Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Tuesday 9 August 1904, page 6



The golden ivedding of the Very Rev Charles Marryat, Dean of Adelaide, -.vas celebrated in.the North Adelaide Institut« on Monday evening, when a conversazione Avas held in honor of the occasion.. The hall Avas beautifully decorated, imitations of Avedding bells being plentifully distri buted, Avhile the stage was embellishec with flowers, which Avere most artisticallj arranged. As the Dean, Mrs. Marryat and family Avalked through the assembly te the platform'"The Avedding march" Avas played. Among those present to welcomt the guests were his Excellency the Gover-nor and Lady Le Hunte, the Bishop of Ade-laide, and his Honor the Chief Justice. Miss Hewton played a violin solo, and Mr Beresford gave "A song of thanksgiving/1 Mr. A. J. Higgin then presented the foi loAvjng address:

To the Very Rev. the Dean and Mrs. Marryat.

Dear Sir and Madam

The parishioners of Christ Church deeply feel the privilege of being able to congratulate you on the occasion of your golden wedding, and to join with you in thanking Almighty God for the past years oi united happiness and services.

AVe cannot allow the auspicious event to pas without giving you some tangible proof of our affection and esteem, and of our appreciation of your long and earnest work for the good of the parish.

Wishing you both all happiness and prosperity, and trusting that you may long be spared to con-tinue your valued labor amongst us, we beg io subscribe ourselves, on behalf of the parishoners,

A. J. HIGGIN, IT,-0"1O"«

H. P. MOORE,"gardens.

The address, Avhich Avas cleverly executed bj- the Misses Hambridge, included paint-ings of the Dean and Mrs. Marryat, Trinity Church, Christ Church, the deanery, and

the cathedral.

' The Bishop of Adelaide said their thoughts that night turned to one of the many distinguished passengers on the good ship Buffalo. ' She iA-as then a little girl, Avhose fairy godmother must have Avhis pered pleasant things in her ear. The diminutive traveller met in Adelaide a

young man Avho Avas one of a family famed in literature and naval circles. He referred to the family of Marryat. The Dean had had 50 years of love and happiness, for which tliey thanked God. (Cheers.) Those who Loved and admired the Dean and Mrs. Marryat had taken that opportunity of expressing in a simple yet tender way their appreciation, esteem, and affection for them. That evening, therefore, their old associations as well as their new friends had joined together in thankfulness to God that it hath pleased Him to spare the happy couple for so many years. They welcomed the members of the Dean's family, and they Avere pleased to see so many present. On behalf of the Dean's friends he asked him to accept a vase filled ivith sovereigns. The Arase bore the following .inscription:-"A memento from their many friends. To the Very Rev. Dean of Adelaide and Mrs. Marryat, on their golden wedding day, August 8, 1904."

The Chief Justice said his Excellency the Governor and Lady Le Hunte had the privi-lege of Avitnessing the most beautiful, at-tractive, and fascinating spectacle they had .yet seen in South Australia. The Anglican community |had not a monopoly of love and reverence for the Dean and Mr*. Marryat; they Avere shared by ei'ery reli-gious denomination in the State. Sir Charles Cooper, the first Chief Justice of South Australia, was one of those whose names appeared at the bottom of the Dean's marriage certificate. The career o£ the Dean represented Anglicanism in its best possible aspect. Dean Marryat had been in charge of Christ Church for 36 years, and he was a model parish priest. He had great administrative qualities, and shared the statesmanlike abilities of his il-lustrious uncle, the first Bishop of Adelaide. Dean,Marryat had lived a devoted life, rich in neible ideals and full of love and_ piety. Mrs. Marryat's influence on" Adelaide so-ciety had been a most beautiful one. and had tended to the beautifying and purifying of homes and amusements. (Cheers.) Ile hoped his Excellency and Lady Le Hunte Avould be present at the celebration of the diamond jubilee of the Dean and Mrs. Mar-ryat.

The Reir. Canon Andrews also spoke.

The Dean, Avho Avas received Avith loud cheers, joined Avith them in thanking Almighty God for his kindness to him, his Avife, and family. This was his second jubilee. Four years ago he had com-pleted his ministerial jubilee, and now be was celebrating the golden jubilee of his wedding. The occasion brought back re-miniscences of 50 years ago. He did no1 remember what be then said in reply to the toast of the bride and bridegroom, but he Had a A'ivid remembrance of one or two facts connected with his Avedding-day. After he left the church his path Avas streivn Avith roses by the Sunday-school scholars, and the schoolroom was decorat-ed with one or two texts. The first read, "Will thou go Avith this man?" (Laugh-ter.) The second Avas, "I ivill go Avith him." ' (Laughter.) He hoped the gather-ing that evening Avould be a stimulus to his wife and himself^to Ai-ork for the glory of God, the good of'the Church, and for the benefit of the ivhole community. (Cheers.)

During the evening refreshments were handed round, and at the close "Auld Lang Syne" was sung.