South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 25 November 1862, page 2


To-morrow tho several municipalities of the colony will have to nominate persons to fill the offices of Mayors and Councillors for the year 1S63 and on the l3t December the elections for

ilicso olljces win aave to oc ueciucu »y uuuui, in the event of the candidates nominated being more in number than the vacancies which arc to bo filled up. In Adelaide tho citizans me apparently quite alive to tho duly which thus devolves upon them, for there is an activity amongst ratepayers on the subject of these elections whicli contrasts very favourably with the indifference which often prevailed under the old system, when tho Mayor had to be elected by the corporate body from amoi.gst its own members, instead of by the ratepayers at large. The alteration in this and other res peel s which was effected by thclct of 1S61 has evidently worked well, and it is probable that not a little of the increased interest in civic elections has been occasioned by tho fact that the operation of the i;ew system has given confidence to the ratepayers by showing them that the Civic Council may, after all, be a most orderly and business-like body if tbe voters will but choose suitable men to represent them. We feel some gratification in being able, at the close of the first year's operation of the new Municipal Act, to direct attention to the manner in which the public affairs of the city

lave ueen managed uv mo .mayor ana i^ouujillors who now hold office, and a certain mmber of whom are about to resign their seats, n accordance with the provisions of tho Muni:ipal Act. Tho 'grcut debate?,' the ques:ions.of privilege, and tho warm personal lltercutioM which used to take place between Councillors, Aldermen, and Mayor have not marked the proceedings of the last twelve months ; and it is safe to conclude that the time which has been saved in those matters has been given to more useful subjects. We know, at all events, from the reported proceedings of the Municipal Council, that business is not now retarded, as it used to be, by violent disputes involving charges and recriminations of a most serious character, and causing the interests of the public to be lost sight of amidst personal and party squabbles. There has been a marked differeuco in this respect, and we may now confidently say that, the public affairs cf tbe City of Ade laide aro managed in a manner so orderly and business-like that they might servo as an example to all other corporate institutions. Ibis is a statement which it would have been impossible to make at the close of any previous year's proceedings, and the change must thereforo be, in a great measure, attributed to the alterations effected by the new Municipal Act. Tnat Act reduced the number of members, abolished the office of Alderman, caused the

Mayor to bo elected by the citizens at large from amongst themselves, and established the practice of voting by ballot, as already prescribed by the Electoral Act of the colony. We now urge upon the attention of the several municipalities tho necessity of maintaining the advantages which it is apparent can be secured under the new Act by the exercise of due car«j;in tho choice cf representatives. The vigour which was shown by ratepayers iu tho first elections after the change iu tho law, and which effected gteai improvements in the Adelaido Corporation, a ill, we hope, be continued unrelaxed in the city, and be imitated in. olher municipalities. Civic electors in tho choice of their last representatives set an example of activity and energy which electors for the House of .Assembiy might have recently copied with advantage ; and we have seen the good result of this care on the part of the citizens in tho shape of a Municipal Council whoic icembcrs have been respected, and whose proceedings have been well and ably conducted. Suitable men for civiu representatives were easily found, because it was apparent that the ratepayers were really anxious to secure the services of such men. Earnestness on the one side prevented lukuwarmness on the other, aud this will still bo the case if the citizens continue to do their duty. Tho Mayor, tho four Councillors, and the two Auditors who have now to be elected by each Corporation may be chosen from amongst any of the ' enrolled lnalo citizens' — the word ' male' having been inserted in the clause to guard against the chance of a lady being elected to the office of Mayor or Councillor, for as the law now stands female as well as male ratepayers are entitled to vote, though at the last civil elections female votes for the Mayor and Councillors were objected to on some technical grounds, whilst they wero accepted on behalf of Auditors, fcoubllws the AttorneyGeneral has by this time gallantly settled the question in favour of the ladies. Any enrolled mde citizen may, as wo have said, become u candidate for tbe office of Mayor, Couiicilluror Auditor; but there are two or three dig qualifications which would unseat a member if elected in disregard of them. For instance, 'no person being a regular minister of any religious congregation' is qualified, nor any person having an ' interest in any contract with or employment under the Council.' Apart irom the=o restrictions, tbe honour of a scut in tho Municipal Council is open to any citizen whose name is on the roll, and who can obtain tbe suffrages of his fellowratepayers ; and under present circumstauccB it ib such an honour as would do credit to any member of the community. Men whose business is too pressing to admit of their seeking scats in tho Legislature might do a great public service by undertaking these municipal offices. The duties of self-government are as important to the community in tho one case aa in tho other. Municipal institutions were supposed a short time since to be growing useless. The Civic Corporations of the mother-country were pointed to as worn out, and it was complained that similar institutions in the colonies had not worked well. Neither Melbourne nor Sydney could boast of much success in this matter, and Adelaide was by no means proud of iu City Council. There is cause for satis

faction, then, to una mat, me recent alteration of tho law has, by simplifying the constitution 1 of the civic body, caused it to work more harmoniously and more efficiently. The office of Major is now not a position to be struggled and plotted for by members of the Council. It is the office of Chief Magistrate of the city, and is filled in accordance with the decision of the whole body of electors^ This alone is a reform which ensures numerous advantages; and we trust that the electors, now that they have had one year's experience of tbe new syatem, will, by a judicious uso of their votes, still assist in its further development. _____ ____ __ ^____ Depabtube of Mb. Torrexs.— It will be seen from an advertisement in another column that the friends of Mr. Torrens are invited by the Torrens Address Committee to meet near the Ilcgistry Office, King William-street, at a quarter-past 12 j o'clock on Thursday next to accompany him to ! Glenelg, where he embarks for England. We hope there will be a good muster on the occasion. The valedictory address to Mr. Torrens, which has been very numerously signed, will be prescLte 1 to him this morning at half-past 10 o'clock at the Keal Property Office. j

The English Mail.— As the Post-Office autho ? rities are still determined nut to allow newspapers for the EiiKlish mail to be posted later than 10 o'clock on Thursday morning, although the ocean steamer does not leave Melbourne till 2 o'clock on Wednesday, we shall lie compelled to publish our Summary on the Stitli, instead of the 27th. 'We greatly regret this, ln-cause it is of the highest importance to the colon}- that the South Australian Summaries received in England should bear the latest possible date. The London journals make a point of obtaining their Australian news through Melbourne or Adelaide, according to the dates of the papers received from the two places, and South Australia is, therefore, not reaping the advantage which she is entitled to from the King George's Sound branch service when her postal arrange-*

jcinji sent home bearing dates as late as those of Vilelaiilu. Thus the question is one between the :olony at l:uve and the Government. The public :uy for an expensive branch service, and the autho-itics by dispatching the steamers some hours jarliertlian is necessary deprive correspondents of me of the chief advantages for which that service ft-as established. Adelaide Waterworks.— Many of the citizens ire bqn'niimgtofeel the effects of the amended Waterworks Act liuvin,^ been thrown out towards the clitse of the Parliamentary session. That Act contained a clause relieving householders from the burden of having to pay for the cost of servicepipes— a cost which the* Assembly had agreed ought to be Iwrne by the Government, and which a Select Committee had strongly urged should not be imposed upon householders. Seeing that this was the view taken of the matter in Parliament, the public, who had held meetings and Ktitioned the Assembly on the subject, thought the unfair charge would be sonn taken off. But it is now found that, in consequence of the Act having been thrown out, the .Waterworks authorities are again . applying for the costs of 'service-pipes, and are threatening defaulters with proceedings in the Local Court. Dkstxciatioxs feiui the Alt.yu.-Wc under stand that after mass on Sunday morning, at Mount Barker. Father O'JJrieji, standing in his robes by the altar, denounced Mr. John Dunn, one of the candidates for the district, in very strong terma. Mr. Dumi is not a member of the lloman Catholic Church.

court of r.x-jLiRV.— A cliargc preferred against Prooper Bundey of insubordination towards his iuperior officer Captain Ferguson, while under inns, was investigated before a Court of Enquiry it the Staff Office on Monday last. The evidence ras very conclusive ; but the decision of the Court rill have to receive the approval of His Excelency the Governor before further steps can be aken. Municipal Laws.— We have received a copy of 1 very useful compilation made by .Mr. W. A. Hughes, Clerk of the Adelaide Corporation. It wniains, iu a convenient form, the Municipal Act of 18(11. and an epitome of other Acts relating to Corporation matters. There is also a complete index, which makes the book very valuable as onu of reference to persons frequently using the Municipal Act. It is published by Messrs. Sherring and Webb, of Curric-strcet. O.vmi.v YousuiiusnAxa-Captain Younghusband, of the Adelaide Kilies, has applied officially, through Lieutenant-Colonel Finniss, of tho Adelaide Kegiment, for another year's leave of absence. The application is at present under consideration by the Government. Erratum.— Mr. Francis Quinlivan writes to saythat, in his evidence at the trial of John Scott at the Mount Gambier Circuit Court on the 23rd October, he did not, as reported, state that he was on Mr. Wells's station; but that he was a servant of .Mr. It. Lawson. The Rev. John* Aylixcs.— We are sure that it will gratify the numerous frieuds of the llev. John AjTmg, late of Lyudocli Valley, to learn that he ii» nun- eomfurtiibly nettled and usefully employed in New South Wales. The rev. geutleman is master of the Presbyterian school at Goulbourn, and is also frequently engaged in the performance of ministerial duties.

mon'iuy jiVExixc's Uoxchrt.— There was not 1 numerous attendance at the concert, but the programme was, as usual, excellent, and what might to have acted as nn attraction was the introduction of an exquisite fantasia on airs from Meyerbeer's 'Le Prophete.' Mr. Wilkinson varied the entertainment by the introduction of two capital songs, and Mr. Heauinont greatly gratified the audience by giving, in response to un, encore, 'Come into the garden Maud.' The last performance, of the season will lie on Thursday' evening next, when the company propose to give B complimentary, benefit to Mr. Aldridge. It is * intended that the programme will upon that occasion include, as much novelty as is consistent with thu finished performance for which Messrs. Poussard and Douay's entertainments have ever been listinguished. The benefit to Mr. Aldridge wil lie uiiiler the patronage of His Excellency the :!ovcriior-iii-Chief and a large number of the lead'ug colonists and their families. COMfLIMEXTAKY DlXKEK TO MR. McKlNUT \nii Party.— A preliminary meeting was held reslerday at Aldriilge's Shades, when several iniucntiid gentlemen constituted themselves a Juinmittee to got up a banquet to the gallant MeKinlay and his brother explorers. It wa leteniiined that the chair should be taken by his Worship the Mayor of Adelaide, that the number -t tickets should be limited to five hundred, and Lhat Monday, December S, should Itc the day, uiiess Mr. McKiniay named another as more convenient to himself and party. Mr. Compton consented to act as honorary secretary, and to put limsclf in communication with Mr. McKiniay so is to carry out the views of the Committee. Nauko\v Esc.\i*E.-On Sunday night, when the shipping reporter's boat was re-turning from the [Jalclutha to the jetty she made an unusually icavy plunge and pitched one of the hands over.ward, but fortunately the boat's way was leadened and he managed to seize the gunwale, or ;he consequences would undoubtedly have been ratal, as from the darkness of the night, coupled ivith the heavy sea and strong breeze, had he lruppcd astern the chances of reselling him would liave been very slender. Mosquito Plains.— A correspondent, writing rroin Mosuuito Plains on November 14, says:— 'The weather has turned out very summerly. On Friday we were visited by Home heavy raius, whicli, however, did not last long. We are all pretty busy at haymaking, but our shearing is all finished.1' The Heal Property Act in New South Wales.— We learn from a private telegram that the thanks of both Houses of Parliament in New South Wales have been voted to Mr. Torrens aa the author of the Ueal Property Act Prize Rifles.. The Stuff authorities have had the prize Knfield rifles won at the recent Government matches provided with oblong silver plates fixed to the stocks, and engraved with the name of the winner and the company to which he belongs, the class in which he fired, the number of his prize, nnd the year of classification. The plates are very highly polished, and the engraving, which was entrusted to Mr. C. E. Firnliaber, is really excellent. Supreme CounT.— The Criminal Session commenced on Monday. One person summoned as Juror was fined £5 for not answering when called. Several prisoners were arraigned and their pleas taken. ( Ine a lad, named Marshall, pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing a watch and chain, also to a former conviction. He was sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour. James Litwell Alsop, late Secretary of the Duryea Mining Company, was acquitted of charges of ' robbery and embezzlement. William Gillies was found guilty of stealing one boot, and sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment with hard labour, he having admitted a previous conviction. Tho Court was occupied the whole afternoon up to nearly (J o'clock trying the charge of manslaughter against James McEnhill, whose runaway horses caused the death of Mrs. Anne Bean on the 17th September Lust. The Jury, after a consultation of quarter of an hour, returned a verdict of not guilty. Insolvency Court.-IHs Honor adjudged W. Weir a second-class certificate in the 'Insolvency Court on Monday, November 21.

Adelaide Police Court.— In the Police Court an Monday James Douglas was charged with being 1 convict at large, and not having received a free pardon. The case was partly gone into, but it wan remanded till the next day to procure further evilence. John Smith, uliiu Williams, alias Scott, was committed to take las trial at the present sittings of the Supreme Court forstealinR a pair of wots from the premises of James Dickson, in Hindley-street. Adelaide Wesletax Mutual Improvement Vssociatiox.— We notice from an advertistment hat the next monthly lecture in connection with he above Society will Ire delivered by the Kev. J. kVatsford in the Assembly Rooms this evening. Subject— 'Business.' Trisity Church.— A special vestry meeting ras held on Saturday evening, at 7 p.m., to conider a proposition made by the Attorneys of the society for the Propagation of the Gospel, through he Secretary of Synod, to endow the Church with L'-IO a year. The conditions were that the congregation should raise £150, and that the incumbent hould be subject to tho regulations of what in ailed the 'consensual compact' of Synod. The ittendance was rather larger than usual— the fery Rev. the Dean in the chair. Mr. Tomkinson iresented a memorial to the trustees, signed by leveral of the congregation who could not attend he meeting, against the proposed endowment for ?easons stated. The Vestry came to a unanimous ^solution not to entertain the endowment scheme. 1 conversation ensued respecting the trust-deed, he appointment of incumbent, and the desirableless of commencing a fund for building a new ihurclu Several prese'nt expressed then- intention -f subscribing liberally, provided a satisfactory rust-deed was drawn up. Ultimately a Committee vas appointed, consisting of the Very Rev. Dean Worrell, Messrs. Gosse, Kingston, and Tomldnson, a confer with the present Trusteea— Dra. Wyat mdMavo. Mr. TomkinBon gave notice of a moion for next Easter Vestry.

FORTNIGHTLY MAIL TO ENGLAND.— Our COntcmporaiy the Telegraph states in his issue yesterday that he had ' received reliable advices from Melbourne to the effect that the Peninsular and Oriental Company had resolved to establish a fortnightly mail service to the Australian Colonies via Galle, even if accomplished entirely at their own expense and. risk.' 'We presume oar contemporary has received this information from private sources, as the Melbourne papers of the latest dates received here, though discussing the different routes for the mail service, say nothing of any such resolution of the P. & O. Company. representation op GretWahd.-A. meeting of the electors of Grey Ward, convened by advertisement, took place in the Prince Albert HotcL Wright-street, on Monday evening, to consider who was the most fit and proper person to represent that ward in the Municipal Council. There was a small attendance, and the chair was taken by Mr. S. Raphael, who commenced by stating the object of the meeting. He then made a fetr remarks as to their duty to elect the person who was most qualified to reoresent them. Mr. Culley stated that he had considered the matter with great care, and, as it was now their duty to choose a sen-ant who would be capable of representing them faithfully, he thought no person was better able to do so than Mr. It. G. Bowen, and he felt great pleasure in recommending to them that gentleman. The proposition was seconded by Mr. G.Wildy, who remarked that if they elected Mr Bowen he was sure that gentleman would do his duty. Mr. Boothman proposed Mr. S. Raphael as a more suitable person to represent them. He was constantly striving to forward the interests of the citizens, and he was sure if they elected him that they would not repent of their choice. Mr. Nixon seconded the proposstion. He had been acquainted with Mr. Raphael for a long time, and hail always known him to use his best endeavours to promote the welfare of the citizens, and he therefore considered him to be the most fit and proper person for them to elect as tluir representative, and he hoped that they would give him their candid support. They hid the advantage of being acquainted with him, but Mr. Bowen was not so well known to them. Mr. Raphael here vacated the chair, and it was taken by Mr. McDonald. The propositions were then put, and the show of hands was in favour of Mr. Raphael. A vote of thanks having been accorded to the Chairman, the meeting separated. Representation of Gawler Ward. — A meeting of the ratepayers of Gawler Ward was held at the Cumberland House, Elizabeth-street, on Monday, November 24, to consider who waa the most suitable person to represent them in the Municipal Council. The meeting was called for half-past 7 o'clock, but proceedings did not commence until about a quarter to D, when about forty persons were present, and Mr. Goodman Hart was called to the chair, and announced the object for which the meeting was convened. Mr. Goodfellow then made an harangue, wherein he charged the late Councillors with being effete and effeminate, and not sufficiently alive to the interests of the citizens, inasmuch as they had allowed the £3,000 to be deducted from the grant in uid of the police. He then moved that Mr. W. K. Sims, brewer, was a fit and proper person to be elected as Councillor in the place of Mr. Hall. Mr. William Raven seconded. Mr. O'Reilly then handed in a list containing the names of Messrs. Curtis, Lucas, Wadey, Goodman Hart, and G. T. Thompson, each of whom, he thought, was well fitted to occupy the post. Mr. Johns moved a proposition in favour of Mr. Curtis, but his name did nut appear to meet with much favour. In fact, Mr. Johns was the only person who held up his hand pro or con. Mr. R. D. Lucas was then proposed, but as Mr. O'Reilly was unable to state whether he was willing to stand, his name was withdrawn. Mr. Wadey's name was then mentioned, but that gentleman (who was present) declined to give a definite answer to the question whether he would stand or not until the following day. Mr. Johns assumed the chair while Mr. Hart was being proposed, greatly to the annoyance of Mr. Goodfellow, who refused to recognise him as a chairman. The motion in favour of Mr. Hart was received with cheers, and carried without a dissentient voice. A vote of thanks was then accorded to Mr. Hart for his conduct in the chair, and the meeting broke up, Mr. Goodfellow complaining that partiality had been shown, inasmuch as Mr. Sims' s name had not been put to the vote. Hinduarsh Ward.— We understand that Mr. Samuel Goode has consented to be nominated for reelection as Councillor in Hindmarsh Ward. KENSINGTON AND NORWOOD.— MEETINC OF Ratepayers.— A public meeting of ratepayers, convened by His Worship tlie Mayor, in accordance with a request of the Council of the Town of Kensington and Korwood, was held on Monday evening, November 24, at the Town Hall, in Norwood. The object of the meeting was 'to consider who is the most fit and proper person to be Mayor of the said town for the ensuing year.' The time appointed for the meeting was half- past 7 o'clock p.m., but the Mayor did not take the chair until about 8 o'clock. His Worship took occasion to offer his thanks for the respect and courtesy manifested towards him upon all occasions, and expressed his readiness to put any propositions that might be offered. After a pause, Mr. Mclntyrc proposed Mr. Daniel Fisher as a fit and proper person to fill the office of Mayor. Mr. Harris seconded the proposition, which was supported by Mi Sclway. Mr. Greenway proposed Mr. F. B. Carlin as a more fit and proper person to fill the office of Mayor. Mr. John Roberts, of Norwood, seconded the proposition. Mr. Glyde proposed that the candidates should address the meeting. Mr. Fisher and .Mr. Carlin then severally addressed the assembled ratepayers, and suliseHiiently replied to a variety of questions put to them respecting the existing By-law3 and other matters. His Worship then put the amendment and the original proposition in the usual manner, and declared the show of hands to be in favour of Mr. Fisher. A vote of thanks to His Worship the Mayor_was_then proposed^ by Mr. Fisher, and arried by acclamation. The Settlers and the Natives.— Mr. Taplin irrites thus to the Church Chronicle: — 'A state-ment made by me in your last number appears to require explanation. It is that which refers to the blackfellow who was shot at by the stockkeeners. The incident was related to me, more than once, by Mr. Sub-Protector Mason, of Wellington. The blnekfellow's name was Tom Lowrie. He is now, I believe, dead, but he was alive when Mr. Mason told me of the circumstance, which must have happened more than ten years ago. It has been thought by some persons that this was brought ( forward in order to cast a reflection upon the owners and occupiers of runs. I most entirely disclaim any such intention. As far as my observations extend the holders and occupiers of runs generally treat the natives with great kindness and consideration. My meaning in the passage referred to must have l)ecn, I think, misunderstood. It was this — even in this colony, where so much has been done for the natives, and so much kind feeling exhibited towards them, instances have sometimes occured of fraud, injustice, and cruelty, perpetrated by similar characters to those who have been usually the perpetrators of such outrages in other colonies. I merely gave the incident referred to as an instance of the kind. But it was far from my intention to reflect on any class. Indeed, I have generally found that the persons who treat the blacks badly are bad characters, who would commit depredations on the whites if they dared ; but they do not dare, and so, when they get a chance, they commit them on the blacks. There in no class to whom I appeal with more confidence in their kindly disposition towards the natives than the gentlemen squatter; of this colony, as far as my experience of them goes.' Camels versus Bullocks.— Mr. McKinlay's diary contains many statements expressive of his satisfaction of' the manner in which camels performed their exploring work as compared with bullocks. We subjoin one of the entries on this subject:— 'Monday, March 10.— Wind north and east, afresh breeze. Bullocks rather refractory at being packed, consequently late before we started. The journey to-day was over sttfny hills and flats, crossing several small creeks from the more remote hills, some running tributaries of Burke Creek, for twelve and a half miles, and for three and threequarter miles further over similar country, but more flat, as we are now approaching the creek, and camped on the outside of a flat with some water ami a fair supply of feed. On my return to where I had fixed the camp I found that the water had approached rather too close to be comfortable, and on the arrival of the camels had them unpacked some distance out on the top of a mound of stones and had all the horse gear removed there also; the i bullocks did not get to camp till a little after sun^ct—one of them was so much trouble that I will do without him rather than be pestered with him, and put his load on one of the horses. The camels travelled over the stones with their loads apparently quite unconcerned; they are undoubtedly the best of all animals for this kind of work, they cat anything nearly, from the gum-tree down to the smallest herb, and then come and lie down beside you, whereas horses and bullocks, if there be any lack of feed, will ramble all over the country. With sheep and camels one could travel all over any practicable part of the continent and keep them in condition.'