gilles Plains' (\tt(\ A^RES will be sold or let, in quantities from \J$J \f twenty acres and upwards, as may be agreed on. The above is known to be the most valuable agr cultural land in the colony, capable of producing every sort of grain, more particularly barley. It is about, three miles distant from Adelaide ; and an opportunity like the present has never before been offered to the public. The terms will be liberal, and credit for any number of years will be allowed. Early application may be made to .W.H.CLARK, Halifax-street Brewery. ~~ LOOK OUT. SELLING OFF CHEAP ! A S the undersigned intends to give up his business J\_ he has determined to- sell all his stock-in-trade in lots to suit purchasers. The stock consists of two spring carts, bnilders' box-carts and horse-drays, a water-cart, several good horses, and sets of good shaft harness ; light and heavy coach ditto, and tandem har ness ; also, a few tons of pressed oaten hay. The stables, yard, hay rooms, cottage, and the Temperance Hotel will also be disposed of. The last-mentioned portion of the premises has been entirely rebuilt ; and any industrious couple with a small family and capital sufficient to complete the present proprietor's design, would be sure to do well. In shorJ^ the advertiser would not hesitate to become responsible for the success of the undertaking if carried out in conformity with his directions. His own family affairs render inexpedient any attempt to carry on the business as heretofore, and this is the only reason why he desires to part with it. ^For further particulars, apply to Mr Phillips, saddler; .or to , . W.W. G. NICHOLLS. . Temperance Hotel, Hindley-street, . = ! ; -March' 16, 1840.

MR NORMAN, Surgeon Dentist, may be consulted daily, from nine till four. Artificial Teeth at all prices,. to meet the means cf all persons. Belie Vue Cottage, North-steirace, opposite the Frome Bridge-road. Fort Lincoln dining Company. rpAKE NOTfCK, that an extraordinary General J[_ Meeting of Shareholders will be held at ' Coppin's Motel,' Hindley-street. on Thursday, the 5th day of ( April nexf, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon precisely, for the purpose of making .sundry alterations in the Deed :-f Settlement, and, also for the election of a Director, in the room of M. P. Hay ward, Esq., resigned. Voting Certificates can be obtained on the day pre ceding, on application to J. E. BARNARD, Secretary. King William-street, March 20, 1 S49. Pori Lincoln Itlining Company. ' VTOriCE is htTcby given, that a cull of Fifteen !-hil- 1 J Xl lings per Share must be paid by the Share- -holders in the above Company on or before the 5th April next, otherwise the shares will be forfeited. J. Ji. BARNARD, Sccretarv. March 3, 1849. Enterprise Mining Company. ! N O T ICE. rjHHE Directors, in compliance with Rule -10, hereby _!_ cciil upon such Shareholders as may feel desirous of becoming candidates for the ollice of Director (the qualification bein^ ten shares), to send in their names to the Secretary ten days at lea'f, before the General j Meeting of Shareholders, which takes place on the '2nd ! April next. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at Ottaway's, '? Norfolk Arms,*' Rimdie-street, j on Monday evening the 2nd April next, at 7 o'clock | p.m., for the purpose of electing Directors to receive j the Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Company, j and for other general business. j By order of tiie Board of Directors, j JOHN W. V. DALTON, j Secretary, i No. 1, Peacock's Buildings, . March 1(5, 1849. Sonti Australian .Provincial Mining Association To Owners of Mineral Lands. TT)ARTIES possessed of Mineral Lands in the pro J[_ vince, and who may be disposed to lease the same to the above Association, maybe supplied with ' Forms of Tender' on application at the oilije, or to any of (he local agents of the Association. E. L. GRUNDY, Secretary. Office, King William-street, (Next door to the ' Southern Cross' Hotel), March 5, 1849. STSATHALE'Sm 1VZXS3HG COMPAKY. PIJOV1SIOXAL COMM1TTKE: Dr. llankiue C. Stirling, Esq. E. Stirling, Fsq. W. 11. Clark, Esq. A. L. Elder, Esq. rjpHR proprietors of several valuable Mineral Sections JL tit StratlrUbyn, propose to consolidate their inter est therein, and to form a Company, under the above designation, for the purpose of efficiently working the lodes already discovered on the property. On reference to tiie appended Repoit of Captain Pascoe, ii will be seen that the discoveries already made have established beyond a doubt the g/eat value of this property, several tour- of On* ((50 or |T0) having been al ready raised, ;i siiKiil parcel of which has been forwarded to England, and a considerable quantity remains fit the J Mines. j The property, which consists of eight Sections has i already acquired some notoriety as ' Dr. Rankiues,'aud { 'Mr Clark's Mines,' is adjoining and surrounds the Section on which the Enterprise Mining Company have recently made such valuable discoveries, which materi ally enhances tisc value of this property, the Lodes passing directly through part of the Sections. The proprietors not feeling disposed to incur the out lay which the full development of the Mines would entail, have agreed to divide their interest into 2,400 Shares, of £5 each, and to dispose of 400 Shares, or a sixth of their intere.-t, to provide a working capital, which the) have therefore determined to offer to the public, applications for which will be received until the Hth of April next. As soon as one half are subscribed for, and the amount deposited in the Bank of South Australia, the Company to be considered as formed; after which, h. meeting of the Shareholders will be duly convened, and Trustees appointed, when the Sections, with Huts, Smith's Shop, all Tools and Materials, includ ing a Horse Whim, and all the Orenow at grass, will be transferred to the Trustees then appoiived.. Directors will also be chosen for its future government, w!.o will prepare the Deed of Settlement, and have the entire controul of the management. Applications for Shares to be made to Mr John W. F. Dalton, Provisional Secretary, PeacocK's Buildings, until the 14th April next. Adelaide, March 18, 1849. RKI'ORT. These sections, consisting of eight, extend north and south on the continuity of the lodes for upwards uf two miles, over which ground .stones of Copper Ores have been found. In the section south of Mr Clarke's two lodes have been discovered, ou which three slia'ls have been sunk ; the most southerly one, called Arthur's Seat, being thir tceu fathoms deep on the east lode, inclining two and a-lialf feet from the perpendicular, and varying from twenty inches to thre? feet in width, composed of steatite, called pryon, which is generally con sidered favourable for Copper Ores, aud grey flu can of a soapstonc character, in which is fouud black and yellow sulpuurcts of copper and iron and pyrites. A level has been driven at the bottom of this shaft six fathoms, through good ore ground, the lode in the present end being three feet wide, and promises to be productive of copper us it goes nortb. I would recommend the'eoutinuing to drive this end north. 'Mary's She ft' to the north of Arthur's Seat, is sunk seventeen fathoms from surface. The lodes continues about three feet wide, on an angle of forty-five degrees., through a rich micacious clay -slate, which, when found in many of the old mining districts, is considered favourable fur minerals. ? The dircctiou of the lode is north aud south, and at the bottom of the shaft, is several feet wide. The east, or hanging wall, not being discovered as yet; this lode consist* of black and yellow sulphates of copper and iron pyrites. 'Cooper's Shaft,' about forty fathoms apart from 'Mary's Shaft,' and supposed to be on the same lode, is down about six fathoms. The lode is from two to three feet wide, composed of blue and green carbonate, red oxide, and yellow sulphate of copper, in tersected with iron pyrites in quartz. From tbis shaft, about six tons of rich copper ores have been raised, and several tons of less quality, but which will do for smelting on the spot; and I understand that a furnace will be soon erected at or near the mine. There arc also several tons of ores raised from ' Arthur's Seat' and ' Mary's Shafts,' which, when .dressed, will make a good per centage of copper. To the south of ' Arthur's Seat' Shaft about one hundred fathoms, there is a large iron course running in a north and south direction, in which is found portions of blue and greeo carbonate of copper in a crjstalized state, promising to bo productive of copper ores iu depth. There have been some operations on the southernmost section, on a large iron course found in the carbonate of lime, running in a north and south direction, in which the blue and green carbonates are disseminated ; and I hare no doubt by strict investigation of the pro perty, several other lodes will be discovered. The formation of the country is very regular and continuous, and is composed of a micacious clay-slate, carbonite of lime, intersected with quartz, and is very near a large course of felspatic rock, with out which there is' not a copper mine of long standing in existence. I assayed a sample of the black sulphate, and found it contained 26 per cent of copper, aud also found the same ore to contain 17 oz of silver tc the ton. By strict attention to tl-e ores, I ba»e no doubt but more silver wil be found, as is generally the ease in the Cornish copper mines. I nm, Sir, Yo«rs obediently,' , J. B. Pascoh.

One Thousand Pounds To be lent, at Moderate Interest, on Mortgage on Real Estate, IN sums of not less than £500. Applieations ad dressed to W. B., at the office of this paper, will be itteiided to, aud confidence will be observed. None but principals need apply. Wheat, Barley, Oata, &c. TMIE undersigned it a purchaser of the above for JL ga«h. ! HENRY SNELLING, Currie-street. February 16th, 1849. FOR SALE. y4 LAHGE quantity of working bullocks and drays, r\_ either in teams, complete, or in pairs. Also, ' ibout sixty fine four to five year old working steers, the ' same lot known to be the finest workers in the country. For particulars, apply to D. Lovelock, or the man in ihargo, at Mr Wright's, at Salisbury. Will take good ! English barley in exchange. D. LOVELOCK. ON SA&E-*&.\J,\PXP\9 and Emma Turned work of all sorts b20,000 Launceston broad palings, 5 feet 10,000 do do 6 feet Deals, pine, quartering, battens Lmhs, &c. JOHN STEWART, Australian Timber Yard, Hindley-s-reet. Hew floods, cx ' Cecilia.' r|'MIE undersigned, in returning thanks for past JL favours, begs to announce to the gentlemen and public generally, of South Australia, that he has just received by the above resse!, direct from London, a com plete assortment of Lace, Trimmings, Varnishes, Patent Axles, #e., §e., of the very lest quality, and will be able j ti- turn out his work in as good style as can be done in j London, lie solicits an inspection. C. MATTHEW, Coach-builder, Weymouth-streeh Boird and Lodging, ¥[7'ANTF.D, for several months, by a gentleman and ?' his wife. A private family, and the neighbour hood of Hindley-street, or King William-street, would be preferred. Address (if by letter post-paid) W. M., at the office of this paper. Landing ex ' Augustine Heard,' from Boston, U. S. fTUlE whole of the following articles to be landed at _! this place — Tobacco, of Taylor's, Dunlop's, and other brands American bncketB, pails, clothes pegs, &c. Cheese, (very superior) in tins Resin in barrels Bright varnish Prime pork, in barrels Dried apples and pea« hes iSnufl', (yellow and black) Vinegar in barrels Kegs of mackeral, salmon, tongues, and sounds L;ird in kog.=, (superior) Butter in kegs Nails of different sizes Chocolate in cases Winnowing machines Churns, brooms Uest American hops, 1849 American clocks, 1 aud 8 day Cod fish in drums Fiour -pails in nests, &c. Samples will be up in the course of the day, and may be seen at the Stores of :? Gr.M.WATERHOUSE, Rimdie-street. March 24, 1849. KKDtJCED HATES. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Sun Court, aud No. 16, Pall Mall, London, Instituted 1803. For Insuring houses and other buildings, goods wares, merchandise, manufacturing and farming stock ships in port, harbour, or dock, and the cargoes of such ships; also, ships building and repairing; barges and other vessels on navigable rivers and canals, and goods on such vessels, throughout Great Britain and Ireland and in foreign countries from loss or. damage by fire. Subscribed and Invested Capital O.nk Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds. Directors ; Alexander Stewart, Esq , Chairman. Charles Cave, Esq., Deputy-Chairman. Jams C. C. Bell, Esq. Geo. Hibbert, Esq. R. C, Lee Bevan, Esq. Samuel Hibbert, Esq. Michael Bland, Esq. Jas. G. Murdoch, Esq. C. Francis Cobb, Esq. Claud Neilson, Esq. Andrew Colville, Esq. J. Horsley Palmer, Esq. Geo. H. Cutler, Esq. J. Pattison, Esq., M.P. Henry Davidson, Esq. Henry Pearse, Esq. Jno. H. Derlell, Esq. H. J.'Prescott, Esq. George Field, Esq. Joseph Reid, Esq. Newman Smith, Esq. Ex Directors: Arch. Hastle, Esq., M.P. George Reid, Esq. Wm. Lyall, Esq. W. R. Robinson, Esq. Daniel Mildred, Esq. Martin T. Smith, E«q. Auditors: T. G. Barclay, Esq. James Brand, Esq. x\. H. Bosanquet, Esq. Joshua Lockwood, Esq. Charles Frederick Weber, Esq. KATES OF INSUHANCB. (By recent advices, the agent is empowered to reduce the rates about one eighth.) 1st Class Buildings of Brick or Stone, with Roofs of Slate, Tile, or Metal, detached or separated by perfect party Walls and Parapet from adjoining Buildings... ? 15 0 W cent. Increasing rates for additional risks 2 6' 2nd Class Buildings of Brick or Stone, with Roofs of Shingle or Broad Pal ing, detached from all other Buildings of a similar character by a distance of fifty feet. ? .....22 6 ;'; Ditto adjoining Buildings of a like. ^ construction ? ? 3L 6 ' ? ? Increasing Rates for additional risks 5 0 . ?' ; All cases involving risks not comprised in the above Tables to be arranged by special agreement. , . ; -Buildings where hazardous Trades are carried on, or in which hazardous Goods are deposited, will be subject to an additional Rate, according to theii Class. Hazardous Trades. — Bread and Biscuit Bakers, Carpenters, Chemists, Coachmakers, Coopers, Cabinet makers, Distillers, Liquor and Spirit Shops, Oilmen, Printers, Ship and Boatbuilders, Blacksmiths, and the like. Hazardous Goods.— Cotton, Hemp, Flax, Oil Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Saltpetre, Spirits, Tallow, Turpen tine, and others of an equally dangerous character. Agent, JOHN MORPHETT, ' North-terrace,

Van Diemen's Land Timber. 9AO .flfhto FEET Sawn Timber &\Jlf)\-\n? 50,000 Paling, Shingles, and Laths, daily expected cx Stirfaigshit t, on sale by DICKENSON BROTHERS & CO., Rundle-street. TO SiTDT, A FIRST-RATE Family Residence (stone built) within ten minutes walk of town, delightfully situated on the Company's Mill Road, having a fine view of the Park Lands in front. For particulars apply to J. W.COLE, Office, Gawler- place. Adelaide Races. JOCKEY BOOTS, with English tops, at Mackie's, King William-street, opposite Mrs. Hussey's. ALSO Unpacking, 14 cases ladies' and children's boots and shoes, of superior quality. English Chairs. A LARGE quantity of the above, of various pat terns, at 4s. and upward?, on sale at DEBNEY'S, Cabinet and Upholstery Warehouse, Rundle-street. NOTICE. JAMES WAKELING, late of the 'British Hotel,' fPort Adelaide, requests all parties having any claim on him to forward their accounts for payment, and all persons indebted to him are requested to pay the same without delay, to Messrs Mart & Harris, whose reoeipt will be a sufficient discharge. TO PLASTERERS. TENDERS will he received by W. Weir, Architect, up to Wednesday next, for the plastering of a cottage at North Adelaide. March 22, 1849. To Blacktiriitfcs and Wheelwright*. TO LET, for a term, the business of a Blacksmith and Wheelwright, in Rosina-itreet. There are two workshops attached to the house, which contains eight rooms and a cellar, or the tenant can have the option of a cottage to live in, if the house should be too large. Apply to Mr Fowlis, on the premises, Rosina-ttreet GREAT STOCK! CIBEATER SHOP !! GREATEST ATTEIITIOH!!! NOTICE. J MORRIS tenders his grateful acknowledgments ? for the unprecedented patronage he has received since his arrival in Adelaide, and most respectfully informs the public in general that This Day (Saturday), March 3rd, he will remove his Boot, and Snoe business from King William-street, to the Shop occupied by Mr Suter, opposite the ' While Hart,' Hindley-street. The premises being more centrally situated, he hopes the arrangement will have the approval of his numerous customers, and ensure a continuance of the favours heretofore so liberally awarded him. N.B. — Some good workmen wanted. 'VTEWBERRY & DURIEU have now opened as JL i Grocers, Oil, and Italian Warehousemen, in those commodious premises in Rundle-street, lately occupied, by Mr Burnett Nathan, who has concentr-ited his well known drapery business in Hindley-street, beg to solicit a share of the public patronage; and they trust by assi duity and selling articles only of the very best quality, and unadulterated, 10 give the utmost satisfaction to all those who may honour them with their custom. Mr Henry IHirieu, who is well known to Mr Rey nolds's customers, trusts that his conduct in that employ may secure him a helping hand in his present specula tion, and he will guarantee that they will be eqiullf well served as heretofore. One call is all we ask, and try our teas, Better than any ginger beer, Or bottled soda water ; Better than wine— for that's too doar, Or spirit!, ale, or porter. NftTTberrj's dainty mimturet are A great deal more intiting; : Ami for your health are better far, Than ouijhl that is exciting. Then drink our tea», that'* our advice,— Drink them, and then you prise '«« ; You'll buy them all at moderate price, And good if N. &' D. supply 'em. T REYNOLDS begs to inform the public, with rt # ference to the advertisement ' Newberry and Durieu,' that the youth Henry Durieu was dismissed from his employ, and therefore not likely to be mpportd by him in his ' present speculation.' : Extensive and unusually beautiful Freehold Estate, situate on the banks of the Torrent, within halfan /to«r's drive from the city, about hoo miles from tho tea, and four miles from the Port; presenting singu larly eligible sites for the erection of mansions or villa*, and connecting tho southern road. with the Port. DIRECTIONS have been received to dispose ofby private contract, in lots to suit purchasers, a most splendid and desirable freehold property, situate on tho River Torrens, about three miles west from Adelaide, consisting of an enviable and delightful resi dence., and .ibout 260 acres of choice land. ? Tho residence is commodious and gentlemanly, and contains ample accommodation for a largo family. The reception rooms arc admirably planned, and overlook the pleasure-grounds, which arc very tastefully diversi fied by parterres of flowering shrubs and evergreen*, and the house may he said to contain every comfort which a respectable family might desire, without en countering a large outlay. Most of the buildings are of recent erection, and the whole is in admirable condi tion fit for immediate occupation, and forms a most at tractive residence for any gentleman desirous of uniting country advantages with the obligations of town en gagements, being within a stone's-throw of the first dairy in the colony, whence an ample supply of every species of dairy produce may be daily obtained. K With the house the purchaser may have any quantity of land he may desire. There is a kitcheu-garden, partly encircled by the River Torrens, and containing the choicest fruit trees and vineyard, with a neat gar dener's cottage, which may be obtained separately. The land is divided into lots to suit purchaser!, either small or large. It is beautifully diversified by the windings of the River Torrens, and numberless majestic trees, with which it abounds. The views from it are varied and splendid. It is of first-rate quality, and contains brick earth and excellent water at a very moderate depth. Through the centre is formed a road of 132 feet in width, which will immediately connect the southern road with the Port, and form a convenient . drive from the city to the Port, bo: ween which it is about midway, a feature well -worthy of the notiee of mercantile gentlemen and others, whose business ia con j nected with the Port. ' Further particulars may~ be obtained of Jamas Philcox, Esq. ; J. H. Fisher, Esq^, solicitor ; or atTth« office of Thomas Prico, surveyor, &c, Hindl»y-»treol; Adelaide. ? '' ' - ^ -