South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 19 November 1862, page 1

J ? SHIPPING. ? J - -K -kv CJTEAM. TO POET. LINCOLN i «3w^^. fo AND TORT AUGUSTA. Captain:ff.-Ward, will sail on Saturday, November 22, at4p.m:- , , , GogcIs mnst be alongside not later than 12o clock on »lav of sailing. Freight on small packages an.l parcels to be prepaid or they will not be forwarded. JOS. STILLING & CO., J Tn_ an(1 Port J. DARWENT. ? f Tovm an-1 1 ° ELDER, STIRLING, & CO., Port Augusta. - NOTICE. SHIPPERS per LUBKA are requested to take notice that no Goods can be received without a Shipping-note, and which must Ise maile out on a form which will be supplied by the Agents on ap plication. ? 321' -» NOTE-TWELVE O'CLOCK XS L*SUAL. .-i.- L3TEAM BETWEEN PORT sJU&^K O ADELAIDE, GUICHEN yjfsffilt^. AND MACDOXNELL BAYS. ^ - ? --^ivO|PI4 — Steamer ANT trill leave Port Adelaide at NOON' precisely, on THURSDAY, 20th November All Carco to be taken from alongside at Mac Donncll Bav at Consignees risk and expense. WM. YOUNGHIJSBAND, JUN., & CO., 2Slcv ? Towt and Port. ? _ -k ~ mo WA LLAKOO IN EIGHT SlUi&^s. -* HOCKS. -The yyj^l^. YOUNG AUSTRALIAN; '} . j\&Ji- Captain Wells, will leave Port AdcLiide'-foT Clinton, nieetiiifr Opie's conveyance to Kadina, every Mnnriar, Wednesday, and Friday, upon arrival of 7.:W Train. Fares— First Class ? £2 0 0 Second Class ? 1 10 0 For particulars, apply to Air. Battams, KedLion, Bundle-street; or to J. T. CRE3WELL. Agent, Port. N.B. — Limited ijuantity of cargo can l)e for warded overland. ? 3U8mwfc i ~kik. TVYRLINU JUNCTION c4»£^K U MURRUMMDGEK. AND yi^MJftV 17 P P E K M IT It K A Y.-The ALP.URY, Captain Johnston, will sail from Goolwra 22nd Novcmlier. £ Goods to go per Gem, leaving the Port 19th jainnv^r^ JOSEPH STILLING ^CO. ~V'k^K I7ASTEST LINE FOR nSas^fV I?' WALLA UOO. -The powerful K/FnSN Kv%- Steamer fe ^ufaST STUttT Siils'forCLINTON Tuesdays and Saturdays, on arrival ofiT.S) a.m. train, returning in the evening. Piuiieniasrs hooked t-- Kudinu by Uounsevell's Conveyances. Cihin, £2: StecMce, £1 l')s. ACli.VHAN, MAIN, LINDSAY, K CO., Town; SSSnn wfcv ? ILA JL^I 'll^ 1-nrt-1 *K3\ 'VrURUAY fc JACKSON'S C&E&^tk. lYl LINK OF MU R It A Y y ?-ZMS^- K I V E R S T E A M K R S.-The *^&&%» SErTLKB or LVDY DALJwill leave Goolwa f,or Kchnca and intermediate places on Friday, tlie 21st NovumW. :W:)c J. DAttWEST, Agent. Orenf ell-street. _.-£_ E1OR, LONDON DIKE(?r. - To i$&&s. r FOLLOW the SEA STAR.-The /liijFJKVV fine fost-sailiiin clipper Ship f'^Saq- SIR JOHN LAWRENCE, TIM) tons register, Al for li yew at Lloyd's, J.B. Roljertson. commander, to sail nn the 25th De cember, and carries an experienced Surgeon. This fine vessel havintr the most part of her wool ensured, her time of sailing will be a Ihcred to. Her cabins will lw ready for inspectimi in a few .lays and the arrangements fur passengers will be the most complete and enminoiiinus description. This well-known dipper, Under the experienced command of Captain Robertson, has just returned to the colony in S3 days. For rate of freight or passage, apply to Captain Itoliertson, on board: or to :»1c ? ELDER, STIRLING, & CO. -*£* f ONPON LIXE OK PACKETS -jVs;:iK _fl_i (Sailing from Melbourne to /iTpftir^y London).— The magnificent Clipper tes^G» '^vccrjN(.T0Ni Al, I.n:j2 tons, Captain Henry Christie, will be dispatched from the Willianistnwn Railway I'ier on Wednesday, the 10th December. This remark ably line ship' has mnst comfortable cabin accom modation at moderjte fares. A limited number of Third-class Passengers can lie taken from £1U upwards. SHIPPERS OF WOOL, Copper Ore, and other dead weight can make enjpijremer.ts with the undersigned upon the most advantageous term's. The Accrington beinjt divided into watertight com partments presents extraordinary inducements to Shippers of Wheat, Flour, Jce. Applv for cabin rates and all other particulars to JOHN NEWMAN .V SON, sk Maclarcn Wharf, Port Adelaide^ ~~r7Z tturTtF ' w o '« - l~s ti i p ' f o e t|5k I1 LONDON.-The y/WJKtf -TOHN NORM AN. iQJgfg. classed 11 years r.t Lloyd's, 51H tons, J.' Miles, Esq., commander. This vessel is fast filling uo, and will be speedily dispatched. Her Cabin accommodations are on the most complete scale. , . Eirly application is requested for freight or passage, either to the Commander, on board; to J. DARWENT. Adelaide; or to 31-lc J. W. SMITH, Company ?sJVharf, Port. ^I~L 'fjORYAUiTnSTA TO LOND(')N.— ^-'1?^ -*L TIie siileiidiil Al U years Clipper iffJCsarr- 4i5 tons register, J. Popham, com mander' will sail middle of December. For freight, anp^ ^^ & ^ ^ SiJmwfcrS C. HACKET,_Port Augusta. ? T?vI~~I^R~BATAVlA ~DIKECT.-The * f,-£c\ X first-class Barqiie £&$%& ANTELOPE f*£#gtr!' will have immedi.ile dispatch. For freight or p:issage, apply on board to Captain lonutruiu; or to ',,,., C. JACOB?. Adelaide. This vessel oilers a first-rate opportiming for hipping Horses. Good height between decks. :il7c -- TJoii SYDNEY DIREUT.— The -***^V -*- splendid clipper Burque l&%t&- DKA(JON, v-*Jgw^ T. Sivier, master, having all her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch. Has good ac commodation for cubin p.i«-engers. * Fur passage alone, ajipty to (;?A. & H. BARTLEPJT, Town; or to 321c J. RAWLINOS, Port. ? -Cl^ T7OR SYDNEY DIRECT.— The f$Mr&f 200 tons. Captain David Law, will f¥i. iiTggy meet with immediate dispatch. Fgtn&t or passage, a^.v^ ^^ ^^ ^-i-. T-EGULAR TRADER TO KING Ji~k&$^ JK CJEOIUJETS SOUND and SWAN -M«^\ RIVER.— The Schooner J. Lindsay, master, will lie dispatched as above in a few- days. ? For freight or passage, apply to H. RANFORDiorto . auic ROBIN & LE MESSURIER^Port^ —, /TkNLY VESSEL FOR MEL kl^^s. \J BOURNE.— The regular trailer y/t^Kv^ an^ favourite Brig -fe*3£j«]g. COLCHESTER is'ap])0inted to sail as above on FRIDAY 21st Novcuiber. nnd affords a good opportunity to shippers of butter, eggs, and fruit. Also, good accmumodation for a few cabin passengers. :S2-'5 MaciarenJViiarf, port Adelaide. _ ~~TL OOR Pf)RT~AUGUSTA~DlEECT. »*^v Jf — The Slip 7*^^^ SEA SNAKE, ri^^g' 425 tons. J. Fophain, master, wi 1 saiffrom Port Adelaide for Port Augusta on ^\ ed nesday. November 20. For freight or passage, apply to CLELAND, PAGE, \; CO., Port. 3221m mwSUv ? __^ ? -xfeK T70E AVALLAROO.— The Schooner $Mfe^ ? ECLAIR, nrfi&M C. Heath, master, will sail as above ;-a=±2?£^ on Wednesday, November 10. For freight or passage, apply on board ; or to 321-3 - 'CLKLAND, PAGE, AJ^Port^ ~^T 'i^OR^POHT. ELLIOT AND EN jJjI^ 1: COUNTER BAY.— The Cutter i^^jEn., -E. Jenkins, in.-u.tcr, will sail on 'Wedneiulav^ November 10. Forfrelshtorpassa^a^o-^^. ^ 321-'3 ? RJc^JLVD^Port. ? -w~U. TAOR WALLABOQ.-The Schooner }Mks. I? . ADELAIDE, n&Spfe- Crockor, master, ?will sail as above on |-^55§& Saturday, November 22. For freight or passage, apply on Imanl : or to ? 32T6- J. W. SMITH, Port. .Th- ¥7V0k WALLAROO DIRECT. -The K^ffiS^ X Scliooner ]$%#& -TOHNT McDOUALL STUART. k.' \jt-iiXnt H. Nicholson, master, will sail posi tively on Friday ,- November 21. For freight or passage, apnlv on Iward: or to 323-5 ? ? JQIiy WALKER, Port. -j^L» L'OR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.— JtA^X^ 1. The fine Al Barque )$?&&& GEORGE WASIUNGTON, '''«!fa 3S3tons,3L xVnderson, commmander. Applv to 318'inw23 JOSEPH STILLING & CO. -Cii. XT' or saleTfkeIght, or ' Jf^^v. J OHAETEE.— The fine Al v^^gS* JOHN HOAVE, 359 tons,- in first rate- repair, and well found in every respecU Apply-to 305c ? PUTTON & CO. . TAS. L. SHIELL, Master of .Barque 1 U SPRINGBOK, will NOT be RESPONSIBLE for anf DEBTS that may be -incurred by his . CRE?,r. ? xk_ SHIPS' FOSTERS aud EVJERY 1 DESCKIPTION of PRINTING- get out-on ' the shortest1 notice, and MOST REASONABLE EERMS. A large Supply of COLOUREDPAPER, DOLOURED INKS, and NEW TYPE.- Orders v .leeeived at the ReaxMer General Printing Office, Jrenfell-street, Adelaide; and by the Shipping Reporters at the Port lev

? MERCHANDISE. ? WHITBREAD'S. STOUT Ind, Coope, & Co.'s Ale Harper and Furze's Bottled Ale and Stout Port and SliCrtr, in quarter-casks (J in, Brandy, Champagne Field's, and De Roabaix, Jcnar & Co. s Candles Whybrow's Oils and Pickles JJerger's Starch, 'Whiting Kent Haps. Vinegar, Isinglass Wine and Water Coolers, Candied Peel Sardines, Currants, Soap, &c Ashford and Winder's Saddlery liansome's Ploughs and Harrows Boots ami Shoes,' Stereoscopes Writing. PxintiDg, and Tea Paper Viewers' Bungs. Seaming Twine Ca&tor Oil, Cut Floor Brads Firebricks, Boofcs,Phyinjj Cards Slates, Brewers' Spiles 'Woolpacks, Orebags; Tinplates Axles and Springs, Iron Bedsteads Flooring Tiles, Cement, &c. On Sale bv ' ' FRANCIS CLARK & SONS. 293mvrfcyS ? Blyth-street. OR~SALE, at the Stores of the un dersigned— ? ' Tiv-i. Cornish Tubular BOILERS, 1SJ feet long and 51 feet diameter One 10-ton Weighbridge Fencing Wire, black annealed, 3, 4, 5, 'W.G. Torretl Europe Rope in sires to (JJ in. Manila Jiope in sizes to 2i in. P.ran and Oorn Bags, Seaming Twine I'lou^hs, Millstones . Blxstin^ Powder and Safety Fuse Sporting Powder, Shot, &c Bar and Bundle Iron, Sheets and Boiler Plates i Steel— Ulister, Cast, Gad, Douhjle Shear, and j Spring . | Fjar, Hemp, and Patent Engine Packing Oils— Colia, Boiled and Linseed, Uallipoli ' Olive, Paraffine, Machine, &c., in bulk and drums Pam is and Colours in variety British Pitch, Coal aud Stockholm Tar Charco:il, Tinpjatas. Honeshues and Horseshoe Nails Wruuclit Iron, Pulley Blocks, and Western's Patent ditto General Ironmongery in great variety. 2« Icrmwc ? HARROLD BROTHERS. 1~?OIt SALE, ex Antelope— ? 3i Pairs OARS I 2.M4 Pickets, from 4 feet to S feet (J Spars, from 45 feet to 50 feet 1 Longboat, about four tons 1 good Piuno. Apply to Captain Tornstrom, on lward, Levi's ?Wharf. ? :l2:ni D~UTCH HERRINGS, in fine con- I dition. Just Landed. { SHiuwfUv P. MoROSlIE,_Rundle-stroet!_ bELTZERWATElV.' 'SELTZER- | 0 WATER.— Fresh Arrivals at A. F. CHRISTEN & CO., 1 31Sinwfj42 ? GrenfeUhtreet. 'p'HE GENUINE YORKSHIRE ALE, j X Brand 'Berry Ac Co.,' Crown No. 3, imported i »y M^r. Dawsun, can only be obtained from him- J self or Messrs. Boord Brothers, liindloy-street. ? ' ? | ? gjlmwf«SC O~TkLANDS WINES.:— The under signed having been appointed Agent for the Sale of. Messrs. Kearncs' Wines, begs to inform Publicans and consumers generally that he is hi a position to supply them on the very best terms. Samples of the various kinds may be seen and tasted at his Store in Cnrric-street. jiJUmwmj ? WILLLA.M BRUCE. pOALS— HOUSE COALS.— Always on KJ Sale, Best English and Newcastle (N.S.W.) Coals, in any quantify, at J. GURU'S Iron and Coal Yard, Currie-street, lfil*3(3 opposite th& lUnk of Australasia. pOALS. COALS. COALS. yj T. E. BURY, 21, King William-street. ? 2bTtt51_ C1OALS. — Best English aJicl New-jiLstle i N.S.W.) Co.ds c\\i be bad in any quantity, at II. SIMPSON'S Coal-yard, Port Adelaide; or ? D.JC E K Wit HC'S. ( i renfell-street. ? Tr_ GOSPEL OAK GALVANIZED TINNED IRON. (Formerly sold under the name of Morewootl and Rogers'* Patent). The ONLY PRIZE ilEDAL granted in the (;.ilvani/t:d Iron Tmle at the Intenutional Exhibi tion, h'i-, was awiirded to the Proprietors of the 'GOSPEL OAK WORKS,' TIPTON, STAF FORDSHIRE, for ' the excellent quality of their sheets.' Supplied through all London merchants. WILLIAM LEE. Agent. 7-J. King William-street, London. faxiiuwfiEB G~' alvaSizeiTironT— on 'sale, by the undersigned — .Morewood's Galvanized Iron, tinned and un tinueil Tupner's ditto Scotch ditto Also Piping. Guttering, Ridge-Capping Nails, Screws, Rivets, Burs, -.Vc. PADMAN & CO Gawler-plaee, 2fllmwfc BUSINESS NOTICES. MUSIC. — Thts largest and best selected Assortment of ORGANS. HARMONIUMS, PI AXi )FOR riiS, ami other MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS* also the newest and most popular Vocal and Instrumental Music to be fouud in the colony, can be selected fiom at iMARSH ALL'S MUSICAL REPOSITORY, :W and 3S CUUKIE-STHKET. Jlcssrs. Poiiuiax & So.v, Halifax, have ob tained the best award given for Pianofortes at the International Exhibition— A Medal— for excellence of tone and workuunahip. S. MARSHALL begs to state that Polilman and Sim's Pianofortes have been kept in stock for several years by him, aud that they have been sent to various parts of the colony, aud have given the greatest satisfaction. Several may now be viewed, and one of the Pianos that have obtained the Prize flleilal was pnrthaJ-cd by him in the International Exhibition during his lecent. visit to England in May lust, and will be shipped to him at the close* of the Exhibition. The be-t Roman Strings for Violins: Strings. Fitting \c, for all the various kinds of Musical Instruments. Organs, Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and all kinds of Musical Instruments tuued and repaired by practical Workmen. ? '2-vlwscv M' a gT s i YIveTm odes .— w. FIVEASH being about to relinquish the Drapery Trade, invites TENDERS up1 to Wednes day, the lOtli instant, at noon, for the whole of his remaining STOCK, which is now on view on the premises, 4, Hindley-street. 31S''2{ AGASIN DES MODES.— ALL PERSONS INDEBTED to the undersigned are requested to Settle their Accounts on or be fore the 23th instant. All outstanding after I that date will be placed in the hands of his so licitor for collection. Person* to whom he is in debted arc requested to forward a statement of claims for settlement if foiin/1 correct. 31S-29 AY. FIVEASH, 4. HinJIey-street. HOMCKOPATH1C. DISPENSARY.— E.. S. WIGG haying received large supplies of Hor'ceonathic j\Iedicines is ndw prepared to supply the Profession and the Public with Medi cines in TINCTURES, GLOBULES, PILULES', and TRITURAT1ONS, of aiiy degree of strength and in auy nuautitics. Also, VKTIiRINAlcY TINCTURES and TRITU RAT1ONS, in large or small cases, or in separate bottles. AK.O, CASES for DOMESTIC USE, in wood leather, of Tinctures, Pilules, or Globules, from i:fe. to seven guineas each case, in great variety form and price. Also, about 500 DOMESTIC GUIDE BOOKS, including Laurie, Thomas, Epps, Patte, kc, from Is. 3J. each and upwards. Also, MATERIA MEDICAS and other 'Works suited to Medical Practitioners; Controversia Works, ice A Catalogue of about 70 of these Books can be had on applicaticn to E S. 'WTgg, 12. Kundlc-strect. N. B.— A fresh lot of Cocoa jus landed. 225q 'I^LOORCLOTH. FLOORCLOTH. Jl Per ORIENT and other Late Arrivals. ' TWO THOUSAND YARDS of FLOORCLOTH, the best London-make, being Old and Well Seasoned, and- the Newest Designs, in widths of li 14, 1(5. IS. nnd 24 feet, by 72 feet long, without a seam r from Us. ftLt 0 4s. per square yard. S. MAYFIELp,&SON,. Wholesale and Retail Furnishing Warehouse. ? 309c TRON BEDSTEADS. X TWENTY-ONE OASES. IRON BEDSTEADS PER PARISIAN. An immense varietv of the above, comprising Four-post, Tent, Half-Tester, French, and Canopy ; also. Children's Cots and Cribs— Japanned Blue, Green, Maple, and Black and Gold; at Prices which defy competition. S. MAYFIELD & SON, Wholesale and Retail Furnishing Warehouse, 30!te ? «), 91, and !«, Rundle-street. EW MUSICAL REPOSITORY, J*7, RUNDLE-STREET, Two doors east of Messrs. Mayfield's Cabinet and Upholstery Warerooras. '. ?WHEATLEY &:PAPPIN. beg to inform their Friends and the Public generally that they have OPENED the above ESTABLISHMENT with a CHOICE SELECTION of even- description of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS direct . from . the Manufacturers, and trust that by strict attention to business to merit a share of their support and patronage. - ' ? Volunteer Companies will have an opportunity of choosing from a large Assortment of Brass Instruments, Drums, &c.. - ? . A well-selected Stock of new- Music always on hand. Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and other Instruments tuned and Repaiied. ? 262cv OK SALE,' ' a POWERFUL 'HAft-? MONIUM, suitable for a Church: also a good Second-hanil-PlCCOLOPlANOBOBTB. On view at ? ? ? ? ? . : ' '???..-3ICq ? HOWELI/S, 4, Rnndlc-stieet'. BRASS CASTINGS.— Mill Machine and other Brasses from Is. 4d. to Is. 6d. per lb. IRON CASTINGS at rained ^prices. : . ?' , Engines, Pumps, and all kinds, of Machinery made- to order; 'Drawings, Specifications, and Tenders, for any description of work in the Iron Trade supplied, on application to the undersigned. ... FF . GEO.WYATT, 305cv Adelaide Foundry, North-terrace.

BUSINESS NOTICES SULPHURIC ACID Manufactured by the undersigned, who are prepared to execute orders for any quantity. Guaranteed equal to English, and a lower current rate. Orders with references promptly attended to. FORBES & CO., MSmwf t!2 24, Collins-street west, Melbourne. MUSICAL.— RETAIL at Wholesale 1V1 Prices. HARMONIUMS from O to 14 stops, and the greatest Variety of Musical Instruments on Sale, at R. CLISBY'S, 68, Rundle-street. 318mwfc ICED CREAMS, WATER ICES, and ICED BEVERAGES, the Cooling Delicacy of the Season.—S. GOLDSACK begs to inform this Gentry of Adelaide and vicinity that he has recommenced the preparation of the above deli cacies for the Season, and having having made every necessary arrangement for a full swing of trade, respectfully solicits public patronage. Ice Puddings, Creams, and Water Ices, &c., supplied and served up to private and social parties day or night. S. GOLDSACK, Confectioner, 321 wf'5 98, Rundle-street Adelaide. ALEXANDER DOWIE, MANU-FACTURER and IMPORTER of BOOTS and SHOES, begs to inform his customers and the public generally that he has JUST RECEIVED, ex Orient, Austral, and other late arrivals, his SUMMER STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES. The quality of these Goods is superior, and the quantity and assortment larger, than any of his previous importations. They are all made to his own orders by the Best English and French Manu-facturers; and as the prices are very reasonable he can confidently recommend them. 63, Rundle-street, Adelaide. (Second door east from Gawler-place.) 263mwfcv AMERICAN KEROSINE, of superior quality and warranted safe, 5s. 6d. per Gallon; or by the case of eight gallons, 5s. per Gallon. Lamps, Chimneys, and Cottons. MARTIN & SACH, 317'30v54 80 and 82, Hindley-street. BRIGHTON AND GLENELG FIRE WOOD SAW-MILL, A. BAKER, Tro prietor. Firewood in any quantity .at t«wn prices. Orders left with Mr. Moseley, Pier .Hotel; Mr. Coward, blacksmith, . Jetty-road ; or sent hv the driver of Mr. Baker's Butcher's Cart, will be promptly attended to. ? ' ? 201c BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS.— J. H. HOWE, of 29½, Hindley-street, begs to return his sincere thanks to the Sheepfarmers, Storekeepers, and Public at large for the very liberal support he has received since opening the above Premises twelve months ago. J. H. H. has to announce that he has received, per Orient, John Norman, and other late arrivals, a LARGE ASSORTMENT of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S' BOOTS and SHOES of every description, at the lowest possible price. Ladies' Cashmere Boots from :!s. fid. per pair. Ladies' Cloth do. do. »3. (id. do. do. Lidics' Kill do. do. 5s. fid. do. do. Coloured Boots and Shoes, in endless variety, at the same reasonable rates. 2!)V. Hindley-street, is the Best and Cheapest House in. Town for Colonial-made Boots of every description. Note-23}, HINDLEY-STREET. ? 253mwfc THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDI GESTION. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS arc confidently recommended as a simple and certain remedy for Indigestion. They act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient; are mild in their operation; safe under any circumstances; and thousands of persons can now bear testimony to the benefits to he derived from their use. Sold in bottles, at Is. ljd., is. S)d., and 11s. each, by Chemists, Druggists, and Storekeepers in all parts of the world. *,* Orders to be miide payable bv London Houses. ? 310wt358 OLLO WAY'S PILLS.— This great I louichold Medicine ranks among the leading necessaries of life. It is well known to the world that it cures nianv complaints other remedies cannot reach. This fact is as well esta lilisiicil as that the Sun lights the world. DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. Most persons will at some period of their lives suti'er fioin imligcsiitm, derangement of their liver, stomach, or hnwehs which, if not quickly removed, frequently fettles into a dangerous illness. It is well knovru in ludi;u and other tropical climates, that Hnllnvray's Pills are the only remedy that can be relied upon in such cases. Almost every soldier abroad carries a box of them in liw knap s;ick. In .England mnM, persons know that these Pills will cure them whenever the liver, stomach, or bowels are out of order, and that they need no physician. WEAKNESS AND DEBILTTY. Such as sutler from weakness or debility, and those who feel want of energy, should :st once have reomrsu to these Pills, a3 they immediately purify the blood, and, acting upon the mainspring of life, give strength and vigour to the system. To young persons entering into womanhood, with a derangement of the function!!, and to mothers at the turn of life, these Pills will be most efficacious . in correcting the tida of life that may be on }he turn. Young and elderly men sufi'er in a similar manner at the Mime periods, when there is always ihm'jer; they should, therefore, undergo a course of this paritying medicine, which ensures lasting health. DISORDERS OF CHILDREN. All young children should have administered to them ironi time to time, a few doses of these Pills, which will purify their blood, and enable them to pa-* safely through the diilerent disorders inci dental to children, such as measles, hooping-cough, cowpock, and other infantile diseases. These Pills arc so harmless in their nature as not to injure the most delicate constitution, and are then-fore more peculiarly adapted as a corrective of the humours afl'cct'mgthem. DROPSY. Hundreds are cured vearly by the use of these Pills conjointly with the Ointment, which should l»e rubbed verv bountifully into the parts affected. DEUANUE.MENT.OF THE KIDNEYS. If these Tills lie uicil according to the printed directions and the Ointment rubbed over the rcgiun of the kidneys, at least once a day as salt is forced into meat, it will penetrate the kidneys, and correct any derangement of their organs. Sliould the affliction be stone or gravel, then the Ointment should be rubbed into the neck of the bladder, and a few days will convince the sufferer that the effect of these two remedies is astonishing. . DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH Arc the sources of the deadliest maladies. Their cflect is to vitiate all the fluids of the body, and to send a poisoned .stream tlirough all the channels of circulation. Now what is the operation of the Pills.' They cleanse the bowels, regulate the. liver, bring the relaxed or irritated stomach into a natiual condition, and. acting through the secretive organs urns the blood itself, change the state of the system from sickness to health, by exer cising a simultaneous and wholesome effect upon all its parts and funct ions. COMPLAINTa OF FEMALES. The functional irregularities peculiar to the weaker sex are invariably corrected without pain or inconvenience by the use of Hollqway's Pills. They are the safest and surest medicine for all diseases incidental to females of all ages. BI LIOUS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital importance to health Upon the liver, the gland 1 which secretes this fluid s=o necessary for digestion, the Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its irregularities, and effectually curing jaundice, bilious rcmittants, nnd all the varieties of^disease generated by an unnatural condition of. that organJ Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following Diseases:— Ague Female Irregu- Scrofula, or Asthma larities K'nJ?'s Evil Bilious Com- Fevers of all Sore Throats plaints kinds Stoneand Gravel Blotches on the Fits SecondarySyinp-Skin Gout toms Bowel Com- Headache Tic-douloureux plaints Indigestion Tumours Colics Inflammation Ulcers Constipation of Jaundice Venereal Affec the Bowels LiverComplaiiits tions . Consumption Lumbago Worms of all Debility Piles kinds Dropsy Rheumatism Weakness, from Dysentery Retention of whatever cause .Erysipelas Urine &c, &c Sold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 24 J, (Strand (near Temple Bar). London: and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized .world, at the following prices:— Is. IJd., 2s. 3d.-, 4s. bM., 11s., 22s.; and .Xis. each l)ox. V There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.— -Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder arc affixed to each box. 23oAcr239wac OTICE. — GENERAL PRTjmyG OFFICES.— Letterpress and. Copperplate Printing of every description executed in the most superior style, and on the most reasonable terms, at the .REGISTER and OBSERVER GENEttAL.PiJiSTr iso Offices, Grenfell-street. Fancy. Priming. in Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Inks of any nnrt every colour, and on any Coloured Paper or Card. Posting and Hand Bills got out on the Shortest Notice, and in the most. Showy Style. Concert an.4 othec.Pro grammes executed promptly and cheaply. Books, Forms, aud all the work requu-edby District Coun cils. Agricultural and all other Societies,, executed with. promptitude and on reasonable tepns. . Bill Heads, Mill and Cart Notes, Business and Address I Cards, Circulars, Cheques,. Chemists;' and .'other Labels, Magazines, Periodicals, Music.' Catjilppjes, Mercantile PriceCurrents, Pamphlets,' Deeds with Plans of Pronertv, and BOOKAYORK and JOB . PRLNTING is GENERAL- . ,.?„,„ : -Orders received at the offices in Grenfell-fitree by the Shipping. Reporter at the Port, and by the various Agents of the Register anq .Observer in town and country. . ' ' . ' ''' The possession of the Most Extensive and Com plete Printing Establishment in South Australia, and the engagement only of the most skilful workmen, will enable the Proprietors to execute i work in a style not to be surpassed, with the utmost expeilifionTanil o the cheapest terms. SPECIMENS OF. PRLNTING of evey descrip tion can1be,seen,by applying at the above onires. j-WHITE ASTS.— GAS TAB .'--The I y V Tar resulting from the manufacture of Gas ' from Eesin Oil i- found effectual in preserving Timber from the ravages uf the White Aut, and is being used for the purpose by the Telegraph De ' partmetitto protec'. the pasts. carrying the wires. -The Tor will be found invaluable for treating .the bottoms of posts in fencing, joists, and in flooring. Sold at the Register and Observer Ofnces, in quan tities of not less than five gallons, at 2s. od. pe gallon, and single gallons at 3s. per gallon. Th ' vessels for the Tar to be brought.

BUSINESS NOTICES. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given that the PART NERSHIP hitherto: existing -between the late Mr. THOS. TAPLEY and Mr. F. G. HINCE, Butchers, of-Kadina and Wallaroo,, is this day DISSOLVED. FRANCIS GOOD HINCE, EDWARD BOWMAN, Executors to the estate of Mr. Thos. Tapley. October 31, 1802. Witness-GEDHGE Wauchopf. ? sv.Tff \ LL CLAIMS against the late Firm of XX. TAPLEY & HINCE to. be sent into Mr. F. Yx. Hince, Wallaroo, for payment And all Debts owing to the late firm are requested to be paid within one month-f mm this ilate to Mr. F. G. Hince, whose receipt will be a sufficient discharge. ? -? K- .-. -? ? xvSfl MESSRS. BOWMAN & PARNELL having SUCCEEDED to the BUSINESS carried on bv the late Firm of TAPLEY and HINCE, BUTCHERS, trust that by supplying a good article at moderate -prices they will receive the support so liberally bestowed upon their pre decess0rs. LEATH & ROSS'S HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES Homoeopathic Books Pilules, (Jlobules. Plaisters, Tinctures, &c. ?PLAITS. No. 1, Hindley^and King .William streets. 272q ? - EstabUsheJISO. ? POLONIAL WINES. COLONIAL .VV WINES.— Superior HAPwVEST and TABLE WINKS, 'at PITT & SONS' Cellars, .No. 34, King Williamistreet. ? ? 2b7cv RANDALL (b CHARLES WORTH'S ' GLEN PAllA WINES. EVERETT & CHAMBERS, Agents, 301c ? King William-street. Adelaide. AFRESH SUPPLY OF GERMAN LAGER BEER, in pints and quarts. Whole sale and Retail : also; South Australian'Wine, at the HAMBURG HOTEL. ? 2fflwst73 WANTKD to PURCHASE, a Second hand STEAM-ENGINE. 2 Horse-Power. Apply to Toehi & Solomon, 22. Hindley-street. x rpo STOREKEEPERS.— A- Good JL BUSINESS TO1 be DISPOSED OF. Apply! early to Eaton & Farner, Goolwa. ? 3Ujcv , OTT, NIGHTMAN. Price, perCloset, £1 to £1 5s.' Francis Lott, Acland-street. ? 3I4mwft37 AGENTS IN MELBOURNE.— ! A. Messrs. (5ORD0N k GOTCIL of Collins street west, Melbourne, have been appointed AGENTS in Victoria for the Repister and OLtcrrer Newspapers, and- are to collect Accounts 1 doc1. 'Advertisements and Subscribers' names will be1 received by1 them, and will meet with promp nttgntjnn. ' . . ? ' ?' PROFESSIONAL. ? ESSRS. J. i.&.F.aUCGEORGE, : ARCHITECTS. CIVIL ENGINEERS, and SURVEYORS, King William-street, next National 1 Bank. ? 207nrcv_ \ A CARD] —Dr. F. E. GOLDS'MLTH, L.RG.P., Kdin.. M.K.C.S. and L.A.C., has commenced PRACTICE in YANKALILLA DIS TRICT. For the present may be consulted at Air. ; N. Leake's. Normanrille. ? ? 321wf5vJ0 | ALFRED NICHOLS, LICENSED SURVEYOR, North; or at It. B. Colley's Office, Adelaide. ? SSlillinwfcv TRTIFICIAL TEETH from 10s. each. ii- -Mr. MEYERS. DENTEST, supplies Artificial Tuqth on the principle of self-adhesion, fixed without wires, or caujiiiff the least pain. A single Tooth lfts. A !?et from £10. Filling, Sciilirig, and Extracting. 39, King William-street. , ]\/TEDICAL.— A PRACTICE TO ba irX DISPOSED OF, with FURNITURE, &c, at Port Adelaide. For particulars, apply to E. J. Edmunds -Esq., solicitor, Poit Adelaide. Sir 4 OTICE to LAND AGENTS and COUNTRY SETTLElW.-Per.-ons requiring LITHOGRAPHED PLANS of YORKE'S PEN INSULA- can be supplied by the undersigned, completed to the present time; also Plans of the County Grey, with Huns, &c., for a moderate charge. Parties holding .Maps of the Colony, published by Mr. Pitts, may have the same completed up to the present date— having already completed several. LYONS & FIVEASH. Grcsham-chaml-er:?, Kins William-street, November iS. 1S)!2. xv ~ DRAPERY AND CLOTHINO THE GLASGOW. HOUSE READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPOT is now replete with every description' of Kcady madc. Clothing. ? . . ' Parties from the Country requiring the above should cull at the GLASGOW HOUSE, 31, Hindley-street. A Cutter being always on the premises. Clothing can be made to order at the shortest notice. G. & W. SHIERLAW, 323a'5 ? ' ? 31, Hindley-street. AJOVELTIES IN LADIES' LINEN ll ' CHEMISES FRENCH MUSLINS, superior patterns, warranted fast LADIES' DPtESSES. various kinds, ready-made JACKETS and MANTLES, every description INFANTS' 'RICH CLOAKS and ROBES BABY LINEN and UXDERCLC )THING, all kinds At CHAPMAN'S. 322cv^ ? KG. Rundle-street. CUMMER GOODS.— The BEEHIVE O P11OPRIETORS beg respectfully to an nounce that they have just unpacked, ex Irene, a splendid Assortment of SUMMER TWEED and DOESKIN SUITS, of which, as also their SUMMER HATS, they invite early inspection. ?Suits to Order at the shortest notice. I. SDDIONS & CO., ? BEEHIVE, 312c King W.ill|am and Rundle streets. S~Tr JOHN LA.WREN0E. —JUST OPENED per above vessel, a beautiful Lot of DRILL and ALPACA CLOTHING. WHITE SHIRTS of all kinds, . LINEN ami PAPER! COLLARS, &c, &c. DRILL SUITS TO MEASURE, £2 15s. TWEED SUITS TO MEASURE, £.) 15*. Both Warranted Shrunk. FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT, for CASH on all purchases above £1. A. MACGEORGE, Importer, 3il-*6v^ ? 41), King William-street. N~ OT I C E.— McARTHUR, KINGS BOROUGH, & CO. hereby beg to intimate that they have DISPOSED OF their RETAIL TRADE carried on under the style or firm of BALLANTYNE-& CO, 3\ Bundle-street, to WM.-WARD, Perfchey Belt, WM. BALLANTYN& A(lclaide, A\T.M: WALTEft, Adelaide.' ' who will receive' all 'Accounts, and whose receipt will be as ours.. McARTHUR, KINGSBOROUGH, & CO. ? ? ? ? ? aoscvx WARD, BALLANTYNE, -t CO., in referring to the above, beg to say they have PURCHASED the ' STOCK-IN-TRADE, with BOOK DEBTS, on such terms as will enable them not only to meet a continuance of the favours conceded to B. & Co..l-ut of increased patronage. The business will be conducted on' the same equitable princjples,' and have their undivided attention. ' ' ? The PREMISES will be CLOSED until Satur day morning next for the purpose of taking Stock, when Ihey will Open and submit all the Stock of BONNETS . HATS ' RIBBONS MANTLES MILLINERY RILKDRESSES MOHAIRS .GRENADINES' CHALLIES and other DRESS MATERIALS, at 2s.. 111 the Pound off Ballastixu & Co.'s Prices, until the 1st January, 1863. 3DScvx T) ALLANTYNE & CO. would hereby JJ gratefully acknowledge favours received and tender, their sincere thanks to all who have in any way contributed to their support durmg the time they have been in .business. JOHN BALLANTYNE, ? 30Sevx ? ;, - ; Acting Partner. H^O DRAPERS.— Bill-Heads, Hand ? -L Bills, Posters, and every other description of Printing executed ori the cheapest terms,, at the ! Register and Observer Gtneral Printing Onjce Grenfell-strce . ? . . '? - . ? . . .???? '. ' , PERSONS. WANTED. WANTED, -an-ORQAN-IST.for Pirie ? street Chapel. Lettera of application, . stating terms; to he sent in November 24. Address '' ' Organ Committee,1' Rev. J. Watsford, Gawler . phtce. ? ? ? 321wfS WANTED, a respectable Youth, as .TTJNIOU CLERK, &c. Apply in own handwriting' statiug ase and salary required. AddressJ^ Alplia.'.' Post-Ogjce. ? :g{c WANTED, ,a STEWARDESS for Baniuu Springbok, bound to Melbourne, probably; from thence to England. None need apply without £Q-m1 references. ' Apply on board the vessel, jnow lying at Levi's Wharf, ' xk j WANTED,' a. good BREAD ami J ri BISCUIT BAKER; also a a good Stout , LAD. Apply to C. Parkes, 13S.; Hindley.-sfrce^. ANTED,1 a good HOUSEMAID. Apply to Mrs. Wooilfordc, Hindley-street, between the ?iours of 10 and 1. '..' ' x WANTED, for the Countrv, a good , ? NU^SfiGlEL; Appfy'altheKYorkHoteL , (CARPENTERS. — WANTED, Two ; ^ good Hands this morning— 30, Cume-street. I ? ? ' ??-?-. ? x

? AMTTSEMEKTS. '' 1 ADELAIDE ASSEJIBLY ROOMS.' A. MESSRS. P0US3ARD AND DOUAY, . assisted hv Madame STUTTAFORD and Messrs. BEAUMONT and WILKINSON, will give their ELEVENTH GRAND CONCERT, , in the Adelaide Assembly Rooms, ! THIS EVENING (Wednesday). Novcml-er 19, I on which occasion they will give, for the first time in tli is Colony, a Grand Selection from the cele brated Opera of ? SATANELLA,. or THE POWER OF LOVE. . PROGRAMME. ' P.UtT I. Sei^ctioxs from Sa.taxf.ll.v- Balfe.) Chorus of Pirates— 'liovers, rulers of the sea.'' Scena and Cavatina— ' Whit daring mortal has pronounced my name :' ' Since he has dared to bravc'-Mr. W. 11. Wilkinson. Drinking Sons— 'The glorious vintage of Chara pajme'— Mr. E. A. Beaumont. Recit.—' Myself once more:' 'The power of love ;' Cavatina and Chorus—' There's a power whose sway'— Madame Stuttaford. Romance— 'An angel form'1— Mr. E. A. 'Beau mont. ? -Recit.—' My brave companions;' Pirates* Song and Chorus— ' Rovers, rulers of the sea''— Mr. W. H. Wilkinson. Chorus— 'Smile, oh. Heaven, upon this day.' Fascination Scene— Arietta, Cabalctta, and Chorus — 'Sultana Zulema' — Madame Stuttaford. Song— 'No piize can Fate on man bestow'— Air. E. A. Beanmont. Slave-Market Chorus—' Merry Trmis, ope thy mart'— Madame Stuttaford, Mr. E. A. Beau monV Mr. H. PoussanI, Mr. R. Douay, and Mr. W. H. Wilkinson. An interval of ten minutes. Pakt II. Solo, Violoncello (first time)— Grand Fan tasia from the Opera ' Charles the Sixth'— Mr. R. .Douay ? Halevy Cavatina — ' Peace inviting ' — Madame Stuttnronl ? ? ...Sir H. Bishop Solo, Violin (bv desire)— Fantasia -' 11 Trovatore'— Mr. H. PoussanI. Laughing Trio— ' Vandasi via di qua'— MadaineStutfaford, Mr. E. A. Beaumont, and Mr. W. H. Wilkinson ? Martini Doors open at half-past 7 ; Performance to com mence at S o'clock. Reserved Seats, 5s. ; Unreserved, 2s. {id. x A GRAND SELECTION fiom Xl- SATANELLA. wilUbe performed at Messrs. POUSSARD.ind DOTTAY'S Eleventh CONCERT, in the ADELAIDE ASSEMBLY ROOMS, on WE DNESDAY next, ltlth inst. - :121c ? JM LENELGr— Messrs. POUSSARD vX and DOUAY be^r to announce that their CONCERT is POSTPONED till SATURDAY, the 22nd inst., when, by particular request, they will perform their Musical Poem the DEAD HEROES. ? 323c fHE DEAD HEROES.— JL Messrs. POUSSARD and DOUAY beg to intimate that, in compliance with the request, of numerous friends and patrons, they will give a Second Performance of THE DEAD HEROES in the course of next or the following week. 31 Sc nniVOLI HOTEL.— DANCING This X Evening, to commence at S o'clock. [2!-ac INSURANCE NOTICE^ pHURCH OP ENGLAND AND \J GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY INSTITUTION. Capit.u, osi: Millkw. FRjVNCIS S. DUTTON, Agent, 214c Rundle-place. 'PACIFIC FIRE AND MARINE X INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, i3-)0.00(), Unlimited Liability. Head Oliice— Pitt-street, Sydney. C. M. Smith, Esq., Manager. The. undersigned having been APPOINTED AGENTS in South Australia for the above Oilice, arc prepared to receive Proposal! for Fire and Marine Risks at the current rates of premium, and will Issue Policies at once in terms thereof. Claims in either department settled here inim diately 011 proof of loss. Vessel* injured on time policies, or otherwise on liberal terms. 27Jc G. A. A: II. BARTLKET, Orcnffll-street. ROYAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, £-2,ftlU,00'J. Annual Revenue, nearly £500.000. Increase of Fire Business last year 50 per cent, more than th:tt of any oliice bi Great Britain. FIRE BRANCH.— Insurances granted, at re duced premium*. Claims settled in the colouy immediately on proof of loss. LIKE BRANCH.— English rates of premium only charged, and conditions on Policies extremely liberal. Bonus at recent divisions of profits, 2 per cent, per annum on amount of Policies. Example: Policy dated Dec. 1, 1S4'i (sum assured) JEl.iOO Increased by ounus to Dec, IStfJ, to ... 1,279 Total premiums paid l«ii){r ? 304 Medical Referee— It. W. Moore, Esq., Colonial Surgeon. ACRAMAN, MAIN, LINDSAY. & CO., BgtilvU ? ; ? Agents. MARINE INSURANCE. A DELAIDE LLOYD'S ASSOCIA ii. TION OF UNDERWRITERS. llos. Wir. Peacock,, Chairman. Thos. Gkavks, Esq., Deputy Chairman. * Marine Risks taken ait current rates, and policies issued immediately on necoimt of the same. CLAIMS FOR LOSSES ' promptly settled in cash without deduction. . H. COWIE, Broker to the Association, frrenfell-street. January. ISM. '' 44mwfc HL COLONIAL' INSURANCEi COMPANY OF VICTORIA. Head Offices, No. 4, Collins-street West, Melbourne. FOR FIRE INSURANCE. LIFE INSURANCE, AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE. Capital. £200,000.— Liability Unlimited. This Company Insures against Loss bv Fire at the lowest current ratC3 of premium, and on con ditions framed with the greatest liberality. LIKE ASSURANCES are effected at English rates, and lives slightly diseased accepted on equitable terms. FIDELITY in situations of trust guaranteed at moderate premiums from los. per cent per annum upwards, with reductions on succeeding years for first-class rkks. By combination of Life Assurance with Fidelity Guarantee, a very material reduction may be effected. - -CHARLES J. LUCAS, Secretary. Full particulars and forms of proposals of Mr. A. J. POLLOCK, Agent, Adelaide. , ffl»mwft211 QPECIAL NOTICE TO FARMERS. STANDING CEOPsTllAYSTACKS. AGRI-. CULTURAL PRODUCE, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, &c. cm be INSURED AGAINST LOSS bv FIRE upon application at the Otliee of the LrS'ERPOOL and LONDON FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. - . . h\- J. BEGK & CO, Agents., ? Currie-street. ? 3Umw5Iv5t 1 MPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE -1- COMPANY. -Capital, £1,690.000- : Insurances effected at Current REDUCED Bates - All Claims settled in Adelaide on proof of loss. The whole Subscribed and. Invested iCapital of this -Company. '-amounting to 'One Million Six Hundred and Ninety. Thousand Pounds, is .avail able in settlement of- losses, irrespective of andjri addition to the Liability ot the Shareholders. -EDMUND -W. WRIGHT. Agent. ? 1. 17. William-street. Adelaide. i2llmyrfcy XTORTHERN FIRE/«fc.LI;FE 11 ASSURANCE COMPANY. ' ' . Office, 2J, King- William-street. Ifrltfoa tf. VON PER HEYDE. Secretary. ? QOUTH AUSTRALIA N. INSURANCE 0 COMPANY, LDIITED. King William-street Aflelaide, For effecting Insurances at REDU(JED RATES against FIRE, Agencies at every township in the colony. Chairman, J. JL Linklateb, Esq. Deputy-Chairman, R. G: Bowes, tsq. Money Lent on Mortgage at JO'per sent. lev ? -- R.E.TAPLBY Secretary. TTOliART TO.WN.omd LAUNCESTON XI MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. : (Bsnibiisheil lS3a) ? ? .' ; HAKDTE SURVEVOil AT PORT ADELAIDE: Captain H. Simpson. : The undersigned avcept Marine liisks at current rate?. '.-..'. F. J. BECK & CO., Acents, , . . 87cv ? * ? Adelaide and Port. ? 1 IVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE JU AND'IAFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ' '' - Capital Two Millioks.. : ? f ? RISKS accepted t .the, REDUCED' SCALE of Premiums. ' ' . ' ' ' ' FIRE DEPARTM E.NT-rJamcsMacgeorscEsq., Surveyor. LIFE DEPARTMENT^r.^Wood fofde, Meilicat Keferce. CLAliB Promptly Settled in the Colony. ? ' 3to.T..- F.J. BECK fe CO. Agents. ? HORSES. CATTLE, VEHICLES, ft'e' ?TW)R SALE, a Fine Upsfcmdiug Gig-or X! CarHaore HORFli warranted vbimjr, quiet, arid stan-jh.,, Apply, at the Sturt Stables- to/A.-Fergasson. ' ? t ? - = ? ,3j3*-:5 j -I70R RALE, DAIRY COWS. W0RK-: JD ING BULLOCKS, and HORSES. ' ? A..G.BURT:- \ - -ZttiXX Green's Kxchsnye Qr jGayler-place. ' T^WES FOR SALE, in lotsto suit pur-' Hi cliasers: also some Good RAMS and a FIoclc. 6f.Gtq.oth'W.ETiri:iUS. G: Bennett, Cattle aiiyl] Commission. (;iark's-buildin?s. ^ /.S^cv | PR SALE, 11+ Barlow k Son's,- Goftcli biiililer^,' Rnr.dle-strcet, a h'anflsonieMxxlern huilt PARK PlLtETON. with Hqml to Front Seat : suitable ft* one Inr'^e or pair. ? aiSmwfc, '7: ~BsT^A5'rofe3-/- '??? ? ? 1 OST, ou the Port-i'Qadi.^n .Tuesday, tU. morninp, a Sable ylCTO BINE. The finder will be rewarded on leavipg it at the office of this, paper. . x

ELECTION NOTICES. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE DIS TRICT OF VICTORIA. Gcntlemen-I take the first opportunity of ihankini; you all puhlicly for the honour you have sonfered in again electing me to represent your District. Twice you have elected me as your sole represen tative; and now when your proving importance is a constituency has obtained for you an increased ^presentation 111 the Assembly, you have proved rour undiininishe 1 confidence by a^ain returniiiif ne.ranil that without opposition. My best influence, and exertions will lie used in rour behalf, and will be greatly aided by the con inuance of that unreserved and regular communi :ation which has hitherto existed between us. To :hat I look forward with pleasure. I remain. Gentlemen. 1 Yours faithfully. ? GKORGl! C. HAWKER. The Briers. Monday, November 17. fr23'5v T~O THE ELECTORS OF' NOARLUNGA. | Gentlemen— Although unsuccessful, I have to ?eturn you my sincere thanks for the liberal ? support you liave awarded me, and my especial j Jianks are due to those gentlemen who so j strenuously excited themselves to secure my return. I am, Gentlemen, yours faithfully, P. HOLLINS. _Noyember l^_lSi2. ? x\ k_ T0~THE ELECTORS OF NOAR X LUNG A. Gentlemen— As I had not an opportunity when the poll was declared of thanking you iu person. I lal;e the present medium of presenting you with mv most sincere acknowledgements for the high ho'nour ,you have conferred upon me by fleeting me as one'of your Representatives; and I would especially thank my Willuhga and Konrtuiiga Triends, with those gentlemen who exerted them selves so assiduously to secure my return. I will encage that nothing shall be wanting on my part to increase the confidence thus reposed in me. 1 am, Gentlemen, ? YoUrobt(iient5orilNWTON. Adelaide, November IS, ISC2. ? xv_ ^pothiTelectors of yatala.— 1 Gentlemen— 1 1«« to return you my sincere thanks for the honour you have done me in electin:; me as your Member. My greatest ambi tion will l-e to deserve it. I remain, vours faithfully, W K'NTWORTH CAVANAGH. Adelaide, November 13, IStg. ? xv nj^6'TliE ELECTORS OK YATALA.— X Gentlemen— I beg to thank you for the honour which you have conferred upon me by placing me, for the second time, at the head of the poll, and to assure you that I fully appreciate your kind confidence in me, and that I shau endea vour to retain it by renewed attention to your interests in Parliament. Believe me, yours faithfully, LAV1XGTO.N GLYDE. Roschurst, November IS, ISii2. ? xv JTt a l a ele' c Ti 0 n . — I beg to tender my mo-st sincere thanks to the 11- independent Electors of Yatala who ten dered their votes in my favour on Monday, and trust the others will l-e better served iu the choice they have made. Faithfully vouM^LiI5TER) ? RELIGIOUS NOTICES. QOUTH AUSTRALIAN AU.XI LIARY O TO THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN' BIBLE SOCIETY, LON'UON. — PUBLIC MEETINGS will Ikj held at the fallowing places :— MA-iIl.L, on Thursday, 2«h November, 111 the Mechanic.*' Institute, at 7 o'clock. ' '? -GUMERACHA, ou Friday, 21st November, in the Wesleyan Chanel. The Meetings will be attended b.-' the Rev. J. K. Tucker, Agent to the Parent Society, and other Ministers. A Collection will be made at each ' :wi'vB' JAMES WHITING, Hon. Sec. VOLTJNTEER NOTICES. ? rpHE ADELAIDE aii.'l PORT -I- ARTILLERY mil PARADE on Wednes day, the 19th instant, at 4.15, iu full uniform, at the Gunslicd, for the Annual Inspection by the Colonel Commanding the Volunteer Force. ?£2r.i R. R. TORRENS, LL-Cul. V.A. PXTBLIC^ NOTICES. rpHE FRIENDS 'of 'Mr. JOHN X McKINLAY are requested to attend a PUBLIC MEETING, to be held in Whites Rooms, King Willianv-strect, on Friday, the 21st instant, at -2 o'clock, on which occasion HisE\ceI lency :-ir Dominic Daly has consented to present that gentleman with the tjrant of One Thousand Pounds recently voted by the House of Assembly. ? J^!15_ A LL Persona having CLAIMS .igaiiist A the late ROBERT MO YES, of Port Adelaide, deceased, must render them to the oilice of Dale, ?Fuller A: Co., ou or before Friday. 21st November, at noon, or they will not be recognised; and any Person indebted to the same Estate must Pay their Accounts within seven days from this date or immediate proceedings will be taken. MARGARET MOVES, Administratrix. Port Adelaide. November!*, mi. :g-'» TNltE' S.' HOLMES.— A MEETING X of the CREDITORS in the abovo Estate will take place at the White Hart Inn, Hindley-street, on Wednesday, l!)th. inst., at 3 p.m. All Persons .interested are particularly requested to attend. '. :ta-':V ? w. w. GALL. XTOTICE.— NO PERSON is AUTHO 1- ,R 1ZI5D to COLLECT and G IVE RECEIPTS fo.r DKBTS ijuo to me froni this date without pro ducing my writteu authority, tu that effect. ' . GUO. ALDBH)GE. November 13, 1SIB. ? ' 318c 'MINING NOTICES7~ . ' NEW CORNWALL' MINEliAL' ASSOCIATION, LIMITED. NOTICE.— A SPECIAL GENERAL MEET-. IXG of SHAREHOLDERS in the New Cornwall' Mineral Association, Liraiteri,'in acc'onlanrc with, terms of Deed of Settlement, will Ikj held nt- the Hotel Europe, Grenfell-street, onTuesday.the 2nd1 .December, tat 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of Electing Fire Directors in the place of] the present Directors, who retire. N.B.-Bv Clause J5 of the' Deed of Scfllehient,1 Shareholders are precluded- from voting in respect of any Shares ? on which the Calls have not licen paid. By Clause IS, Proxies must lie-lodged with' UieSecretary prior to the hour of meeting. W1L. SMYTHE, Secretary.' King William-street, November 17, las: ? ? ' ? ? ? ' 3J2-':yfr:CT A USTRALIAN PATENT .ORERE XI. DUCTION COMPANY, LnilTED. * Capital i.3, OOU, in5,U00 Shares of ^110 each, with power to increase the Capital to £100,(K)0. ! Fifteen-Hundred 'Shares reserved tdthe Pro-;' moters as paid-up. Shares; £1 to \k paid on appli cation; £3 011 allotment; and the Inlancc in two sums of £3 each, at three, and six months from 'the date'of allotment.' The Company will be con sidered formed, and a Meeting will be convened for' llreEiedtibhoFDirectors;,sosoonav2,500Share8 shall ?have Ixjen subscribed .'for. ' At General Meetings,1 .each Share will have a vote, and absent, Sliare hokkrs may vote by. proxy. The qualification of Directors to lie 30 Scares'. ?- ' PltdVISTON.VL COMMITTEK: ' -Messrs; F. IT. Faiilding Messrs. J. Darwent -. * J. F.'Haywanl ? (i. II. Davenport ? E.J. Spence . . S. White E. KJmgcndcr. Secretary— Mr. C. Ellersbaw. Banlvers— Bank of Australasia. ? - Solicitor— A. Hardy, Eftj. For particulars, forms of application, and Mr. Roilda's statement and report, apply at the Com pany's office. Gilbert-place, or refer to the Reu inter ,of lsth October The deposit may be paid into the Bank of Aus-tralasia, Adelaide, or Branches in the country, to the credit of the Company. 205c ''municipal' aniTdisteict - councils. ? ? -rpo\VN ' OF' POJlT ADELAiDE.— i NOTICE is hereby given that the Council'^f the Town of Port Adelaide. will constitute an Open COURT for the KtTLSION of the BfJEGE-S ROLL s£nd for the hearin;; and 'determining the Claims of the Burgesses thereof to lie in«eited in Kuchlist3, and the objections of suchBorpesses to any other. Burgess having- his name retained thereon, on the ?4th day of November instant, at twelve o'clock noon, at the Town Hall. ' . ' -No such Chum or Objection' will be available, unless, as respects Claims, the same- shall have been lodged in the office of the Town Clerk not .later than the eighteenth, and as resimcts Objec tions jio( later than the twentieth day of Novem ber instant - . - ' . Ou and after the 21st day of Noveml-er instant alphabetical lists of ail such Claims arid Objections will be exhibited at the Town )f«]l,.Wcst Ward, and at Mr. James Youngs printer. East Ward. . Claims acd Objections may be had at my office. Bvnriler, . 317mw'23 A. J. EDMUNDS,' Town Clerk. BOARD AND JOUJSING: T ODGINGS for a Gentleman at North -Li Adelaide!' ' For address apply at the office of - this paper. ? | ? 323 ''5 . .T-0A;RD and LODGING, Kent Towu.— J3 A Lddy- and Gentleman, or two Gentlemen, can be aqcommoflafcd -ivith Bonn! and Lodging iii a rfniet household, and in an airy neighbour - hood, within five minutes' ? walk of East- terrace. ? Infoimation.niay_l-c obtained on application at theoflkejof this paper. ? - . -'.''310c T DYW? iSEME NTSlBTADaAroi 'A. O15-EBVER.-The DIS(JOUNTf5 on re peated mcerrionsmihe ADELAIDE 03SERVEB are as follow:— -'-.*-? ?.. On 3 Insertions^ id. in the Shillings or 121 per. ? cent. ? - -. ?? On 4 .insertioni^T^ in the Shilling, ot 16J ner cent. ' ? On 5 insertions-2id. in the Shilling, or 2C{ per ' 'cent.' ' ' ? ' - ' ? -: ;i.t .:. -; : On fi, 7,' and 8 insertions— 3d. in the Shilling, or 25 -.- per cent. ' ? On, .9. 40,;and U insertions— 3Jd, in the Shilling or On 12 and 13 insertions-4d. in the Sh Ding, ot 33 percent ?

ErOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS ; /CRIMINAL -SITTINGS ' OF* THE i V ' SUPREME COURT. -.1- - ? Sheriff's Office, Adelaide, November 13, \%± In pursuance of a Writ from their Honors the Judges of our Lady the Queen, of the Supreme Court of this Province,' to me directed, I do hereby give notice that the said Court n ill sir .osa-Court of Oyer and Termiuer and General Gaol Delivery I for the Province and its dependencies, on Monday, [ the twenty-fourth day of November inst., 18f2,atthc ; Supreme Coim-Housc, Victoria-siinare, Adelaide, it 10 o'clock of the forenoon ; mid ail parties bound to prosecute and give evidence, and all Justice's Coroners, Constables, and Riiliffs, and all Jurors summoned, and all others having business at the said Court, arc required to attend the sittings thereof; and the order of such business will be as follows :—, November 24. 1. William Gillies— Larceny, committed at Adelaide September ], 18& In Gaol. 2. Thomas Wright Marshall— Larceny,' com mitted at Adelaide September 9, 182. In* Gaol. 3. James Litwell Alson— Larceny bv a servant, committed at Adelaide September 12, 1S(C. In (iaol. 4. James McEnhill- Manslaughter, committed at Adelaide, September IS, ISCi In Gaol. Tuesday, November 25. 5. and 6. Sarah Freeman and William Freeman — Arson, committed at Strathalbyn August 22, 1862. On Bail. 7. Thomas Brown-Killing a mare, committed at Adelaide September 22, 1 Stii. In Gaol. & William Notcutt Payers-Embezzlement, committed at Strathalbyn September 26, 1SC2. In Gaol. fl. Benjamin Crabb-Rape. committed at Wal laroo October 11, lSfi-2. On Bail. , 10. Charles Wight— Larcenies, committed at Adelaide October 15,- IRIii In ( Jaol. 11. Alice Lmdsey— Lareeny in a dwelling-house, committed at Adelaide Octolwr 20, 1W12. In GaoU Wedxrsijay, November 20. 12 and 13. Winnifred Lcnnon (in Gaol), and William Reylin (on BaiD-Child murder, com imtted at Adelaide Septeml»er 2-J. lSti2. . 14.- Jane Newlarid— Larceny by a sen-ant, com mitted at Willunga October 1, 18ti2. On Bail. 15. Jane James— Larceny by a servant, com mitted at Port Adelaide Octolwr 10, 1862. In Gaol. . Thursday, November 27. 10 and 17. Malachi Martin (committed at MclJrath's Flat June 2), an.l William Wilson (committed at Adelaide August 20, li-tK)-Munler. In Gaol. r FRrDAT, November 2S. IS. Mary Ann Connor-Forgery, committed at Adelaide August 25, ISu'i In Gaol. IU. Patrick Divycr— Felonious stabbing, com mitted at Port Lincoln August 2U, lsia. In Gaol. . -20. Johann Gottlieb Hiihner — Forgery, -kc, committed at Adelaide November S, lS(i2. In Gaol. The case of any prisoner who may have lieen committed to prison, or held to bail for trial at the said sjtting.s and not named above, will be taken ou Friday, the twenty-eighth day of November instant, and all.]-rosocutora and witnesses in such casus must lie in attendance at the silting of the Court on that day. Parties, bound hy recognizances to prosecute or give evidence, or who may l-e Biibpiwiaed on the part of the Crown or of any prisoner, arc required to attend the Court at 10 o clock ou the morning of the day appointed for the trial of each oadu respectively, hut not earlier. The remuneration allowed by law for loss of time to prosecutors and witnesses. will only lie calculated from, and to in clude, the day for which the trial for each cue is fixed — except where any prosecutor or T'itiiess ?resides more than twelve- miles from Adelaide,- wlio lire hereby required to be in Adelaide on the even ing of tlie.dny previous: and who will have an .allowance for time accordingly. Parties out 011 bail must surrender in Court at 10 : o'clock on the morning of the dav fixed as aboycnanied for their respective trials, but not earlier; if they do not appear when then called up.iii, their recognizances and those of their bail rt'ill 1»« estreated. By order of the Judges, W1LLLYM. U. BOOTIIBY, 321mwf'fiv ? ?'i^L'i_ Crown Lamia and Immigration Oliice, Novemlier 14, ISlii Preference to Advertisement of the 12th instant, NOT1CH is hereby given that XO CHUTIFICATK3 on account of Applications for ASSLSl'ED PASSAGES made on tile 11th instant will be ready for Issue before Wednesday next, the 1'Jtb instant. 310sv CUAS. W. DRAPER. Pro Sec. Engineer, and Architect's Otlke, Adelaide, Novembers, 1S-2. 'FENDERS for the undermentioned -L WOKKS at NORMANV1LLK will be re ceived until noon of Monday, the 24th instant, at this ottice, where drawings and specification ami be seen, and all particuars obtained:— Building Telegraph Station ami Post-Otiice, and Additions and Alterations to Court-House and Police-Station. Drawings and specification can also be seen at theTelegraph-Oflice, Nonimnville. W. HANSON, ? 314mwf25vx Engineer and Architect. ? COMPANIES AKD SOCIETIES. PASTORAL ASSOCIATION.— A SPECIAL MEETING will be held at Aidridge's I'ooms on Wednesday, November lit, at 2 p.m. The attendance of Members is par ticularly requested. 31!»'a CLEMENT SABINE, Hon. Sec. THE NATIONAL BANK OF -1- AUSTRALASIA. 'NOTICE is hereby given that APPLICATIONS for .the PURCHASE of l^SU SHAKES in the Capital Stock of this Company (£1 sterling paid up) will be received under the following regula tions : — ' For 12,433 Shares on the Melbourne Register. Applications to be delivered at Head Oliice, Mel bourne, or any of the Branches in Victoria, on or before Jst December. For 0,:£!j Shares on the South Australian Kegis,ter. Applications to be delivered at the ? Adelaide 'OHkc or any of the Branches in South Australia, on or before 1st December. The Shares will be issued at Five Shillings' -Premium'/ mid will )-e entitled to the current Half year's Dividend. Should the Applications exceed' the quantity to be allotted, preference will Ik given to the present -Shareholders. Forms of application can be obtained at the Head Offices and Branches of the Bank. By order pf the Board. A. CUXNIN'GJIAM. Manager. Melbourne, November 0, 18G1 I31timwf35v33 PERMANENT LAND AND BUILD JL ING ASSOCI ATION.-The Thirteenth HALF YEARLY MEKTING of this Association will be held at the Bed Lion Inn, Rundle-street, on Wed nesday, the lPth irist.-, at 8 o'clock p.m., when the Balancc-Sheet, Auditors' and Directors' report will be read, aiid Directors Elected. The adjourned 'meeting for Sale «f Shares will also 1* held. Per soni desirous of purchasing are requested tu attend. .. : GEORGE MILLER GALLEY, -321 '3 Secretary. TfADINA AND WALLAROO RAIL 4-V WAY AND PIER COMPANY. ' Capital, £25,(XW, in 23 Snares of £1,000 each, with power to increase1 the same to XoO.CRRI by issue, of new;Shares. The Proprietor of this valuable Property now offers to sell all his Right, Title, and Interest in the same, as derived from a Lease granted by the Crown, under the authority of a special Act of .Parliament of the sessipa of 1.S61. The Lease is granted for 'M\ years froni Novem« her 30, 16(11, at a peppercorn rent. The Act of Parliament gives the , power to levy tolls on the Jetty and Railway, and other privileges; and exempts from all local ami municipal taxation. The Proprietor offers tins Property, including Horses, Rolling Stock, Plant, Buildings, Kc, for the sum of .£25,000, to be paid— one-fourth in cash, one-fourth in three months, and the balance in one, two, or three years, as may l-c determinedi It is proposed to form a Company, limited to 25 Shares oT £1,009 each, to purchase the Property. The Proprietor will take seven Shares, thus leaving ? A more promising commercial investment was never offered to a Company. The existing con* tracts with the Proprietors of the Wallaroo and other Mines ensure the traffic; and the increasing prosperity of Wallaroo ensures a corresponding increase to the trade of the Jetty and Railway. -The Traffic returns at the present date prove that a Dividend of 20 per cent, will he realized on tho proposed amount of capital. ' ' A reference to the flans will show the advan tageous position of the Jetty and Wharfs for com manding the trade of the Peninsula. The Pro prietor is pledged to complete the Line of Railway into Kadina by January next, and to lengthen the Jetty 100 to '120 feet, ho that ships of large burthen may come alongside. The Company will probably find it advisable, as a remunerative investment, to construct the Branch Line to Tipara, which has already been surveyed. The Proprietors of the Moonfci Mines arc ready to enter into a contract for. 10 vcara for conveyance of all then- Ores and Materials. ? Fnll particulars may be had \-r application to li. B. COLLEY, 73, King William-street, Adelaide. NOTICE. Several Shareholders will proceed to Wallaroo on Tuesday next, the- 18tlt instant, on a visit of inspection to the altove Property; and a General Meeting of Shareholders and intending Share holders will be held on Monday, the 24tl):instant, at 2 o'clock p.m., at Aldiidge s Rooms, to elect Trustees and approve Deed of Settlement. It. B. COLLEY. Adelaide, November 12, 18Ci 317 '2S ? TENDERS. ? SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GAS COJI PANY.-TENDERS will- be received on or before Mondav, November 24, not later than 12 o'clock noon, for BUILDING a RETORT-HOUSE and COAL-STORK.1 Specification and drawings to be seen at the Company's offices, 73,, lung William-street. The Directors do hot bind themselves to accept -the lowest or any Tender. E. B. COLLEY, Secretary. November 12, 1862. ? 31pmwf28 OUTH AUSTRALIAN' GAS COMPANY. , FJIESH TENDERS will be received on otbefpre ! Wednesday, November 10. not later than 12 o'clock I noon, for BUILDING CHIMNEY. I : Specification and Drawings to be seen at the ..Company's Office, 73, King William-street. I - ? 11. B. COLLEY, Secretary, j, November 13, 18G2. . . 318;'23

? LAS D AUCTION 1TOTICEB ' GREEN k WADHAM'8 ' NEXT: MONTHLY.*.; :. ' 1 AND AUCTION SALE JU will be held in the LAND MART ON December 5th. . FRIDAY, 5th December. Parties are requested- to forward particulars of Properties intended for this Auetion Sale on or before 20th November. ? ' 313cv LAUD AND HOUSES. PREEN -fe WAD H A M, VT LAND AGENTS '? ASD LAND AUCTIONEERS. LANDED PROPERTIES VALUED. ' LANDED PROPERTIES SURVEYED?'' ?- ' PLANS Furnished mid, TOWNSHIPS LAID OUT. Plans of Townships;' Hundreds, ic., &c throughout the COLONY-alwaysop'enfor inspeo tion. HOUSES, STOUPk.LAHDd - ? SECTIONS, kc, LET or LEASEJ). EXCHANGE L AND'.M ART, ; And Land Offices, King William-street. : Adelaide, T LAND, ??'?f London, GREEN ' . ' O. UKKKN & V LOAN, { AtfltBALUN WADHAM, I AV_ 1 uowra; m™.ST.j qb^ai lcoK*nU. MELTlOUniTE, ) f 8TDKET. W. UKEEN. ( COMMISSION J R. P. RICH OT. COLLINS- f .-.,.) ARDSON. - BTUEET. ) OFFICES. ( OKOnQK-bT. nnVTfRNMl?TJT 1 Purchased in accordance vitli SECTIONS ? Uie lnstriitUons of parties t5bClIO-i- f absent from Adelaide: GOVERNMENT- I Purchased *ud- Let on U'use -SECTIONS '/'..with Right of.Pttrehana. ' 'RPEniAiyOTICR. GREEN & WADHAM'S ADVERTJSEMENTS appear in the 'REGISPER' Newspaper 011 MONDAYS and- THURSDAYS, and in the OBSERVER ' ^of SaturOiiv: *J -.' ' ? _ . lev ,ORKEN&\yAPlLVl|LI^ndA-igntg. CE. TrD£^UNN,-LAND AGENT . and AUCTIONEER. SS, CuimiB-HTitfam, C. E. T. jK?K8,rcsjwtfully,to notify to his friends . and the public that he is prepared to undertake ?AUCTION SALES of- J*ANDKD PROPERTIES, MERCHANDISE. Aco. .. ? .. ? ,-..., Proiwrty tutruftwl to hun tor Sale will jecelvt . his best attention. ' '. - ? CASH ADVANCED on Properties and Goods placed in his liaitd* for intended sale. ACCOUNT SALES rendered immediately nfte disposal of any property. S55mw£Uiv'4O ?'\7'ICT°R HARBOUR.— FOrTsALI^ »-? several Fin.t-Ulass PROPERTIES at EN COUNTKR BAY:— Commodious Store near the Jetty, at Itosotta Head. ? :? ! Store, Dwclling'Housc, and Premiseri, now occu pied by Messrs. Bostock Brothers, with nboulKix Acres; and also with or without 1 The Remainder of tlic Section on which thesaid Premises are situiieu :ii.j.i- i '? . . v- .; . Preliminary Section of fiiw AgricuUund Land, , situate in Ro^etta Oove, the bite of the old Fishery. , Section on the bunch, and near the proposed improvements nt Victor lliirlwur. ? ? ? . . ? . Apnly to . .... _jJ1^47jiV51 ? OILIW A: SMITH. FOR SALE, at POUT ELLIOT, a CO1TAGE and GARDEN, 'admirably situated for a Seaside Residence or lioarfljng hnuse; coimnands n tinuriewof tho Daw Victor Harbour, ami the entire line of the neir tramway, which passes through tho- Ailjoining-allotuicntM. Apply to ? ? ? . ? ? ' , JH«wj4v4O A. F. RICH, Port Elliot. 'I7IRST-CLASS FAMILY REsf -L DENCE.-TO be LET, and niftvlie occupied In Decemlttr, a First-Haas FAMILY 'RICSIDENCE. Rituatcd in St. Georgc's-rond, I'/VRKSIDE, con taining]2gnod Rooms; also. Kitchen, Wtwh-uoiisa. ('?eilar.s, . \'c. Stable, (Niaeli- house. Underground Tank, and Well with Pump.' For fnll nartiiriilMs, ajtply to Messrs. English Aj ttrowu, WcrimibdU street^ ? = :tU2mwfBt QTORES and Largo CELLAR—TO ►y be LET, Two Stores, built for (Jmin Stores, with Collar under, and adjoining the warehouse of F. H. Fauldingand Co.,' to whom uppb'. ? : . Clarence-place. ? -^. ? Hilmwfi: f-PO bo LET, a Fir^t class Ht)OSl^ ! J- containing Six Rooms, Entrance Hull, pnoil Garden, tic Apply to Mr. ('. H. Sayers, FruiiklliH strcctweiit. - - 310c ILLASTON HOTEL TO bo LET. Apply to 11. Ayers. Es-(. ; or to 11. T. Poole. ? ; ? ^L. rPO BUTOHBKS AND OTHERS'— ! i- TO be LET. at BOWDEN. close to Railway Station, the Oldlistablished BUTCJIEB'S SHOP lately occupied by Johu--& Son, consisting of Shop aud Divclling-Uousc. Stabling. i;c.' Rent modciate. Applv to Mr. J. BuriioII, Adams«trect^'IIihd marsh. ? ? ? . :tI4c I /^riSNirLUr— To INVALIDS wul VT Others.-HOUSlvS TO lw LET, Furnished orUnfiunished, doso to ,the Jettv, with the use of a Bathing-hoiue. Apply totivo.O. Cooper, CeHtrul ItoalBoanl. ? .27»t4 nJFFlCE? TO be LET, lately occu \J pied by Messrs. N. V. Simarcy and Co., ii\ , STEPHENS-PLACE. Apply to Goode & Curaou. ! ? use _ HOUSE WANTED.— Tho 'Advertiser - is ilcsiwiis of liciiting a Family Residence, situate in North Adelaide or the, Eastern Suburbs of South Adelaide. Kifjht or nino Rooms iudis Iicnsablc. Full particulars to be addressed to O.Y., office of this paper. ? ? . . :gtfml8 WANTED, COTTAGE. containing Four or Five Rooms, with Garden, in KENT TOWN or NORWOOD. Address or apply to J. Lidgey, 5, Pybus buildings, North-terrace. * MONEY. ' ' MONEY TO- 'LEND/ fri Sums not less than £\(H): on mrirt'cape or deposit, under Uic ReaJ Property Act or otherwise.' Interc»t1rom £$ to jCIO l«:r cent: Apl-ly to- Mr. BrUto, BoHdtor (Jrenfell-street.- ? ? ? . , . ? ai2tf»v ! -'MONEY- TO' LEND under tho jlral i 1TX Property AcL Property brought under tho Act. Murtirogeg, looses, aud Xnuisfers drawn liy wTletchford; ??? -Licensed Land Broker, , WattrbouiieVbuildinsiJ. Adelaide. N.B.— Charges as allowed by the Act. 130crwc MONEY TO LEND otTGoddiPrpcliold Security at current rates' of Interest; ? 31ic,. 'PJIILir. SANTO. (;rote-&trect. \,f ONEY to LEND, on Property, uudcr iTli Torrons's Act, or on Dopgsit of Title Deeds. , . . . . . MOULDEN, -. nmvtet C8, ZinR WHliaimitreet, Adelaide. ,0NEY TO iEND'.^il.^'.oAe or more Bums; 'Fitslwleuw:,«cuj;ity. indis pensable. .- .. ..?;';? WAIGHT BROTHERS. Laud- -A»ente. Exchange-cliambers, Adelaide. . .. :2Uinwo ONEY TOBE LENT -on PwUoia : .or other Security'. ' ' : GILES' & HATCacTTT, ? ' 'I75-258 ? ' n,ICmgWiimm-iitrect. MONEY TO I^ND. - ' LOANS NEGIOMATED. OASH ADVANCEA ' In large or «maU turns. . . GREBN & WADHAM. Exchange Land OJEces, King WaUam-strtrt. ' - ? -v ~ ? ?Icy ? TpbodtoeT'^ r' :? HAY. — ^Tlie undersigned are Purohasers Good of Oaten lfay in tlitKbfvk. G. A.- & II. I3ARTLEET, 321nT.'» ? -Orcnfelistrcet. HAY. — ^Tlle undersignod ^re prepared to treat with parties thoroughly competent to Press Hay, and will find Press for the purpose. G. A. & II. BARTLEET. 32lwFo ? ?' - ' - (ircnftiUr^jKet. WOOL, HIDES,' SHEEPSRim ftc,' » ' Purchasral at tlie liirfiEst' it&tkd Pfica. . . . Igmwfcv . TIIOM.AS;OE/:HA^P, g*wj3ju. WOOL.— Tlie ..uaderBigi&f-'*ili. PXJR CHASE or ADVAXCE-eh^VfdQIj.' LAVINGTON:(JLYDE. Green- Exchange. ???-.- -? aglmfffcvgBe WOOL, HIDES; SHEfeKiNa&c?, »» PURCHASEI-Vat tiie .Hjsbert-lfvka Price hy ? .-..,-. -j. -.'.JTJ^ ' I13cg- ' JOSEPH'TAYDOR, mitiiutUmi WOOL PURCHASED o71d'. VANCED ON. ? ----- :- : : - ?? VT. PEACOCK & SON. Adelaifle, September gfr 18B& ??' :2tS'M8yt82 WOOL, iilDE^*-' SHEEP8KINS, SHANK mSWi TALLOW; Ac, ?'PUB* CHASED ,liy the undcrsjpjcd in Adefe3de,-6r by their Agent, J. Burneli.'rmT.rat Kooringa. . . lev W. PBAeOCK-ie-BON. rPHEBARTON. '' WOOL-WASHING X ESTABLISHMENT. — The undersigned -begs-tv inforrii Sheepfarmers, Merchants.' and others that.-he! is prepared to WAS'H. SCOUR andSOliT 4TOOL on the most reasonable tenns, and j-wlth' the utmost disp;Uch.. An'ply ujibove, or^ to Mr. E. J. Spence, \v'oymouUi-stroet, Ade laide. ' . ' ? ? JOSEPH .TAYLOB. September 62.1EC2. ? ' , 2Bfic rriELE undersigned is a PURCHASER JL- of WOOL, SHEEPSKINS, HIDES, and TAELOW, at the hijghfiBl market price for owlu 'Thebarton.JlajL-l8(2. JP^ Tf SA1?A^ Apply at toe Norfolk Arms, Bundle-street l£2cr ? 773;