South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 31 October 1862, page 2


Tho number of candidates for seats in Parliament is unusually small, considering bow near we are to the elections. Tho first series of nominations will take place on Wednesday,

November 5. The list indues — East Adelaide, for which there ore at present only two candidates, Messrs. Boucaut aud Parkin, both of whom Bat for the city in the last Parliament. West Adelaido — Mr. E. Solomon is the only person who has announced his intention of coming forward. Gumeracha. — Mr. A. BIyth, one of the old members, is again in -the field, and Mr. James White has come forward to supply the vacancy occasioned by Mr. Murray's retirement. EaBt Torrens. — The old members, Messrs. Mildred and N. BIyth, havo . addressed the electors. Mr. A. Stow, a brother of the Attorney-General, is also a candidate. Sturt;.— The electors havo again to choose between the three gentlemen who contested the district at the last general election, viz., Messrs. Hallctt and Peacock, who were successful on that occasion, and Mr. R. B. Andrews, member for Yatak in a former Parliament. Onkaparingo. — Messrs, Milne and Townsend havo offered themselves for re-election, and there seems to bo no idea of opposition. Baros3a.— Messrs. Grundy and Duffield are in the same happy position. Flinders.— Dr. Browne retires, and the only gentleman who has yet offered himself is Mr. C. LiBdfiay, n brother of the late member for Encounter Bay. The nomination for Victoria will take placo on Wednesday, November 12. The former member, Mr.G.C. Hawker, is in the field; and in coalition with him Mr. R. I. Stow, Attorney-General, who sat in the last Parliament for West Torrens. Mr. Glenn has also announced himself as a candidate. The second series of nominations will take place on Thursday, Kovember 13. It comprises —Port Port Adelaide. — The two old members, Messrs. Coglin and Hart, have a third candidate to contend with— Mr. E. X. Horn. 3 ^West Torrens.— Neither of the late members, Messrs. Magarey and Stow, will stand for the district. The only candidate as yet announced i3 Mr. H. B. T. Strangways. Tatala, — The two former members, Messra. McEllister and Glyde, have offered themselves for re-election, and are as jet unopposed. NoarluBga. — Mr. Anderson retires, but his colleague, Mr. Sutherland, is again before the electors, as also Mr. Hewett, who formerly contested the district ; Mr. Hollins, late of the Horseshoe township ; Mr. Colton, a Councillor of Adelaide ; and Mr. Carr. . ' Light.— The old memberB, MessrB. Bagot and Howe, have addressed the electors, but the latter does not i»j distinctly ia his adYWtue

ment whether be means to come forward again ? Mr. White, who was o candidate on a prior occjuion, is in the field, and Mr. Dutton, who has before represented the district, but is at present absent in England, has been proposed by somo of his friends, who expect his early return to tho colony. Tho third scries of nominations will take placo on Thursday, November 20- It consists of — Mount Barker. — Mr. Finniss has not announced his intention of seeking to be re-elected, but Mr. Dunn, the other ex-member, has ad-dressed the constituency. Mr. McFarlane.

whose former District of the Murray, now expunged from the list, forms part of tho present District of Mount Barker, has also offered his services. Encounter Bay.— Mr. Strangways goes to another district, but bis late colleague Mr. Lindsay is again a candidate. Mr. T. W. Higgins has been proposed and approved at a largo public meeting. The Burra. — This district, having been separated from Stanley, will return only two members. Mr. Kingston goes to Stanley, but the J two other representatives, Messra. Cole and Ncales, seek re-election. Stanley. — Mr. Kingston is the only person who lies announced his readiness to stand, but it will be seen from our Auburn correspondent's letter that Mr. George Young, J.P., of Wallaroo, is likely to come forward also. Ahiuval op the Sm Jons Lawkexce.— The Emigration Commissioners have made a very judicious selection in living upon the Sir John Lawrence as an emigrant ship. She is a strung iron vessel, remarkably well adapted for the purpose, and although on her last trip the heavy cargo she carried somewhat retarded her voyage, the present one has been accomplished from Plymouth in a period of US days, notwithstanding the longcontinued stormy weather she encountered. Her cargo was originally shipped at London, whence* on the find July she proceeded to Plymouth, where she received her emigrants-the greatest care being taken by Mr. Xewland (the Commissioner) to render everything as comfortable mid convenient to them as possible, and (hey were eventually handed over to the keeping of Dr. lliciiards, who has frequently occupied a similar position, and was fully competent to perform the duties imposed upon him, The Sir John Lawrence set sail from Plymouth on the 2nd of August. Proper discipline was strictly enforced. among the emigrants, so that, with one or two trifling exceptions, the utmost good order prevailed throughout the voyage— a circumstance which was in no small degree attributable to the beneficial influence exerted by the matron, Mrs. Itrown. To those who boarded the vessel immediately upoii her arrival a scene of hustle and industry presented itself. The single female department was found to be scrupulously neat and cleati^ nnd notwithstanding the pardonable eagerness manifested by some at the prospect of nhortly standing on terra jinna, there were others who appeared to look on with the greatest composure. In the main hatchway numerous family groups of the working class could lie seen; while in the berths appropriated for single men were found numbers from the sister isle, whoso brawny founts pointed them out na very suitable for agricultural labourers. In the vessel hammocks hid been substituted for bunks, which was evidently a great improvement Every attention hnd also been paid to the promotion of suitable ventilation, deck ventilators having been added U- the ordinary side ports, thus communicating a free draught of fresh air to the steerage. The trip was altogether a very successful one ; very little sickness prevailed, and three births took place on board. Capt. Robertson's forethought, courtesy, and knowledge of tho requirements of the press induced him to prepare properly classified lists, which greatly facilitated the acquisition of the necessary information connected with the emigrants. From these tables the following statement is made out:— Number of agricultural lalxmrers 53, smelter 1, masons 5, smiths 7- porter 1, gardeners !', domestic and farm servants 1H, dressmakers 2, wheelwrights 2, carpenters 9, groom 1, smipkiiler 1, housemaid 1, dairy mnid 1, shoemakers 2, carters 2, ploughmen 2. In nationality the statistics were as follows :— English. Scotch. Irish. Adults ? 17!) 21 D!l Children between land 12 ;U -j 1 Infants ... ? tf 1 1 Total ? 210 2S (II Equal to 278 .statute adults, of which there were 21 males nnd 25 females married, IIM nudes and 1-^ females single, 8 mnlu ami .'I') female children^ male and female infants. In describing the vessel the fact of its possessing Dr. N onnnnby's distilling apparatus should not be overlooked. It has worked exceedingly well, and furnished a plentiful supply of water, the benefit of which in promoting cleanliness cannot be over-estimated. .The emigrants will have passed the visits of inspection liy tho Health Officer and will bo ready for selection today. Tin: Wnor- Skason.— The Mosquito Plains correspondent of the Harder Watch report* favourable weather for shearing In that locality, nnd states that large quantities of wool pass daily on the road to (iiiiilicn Bay for tiliininctit. Heuioiis Accident.— On Thursday afternoon, about -1 o'clock, three little boys who were going home from school climbed on some timber stacked in Bent-street. While playing, one of them, seven years old, named William Milner, fell down, and fractured bis skull. He was conveyed to Air. PuUford's house, where he received every attention, and wus promptly visits by Drs. Whittell and Gunson. He was taken to his home at about 7 o'clock; but we aie sorry to learn that the medical gentlemen have faint opes of his recovery.

Oi'EN-air Bathing.— Several persons have complained of the nuisance created by bathers in the Toirens, between the City Ford and the bend, just almvc the Eailway Bridge. Assemblages of adult males have become frequent, especially on Sunday mornings, and decent females on their way to places of worship early iu the day have occasionally been subjected to reckless annoyance. Tjik Uose in South austuama— The roue appears to flourish in South Australia to an extent which in really wonderful, and the present season has been particularly favourable to its developing. This was generally remarked at the recent show of roses ; but we doulit whether any one can fully realize tlte abundance and exquisite beauty of the flowers who docs not see them upon the bushes. We chanced to visit yesterday the garden of the late Mr, (Hen, at the KcedbcdK, and were fairly womlcrstruck at what might truly be called the fields of roses in full bloom. A lover of flowers scarcely does himself junto if he Buffers the season to pass by without walking through some of the nurseries and gardens, of which there are seveial round Adelaide, anil in which the rose can now lie seen in perfection. Tiutimoxiau— On the afternoon of October 27 a number of the friends invited the Rev. J, Andenon, Presbyterian minister at Stratlialbyn— who has for twelve tmonths held service at Middlet'iti— to that place, where he was presented with a testimonial in the nhape of between £50 and £GO for his zealous and self-imposed labours. Dr. Fletcher undertook the task of making the presentation. He read the following address :— 'Jtev, and dear Sir— I have been asked by|a nuinlter of your friends in this quarter to discharge on this occasion the pleasing duty of requesting ymir acceptance of the accompanying small -?ift as a trifling tribute of thanks for your ministerial labours here, and in affording us the opportunity of attending divine worship in accordance with the forms of the Church of our fathers, and at such personal inconvenience to yourself. ' Your presence here on monthly occasions* during the i«st year for the purposes of Christian worship, and the gradually increasing attendance, we think may be regarded as an omen that your labours have riot been in vain, and that the fruiu of your work here may yield to you additional joy in the prospects of that reward, promised to those who turn many to righteousness, 'Your friends here, isir, would earnestly hope that in the guod providence of God you may be still enabled to continue to us your ministerial visits. A greater dedication of your time to our spiritual concerns would l« no doubt to us highly desirable; yet we cannot be unmindful of the wants of our brethren at Btrathalbyn, who have stronger claims on your pastoral care and attention, aud whose kindness in submitting! to the inconveniences of the present monthly uaanxements entitles them to our wannest gnitituaTiind thanks. 'In conclusion, Sir, wishing you and your family the lengthened enjoyment of every good gift which cometh from above, and an inheritance in that kingdom which pasReth not away, and in which we hope preacher and people may be alike fellow-partakers, '1. am, in the name and authority of your friends, 'D. Fletcher.' Dr. Fletcher then Bpoke at some length for the encouragement of the parents present, and warmly thanked the Rev. Mi. Anderson, wishing that ho might continue to preach and dispense among them the bread of life. The Kev. Mr. Anderson acknowledged the presentation in a plain but pleasant speech, In which he notified his intention of continuing his services at Port Elliot. A vote of thanks to Mr. Bowman for the use of the room for the monthly services was moved by Dr. Fletcher, supported by the Rev. Mr. Anderson, and being carried by acclamation, was acknowledged by Air. Bowman. The usual compliment to the Chairman brought the proceedings to a close about 7 o'clock. Cdkiobs Animals.— A correspondent of the Border WaUh says:— 'Two animals, which I suppose we may consider as curiosities, were found in the neighbourhood of MacDonnell Bay Home fews days ago. The first was a piebald or brown and white spotted kangaroo, which lias been seen by several for some length of time, and has caused many a good gallop, before it was taken. The other is a white rat' (uncommon in this country). This, was caught by Mr. Felgate, in Captain French's warehouse. It is still alive, aM appears to be very docile for one of ita species,'^