South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 18 November 1863, page 1

SHIPPING. FOR MELBOURNE, CALLING at PORTLAND, PORT FAIRY, and WARR-NAMBOOL. — The fast and powerful Steamer COORONG. W. McLean, commander, will sail as above on Tuesday, the 24th instant. Passengers by 1.40 train. JOHN FORMBY. Port. J. DARWENT, Grenfell-street. GUICHEN BAY ONLY.-The Screw Steamer ANT o Frederick P. Snewin, commander,^ will sail on the following dates :— i From Port Adelaide. From Port Robe, .'j Friday, November 20 Friday. November 13^ Monday, November 30 Tuesday, Novembers At Noon. Thursday, December? At 3 p.m. Weather Permitting. WM. YOUNGHUSBAND, JUN., & CO., 300cv ? Town and Port. -, ~k ». CJTKAJI TO PORT LINCOLN «*«£t^ O AND PORT AUGUSTA.Captain Ward, will sail on Saturday, November 21, on arrival of the 4 p.m. train. Goods must be alongside not later than 12 o'clock on day of sailing. Freight on small packages and parcels to lie prepaid or they will not be forwarded. JOS. STILLING fcCO., L , Pnrt J. DARWENT, ' - 1 on n and Fort. ELDER, SMITH, & CO., Tort Augusta. Grenfell-street, November Ifl, 1SG3. SHIPPERS per LUBRA are requested to take notice that no Goods can be received without a SHIPPING-NOTE, and which must be made out in n form which will be supplied by the Agents on application. ? ; ? 32Q''5 TO AND FROM KADINA Via CLLNTON. - The YOUNG AUSTRALIAN, J. Creer, master, will proceed as usual to Clinton every Monday and Friday, starting upon arrival of first train. Conveyances will be in attendance to carry passengers to and from Kadina. Fares paid on board. To Kadina and Clinton — Cabin ? £Z 2 0 Fore Cabin ? 1 12 0 Apply to J. T. CRESWELL, Agent, Port. N.B.— AH Parcels must bo Prepaid. 12Jmwfc SUCCEEDS THE SEA STAR FOR L0NDUN-— The fine British-built Ship STATELY 5fi5 tons register, M. Wycherly. Esq., commander will meet with immediate dispatch. This fine vessel has a full Poop, and excellent accommodation for Passengers. For rate of freight or passage, apply to Capt. Wycherly, on board; or to ELDER, SMITH & CO. FOR LONDON, Via the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.-The A 1 Pas- senger Ship . ADAMANT, 1.2IH) tons, B. Lodwick, commander, will sail about ! the 10th December, lias spacious poop :)ccoiumo- ] dation for passengers. I j Cauies an Experienced Surueon. j ' For passage only, apply to Captain Lodwick, on I board; i , E. K, HORN; or to I ' ACRAMAN, MAIN. LINDSAY. & CO. I ? ? 2flfrnw30ie_ I : ORIENT LINE FOR LONDON (Folowing the Coonatto).— ; THE MURRAY, 1,000 tons, J. Legoe, will sail promptly on December 22. Carries a Surgeon, and calls at the Cape. ; For freight, first or second class passage, -apply to JOSEPH STILLING & CO. ; or to i ' W. YOUNGHUSBAND. JUN., & CO. ' j ? ? 30Smws55vS t , a- TO FOLLOW THE MURRAY. I tM&\ J?0H LONDON. -The regular ' JaSfrPto JF Trader -? rfSffigii IRENE, . J Captain David Bruce. This well-known and avourke clipper ship has arrived, and will be ,' lispatehed with her customary punctuality . FIRST WEEK in JANUARY. Fcj freight or passage, apply to \VM. Y- -UNG HUSBAND. JUN.. & CO. -JOSEPHjSTILLING & CO. 322imvscvS 1 V-*. 1?OK LONDON BIRECT7- TO i-&2®\ -*- FOLLOW THE CLANALPINE. t Bffi&& -The AI Ship \ --^tF35v ELPniNSTONE, f «0 tons. Captain Macbeth, having the greater part i if her cargo engage J, will meet with immediate 1 lispateh. t Fur freight, apply to li :a0inwfL' ? PHILIP LEVI & CO. FOR CALCUTTA.-The splendid A1 ship QUEEN BEE, R- Kempball, commander, will sail on !4th instant Has room for a few Horses, ami a , ew tons of Dead Weight. Apply to -ABRM. SCOTT; or GEORGE ALSTON, JUN. FOR PORT AUGUSTA.-The fine fast-sailing Ship JOHN NORMAN. 515 tons register, Captain John Miles is now ready to receive cargo for Port Augusta, and will have quick dispatch. For rate of freight or passage, apply to Captain Miles, on board; or to ELDER SMITH, & CO. FOR VENUS BAY.-The Schooner TRADER, W. Orchard, master. For freight, &c, apply to the Cap- ain, onboard; to J. DAWENT, Town; or JOHN FORMBY, Port Adelaide. FOR YANKAL1LLA AND CAPE ? JERVIS.-The Schooner M&M& iVNALGISTA -l ir,i .ysfg^ TV-Ill sail (weather permitting) on : a rhursday, November IS, at noon. r Apply on board ; or to ? t 321-'3 ? R. M. TAPLEY. Port. A MICDS, from Londou.— The CON- ( tJL SIUNEE^ of the Vessel are requested to » ^ASStlieirENTRIESwithoutdelay. Any Damage | nust lie pointed out, and arranged with the t .'nptain prior to the lioods leaving the Wharf, or [ in (^laim will be recognised. i \ 321 -'5 ? EDWARD J. SPENCE, Agent._ i ,: CAPT. ()LSEN'7of the Arnicas, 'will J NOT be RESPONSIBLE for any DEBTS lontracted by his CREW. _P..rt Adelaide, LNovJ«Ll&a. ? ^IjL WANTED, a SHIP to Carry Horses to an Eastern Port. :i2I -'2 ? ABRM. SCOTT. I VO CAPTAIN BRUCE.— 1- Dear Sir— We, Passengers on board the rene, desire to return our l-est thanks for your ittention and kindness to us during the voyage. It is, we assure you, with no ordinary pleasure we lo so ; your watchful care, willingness to oblige, mid gentlemanly deportment having won for you, low as heretofore, the respect of all on board. We trust you will accept these four volumes— Shnkspeare'a work?, complete— as a slight tribute 3f regard. With our best wishes. We remain, dear Sir, yours very faithfully, Baron and Baroness von Dr. S. O. and Mrs. Carey Ocrtzer. H. Garrood Mr. and Mrs. Perry and Rev. T. Copeland Family J. W. Murch Rev. and Mrs. Pithousc F. Miller E. and C. Wilcox S. Spalding. November 10, ISty ? svS CHIPS' POSTERS and EVERY ' -- DESCRIPTION of PRINTING got out on the shortest notice, and MOST REASONABLE FJERMS. A large Supply of COLOURED PAPER, COLOURED INKS, and NEW TYPE. Orders received .it the Register General Printing Office, Lrrenfell-street, Adelaide ; and by the Shipping Reporters at the Port lev ? MERCHANDISE. ? FOR SALE, by the undersigned— BBH Bar and Rod Iron, Sheets, Hoops, and Boiler Plates Fencing Wire, Nos. 4 and 5 Blasting and other Gunpowders, and Safety Fuse English Mining Leather, and all descriptions of Mining Materials Leather Belt, and other Millers' Goods Patent Mail Axles, Cart and Gig Springs, &c. Tarpaulins, Bedsteads Weston's Patent Pulley Blocks Ewbank's Patent and all other descriptions of Nails Gas Tube, -Black and Galvanized Sewing and other Twines .,,,., , Sheet Zinc, No.s. 9, 10, 11, 12, and all kinds of ^.niy^^n^ROLD BROTHERS. ' pORNSACKS, Sewing Twine, Tar\J paulins „ „ _ fi Orebags. Woolpacks, Canvas, Roofing Felt Brown, White, and Coloured Paper, Stationery Bryant& May's Matches, Nails, Corncrushera Pianos, Silver's Furniture and Steara-Packmg Victoria Sugar Co.'s Sugar and Treacle, Raisins „ Rum, Brandy, Sherry. Port, Ale, Porter OPEN STOCK of- , Blue Serge, Crimean, White, ana Regatta Shirts , . 4. Coats. Vests, and Trousers, of every description Leather Clothing, Leggings, Belts, Portmanteaus r269mwscr 269mwscr ABRAHAM SCOTT. Blyth-street. ON SALE, by the undersigned — Prime YORK' HAMS. English Cheese Brown Ginger, Black Lead Duryea's Malzena ' Tea, chests, 'Isia.' best numbers' Tea, cheats, half-chests, and boxes, 'Alert' Whale Oil Colza Oil ? / -Ciaara. Tobicco. guaranteed sound 3i7-'a cn wh^tT'copnsell, & co. OATS, 'OATS— FOR ? SALE, 500 Bushels of feed Oats, of excellent sample, and at a low price. D. KBKWICK, Grenfell-strejt. November 12, 1863. - 317'23rx

V: MERCHANDISE. ? VfTHITBREAD'S STOUT T T. ?i Bass's and Ind Coope & Co.'s Ale , Bottled Beer, Port Wine 'Hodges & Co.'s Gin, Fine Salt 'Kent Hops. Corn-Flour, Starch '- Oilmen's Stores, Sardines ~-THalt, Essence of Anchovy .'? ^ 'Currants, Scented Soap i - Isinglass, Brewers' Bungs and Spiles - Stereoscopes, Cut Floor Brads , V Ransome sand Howard's Ploughs and Harrows '-.,' Tinplates, Whiting, Boots and Shoes ' - Writing, Printing, uaJ Tea Paper t Axles and Springs, Iron Bedsteads f Firebricks, Cement, Flooriug Tiles, &c. ' On Sale by FRANCIS CLARK & SONP, 322mwfcvS Blyth-street. {X8 SALE, in Bond or Duty Paid— \J Finest ELEME RAISINS, boxes, in tinlined casesPatras Patras and Zante Currants Sultana Raisins, Eleme Figs, &c, &c. JAMES ROBIN & CO., Grenfell-street. 28oinwf.fl8 COALS.— Best English and Newcastle N.S.W.) Coals can be had in any H. SIMPSON'S Coal-yard, Port Adelaide; or H. fCRKAVrOK'.S. Crenfe.l--st.reet. lc C O A L S. COALS. COALS. T. E BURY, Gresham-chambers. COLONIAL WINE STORE. S.WEBSTER, Gilliert-place, near Currie-street SADDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, &c. SADDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, &c, and every article in the trade, on Sale at J. A. HOLDEN & CO.'S, 34, King William-street, IMPORTERS and MANUFACTURERS. FOR SALE, STEAM-ENGINE and SAW-BENCH, together or separately. 251c ? GEO. DEAN, Bank-street MA C H I N E OIL. Olive Oil Ncatsfoot Oil Colza Oil, and ? Rosin Oil. I WW.TO R. DODGSON. Leigh-street. POTATOES, ex Mary Smith.— A fine L Sample on Sale by 2S8c JAMES HILL, Rundle-place. ? BITSIIf ESS NOTICES. HR. HENDERSON'S COUGH . LOZENGES arc now well known to be the I lost decidedly efficacious Remedy for Coughs, ] olds, Asthma, and other Pulmonic Maladies, ; lanv hundreds of South Australians having istiiied to their efficacy. i H. R. H. particularly directs the attention of the ; ublic to the fact that these Lozenges, being en- j irely free from opium, do not cause that drowsy -?eling which follows the use of opium cough , wenges, the use of which is Mongly condemned y many physicians. They are highly palatable, ! nd are peculiarly adapted for the climate of Ausrali «.Sold Sold in hoxes, price l.«. each. N.B.— To prevent fraudulent imitations, each ox is stamped '' Henderson's Cough Lozenges, idelaide.' 318mwscv R HUTTON, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he has COMMENCED BUSINESS in the Premises latelv occupied by Mr. Davis, Watchmaker, 76, RUNDLE-STREET, ext door to Brandon's Shoe Warehouse. R. H. has imported a well-selected Stock of Pure Chemicals, Genuine Drugs, Patent Medicines, . 'erfumery, and the sundries usually kept by the 'rade, which he is in a position to supply at as iasonabie rates as any House in Adelaide. He trusts that the fact of his having had 20 years' exerience in the business, during the greater part of which he has acted as Manager for Mrs. Bickford, of Hindley-street, will not fail to obtain confidence nd ensure satisfaction to those who may favour iin with their custom. 7(5, Rundle-street, November 11, 1S(3. 317mwf2!)v32 HEALTH FOR THE INVALID BY HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. OSS OF APPETITE-LOSS OF STRENGTHLOSS OF HEALTH. The marvellous effect of this fine medicine upon le system is such as to immediately rally all the ital 'functions, the appetite is soon restored, a full i»w of spirits quickly follows, the body becomes iimensely invigorated, with a certainty of restored eaith : fresh ilir and a little exercise are necessary i bring about a permanent state of things. Hoiway's Pills impart tone and energy to the most }Iicate constitutions, and in a manner as to itonish all who take them. By their extraordinary rtues they have obtained the largest sale of any icdicine in the world. HEAD, HEART, LUNGS, AND STOMACH. Look to the regularity of the functions of these mndations of vitality. Holloway's Pills restore - order the slightest departure from the proper jtion, and, therefore, niay be considered as the igulators of the mainspring of human life, poplexy can always be prevented if the proper jtion of the bowels be attended to, which this imous medicine never fails to accomplish. Disrdcrs of the head and heart often terminate uldenly and fatally from obstructions in the rstem, which might generally be prevented by iking small and regular doses of this line correcve. FEMALE DISORDERS. No medicine can be so infallibly relied upon for irurcoming all obstructions as these Pills. They ever fail to restore a healthy action throughout le system. The printed instructions will enable I to correct the first symptoms of disease, and ;ert many serious maladies. Holloway's Pills ion change the sickly and sallow complexion, thus mewing the bloom or health. To females entering ito womanhood, or at tlic turn of life, these Pills ill be found invaluable. They should be taken to or three times a week, as a safeguard against ropsy, headaches, palpitations of the heart, and 1 nervous affections, so distressing at certain iriods. k:k headache, indigestion or foul stomach, and disordered liver. In such a deranged state of health the food is ^composed instead of being digested, ami proves nisonous rather than nutritious. This derangeic t can be at once set r jght by a course of these urifying and digestive Pills, which have acquired ir themselves an imperishable fame for the tasterythey have constantly exercised over the igestive organs. Hnlloway's Pills increase the ppetite, regulate the liver, repress biliousness, calthily stimulate the kidneys, and move the awels in a more wholesome and natural manner inn any other medicine. DISORDERS INCIDENTAL TO CHILDREN. The liver and stomach of children are, from ? lany causes, often out of order, as they are allowed i eat many things that would disagree with their irents; hence their blood becomes impure, and iblc to take any disease that is prevalent, and iat in the worst form. One Pill, reduced to a jwder, hnd nut in a little water, given occasionally ? children or twelvemonths old, and to those of iree or four years, three Pills, and to others of sven years of age, four Pills— will always make lildrcu look blooming and healthy. Seventy-five lit of every hundred do not reach the age of mtuiity. Holloway's Pills would not only pre?rve their health, but save the lives of thousands, lany people foolishly think that children only iiuure a little medicine twice a year. tolloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following Diseases:— igue Female Irregu- Scrofula, or isthma larities King's Evil lilious Com- Fevers of all Sore Throats plaints kinds Stone and Gravel tlotches on the Fits Secondary SyrapSkin Gout toms towel Com- Headache Tic-douloureux plaints - Indigestion Turnouts lolics Inflammation Ulcers Jonstipation of Jaundice Venereal Affecthe Bowels LiverComplaints tions Jonsumption Lumbago Worms of all )ebility Piles kinds )ropsy Rheumatism Weakness, from )ysentery Retention of whatever cause Jrysipelas Urine &c., &c, Sola at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 144, Strand (near Temple Bar), London; and by ill respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines hrougnout the civilized world, at the following irices:— Is. IJd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 11s., 22s., and 3s. each box. %* There is a considerable saving by taking the arger sizes. N.B.— Directions for the guidance of patients in ivery disorder are affixed to each box, and can be lad in any language, even in Chinese. 2412crA 4awc [WNEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAGLJ NESIA has been during twenty-five years miphatically sanctioned by the Medical Profession, mil universally accepted by the public as the best Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Eleadache, Gout, and Indigestion, and as a mild iVperient for delicate constitutions, more especially For Ladies and Children. Combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP it forms an ngreeable Effervescing Draught, in which its aperient qualities are much increased. During hot seasons, and above all in hot climates, the regular use of this simple and elegant remedy has been found highly beneficial. Manufactured (with the utmost attention to strength and purity) by Dinxeford & Co., 172, New Bond-street, London; and sold by all respectable Chemists throughout Ehe world. 9lws1S6 OMGEOPATHIO DISPENSARY.— E. 8. WIGG haying received large supplies of Homoeopathic Medicines is now prepared to suDDly the Profession and the Public with Medicines in TINCTURES, GLOBULES, PILULES, and TRITUR ATIONS, of auy degree of strength and in anv quantities. ? AlUvETERINARY TINCTURES and TRITUBATI0N3, in large or small cases, or in separate Aim, CASES for DOMESTIC USE. in wood leather, of Tinctures. Pilules, or Globules, from Lte. to seven guineas each case, in great variety fOAko\naK'500 DOMESTIC GUIDE BOOKS, including Laurie, Thomas, Epps, Patte, Sec, from Is. 3d. each and upwards. Also, 1IATERIA MEDICAS and other Works suited to Medical Practitioners; Controversia Wotks,' &c. ;A Catalogue of- aboilt 70 of these Books can be had on applicatien to E. S. Wigg, ia Bundle-street. H.B.-A fresh lo of Cocoa jus landed. 2-5-j

BUSINESS NOTICES 'TIUNEKALS FURNISHED on the J- shortest notice and at reasonable prices. F. HENNING & SON. Undertakers, 320mwft30 ? 17, Rundle-street. TO PHOTOGRAPHERS, AMATEURS, and OTHERS.-Mawson's Superior Positive and Negative Cullodion, which works instantaneously, and every other article required in the Art. No Chemicals sold but what aie u«cd in our own establishment and found perfect. Any information appertaining to the Art freely given to Purchasers of Chemicals. R. GOODE'S Photographic Warehouse, 3l5mwf37r* 155, Bundle-street, Adelaide. pARPETS— VELVET PILE, \J BRUSSELS, AND TAPESTRY. JUST RECEIVED, per Murray, a large parcel of the above, all New Patterns, suitable for Drawing-rooms, Dining-rooms, Libraries, &c., and Hearthrugs to match. ALSO, ?Lace and Leno Curtains, very rich Table Covers Damasks, Eeps. Fringes, &c., &c. DEBNEY'S WAREROOMS. 3U'24 103, 103}. 105, and 105}. Rundle-street REMNANTS OF TAPESTRY CARPETS VERY CHEAP. A Lot of Remnants of Tapestry Carpets, from 3 to 25 yards each, all at 2s. 9d. per yard; worth 3s. Gd. to'4s. ; to clear short lengths. DEBNEY'S WAREROOMS, 3U'24 103. I»:U. 105, and 10,^ Rundle-street. FLOORCLOTH. FLOORCLOTH.— Bordered Floorcloths for Halls, 1 yard, 1J, and li yards. Wide Cloths f orjtooms, 12 ft, 10 ft, 18 ft, and 24 ft New Patterns, cut to suit Purchasers. DEBNEYS CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY WAREROOMS, 31V24 10;i, lWj-, 105, and 105}, Rundle-street. LAWRENCE, CLARK, & JOYCE, JU COMMISSION MERCHANTS & AGENTS. Windsor-chambers, Great St. Helen's, London. .. ? 318ct LAND, LOAN, -fc MINING AGENT. * LOANS under the Old or New Acts. MINERAL PROPERTIES Disposed of. MINERAL CLAIMS taken out. PROPERTIES brought under TORRENS'S ACT. CHARLES SIMEON, 274-3G5v3fJ0 ? US, King William-street. BLEACH, SADDLE, HARNESS, . and COLLAR MAKER. PORT ADE- ! Li A IDE. Every article of the Trade at. Town Prices. ? 283HI NEW PATENT SKID AND LOADADJUSTING DRAYS. FAJIMERS, I 3ONTRACTOR.-N and CARRIERS are requested ! o call at MELLOFl'ri STEAM WORKS, and see ! lit* Sew Patent Skid and Load-Adjusting Drays I Horse or Hullnclc). Also, the New Patent I tabulating .Screen Winnowers, Side-Delivery I lowers, Patent Lever Comb Reapers (Godlec's), t mil a general assortment of novelties. 2-Scv Ho m ceo pathTc hospital, LONDON. -In the above Establishment tone but Leath t\: Ross's Medicines are used. A large supply of Medicines on Sale at PLATTS'S, ? ? Sole Agent for liCath k Ross. SAFETY FROM FIRE -Bryant and May's Special Safety Match ignites only on he prepared surface of the Box. Each box has 9 [ozen Matches. Price Is. 4d. per dozen boxes, itnrcs supplied. 4I)q ? E. S. WIGft. 12, Rundle-street. LE E C H E S.— Fine Large Murray Leeches. R. HUTTON, Chemist, 76 Rundle-street. 'HO C R I C K E T E R ST— i- CRICKET BATS, CRICKET BALLS, CRICKET STUMPS, ' CRICKET (JLOVES, BELTS. GUARDS. &c., rom Duke, Dark, Cobbett, ClapshaW, and Callecourt. 295-.1 ? E. S. WIGG, 12, Rundle-street HRIOKETWARE, CRICKETWARE. ^y —Every description, full supply for the leasnri, at CUNNINGHAM'S LONDON BAZAAR. 2fi(i-.3n6 SEAPSRY~AHD CLOTHING. DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, 59, RUNDLE-STREET, Corner of Gawler-placc. J. G. CHAPMAN !egs to call the attention of the Public to his NEW GOODS JUST LANDED per John Norman, and icgs to inform them that he intends to continue he system adopted some mouths since, of Iahkixo all Gooi)3 in Plain Figures, and at -s small an advance on English cost as possible, eeling assured it is the only course on which to lasc future success. J. G. C. would call special attention to the ollowing Goods, selected with the greatest care ly his Brother from the manufacturers in England :— 1 case Mantles and Paletots, in silk, mohair, grenadine. &c, .Sec. 1 do. Fancy Dresses 1 do. Par,i-ols and Sun Shades 1 do. Muslins, in sprigs and chintz 1 do. Millinery, Bonnets, Hats, &c., 11 of which will be found of superior quality, and nuch lower than any in the market, .'o bu Opened on Tuesday or Wednesday next, ex Mail Steamei— A small case of Choice FANCY DRESS SILKS, lcluding Grenadines, Brocades, Black Glace, 'oplins. Foulards, Ace, &c. 318cv I^HE BEEHIVE PROPRIETORS - beg respectfully to inform the public that liey have opened a MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, comprising— GENTLEMEN'S Doeskin, Tweed, Angola, and iatarra SUITS. These Hoods are all Wool, wariinted shrunk, and quite equal to any colonial cspoke goods, with a far superior finish— from l)s. tn 75s. a suit. GENTLEMEN'S Black and Coloured Alpaca !OATS and VESTS, in great variety. YOUTHS' SUITS in Tweed, Angola, and Black !loth. BOYS' SUITS in Knickerbockers, Circles, iwiss Dresses, &c. MEN'S, YOUTHS', and BOYS' Crimean, Vhite, and Fancy SHIRTS, Drawers, Guernseys, locks, Gloves, Ties, Scarfs. Collars, White and floured Pocket-Handkerchiefs. &c. &c. MEN'S, YOUTHS', and BOYS' HATS in great ariety, comprising Black Paris, Mohair, Merino, nd Drab Shell, Patent Ventilating Felt, Mohair, nd Merino Helmets, Straw Hats, the Wyndham. 'rince Alfred, Prince of Wales, Anglcsea, and thers too numerous to particularize. A VISIT to the above Establishment and an nspection of their PIECE GOODS of Black and floured Doeskins, Twced3, &c will convince very Purchaser I hat for Iteailv-Made Clothing or Ilothimr Made to Order a SAVING of TWENTY 'Ell CENT, will be made by PURCHASING at lie B E E H I V E. King William and Rumllo streets. j255c__ M3IMM0NS k C- V. 1'norniETORS. E'^YHE MURRAY. -CARPETS, in Tapcstrj'. Brussels, kc. STAIK CARPETS in great variety. FLOORCLOTHS from 2 to 21 feet wide. DAMASKS, Crumb Cloths, and General Furnishings. TABLE LINEN, Window Curtains, &c. &c. N.B.— Carpets made and put dow«. JOHN HODGKISS & CO., 275cv ? 20 and 2«, Kundle-street. VTEW GOODS.— JOHN HODGKISS L^l and CO. respectfully invite the attention of 'urchasers to their recent Importations of GENERAL DRAPERY and CLOTHING for the iresent Season. The Stock of SILKS, SHAWLS, and MANTLES rill be found well worthy the attention of buyers. Note- JOHN HODGKISS & CO., 275cv ? 2li and 23, Rundle-street p ENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING.— Ul JOHN R0DGK3SS& CO. invite the attenion of Gentlemen to their NEW IMPORTATIONS of TWEEDS, DOESKINS, and other IVOOLEN FABRICS for the present Season. The ibovehave been selected with great care for this uarkct, and will be ottered at the smallest possible iront. Observe-JOHN HODGKISS & CO., 275cv 20 and 2S, Rundle-street. JOHN HODGKISS -fe CO. request U the attention of CASH BUYERS to the system on which their Business is conducted, viiu every Article marked, the LOWEST CASH PRICE, and where credit is given interest charged on the. account. By this system the cash buyers secure the advantages they arc entitled to, and the credit buyers know the amount they pay for the accommodation they receive. NEW GOODS now to hand, ex Orient, Coonatto, and the Murray. Observe-JOHN nODGKISS & CO., 275cv ? 26 and 28, Rundle-street NEW AND SEASONABLE DRAPERY.-GAULT & SCOTT have much pleasure in intimating to their numerous Customers that thev have JUST RECEIVED, ex late arrivals, their SUMMER STOCK, consisting ofThe Newest Fabrics and Styles in Ladies' 1 Dresses and Shawls. . The Newest Shapes in Mantles, Jackets, and Bonnete. The New Colours in Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, and Parasols. AND The Leading Novelties for the Season. Ladies are respectfully requested to call and inspect their Large and Fashionable Stock.1 G. & S. would call the attention of Gentlemen to their Summer Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Hosiery, &a, and to their TAILORING DEPARTMENT, which consists of Sydney, Scotch, and other Tweeds, and Doeskins in great variety, * All Goods made up guaranteed a good fit and shrunk. ? . : ? .,: . GAULT & SCOTT, Tnnss Drapery Mabt, 300c ? ,.-v.v--.--HBnndlfrgtreeb:.-A GOOD SERVICEABLE SUIT of TWEED for ThirtyShilliDtB, at £S0c JURY'S, Sindler-rtreet,

DRAPERY ASH CIOTHHTQ. EX OVERLAND MAIL.— TEMPLIi and MOREY will Show. This Day. the NEW MARIE STUART BONNET in Black, White, and all the NEW FASHIONABLE COLOUBS PMNCESS OF WALES .and othei new Shapes in Hats. The new RUSSIAN LEATHEE COLLARS and BRACELETS. NOVELTIES IN KID GLOVE —The New Double Button, also White Stiched Coloured. SHAWLS, M ANGLES, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. &c, &c All ex overlaud Mail, TEMPLE & MOREY. SSO-'o 1SG. Kundle-street RE HENWOOD, INSOLVENT.— SALE NOW ON AT FITCH'S The following Lots are GREAT BARGAINS :-600 yards All-wool Balzarincs, 5Jd. the yard, worth Is. 6d. 735 yards Alpacas, double width, 53d., half the wholesale price. Flounced Barege Robes, IS yards, for 7s. lid. Rich Silk Parasols, Is. !W. ; do. Lined, 4s. 6d. and oi. 6d. Hoyle's Prints, nenwood's lot, 7}d. the yard; usual price 10id. to Is. ? 75 Long Shawls, 13s. lid. ; worth 24s. at least. Ladies' Fancy Straw Bonnets, in good condition, 3d. to 6d. each ; worth from 3s. to 10s til. each. Ladies' Paris Silk Bonnets, 5s. lid. to 12s. 64; have lieen from 18s. (id. to 42s. each. Real Lace Sets, &. lid. ; were 15s. French Kid Gloves Is. 4Jd. per pair. Men's Shirts, a little soiled and out of condition, good perfectly, 2s. Gd. each. FITCH'S ESTABLISHMENT Opens at 10 a.m. and Closes at Dusk, Saturdays excepted. &b Remember the Address— FITCH'S CORNER, 317c ? Rundle and Pulteney streets. ADVANCE. ADVANCE AUS-TRALIA. - R. JURY, feeling convinced w the extensive patronage he has received since ^is GREAT REDUCTION on the PRICE of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, that a discerning public will credit him for making use of no adverising puff, begs to inform his numerous friends ind the public that having seen the great disaarantage that persons (especially the working-cWss ind countiy gentlemen, who purchase ready-raade ilothing), have been under, begs to inform them hat he has JUST RECEIVED a LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, ill Warranted Shrunk, and of Colours that will not fode, which he intends offering this sebson, as an ntroduction, at LOWER PRICES ban the showy unshrunk Slops usually sold by Drapers and Slopsellers, as the Jew said of the razors— 'Made for sale and not for use.' N.B.— As R. Jury has only 2(1r1 Suits unbesnoke, le would advise intending Purchasers to make an My Visit; and that all shall see they get good alue for money, nothing will be sold of this iupcrior Stock after dark. The Establishment 'ill be open from !- a. in. till I) p.m. Observe the AddressIt. JURY,The The Hole-ik-the-Walij, Hindley-street, 280 ? opposite Bunn's Exchange. WHOLESALE DRAPERY AND »T CLOTHING WAREHOU5K.-A11 Goods larked in Plain Figures, at the smallest possible dvance on Invoice. 154mwf334v S. HART, (53, Hindley-street 'HBLICATIOKS AKD STATIONERY PER OVERLAND MAIL.— Border and Bastille, by the author of Guy Livingstone Footsteps Behind Him, by W. T. Stewart Miller's Elements of Chemistry Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers, by A. Wynter, M.D. Principles of Medicine, by Dr. Williams Hulke on the Opthalmoscope Dr. Fowler's Medical Vocabulary Miscellaneous Essays, Critical and Theological Dogs and their Ways The Master of the Hounds, by Scrutator The Adventures of a Beauty The Orphans Magnet Stories, new vol. Croquet by Cajtain Mayne Reid 'Stonewall' Jackson Eustace, or the Lost Inheritance Molesworth's Pocket-book of Engineering Formula? Children's Books. kc, &c., &c. THE HARUM-SCARUM GALOP, and a selection of New Music CARTES DE V1SITE. INSTANTANEOUS bTEROGRAPHS OF LONDON and the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. Dark's Match Balis Mourning Stationerv HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES. &c, &c, kc. PLATT8, No. 1, Hindley and King William-streets. ? Established I&'E). :tlSq Will shortly be Published— the first week in December, CHE ROYAL ADELAIDE ALMANAC, DIRECTORY, AND GUIDE 0 SOUTH AUSTRALIA for 18G1. Edited by Josiah Boothby, Esq. Subscribers' names receive! at PLATTS'S, No. 1, Hindley and JOng William streets. ? Established 1 1KW. ? :filq DOOK. ALMANAC FOR 1864, comJ piled by J. BOOTHBY, Esq. Orders sceived by W. C. RIGBY, Publisher, 320q ? 53, Hindley-street. Now Ready, 3LATTS'S ALMANAC, 1804. - ? 311q rflE AUGUST FASHION, BOOKS, MAGAZINES, and PERIODICALS are ? hand and ready for delivery. 294q JOHN HOWELL. 4, Rmidle-street. 3EL1GI0US TRACT SOCIETY'S -t PUBLICATIONS. -Another large shiplent (the third in a few months) now unpacking 40q ? E. S. WIOG'S, 12. Rundle-street HARRISON'S AUSTRALIA New supply to hand, 2s. (id. each. 244q ? W. C. RIGBY, Importer 1 TTRACTIVE SHOW-BILLS in X NOVEL COLOURS got out on the [IORTEST NOTICE at the itcgWer Steam rinting-oflice Grenfell-street, Adelaide. 271c NEW BOOKS PER SEPTEMBER R.M.S.S. Bacon's Plan of Charleston Harbour and Vicinities, showing all the Fortifications and the Land and Water Defences, with letterpress descriptions of the various forts, batteries, &c. Ideal Views of the Primitive World, its Geological and Palaiontological Phases, by Dr. F. linger, of Vienna. Illustrated by 17 photographic plates. Eleanors Victory, by the author of Lady Audley's Secfet The Master of the Hounds, by Scrutator. Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers, by Andrew Wingter, M.D., M.R.C.P., London. Stonewall Jackson, late General of the Confederate States' Army, a biographical sketch and an outline of his Virginian campaigns, by the author of Life in the South. Captain Brand, of the Centipede, a Pirate of eminence in the West Indies, his Loves and Exploits, by Lieutenant H. A. Wise, U.S.N. Katherine and Her Sister, by Lady Emily Ponsonby. The Red Queen, by Percy B. St John. : The Book of Blockheads, by Charles Bennett. Family Herald, Handy Book. How to Angle, including Trolling and Spinning. -320q ? 53, Hindfey-street A CHEAP DESK ALMANAC FOR 1864. ust Published, at the Register and Observer Genera! Steam Printing Offices, Grenfell-street and to be had of all Booksellers, Price Threepence, -FHE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN L CARD ALMANAC FOR 1864, ontaining an immense amount of useful and orrect Information in a small space, viz. :— Feasts, Anniversaries. Jewish Festivals. Principal Articles of the Calendar. ? Days of the Week, Month, and Year. Moon's Phases for Year. Sun's Rising and Setting once a Week. Eclipses. . Law Terras. 4 Civil Sittings. '? . Criminal Sittings. Trades' Holidays. Railway Termini Time Table for North Line and Port Line. ? AKD Table to find the Dav of the Week on which any given date mil fall. ? PRICE THREEPENCE. 313cv Just Published, Price Sixpence. DLATTS'S SHEET ALMANAC FOR L ., 1S64, containing— Eclipses, Calendar for each nonth in the year, containing the days of the reek, month, and year, Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon for each day, Phases of the Moon, Periodical means of Regulating Dial Time, Remarkable Days, &c. ; Jewish Calendar for A.M. )624-5; Government of South Australia, «Royal Family, Local Courts, Farmers' and Gardeners' Calendar, Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages; Poundage Fees, Chamber of Gmoieree, Savings Bank, Land Titles Registration, Magnetic Telegraph Charges, Tables of Dispatch Midf Arrival of Inland Mails, Railway Time Tables and Regulations, Municipal Councils, Custom , House, Tariff, Trades Holidays, Central Boad Board, Volunteer Force, &c, &c &c. 1 V Storekeepers Supplied. ?-..-? ' Ne. 1, Hindlty and King William streets. 3I5q ? Established 1839. PRINTING INKS.— FOR SALE^'* JL the JfeffMterand Obterver General Printing Office, Grenfell-street, the following Printing Into, tt JtpaHah prices : — DttkBrae,at3i. ' ' Oobadt Bine, a 1* 6d. B«d,it5i. Own. MS

PUBUCATIOH 8 MD STATIONm AUGUST MAIL.— NEW BOOKS and Fresh Supplies. Aurora Floyd Footsteps Behind Him Mi*. Halliburton* s Troubles Professor Wilson's Works Vol. 1 Noctes Ambrosianfe Dickinson's Songs in the Night Adam's Shadow of the Cross, and other works McKinlay's Tracks Across Australia, by John .Davjs Cassell's Illustrated Family Bible Bunyan's Pelgrims' Progress, new illustrated edition, parts 1 and 2 Household Names and How they Became So Illustrated London News, in monthly parts, 3s. (id. each, or prepaid per annum, 35s. 2ft4q JOHN HO WELL, 4, Rundle-street Published This Day. RIGBY'S SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SHEET ALMANAC FOR 1864, CONTAINING Eclipses- Calendar— Jewish do.— Government of S. A.— Royal Family— Local Courts^Farmers'and Gardeners' Calendar— Registration Births, Deaths, and Marriages -Poundage Fees— Tables Dispatch and Arrival Inland Mails— S.A. Railway Time Table— and a variety of other useful and valuable information too voluminous to particularize. Price Sixpence. N.B.— Stores and Hawkers supplied. 3Hq TRACKS OF McKINLAY AND PARTY, price 18s. 6d., now on Sale at 223-i E. S. WIGG'3. 12. Rundle-Btteet. TWO THOUSAND PIECES of NEW -L MCSIC, just unpacked, at 40q ? il S. WIGG'S. 12. Rnndlostreet Just Published, Pkice Sixpence, ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SHEET ALMANAC, 1864. SS' Country Agents can now be supplied with the above, corrected up to the hour of going to Press. Register and Observer General Steam Printing Offices, Grenfell-street Novembers, 1S63. 310cv EDTTCATIOK. PIANOFORTE AND SINGING.— I- Mr. HEBERLET. TEACHER. Address, by post, Franklin-street, at Mr. Marihall's Repository. 32l*'3 PROFESSIONAL. MATTHEW BRYANT (late Second Captain of the Burra Burra Mines) will EXAMINE and REPORT upon any MINERAL DISCOVERY situated withinSO miles of Warcowie. Address Captain Bryant Warcowie. 318-39rws29 nfSURANCE gQTICES^ \TORTHERN FIRE -fc LIFE Ll ASSURANCE COMPANY. OUicc. (Jri'iifell-strcet _10Stl07 ? -^_Vj)N PER HEYD1-; Secretary. DERWENT AND TAMAR MARINE AND FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, .£100,000. -Established 1RR HeadOlhee: Mactmarie-street, IIobartTown. ADELAJUE BRANCH: Agent, W. Samson. Office: 5, Currie-street Marine and Fire Risks are accepted by the l?ent without reference to the Head Office, at the nvest rates, and Losses promptly settled. Marine losses may be made payable in London f required. 40c f IVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE U AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Capitai, Two Millions. E18KS accepted an the REDUCED RATES. . CLAIMS Promptly Settled in the Colony. Sfiev ? V.J. BECK & CO., Agenta. MAlilNE INSURANCK.. A DELAIDE LLOYD'S ASSOCIA^V. TION OF UNDERWRITERS. Hon. Wm. Peacock, Chairman. Thos. Gr,vves, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Marine Risks taken at current rates, and policies isued immediatclv on account of the same. CLAIMS FOR LOSSES romptly settled in cash without deduction, H. COWIE, Agent to the Association. Grenfell-street. ? 44mwfc ^TORTH BRITISH AND MER~ CANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established ISO!). icorporated by Royal (^barter and Special Acts of Parliament. Subscribed Capital £2,000.000 Sterling. Accumulated and Invested Funds, £1,374.000. Board of Dihkctohs in London. Chairman— John White Cater, Esq. (Messrs. J. W. Cater, Son, & Co.) Deputy Chairman — Charles Morrison, Esq. (Messrs. Morrison, Dillon, & Co.) Ansehno De Arroyave/ Esq. (Messrs, A. De Arroyare & Co.) Edward Cohen, Es(i. (Messrs. Drake, Kleinwort and Cohen) James Du Buisson, Esq. (Messrs. HenckelL Du Buisson, k Co.) Pascoe Dupre GrenfelL Esq. (Messrs. Poscoe, (Jrenfell. & Sons) Adolphus Klockmaun, Esq. (Messrs. Klockmann and Fesser) John Mollett, Esq., Austin Friars Passage. Jiuuus»8penccr Morgan, Esq. ^Messrs. George Peabody&Co.) George Gonlon Nicol, Esq. (Chairman of the Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China) John Henry William Schroder, Esq. (Messrs. J. H. Schroder k Co.) George Young, Esq. (Messrs. Begbie, Young, and Begbics). The Company insures against FniE nearly every iscrij»tion of Property at the lowest rates of rcmiurn corresponding to each risk. Insurances for seven years charged for six only. Losses settled with promptitude and liberality. The undersigned have been appointed the Cominy's Agents in South Australia, and are emjwerai to issue Policies on the most favourable :rnis, and to settle any claims that may arise. HERIOT, FULLARTON, & CO. 15Gmwf33Gv241 3ACIFIC FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCR COMPANY. Capital, £3X1,000, Unlimited Liability. Head Ottice— Pitt-street, Sydney. O. M. Smith, Esq., Manager. The undersigned having been APPOINTED GENTS in South Australia for the altove Office, ?e prepared to receive Proposals for Fire and Larinc Risks at the current rates of premium, id will Issue Policies at once in terms thereof. Claims in cither department settled here hum iatelv on proof of loss. Vessels insured on tim policies, or otherwise i liberal terms. ?4c G. A. k H. BARTLEET. Grenfell-Btrcet 3 0YAL FIRE AND LIFE A- INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, iS.000,000. Annual Revenue, nearly £500,000. Increase of Fire Business last year 50 percen tore than that of any office in Great Britain. FIRE BIJANCH.-Insurances granted at reneed premiums. Claims settled iu the colony nmediately on proof of loss. LIFE BRANCH.— English rate3 of premium ily charged, and conditions on Policies extremely beral. Bonus at recent divisions of profits, 2 per ;nt per annum on amount of Policies. Example: Policy dated Dec. 1, 1845 (sum assured) £1,000 Increased by oonus to Dec., 1800, to ... 1,279 Total premiums paid being ? 3ft4 Medicai Referee— K. W. Moore,- Esq., Colonial urgeon. ACRAMAN MAIN, LINDSAY, & CO., lOcv Agents. DTOBART TOWN and LAUNCESTON LI MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. (Established 1836. MARINE 8UKVKYOR AT FORT. ADELAIDE: Captain H. Simpson. The undersigned aecept Marine Risks at current ites. F. J. BECK & CO., Agents, 87cv Adelaide and Port. 'he only Office whose bonds and policies of guarantee are accepted by the Treasury, Customs, Inland Revenue, General Post-Office, War, Admiralty, Home, Colonial, India, and other Government departments in Great Britain. rHE EUROPEAN ASSURANCE SOCIETY. ?ORLIFE ASSURANCE, FIDELITYGUARANTEE. ENDOWMENTS, AND ANNUI TIES. Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 22 Vic, . Cap. xxv. Capital— A Quarter of a Million Sterling. Annual Revenue, £160.000. Forms of Proposal and every other information nay be obtained on application to Adelaide-R. B. COLLEY, King William-street; Port Adelaide-CLELAND. PAGE & CO. ? . . ? 238wsc 2OUTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE 3 COMPANY, LIMITED. King William-street Adelaide, For effecting Insurances at REDUCED SATES igainstFIRE, ....,, Agencies at every township in the colony. Chairman, J. M. Lwklateb, Esq. Deputy-Chairman, R. G. BowKN, Esq. Money Lent on Mortgage. ___„_ lev ? K. iJ. TAPLEY Secretary fkUEEN FIRE AND; LIFE W, INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, One Million. A Claims settled in the colony. W»L YOUNGHUSBAND. JUN., y CO., .12fc Agents for South Australia. HHURCH OF ENGLAND AND U GENERAL LD7B ASSURANCE AND INNUHY INSTITUTION. Capital, Onk Million. . FBANCIS S. DUTTON, Agent, fUg ? Rundle-place. HE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSUERANCE COMPANY. Capital-One Million. 258c King William-Btreet, Adelaide. BOAED AHD lOPGrnrg; ' 4 VACANCY for one or two Gentleii. men. No, 6, Dorsetta-temce. 317mwfi3

FUNERAL NOTICES. THE FUNERAL of the late JOSEPH CHARLES ROSE will leave his Father's Residence. Jeffcott-street, North Adelaide, for the Walkerville Cemetery. This Day (Wednesday), at 12 o'clock. COMPANIES AND SOCIETIES. QOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE O COMPANY, LIMITED. An EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the^HAREHOLDERS of this Company will be held at the Offices, King William-street, Adelaide, at 3 o'clock on Wednesday, the 18th instant, for the purpose of confiiming the following resolutions passed at an Extraordinary Genera Meeting on the 2Sth ultimo :— 'That it be agreed to and ordered by this Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders to accept Marine risks on and after the 13th December next; also that the last four lines of Clause 57 of the Deed of Settlement be expunged.' 'That in the preparation of any Supplementary Deed to give effect to the above resolution full power bejiven to the Directors iu such Supplementary Deed to frame all necessary Rules for regulating the Marine Busiuess.' By order of the Board, R. E. TAPLEY, Secretary. Novembers, lfiCl ? 3I0w'22vlS MUNICIPAL AND DISTRICT ? COUNCILS. ? CITY OF ADELAID E.— CITIZENS' TvOLL. The City Council will sit at the Council Chamber, King William-street, as a Court of Revision of the Citizeus' Lists, on Mouthy, the 23rd instant, at 2 p.m. Lists of the four Wards are exhibited for inspection at the following places:— Corporation Offices and Post-Ollice, King William-street; Supreme Court- House Hotel, Angasstreet; Victoria Hotel, Hindlty-street; Red Lion Inn, Rundle-street; and Huntsman's Hotel, O'Connell-strcet. Notices of Claims will be received up to the 18th nstant, at 3 p.m., and Objections to the same lour of Friday, the 2Uth instant; and all such Claims and Objections shall be referred to such Court of Revision. By order, W. A. HUGHES, Town Clerk, Town Clerk's Office, November 10, 1803. ? :-15w22 KENSINGTON AND NORWOOD ELWTTIOX-KENT WARD, Kent Town. -A MEETING will take place at the Kentish Arms, Kent Town, on Thursday, the lilth instant it half-past 7 o'clock, to consider who is the most it and proper person ? to represent the Ward as Uonncillor x MINING NOTICES THE KARKARILLA MINING COMPANY.-NOTICE is hereby given that be Directors have resolved that a CALL of ONE SHILLING per SHARE be made payable on the 16th December next, and is required to be paid to the Secretary, at the Offices of the Company. The attention of Shareholders is called to the :lause in the Deed of Settlement relative to foreiture, if such Call is not paid within the limited iniu. 1'y order of the Board, JAS. S. SCOTT, Secretary. Offices of the Karkarilla Mining Company, ? S(i, King William-street. 320a'2 TENDERS.' SEALED TENDERS (in accordance with Notice in Government Gazette of 12th November) will be received at this, office until londay, the 23rd November, 18ii I at noon, for the CONVEYANCE of HER MAJESTY'S MAILS m the Roads specified therein for Three Years, ominencing the 1st January, 1SG4. Any further information can be had on applicaion at this office. J. W. LEWIS, Postmaster-General General Post-Office, Adelaide, November 5, 1803. 310mwf27v25 AMUSEMENTS. VICTORIA THEATRE.— AMATEUR PERFORMANCE. Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Excellency SIR DOMINICK DALY. In Aid of the Fund for the tELIEF of the FAMILIES of the DETACHMENT of the 40th REGIMENT. On MONDAY EVENING. November 23. Boxes, 7s. (id.; Stalls, 5s.; Pit, 3s.; Gallery, Is. Boxes may lie secured upon appiicatiou to Mr. J.C. Bray, Muirhead's Corner. 321'3 {f I C T O III A THEATRE.— » LAST GRAND FASHIONABLE NIUHT. ;?»? LAST NIUHT OF THJ-: SEASON. ENTIRE CUANUE OF PERFORMANCE for the FAREWELL BENEFIT of the MISSES EMILY and FANNY WISEMAN. MISS. JOEY GOUGENHEIM las kindly given her services, and will appear in her great impersonation Hester Grazenbook in An Unequal Match. On THURSDAY, November 19, lie performances will commence with Tom Taylor's celebrated three-act Comedy, entitled AN UNEQUAL MATCH. Dr. Boerhaave Botcherby... Mr. Greville Hester Grazebrook. afterwards Lady Arncliffe ... Miss J. Gougenheim Bessy Hebblethwaite ... Miss E. Wiseman Bluebeard Quadrille, Orchestra, 'he whole to conclude with the laughable Afterpiece ofTHE THE MANAGER AND THE ACTRESS. Maria Montague Betty Stubbins Goody Stubbins an old Miss Fanny Wiseman Mademoiselle Josephine, a danseuse .... ... In which character she will introduce West Country Ditty and Dance a Grand Pas Seul. For Boxes, Reserved Seats, and Tickets, apply t the Theatre. £3' Remember, Last Night. Moonlight jgi ? 332'3 VICTORIA THEATRE.— T AMATEUR PERFOiniANCE In aid of the Funds for the Erection of a ATION'AL SHAKSPEKIAN MONUMENT. Under the Distinguished Patronage of IS EXCELLENCY the-JOVEItNOK-IN-CHIEF and LADY DALY. MONDAY, the 30TH NOVEMBER. THE WIFE, By James Sheridan Knowles. he characters will be sustained by Gentlemen Amateurs. MISS J. GOUGENHEIM las kindly volunteered her services irratuitously. Previous to 'The Wife' A PROLOGUE, ritten expressly for this occasion, will be spoken. To conclude with J. M. Morton's Farce, WHITEBAIT AT GREENWICH. The admission on this occasion to the Parquette ill be through the Box entrance. The seats will e covered, with backs added for the convenience t the visitors. All places tak«n will be reserved. The doors will be open at half-past 7, and the erformance will comnience-at 8 o'clock precisely. Boxes and Paniuette, 5s. Gallerv, 2s. (5d. Tickets for Boxes and Parquette may be obtained n application at the office of the Telegraph newsaper. 322mwf34 A. TREUER, Hon. Secretary. NOTICE.— HOLDERS of MONTHLY -^ - TICKETS are informed that they can, upon pplication tb Air. Solomon, at the Theatre, hare lie difference in money returned to them, the cason having terminated before the expiry of tickets. x DDRTON'S NATIONAL CIRCUS D NOW OPEN in ADELAIDE EVERY IVENING until 1st. December, with the best Comany the Proprietorhas everintroduced to theSouth Australian public. The most highly-trained Stud f Horses and Fairy Ponies-matchless for symnetry and beauty, New and Gorgeous Trappings, lew Pavilion, New Witticisms by the New Clown,' nd all the Old Favourites with New Performers. Observe— Burton's Troupe commence their Northern Tour on the 2nd December. . 318cv |?AST ADELAIDE ASSEMBLY Li ROOMS (TIVOLI HOTEL, PiniE-STBEET). GRAND EXTRA BALL ?his (Wednesday) Evening* ? x HOTELS AND LIVERY STABLES RISING SUN INN, AUBURN.— JOSEPH E. BLEECHMORE, in returning hanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on him or the last 13 years, respectfully informs his lustomers and travellers generally that he has ust added another suite of well-ventilated and :omfortable BEDROOMS to Ins establishment, ind is consequently in a position to ofl'er increased lccommodation. Private Apartments for Families. The Stable accommodation is unexceptionable. J. E. B. would particularly call the attention of ;hoge interested to his very complete and newlysrected Saleyards. , \ -Jctober. 18(0. gmgfr HORSES. CATTLE. VEHICLES, fee VDDANAMUTANA MINING COMX PANY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA, rilMITED.-WANTED immediately, a number: afDBAYSto Cart Ore from the Yudanamutana ind Wheal Blinman Mines to Port Augusta. Foil loading will be given. ? '? ' R. A. FIVEASH, Superintendent. November 12, 18(J3. 318-25rmwf24 NOTICE TO TOWN AND COUNTRY AGENTS— J- The 'ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SHEET (Pbice Sixpence), and CARD ALMANACS (Price Threepence), are now ready. { Register Steam Printing Offices, - Novemb.T7. 1863. ? 3I3cr ) AGENTS IN MELBOURNE.^! Messrs. GORDON & GOTCH, of Collinsl£??L,we?t'J'.Ielbourne' have 1)een appointed AGENTS in Victoria for the Register and Obkrvtr ' Newspapers, and are authorized to collect AccouaU due. Advertisement! and 8ub8criben* narcm will t berecmed by them, and will meet wi^ pmnpt '

PUBLIC NOTICES. ? CRIMINAL SITTINGS OF THE ' SUPREME COURT. Sheriff's Office. Adelaide, November 11. 18C3. In pursuance of a Writ of our Lady the Queen, under the seal of the Supreme Court of this Province, to me directed. I do hereby give notice that the said Court will sit as a Court of Over and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery for the Province and its dependencies, on Tuesday, the 21th day of November instant, 1861, at the Supreme Court-House, Victoria-square, Adelaide, at 10 o'clock of the foreman ; and all parties bound to prosecute and give evidence, and all Justice Coroners, Constables, and Bailiffs, and all Jurors summoned, and all others having business at the said Court, are required to attend the sittings thereof; and the order of such business will be as ioIIowb:— Tuesday, November 24. 1. Frances Bolton. stealing from the person; committed at Adelaide August 27. 18(53. In Gaol. 2. Eliza Hall, stealing from the person: committed at Adelaide August 27, l&fl. In Gaol. 3. Henry Roberts, larceny; committed at Adelaide September 25, 1863. fnGaol. 4. Otto Dassell, laiceny: committed at Adelaide October 16. 1863. In Gaol. 5. Elizabeth Forbes, larceny; committed at Adelaide October 17, 1863. In Gaol. Wednesday, November 25. 6. Catherine Geoghegan, larceny from the person: committed at Adelaide October 21, 18C3. In Gaol. 7. Ferdinand Schmelzkopf. attempt carnally to know a girl under 10 years of age; committed at Adelaide October 24, 18t-3. In Uaol. 8. Thomas Flynn, larceny from the person ; committed at Adelaide October &!, 18(H. In Gaol. 9. Hugh McDonald, alias McPherson, horsestealing couimitted at Adelaide November^ 1S63.In In Gaol. Thursday, November 26. 10. William Moss, larceny from a vessel; committed at Port Adelaide September 4, 18(53. In Gaol. 11. Edward Camfield, alias Ned Hall, stealing rom the person; committed at Port Adelaide September 18. 18U3. In Gaol. 12. William Fisher, stealing from the person; comrritted at Poit Adelaide September 18. 1SB3. In Gaol. 13. Joseph Wills, shooting with intent, &c; committed at Mount Remarkable September S8, 18U3. On bail. U. George Easton. false pretences; committed at Port Adelaide October 12, 18(53. Iu Gaol. ?.- mn Fbidat, November 27. n) ii Wllll.ain Bray. cattle-stealing: committed at Wallaroo August 14, 18(i3. In Gaol. 1(5. John Hughes, horsestealing; committed at Auburn October 2ti, 1863. In Gaol. 17. John Smith, manslaughter: committed at Wallaroo November 2, 18W. In Gaol. 18. John Grant, manslaughter; committed at Wallaroo November 2. l8tM. In (Jaol. 19. James Cox, false pretences; committed at Jumcracha November 5, 18(51 In Gaol. ._ Tuesday, December 1. 20. Annie Freer, laiceny by a servant; committed at (iawler August 2!», MB. In (Saol. 21 Joseph Lines, receiving; committed at Gawler August 29, 1863. In Gaol. 2± Maiy Lines, receiving; committed at Uawler Augusta), IKitt. In Gaol. 23. Fritz Lange, receiving; committed at Gawler August 29, IStW. In Uaol. 21. William Franklin, tihnotimr. a mare; committed at Port Elliot Septemkr 2, 1«(!:{, On bail. a-. Jobn Franklin, shooting a mare; committed \t Port Elliot Septcmlier 2. im. On bail. 2t-. Frederick O'Neill, alias Pmfessor Sinclair, lorsestealjiig: committed at Port Augusta October 1(5, 1*53. In GaoL 27. Leonard Whiteman, assault with intent to ?ob; committed at Gawlcr October 28, ISITJ. On jail. 28. William Freer, assault with intent to rob; :ommitted at Gawler Octo!-er 2.^ lfiffit In Gaol. 29. Henry Wilson, arson; committed at Adelaide November 10. 18K). Iu Uaol. Wednesday. December 2, 30. Emily Robins, child-murder; committed at Canunda Sep(eml)er fl, 1SH3. In Gaol. 31. John Jones, burglary; committed at Adelaide October 15, 1863. In Gaol. 32. John Corbett, burglary; committed at Ade-laide October 15, 1863. In Gaol. 33. George James, burglary ; committed at Ade-laide, October 15, 1863. In Gaol. 34. John Corbett, assault with intent to escape from custody: committed at Adelaide October 23, 1863. In Gaol. 35. John Jones, breaking into an office, and stealing therein; committed at Adelaide October 23, 1863. In Gaol. 30. John Corbett, breaking into an office, and stealing therein; committed at Adelaide October 23, 1863. In Gaol. 37. Sarah O'Brien, receiving: committed at Ade-laide October 23, 1863. In Gaol. The case of any prisoner who may have been ommitted to prison, or held to l-ail for trial at the aid sittings, and not named above, will be taken m Thursday, the third day of December icxt, and all prosecutors ami witnesses in such :ases must be in attendance at the sitting of the 3ourt on that day. Parties bound by recognizances to prosecute or [ive evidence, or who may Ik; subptenaed on the -art of the Crown or of any prisoner, are required 0 attend the Court at 10 o'clock on the morning -f the day appointed for the trial of each cose ?espectivcJy. but not earlier. The remuneration illowed by law for loss of time to prosecutors and Fitnesses will only be calculated from, and to inilude, the day for which the trial for each case is lxetj— except where any prosecutor or *5»ness esides more than twelve miles from Adelaide, who ire hereby required to be in Adelaide on the evenng of the day previous, and who will have an Jlowance for time accordingly. Parties out on bail must surrender in Court at 10 ?'clock on the morning of the day fixed as boyenamed for their respective trials, but not arlier; if they dp not appear when then called ipon, their recognizances and those of their bail rill be estreated. By order of the Judges, WILLIAM R. BOOTHBY, 320mwf7v Sheriff. nrjPPER TOKENS.— To the PUBLIC -J of SOUTH AUSTRALIA. -In order to sssen the annoyance which the public naturally eels at having small pieces of copper palmed off pon them for one penny value which are really rorth much less, we whohave Tokens in circulation, n which the style of our firm is expressed, hereby iform the public that we will pay off on demand ny number of them, not less than six at a time, nd we shall feel obliged to the public not to conjund our Tokens with those issued in Melbourne, ran Diemen's Land, Sydney, or London, or by rms now defunct. MARTIN & SACH. HARROLD BROTHERS. JOHN HOWELL. W. MORGAN. Adelaide, November 16, 1863. x rllE BURIED CITIES.-TIio Rev. J. Jeffeiuh, LL.B., will deliver a LKOTURE, 1 the Temperance Hall, North Adelaide, This IVENINO, in aid of the Hall funds. Subject— Herculaneum and Pompeii.' The chair will be nkeii at 7.30 by W. Bakewell, Esq., M.P. Admission, by ticket, may be had at the door, teserved fceats, Is. Gd. ; unreserved, Is. x \TOTICE is this 17th day of November, L~ 1863, hereby given that AHOHIUALD ICHIE, of Alma-road, East St. Kilda, in the tolony of Victoria, one of Her Majesty's Counsel mentis to APPLY to 'm ADMITTED a PRACTITONER of the SUPREME COURT of the Prpince of South Australia, on the last day of this resent term, or on sorao subsequent day. 322**4 A MEETING of the CREDITORS ti. of the late HENRY GILBERT will be held t the offices 6f Messrs. Lawrence & Knox, fo. 92, King Wijliamstreet, Adelaide^ on Wedlesday, the 18! h instant, at 11 o'clock in the foreloon. All Creditors holding securities arc requested to iroduce same. 318*'22 \TOTICE is hereby given that NO LI PERSON is AUTHORIZED to RECEIVE ny MONEYS, or TRANSACT any BUSINESS rhatcver in my name, or on my behalf, without ny written authority. . J. KEMP PENNEY. Gawler-place, October 30, 1S03. 307c 'TRAVELLING SHEEP. —NOTICE. 1- -All Sheen TRESPASSING on the RUN ir Property of the undewigned after date will be mpounded; and all Parties Travelling with Stock aid not giving the necessary notice Prosecuted. G. HY. VICKERY. Wildota, November 10, 1863. 317'23r'3» TO THE EDITOR OF THE REGISTER. £*IR— Will you be kind enough to insert O in your valuable columns the following, as I im under the impression that 'f airplay is a eweL' and that all abuses ought to be exposed :— On Friday last Mr. J. Reid sent a message to ne requesting me to hold a sale of Mr. J. Hall's :ffect8, in Waymouth-street, be having execution Tom the Local Court of Adelaide, of which Mr. jeorge Birrell is bailiff. But after my having seen Mr. Reid twice, and he having made several unsuccessful attempts to see Mr. Birrell during Imsiies3 hours, at last towards the middle of the day aught that worthy at his post, when he was informed by Mr. B. that he could not let the tale go in any other hands but one auctioneer (Mr. Fownsend), as all went through that channel, ?hereby depriving me of a sale I was fully entitled o, ana trying to establish a rule without any foundation, as on previous occasions sales have jeen (riven to various auctioneers through the lame Court, and by the same officer. I would like much to know if the sales are to be jut in the hands of one auctioneer; but if they ihould, ought they not in justice be placed in the j lands of the Government auctioneer? If not, I j think they ought to be equally divided, and that myself being the oldest, having paid more to Government in that capacity than any other in the colony, should I not be entitled to a fab? proportion? or if it »hould rest in the hands of a Government official to confer his fqvours on a person who has a voice in going through and fixing the amount of his salary when the Estimates are under consideration. - -In conclusion, as there are so many members in the House of Assembly desirous of curtailing expenses and being put in possession -of facts relative to 'variom departments under Government I am sure if the following was asked, it would surprise a few, viz. :— For a return of all fees received hy Messenger of Insolvency Court, and amount of commissions received by him for sales by auction ; also, if he does not hold a second appointment as Bailiff of the Local Court at a Balary of £100 per annum; also, if he does not charge seven shillings per day when he outs a man in possession bv order of the Court and pay the same man five shillings, . I am, Sir, &c., .^.j « t ctoLES JENKINS. Adelaide, November ir, 18t& x

LAND AUCTION NOTICES. tfRKEN d WAD II AM '8 NEXT MONTHLY F AND AUCTION SALE U will be held in the LAND MART ON , FRIDAY, 4th DECEMBER. Particulars of Properties intended for this Auction are requested to be forwarded on or before November 19. :u lev LAST) ANIThOUSEsT GREEN ii W A D H A M , LAND AtJiiNTS LAND AUCTIONEERS. LANDED i'ROl'ERTIliS VALUKi). LANDED PKOPU1T1E.-5 SURVEYED. PLANS Furnished nnd TOWNSHIPS LAID OUT. Plans of Townships, Hiindiv !s, \c &c throughout the COLONY always ojicu iur inspco tiou. . HOUSES, STORES. LANDS SECTIONS, kc, LET or LEASED. EXCHANGE LAND MART, And Land oilices, Kins Williiim-Ftrcut, LAND, LOAN, AND GENERAL COMMISSION OFFICES. GOVEKNMFNT M'^hased in accordance with GOVERNMENT )Purcha.sudand I^et on Lease SECTIONS / with Right of Purchase. SPEClArNOTICE. GREEN &WADIIAM'8 ADVERTISKMRNTb appear in the 'REGISTER' Newapapor on ?&DA^p°Hi1 ™UBSDAYS, and' iu the 'OBSERVER' of Suturdav. lev GREEN & WADIlAM. I^nd Agents. MACCLESFIELD.— FOR' SALE, upon easy terms, the MACCLESK1ELD HOTEL; also STORK and PREMISES aJjoiuing. For particulars, apply to Mm. liacket, on the premises ; or to Messrs. Andrews -s Doimin, Solicitors, king William-street. 31 'cv c eTsi'd e. — Nvell-furnTshed k-J HOUSES TO be LET, anv sire and for any period, close to the Beach, with the ukv of a Bathinjr-Hoiise Apply to U. O. Cooper, Contral Road Board Oilice. 2S.jtll SALISBURY FOR SALE, or TO be LET with Right of Purchase, a Substan- tially built Five-Roomed HOUSE, with large SHOP &c ., situated at SALISBURY, in which for the last 14 years the profession of a Medical Man and Chemist has been successfully carried on. The Property comprises Half an Acre. There is a small Garden, Paddock, &c, all fenced in, and has been in the occuopation of the late Dr. Stiasny. The SHOP-FIXTURES, topgether with the STOCK of a CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, will be DISPOSED OF, with or without the Property, on very reasonable terms. This affords an excellent opportunity for a Medical Man or a Chemist and Druggist. For further particulars, apply to John Harvey, Esq., J.P., Salisbury; or to C. E. TIDEMANN. Lund Agent, Adelaide. BELAIR.— TO be LET, a Substantially-built Four-Roomed HOUSE and Kitchen, large Cellar, a Two-Stall Stable, Coachhouse,and other Outbuildings; together or without a large VINEYARD and GARDEN, covering in all about eight Acres. The Property is situated about six miles from Town and known as Mr. G. Koll's. for further particulars, apply to C. E. TIDEMANN, Land Agent. FOR SALE, a very Valuable SEC-TION of LAND, beautifully situated on the TORRENS, of 80 Acres, including a Garden and Vineyard of about Seven Acres of Vines, producing some of the best Wine in the colony; a House of Six Rooms, with Kitchen and Dairy detached, Coach-House, Stable, Labourer's Cot-tage, Stockyard, large Wine Cellar, and every other convenience. The Section is well fenced, with plenty of wood on same. This Property is offered for Sale entirely on ac-count of the Proprietor wishing to retire from business. For particulars, apply to Mr. Mottram. Fauld-ng's-buildings. FOR SALE, LAKE R0Y STATION, MOSQUITO PLAINS, with 8,000 Sheep de-pasturing thereon. For full particulars, apply to Alex. Stewart, Morphett Vale; or to Mr. Ronald McDonald, Mosquito Plains. NORTH ADELAIDE:- A Convenient Six-Roomed HOUSE To be LET on STRANGWAYS-TERRACE. Rent 14s. per week, water included. Also, a Five-Roomed House, at-12s. per week, with water. G. O. COOPER. Central Road Board Office. KADINA.— VALUABLE BUSINESS PREMISES.-FOR SALE, Allotment No. 104, in Taylor-street, on which is erected a First rate Store, with Dwelling-House attached: large Warehouse, well adapted for a Hay and Corn Store: Stable, and other Outbuildings. Now oc-cupied by Mr. Mullett. A first-rate Business is doing in the Store, and the position is second to none in Kadina. For terms, &c., apply to DANIEL THOMAS, Auctioneer and Commission Agent, Kadina rO BAKERS, PASTRYCOOKs7fliid CONFECTIONEUS.-TO be LET, a SH(U» nd BAKEHOUSE, in u good situation. Rout ery moderate. Apply to G. F. Hussey, O'Conlell-gtreet, Nortli Adelaide. HSOwfMv rO be LET on Loaao, with imnieditito possession, the RESIDENCE nnd LAND itnate at SANDEBGKOVK, near Striithalbvn, nd known as the prqperty of E. -}. Scaly, Ksi|. 'he House contains six Room*, with Dairy and lollar, and the Land is substantially fenced, and Ivideil into three Paddocks. For u:rm», ajiiily to W. Rogers Esq., Sandergrove, or Mr. George Boothby, Adelaide. November 17, 1863. TO be LET, for a term of years, NETLEY FARM. REEDBEDS, containing 12 Acres of fenced in Land, subdivided, with large Garden, two good Dwelling-houses, Stock and Stack Yards, Couch- House, Stabling, and other Outbuildings. Good Water all the year round. The Property is only two and a half miles from Adelaide, and is well adapted for a gentleman's residence, having every convenience. For further particulars and cards to view, apply to CHARLES JENKINS Auctioneer and General Commission Agent. TO- be LET, a First-rate PUBLIC-HOUSE. Terms easy. Apply to Mr. W. u Simms. West-End Brewery. TO be LET, the STEAM - MILLS, HURTLE-SQUARE. Adelaide, known as the IMPERIAL MILLS. Immediate entry. WM. YOUNGHUSAND, JUN., &CO., Gilbert -place. TO be LET, the First-rate PUBLIC-HOUSE known as the WENTWORTH HOTEL situated at WENTWORTH, DARLING JUNCTION. Has excellent accommodation, and doing as good a business us any inn in the colony. For terms, apply to Mr. Thos. McGeorge, on the Premises; or to JOSEPH STILLING & CO. TO be LET, with immediate possession; the Oldest DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT in NORTH ADELAIDE. Fixtures complete. House of Seven Rooms. Apply to Mr. John Williams, Tynte-strect. TO be LET, EUGENIE COTTAGE, ANGAS-STREET, near Victoria-square, inquire at Mr. McMulIen's, Angas-street. TO be LET, the PARKSIDE FLOUR MILLS. Apply to Mr. D. Ferguson, or to TOWNSEND, BOTTING & KAY. TO be LET, at GLENELG, a FUR-NISHED COTTAGE, containing Six Rooms. A Stable if required. Apply to Mrs. Proctor, Glenelg. TO be LET or SOLD, a First-class MANSION, near Adelaide. Particulars of G. D. Simsey. WANTED to RENT, a Small FUR- NISHED HOUSE at GLENELG. Apply to Ripley Webb & Co., Grenfell-street. WANTED to PURCHASE, a FARM containing a Section of good Land, also Garden in full bearing, with House and Outbuild-ngs, &c; Apply, by letter, to D., office of this paper with particulars as to lowest price for cash, and distance from town. PERSONS WANTED. WANTED, a SURGEON, to accom-pany the Ship The Murray to London Apply on board to Captain Legde. WANTED, a JUNIOR DRAPER'S WANTED, BLACKSMITHS; also another Male and Female SERVANTS. Apply at Morcom's, Temperance Hotel, Adelaide. WANTED immediately, a Young MAN accustomed to the Butchering Busi- ness. Apply to H. Woodcock, North Adelaide. '- :.????????' ? ? ;}2l'3f ' WANTED, Two - CAR-DRIVERS. Shamrock Hotel, Currie-street. TAILORS.— WANTED immediately, good Hands. Ward, Ballantyne, & Co., 38, Rundle-street. WANTED, GROOMS for Calcutta, per Queen Bee. Apply to G. Alston, jun., Grote-street. WANTED, a GROOM. - George Hall, Grenfell-street. WANTED, a CARPENTER and JOINER. Apply early to E. Churchett Kapunda, . 322 3 ltd

r.THlSPAY (Wednesday), November 18., , '. to drapers, clothiers, slojpsell'ers,.,- - -; AND, OTHERS. ' ? 25 CASES%XyrfflNO AND SLOPS. -n' , '-y TO CLOSE SALES.- . , .' y';C rnowNSEND, Jotting, *.ka.y X are favoured with instructions to sell; at the, Martj'Thia Day ((Wednesday), November 18,»tn o'clock—' ' '?'' ' ? . . ? j 25 Oases CLOTHING and SLOPS, all Summer Goods— .,:.!.-. ;-??:,???: Per Neptune's Bride— :-i 20. 49 Shepherd Plaid Tweed Suits, StKild* -Sacs ? ? : Melbourne Riding Vests 21. 37 Fancy Tweed Suits, Tasmanian Sacs : Melbourne Riding Vests .,.-.-. 2K.' 49 Shepherd Plaid Tweed Suits, Tasrnanlan -?'??: Sacs ?? ? - ? t Melbourne Ridinjr Vests ' ' '? ? 23. 49 Fancy Diagonal Tweed Suits, TasmanUn ?? -? ???'??Sacs ?'???? i ?? Melbourne Biding Vests ? '* , 24. 60 fancy Diagonal Tweed Suits, Tasmanian ' ???'?? Sacs' ? ? ?? ' ' ''? ??' ? Melbourne Biding Vests 25.-19 Fancy Satara Doe Suits, Tasmanian Sac* Melbourne Riding Vests ? ' 28. EO Fancy Batara- Doe Suits, Tasmanian Sacs?? ?Melbourne Riding Vests 2ft-40 Coshmerette Tasmanian Sacs ?' 38 Gras3 Cloth. do. do. 45 Checked Drill ? do. do. ~ -16 Fancy-Tweed do. do. '? 30. 40 Cashmerette Melbourne Biding Vests 72 Fancy. Linen do. \ do. do., 'bound1 32 do. Checked Drill do. do. do. 'fl-dor^tinen ~d6J do'. ' do.' 37 do. Checked Tweed do. de. do. 31t-100 White and Coloured Circassian Tas1 ? manian Sacs 38.: Same contents 33.-100 pairs Coloured Drill Trousers 31 do. Fancy Checked do. 34. 24 Drab Kersey Suits, Tasmanian Sacs Melbourne Kiding Vests 35, 100 White and Coloured Circassian Tas; manian Sacs 36. Same contents 37. 100 Diagonal Tweed Melbourne Riding Vests 38. Same contents as Case 37 Per Borouchfield— 3. 100 White and Coloured Circassian Tasmanian Sacs4. 4. Same contents. - ? 5. 100 White and Coloured Circassian Tas-. .manian Sacs. ' 7. 100 Coloured Circassian Tasmanian Sacs 8. 98 Drab Bedford Trousers 12. 40 Fancy Tweed Tasmanian Sacs 60 White Linen do. do. Per Huguenot -29. 25 Fancy Tweed Suits - ' ? Per Parisian— 5. 30 Fancy Tweed Tasmanian Sacs. For positive sale. THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18. TO BOOTMAKERS, DRAPERS, AND OTHERS. 28 TRUNKS BOOTS AND SHOES. rpOWNSEND, DOTTING, & KAY -I- are instructed tosell, at their Mart, Thia Day (Wednesday), November 18, at 11 o'clock— 2ti TrunksBOOTS and SHOES. ,,. ? T.HIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18. TO LEATHE&SEL1,KR& BOOTMAKERS, ? -— AND OTnERS. ~ 12 DOZEN CALFSKINS. fPOWNSEND, 'BOTTING, -fc KAY -L are instructed to sell, at their Mart. This Day (Wednesday), November 18, at 11 o'clock— 12 Dozen Prime CALFSKINS. THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18. TO EARTHENWARE DEALERS AND OTRTPB-C! 12 CRATES ASSORTED CROCKERY'. rpOWNSMD, BOTTING, * KAY -L are instructed to sell, at their Mart, This Day (Wednesday), November 18. at 11 o'clock— 12 Crates Assorted CflOUKERYCups and Saucers, Covered Dishes Todet.Sets, Cut Tumblers, Teapots Dinner Services, Dishes, Plates, &C &c, &c. THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18. TO DRAPERS, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. six cases hats and caps. rpOWNSEND, ^OTTING, & KAY JL are instructed to sell, at their Mart, Thig Day (Wednesday), November 18, at 11 o'clock— tf Cases HATS, CAPS, and Sift DRIES. TO-MORROW (Thursday), November 19. CONTINUATION OF SALE. AT 11 O'CLOCK. CLEARING-OUT SALE. ON THE PREMISES OPPOSITE MB. GRAVES'S STORE, HINDLEY-STKEET. TO BAZAARKEEPERsT STOREKEEPERS, IRONMONGERS, DEALERS, AND OTHERS. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE 'rpOWNSEND, 'ioTTING, & KAY JL have received instructions from Mr. Belcher (who is relinquishing business) to selLon the premises opposite Air. Graves's Store, Hindley?treet, To-morrow (Thursday), November 19, at 11 o'clock bU STOCK-IN-TRADE, comprisingSpadea, Shovels, Sieves, Sickles, Picks Steelyards, Autrere, Trowels, Planes Locks, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Cutlery Gridirons, Fryiujroans, Miners' Shovels Baking-Dishes,- Wash-Bowels^ Sadirons Axes,. Wedges, Chains, Maul-Rings Fenders, Fireirons, Powder, Shot Rope, Mats, Deed-Boxes, Funnels Coalscuttles, Campovcns, Iron Pots Coffee-Mills, Hay Forks, Knives, and Rakes Hammers, Pincers, Gliisels, &c, &c. AXSO. A large quantity of Pianoforte Music and Musical Instruments Books, Prints, Baskets, Cricket Bats Brush ware and Remainder Stock of Crockery Toys and Fancy Goods Counters, Shelves, and Gloss Case. AL3Q, A first-class Magic-Lantern with Slides complete. ? No reserve. ? On MONDAY, November 23. AT 12 O'CLOCK. PRELIMINARY NOTICE VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ATNEW~GLENELG. rPOWNSEND. 'JBOTTING, 4 KAY J- are favoured with instructions from W. Wliyte. Esq. (who is about to leave for England), to sell by auction, at h(s Residence,. New Glenelg, on Monday; November 23, at 13 o'clockAll the Valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS; '.?'??' Full particulars will appear, and Catalogues; will be prepared. ? . ; ? * On TUESDAY, November 24. SALE OF FIR3T-CLASS~COLONIAL TVTNM Townsend, Dotting, &? kay A are' instructed to sell by auction, at their Mart, on Tuesdav, November 24, at 11 o'clock— A Large Quantity of First-class COLONIAL WINES;: ' ? ' '.' . ? ? . I On TUESDAY, December L ' * ?' AT THE FARM: OF MR. EDWARD PRESCOTT, 1 NEAR IIOUNT TORREN&; , TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. - , VALUABLE FARM STOCK. . i ? ' HORSES, CATTLE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. nnOWNSEND, 'BOTTING, - KAY -1- are favoured with instructions from Mr, Edward Prescott to sell, at his Farm, near Mount Torrens, on Tuesday; December I, at 12 o'clock— The Whole of his FARMING; 8TOC&-Horses/ Cattle/Implements Stable Utensils and Sundries. &C.. &C.i '? &&?' I ? ' ' ; Full particulars will appear. ? On -WEDNESDAY, December 2. PARKSDDE FLOUR-MILIl. '? ? ?? ;??'?? qiOWNSEN^ ! BOTTINa Js .J^Y; i haTC*been favSOrgd witlf instractwnTfrom' D. Ferguson, Esq., to sell liy auction, »t their Mart, on Wednesday, December 2, at 12 a clpck— ' The Valuable 'Ereehold Property known' as li '' THE PARKSfflE FLOUR-MOLL. r' Full parficulars in afewdays.' PBEliariNARY NOTICE. ' On 'WEDNESDAY, December! ,. i;r»tia-V».:' .'?'-'''? '? ??;..?-. ..;. BYpEDER OFTHEMOBTGIAGEES. , i, qnowsEira;,' botting, & Vkay w a ^ ' ^''^ij^ffis, aJ ,th^.iMart, on. Wednesday,. December 2, at 12 o'clock— J_' _'-'!. '-Lot 1.' BUILDING and LAND at tte DfiY CREEK. HOUSli;and LAND, PORT ADELAIDK ' \,jl F'nrther particulare anortly. 7 . ; 7. i THIS DAY '(Wednesday), rNovembet 18.1 :.: 1 m* ^MouTSEfivE.,;-',^;^^-; LBlcRCf AiRD lias received ioKfaructiwu ? tQselLYas above, at 12 o'clock sharp-^ ??^! «i[]yB0O FuU-Monthed EWE8I :^; ^ *? In lots to suit purchasers. , 318''23r -:

THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18, at 12 , ^CHA^GEAUCTipNMAET. VALUABLE BTATIONPROPERTY AT PORT LINCOLN. ; « PA R R & ITU X M 0 ORB are instructed to sell at their Mart, Adelaide, This. Day (Wednesday), November 18, at IS o'clock — . . . THE MDIKIRA STATION, ? in the Port Lincoln District as now occupied by Messrs. Cadby Brothers. This valuable Property comprises about 141 square miles of good grassy country, ? abundantly supplied with water by Stafford Mere, Fishery Creek, and other Permanent Surface Springs and Wells of moderate depth. It is most advantageously situated, the homestead being within fifteen miles of Port Lincoln Town ship, and seven miles only from the shipping place (Port Lincoln proper, at which place a section of purchased land will be given in with the Bun); thus possessing especial advantages both as a ?tation and as a residence. It will be sold with the Stock now depasturing thereon, viz.— About 2,650 Ewes, full mouthed 1,500 Lambs of ditto, dropped in AugUBt 2,000 mixed Lambs, May and June droppings ?i- 1,150 6-tooth Ewes 1,340 2 and 4 tooth Ewes 800 Wethers 230 Ranu Total 9,670 only, but the Run is estimated to carry fully 15,000 Sheep. lie JRim is well-known as being one of the most desirable in the Port Lincoln District, and the Wool has invariably maintained a high character inlthe home markets. 1 , . : - — Improvements, consisting of Dwelling-house ?aw. Garden. M-n'a Hut, Store, and kitchen, iWoolshed and Drafting Yards, Nine Outstations complete, will be given in to the purchaser, to; gether with Dray and : Team ..of six Bullock*. Stores, five choice Mares and Increase, and Household Furniture, at a valuation. : Terras— One-third Cash; remainder at one, two, and three years, with interest at 8 per cent per annum. ^^ ' For plans Ww any further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers. THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18, at 12 i o'clock. AT THE RISK OF THE FORMER PUR., . ; ? CHASER. THEKAPAWANTA RUN AND STOCK, PORT JSINCOLN, WITH THE SEASON'S CLIP OF WOOL (NOW READY FOR SHIPMENT). FOR POSITIVE AND UNRESERVED SALE. p A R R & L U XIOO R E XI .will sell by auction, at their Exchange Auction ,Mart, Adelaide, This Day (Wednesday), November 18, at 12 o'clock— The KAPAWANTA RU}i, Port Lincoln, containing about 90 Square Miles of Country, with 5.245 SHEEP, at per head. Run and Improvements given in. TOGETHER WITH THE SEASON'S CUP, viz.About 50 Bales Wool (in the grease) — bales Skins. The bulk of which is now awaiting shipment at Port Lincoln Township. Horse Stock (about 32), with Rations, &c, to be taken at u valuation, amounting in all to £519 38.4(1. .Terms. --One-half Cash on the fall of the hammer; the remainder by approved acceptances at six and 12 months, at S per cent, per annum added. ? On FRIDAY, November 20, at 12 o'clock. TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, CABINETMAKERS. AND UTHEUS. EX TRADER, FROM SYDNEY. PARR & ITU XMOORE will sell by auction, at the Port, on Friday, November 20. at 12 o'clock— About 90.000 Feet Prime SYDNEY CEDAR. For positive sale. THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18. ? IMPORTANT SALE OF FIRST-CLASS WINES, SPIRITS, BEERS, AND SUMMER WINES. TO WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PRIVATE GENTLEMEN, MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS, AND OTHERS. SOLOMON ifc CO. are instructed by the Importers to sell by auction, at their Mart, This Day (Wednesday), November 18, at 11 o'clock- ' ? A Shipment of Very Fine WINES, &c, as under— Brand. Description. Quadruple Diamond, with 1851 under. 5 Hilda. very finest Old Port. 10 iir.-casks do. do. do. Three Grapes. 5 hhds. do. do. do. 10 (jr. -casks do. do. do. Crown ? 30 qr.-casks fiuest Sherry Club ? 100 cases, each 1 doz., do. do. Quadruple Diamond, with Graham under. 150 cases, each 1 doz.. Old Pott Crown ? 150 cases, each 1 doz., Sherry 20 do., do., choice sparkling Hock 20 do., do., very best Moselle 20 do., do., superior do. 20 do., do., do. Burgundy 20 do, do., do. Champagne U.V.C. ? 10 hhds. Brandy, dark and pale 20 qr.-casks do. do. do. Sheriff ? 10ij cases finest Islay Whisky Booth ? 100 do., each 1 doz.. Old Tom K qr.-casks W.I. Rum, 32 o.p. n hhds. do. do. do. 10 do. fine old Rum, 15 o.p. ? j X or. casks plain Spirits Truman ? 40 hhds. export Stout Allsopp ... 150 casks Ale. bottled by Friend Byass ? 200 cases, each 4 doz., Stout The attention of the Trade and others is called to the above Sale of really choice Wines and Spirits. THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18. IMPORTANT 'SALE OF SUGAR. REMAINDER OF THE AMAZON'S CARGO. TO GROCERS, JAM-MAKERS, BREWERS, MURRAY TRADERS, CONFECTIONERS, AND THE TRADE. QOLOMON&CO. are instructed by Mr. O C. Jacobs to sell bv auction, at their Mart, This! Day (Wednesday), November 18, at 11 o'clock— The BALANCE of the SUGARS, ex Amazon— Mon Loisir D. 226 Biigs Fine Yellow Counter Union ... L 252 do. Finest Lisht do. Stanley ... M. 184- do. do. White Crystals St. Antoae N. 3'iO dp. do. Brewing do. Gros Bois... P. 115 do. do. White do. Small Bags, from 40 to 112 lbs. . Esperance... K. 540 Bags Fine White Snowdrop Belle vue ... O. 662 do. do. Light Counter L'Amite ... R. 543 do. do. White Snowdrop Bellevue ... S. 153 do. do. Light Counter Note— This Day (Wednesday), November 18. THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18. ~~ TO CLOSE ACCOUNTS. TO GROCERS, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. rQOL0MO]S' & CO. are instructed to M . sell by auction, at their Mart, This Day (Wednesday), November 18, at 11 o'clock— - 291 Bags and about 1 Cwt. Fine WHITE CRYSTAL. a 57 do. Fine Light Brown Counter. ALSO, 58 Sample-Bags, ex Lord Nelson. To close accounts. : / THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18. , JUST ARRIVED PER AMICU3. 60 TONS LIVERPOOL FINE SALT. 1 4 FOR POSITIVE SALE. TO GROCERS, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS, SOLOMON' -fc CO; are instructed to sell , by auction, at their- Mart This Day (Wednesday), November 18, at 11 o'clock— .500 Bags Liverpool FINE SALT. r ? ? '__ ? '_: ? ; 'THIS DAY (Wednesday), November 18. ' ^ '125 CASES OILMEN'S STORES.. QOLOMOST & CO. are instructed by the O Importers to sell by auction, at their Mart, This Day (Wednesday), November 18, at 21 o'clock— ? ? . ' 75 Cases, each 3 doz., Assorted Pint PICKLES ~~~50 .do., each 2 doz. quarts. Table Vinegar.' ? '7, THI3 DAY (Wedn esday), November 18. *'' !28 CASKS NEW CANARY SEED. TO GROCERS, STOREKEEPERS, SHIPPERS, j £?' ; AND SEEDSMEN. S' 'OLOMON.& CoTwili sell by auction, 'at their Mart' This Day (Wednesday), No-vember 18, at 11 o'clock— l- ??'- ; '.' ' _ - r i :- 28 Cases New CANARY SEED; - ? . , ( !THiB DAY (WednegdayX NovmberlS.;; ' TO VflM A2ib, ' SPIRIT MERCHANTS AND :'p - , : ? OTHERS. SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to sell ? by! auction, at their Mart This Day. (Wednesday),' November 18, at 11 o'dock— : 64 Cases BERNARD'S GINGER. WINE , 100 dd.','Gillori's da 'do. 200 do; Swaine Boord- Old Tom 60 do. Bernard's Scotch Whisky - 50 do. do. Old Tom. TO-MORROW (Thursday), November lft at 2 -? i :!?????? o'clock. ^ ? atwSlaston. :: prime fat cattle. . , f\EAN- LAUGOTON, b CO. ara LJ] instructed to sell, aa above— ? ;£?' t)p Head Prime FAT CATTLE. x

GOVERNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS 4 DEAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICES. *i\- : ?— WHEREAS the Persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the Lands get forth and described before his name lit foot hereof brought unSer the operation of ' The Real Property Act :' Notice is hereby given that unless caveat be lodged with the Registrar-General, by some person having estate or interest in the said Lands, on 01 before the expiration of the period herein below for each case specified, the sajd pieces of Land will be broughtjimder the operation of the said Acf as by law directed. Diagrams delineating theae parcel 1 of Land may be inspected at the Lands Titles Office, Adelaide, and in the offices of the several Corporations or District Councils in which the LamlB are situated, or at the office of the Local Court nearest thereto :— VILLAGE OF BOWDEN-Allotment 8S1, part Section 354, Hundred of Yatala- ALEXANDER FREDERICK BOOUD, The Torrens. HUNDRED OF YATALA-Allotments 9 and 10 of Section 3:J4-PETER PEGLER, Harapstead. HUNDRED OF NURIOOTPA - Section 97JOHANN GEORGE SCHWARZ, Walton. VILLAGE OF ENFIELD-Allotment 6, part of Section 342, Hundred of Yatala-SAMUEL BRADLEY and SARAH BRADLEY, Beverley. HUNDRED OF NUKIOOTfA-Part of Section 128-EDWAUD HEMPKL, Nain. HUNDRED OF MOOROOROO-Part of Section 47-GEORGE FIFE ANGAS, Angaston. HUNDRED OF NUUIOOTPA-Northern moiety of Section 75-GEOtfGE FIFE ANGAS, Angaston. VILLAGE OF NORWOOD-Allotment 22, part of Section 277, Hundred of Adelaide-HENRY MENTE. CITY OF ADELAIDE-Part of Town Acre 640JOHN NANCARROW, Adelaide. HUNDRED OF KAPUNDA-Part of Allotment 29 of Section 1469-JAMES POLLARD, Alagiil HUNDRED OF ONKAPARINGA-Section 5017 ? -GEORGE WILLIAMS 08INNER (Mortgagee exercising Power of bale), Brighton. HUNDRED OF ADKLAIDf£-Part of Allotments 109 and 110 of Section 289- JOHANNE CHARLOTTE GBUSSE, Kensington. VILLAGE OF BROMPTON-Allotments 88 and 89. nart of Section 355, Hundred of YatalaWILLIAM HAMENCE, Wallaroo. HUNDRED OF ADELAIDE -Section 949— ? FRIEDKICH SCHLAMELCHER, Kanmantoo. CirY OF ADELAIDE-Allotment 11 of Town Acres 672 and 67:J-FRIEDRICH SCHLAMELCHER, Kanmantoo.VILLAGE VILLAGE OF BROMPTON-Allotments 93 and 100, part of Section 355. Hundred of Yatala— ALFRED REEVES Bowden. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, November 2!), 1863. TOWNSHIP OF STOCKWELL-AHotment 2, part of Section 208, Hundred of Moorooroo— JOHANN FKIEDR1CH LANGE, Eben Ezar. HUNDRED OF BELVIDERE-Section 139GEOR'.I KLEINIG, Elwn Ezar. TOWNSHIP OF STOCK VVELL-Allotments 54, 55, 56. and 57, part of Section 208. Hundred of Moorooroo-ADOLPH WICHMANN. VILLAGE OF HAHNDORF-Allotment 40. part of Sections 42f.( and 42:J4, Hundred of Kuitpo-PETER LEONHARD SCHLNKEL, near Kanmantoo. HUNDRED OF YATALA-Sections 391 and mi- URIAH CHEESEMAN WHITTLE, Tam O'Shanter Belt. TOWNSHIP OF CL\RE— Allotment 81, part of Sections 39 and 40, Hundred of Clare-EDVVARD BURTON GLEESUN. Clare. TOWNrffllPOF MOUNT BARKER NORTH —Allotment 52, part of Section 4478, Hundred of Macclesfield-WDLLIAM HENRY MATURIN (MorlRagee exercising Power of Sale). CITY' 01? ADELAIDE— Part of Town Acre 915 -ROBERT STANLEY, North Adelaide. IIUNDRKD OF PliNULA-Allotmcnt 109, part of .Section 5. Hundred of Penola- JOSEPH (JIAUt'EIs Nanactiorte. HUNDRED UK- GUULW A— Sections 22!W, 2:)13, 22SIS, and parts of Sections 2231 and 107— THOMAS DODD . and JAMES DODD, Adelaide and Vmikalilla. HUNDRED OF MUNNO PARA-Part Section 7.W1-JOSEPH KENNER. Gawler River. CITY OF ADELAIDE-Part of Town Acre 47S-WILLIAM LUXTON. HUNDRED OF WlLLUN(iA-Sections 57. 64, and (5-R1CHAKD BOUCHER JAMES, Canowie. TOWNSHIP OP NOARLUNGA - Western moiety of Allotment 2L. part of Section ~L Hundred of Noarlunga-KICILUiD BUUCHER JAJ1E3, Canowie. Date up to sunl inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, December (5. 15(53. VILLAGE OF NORWOOD-Allotment 13 of Blocks 2) and 30, part of Section 27(5, Hundred of Ailehiile-VINRACE LAW11ANCE. Adelaide, VILLAGE OF NORWOOD-Allotment 13a. of Blocks 29 and 3', part of Section 27(5, Hundred of Adelaide-GEORGE EDWARD COOPER, Norwood. HUNDRED OF PORT GAWLER-Section 166 -WALTER DUFFIELD, Gawler. HUNDRED OF BELVIDERE-Section 141— JOHANN GOTTLIKB JOHN, near Stockwell. HUNDRED OF NOARLUNGA-Part of Section 118-MARTIN KELLY, Penwortham. HUiVDltEDOF KUITPO - Section :«52. and southern half of 3479- WILLIAM WATERS, Bull's Creek. VILLAGE OF BOWDEN— Allotments 1141, 516. and part of 54-U, parts of Section 35J, Hundred of Yatala - STEPHEN PELTRO HENRY WRIGHT and EDWARD AMAND WRIGHT, Adelaide. HUNDRED OF PORT ADELAIDE-Part of Section I(i83- JAMES HILTON TURNER. CITY OP ADELAIDE-Allotments lfl and 45. part of Town Acre Ju7-SAi\lUEL CAMPAIGN, Adelaide. TOWNSHIP OF PORT ADELAIDFSontheastern part of Allotment 12- JOHANN WILHELM JACOBSEN, Poit Adelaide. KENT TOWN-Allotmeiits 81 and f-% part of Section 255. Hundred of Adelaide-EDW ARD AUGUST NOACK. Kent Town. TOWNSHIP OF PORT LINCOLN - Allotment 88- JAMES OWEN, Port Lincoln. HUNDRED OF CLAltE-Sections 12, 13, and 14-JOHN COLES, near Clare. Date up to and inclusive «f which caveat may be lodged, December 13, 1S6X HUNDRED OF TALUNGA - Section 7047 -ALEXANDER BORTHWICK MURRAY. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, January G, 1864; Dated this tenth day of November, one thousand eizht hundred and sixty-three, at the Registry OlDce, Adelaide, South Australia. W. B. T. ANDREWS, Acting Registrar-General. 'DEAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE.— JX Whereas WILLIAM TRIVETT DALWOOD and JOSEPH MELLOli have made application, under Section No. 79 of the Real Property Act of 1861, to be Registered as Proprietors of the Land described at foot hereof, Notice is hereby given that unless caveat be lodged with the RegistrarGeneral on or before the sixth day of May, 1864, such applicants will be Registered as the Proprietors ' of and Certificate of Title mil be issued to them for the said Land. HUNDRED OF KANMANTOO-Section 1963 -WILLIAM TRIVETT DALWOOD and JOSEPH MELLOR, Goodwood and Adelaide. W. B. T. ANDREWS. 310cv Acting Registrar-General. REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE. -Whereas MICHAEL THORNTOitf has made application, under Section No. 79 of the Real Property Act of 1861, to be Registered as Proprietor of the Land described at foot hereof, Notice is hereby given that unless caveat be lodged with the Registrar-General on or before the twenty-second day of April, 1861, such applicant will be Registered as the Proprietor of and Certificate of Title will be issued to him for the said Land :— HUNDRED OF UPPER WAKEFIELDSections 85, 88. 97, 3u59. 110, 112, 126-M1CHAEL THORNTON, Upper Wakefield. HUNDRED OF ALMA-Sections 575, 164, 168, 152-MICHAEL THORNTON, Upper Wakefield. W. B. T. ANDREWS, 2flGcv Acting Registrar-General. SALE OF CROWN LANDS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10. Crown Lands Office, Adelaide, ™™™, October 28, 1863. NOTICE is hereby given that the following portions of Crown Lands will be ofleied for sale by public auction, at the Land Office, Adelaide, on Thursday, the tenth day of December, 18(3;* at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, at the upset price affixed to each lot respectively, on the terms and conditions, and under the provisions of an Act of the Parliament of South Australia, passed in the twenty-first year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled 'An Act for Regulating the Sale and other disposal of Waste Lands belonging to the Crown in South Australia.' Deposit, twenty per cent. LAV. GLYDE, Commissioner of Orown Lands. TowuL0T8. ' , . , County Eyre-Blanchetomi, Hundred of Skurray, Lot. a. r. p. Price. Lot. a. b. p. ' Price 29 0 2 0 j£25 0 157 0 2 35 jE35 19 30 0 2 0 25 0 158 0 3 (I 37 10 31 0 2 0 25 0 160 0 2 27 33 9 CoBNTnv Sections.— Upset price £\ per acre. County Gawler— About five miles south-west of Humphreys's Springs, on the road from the Stockyards to the Red Banks, Hundred of Dalkey fflO % A1203-| ^ **? ACreS-County Gawler— Between Mills's Well, wi the road through the Nine-mile Scrub, and Dunn's public-house, on the River Wakefield, Hundred of Dalkey. 521 141 98 533 153 42 ... 522 142 % 534 154 108 52J 141 98 535 155 139 524 144 102 536 156 151. . 525' 145 115 537 157 169 52rt 146 75 538 158 128 527 147 148 539 159 127 528 148 163 540 160 141 529 149 116 541 181 181 530 150 112 542 162 193 531 151 93 543 163 88 632 152 126 County Gawler— About five., miles north of the Red Banks, on the road from the Red Banks to the Stockyards, Hundred of Grace. 544 ^60 137 548 364 119 545 361 121 549 365 128 546' ? 362 ? 134 550 360 124 547 , 363 141 551 367 126 County. Gawler-About five and a half miles south-east oi the Red Banks, and one and a half south and south-east of BuUert Woolshed, Hundred of MudlaWirra. ' 552 649 109 I B54. 651 91 553 650 118 I 655 652 90 County Light-About two miles north by east of Hamilton, .Hundred of Waterloo. ,556 109 66 559 ' 132 80 557 111 80 560 -134 83 558 130 60 ? County Grey-From six to seven miles east by north of Mount Gambier, Hundred of Gambier. 561' 116 64 567 122 191 562 117 80 568 123- 145 563 . 118 95 569 126 106 564 ,119 116 670 ' 127 93 565 180 ,118 . 571 , 128 m 566 121' l119 ?'«*???*- J*

mm on uistt HprioitB. fFrom the Gazette of Thursday^ October 29. MACDONNELL, 8ection. 32?, James Linn, Poundkeeper.— One yellow and white bullock, branded like IW with ~ over near thigh; one blue and white bullock; like AC off ribs; one white bullock, like JC off ribs; one Ted and whiu bullock, rope round horns, like HO conjoined ofi rump, like 4 off thigh; one strawberry heifer, nc brand; one Btrawoerry cow, branded F neat rump. If not claimed, will be sold November 25, 1863, at noon. POLTALLOCK, 8ection957, LeonardLovegrove, Poundkeeper.— One bay horse, scar on off lcnee, near hind foot white. Baddle marked, like writing M near shoulder, illegible brand off shoulder, aged; one grey cobby mare, short switch tail, scar on off knee, bad tack, like SH over HF neat shoulder, aged; one bay hone, white on forehead, saddle ana collar marked, three white. feet, branded like RB over TR near shoulder, R orl thigh, R with numbers off side neck; one dart bay gelding, black points, like JAY near shoulder one iiav fiflv, black points, white spots on back, JR with — under near shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold November 23, 1863, at noon. SALISBURY, Thomas Wright. Poundkeeper.One bay mare, black points, long taiL in hobbles branded JL off shoulder, if not claimed, will b-sold November 23, 1863, at noon. DRY CREEK, George Taylor, Poundkeeper.One bay hoise, branded like WH near shoulder like 24 off shoulder. If not claimed, will be sole November 23, 1863, at noon. KOORENGA, Section 3040. near Redrulh Gaol D. Macnaraara, Poundkeeper:— One black colt star on forehead, F near shoulder; one chesnul filly, blaze down the face, Dear hind foot white like HC near shoulder; one bay horse, blacl points, star, collar and saddle marked, like *-- ovei A with T under ofl shoulder, like — V conjoinei with EM under near shoulder; one brown filly like OJ near shoulder. If not claimed, will Ik sold November 23, 1663,' at noon. MEADOWS, Charles Agar, Poundkeeper.- One brown mare, star in forehead, branded' a of] shoulder; one cheanut entire, about two years old, blaze down face, branded like JM conjoined neai neck, like JH conjoined near shoulder with like N over hj conjoined or % over 1-3 conjoined under. If not claimed, will be soldNovembei 23. 1863, al noon. WHTTWARTA, Lower.Wakefield, Hundred ol Stow, Samuel Smith Poundkeeper.— One brown horse, hobbles on (green hide straps fastened with small pegs), branded like | .with ,0 over conjoined off neck, like d with Rover crossed with othei brands near- shoulder, if not claimed, will be sold, subject to pound fees, November 23. 1863, al noon. .,, .,''.. SPRINGFEELD, in the Hundred of Gilbert, Section No. 1102, Thorn™ Wm. Rollings, Pound keeper.— One dark grey entire or rig, white star or forehead, two hind, fetlocks white, about ftfteer months old, branded like HR conjoined nea-shoulder, brand not perfect. If not claimed, wil be sold November Z\ 1863, at noon. [From the Gazette of Thursday, November 5.] MAUILL, Joseph Mercer, Poundkeeper.— One large red and white spotted working bullock, branded like JT over A conioiued and H off rump If not claimed, will be sold November 30, ht-3, al noon. BREMER RESERVE, near Harrowgate, Wil liam Inglis, Poundkeeper.— One chesnut filly, like Cm near shoulder, small star on forehead; one bay filly, black points, star On forehead, L neai shoulder; one yellow cow, star on' forehead, £ little white on rump, like Jc and | over C crossce: near ribs; one red nobby heifer, like AW con joined off ribs; one red and white spotted heifer, like PB with ^ nnder the P or % off' rump; one black marc, like DM near shoulder, small star on forehead; one dark bay or brown yearling colt, white 011 near hind foot, star on forehead, nc brand visible; one chesuut yearling entire, white brand visible; ope brown entire horse, white on oh' fore foot, star 'on forehead, like W near siile neck; one roan or iron-grey colt, like c near sliouider. If not claimed, will be sold No vember 30, lSttJ, at noon, LANGHQRNE'S CREEK, Section 3550. Robcrl Clifford, Poundkeeper.— One bay yearling, coir, star, branded W with Q under Wear shoulder. I] not claimed, will be sold November an, isw, m noon. MOUNT TLEASANTTsection 70% Hundred of Talunga, Edwin Bncc, Poundkeepcr. — Ont brown mure, stir in forehead. TP off shoulder like K near shoulder, fil/y foal at side. If noi claimed, will be sold November 23, 1SU3, at noon, KOORrNGA, Section' 3040, near Rcdruth Gaol, D. Maciiaiimra. Poundkeeper.— One black coir, star on forehead, like F with '- over near shoulder: one chesnut filly, blaze down face, near hind font white, like J with X under off shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, 1863, at noon. SADDLEWORTH, Section '411, George Kinp borough, Poundkeeper.— One white mare, branded like JT with O over and T under off shoulder, a little lame off hind leg, with a horse foal at foot, about six weeks did: one black mare, branded IF or JP with 3 over like JJ top of near shoulder, white fetlocks, star on forehead, white snip on nose. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, lSli:], at noon. APOINGA, Section No. 10, Robert Parr, Pound, keeper.— One roan horse, star, like 55 neai shoulder, switch tail; one brown horse, white fact;, near hind leg white, like S near shoulder, swkcl] tail. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, 1S03, at noon. SALISBURY, Thomas Wright. Poundkeeper.One yellow and white cow, near horn broken oft', like IG over ~ near shoulder, calf at foot, week old. It not claimed, will be sold November 2:), lS63,'tft'Joon. SOUTH RHINE; Section 551, John McMillan, Poundkeeper.— One roan bull, white stripe on face, brown about head and neck, small slit in near ear, no brands visible; one red and white spotted steer, rather staggy, branded like JH oil rump; one light bay mare, black points, switch tail, star in forehead, old Bore upon nose, fore feet shod, branded O over H near shoulder: one dark brown filly, near hind foot white, white stripe down face, branded W off shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, 1863, at noon. W1LLUNGA, Richard Crafter, Poundkeeper.One roan filly, illegible brand off shoulder, two years old ; one chesnut filly, branded *t with '-over near shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, 1863, at noon. CLAYTON, James Gilbert, Poundkeener.One black filly, stir in forehead, two hind feel white, branded DM near side neck; one browr ditto, star in forehend, : DM near side neck; one bay horse foal, no brand visible. If not claimed, will be sold November 28, 1863, at noon. COROMANDEL VALLEY, Section 93B, G. Thiselton, Poundkeeper-T-One dark brown horse, white hind feet, star in forehead, no brands visible; one bay mare, black paints, star in fore head, indescribable brand : off shoulder; one baj ilily, black points, no. brands visible. If nol claimed, will be sold November 30, 1863, at noun. NORTH RHINE, Charles Dansie, Poundkeeper. —One black or dark brown mare, star in forehead, like RG or RC near shoulder, If not claimed, wil be sold November 30, 1863, at noon.— One yellow yearling heifer calf, no, brand visible; one old yellow and white bullock, near ear topped, stump) tail, illegible brand near rump; one yellow anil white bullock, wide horns, off car marked, like L or O ot other brand off rump ; one yellow-sidei cow, white back and belly, d oil rump, a off ribs, like MC or MO or' other ,brand near rump, witl strawberry bull calf at side. If not claimed, wil be sold November 23, 1863, at noon, by order of 1 Magistrate. STR ATHALBYN, James Close, Poundkeeper.One bay horse, black points, shod all round, ~-over W near shoulder, like — KG 61 KO off shoul der. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, 186:), at noon. KING'S BELT, near the Sheaoaic Log, Henrj Smith, Poundkeeper.— One black horse, star it forehead, branded like B ovei S near shoulder ; one bay mare, star in forehead, shod all round, branded like '-'Over'JF with 571 under near shoulder, TK off neck, GK off shoulder; one bay filly, stark forehead, no brand visible; one yearling bay filly, white face and fore feet, no brand ; one yearling bay filly, white hind feet, piece of rope on neck, nc brand. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, . 1,863. at noon. N : GLENELG, BY Bankliead, Poundkeeper.— One black horse, white feet white blaze down face, blotch brand near shoulder, near side fore leg in jured. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, 1863, at noon. : 'MORPHETT VALETwllliam Boyce, Pound keeper.— One bay horse, branded IP near shoulder, dike v off shoulder, white under saddle. If nol claimed, will be sold December 8, 1863, at noon. ' ONETREE ICLL, Munno Para East, Wm Hanilin, Poundkeeper.— O%e yellow poley cow, white lwlly, no brand visible;' one red cow, small nobby horns, like 8 or Cover Onear rump; one mouse-coloured steer, white belly, little white on back, no brand visible; one biown bullock, white on back, belly, arid tail, wide cock Tiorns, like -~ over G with ~ under near ribs, blotch brand like ISS.with ' under low down near ribsl like SS or IS on rump. If not claimed, will be sold November 23, 1863, at noon, by a. Magistrate's order. ( -. TWO WELLS, Port Gawler, Section 159, John Carter, Poundkeeper.— One iron-grey horse, white star on forehead, white off hind fetlock, branded Ton near side of neck,, with, a girth round his neck; one chesnutfilly* Maze down face, branded — overHB on off shoulder; one iron-grey horse, branded HB on off shoulder, white on face, with bang tail, illegible brand hear shoulder: one dark iron-grey colt, branded like JB off shoulder, star on forehead, a lump onnearhindfetlock ; one dark bay horse, black points, white on forohead and nose, withR on off thigh, like J *?- with like 1-R conjoined nnder on near shoulder, crippled on fore legs; one iron-grey colt, branded HB o(f shoulder, with a star on forehead; one bay filly, white face, and near fore fetlock white, no brands visible. If not claimed, will be sold November 3f, 1863, at noon. SPRINGFD3LD, in! the' Hundred of Gilbert, Section No. 1102, 1 Thomas William Rollings, Poundkeeper.— One white heifer calf, red ears and muzzle, short Btaggy horns, about 15 months old, like .M.OC near rump; one white grizzly heifer calf, small horns, brown muzzle, brown ears, like OCm under near rump, about 15 months old, both lately branded. If not claimed, will be sold November lfi. 1863, at noon, by a Magistrate's order. -7-)ne bay filly, star on forehead, black points, rising three years oW, unbroken, like JI crossed near shoulder; one black filly, white star in forehead, long mane, long bushy tail (draws the ground), about three yean old, of the cart breed, like JI crossed the same brand near shoulder; one black grey colt, long maae and tail, rising three years old, JI croued near shoulder; one bay colt, white muzzle, two hind fetlocks white, small spot white on forehead, about 15 months old, like JI crossed near Bhoulder; one dark brown colt, white star on forehead, near hind fetlock white, about 15 months old. like W near thoulder, the above are of the cartoned. If not claimed, viUbewld November 30, 1863,.atn-)on.

?? WHITWARTA, Lower Wakefield; fiundred «of ; Stow, Samuel Smith, Poondkeeper.—Ond red bullock, brown face, little white on back and: belly, hobble on off fore. foot branded like h with (3 over off shoulder; h vita 0 over off rump, . like y near rump, sore on off thigh; one white cow, TG off ribs, like M near ribs; one red heifer, white snots on flanks and taiL no brand visible ; one red heifer, white spots on flanks, no brand visible; one red cow, branded like xH with R under near rump, red heifer calf at foot: one strawberry cow, piece out of near ear, branded like MC near ribs, like iL near rump, 885 off ribs, J with ~ over off rump; one dark red roan steer, slit in both ears, like IL near rump, like 2 near ribs; one white strawberry cow, red cheeks, S near ribs, calf at foot ; one brown bull, star in forehead, branded C with J over off rump; one red steer, B with ~ under near shoulder; one yellow cow, white face, belly, and hind legs, branded like x with S over off ribs, calf at foot. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, 1863, at noon. HAMILTON, Alfred Player, Poundkeeper.One brown mare, star in forehead,- white spots behind ears, collar marked, headstall on, branded like W in circle with 3 over near shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold November 30, 1863, at noon. . ; BUMBURNDZ, ftction 260, Hundred of Clare, William Marshall Poundkeeper. — One light brown mare, like T illegible :near shoulder; one cbesnut mare, star in forehead, like WA over J near shoulder, like H or M off neck; one chesnut mare, blaze iu face, four white feet, like C near shoulder; one bay filly, both hind feet white, like to near shoulder.. If not claimed, will be sold November 3 ), 1863, at noon. MYPONGA,' Alex. -Jameron. Poundkeeper.— The Day mare advertioed on the 27th August last as branded like V on the neck off side, like W near shoulder, now appears like blotched W near shoulder, supposed to be five years old. If not claimed, will be sold November 23, 1863, at noon. DARLINGTON, George Lewis, Poundkeeper.One old bay mare, branded like C and P) conjoined near shoulder: one br ndle. cow, with one horn broken, branded S near ribs, and J oo near rump. If not claimed, will be sold November 23, 1863, a noon. LEASINGHAM, Henry Solly, Poiindkeeper.One red-sided bullock, strawberry neck and back,cancer in the jaw, like JC off ribs; one spotted bullock, like IC near rump, cancer in the jaw.; one light strawberry heifer, like.R with — under near rump. If not claimed, will be sold November 9, 1863,' at noon, by a Magistrate's order.— One yellow bullock, branded like JE near rump, blotch brand near ribs. If not claimed, will be sold November 23, 1863, at noon. . ??. , KOORUNDEE, William Nott, Poundkeeper.— One bay mare, speckled; back, white hind feet, saddle marked, like WR with spectacle brand under near shoulder, 53 with O over off shoulder; one black mare white down face, like JH conjoined near shoulder, ES with indistinct brand under off shoulder, like PK off ribs. If not claimed, will be sold November 23, 1863, at noon. MARDON, near Payneham, Section 284, George Coombs, Poundkeeper.— One bay horse pony, black points, not shod, star, rope, hobbles, and tin on neck,' branded near shoulder like IC. with indistinct brand over. . If not claimed, will be sold November 23, 1863, at noon. I From the Gazette of Thursday, Nov. 12. 1 STOCKPORT, Martin Kinahan, Poundkeeper. —One d;irk cjiesnut horse, branded like J over 5 near shoulder;, one black , mure, star, in forehead, near hind foot white, branded like D near shoulder, . like M off shoulder, shod all round ; one bay filly, blaze down face, like SP near shoulder; one brown or black horse, like SP near shoulder; one chesnut filly, about 12 months old, illegible brand near shoulder, both hind feet white; one red and white spotted bullock, Jike MD or MO oil rump; one brown bullock, hoop horns, like E y near ril-s; pne red bullock, like J.W near ribs; one red bulloak. white back and belly, like J.W near ribs; one riS and white bullock, near horn broken off, like J.W near ribs; one white bullock,, like AQ uear ribs, TWfoff rib3, like AW conjoined off rump; one white bullock, strawberry neck, J.W near rita. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. TUNGKILLO, Section 192, Job Hobbs, Poundkeeper.— One chesnut ^eldinp, blaze down face, like writing L off shoulder, like w and JF conjoined with 33 under near shoulder, both knees uroKen. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1SU}, at noon. FENWORTHAM, JolmFrest, Poundkeeper.One red and white heifer, branded like T over ?** with R over— under off rump: one strawberry leopard cow, branded like AF with T under near rump ; one red and white heifer, branded .TK near rump; one red steer, branded Jike TK near rump; one spotted heifer, branded TK near rump; one red and white cow, branded TK near rump; ope red and white calf, rope round neck, no brand visible; one yellow poley heifer, branded like writing /-- over M with writing ~ over M near ribs. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. HANSON, Section 2203. near the Cross Roads Inn, M. Leggo, Poundkeeper.— One white steer, cock horns, little dark on both sides of face and both ears, piece cut out of near ear, like C with -» over with ^ and 8 under near ribs; one black and white spotted steer, like diamond near shoulder, like LE VI near ribs. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1803, at noon. SADDLEWORTH, Section 411, George Kingshorough, Poundkeeper.— The black mare advertised in last week's Gazelle branded [P or JP with 3 over, like JJ top of near shoulder, there now appears like 5 and S in circle oft' shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. HUNDRED of APOINGA, Section No. 10, Robert Parr, Poundkeeper.— One brown and white bullock, white face, like HB conjoined near and off rump ; one strawberry bullock, near ear slit ljke JP near ribs, ljke I over ts off loin; one strawberry bullock, like triangle over 1 conjoined nearribs;one brindle steer, like *» over x off ribs, like x over~ off shoulder, ears marked; one white steer, off car marked, like S off ribs; one red and white steer, branded like triangle between O O with O over conjoined and LEV! near ribs ; one red and white heifer, cut throat, like triangle between O O with O over conjoined and LEvI near ribs. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 18G3, at noon. W1LLUNGA. Richard Crafter, Poundkeeper.— One bay filly, white stripe down face, branded H over ~ near shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1803, at noon. KOORINGA, Section 3040, near Redruth Gaol, D. Macnamara, Poundkeeper. — One iron-grey horse, collar and saddle marked, like SB or SR near shoulder; one brown horse, white down the face, like ~ over C or «-. o»er -J near shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1R63, at noon.— One light brown mare, white down the face, off fore and hind feet white, saddle-marked, like AL conjoined near shoulder, illegible brand off shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold November 23, 1863, at noon, by a Magistrate's order. DARLINGTON, George Lewis, Poundkceper.One strawberry bullock, like o or bellows brand near shoulder; out yellow brindle bullock, like O or very small bellows brand near shoulder. If not claimed, will Ire sold December 7, 1863, at noon. MINTARO, Michael Lynch, Poundkeeper.— One bay mare, saddle marked, like 3D conjoined off shoulder, like T or F or J in writing near shonlder. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. LEASINGHAM,. Henry Solly, Poundkeeper.— One bay mare, two white hind legs, — with G over off shoulder, JT .like /cover near shoulder; one black entire horse; like Jf off shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. HOPE VALLEY, James Hill, Poundkeeper.Onc light red and white, cow, Avhite in forehead, little brindle round face and neck, tios horns up, like O with O half over and conjoined near blade. If not claimed, will be sold November 1(1, 1S03, at noon, by order of a Magistrate. BULL'S CREEK, Edward Tilly, Poundkeeper.One strawberry bull, diamond and - like Jfi conjoined near rump; one yellow heifer, no brand visible ; one red roany heifer, no hrand visible. If not claimed, will be sold November 17, 1863, at noon, by a Magistrate's order.— One brown and white bull stag, like JN conjoined near shoulder, C near rump; one yellow cow, white face,, cock. horns, like aC off rump. If not claimed, will be sold November 21, 1863, at noon, by a Magistrate's order. , . BAGOTS 'WELL. Section 260, Hundred of Kapunda, Thomas Pollock, Poundkeeper.— One red and white spotted bull, white belly and taiL thrccjlegs white, near horn broken, one hobble on, like £F near rump. If not claimed, will be sold November 23, 186% at noon, to pay expenses. NORTH AUBURN, Michael Curren, Pound-' keeper.— One red stag bullock, down horns, near horn broken off, branded BKcearrilw; one joan or grey mare, light face, branded like JJ sideways near shoulder; one dark bay filly, star in forehead, branded like MK conjoined or MB conjoined off shoulder, like S with — over near shoulder; one dark chesnut filly, four white feet, small star in forehead, like MB .conjoined near shoulder, like MB conjoined near neck; one bright chesnut filly, four white feet, star in forehead, branded like MB conjoined near neck, like MB conjoined nearshtulder; one chesnut colt, white face, four white feet, branded like M or Al hear shoulder, like MB conjoined near, neck: one chesnut mare, star in forehead, near kind fetlock white, branded like Al over Al near shoulder; one black or bro»n horse, smullstar in forehead, short switch taiL sore back, saddle marks, branded like SH near shoulder, T near thigh. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. SPRINGFIELD, in the Hundred of Gilbert, Section No. 1102, Thos. Win. Rollings, Poundkeeper.— One dark brindle ox, BO with NE under near ribs ; one red brindle ox, BO with NE under near ribs, like &T off rump, 233 off ribs, tip off near ear. piece cut out off ear; erne red ox, hB near ribs. iAVl off ribs; oue red ox. bell-strap x-n neck, EB near rump ; one red and white ox, like BO with NE under off ribs, earmarked, like G with H under near ribs; one chesnut mare, crippled near fore leg, two shoes on, four white feet, stroke dom face, like A with 33 over near shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. ? TOWNSHD? of VICTORIA, near Kapunda Mine, Richard Rowctt, Poundkeeper.— One blue bullock, JR off rump; one black bullock, indistinct brand near ribs, like AB conjoined near rump, blotch brand off rump. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. BUMBURNDZ Section 260. Hundred of Clare, Wm. Marshall, Poundkeeper.— One brown horse, star in forehead, off hind foot white, Bhoes on, like JT near shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. BANGOR, No. 2 Allotment, Mount Remarkable Special Survey, Alex. Campbell, Poundkeeper.— One chesnut entire colt, about two. years old, silver mane and taiL light silver-coloured feet, white stripe down face, if branded not visible. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863, at noon. AIDING A, D. F. Downing, Poundkeeper.-One dark bay hone, black pointa, blaze down face, like ?3 near shoulder. If not claimed, will be sold December 7, 1863. at noon.