South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 27 September 1861, page 2


We have how received complete copies of Mir. Stuart's diary, containing detailed accounts of his recent second journey acres* the conti tent, of his new explorations in tho extreme

aorth and north-west, and of h'n return home ward. It is unnecessary, however, to rrprnit the many pages of close matter which describe the progress of the expedition to Attack Creek —the farthest point of last year's exploration — is the same route was, on this occasion, in aearlv all cases followed. Ibe chief difference a that Mr. Stuart, in his recent expedition, did not turn olT from the centre of the conti nent and take a sweep to tho west, where he discovered tiu D^nison Ranges, but kept right on northward over a generally gra?3y and well' watered track until he arrived at Attack Creek, which he did on the 21th of April. As beyond that point the explorations are all new, we subjoin that part of the diai y in which they ire described, omitting only those day3 or portions of days on which nothing of interest to the reader took place : — Wednesday, 24th April.— Arrived at Attack Creek ; camped at the same place that I did on my former journey. Tracks of natives about, but we liave seen none of them. I kept abovt a mile to the west of my former tract and found the .?ountry much more open; six miles is poor, country being scrub and spinifex mixed with grass. The banks of both creeks for two or three miles ire splendidly covered with graw, in some places aver the horses' heads. Four of the horses are ill, ind looking very bad indeed Wind, S. W. Thursday, 25th April.— Attack Creek. Started it 7.50, on a course of 2!)4' to top of the ranjie, which I liave- named Whitiugton llange. At six miles reached the top. At 9.50 changed to N. W., . and at 11.30 struck a huge gum creek running east, with lar^e watcrholes in it. At about 2*K) yards crossed it again, running to the west, and shortly afterwards crossed it again, miming to the east. This being our first new discovery, I have honoured it by calling it Morphett's Creek. We then ascended another portion of the range, and continued along a spur on our course. This range presents a new feature, in having gums growing on the top and all round it; it is composed of masses of ironstone, granite, sand and limestone, and in some places white marble. The view to the E. and S.E. is apparently thick wood or scrub, to the N.K. another range. Not being on the highest part 1 could not see the other points ; the course of it is about N.N.W. Thinking that the creek we had passed might break through a low part of the ninge, which I could see to the N. W., at 10 miles I changed to W. and crossed to the other range, but found the dip of the country to the S. We could find no water; traced the creek to the S.E. for two miles; found some water and camped. The range is very rough and stony, covered with spinifex; but the creeks are beautifully grassed. Native smoke to E. This is one of the sources of Morphett's Creek, and flows to the E. ; it is as largo, if not larger, than Attack Creek, and in all probability contains watetholw quite as tine to the eastward. Lat., IS' 50- 40'. Friday, 28th April.— Morphett's Creek. At 8 a.m. started on a course of 300° to cross the north-west part of the range. At 9.30 changed to 31«* 40' to a clear hill. At 10.30 passed through a grassy plain with gum-trees. At 11.45 on the top of the last spur. At 3 p.m. changed to 340° to some large gum-trees, to see if there is- a creek. At two miles came upon a small creek, coming from a large grassy plain which H()S to the east of our track. Followed it down in search of water for three miles, hut amid find none. Kun it out into a ttrassy plain with gum-trees. 1 then returned to whore I left the party ; followed it up into the large grassy plain for almiii niie mile, but Undine no appearance of water camped after sundown. This plain is of the

same description as John s I'lain, that 1 met with mi uty former journey to tin: north-east of Bishop's Creek - a large open plain, covesvd with grass, and with -mly a few bushes on it. The journey to-day has been very rout;]! and stony -mostly over rises of the range, which we have not yet got clear of. It is covered with spinifev, guiu-trees, and scrub. The creeks rim a short distance from the hills, and form small ur.issy plains. Not a drop of water have we passed to-day, nor is there the appearance of any on before us. i shall lie compelled to fall hack in-iiiorrow to the water of last night. Four uf the horses, I am afraid, will not lie able to tret there. I must try more to the north, and endea vour t » Lret i(tiit 11I' tlie plains, and ;.'et aiiniiiLrst t lie creeks. There is no hope of success on this course. The country Iia- now the appearance ol summer. All the grass heiiiL' quite dry, the rain we have had below din's not seem to have reached thus far. It must lie the midsummer rains that supply this part ol tin- country. Ut., IS :K. Wind, K. Saturday, :!7th April.- («*y plains. Started at 7.10 a.m., course 110 to the other side of the plain. At three miles came upon a small creek ruiminu' towards the north. 1 followed it down to the norih. At three miles came upon a fine large creek running from the south-east, with plenty of water. Returned to the party, took them down to the large creek on north course, and at three miles camped. Two of the horses are nearly done up. Wind, S,E. Lat. l.v 35' -20'. Sunday, 2Sth April.— Tomkinson's Creek. Sent Thring down to examine and see how the creek runs. We have found many new plants and flowers; also some trees, one of which grows to a large size— the largest about a foot in diameter. The fruit is about the size and colour and has the appearance of plums ; the bark is of a grey colour; he foliage oval and dark green. Another is more of a bush, and has a very peculiar appearance: the seed-vessel is about the size of an orange, hut more pointed. When ripe it opens into four divisions, which look exactly like honeycomb inside, and in which the .seeds are contained ; they are about the size of a nut (the outside is very hard). The natives roast and eat them. The leaves resemble the mulberry, and are of a downy light-green. We have obtained a few of the seeds of it. The beau tree does not seem to grow up here. Mr. Kek-wick, in looking for plants this morning, discovers one which very much resembles wheat in straw (which is verv tough), ear, and seed. It grows two feet high. The seed is small, but very much like wheat, both in shape and colour. At about :{ p.m. Thring returned, having run the creek out into u larjje grassy plain. Its course is W.N. W. for about nine miles; it then turns to W-, and empties itself into the plain. There is plenty of water about-, but where it empties itself it becomes fjuity dry. The native companion, the emu, and the sacred ibis are on this creek. The country is splendidly grassed. We have got to the north side of the Whitington Range. 1 will have to leave my two done-up horses here, and will get them when I return. The hills and rocks are of the same de scription as the tirst part of the range. Wind, S. ; sun hot; but the nights and mornings are very cold. Monday, 29th April.— Tonikinson's Creek. Had a late start this morning, in consequence of my having to take a lunar observation. Started at 10.30 a.111. At two miles changed to XW\ to a high hill. At two miles met with a gum creek, containiqu water. At 2.10 p.m. reached the top of the high hill ; from this we could see a gum creek. Started at 2.30 to examine it; found water, and camped at 4. Bearing from water to high lull, 110°, which I have named Mount Primrose. This water will last us six or eijiht weeks. The country passed to-day has l)een mostly stony rises of the same description as the other parts of the range. The valleys have a light sandy soil, nearly all with spinifex and scrub. Tljere is very little grass in the creek at this place; its course at Mount Primrose- is W.N. W. ; on the other side of our camp it turns to S.W. The view from the top of Mount Primrose is not extensive, except to the W. and S. W., which appears to be thick wood or scrub. There are jia tive smokes in that direction. To the N. and N.E. I could see two other grassy plains; l-eyond them is another stony ridge, which prevented my seeing further than about six miles. To the N.W. are high rough hills, which continue round to S.W., and seem to be lost in the woody plain. Near the top of Mount Primrose we met with a scran, Euca hjlttim dnmom, about half a mile through. There is also the appearance of a high range in the far distance, towards the S.W. 1 trust this bad couutrv will not continue much longer. 'Wind, S.E. ; latitude, IS' 25'. Tuesday, 30th April.— Carruthers Creek. Started at S3 a.m., course ;C!5° to another high hill. At HoO reached the top; changed our course to another hiyh hill. At 10'40 crossed u Rum creek rimniiii! to south-west, with water in it. At 1T25 reached the top of the range: descended, and at 150 p.m. found a creek running from the range, with a splendid hole of permanent water situated under a clirl' where the creek leaves the ranges; it is very deep, with a rocky bottom. From the top of the range tho country seems to. be very thick, which 1 am afraid is scrub; no high hills visible ; to the north of this the range appears to cease: I wish it had continued for another «0 miles. The couutrv passed to-day has been stony rises coming from the ranye, very rough and rocky indeed. My horses' shoes are nearlv all gone : I am obliged to let some go without— they have felt the last four .rough d;;ys very much. Spinifex, scrub, and /stunted gums all the day, with occasionally a few tufts of grass; this is a very poor country indeed; native smokes still in squth-enst. The hills of tho same formation ;is those we first came upon in entering the ranges from Attack Creek. This creek I have named Hunter's Creeek. Camped. The horses seem very tired. Wind, E. Lat., IS1 17'. Wednesday, 1st May.— Hunter's Creek. Started at S a.m. ; course 305'. At S'45 crossed the Hunter going south-west; it came round again and con tinued crossing our course thirteen times m nine miles,' after which it was lost in a large grassy and gumjplain. At 3'15p,m. changed to N.; at4'15 changed to E. over a scrubby plain; at 5'15 camped. The plain which the creek loses itself bears S.W. ; the banks are beautifully grassed, but about a mile on either side the soil is sandy, with spinifex and scrub, which continued for nine miles; M'e then entered upon a scrub and grassy plain. Not |ji)dingacreeT£,ortlieleastindication of a water course, and the scrub becoming very thick, with a new description of tree (which in places we saw alwut one foot in diameter— the bark is grey and rough, having a small, dark, green leaf, sliaped like a butterfly's wing— it is a very handsome tree, with drooping branches), I changed to N. to see if I coulu find any water; but at three miles we lost the gums, the new tree taking their place, and be coming very thick scrub with plenty of grass, but no sign of a watercourse. I again changed to east, in the nope of cutting one in that direction. At one and a half miles agaio came upon small gums; and at three miles, seeing neither creek nor any hope of getting water, camped 'The horses very tired Wind light from W.N.W.; latitude, IS5 3* 19 ' Thursday, 2nd May.— Large scrubby and grassy pliic. Started at 10 a.m., in consequence of some pf the horses having strayed a long way to the east durihglthe iiis$t; course 143° 30', back to Hunter's Creek. I nave taken a different course, to see if there is any creek that supplies this plain with water. For about nine miles we passed over a splendidly-grassed plain, with gum-tree^, the new tree, and ai| sort of bushes; one part for' about three miles is subject to inundation, the Eucalyptus dumona growing thicK P« it. We then passed over about two miles of spinifex and grass, and again entered the grassy plain, which continued to Hunter's Creek. During the whole day we have not seen the shallow of a creek or watercourse ; it is a great disappointment to be forced to return back from such good country through want of water. If there nad been any sign of a water course, or if I could have seen any rising ground bear our course, I would have gone on another day : J sent 'Wall to the top of the highest tree, to see u there is anything within view; he can see nothing but the sane description of plain. If my horses

can travel to-morrow (the last three days have been so very hot that it has nearly done up some of them) I will try a course to the* north, and run down the creek, to see if there is one that will lead me through this plain. If 1 could get to some rising ground 1 think I should be all right ; but here is none visible except the end of the range, which is lost sight of to the N.£. Wind, again S.E., with a few clouds; latitude, \--' 13' 40'. Friday, 3rd May.— Hunter's Creek. Started at 8.40 a.m., course 3o0\ At 1 1.15 (nine miles) came upon a creek— dry sandy bed; searched for water, and at three quarters of a mile to the E. found a nice hole; watered the horses and proceeded on the same course— starting at 12. At 3.:»0 p.m. changed to 20' N. of E. : the tirst 10 miles was over a plain of gums covered with grass two feet long ; the creek which we crossed and watered at empties here ; we had then six miles of spinifex, and a thick scrub of dwarf lancewood, as tough as whalebone ; ? after that we entered upon another gum plain, also splendidly grassed, which continued for four miles, when the gums suddenly ceased, and it became a large open plain to N. as far as I could see ; to N.W. is a small hill, with woody country around it ; to N.E. is a low range. Seeing no appearance of water, I changed my course to :w S. of E., to some high gums ; and at one mile, finding none, I camped without it. This seems now to be a change of country; there is no telling when ur where I may gut the next water on this course, so that I shall be compelled to go towards the range to-morrow to get some, and have a long day's punier to the new country. The wind has been from L. ail day. Lat. IT 50' 40'. Saturday, 4th May.— Sturt's Plains. Started at 7.15 a.m., course H, to find water; at 3.^0 p.m. came upon a little creek and found a small quan tity of water, which we gave to the horses. Started again at 9 p.m., course S.K, following the creek to lind more. At a mile and a half found water, which will do us until Monday morning. I pro ceeded to the top of the range to obtain a view of the country round but was disappointed in its height; from the plain it appeared higher than it really is. This range I liave named Ashburton Kange, after Lord Ashburton. The point upon which I am at present is about three miles E. of our camp; the view from S. to X.W. is over a wooded plain; from N.W. to N. is a large open ulain, with scarcely a tree upon it; no range or .high country visible in the far distance except this rouge and a low rise to N.W. On leaving outjast nignVs'canipfwe passed over three miles' ofifthe plain, which is subject to inundation; therf are numerous nasty holes in it, into which the Jjjorses were constantly stumbling; it is eoveredV%ith splendid grass, and is as fine a country as liave ever crossed. These plains I have named Start's Plains, after the venerable father of Australian exploration and my respected commander of the expedition in 1845. Ashburton Kange is composed of sandstone and ironstone, granite, and a little quartz; it is verv rough and broken. Native tracks about here. ^ iud, S.E. This creek I havo named Watson's Creek, Sunday, 5th May.— Watson's Creek, Ashburton Range. Sent Thring to the north along the range to see if there is permanent water. At eight miles he returned having found plenty; one large hole is about a mile from here; in another creek it is apparently* permanent, having a rocky bed. A flight of pelicans over head to-day; they seem to liave come from the north-west, which course I will try to-morrow. Wind, S.E. Lat., IT KT 40'. Monday, Gtli May.— Watson's Creek, Ashburton Kange. Started at 8'20 a.m., course, 300°, to- .cross Sturt's Plain. At eleven miles arrived at the hill which I saw from Ashburton Range; it turned out to be the banks of what was once a freshwater [ake, the water-wash is quite distinct; it had.small iron and limestone gravel, with sand1 and a great number of shells worn by the suu and atniaeniiere to the thinness of paper, plainly indicating feat it is many years since the water had left them; judging from the water-marks, the lake must liave been ab*ut twelve feet deep in the plahy' The eucalyptus is growing here. 'We then proceeded over another open part of it, for about two miles, when the dwarf eucalypti again commenced, which continued until we camped at twenty-one miles; the horses quite worn out. Tlus has been the hardest and most fatiguing day's work we have had since starting from Chambers'?' C*e«]{; for, from the time we left in the moraingffcuntil we camped we have haij nothing tyit a suc cession of rotten ground with larger deep holes and cracks in it. caused at a former

ficriod by water, into which the poor liorsts . lave lx;en constantly falling the whole day, run ing the risk of breaking their legs ami our necks, the gr.t« being so long and thick that they' could not possibly see them before they were into them. I had a very severe. fall into one of these holes; my horse came right oier, and rolled nearly on top of me; I was fortunate enough to escape with little injury. Some of the sliells resemble the cockle-shell but are much longer, many of them being three or four inches long, the others are of the shape of periwinkles, but six tiiuea its largo; both sorts are scattered over the plain, which is completely matted with grass; the soil is a dark rich alluvial, and judging from the cracks and holes, some of which are of considerable depth, they are splendid plains. Iml not a drop of surface waiter could we see upon them, nor a single bird to indicate that there h any. 11 was my intention at starting to have goiieoii:-0 miles, hut I lind it quite impossible for the horses to do more; it would b madness to take them another day over such a country, when from the top of the highest tree we can see no change. It I was to go another «Jay uml lie without water, I would nuver lie able to get one of the horns luck, ainl in all probability would lose the lives of the whole part) ; if 1 could sec the least chance of lhuling water, or aienninat ion of the plain, I would proceed and risk everything. I see no hope of my reaching the river by this course. 1 believe this gum plain to lie a continuation of the one I met with beyond the Centre, and that it may continue to the banks of the Victoria; the features of the country are nearly the same; the absence of all birds has a bad appearance. Day very hot. Wind, S.E. Lat., 17' 4!-'. Tuesday, 7th May.— Sturt's Plains. Before sun rise this morning I sent 'Wall up a treo- to see if any hills or rising grouuils would be vialUlu by rcr fraction. To the west, with a powerful telescope he can just see thu top of rising ground. As the grass is now quite dry, the horses fee! the want of water very much; many of them arc looking wretched, and I hardly think will be able to reach it. However reluctant, I must go buck for the safety of the party. At 3 p.m. arrived at the creek which Thring found, about one mile to the north of my former camp, with the loss of only one horse ; wo had to leave him s\ short distance behind, he would not move a stup further, although during a great part of the journey he had been carrying little or nothing. This water will last two months at least; feed good. It is inside the first ironstone rise in Ashburton Kange in a gum creek which empties itself into the plains. This creek I have named Hawker's Creek. The day has been verv hot. Wind, S.K. Lat., 17 58'. Wednesday, Sth May.— Hawker's Creek, Ash burton Kange. I have sent Masters back to bring up the horse we left behind. Sturt's Plains have been at one time the bed of a large fresh water lake : our journey of the (ith instant was over the middle of it, and we were not at the end of it when I was forced to return. The samo rotten ground and shells continued, although we had got amongst the eucalypti. I shall give the horses a rest to-day, anil to-morrow will take the best of them (those that I had out on my former journey) and endeavour to cross the plain to the rising ground seen yesterdar morning. I shall take Thring and Woodforde, with seven horses, and one week's provisions. I may be fortunate enough to find some water, but from the appearance of the country I have little hope ; I shall, however, leave nothing untried to accomplish the object of the expedition. In the morning the horse we left be hind could not be found ; sent Masters and Sullivan in search of him ; in thu afternoon they returned with him looking miserable ; he had wandered away beyond the other camp. Thursday, !-th May.— Hawker's Creek, Ash burton Kange. Started at 7 a.111., with Thring and Woodforde and seven horses, following our tracks through the rotten ground to the tirst eucalypti for aliout twelve miles, as it made it lighter for the horses, the tracks being beaten to that place. Changed our course to 282', still journeying over Sturt's Plains. At twenty-seven miles arrived at the end of the portion of them that had been subject to inundation; but there are still too many holes to be pleasant. I certainly never did see a more splendid country for grass— in many places, for miles, it is above the horses' knees. We entered upon red sandv soil, with spinifex and grass, from which we changed our bearing. The country became thickly studded with eucalypti, in oije or two places rather open, but generally thick. After the twenty-seven miles we again ii(et with the new small-leafed tree, the broad-leafed malice, the eucalyptus, and many other shrubs. At sun down we camped; distance, thirty-three miles, but not a drop of water have we seen the whole day, or the least indication of its proximity. I hope to-morrow we will l»e more fortunate, and may lind some. Wind, S. Friday, 10th Ma}-.— Sturt's Plains. This morning there are a few birds about. Started at S. 15 a.111., same course. At 10.30 arrived on tirst top of rising ground seen from the camp of 7th instant, which turns out to be red sandhills covered with thick scrub. Changed our course to N.W., and at 11.15 arrived at the highest point. The view is very discouraging, nothing to be seen all round but sandhills of the same descrip tion, their 'course' K.N.E. and S. to W. No high hills or range to Ikj 'setn through the tele scope. We can see a long distance, seemingly all sandhills with scrub and stunted gums on them; the tirst ridge is aliout 200 feet above Sturt's Plains, but further to the W. they are much lower, and become seemingly red, sandy, undulat ing table-land; but further 'to the west they are much lower. There is no hope of reaching the Victoria on this course. I would have gone on further to-day had I seen the least chance of ob taining water to-night; but during the greater nart of yesterday and to-day we have met with no birds that frequent country where it is, plainly indicat ing that we are not in the proximity of it. Both yesterday and to-day have been excessively hot, and the country very heavy, which cause my horses to feel the want of water very much, although they are of the best of the lot C with ^ over, and most of them have been out on my pre vious journeys and are accustomed to privations— theyeven feel it more than I expected. Could I have obtained water last night or tills morning before leaving the plains I would have tried tiO miles of the sandy country; I do not think it will continue a greater distance than that liefore a change takes place. From this point I can sec 25 miles without anything like a change; to gp|on n'ov,' with such a prospect, and such heavy country before me, would oijly be sacrificing our horses anil our own lives without a hope of success— the horses having already come 45 miles without a drop of water, and oyeras heavy a country as was ever travelled oh. I havq therefore, without reluctance, made u.p my mind to return to the camp and try it again further N., where I may have a chance of rounding the sandhills— the dip of them from here seems to be S.S.W. Turned nack, and at 18 miles camped on Sturt's Plains, where there is green grass for the horses. Wind, S. Saturday, 11th May.— Sturt's Plains. At dawn of to-day started for the camp ; arrived at 2 p.m. It was fortunate I did not go 011 further; for some of the horses \»Tiiu scarcely able to reach it; a few more hours and I should have lost half of them: the day has been so hot that it has nearly knocked them all up. Found the rest of the party all right at the camp. We had a job to keep the horses from injuring themselves 'by drinking too much water. 1 gave them a little three separate times, tied them up for twenty minutes, and then gave them 'a good drink and drove them off to feed They took a few mouthfuls of grass, and were back again almost immediately ; arid continued to do so nearly all the afternoon. They drahk'an immense quantity. 'Wind S. Sunday, 12th May.— Hawker's Greek, Ashburton Range. My old horses that were out with me before look very well this morning; hut the others, whose first trip of privation this has been, are looking very bad indeed They could not have gone another night without water; it has pulled them down terribly. Yesterday, while Masters was looking for the horses, he saw what appeared to hua to be a piece of wood stuck upon a tree,

bout two and a half feet long, sharp at both , ! ends, broad at the bottom, and shaped like a canoe. 1 laving pulled it down, he found it to be hollow. I )n the top of it were placed a number of pieces of I bark, and the whole bound firmly round with grass 1 cord He undid it, and found the skull and bones of a child within. Mr. Kekwick brought it to me 1 this morning for my inspection. It certainly is the '. finest piece of workmanship I have ever seen exe cuted by natives. It is about twelve inches deep and ten wide, taperine off at the ends. Small lines are cut along both sides of it. It has been cut out of a solid piece of wood with some sharp instru ment. It is exactly the model of a canoe. 1 told lim to do it up again, and replace it as it was found If it is here when I return 1 will endeavour to take it to Adelaide with me. Wind variable. A few clouds about. Monday, 13th May.— Hawker's Creek, Ashburton Range. Started at 8 a.m., course 3U0\ At five miles crossed the large gum-tree creek with water that Thring found; proceeded along the side of Sturt's Plains, at ten miles ascended the north point of Ashburton Range; descended and the country became red sand with spinifex, gum-tree, the uew leafed tree, and other shrubs verv thick. At fifteen miles gained the top of another stony 1 rise ; followed three creeks down in search of water, | found a little but not sufficient for us; followed it i still further down, leading us to the south for about six miles, but could find no more. I thought it best to return to the large creek for water, which I have named Ferguson's Creek. From the top of the range the view is limited. To the N. and N.E. are stony rises at about nine miles distant; from N. to 'W. are Sturt's Plains, in some places wooded ; to the N. they are open for a long distance. The country in the hills is bad but in the plains is beautiful. I am afraid from the view I have of the country to the N. that I will again meet with the same uescription of sandhills that I came upon on my last western course. Wind, E.S.E., blowing strong; latitude, IV 53' 20'. Tuesday, 14th May.— Ferguson's Creek. Started at 8.30 a.m., on a north course to the place I turned back from yesterday; arrived at noon; changed course to 345*. Started again at 12.20. At 1 p.m., crossed a gum creek that has the appearance of water. At 1.40 changed course ta2ttr, and came upon two large waterholes, apparently very deep, situated in the rocks; they are seemlnglv perma nent; and camped. I named this creek Lawson's Creek. A number of natives have been camped about them. We found another canoe of the same description as the one in which the bones of the child were found. It is broken and burned and seems to have been used as a vessel for holding water. Wind, S.E.,' blowing strong. Mornings and evenings very cold. Latitude, 17° 43' 30'. Wednesday, 15th May. —Lawson's Creek. Started at 8.10 a.m. ; went a mile west to clear the stones changed to 340°. At 2.45 p.m. changed again to 45J— camped at 4.15. The first twelve miles is poor country, being on the top of stony rises, with eucalypti, grass, and scrubs. After descending from the rises we crossed a wooded plain, subject to inundation ; no water. The trees are very thick indeed ; they are the eucalyptus, tho eucalyptus ilmnoxa, the small-leafed tree, another small-leafed tree much resembling the hawthorn, spreading out into many branches from the root; it rises to upwards of twenty feet in height. We have also seen three other new shrubs, but there are no seeds on them. After crossing the plain we trot upon red sandy rises, very thick with scrub and trees of the same description. We continued on this course until 2.45 p.m. ; then, as there is an op*n plain in sight, with rising ground upon it to north-east, and as this scrubby ridge seems to continue, without the least appearance of water, I have changed to N.E. Crossed the plain, which is alluvial soil, covered with grass, but very dry. At 4.15 ca.mped on N.E. side, without water. I would have gone on to the rise, but I feel so ill that I am unable to sit any longer in the saddle. I have been sutfering for the last three days from a severe pain in the chest. Wind, E. ; lat., IT 16' 20'. Thursday, 16th May. —Sturt's Plains. Sent Thring to see if there is a creek or sign of water under the rise. At 8'20 a.m. he returned, having found no water. It is a low sandy rise, covered with a dense scnib. Started at S'20 a.m. ; course, east. At tliree miles I was forced to return, the scrub is so dense that it is impossible to get through; came back two miles; changed to 20° west of south to get out of it ; at two miles guinea) the plain: then changed to the east of south at

10'45. At 2 p.m., there is no hope of a creek or water. Changed to south-west; at two miles and half struck our tracks and proceeded to Lawson's (.'reek. We have found the open parts of the plain lilack alluvial soil, so rotten and cracked that the horses were sinking over their knees, which con tinued for six miles; it is covered with long grass and polygonum ; also a few eucalypti scattered over it ; the scrub we were compelled to return from wiis the thickest I ever had to contend with— the horses would not face it, they turned aliout in every direction, and we were in danger of losing them, in two or three yards they were quite out of sight. In thu short distance we penetrated it has torn our hands, faces, clothes, and, what is of more consequence, our saddle-bags all to pieces; it con sists of scrubs of every kind, which is as thick as a hedge; had we gone further iuto it we should have lost everything oil' the horses. No signs of water; from south to west, north and north-east nothing visible but Sturt's Plains, with a few sand rises having scrub on them, which terminate the spurs of the stony rises; they are a complete barrier between me and the Victoria. I should think that water could he e:isily obtained at a moderate depth 011 the plains. If I had plenty of provisions 1 would try to make hy that way. The only course that 1 can now try is to the north-east, ur east, to round the dense scrub and plains. At sundown arrived at Lawswu's Creek. The horses, owing to the dryness of the grass, drank a great quantity of water, they are falling off very much. Wind, S.E. Friday, 17th May.— Sturt's Plains. I must re main here today to mend saddle-bags, &c. I have sent Thring to north-east, to see if the stony rises continue in that direction. He has returned, and gives a very poor account of the country. He crossed them in about six miles, and again came upon the plain that we were an rosterday. cxterul ins ffMm uurtlrcasti K- soutit Ifotmng but plains. To the north is tho dense scrub, tliU3 forming a complete stop to further progress. From here I fear it is a hopeless case either to reach the Victoria or the Gulf. The plains and forest are as great a har rier as if there had been an inland sea or a wall built round I shall rest the horses till Monday, and will then try a course to the north-west, and another to north-east. I have not the least hope of succeeding without wells, and I have not surlj cient provisions to enable me to remain and dig them.' It is a great disappointment to be so near, and yet' through want of water to be unable to attain the desired end. Wind, S.E. Monday, 2uth May.— Lawson's Creek. Started at 7.25 a.m., course, 45', with Thring, 'Woodforde, and seven horses. The first four miles was over the stony rises; the next three sandy tableland, with spinifex, eucalyptus, and scrub. Crossed part of Sturt's Plains, open aud covered with grass. Five miles of it was very heavy travelling ground, very rotten and full of holes and cracks. Camped on the plains at about 30 miles, where the scrub seemingly commences. The plains are of the same description as that already given after leaving the stony rises. We have seen no birds nor any living thing except kites, arid numerous grasshoppers, which are in myriads on the plains. From this place to the E., and as far as S.S. W., there is no rising ground within range of vision nothing but an immense open grassy plain. The absence of birds proclaim it to be destitute of water; we have not seen a drop, nor a creek, nor a watercourse during the whole day's journey. To morrow I shall again try to get through the scrub. On leaving the camp this morning 1 instructed Mr. Kekwick to move the party about three miles down the creek to another waterhole, the feed not being good and the country stony round the waterholes. Wind, E. Tuesday, 21s.fc May.— Sturt's Plains, E. Started at 7.10 a.m. Passed through a very thick scrub seven miles in exteijt. We again entered un another portion of the open plains at 10 miles from our last night's camp. Nothing to be seen on the horizon all round but plains. Changed to 800°, to where I saw some pigeons fly. At two miles came across their feeding-ground. Skirted the scrub until we cut our tracks. No appearance of water. This is again a continuation of the open portion of Sturt's Plains ; they appear to be of immense extent, with occasionally strips of dense forest and scrub. We had seven miles of it this morning as thick as I ever went through; it has scratched and torn us all to pieces. At my furthest on the open plain I saw that it was hopeless to proceed, for from the W. to N., and round to S.S.W., there is nothing to be seen but immense open plains covered with grass, subject to inundation, having an occasional low bush upon theiii. 1 tl-ink with the aid of the telescope I must have seen at least sixty miles. There is not the least appearance of the lowest rise or any water course, neither can we see the tracks or smoke of any natives in aiiy direction. The sun on thu plain is extremely hot. Having nohope of finding water this morning from tho appearance of the plains, I left Woodforde with tho pack and spare horses where we camped last night, as the heat and rough journey of yesterday has tired them a great deal— so .much so that I fear some of them will not be able to get back to water. Returned to where I had left him, and followed our tracks back to the open plain. After sundown camped among some scrub. Horses very much done up; tethered four and short-hobbled the two that had done the longest (lay's journey. Wind, S.E. Wednesday, 22nd May.— Sturt's Plains. Our cq in ping-place last night. After sunset we saw a number of turkeys Hying towards the stony rises where our main camp 'is. They appear to come from the north-west. Upwards of fifty passed over in twos and threes; and this morning we observed them going back again. The two horses in short holililetj have walked off, following our tracks. They cannot have gone far, for I heard them late last night and at 4 this morning. We shall be able to overtake them in three or four miles. They have eaten scarcely anything during the ilight. Saddled, and follq'wed after them. They left the tracks a short distance from the camp, and kept about 200 yards from them for nearly a mile and a half. We overtook them in three and a half miles, standing underthe shade of a tree. Unhobbled, and drove them on before us. At 12 o'clock arrived at Lawson's Creek. Had great difficulty in preventing the horses from drinking too much, and as there are other holes down the creek, I gave them a little at a time to each. Found that Mr. Kekwick had moved with the party. Followed them, and at three and a half miles W S.W arrived at their camp, and allowed the horses to drink as much as they chose. Poor brutes, they have had very hard work — eighty miles over as heavy a country as could be travelled over.uiider'a burning sun without a drop of water. Three of them' Wete those I had on my former journeys' ; I could depend upon them ; the rest were the best I 'could pick from the 'other lot. They have all stood the journey very well, hut could not have done another day without water. Natives seem to have peen about this water lately; but we have not seen one since leaving our spitting friend on the Hugh. Wind, E, Thursday, 23rd May.— Lawson's Creek. Started 7.45 a.m., course 315', with Thring, Woodforde, and seven fresh horses. At fourteen miles came across a splendid reach of water, about 150 yards wide ; how long I do not know, as we cannot see the end of it It is a splendid sheet of witer, and is certainly the gem 01 Sturt's Plains. I have de cided at once on returning, and bringing the party up to it, as it is a feature that must be carefully examined, for it may be the source of the Cam field, or some river that may lead me through. Oa approaching it I saw a large flock of pelicans, which leads me to think that there may be a lake in its vicinity. There are mussels and periwinkles in it; judging from the shells on the banJo, the natives must consume a large quantity. The gum trees round it are not very large. The first ten miles of that part of the plain travelled over to-day is full of large deep hqles and cracks, black alluvial soil, covered with grass, with, young gum-trees thicker as we approached the water. This I have honoured by the name of Newcastle Water, after His Grace the Duke of Newcastle. Duck, native companion, white crane, and sacred ibis abound here. Returned to bring the party up to-morrow. Wind.S.E. „_ , „ Friday, 24th May.— Lawson's Creek. Started at

i a.m. for Newcastle Water; arrived at noon; amped Sent Mr. Kekwick to N.E. and Thring ?jo W. to see the length of it; I have had the depth Tied. It is about t- feet deep 10 vards from the bank, and in the middle 17 feet. I should say it was permanent. Turiiig found it still the same at three miles W. ; Mr. kekwick returned after fol lowing it for four miles. At two miles there is a break in it; at four mites it is more of a creek, coming from N.E.— gum-trees much larger. Wood forde succeeded in catching four tishes about 10 inches long, something resembling the whiting. 1 had one cooked for tea ; the skin was as tom.ii as a piece of leather, but the inside was really good— as fine a fish as 1 have even eaten. To-morrow 1 shall follow the water tw the west: its lied is limestone. Wind, S.E., with a few clouds; hit., 17 36' 40'. Saturday, 25th May.— Newcastle Water, Sturt s Plains. Started at 7.50 xin. ami followed the water nine miles round; camped. It still con tinues, but is now a chain of ponds. As I can see some rising ground N.N.E. about four miles distant, I have camped the party and taken Thring with me; have gone on to see what the country is before us. At four miles we found that the nrst part of the rise is stony, but on thu top it is sandy table-land, covered with thick scrub. The view is obstructed to the E.N.E. to N. by it; but to the N.W. and W. there is an appearance of rising ground, thickly wooded about 20 miles oil'. Wind, W. : lat., 17' 30' 30'. Sunday, 2tith May.— Newcastle Water, Sturt's Plains. This morning we were visited by seven natives— tall, powerful-made fellows. At- first they seemed inclined for mischief, making all manner of gestures and shaking their boomerangs, wad dies, &e. We made friendly siens to them, inviting them to come nearer. They gradually approached and Mr. Kekwick and Lawrence got quite close to them ; in a short time they appeared to be quite friendly. I felt alarmed for the safety of J. Woodforde (.who had gone down the water in search of ducks, and in the direction from which they had come), and endeavoured to make them friends by giving them pieces of handker chiefs, i^c. During the time we were talking with them 1 heard the distant report of his gun. At the same time Thring and Masters returned from collecting the horses that wero missing. 1 told them to remain until the natives were gone, as 1 wished to keep them as long as possible to give Woodforde a chance of coming up before they left us. Shortly afterwards thev went off, apparently quite friendly. Sent Thring and AVall to round up the horses which were close at hand, and while they vyere doing so the natives again re turned, running quite close up to the camp and setting fire to the grass. It was now evident they meant mischief. I think they must have seen or heard Woodforde, and have lit the gnus in order to engage our attention from him. I felt very much inclined to fire upon them, but desisted, as I feared they would revenge themselves on him in their retreat. They did very little injury by their fire, which we succeeded in putting out. By signs I ordered them to be off, and after much bother I they left us, setting fire to the grass as they went I along. I now ordered Thring and Wall to go and with all speed to protect Woodforde. In about 20 minutes he came into the camp. After leaving us they had attacked him, throwing several boome rangs and waJdies at him. He had only one barrel of his gun loaded with shot. They all spread out and surrounded him, gradually approaching, from all sides. One fellow got withm five yards ot him, and was in the act of aiming his boomerang at him. Seeing it was useless to withhold any longer, while the black was in the act of tlirowim; he gave him the contents of his gun in his face and made for the camp. In a short time Thring and Wall returned at full speed. They had passed where he was, and hearing the report of his gun made for the place. Overtook the blacks, gave chase, and made them drop the powder-flask and ducks— which Woodforde had laid down before tiring when they attacked him. Knowing them to be his, they gave .up the chase to look for him, but seeing nothing of him, and two of the natives supporting one apparently wounded, they returned to the camp, where they saw him all safe relating his ad venture. His shot-belt still missing, I sent Thring and him to look for it, and to bring up the missing horses which they had seen. Wind, variable; cloudy. Monday, 27th May. -Newcastle Water, Sturt's Plains. Started at 8.10 a.m., course 335°; at 10.20 ! changed to N. ; at l.'JO p.m. changed to'.io ; and at one mile found water; gave the horses some, and proceeded N.N.E. ; anil at 3.40 changed to !H) to some gums; at one and a half miles camped; the gums turn out to be thick wood. 1 went N.N.W. this morning, with the expectation of meeting with water, or rather chain of ponds; at four miles, I could see nothing of them ; and as we were getting into a very thick scrub of lancewood, 1 changed to N. ; and at ten miles on that course, still seeing nothing of them, I changed toE. ; and at one mile, came upon them; found water, and followed them, their course now 2ti ; at one mile found another 1 pond, in a short time lost the lied of them in. 11 ! thick wooded plain. Found a native iiath running nearly in my course; followed it, thinking it would lead me to some other water, but in a few miles it became invisible. 1 continued on the same course for nine miles, and found myself on Sturt's Plains, with belts of thick wood and scrub; to the N. nothing visible but open plains; to N.K, appa rently thick wood or scrub; to .N.AV. and YV. ap parently scrubby sandhills. The ponds seem to drain this portion of the plains. Changed to K., to what seemed to be large gum-trees, thinking there might be a creek ; arriving there, I found them to be stunted gums on the edge --: the plain. There i is no hope of succeeding in this quarter. Camped without water. Wind, E. ; latitude, 17 12' 30' Tuesday, iSth May.— Sturt's Open I'lain, North. Fourteen of the horses missing this morning lie fore sunrise. From the highest tree nothing is to lie seen from E. to N. and N.W. but immense open grassy plains without a tree on them; no hope of water. I must go ack to the ponds and try again to the westward. Did not find the horses until H.30 a.m., and started at 10. 1 observed very large flocks of pigeons coining in clouds from the Ulaius in every direction tmv:inl« tin; yrmiU. Unmo time afterwards we saw them coming back ami flying away into the plains as far as tho eve can reach, apparently to feed. Arrived at the water at 1.30 p.m. Wind, E.N.E. Wednesday, 2!)th May.— Chain of Ponds. Started at 7.20 a.m. with Thring, Woodforde, and Wall, and nine horses, to fallow a native track which is leading to the westward. At 51.20 made the track, its course N.N.W. At 2S miles camped without water. The track led us into very thick wood and scrub, and at five miles became invisible. I still continued on the same bearing through the scruli We have again me: with the. mulga, a little dif ferent from what we have seen before, growing very straight, from 30 to 40 feet high, bark stringy, the leaf much larger and thicker; amongst it is the hedge-tree ; we had seven miles of it very dense, when we again met with an open plain. At three miles entered another dense wood aud scrub, like that passed through in the morning. To-day's journey has been over plains of grass, through forest and scrub, without water. In the last five miles we passed through a little spinifex, and the soil is becoming sandy. Wind, S. Thursday, 30th May. -Sturt's Plains. As I can see no hope of water, I will leave Woodforde and Wall with the horses, take Thring with me, and proceed 10 miles to see if there will be a change in that distance. Went into a terrible thick wood and scrub for 1U miles, without the least sign of a change; the scrub in fact incoming more dense; it is scarcely penetrable. I sent Thring up one of the tallest trees; nothing to be seen hut a fearful dense wood and scruli all round ; again 1 am forced to retreat through want of water. The last five miles of the 11 the soil is becoming very sandy, with spinifex and a little gross : it is impossible to say in which way the coiintrv dips, for, in 45 miles travelled over, we have not seen the least sign of a watershed, it is .so level. Ketumed to where I left tho others, followed our tracks hack, and at eleven miles camped; horses nearly done up with heavy travelling, and the neat ofitheisun, which is excessive. It is very vexing and dispiriting to be forced back with only a little more than 100 miles between Mr. Gregory's last camp on the Camfield and me; if I could have found water near the end of this journey, I think I could have forced the rest; it is very galling to be turned back after trying so many times. Wind, E, Friday, 31st May. -Sturt's Plains. Not having sufficient tethers for all the horses we had to short hobble two, and tie their heads to their hobbles, and in the morning they were gone. I suppose they must have broken their hobbles or fastenings; they will most likely make on to our outward tracks. 1 have sent Thring and Wood forde to follow them up, while Wall and I. with the other horses, proceed on our way to the camp ; in twe hours they made the tracks liefore us. I then pushed on as hard as 1 could get the horses to go, liting very anxious about the safety of the party, for, on the tirst day that 1 left them, at aliout seven miles, we passed fourteen or fifteen natives going In the direction of their camp. 1 also observed this morning that they had been running our tracks both backwards and forwards. At 3 o'clock we arrived, and found all safe ; they had not been visited hy them, although I observed the prints of their feet, in our tracks a short dis tance from the camp. It was as much as some of our horses could do to reach the camp. The day has lieen excessively hot from N.N.E. with clouds. Lat., 17' 7' 0.' Saturday, 1st June.— Chain of Ponds. I must rest the horses to-day and to-morrow, for they look very miserable; our longitude is f3X 40 45'. Before leaving the Ponds I shall try once more to the westward— starting from a point three miles west of my first camp on them. To trv from this for the (Julf of Carpentaria 1 believe to be hopeless ; for the plain seems to be without end and without water. If I could see the least sign of a hill or hope of finding water 1 would try it; hut there is none— if there is a passage it must bt; to the south of this. Wind, variable, with clouds. Tuesday, 4tli June.— Chain of Ponds. Last night one of the horses mot with an accident in going down to think at the waterhole; he went into a boggy place, got his hind foot fastened in his hobbles, from which he could not extricate himself, and was drowned beforu we observed and could save him. This is another great loss, for he was a good packhorse, and was one that 1 intended taking on my next trip to the westward. At about 8 p.m. it began to nun, and continued the whole night, coming from the E. and E.S.E. ; it still continues without any sign of a break. The ground has become so soft that when walking we sink up to the ancle, and the horses can scarcely move in it; at sundown there is no appearance of a change ; it has rained without intermission the whole of last night and to-day. I do not know what effect this will have on my further progress, for now it is .impossible to travel; the horses in feeding are already sinking above their knees. Wind and rain from E. and E.S.E. Wednesday, 5th June.— Chain of Ponds. There is a little sign of a break in the clouds this morn ing. The rain has continued the' whole night. Ground very soft: it has become about tho thick ness of cream. The horses can scarcely get aliout to feed. Sundown— It has l-cen shower}' all dav ? sky overcast; clouds and rain from same direction S.Ii In the afternoon some natives made their appearance at about 600 yards distance. As tho ram had damped the cartridges, I caused the rifles to be fired ofi in that direction ; and as the bullets struck the trees close to them, they thought it best to retreat as fast as possible, yelling as they went. Friday, 7th June.— Chain of Ponds. During the night the rain ceased and this morning is quite bright. Ground so soft that it is impossible to travel. Latitude, IT 35' 25'. Sent Thring some niiles to the west to see in what state the country is— if fit for us to proceed, and if he can see any water that I could move the party to, for I do not like this place. U more rain falls it will lock us in altogether; neither do I like leaving the party with so many natives about. At 1 o'clock he returned. The ground was so heavy that he had to turn at five miles. He could see no water, but a number of native tracks going to and coming from the west. I shall be obliged to leave the party here, and on Monday try another trip to the west. If f find water I shall return and take them to it. The day has been clear, but at sundown it is again cloudy. Clouds from N.AV. Wind from E. Monday, 10th June.— Chain of Ponds. Started at 7.55 a.m., course 275°, with Thring, 'Woodforde,

indWalL nine horses, and 14 days', provisions. The first five miles was over a grassy, plain, with stunted gum and other trees, ft was Very soft, the horses sinking up to their knees. We met with a Little ram water at three miles, where the soil became sandy; continued to be more so as we advanced, with lancewood and other scrubs growing upon it. At 14 miles gained the top Dt a sand-nse, which seems to be the termuuitioii uf the sandhills that I turned back from on mv west course south of thiy. From here the conntr'v seems to lie a dense forest and scrub, no rising ground visible. Camped at 5 p.m., distance .{-miles. Ine whole journey from the sandhill* has been through a dence forest of scrubs uf all KU1.1S— iiertgotreo, gum, nvulg-.i, lanccwuwl, \c. \\ e have had great difficulty in forcing the horses through it so far-they are very tired. It is the thickest scrub I have yet been in. Ground verv soft; heavy travelling over, with the exception of the last nve miles, where little rain seems to have fallen. I inn afraid this will be another hopeless journey. 1 fully expected to have got water to mgtit from the recent rains, but there is not a drop. Ihe country is such that the surfai' cannot retain it were it to fall m much larger quantities. I shall try a little farther on to morrow. We are obliged to tie the horses up to night, as there is neither water nor feed. We cannot tether them, and if we let them go in hobbles, the scrub and forest is so thick that we would not see them again before thev got luick to water. I had a hole (lusr to see if any rain had alien, and found that it had luiietrated two feet below the surface below which it is quite dry. \\ ind. E. Tuesdav, lith June.— Dense forest and scrub. Leaving \\ oodforde, Wall, and the packhorses, 1 took Hiring with me, and proceeded on the same course to see if I can get through the horrid forest and scrub, or meet with a change of country, or hnd some water. At two miles we came upon some grass again, which continued, and at another mile the forest became much more open and splendidly grassed, which again revived my sinking hopes; but alas! it only lasted about two miles, when we again entered the forest thicker than ever. At eleven miles it became so dense that it was nearlv impenetrable. The horses would not face it; when forced they made a rush through, tearing everything we had on, and wounding us severelv by running against the dead timber (which is as sharp as a lancet) aud through the branches. 1 saw that it was hopeless to face through anv further. Not a droi- of water have we seen, although the ground is quite moist— the horses sinking above tho fetlock. The soil is rt.l and sandy; the mulga from :{-) to 40 feet high and very straight ; the bark has a stringy appearance. There is a great quantity of ' it lying dead on the ground, which causes travelling to become very difficult. I there fore returned to where 1 left Woodforde and yvivii, ami came back ten miles on yesterday's journey anl camped. This morning about 5'. 30 we observed a comet lwaring 110' ; .length of tail 10' and lu above the horizon. Wind, S.K. Wednesday. 12th June.— Western dense forest ami scruli. Proceeded to camp and found all well, llus is the third long journey that 1 have tried to make the Victoria in tins latitude, but have been driven back every time by the same description of country and the want of water. There is not the least appearance of rising ground or a change in the country— nothing but the same dismal, dreary forest throughout; it may in all probability- con tinue to Mr. Gregory's lost camp on the Caiiifield ; my farthest point has been within 100 miles of it. 1 would have proceeded further, but my horses are unable to do it; they look as if they had done a mouths excessive work, from their feet being so dry, the forest so thick, and the want of water, or could 1 have seen the least sign of a change or rising ground. Thus ends my hopes of reaching the \ ictoria in this latitude, which is a very great disappointment. I should have dug wells' if my party had been larger, and 1 had the means o'f conveying water to those that were sinking. 1 Una* 1 could accomplish it in that way, but !--? doing .so 1 should have to divide the party in three —one sinking, one carrying water, and one at the camp, which would lie too small a number where the natives appear to be so hostile. 1 have not the least doubt but that water could be obtained at a moderate depth, near thu end of my joiiruevs, ani-ngst the thick long timber, which seems to be ihe lowest part of the country; 1 had no idea ol meeting with such an impediment as the plains and heavy scrub have proved to be. For a telegraphic communication 1 should think three or tour wells would overcome this difficulty and the want of water, and the forest co Id ?e penetrated by cutting a line through and burning it; 111 all probability there is water to bo lound nearer than this in the Cainlicld (Mr. (?rcgory s last camp), somewhere, about its sources, which might be 30 miles nearer. Wind, S.K. Country drying up very fast. Thursday, 15th June. -Chain of Ponds. Tn-dav 1 shall move the camp to the easternmost part, tif Newcastle Water, and now that rain come from the east I shall try if 1 can cross Sturt's Plains, and endeavour to reach the (Julf of Carpentaria. My provisions are now getting very short. We are re duced to 4 lbs. of Hour and 1 lb. of dried meat per man per week, which is beginning to show the effects of starvation upon some or' them; but I can leave nothing untried where there is the least shallow of a chance of gaining the desired object. Started at !». HI a.m. At:!1, niiles passed our lirst camp on Newcastle Water; at S! miles camped at the l-.isi water U- the eastward. The ground i-tinner than 1 expected: travelling good. The largi pan of the water i.s reduced 2 inches shire -iLii ult. The late rains .seem to have no elleclon it. Wind, S.K. Friday, 11th June.— East end of Newcastle Water. Started with Thring, Woodforde, ami Wall, oiio month's provisions, and 10 horses, at 7.45 a.m.; course GO . At two miles crossed out former tracks on the top of the saudv tableland, and after leaving it we again got oil the open plains, black alluvial soil covered with grass, deep holes and cracks, into which the horses are con tinually falling on their noses. :m.i ™«-.;..P n.c *l~k of- ViviktuB 'ur necks. These plains have swallowed up every drop of rain that has fallen. The extent ot the plain is seven miles. We then entered a thickly-wooded country of the same description as the western forest, being equally thick, if not thicker, and as difficult to pene trate. This continued for 13 miles, when we met with another small plain, about half a mile wide, but opening out wider to N.W. and S. ; not a drop of water have we met since leaving Newcastle Water, a distance of about HO mili-s, except a little rain water about three miles east of it. Tl-e plains are iiuite dry, scarcely showing th;i»- rain has fallen. Camped. The horses have had a hard day's work and are very tired. I wish 1 could have found water for them to-night. Lat., 17' 2tj' 'JO'. Wind, S.E. Saturday, 15th June. —N.E. Small -Plains. Started at 7.30 a.m., course W, through another 10 miles of very thick forest, the thickest we have yet seen. At 11 miles came again upon a large open grassy plain, at the point where Iturned on 2lst ult. 1 expected to have found some rain water here, this being the only place in all the plain that 1 have seen that is likely to retain it. Sent Thring and Woodforde in different directions, while 1 proceeded in another to see if we could find any, but not a drop could we see. It h:n all been swallowed up by the ground, which is now again dry and dusty. It must take an immense quantity tii saturate it and leave any on the surface, and if that was to be the case the country would become so soft it would be quite impassable. 1 ain again forced to turn— it is hopeless to attempt it any farther. It would be sacrificing our horses, and, perhaps our lives, without the least prospect of at tainingourcud If I could seerisingground, howevei small, or atthange in thu country to justify my risking everything, I would do so in a moment. 1 only wish thiite. was.- 1 have tried my.horses to thcii utmost; eveninyN-ld horses, that arc inured to hardship are unable to be longer than three days without water, owing to tho heat of the sun, the dryness of the feed, and the softness of the country, We saw a few cockntoos and pigeons. There might be water within, a short distance, but none can we see or find; for, on my course, 20 west of north, I passed within two miles of Newcastle Water, where the main camp is now, but could not see it. It would require a Ioiik time to examine this country for water -there are so many clumps of trees, and strips of scruli on the plain, where water might be, that it wouhl take upwards of twelve months to examine them all. At sundown camped 15 miles from the main camp. Horses look very bad. It has been very heavy travelling, over rotten ground, and tearing through thick wood and scrub, which has skinned our legs from the knees to the ancles, and caused uo little pain. Wind, variable. Sunday, June 1«.— Sturt's Plains, East. Pro ceeded to the camp, whurel found all well. No natives had beeii near them. This Ls ve-y dis heartening work to be forced to retreat so fre quently without a vestige of a hope, and to be so near, and to be 'bafrlea through want of water. I shall now proceed to the south, and try unee inure to round that horrid thick western forest; it Ls now my only hopei if that fails I shall have to return. 1 am doubtful of the water in Ash hiirton Kange. if no ralu has fallen there; those hills are the lost of the rising ground within range of vision, which ends in about lat. 17' 14'. From S.S.E. round the compass to S.S.W. nothing but dense forest ami Sturt's Plains. Wind. S.K. Monday, 17th Jane.— Newcastle Water, East. Returned to the Lawson and camped. Little rain seems to have fallen here. 1 kept a little to wesl of my former tracks to see the nature of the largi open plain. It is pannletely matted with gr;is.s, having large deerrrMes and cracks, and is as dry as if no rain had farftn for months. Wind, S. K. Saturday, 22nd June.— Carruthers Creek. Pro cccded to Tomkinsons Creek, where I left the two horses; I will there rest the horses a day, ami have shod which I intend to take with me. The last two days have been over very stonv country, which has made soiue of the horses quite lame. 1 am now running short of slmes. We can see nothing of the two horses alnmt our old camp Light wind fiom N.K., with a few clouds. Very hot in the middle uf the day; evenings and morn ings cold. Monday, 24th June.— Tonikinson's] Creek Started with Thring, Masters, and Lawrence ami ten horses, with fourteen days' provisions at 7 41 a in. ; course, 270' E. We crossed thu plain ami the creek several times. At 12.20, J5 miles, ascended a stony rise, and saw that the creel emptied itself into an open grassy plain, alxwl two miles north of us. Proceeded on the saint course over a gum plain, covered with grass for live miles. 'Ihe country then liecame sandy soil, slightly undulating with ironstone, gravel spinifex, gums, and occasionally a little scrub, which continued throughout the day. Camped without water; very little feed for the horses, il being nearly all spinifex. Distance, 2S miles: wind, W. ; a few clouds. Tuesday, 2oth June.— Spinifex and Gum Plain, W. Started on same course, 270*; at 7.40 a.m. camped at 27 miles. This country travelled through to-day is bad red sanny, light soil, covered with spinifex, slightly undulating, and havin iron gravel upon it. Scarcely a blade of grass to be seen. Some gum-trees, and a low scrub of different sorts. I seem to have got to the south of the dense forest, but into a poorer country. Not a drop of water or a watercourse have we seen since we left Toinkin spn's Creek. We have crossed two or tliree low rises of ironstone gravel. Not having the dense forest to tear through has induced me to go on all day in the hope of meeting with a change; but at the end of the day there seems as little likelihood as when we first came upon it, and it may con tinue to the river. I am again forced to return disappointed. There is no hope of making the river now ; it must be done from Newcastle water with wells. 1 wish that I had twelve months' pro visions and convenience for carrying water I should then be enabled to do it. AVind E. ' 'Wednesday, 2Gth J.une.-S.pinifex and Gum Plain. Started at ? a.m. back towards TomVinson's Creek. At dusk found some water on the small plain into which the creek empties itself; camped distance travelled to-day, 40 miles. One of the horses completely done up. I am fortunate in finding this water, for another night without it and I would have lost some of them; 1 am also clad we had a cool day-only two hours' heat. The horses have travelled 100 miles without water, and

the country being sandy made it very heavy rtalkiiig for them. Wind, E. Thursday, 27th June. - Tiinikiiison's Creek. Started for the camp, and arrived at noon. Sul livan had gone after the horses, and lost himself for three days and two nights; not making his appearance the first night, Mr. Kekwick sent J. Woodforde in search of him from S.E. to N .: the .second night not, returning, Mr. Kekwick and Woodforde went out in another direction to try if they could cut his tracks, but were again un successful.. At about 3 he came into the camp perfect ly bewildered, and did not seem to recognise any one. From what we can learn fmui him lie must have gone to the S. instead of the K. where the tracks of the two horses were seen: on the tirst night he came close to the camp- saw the other horses feeding, but could not tmd them, lie can give no account of where he went the next day and night; on the third day he cut my outward tracks to the W., and the horse brought him to the camp 1 observed his horse's tracks upon ours this luoruing, about 10 miles down the creek, and could not imagine how they came there. J. Woodforde found the two horses he went in search of within three miles of the camp -they had not left the creek. The cream coloured one had improved very much; but lte former .still looks miserable— 1 think he must lw HI. \\ nut V, with a few clouds coming from the same direction. Friday, 2-Hh.) une. -Tonikinson's ('reek. Shoeing horses and preparing for another start. 1 shall try once, more to make the Gulf of Carpentaria from this, llicre may be a chance of my being able to round Sturt's Plains to the east or north east. » iud varying fiom S.K. to N. Monday, 1st July.— Tomkinstm's Creek. Started at 8.10 :i.m., course 51', with Thring, Woodforde, and Masters. At 11.20 (11 miles), top of a high hill, which I named Mount Hawker, after the Honourable George C. Hawker, Speaker of the House of Assembly, S.A. At 12.45, four miles, struck a large creek, :ts course a little east of north, which 1 have named McKinlay Creek, after John McKinlay, Esq. The first part of the journey is over stony undulations, gradually rising unti f we reach the top of Mount Hawker, the view from } which is not very extensive on our course, as it is intercepted by stony spurs of the range nearly the same height, about 800 fe«t, and are very rocky iiinl precipitous. They are composed of sandstone, quaru, iron, limestone, and hard white, Hinty rocks. The sandstone predominates. We descended with great difficulty, crossed McKinlay's Creek, and at live miles ascended another high hill, which 1 have named Mount Hall. From this our view is most extensive, over a complete sea of white grassy plains; at about 15 or 20 miles S.K. are the terminations of other spurs of this range, beyond them nothing is visible on the horizon but white grxvsy plums; to the E. and N.E. the same; to the N. apparently a strip of dense scrub and forest, wind, seems to end alniut N.E., bevond w ucli, in the far distance, we can see the large white grassy plain which 1 turned back from on the 21st (it May and the 15th of June. No rising ground visible except the hills of Ashburton Kange t« . the A . W . and S. K. I lescendnl towards the plains over stony rises, gum-tree,, and other scrub, ami spinifex. At five miles reached the plain; it is of the sanuMlescription as the other parts 1 have been over. No appearance of water. It is hopeless to proceed further; it will only be rendering my return more difficult by reducing the strength of my horses, without the slightest hope uf success. All ho|ie of gaining the Gulf without wells is now gone; 1 have the rofoie turned back to a small plain (four miles), searched round it, and in one of the finiall creeks found a little rainwater, at which 1 have camped. \\ ind, S. Tuesday, 2nd July.— Loveday Creek. This creek 1 have named Loveday Creek, after R. J. Love day, Esq., Lithographer to the South Australian Government, lietiinied towards the camp. On reaching Melvinlay's Creek I was informed by J. Wimdforde that Masters had remained behind, aliout six miles hack, ami hud not yet come up. This is against inv strict orders, which are that no one shiih leave the party without informing me, that I iiKi.v halt and wait for them. I have sent Thring back to one of the hills to liie off a gun and see il' he i.s to l-e seen, as 1 have left my o'litwani tracks to avoid crossing Mount Hall, and the trucks are very difficult to be seen over such stiuiy country. I am afraid that- he is lost- Jnaiihoiu and a half Thring returned— he can see nothing of him. lie cut our former tracks, but can see nothing (if his on them. My conjectures, I fear, aro too true. If be has missed the tracks, it is a thousand chances to one if be is ever found again. To track a single horse is impossible. 1 proceeded towards Mount Hawker, and camped on my outward trucks at a remarkable gorge that we had come through. Sent Thring luck to the top of Mount Hall to. raise :i smoke: to remain there some time aud see if hu conies up; if not hu is to proceed to our last night's camp, there to remain all night, in ease he should go there, while I and Woodforde raised another smoke on top of Mount Hawker. A little alter 2 p.m. Tilling returned with him; he found him mi a lull near Mount Hall, looking for tin; tracks ; be was unite bewildered, and in a great Mate of ex.-iiimieut. I am most thankful that he is found. Tin; account that he gives is, that his burse clipped the reins mil of his hand, and that he was unable to catch him (or some time: ami w hen he did so he was unable to lind our tracks or lo track Ins own horse bark, and he became quite ronfiiKcd. lie seenis |o be most, thankful for his lr.ivntw e-,e:ipe. As il is too lim- to reach the camp, I shall remain bore to-niubt. Wind, W. Thursday, lib Julv. The Tonikinson. Started at s.-jo a.m., .nurse :mo , with Woodforde, Thring, and Masters, In Iioims, and a month's provisions, toiiyoiKT more to make the Victoria. IJetwcen my lust and last attempts 1 may huitoimI; 1 am very unwilling to return without trying all that is within my power. At three miles we left tin; plains, and proceeded over stony rises for two milis; the coiintrv then became sandy, with gum, spinifex, and lanmvood scrub, not difficult to get through ; there i.s no grass. At 2f- miles came to a little, and. nut s''1 iU' -'mug tiixm niiy more soon, I nave camped. We have seen no water since leaving the creek. Latitude, IS' 25' 40'. Wind, 8.K. Friday, 5th July. -Spinifex and Gum Plain. Malted at 7.50 a.m., course :«»). to lind water. At !». 10 (live miles) Btriick a creek with water; followed it down, course 285, and at eight miles camped on the last water. The banks, in places, have (,'ond feed upon them; but there is a great dual dt spinifex und scrub. The creek is getting narrower, and. us the horses had but little to cat IjLst night I shall give them the remainder of the ili.v, I' .?!? thciv is no telling when they will get a.mhR-i-'.md lied. Day exceedingly hot, horses rove red with :»eat. Tnis I have named Burke's tVei-K, after my brother explorer. —Uurke, Esq.. of Melbourne. On camping I hrw n remarkablu bird fly un J sent Womlforde to try and Khoot him, which he did. It is of a dork brown colour, and spotted like the landrail ; the tail feathern are unit; m number, and were 12 inches long. I have had it skinned, and will endeavour to take it U-Adelaide. Hiring, Woodforde, and Masters cooked the body and ate it. They were scarcely finished when, in a moment, they were seized with violent vomiting, but in a few minutes they were all right again. Wind, calm. Lat., IN' HI' 20'. Saturday, (ith July.-Umkc's Greek. Started :t i.ii) a.m., same course, to follow the creek C-S5); :it three miles it was lost in a gum graBHy plain; changed to .W. On this course the plain ? continued for three miles, it then \m came .sandy soil, with spinifex, gums, and scrub. ( nisned ;i low sandhill at 14 miles; descended into another, low grassy plain subject to inundation, which, I suppose, receives Hunter's {..reek. It continued for two miles, ut the end of which we again ascended a sandy rise, on thu top of which the country becomes a tableland au3 continued ho the rest of the (lay's journey. Lamped without water, and with very little grass. Ihe tableland is spinifox, gums, and scrub, in mime p acia vory ihmcult to get through. Dm tanco, thirty miles: wind, S.E. ; lat., 18° 7' 5'. At 7 p.m. I observed the comet, 5' above the horizon, bearing, Is, W. of N., the nucleus more hazy, and the tail much longer. Calm. Sunday, 7th July.-West Sandy Tableland htarteU at 6 a.m., same course (300*). At ll'O miles) met with a Rmull grassy plain; at 12#40 another ; at 13 p.m. they are only a few acres hi extent. At .1 p.m. we are getting into dense Bcrub; and, as 1 can see some distance on before, behiK on one of Die slight undulations, I cannot ueo the slightest hope of obtaining wuter; there Ls no change, no rising ground visible. It is Hopeless to coutmuo such sandy country, as it never can hold water on the surface! U e dug live feet in onu of the small plains, but came to the clay without finding water, or even miiisture. Ihere is not a mouthful of grass for the horses to out. The whole of the journey, with the exception of thu small grassy plains, is spiui fex, gums, and scrub. 1 aluVll have u. retreat to the lost plam wo passed through to got feed for the horses, which aro looking \ery bad. Tho travelling has been heavy, tearing through thick scrub, which in Home places hus been burned; this makes it very rough for them. 1 must now give up all hoiKj of reaching the Victoria, and am un willingly forced to return, my horses being nearly worn out. Wind, variable; distance, 25 miles. J uesday, iith Julv. --andy Tableland Started at sunrise and arrived at liurke's Creek. At 11 a m tinned the horses out to feed for two hours, and ' prcei'ded up the crook to whore 1 lirst struck it l-amped. At a little more than a mile down the creek I mm hero, there is a course of concrete iron stone luunuig across the creek which forms a litfiW pond of water nearly a mile in length, appa rently deep and permanent. Wind, W ? Wednesday, loth July.-Uurke's Creek. Shortly utter sunnsu proceeded toward&tho main camp, anil arrived there at 3 p.m. ; found all well. The natives have lieoii alMiut; they attacked Wall while in search of the missing horse; he and his horse nar rowly escaped being hit by their lioomerangH. The missing horse cannot lie found; I suppose that lie has crept into .some bushes and died, fur the night Injure lie was missed Iw left the other horses and came to the camp lire; lie apiieared to l»e very stupid, and for some time tlicy|could not get him away; when they did so he went oll'reeling.lWind, Thursday, 11th July. — Tomkinson'H Creek. Shoeing horses, und repairing saddles and bags to carry our provisions back. We have now run out of everything for that purpose, ami are obliged to make all sorts of shifts. The two tarpaulins tliat 1 brought from Mr. ('liiunlHirs's station for mend ing the Imgs arc all used up some time ago, and nearly all the spare bags; the sewing-twine has been used some time ago, and we are obliired to 1 make some from old bags. We are all nearly naked, the scrub has been so severe dn ouVddtlieH1 one can scarcely tell the nrigiiial colour of a sinele garment, they are so patched Our boots aro also gone It is with groat reluctance that I am forced to return without a further trial. I should like to go back, and try from Newcastle Water, but w provisions will riot allow me. I started with so weeks supply at seven pounds of flour per week, and have now been out 2T,, and it will take me 10 weeks More I can reach the first station The men are also failing, and. showing the effects of short rations. 1 only wish I had sufficient to Wnii wVti,rnniUl l fr rain w!llfa11 in »«* Ma'*. In, I t\ £VfUldi1i? U.blc t(J .makc both thc Gloria ff,™ -*uK. Ihad no idea when starting that the lulls would terminate so soon in such exten sive level country, without water, or I should liave tneu to make the river, and seen what the country X?*1 !*V,eP l hrst 8a.w tlle rlaing grounds from Mount 1 ninrose. which are the sand and iron un uutations passed over on my southernmost wes tern journey. Before I went to Newcastle Water 'hey completely deceived me, for from the top of the Mount they had'the appearance of a high range, winch I wa? glad to see, thinking that if the range I was th«n following up should cease, or if I could not find a way into the river further north,! would, be sure to get in by that tl,jsttfnt range, whipb caused me to leave the 'Newcastle Water country sooner than I would otherwise have done; and now I have not provisions to take me back agaiin. From what I have see i of the country to the W. and S. of Newcastle Water, I am of opinion that it would be no use trying again to make the river, for I believe no water can be obtained by sinking. The country is sandy tableland, on which not a drop of water remains, and there is not a blade of grass. To the W. aud N.'W. of Newcastle Water the country is apparently lower, aud I think that

water could be obtained at a moderate depth. II is the shortest distance lietwccn the waters, but the greatest difficulty would Uo in getting through the dense forest and scrub; but that I should think could be overcome. For a line of telegraph three or four wells would be quite sufficient. It certainly is a great disappointment to me in not being able to get through, but I believe I have left nothing untried that has been in my power to do. I have tried to make the gulf and river both before rain fell and immediately after it luul fallen: but the results were the same— Kn.wwxi/ri/. Even after the rain 1 could not get a step further than before it. 1 shall commence my homeward journey to-morrow morning. Wind, S. The Jiorses have had a severe trial from the long journeys they have made, and the great hardships and privations they have undergone. On my last journey they were 10G hours without water. The remaining part of the diary consists ol particulars relative to the homeward journey during which nothing of importance occurred. Some severely cold weather was experienced, and want of water wa* several time3 felt. In searching to supply this want more sodaspringa were found than before, and in fresh localities. On the 3lst August Levv'a Station was reached, when, says the diary, ' all of us wtre overjoyed once more at seeing the face of a white man. They received us with great kindness and attention.' At the end of a fortnight Moolooloo was reached, and there Mr. Stuart, with Mr. Woodforde, left the expedition and hastened to Port Augusta This concludes the interesting narrative, at the

termination of which Mr. Stuart says : — ' ] cannot close my journal without expressing my warmest thanks to my second in command and my other companions. They hava been brave, Bnd have vied with each other in performing their duties in such a manner as to make me at all times feel confident that my orders were curried out to the best of their ability and to my entire satisfaction. And I also beg to tender my best thanks to the promoters (llcsjrs. Chambers &. Finke) and the Government ior the handsome inauuer I was iitted out.' Cau. op the House.— A call ot the House of Assembly has been made for to-day, with a view to the discussion of tho motion of which Mr. Moorhouse has given notice, for the removal of ^Ir. Justice Uoothby from his olh'ce as one of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Tin* motion is ds follow* : — 'That Parliamentary Paper No. 1.-J (House number 12$) l-e taken into consideration, and will move the following resolutions, viz. :— ''1. That an humble lie presented to our Sovereign Lady the Queen, setting forth that, in consequence ot the position assumed bv His

Honor Mr. Jur.tit.-e Boothby, pulilie confidence in the administration of the laws is destroyed, the validity of titles thrown into doubt, ruinous litigation threatened, and the whole system of legislation in the province involved in confusion, contradiction, and contempt; and praying that Her Majesty will be most graciously pleased to.remove Mr. Justice linothby from his office as Judge of the Supreme Court of this province. ' '2. That an atUlress \«j presented to His Excellency the (f'vernor-in-t!hief, praying His Excellency to suspend Mr. Justice Uoothby from the exercise of his office us Judge until Her Majesty's pleasure be known. ''{I. That the Honourable the Attorney-General (Mr. Stow), the honourable lnen.her for Gumeracha (Mr. A. Blyth). and the mover (Mr. Moorhoiisc) l-e a I'limmittee to prepare the above | addresses.'' __^__ '

Imports axd Exi-okts.— Thursday's Gazetfs contains the Customs returns of the province for the veir ended the 30th of June, ISCt. We subjoin :iti abstract showitg the trade done during that period :— Imi'uiits. Value. Total imports ? i.'l,MK),-2l5 Imports re-exported ? 22U.17U Imports consumed in the colony ... i!l,5S0,(M5 K.\r-- ill's. Total exports ? ? i-2,ui-,-2lS imports re-v\iiorted ? 1*20,170 Exports the proiluce of the colony... jL'I.SUS.OIS The imports and exports of bullion ami com lor the same period are by the following figures : — iMPol'.TS. Total iiii|hirts ? £Si»,2fi-) Imports re-exported ? ?JJ.l^O ImiM)rts retained in the colony ? JCTT-.Sit) KXIMUTS. Total exports ? £±U2i» Imports re-e.\])orte-l ? 2J,WJ VAV-ttts VMv\v\ce o{ t\\o co\nny ? — at Waluhoo. — Ihc Commissioner oli Crown Lands is to movo on the 1st of OftloW uext -.— 'That, in the opinion of this House, it is desirable to facilitate the construction by private enterprise of works for draining ami carrying away tiie water to liv raised from mines in the province of South Australia; and, after such works shall have \-eeu constructed, to vnv\i\\-\t the. raising, oi water from certain lands until efficient provision shall have been made for tlisjHising of the said water.''

The New Isi»ei-em-f.nt I'hckl'u, Axfi.vsT-i\.— The following is from u correspondent: k — 'This new chtuvh. erected fvr the use of the *? Independents nho have recently seceded from the congregation under the care of the liev. Mr. Hamiay, was opened for divine worship on Sunday, September £L The building is neat, commodious, ami substantial, pleasantly situated on one of the liest sites in the township, and has been erected with wonderful celerity, which does credit to all concerned in the movement. The entire cost, including the site, with a comfortable manse already built, is little more than £1,:MO. Towards this sum there has been contributed £Sl'.l, including £»il 15s. which has been received during the oiK-ning services. The whole amount has l-eeii given by it*) contributors in the neighbourhood, and IU from other parts of the colony. The congregations on Sunday were large and overflowing, and included the most respectable persons in the locality. Vehicles of all descriptions came laden from a distance uf lt- miles, and some time before the hour for otteniug the service the chapel w;ls quite tilled. The preacher w;is the Key. William Hareus, of Kensington, whose first visit to Angaston was anticipated with much interest, and whose appropriate and eloquent sermons amj»ly sustained the high reputation of the preacher. There must have lieen :&) persons present, who, as the place is intended to accommodate only :jr-, filled it to overflowing. On Monday eveuiug there was a tea and public meeting, the latter presided over by Mr. Joan Kobcrts, of Kensington, who, in a few warm and energetic words, expressed his sympathy with the movement, anil introduced the various sjieakers. Eloquent and interesting addresses were delivered bv the Revds. M. H. Hodge, XL Williams, W. Hareus, W. Oldham, J. Ayling, and It. L. Toward. The usual complimentary votes of thanks to the ladies, the Chairman, and the sneakers were proposed by Messrs. H. Evans. W. Salter, E. Keynes, and S. Smith. Tuesday was the children's day. At an early hour the Sunday-school children, with their teachers from the North Khine School, reached the township in six wagons gaily decorated with flags and flowers, where they were met by the Angaston School, preceded bv a handsome banner bearing the inscription ' Welcome to Angastim.' The North Khine School bad also a large flag, with its name in conspicuous letters. The chil. dren of the two schools were then formed in proh vestum, and walked through the town, nreeedeu

liy the Angaston Hand, who kindly volunteered their services for the occasion. The children (alniut 250 in number) were then regaled with tea ami cake. They spent snme time in various games, and finished the proceedings of the longtobereinemlHired day by admiring the wonders presented to them by Mr. Xesbitt with bis powerful magic lanthern. lbe church was onnunented with great taste with rare and beautiful flowers, under the direction of Mr. Plus.h, assisted by Messrs. Ta-loar and J. Wood. During the whole of the services Angaston wore a holiday aspect. It was felt to l-e a time of rejoicing. Letters expressing sympathy with the movement were received from the Uoii. the Treasurer, the Hon. A. Hay, the Hon. J. H. Barrow, the Hon. Win Peacock, the Hon. G. ^.'inline, and Messrs. Glyde, Towusend, Tarlton, inc.' Christian Bkotiiehhood. — A correspondent has requested us to publish the following notice, from the Argun of the 4th of September, of a lecture recently delivered i»y the Bishop of Melbourne:— 'The Essential and Universal Brotherhood of Christians' formed the subject of a lecture delivered last night by the Bishop of Melbourne, at the request of the Committee ot the Evangelical Alliance. The lecture was delivered in the Protestant Hall, which was well tilled on the occasion. It. W. Pohlman, Esq., being in the chair. The .Bishop's argument was devoted to the proof of the existence of an essential and peculiar brotherhood among all sincere Christians, using the appellation in the widest sense, and of its analogy to the natural brotherhood subsisting among men. The manifestation yf this brotherhood was hinted at as likely to form the substance tff a subsequent lecture, '.taking the term Christian in the widest sense, the Bishop recognised - Catholics, Anglicans, Wesleyaris, Urcshytetians, baptists, &c., all as members of a universal brotherhood. But they were not so merely as professing members of those denominations, butsolelv because they were sincere hi that profession. Hence the term 'Christian' became denned and restricted, and Christians, therefore, were those who were peculiarly the.cnildren of (JchL For this reason there was a distinction of the feeling between

Christiana and Christians, and that of a common humanity between Christians and all other men; and, as the individual man was often imperfect, so was the Christian. The characteristics of the spiritual man or the perfect Christian were spiritual knowledge, a living faith, the hope of immortality, love to God and man, holiness, and joy. These characteristics were independent of any particular churches and modes of worship, and even of points of doctrine, so long as these did not interfere with the absolute merits of Christ as a common Saviour. After having expatiated on the above heads of brotherhood, the Bishop concluded his lecture by an eloquent and practical appeal on behalf of Christian union.' . ,-g' Messrs. Townsend, Botting, ifcKay request the attention of persons furnishing to the Sale of Furniture of 'Mis: Qilbert, Ifqrth-te.rrace, This Day, at 12 o'clock. (§f Messrs. Green, Parr, -fe Luxmoore wish special attention called to their Sale of Mr. John Chapman's Household furniture, Horses, Cows, Heifers«Pigs, Poultry, &a, &c., athis residence, Samia House, St. Mary's, Sturt. This Day, at 11 o'clock. -2g' Green, Parr, & Luxmoore request Fellmongers, Tallowchandlera, and others to note their Sale, This Day. at the rear of the Mart, of a ou&nUty of Wool, Hides, Skins, and Tallow.