South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 18 September 1861, page 3


I From our own Correspondent.!

kaptiuda, September 1, .

An admirable lecture was read ny i\ir. i.ameron at the Schoolroom last Friday evening. Subject— ' Times of - Jeorge the Third.' The attendance was prettv good, and the audience much gratified,

but our population require a more attractive programme 10 bring them out in anything like adei|«'.tc numbers, so as to make the Institute beneficial. The volunteers elected three new corporals on Saturday night— Messrs. May, Pollard, and Treverton. The Mine Companv now musters 90 men. In my account of the rille match hist week I misstated the average as 14 84: it should have been 15-2C. 1 sent! you herewith such particulars as are fit for publication of one of the most disgusting cases that 1 ever met m a Court ; for though the case was dismissed for lack of evidence, it yet revealed a depth of depravity anil beastly immorality such in I did not believe our district was polluted with..

The Customs Act. — Mr. Justice Iwynne stated in the Supreme Court yesterday hat Mr. Justice Bootliby was not prepared to give judgment in Cleve v. Dashwood, but that he would fix an early day for doing so. Wentworth. — A correspondent, writing from AVentworth, says:— 'The river here is unusually high. The banks have overflown, and several people in the lower parts of the township nave been Hooded. We were visited by a severe storm on the night of the 9th instant. The lliri n-WmTie sai^l,-'esf««lay on a voyage up the parting, lhe Uakool is expected down every hour. The settlers in the district are about to commence shearing '

ASSISTED IMMIGRATION FROM GERMANY. -Among the passengers by the Iserbrook are twenty-nine persons whose friends in this colony arranged for their coming hither through Messrs Amsberg & Co. We understand that firm is pre- pared, in conjunction with a large house at Ham-burg, to ofter great facilities to Germans in South Australia for the bringing out of their friendsand that the terms upon which such arrangements can be effected will shortly be made public through our advertising columns. Imported Rams. — By the Iserbrook, from Hamburg. Messrs. B. Amsbeig & Co. have received 12 Saxony merino rams. We understand they are of a similar breed to those which were formerly imported by the same firm, but of a superior description in several respects, having been selected from some of the finest flocks in Germany, in accordance with express instructions from the importers. They have arrived in excellent condition.