South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 31 January 1863, page 3


A very interesting event took place on Friday evening, January 30. Messrs. W. P. Auld, James Frew;, and Stephen King, members of Mr. Stuart's successful exploring party, were formerly pupils of

Mr. J. L. Young, Principal of the Adelaide Edu-itional Institution, and the old scholars- of that itablishmcnt being i!e.sirous of testifying their imiration of the achievement of their sehool lates, as well as the tie of friendship, which still dsted, invited them to a dinner, which was held the schoolroom, Stephens-place, on Friday. The )om was decked with a profusion of fia;'3 (kindly :nt for the occasion by Captain May oi the ship astle Eden) and evergreens. At the upper einl le words 'Welcome to Auld, Frew, and Kins,'' ! ublazoneil on a crimson kickground. were eon jicuous; while -m the walls the following mottoes ppeared:— 'Advance Australia,' ' Success tu the .delaide Educational Institution,' ' Stuart, ' i MeKinlay,'* and ' Union is strength.' There were upwards of 100 persons present, in luding Messrs. J. H.Clark, Billiutt (one of the arty), O. Young and H. Oreffrath (meters of the :hool), and a few others. Mr. J. L. Young took le chair, supported on his right by Messrs. Auld. 'rew. King, JJilliatt, and J. U'Tlalloran, aud on is left by Mcssis. J. H. Clark. W. Bickford, Fred, 'latts, and H. Giles. Mr. Caleb Peacock, Mr. 'oung's first pupil, took the vice-chair, being sup orted by Mr. Oliver Young and Mr. H. Gretfrath. hqrtly after half-past 7 o'clock the company took heir seats, and in a few minutes the heroes of the veniug were conducted into the room by Mr. W. lickford, and were received with loud and long ontinucd applause. The repast naving been concluded, The Chairhas proposed 'The Health of the Jueen; God bless her!' Band—' God save the Queen!' The Vice-Chairman proposed ' The Health of he Queen's Representative in the Colony, His Excellency Sir Dominic Daly.' He thought one rait in his character should meet with their ap iroval, and that was the evident interest he had hown in the work of cxcloration. and the fact of us having taken the chair at the late Stuart demon tration dinner. Band— 'St. Patrick's Day in the Morning.' The Chairman rose to give ' The Health of the 3xplorers.' He said— My life has been such a deluded one. as .to render me unfit to take a part in mblic meetings, or even in such a social meeting is this; but I feel it is a duty and a great pleasure ;o come_ forward and welcome back three of my )ld pupils, after some months of peril and priva ion, which, however, have been crowned with the success of crossing the continent— a feat which would be recorded in the annals of Australian ex ploration. (Cheers.) Mv. friends (addressing the jxplorers), others may have given you a more 9plendid reception, but none rejoice more heartily on your safe return than your old fellow-scholars. [Loud cheers.) We feel you have conferred an honour on us and on the school to which you be longed. Many an evening, I expect, when you were sitting by your camp-fire, wear£ and fatigued and smoking your pipes— (a laugh)— for I suppose you had admired that habit of bushmen, thuiifrh it is not by any means a good one— (cheers and

:leretl what kind of a reception you would meet nrith. I can almost hear you say— ' Sweet is the hour that brings us home, Where all will spring to greet us, Where hands are striving as we come To be the first to meet us.' F hope you have not been disappointed, but that four fondest expectations have been realized. Kupolcon is reported to have said to his soldiers lieforc the battle of Austerlitz that each would pride himself by saying 'I was present at the Mttle of Austerlitz;'' and you may lie most justly wmd in saying, ' J, too, was with Stuart when he ?rosscil the continent.' (Groat cheering.) The :hief glory of this undertaking belongs to your heroic, leader. By his perseverance he held on his Miirse and triumphed, and you his fellowcom panions will not be forgotten, but your names will -c associated with his in the history of exploration. To me it is a source of great satisfaction that you liave mj ably acquitted yourselves. When I tirst heard you had been selected to accompany Stuart on his exploration I knew you would not shrink From any diinger, but unflinchingly do your duty; md right glad am I to find such is the case, for from your leader's diary I observe King's name frequently mentioned as having satisfactorily performed the duties devolving upon him, and so with Auld and Frew. (Cheers.) You did not enter on this undertaking to acquire fame, but you were prompted bv that feature in the English character which led kelson oil; induced Franklin to traverse the Arctic re gions, and has led on all the noblest men to accom plish hardy and great achievements. That pro sperity ami happiness may attend upon you I am sure is not only my wish but that of every one present. (Immense cheering.) Your old school fellows very properly prepared addresses, and I will now call on Air. Partridge to read the address to Mr. AuliL Mr. J. W. Partridge then read the following address :— 'OldScholan' 'Welcome.— To. W. P. Auld, E^q., of Stuart's Exploration Party. 'Dear Sir— The old scholars of the Adelaide Educational Institution feel that they cannot allow your return to pass unnoticed, as they are in some measure identified with you by claims of friend ship and furmer association. 'They would also express their admiration of j-nur courage and perseverance, which, aided by the tact of your experienced leader, have led to such satisfactory results ; having in the face of danger and privation succeeded in crossing the great Australian continent, and planting the British Hag on the shores of the Indian Ocean. ' Your reappearance amongst us in the enjoy ment of excellent health is aLo a matter for congratulation and joy; and we sincerely trust that Providence may long continue to smile upon you, and that your life to its termination may be as successful a journey as the one you have now so nobly completed. 'Signed on behalf of the old scholars, ' Caleb Peacock, ) ' WlLIJAJr BrCKFORD, I 'Joseph Cocm.s, I ' WlIXIAlf SAMSOX, I. potnmjttee ' Frederick Putts, ' Emas Solomon, ' BarjAinx IJl-u-ock, 'Charlks Baiibage, J ' Adelaide, January :}(), lStn).' The health of Mr. Auld was drunk with cheer ing, anil ' For he's a jolly good fellow,' by the band, the company joining in. Mr. Auld was so taken by surprise at the recep tion thev had given him that he had no words to reply. As he should have an opportunity of anin addressing them, he would only return them thanks for the honour they had done him. (Cheers.) A similar address to Mr. James Frew having been read by Mr. Hcdhit Giles, hLs health was drunk amid enthusiastic cheering. Band— 'For he's a jolly good fellow.'' Mr. J. F. Coxigrave was then called to present a similar address to Mr. Stephen King, which was done amid great applause. Mr. King's health was next drunk with every token of enthusiasm. Mr. Frew, being called on to respond, said it was with great pleasure they met them, 'they an ticipated some sort of demonstration, hut such as that they never expected. That was a day in their existence which they should be proud to look back on, and one which would never be forgotten 1 y them, lie had been called on so very unexpectedly that he could not tind words to express what he wished, and would merely return thanks for the kind reception and hearty welcome they had given them. Mr. Auld then made a few remarks in response. When Mr. Clumbers got up the expedition, he understood it was his wish to have the party com posed entirely of South Australians, lie hail not thought of joining in the expedition until he heard that Messrs. Frew and Ki: g were going, when he resolved, knowing what true-hearted fellows they were-(cheers)— to join in with them. They had taken as their motto— 'Union is strength,' and he was proud to say they had acted up to it throughout. He thanked Messrs. Frew and King for their uniform kindness to him, and though he was not a SouLh Australian, he had learnt to walk in the colony. He also returned thanks to Mr. Bihiatt. They had no expectation of being so received by their fellow-scholars on their return. It was a reception they would not forget to their dying day. He concluded by again- thanking them. (Cheers.) Mr. Kixg rose to reply. He thanked them heartily for the kind manner in which they had been entertained that evening. They had had many trials and troubles to undergo during the ex pedition, one of which was that the weakness of their leader caused them to entertain fears of his life. Then there was want of ram and scarcity ol rations to contend with : but at last they gained their object, and had the satisfaction t;f seeing the blue se.i. (Loud applause.) He trusted their route would be made beneficial to the colony, ami thanked them for the kind and honourable recep tion they had given them. Mr. Billiatt was also loudly called for. He said although he was not an old scholar, he was very glad to be present. His companions he coul-say' were a jolly set of fellows, and he thought Mr Young should be proud of them. He was sur prised that gentlemen should send home their son! to lie educated while such institutions as Mr Young's existed in this colony. (Loud cheering.) Song. 'Red, White, ami Blue'- Mr. Bickford. Mr J. Coulls next gave "Success to the Ade-

laide Educational Institution.' The toast fortu-nately required few words from him to induce them to drink it with as great enthusiasm as they had the health of the explorers. It was at that academy that Messrs. Auld, Frew, and King had acquired those principles which had shown them selves in connection with their labours in the cause of exploration. A reference to the career oi those who had received their education there, and 'In the worju s broad field of battle— In the bivouac of life—' would show that they had not been ' like dumb driven cattle.' but had proved themselves 'heroes in the strife.' (Cheers.) They were mainly indebted for this success to their respected Chairman (Mr. Young); but they should not omit to mention the labours of Mr. Thomas Bennett and Mr. Oliver Young. (Cheers.) The friendly counsel and soumf instruction imparted by the one was as con spicuous as the willingness to assist evinced by the others. And he could not refrain from mentioning the name of Mr. J. H. Clark — (checrs)-who had added so materially to the advancement of that Institution. Unity was necessary for the success of everything, and he thought 'it must lie very gratifying to the teachers to see the friendship which Etill existed between them, especially as they had so evident an example of the strength of unity that evening. He would not detain them longer, but would ask them tc drink ' Success to the Adelaide Educational Insti 'tution.' Drunk with cheers and one cheer more. Band— Music. Mr. O. Youxg rose amid great cheerine toreturr thanks. He presumed the reason he was selectee to respond was that having been a teacher in tin school for some time he was in a measure identifiet with its success, (\ppkusc.) He thought it i pity that the task of responding had not faller into abler hands, but thanked them on hisowr behalf and on behalf of his fellow teachers for thi way in which they had received the last toast. Hi trusted the evident feeling of unity existin; between the teachers and taught as evinced tha evening would continue. He had noticed at the Stuart demonstration dinner that many of his speakers referred with pride to the part they had taken in fitting out the expedition, and he though that Institution was entitled to some praise i(, having furnished three of its pupils as member of the party. He Trould not detain them longer but would return his most sincere thanks for the honour they had done him and his fellow-teachers (Loud cheers.) Recitation. by Mr. Hubert Giles—' The Little Yulgar Boy.'

Mr. BnxtocK gave 'The Health of the gfreat Australian Explorers.' The toast re :ommended itself to all as one of peculiar nterest. They must ever associate with the early Australian explorers the labours of Cap ain Sturt, with whom Stuart had travelled in he capacity of draftsman. That explorer had 'ailed' to accomplish his purpose, and the fate of Lcichardt, who attempted to cross the continent 'roin east to west, remained uncertain, although jregory had endeavoured to tind traces of his ?oute. Others had failc-l in the same undertaking, md it was reserved for Stuart and his party, afLer several unsuccessful attempt?, to cross tiie c--n-incnt, and open a way to the Indian mar'.iet. [le trusted that the road would soon be traversed, uid that Frew's Waterhole, and Auld and Kind's ?hain of Ponds would not dry up. He called upon ±um to drink the toast with full glasses. Dnrikwith cheers, the band playing 'Sec the :cn:nierins hero comes.'' Mr. At.i-D responded. He said Messrs. King md Frew had pu-iied him into it, as they would not speak in response. The names of Sturt, Kennedy, Stuart, Leichardt, McKinlay, and many others would ever be celebrated in connection ?ith Australian exploration. Perhaps it was due tithe tuition and guidance of Sturt that Stuart jiad become the head of the late successful explor ing party. No one could exceed in pluck little Stnart. Kekwick also deserved great credit. He had followed Stuart on three trips; and on the most adventurous one, which termi nated at Attack Creek, the party only con sisted of Stuart, Kekwick, and Heed. Com manders, however, could not do much unless hey had good men. (Hear, hear.) He believed Mr. Stuart owed much to Mr. Young, for in his expedition he had had three representatives of the Adelaide Educational Institution. In the buahthcy always spoke of Mr. Young and the other masters as their friends. , (Cheers.) He thanked them for having drunk the toast of the Australian explorers in such a handsome manner. (Applause.) Song, Mr. E. Solomon— 'An Irishman's Shave.' This being enthusiastically encored, he substituted ' The Groves of Blarney.' Mr. Cheetjiaji proposed 'The South Austra lian Volunteers,' referring to the fact that al though he -was himself a ouiet citizen, he was the scm nf an old soldier. He believed the volun teers in England were now eoual to the standing army, and he felt sure that when the South Aus tralian volunteers were called out they Tvould be found ready, with very few exceptions, to defend their homes and families. He then al luded in complimentary terms to those pupils of the Adelaide Educational Institution who had vo lunteered to accompany Stuart on his arduous ex pedition. Music, by the band. Pvecitation, by Mr. Partridge— ' The Duel.' Mr. Platts responded to the toast. He said they had, in doing honour to the volunteers, done honour to the three heroes of the evening, as they were each members in different rifle corps; and if the other volunteers proved themselves as cou r-wrnrmc in tium nf upon tlipir lv^irtliu nmi hnmpu

would be manfully defended. Mr. E. Solomon* said he had been honoured with a toast which he was sure wo.ild be drunk with ci|iial enthusiasm to the previous toasts. It was 'The Land we Live in.' They were all con nected ami interested in it, as their lives and fortunes depended upon its resources. For hos pitality he lwlicved South Australia was foremost in the colonies— (Hear, hear)— for strangers' testi mony; to that effect had been given. South Aus tralians knew also how to appreciate talent in all dqutitments of life, and they hail an instance of this in the grand demonstration to Mr. Stuart and his party last week, which he thought could not )-e surpassed in any part of the world for enthu siasm and good feeling. Band— 'Song of Australia.' Mr. II. Giles responded. On looking round the room he noticed a hir-e number of Australian hojs, and on turning to his right he observed two of the explorers who were South Australians hy birth, and another who had informed them he had learned to walk in the colony. He did not intend to enter into the statistics of their cereal exports or the increase nf population, but he thought they might all be proud of the colony, and he hoped noiie would live to disgrace the land he was born in. ? 'Song of Australia'— Mr. F. Platts. On an encore he gave 'The young man from the country.' Mr. Charles B.vnuAr.E proposed ' The Visitors.' The visitors showed l\v their presence the interest they felt in the Adelaide Educational Institution. Drunk with cheering, and three cheers for Mr. J. H. Clark. Music— Band. Mr. J. H. Clark was received with loud cheer ing, and responded on behalf of the visitors. He said he felt it a great honour and pleasure in being favoured with an invitation. It was his misfortune to arrive in the colony after he had left off jackets, so that he had not the oppor tunity of being an old pupil of Mr. Young. He had still, in a sense, been a scholar of that Insti tution. He had learned from Mr. Young that with steady perseverance and hard work a man might win a position which any one might envy, He had also learned from Mr. Young that to show genuine good feeling in one's work would win the respect of all. So far he had been a scholar of that Institution, and as such he could claim a right to be there that evening, or at any rate to take part in the half-yearly distribution; and he would remark that Mr. Young must feel highly gratified at the manner in which the old scholars had taken part in the last two distributions. He thanked them for the dinner, which, by the way, was a very good one, and rather different to the fare which' fell to the lot of the explorers during their journeys. (He here produced some of the dried meat which was used on the recent expe dition.) He had felt great pleasure in being present that evening, and witnessing the hearty welcome they hud given to their old school fellows. Mr. A. Fullarton and Mr. Billiatt, also being called upon, responded to the toast. Recitation, 'Tell's address to his native moun-tains''— Mr. J. Coulls. Mr. J. O'Halloran proposed 'The Ladies.' The toast, though among the last, was not the least. The ladies of Adelaide had proved the interest they took in exploration by the welcome they had given to Stuart and his party on their arrival. He called upon them to drink bumpers to the ladies, coupling with them the name of Lady Daly.

The toast was drunk wit cheers and "three cheers more for Mrs. Young." Band— 'Here's a health to all good lasses.' Mr. Join? Frncw briefly but appropriately ac knowledged the toast. Song, 'The Fine Young English Gentleman'— Mr. A. Ciiapmax. On beinc encored, he substi tuted a song, 'The Oyster (!irl.v Mr. W. Samsox pavft in appropriate terms ' The Press of South Australia,' expressing a hope that on the reassembling of Parliament, it would advo cate a reward to Mr. Stuart, as well as his gallant companions. iCheers.) The toast was drunk with cheering. Band— Music. The last toast was acknowledged by Messrs. J. F. Conigrave and G. Stevenson. Song, 'The Englishman'— Mr. Billiatt, which was encored. Mr. A. K. Whitby, before the toast of 'The Jhairmaii' was given, wished to propose 'The Committee.' not seeing that included in the pro gramme. He need only mention that they were chierly indebted to the Committee for that .enter tainment, and he therefore asked them to honour the toast. Mr. Caleb Peacock, as Chairman, and Mr. W. Bickford, as Secretary of the Committee, returned thanks. Mr. T. Horwood then gave 'The Chairman, which was drunk with continued rounds- of The toast being gracefully acknowledged by the Chairmax, 'The Vice Chair' was given by Mr. N. Coxibravf, which, in its turn, having been acknowledged hy Mr. Peacock, the National Anthem brought a most interesting and har monious entertainment to a a close. Schroder's baud played throughout the evening. The provisions placed on the tables 'by. Mr. b. Coldsack, of Hundle-strcet, were excellent, and the Committee were indefatigable in their exer tions to carry out the arrangements properly.