South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 30 March 1860, page 1

SHTPPIffft ? l. — OTEAM VO MELBOURNE with i ^-£^ JS cOilFOET and SAFETY.— The .^s^^^ dd faTOBritesA Stumer '^^jr^TjScBfCw JtlAV LuAnt 650 tons, pi^S McPie, will positively sail on Tuesday n(The^»utevia Melbourne to either Inglewood, Snowy Eiver or Tumut, is the cheapest, quickest, and decidedly the most prudent. ^ ^^^ & ^ ^ 9 .-giT J. DARWENT, GrenfoU-street. «, -Kav CJNOWY RIVER AND INGLEsSSWWKTXns. O WOOD.— The Nearest, Cheapest, ^C^oRffv^. MostBanid, and Comfortable Route -±T^v5^r to INGLEWOOD or SNOWY EIVEE f andTUMUi'isbythe OMEO or HAVILAH Steamers to Melbourne, thence either by Cobb's Coaches oyerland, or by the Sydney Steamers to Twofold Bay. ? M™ ~~~-* 'KJ&. O TEAM FOR' TWOFOLD BAY ; -^SfewsTTSs. (5 DIRECT; and, after discharging | *CSsfi\.a\^. her Passengers for the Diggings, will J t^SUSS, proceed to SiDNEY.-The Mail Steam-Packet COBIO, 150 tons Kgister, 80 horse-power, -will start positively On MONDAY, April 2. The route by Twofold Bay is eensiderahly the cheapest, and by steam it will be done within a week; it is in reality the nearest and most convenient. p Intending passengers must make speedy application by letter or in person either to ' J. COtiElIAN, Exchange Hotei.Port; orto -, 89c J. W. SMITH, Company's Wharf, Port. ., K9*K CJTEAM TO POET LINCOLN AND « «8P&nR^--J POBT AUGUSTA.— The f(1 ?*^^t^C?BBto Csptain Ward, will sail on Saturday next, the 31st ilareh, on arrival of the 3.30 pjn. train. Goods must be alongside not later than 12 o'clock on / day of sailing. Freight on small packages and parcels \ to be prepaid or they will not be forwarded. BbDER, S rittLING, & CO., Port Augusta. J Grenfell-strcet, March 24. 1860. 86-91 .rjL- T}0R LONDON.— The splendia new clipper 'j ^f§^ 1P VERULAM, TjSrfflSr H.B. Angel, commander, sails the first week _ in April. Has excellent aoMmmodation for first, second, * ind third class passengers, and carries an experienced ^ For freight or passage, apply to Captain Angel ; or to _ 78mwf90 ? P. LEYI & CO. -| B' LACKWALL LINE OF PACKETS.— J FOB LONDON DIRECT.— To leave 6££K& Hobson's Bay ob Saturday, April 7.— The '*' j££!XL celebrated frigate-built Ship { mmmm~* PSINCE OF WALES, V [sister ship to the Monarch), 2,000 tons, Al at Lloyd's, Joseph Watsen, commander (belonging to Messrs. Green, of Blackwall). ~ AddIy to ? JOHN NEWMAN 4 SON, Port ; or 1 H-flavfll J. DABWENT, GrenfeU-street, Adelaide. 'TrT 'C«0E POST LOUIS, MAURITIUS.— The j£g*v JC Al clipper Ship f|$£&. ARABELLA, {j£3U 468 tons, J. C. Younghusband, commander [under engagement to sail on 3rd April), has room fer ibout 153 tons of Merchandise only. Has superior f iccommod&tion for 30 Cabin and Steerage Passengers. Early arrangements necessary. Apply to the Captain, fj onboard; -n E. SPICER. Adelaide; or a - JOHN NEWMAN & SON, Port Adelaide. March 23. 1860. ? 8 lev .?x- T70B, KING GEORGE'S SOUND DIBECT. t«i«S. JO —The clipper Cutter 1 ISl|fK^ FIBEFLY, J £*-«£» to «?»! Friday, March 30. B For freight or passage apply to J 89*90 DALE, FULLER, 4 CO, Port. E1 _ ? q .-*-« 'C1IBST VESSEL FOB SNOWY EIVEE tMsS. J? DlGGINGS.-FoR SYDNEY, Calling . REggSr at TWOFOLD BAY.— The Al clipper f A 1'.. '3TL Barque CONDOE ' -will leave the Wharf on Monday, the 2nd April. f. Passengers must b: on board not later then half-past p 2 o'clock. ]. Has room for a few more passengers, an-l aecommo- j' dation in accordance with Emigration Regulations. . Cabin, ? £7 0 * Steerage, ? 5 5 For freight or passage, apply to f BIPLEY WEBB £ CO . Auelftids; or to 80-3 ? JOHN NEWMAN & SON, Port. __ j ?1- QtWWY EIVER DIGGINGS.— FIRST s1 ^M&. D ENGLISH VESSEL.— For TWOFOLD , TOgfiJfrdr BAY.— The fine fast-sailing Barque J SZiZX?. SUCCESS, ► 400 tons, Captain Stewart, having roost of her bertha ° already engaged, will positively sail on Taesday, April 3. * The spacious 'twees-decks, excellent accommodation?, fl and rapid sailing of this vessel ensure a speedy and comfortable voyage to all proceeding by her. For freight or patsage, immediate application is necessary to ~. T. E. BURY, Exchange-colonnade; or } 83*9iv E. G. COLLINSON, -Fort. * jI* CJNOWY RIVER DIGGINGS.— Tho Al jflffEKv. O British-boUt Bri* 41ilSr LUTHER . \ ~**Ss£m- is now discharging her inward cargo at JJ Prince's Wharf, and will, should sufficient inducement 3 offer, proceed to Twofold Bay on or about Saturday, Z 7th April. ? r Has room for 100 tons cargo, either for Sydney or Newcastle Apply early to Caitain 'White, on board ; or to J WM.iOUNGHUSBAND,JUN.,&CO, ' 88e Town and Port. '-'777 T?OE YANK ALILLA AND BAPID BAY. i ?JSlv JD —The Cutter - \ (2&S& BREEZE 1: 4£S£gbt, wfl sail for the above porfs This Day I (Friday), March 3'. C Foi Iieight or passaze, apply to e H. KANDFOBD ; or to x EOaiN & LE MESSUEIEI5, Port .-T- T?0E MACDONNELL BAY-.— The tMK J? BANDICOOT. 4s£^ Wright, master, will sail Apiil 15. f^rSrrfT. Far freight or passage, apply to EDWABD FEENCH, 89*103 Port MacDonncll, or Port Adelaide. JULIE HEYN.— CONSIG2fEES by this Vessel, not having paid Freight, are requested to ' do so immediately to the Marshal of the Admiralty ! Court, otherwise Goods will be Stored at Consignees' expense. JOHN HANCE, North terrace. Adelaide, March 29, 188 '. 90Jl SHIP BISCTTIT3.— The undersigned is j prepared to Sapply Captains and Agents of Ves- ; Eels with the best Kiln-dried BISCUITS on the shortest -police. 83c ROBERT BIREELL, Grenfell-street SHIPS' POSTERS got out on the shortest notice. A large supply of coloured Inks, coloured paper, and new jobbing type, just receives. Apply at the Eegitter and Observer Printing Office. ? MERCHANDISE. ? TEAS — Congou, Orange Pekoe, Scented Orange, Caper, in chestr, half-chests, and boxes, ex Isle of France, Osprey, Sea Witch, Clara Novello, Migrator, &c. Snpar — Mauritius assorted, dark and lisht, Java Coffee— Java Plantation, old Java, in small mats Bice— Pitna, ia small bags, Java, superior and ordinary Soap— Sydney, Imperial, and Pale Candles, Oatmeal, Hops, Arrowroot, Macearoni Sauces, Starch, Mustard, Sago, Soda Crystals White Lead, Eevalenta Arabica, Blacking, Pitch, Cornbags Pianos, very superior quality, 7 octaves, 3 strings Cedar ih Io»fS, Window-Hashes, Pig Iron Brandy— Dumas old, Barnard, Champagne V.C., U.V.O, C.V.O, bulk and case, dark and pale 3Jum— W.L, WJ., hhd&, qr.-casks, 30 o.p , superior, case, Jamaica Gfn— Booth, bulk and case, Geneva 'Whisky— Stewart's, bulk and case, Mackenzie's, case Sherry, Port Wine, in hhds. and qr.-casks - Claref, Liqueurs, Seltzerwater, Sparkling Hock Moselle, Champagne -Ginzer Wine— Stewards, Thompson's linger Brandy, Bitten — Boonekamp (Cigars — Manila, Havana. Velvets, Bihbons, &c Ale and Porter— Bsass'p, quarts and pints, estfc MAfiTIN, GAEDECHENS, & CO. /HOWARD'S OILMEN'S STOEES— \J Eaye's Pills, Europe Bope Shop and Seaming Twines Sash Lines, Hawsers, Orebags Carriage Harness KngUsh Bye?rass-Seed American Linseed Cakes gosin, Tin-Plstcs Borisg, Mortising, and Brick Machines * Liverpool Coarse Salt -Soda Ash and Soda Crystals Jfew Kent Hops fifm-Ha & Co.'s Fancy Biscuits. JOSEPH STILLING 4 CO, 13fmwl92v ? Hiodley-street. ? N SALE -BBANDY, Port, Sherry, London Gin, Bum Harper's BolUed Stout, Whitbread's Stout /nd,Coopc & Co.*a Burton Ale, No. 3, pints and lad'g Burton Pale Ale, Dottled by 'White, do. do. Sodfj'a Stout, bottled by White Ginger, Starch patty's Pickles, Bottled Fruits, Salad 00, 4c £ornsacks, Orsbags, WbolpacEs, and SeamingTjrine Tron Bedsteads, Flooring-Tiles, Slates ChSTEoal, Tinplates, Brasaware, Glassware Tea and Coffee Pots, Fryingpans, Chain, &c. FBANCIS CLABE & SONS, . fiipr Blvth-Btreet. Adelaide. O2T SALE, at the Stores of the underswned— Plain and Fancy Drapery Haberdasdery, Hosiery, Glove?, &c - F. S. Cleaver's Honey Saaps, Perfumery, &c Brashes; Combs, Cutlerr, Ironmongery Cornsack;, Branbag3, Woolpacks, Rosin Powdered Sa'phnr, lirindstcnes. Iron Safes Plouphs. Harrows, Fencing Wire. Pipes Bath Brick?, Sewiug Twine, Kentish Hops Canvas, 21 feet broad, Herrings in tins Baisins. Candles, Sugars, Teas Fly-Papers, Insect Powders, Medicine-Chests Wine Corks. Roofine Felts ' Walker, Lonsr. & Co.'s Stout Byass*s and Hibbertfs Ale end Porter Port, Sherry, Claret, and Sauteme Booth's and Burnett's Gin, Geneva, Brandy, Rum C. DBAPEB & CO. GrepfeU-itreet. ? 7Bcv ON SALE by tiie undersigned, a large quantity of Deep-wen BEAS3 FORCE and LIFT PUMPS ofall description', from 8 incbe to 5 inch bore. Xead Pipe in all sizes. Sheet Lead, White Lead.Bsw Unseed 00, BoUed Oils, at Bednced Prices. BOBEBT DODGSON', Mcr Successor to S, B, Hall, Leigh-street,

MESCHAITDISE. M1EE undersigned hare ON SALE as folL lows?-' ' r __ ; ?' Chests and Half-Chests finest Congou TEA. Cosens's Sherry, in quarter-casks. Brandy, Pernefs, Pale and Dark, hhds. , . Tmegar, Champion's No. 24, in qr.-casks and cases. Branbafts, five-bushel AUsopp's BotUed Ale, quarts and pints. . . Super Durham Mustard in 7-lb. tins. Carbonate of Soda in 14 and 281b. jars. .- . Oak, Carriage, and Copal Varnish. J. .Crease and Son'a. ' ' Eaw Linseed Oil, 6-gallon drums. . ? -20^ HENEIQUES & CO., Currie-strcet. CO ARRIVE per Ship NORDON— BASS'S No. 3 ALE, OCTOBEB BBEW. , Publicans will intimate qnantity required, so that it nbedeUveredfromtheahip^^ ^^^ ygg ? Hindley-tueet. jiENCINQ- WIRE, Annealed »»-cl famished * Superior Eation and Fine Teas, new crop Crystallized and Eation Sugars Arsenic, Sublimate ' . Woolpacks and Twine . Tobacco, Eagle Twist and Honeydew -ic.. &c- &c. JOSEPH STILLING & CO, I3ftnwlO2T ? ' Hiudley-Btreet. ? ; nENNANT'S SODA ASH, 52 per cent. L 87'lOOv ? JOSEPH STILLING & CO. ' OOT)0N STOTJT.— HOARE & CO.'S J Celebrated LONDON STODT, in prune condition, perior to any at present in this market. ' ' Sole Agents ' S°Uth A^WM?YOUNGHUSBAND, JON^ & CO, 32c TownandPort.7 )B' SALE, 30,000 5-Peefc (Broad) Laun- , m WrtOnP^OBfNXgV3SUEIEB,Port. ! -RIME NEW CORK BUTTER, ex . Indus, now landing, on Sale by - 1 joo P.McHOSTIE, l39,Bnndle-street. i -YASS'S ALE AND PORTER, Pints, l J 5s. 6d. per doz. ' 38mwflOO WM. BEUCE, Currle-street. ^ OLOJS IAL WINE.— ON S ALB, Colonial ] J Wine, irrown by Jos. Gilbert, Esq. of Pewscy Vale ' Bmwfc FEED. S. C. DBIFFIELD, Grenfell-strect. j Fencing 'wire for sale.— so Tom I ! No. 4, Annealed and Oiled. 60 hhds. Stout. ! i5mwro , IVE & CO., 69, King William-street. ( 1OALS.— Best English and Newcastle , / (N&W.) Coals can be had in aay quantity, at i H. SIMPSON'S Coal-yard, Port Adelaide; or i ^.KRKWTCK'3.Grenfell-itrefit. 874o iOALS. COALS. COALS, J English House Coal. ? New South Wales do. do. Tanfield Moor (Smith's) do. !89ae TH03. E. BUEY, 1, Exchange-colonnade. ___________________________________ BUSINESS NOTICES. ___________________________________ THE undersigned takes this opportunity of informing his Friends and Customers that he has DISPOSED OF his PREMISES and BUSINESS to Wm. BEAN & CO, on whese behalf he begs to solicit a continuance of their favours. GEO. BEAN. Thebarton Tannery. ___________________________ IN reference to the above, WM. BEAN and CO. beg to announce that they have taken the Business lately and for many years carried on at this establishment, and hope to merit a continuance of the support which was given to it when conducted by Mr. G. Bean, x WM. BEAN & CO, Thebarton Tannery. ____________________________________ TO BAKERS and GROCERS.— A first - rate opportunity rarely to be met with.— An Oldtablished BAKEHOUSE and GROCERY SHOP TObe be LET, at low terms, facing the water, North-parade, Port Adelaide. The present occupier having done a large and profitable business for several years. For terms, apply to Mr. Blake, stationer, North-parade, Port Adelaide. March 30. 1880. ______________________________ TO be SOLD, a CAVALRY SWORD and PISTOL, selested in 1858 by General Chesney. pply to Thomas PowelJ, Central Mart, King Williamreet, £0mwU7JNOWY JNOWY RIVER DIGGINGS. — To * persons proeeedtag to the abore Diggings.— For 1LE at the Storo of the undcrsiened, COLT'S 1TEST BEVOLVEBS; also TABPAULISS, suitable r Tents. MUMME & BBANDENBUEa. No. 73, King William-street. March 24, 1EG0. ? F6mwi97 3n0wy river diggings.— * tents; tents, tents. NOTICB. P. MICHELMOBE, SAIL AND TENT MAKES, POBT ADELAIDE, as on hand a large assortment of Canvas and Calico ents, Tarpaulins, -Sc, various eizes. Also, all kinds of xib. Tinware. &L. snitable for the Diggings. 87ev pABPATTIiIJfS, TABPAUI/INS. L IMPOBTANT TO FAEMEBS. JOSEPH ALLEN, Tent and Tarpaulin Slaier, 31, ing William-street, has on hand a large assortment of e above, at very low prices, frem 303. upwards. N.B.— Orders executed on the shortest notice. 3i7ev COLOURED INKS and PAPERS of the j most showy descriptions in great variety, and rge and Bmall Types bHitable for ELECTORAL RINTING, at the SegiHer General Printing Offices, recnfell-strcet All orders punctually and cheaply lecotcd. ? 3HOEJMAZERS and Others supph'ed with J all kinds of LEATHER at Adelaide Prices. ORCHARD BBOTHEBS, 49'13Bv Front-street, Kapunda. PORTEMONNAIES.— A small assortment of the above, of tho newest style, at HILLIEE'S, 61q 10 .Hindley-strcet. STEREOSCOPES and STEREOSCOPIC 3 VIEWS, Cheap, and in great Variety, at 127q £.S.W1GG'S, 12, Bundle-street. VT 'E W ~^ R 0 i' I Ll J. KE MP PENNEY, laving BEMOVED his BUSINESS to 32, HINDLEYTBEET (opposite the Kngle Tavern), most respectilly solicits the patronage of hisfrienus and the public, ssnring them that no exertion on his part shall be ranting to merit a continuance of their favour?. ? 43mwfl37xv MOCOANUT FIBRE MATTING.— U S. MAYFIELD respectfully invites tho attention f the Public to his Large Stock of COCOANUT FiBEE IATTING, Plain and Striped, also to bis well-seasoned itock of FLOOBCLOTHS, of superior manufacture and he newest and most approved patterns, and every Tticle in the General Furnishing Department. 89c ROSE, PAPEK-RULER and ? ACCOUNT-BOOK-MAKEE, Leigh-street. ? SO'170 SPECIMENS of PRINTING IN EVERY STYLE can be seen at the REGISTER and JBSEBVER GENERAL aud FANCY PRINTING )PFICES, Grentell-Btrcet, Adelaide, where all orders re executed -eatly and cheaply, and on the shortest [Qtioa ? D EGISTER and OBSERVER GENERAL LV aad FANCY PRINTING OFFICES.-Evcry lescription of Letterpress and Copperplate Printing ixecuted neatly, cheaply, o _J promptly, at this office, he most Extensive Establishment in South Aw ' alia, rhere the most skilful hands arc engaged, ana every ideavoar made to irive satisfaction RINTING INKS— FOR SALE, at the Segitter and Observer General Printing Office, Jrenfell-street, the following' Printing' Inks, at English irloes:— Black, at 2s. 6d, 3s, 4s, 6s., and 6s, Bark Blue, at 3s. Cobalt Blue, at 3s. 6d. Bed, at 6s. Green, at 3s. Superior Red, Blue, and Green, for Cards and Circulars, at 8s. to 10s. 6d. SNOWY RIVER.— A large assortment oj TIN GOODS, mads expressly for the Diggings, it 86o A. SIMPSON'S Warehouse, Gawlcr-place. OSTERS, HANDBILLS, and CARDS (of every size and colour), VOTING-PAPERS, FOLL-PAPEBS, and every other description of ELECTOBAL PRINTING, executed promptly and cheaply at the Register General Printing Offices, Grenfell-strcet. Orders received by the Agents of the TUgitter and Obierver all over tbe colony, and orders through the post punctually attended to, VERY DESCRIPTION of PRINTING executed NEATLY, CHEAPLY, and PROMPTLY a the EEGISTEB and OBSEEVEE GENERAL and FANCY PRINTING O PFIOES Granfell.rtrnat. 0 MOTHERS, SURGEONS, a^d NURSES.— CROWDER'S PURE FLUID MAGNESIA, warranted superior in quality to any imported, and sold retail by most Druggists and Storekeepers, in quart bottles, at 3s. each (half price of Murray's), and wholesale at the Manufactory, Franklin-street 356a'8c 0 ADVERTISERS in the REGISTER —The following is the SCALE of DISCOUNT? on Advertisements m the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN EEGISTEB (daily paper), which has been in usa for upwards of five years — On 3 insertions ... ljd.inthe hilling, or 12* per cent On 4 insertions ... Sd. in the Shilling, or IA} per cent On S insertions ... 2$d. in the Shilling, or 20' per cent Onms8eriJofnsl!!!d ..!}3d- ^ the ShUling, or 26 percent. ^inserHons^ '}3ia-lntneS^^.or29J per cent °taZa&£? 'I4* to«-eShUlinif,or33}pcT05at. °nisBffio'nsa!.'! }*& ta the Sani'HW. or 37J per cent Oninsffi!!1.d f.!}^ * ^Shilling. or 41| per cent °fasertionii^ ^ }sid. to the Shilling, or 45J per cent MSd2«mslrUo^s|-ei in tho Shilling, or £0 percent 8b25,™ HJ}«W. Infto Shilling, or 6H per cent T 62 insS Z \7i' ta th0 SMHiigr, or 68J per ccn ^WiiSnS}8^ to the Shilling, or «6J per cen The Scale of Charges is as fellow.— Two lines ,„ ,., One Shilling, Three lines ? One Shillng and Sixpence. Four lines „. ... Two Shillings. Firtjiaei ... ... Two Shilling arKiSiiDenoo Sia'«9i w ~. Three ShUlSngi, p lanirivo net or* Sixpcaw- JOfov

BTTSHfESS NOTICES. ? i FMPOKTANT NOTICE TO AGRICTJL- ' JL TUEISTS.— Having, In the course of my journey hrongh the colony, met with Spurious Castings of wearng parts of our Ploughs and other Implements, I would lereby caution Farmer* te be most partioalar inpurhasing extra Wearing Parts. All our Castings bear the , tame of Bansomes & Sims. I would specially advise i he Farmer to see, in his choice of Casi-iron Shares, that ] ach Share shows our name ia full, as well as the parti- t ulnr number or letters of tho Plough to which it ] ielosgs. ? ] The Shares of onr manufacture, which have for many c ears held the first position for strength and durability, ( re prepared in a peculiar manner. They are composed j fa mixture of different irons, and are chilled so as to ender them as hard as steel' by a process unknown to £ ny other maker. The Spurious Shares I have alluded o arc, externally, poor imitations of our own, and on ; xaminatiou the material and density are very inferior. ] therefore think it ray duty to the Farmer and ourselves £ o lay the matter before the public. ' j For Raotoitbs & Sim, 65mwfl30vl61 MONTAGUE BEALE. , I/TED1CAL HALL, K.OORINGA.— l OtL W.H. WILKINSON begs respectfully to inform f tie inhabitants of Kooringa and the surrounding distictthat his NEW MEOICAL HALL, Commercial- r treet, corner of Qneen-stree^ is NOW OPEN'. . W. H. W. has a valuable assortment of genuine Drugs, a 'atent Medicines, and such other articles as are gene3lly connected with the business. ? f Medicine-Chests replenished. - ; Country orders punctually attended to. ' c Family Becipes carefully prepared. SS'SJvOl :. s »UBLIUATIOgS AH D STAT£0¥EBY [MPORTANT TO SCHOOLS, * Fresh supplies of the following English School- '? looks have just been received, and are now on Sale. . WORKS ON AEITHMETIC, , \ j Walkinghame, Guy, Ingram, Gray, Hutton, BonnyisOe, Chambers, Joyce, Walker, Wallace, and the . rcatise issued by the Committee of the Irish National Bhool Society. . ?? . ENGLISH GBAMMAE3, ! j MHrray, Smart, Lennic, Allen & Cornwall, Sullivan, id Chambers. ? 8 SPELLING-BOOKS, f Y Carpenter, Penning, Guy, D'Orsey, Kcble, Kenny, ^ favor, and Mojo. ? n WORKS ON GEOSRAPHY, } -f Goldsmith, Guy, Butters, Ewing, Gilbert, Ingram, eid, Scott, White, and tho Treatise issued by the Comlittco of the Irish National School Society. / DICTIONARIES, J r Johnson, Webster, Walker, Enowles, and Sheridan. ' READING-BOOKS, fMaculloch, Cassell, Enfield, Maja, Murray, Mylins, talker, the Illustrated Londen Reading-Book, and the ' irics of books used in tho Irish National Schools. g WORKS ON BOOK-KEEPING, C r Morrison, Cnambers, Hutton, Moclaren, and the . reatise issued by.the Committee of the Irish National '] shool Society. ' : PLATT3, Nos. J, 95, and 97, Hindley-street ». (Established npwards of 20 years). a 'SHEET ALMANAC FOR 1860. a nst Published, at the RegUler and Obterver General Printing Offices, Grenfel '.-street, and to be obtained of all the Agents in town and country, Pbics Sixpsirea ]'1HE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN I SHEET ALAMANAC FOE 1880. I CONTESTS : & IGN£LS used at the West-terrace Signal Station. -ICLIPSES, Feasts, Anniversaries, Principal Articles of ' the Calendar, &c. ?' IALENDAE for each Month in tho Year, containing the Days of tho Week, Month, and Year, Risiug and 1 Setting of the Snn and Moon for each day, Phases ' of the Moon, duly means of regulating Dial Time, Remarkable Days, 4c. ' iOVERNMENT of South Australia, including Ministry, i - Executive Council, Parliament, List of Officers in the Civil Service, Judges, Law Officers, Ac. ? ? IUNIC1PAL CORPORATIONS, with their Officers. lUSTOM-HOUSE, Port Adelaide.— South Australian -Customs Tariff, Wharfaee Dues. Pilotace, &c. -FARMERS' and GARDENERS1 CALENDAR for the Kitchen Garden, Fruit Garden, Flower Garden, and -Field, for each month of the year. . J jICENCES for Hackney Carriages, Water-Carts, and ? Weighbridges. ? . , , -'OUNDAGE FEES under the Impounding Act ,ANDS TITLES REGISTRATION OFFICE FEES &c. TELEGRAPHIC CHlRGES.^c. iOUTH AUSTBALIAN INSTITUTE, CHAMBEE OF COMMEECE, BANKS. . . with a full and precise CABLE of DISPATCH and ARRIVAL of INLAND MAILS, with Distances and Postmasters' Names. TEWISH CALENDAR. A.M, 6G2J-1, ? , THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ALMANAC EVEB ISSUED. ] !^~E^ W^ B~O 0 K ST^ ] L\ ENGINEEBS'- AND CONTRaCTOES*' , ?0CKETBOOK for 1880. ? Howell's Sheet Almanac for 1860, Price 6d, with Book on Colonial Gardening Gratis - I Fowler's Wreck of the Boyal Charter, Is. Family Herald, the new volume, just received Hood's (Thomas) Poems ( Hood's Whims and Oddities j Hood's Own, or Laughter from Year to Year Hood's Precocious Piggy j Spurgeon's Sermons, just published ' ? Tennyson's Poems, new edition , , Lord St. Leonard's Handybook of Property Law A Handybook of Parish Law Thackeray's Virginians, 2 vols., just completed Livingstone's Missionary Travels in South Africa The Imperial Dictionary and Gazetteer, at English price Youatt on the Horse, new edition Thomas Carlylo's Works, 16 vols. Keade's Love ma Xiittle, Love me Long, 2 vols. Nick of Woods, or The Fighting Quaker History of Ireland to the present time Beard's Biographical Dictionary Eomantio Tales, by the Author of John Halifax Gentleman , Cassell's Popular Educator, G vols. ; Ministering Children and Ministry of Life ] Handy Andy, Life of John Steggall ( Bcneon'8 Bible, Clarke's Bible Cnssell's Pictorial History of England Tho Professor, by Currcr Bell The Italian Campaigns of General Bonaparte Tredjrold on the Stcam-Engino The Boy's Own Sea Stories Maunder's Treasury. JOHNHOWELL., 32c ' 4, Rundle-street ER EMEU— OVERLAND MAIL.— BOOKS FUR 1860. SelfHeb, by S. Smiles That's It, or Plain Teaching, by the author of The . Reason Why The Boy's Play Book of Science, by Peppor The Human Face Divine, by Mrs. Gatly Tho Spear and tho Hide, by an old Shekarroe Rights and Wronca, a Manual of Household Law Ten Thousand Wonderful Things, by E. P. King Natural History Reason Why Two Year's Ago, third edition, by the Bev. C. KIngsIcy Chrif tma3 Hamper, bv M. Lcnon Little Pedlingtbn. by J. Poole Stephen Dagard, by W. Mudford Time and Tide, by the author of I've Been Thinking Life of Sir Thomas Powell Buxton. &c, &c, &c. HILLIER'S. 70q 10, Hiniley-strcet. Jnst Published, THE FARM AND GARDEN, No. 21, FOB MARCH, 1860. Edited by Edwakd William AJtdbsws, under the auspices of the South Australian Agricultural and Horticultural Society. COKTBNT9 : Leaainc Articles upon Sheep for Farmers and Pniks and Gardens. Injurious Insects, No. 9, by C. A. Wilson, M.E.S., (natura amator), containing general remarks for February and March; the Ants; and the Insects injurious to our native Eucalypti, No. 2. The third of a series of papers npon New or Good Plants, Fruits, Flowers, &c, by a distinguished Botanist, Maxims fur Gardeners, No. 1, by Mr. G. W. Francis. Letters from Mr. D. Ferguson, onllornsby's Ploughs; Antiburn, on Stubble Burning, Mangold Wurtzel, by Mnngold Wurtzel ;. Dried Fruit, by Enquirer; Market Price of Seeds, by a Constant Header; Remedy for the Blight in Apple Trees, by Mr.J. M. Bailey; tbe Ant Nuisance, by Nemo; and Prize Sheep, by Mr. James Banb'ne. Tiptrce Hall, an article extracted from the New Tork Trllune Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetable Seeds from England, extracted from the South Auitralian Ttegi»ler, Report of the South Australian Agricultural and Horticultural' Show, and of tLe Committee Meetings of the above Society, held on February 10 and March 1 ; Report of the Northern Agricultural and Horticultural Society's Show; Reports ot the Lvndoch Valley Agricultural and Horticultural Show, and of the Yankalilla Agricultural and Horticultural Snow ; Report of the Farmers' Club Dinner. List of Mares to Foal in I860. Valuablo Weather Journal for February, kindly supplied by Mr. C. Todd, Observer and Superintendent of Telegraph;, containing barometrical observations taken at 9 a.ra. and 6 p.m. dally ; daily maximum and minimum temperatures by dry and wet bulb thermometers, and the amount of cloud. Poetry extracted from the Hark lane Express -.— The Farmer and the Flail. The Farm Calendar for the Hills and the Plains for April. The Garden Calendar for the Hills and the Plains for April. The News of the Month. ' The Market Report for February. Together with other useful matter. The Farm and Garden is published on the second Thursday in each month, and passes free through tbe Poet-OIEco as a newspaper, PRICE SIXPENCE, containing 21 pages of closely-printed matter. Adelaide : Published- at- the Register and Observer General Printing Offices, Grenfell-strcet; and Sold by all Booksellers and News AgenU. 73cv EW YEAR'S GIFTS.— A lareo assortment of VALUABLE BOOKS, in APPROPRIATE BINDINGS for PRESENTS, at moderate prices, at 364q JOHN HOWELL'S, 4, Enndle-streot PUNCH'S ALMANAC for I860. PUNCH'S POCKETJ5OOK for I860. Just received at HILLIER'S, 70q. ? 10, Hindley-street. Just Published. TJLATTS'S ALMANAC FOR I860 J7 contains the Signals usea at tho West-terrace Flagstaff, Kcllpscs, Feasts, 4c. ; Government of South Australia, Central Road Board, Farmers' and Gardeners' Calendars, Customs Tariff, Wharfage Dues, Cattle Market, Local Courts, Corporations, Jewish Calendar, Table of Dispatch and Arrival of Inland Mails, and various other matters. Price SrxpBHCB. S58q H E MILITIA.— Those colonists who have not already supplied themselves with the Acts providing for the organization of a Militia Force in South Australia are advised to do so immediately, as but few copies are left. Published at PLATTS'S. «q PRICE ONE SHILLING. HOME NEWS.— Mr. Platts is. appointed by Mcssri. Grindlay & Co, the Proprietors ol me Newt, their SOLS AGENT for tbe Saleol be Paper. 848q

; DSAPEkYmHD CL0THINQ.^j' FIRST SHOW OF. WINTER GOODS, ' AITHB TIMES DRAPERY MART, 14, Rundle-street. opposite Red Lion Inn. GAULT t SCOTT take leave to inform their nurncjus patrons and the public that their First Arrival of Pinter Goods are just opened, comprising all the rovelties for the Season in Mantles, Bonnets. Straw ad Felt Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, P»Jm|ai iresses. Alpaca?. Arabian and Coburg Cloths, Plaids, rcneh Twills, French Merinos, Plain and Striped Win;ys, Hoyle's Prints, Wincey Shirts, Blankets, Flannels, aUcoec.SheotinRs, Counterpanes, Qailts, Rugs, Towelngs, Hosiery, Gloves, &c, &o. Boys', Youths', and Gentlemen's Clothing, Hats, Caps, '(GOLD-DIGGEES'OUrFITS for tho SNOWYRIVER, i White, Blue, and Scarlet Blankets. Lambswool Shitts,. irawera, Socks. Stockings, Guernsey, Biue Serge, and cotch Twill Shirts, Trousers, Vest*, Coats, Monkey ackets, Ac. G. & S. would brg to state that large lots of the above ill bo sold below English prices, having been purchased - great advantage. ? wen PHE BEEHIVE PROPRIETORS L beg respsctfully ta inform tUe public thatthtir repara ons °j^oaN anfl WINTER tB UNPRECEDENTED in SOUTH AUSTRALIA ir magnitude and variety. Their STOCK of READY-MADE CLOTHING mtalns Garments of every Style and Quality for perms of all grades and occupations, and the Prices are ich as cannot fail to give GENERAL SATISFACTION. JUVENILE CLOTHING in great variety. BSIERYand HATS and CAPS in every assortment at remarkably low prices. In the TAILORING DEPARTMENT a perfect fit, irabincd with economy, is guaranteed, and Gentlemen in if they wish be waited on at their residences. All goods marked ia plain figures, and any article not -proved of exchanged without hesitation. SNOWY RIVER DIGGINGS. Parties about proceeding to the above Diggings should it their OUTFITS at the BEEHIVE, om an immonso Sto-k of Winter Clothing, comprising lankett, Rugs, Crimean Shirts, Pilot Jackets and rousers, Lambswool Hosiery, and all the requirements r a winter campaign, at the moBt moderate prices. KING WILLIAM AND BUNDLE STREETS. 80c SECOND GREAT ANNUAL SALE, J AT CONSIDERABLY REDUCED PRICES. G. A. MATTHEWS & CO., DRAPERS, No. 39, Hindley street, i announcing this Great Sale, desire to remark that tho reater portion of their present Stock was bought when oods were . AT THE LOWEST POINT i the British markets, and having recently made LARGE PURCHASES in the Colony FOR CASH, ley will bo enabled to submit the whole of their Large id Varied Assortment of . DRAPERY and READY-MADE CLOTHING, ; Prices which will be found THE EXTREME OP MODERATION AND ECONOMY. To LADIE3 in quest of SHAWLS and DRESSES, G. . M. & Co. would strongly recommend a superb lot of AISLEY LONG SHAWLS, at 23s 6d., worth 66s, )lendid patterns; and a raiic! lot of CHECK HALLIS and FLOUNCED DRESSES, the latest esigna, at pries varyiag from 6s. lid. to 7s. lid., nil ing lengths. To those who intend FURNISHING, their Stock of lamasks, Swiss Curtains, Hearthrugs, and Carpctlugs 'ill form A GREAT ATTRACTION om the excellence of their styles and qualities, as well a their EXCEEDING CHEAPNESS. To parties proceeding to tho SNOWY RIVER DIGGINGS, \. A. MATTHEWS & CO. invite from them a Bpccial all, having opened for their especial behoof TWELVE BALES Of WINTER CLOTHING, . omprising warmly-lined Pea- Jackets, thick Wool Serges -r Drawer?, strong Knit SockB (scarlet and blue), Serao hirts, and Blue and Scarlet Blankets, which will be leared at 25 per cent. ? . UNDER THE REGULAR PRICES. A GENUINE CLEARING-OUT SALE, FOR SEVEN WEEKS OSLY. G. A. MATTHEWS A CO., DRAPERS, No. 39, Hiudiey-street, Immediately opposite Leigh-street. N.B.-THIS GREAT SALE HAS COMMENCED. 80o OLD LIG9EES' OUTFITS. — G. -SHAW, London Mart, 89, Hindley-street, informs iirties proceeding to Snowy Kiver and the other Divines, that they will obtain every description of Winter tcadymade Clothing, Blankets, Busr«, B.-lts, Waterroof Clothing, &e., &e., at very reasonable prices. SBe G.SHAW, 89, Hindley-street. (5 GOLD DIGGERS. A FIRST-RATE OPPORTUNITY. A. JAFFREY, WATERLOO HOUSE, 17, Hindlcytreet, informs parties going tn the Snowy River that he i SELLING WATERPROOF COATS and HATS at IALF PBICE. Also every description of Drapery, ilankets. and Bcady-made Clothing' at prices far belo* ny house in Adclaiie, as it is his intention to sell all off s quick as possible. 84c ? VTEW GOODS. NEW GOODS.— Ll Now Showing at the :parisian shawl and mantle booms, Gawler-place, Bundle-strict. 77c ? W. B. FEBNELEY, Proprietor. PROFESSIONAL. ? PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM, AND C SINGING.-Mr. HEBERLET. Terms for Teaching:— Per Quarter— One Pnpil, 3 :uineas'; Two in a Family or House, £5 10s.; Three do. lo., £7 10s. Occasional Leseons (each), 5?. To Schools laving not-fewer than six students. Reduced Fees accorliog to agreement. Attendance In Town or Country, inquire at Marshall's Music Repository. 93^3 R/TR. EDMUND W. WRIGHT, Architect, LVJ. having been appointed AGENT to the IMPERIAL FILtE.OmCE in South Australia, has IEM0VED to the COMPANY'S OFFICE in King iVilliam-street, where he will carry on his profession as leretofore. ? 88wf97 LSEEGER, ASSAYER and ANA? LYTICAL CHEMIST, formerly Assistant to the loyal Polytechnieal and Mining Laboratory, at Stuttgart, makes Assays of Copper, Lead, Silver, and other lletals, and guarantees accurate, results. Chemical anilyses of water, soils, mineral:!, and articles ef every decription undertaken on tho lowest possible terms, luormtt! ion afforded on all chemical technological and toioogical subjects. . Residence, corner of nindmarsh-snuare and Grcnfellitreet. . ? 48mwfl87 JO H N B . POOLE', LICENSED SURVEYOR. Offices— King William-street. 32mwfo Mil. J. A. BRUCE (late of the Burra. Copper Works. Kooringa), ASSAYER and ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, Leigh street, Adelaide. ? ? ? 84-168r86mwt288 1UTR. 0. N. WORNUM, LICENSED lu. SURVEYOR. Address Post-Office, Norwood. ., ? 335cv fJTEDIOAL.— WANTED, a qualified ME1YJL D1CAL PRACTITIONER to act as an Assistant ;o a Gentleman in large practice. Apply to F. H, Fauldinp, chemist, Ac., Bundle-street. 81e WEDICAL PRACTICE.— About £500 per JLt-L annum. Ample room for extension. Easy terms. Convenient residence, furnished or nnmmishcd. Apply [o Mr. W. Goddard, Medical Hall, Hindley-stroet. 79e EDUCATION.' r\ AWLER-PLACE, RUNDLE-STREET. \X ESTABLISHMENT for the EDUCATION of YOUNG LADIES. Conducted by Mrs. FERMELEY. Mrs. PERN ELEY begs to inform her friends and the public that she is now conducting her Establishment in Gawlcr-place, Rundle-street, where she hopes for a continuance of tbe liberal patronage she has hitherto received^ ? ? ? 89-96 ADELAIDE EDUCATIONAL INSTIXJL TUTION.— The next Quarter will commence on Monday, April 2, ??? ? ? 88'91v OLIVER YOUNG. A LADY accustomed to Tuition 19 desirous J\. of giving INSTUCTIONS on the PIANOFORTE and in SINGING. For particulars, apply personally or by letter to H. HM at Mr. E. Dewhirst's, near Dr. Kent's Lodge, Kent Town. '9'86mwrc ? AMUSETVraNTS. ? CRICKET.— The WAREHOUSEMEN o£ Adelaide accept the CHALLENGE given by the* RETAIL DEAPEBS' ASSISTANTS, x E. SEARLE, for 'The Eleven.' LAER'S CANI AND EQUI DROME. FRIDAY, March 30. 03- BENEFIT «C3 FortheSPEClAb WIDOW and ORPHANS FUND of the ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTEBS. One of the most attractive Bills of the Season. SAM HOLMES as CLOWN, the BROTHERS KLAER in NEW and ASTOUNDING FEATS. The Amusing DOGS and MONKEYS. To conclude with UNCLE TOM'S CABIN IN AN UPROAR. Bill Buster ; ... ... JOHN SMITH, x QIR JOHN BARLEYCORN.— CONCERT KJ on Mondays and Saturdays; Select QUADRILLE PARTY every Tuesday evening. : 160 ? WILLIAM CHALKER. iosYand found. ONE POUND REWARD.— LOST, a Red COW, white belly, white tail, branded CE off rump; a White HEIFER, branded CE off rump; also, a Red HEIFER, white spotted, branded CE off rump. Whoevf r will bring the same to B, Muller, In Lobethal, will receive the above reward. ? 90mw9S T OST, on Thursday morning, from SolomonJLJ street, a White COCKATOO. It has a piece of brass and wire chain on his leg, and talks very well. Whoever will bring the same to the Star Inn, Hindleystreet, will receive lOi. reward. ? x LOST, from Port Elliot, one Bay HORSE, brand B near shoulder; and one Brown CO it, docked tail, brand FC off shoulder. Whoever will deliver the same to Mr. A. G. Hurt, Edwardstown. will be suitably rc-Toidcd. ? 8890v LOST from the Port Adelaide Slaughterhouse, Three Head of Pat CATTLE. Any perBon giving information of their whereabouts to Mr. H. Fisher, Iteedbcda, or the undersigned, will bs amply rewarded for their trouble. SO-^ ? B. H. ALLEN, Batcher, Port Adelaide. IWUND, a NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. Whoever has lost tbe same can have it by paying expenses. Apply at Oddfellows' Arms, GUles-street, ||x

.. i; RELIGIOUS NOTICES. ; ! EHE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH.— The MONTHLY SERVICE will be held in the . lace of Werabip, Carriogton street, on Sunday evening I ezt. Subjret— ' The Teaching ofSwedenb-rc co/.c=m- I ig the Stored Scriptures, or the Word of the Lord.' I Time of commencement half-past 6. 90*1 I ^~TELECTI05f NOTICES. j TO THE ELECTORS OP ENCOUNTER ! L BAY. , Gentlemeu— Having been requested by many of the i lectO's of ynur District to permit myself to benomi- t atcd as a Candidate at the ensuing Election for the' 1 sprescntation of your Dittrict, and having given my -isent avail myself of this advertisement to remind you t fmy opiLisns ou the following subjosts : — \ I have always considered that the supolyof immi- ? rants should depend entirely on the state of the colony, -ad think it desirable that in the present state of the )lony immigration should for a time cease. I npprove of the theory of direct taxation, but shall ; at be prepared to bring such a system into operation alii the whole colony pronounces in favour of it, as it essontially a qnestion for the taxpayers. j 1 have advocated the Strathalbyn Tramway because I ilieve that it will be fonnd a useTal public work, not ily to the localit but to the whole colony, as, if. it iceeed.o, as the evidence taken before the Select Com- j ittce tends to prove that it will, it will probably cause te substitution for tho future of a cheap iron road for ? 18 cxpcnslvo railways that havo hitherto beeu conructed., £I I am and always have been an advocate for law form, and will support any meosare that will afford to te owners of real property the largest possible amount ' security, and will facilitate the tranaler of and other j ialings with real property by simplifying the proeeedigs and decreasing the expenses. In conclusion, gentlemen, I can only say that if you ;oin do me the honour of electing me as one of your ] ipresentatives in the Honso of Assembly, I will en:avour to do my duty to the best of my ability. I am, Gentleman, . ' Your obedient servant, , 80jltf00a937 ? H. H. T. STRANGWAY3. CO THE ELECTORS OF YATALA. . Gentlemen— The writ having been returned dearing me one of the members far your district, I beg - return you my best thanks for the honour you have inferred on me, and to assure yon that it will be my instant stndy to deacrvo your esteem, by ttrict attcnon to my duties in tho House. My spcc'al thanks are due to those kind friends who tok an active part in securing my return. xv . ? E. MoELLISTEB. CO THE ELECTORS OF THE DISTRICT OF BURRA AND CLARE. ; Gentlemen— I beg to thauk you for the honour yon avo done me in electing me as one of your Rcprcsentaves by so large a majority over my opponents. With ly two colleagues I will now devote my best endeavours ir your best interest and the colony at large. . .? ' 1 have the honour to br, Your most obedient servant, ; ' ? ? WILLIAM DALE, Bedrnth, March 27, 1860. ? xv ( PUBLIC~lifOTICES. J1NOWY RIVER GOLD -FIELDS.— . 3 Tho following report of the deputation appointed y tbe meeting held at NealcB's Exchange, ou Monday, larch 28, is published for general information :— The deputation in tbe first instauco waited on the' hicf Secretcry to impress upon the Government,. , hrough him, tho desirableness of immediately apointing a South Australian Agent upon the Snowy Liver paid-fields. The Chief Secretary, after listening to the statemmts f the depntatien, replied that tho Government would ive the subject their best consideration, with a view, ' deemed expedient, to carry oat the wishes of the leetlng. The deputation then waited upon the four Bank lanagers, to ascertain if it was in contemplation to stablish tgencies on tho diggings, audit so, on what :rms would drafts be remitted to this colony. Tho lanagers severally replied that agencies would doubt!ss be established in the event of the gold-fields rovinjr really remunerative'; Mr. Dixon, on behalf of ha Bank of South Australia, stating that the Oriental link acted as their agent, and was already established n the Snowy Eiver. ' .. ' E. B. W. GLANDFIELD, x ? Chairman of the Meeting. tN the MATTER of WILLIAM HARRIS and DAVID SMITH, of Gawler Town.— A DEED f ASSIGNMENT of all their ESTATE aud EFFECTS nving been executed by tho abovenamed WILLIAM IARBIS and DAVID SMITH, all CREDITORS are equired to cxecuto the eanio at tbe Office of Mr. D. tawlcr, Kiag William-street, within ono month from the eventecnth day of March Instant, or they will bo exluded from the benefit thereof. Dated this twelfth day of March, 1880.- ? DAVID FOWLER. 78-105 _J ? M. KING3B0R0UGH. [~N~tlic MATTER of J. P. EDWARDS, Storekeeper, of Eedruth.— A DEED of ASSIGN1ENT of all the Estate and Effects hiving been executed y the abovenamed J, P. Edwards, all Creditors are equired to execute the same at the office of Samuel lakewel), or J.- H. Pollard, within 14 days from this late, or they will be excluded from tho benefit thereof. ' SAMUEL BAKE WELL,} Trustees to tho J.- H. POLLARD, i Estate. Dated March 20, I860. ? N.B.— All pcraoas indebted to the above estate are equested to pay the same to Mr. W. II. Wilkinson, Cooringa, whobe receipt will be a sufficient discharge. ' 81c VTOTICE.— All Persons INDEBTED to Ll T. ENGELBRECIIT, Gawlcr, are requestei to pay lie amount of their respective Accounts-within 30 days rom this date, as he is about proceeding to Europe. All Lccouuta remaining unpaid on the 1st of May next »ill be placed in his Solicitor's hands for recovery. Gawlcr, March 28, 1300. ? 8!)'121v A LL Parties INDEBTED to THOMAS £jl. WARD, Smith, &c.,Shooak Log:, arc requested to -ay their respective accounts on or before the 4th of April text, after which date they 'will bo placed in the hands ifmy solicitor. Aud all parlies having Claims against me ire requested to forward their several acconnls for pay. neut. THOMAS WARD. Sheoak Log, March 28. 18B0. ? &7ev OTICE— All PIGS, GOATS, PIGEONS, POULTEY, 4c, found TEESPASSING on Sections Nos. 441, 4-12, 2073, District of Hindmarsh, »ill be DE3TE0YED. l)0mw9S ? B, H. ALLEN, Port Adelaide. NOTICE.— All GOATd, PIGS, &c, found TRESPASSING on Sections No*. 3185, 1082, S183, 20J0, in Smithfield, will bo DESTROYED liter this date. - JOHN SMITH. SmithHeld, March 29. 1889. 90-'lv MUiNICIPAL AND DISTEICT ? COUNCIIS. ? MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, CITY OP ADE04IDE.— Tho ELECTION of AUDI. TORS and ASSESSORS for the ensuing- year will take place on Monday, 2nd of April, at 9 o'clock a.m., at tLe undermentioned places :— Gawlcr Ward— Royal Hotel, Hindley-street. Hindnrarsh Ward— Norfolk Arm?, Rundle-street. Grey Ward — Rainbow Hotel, Gouger-street. Robe Ward— Wellington Iun, Wellington-square. Each Ward is requited to elect two Assessors, and two Auditors are to be ceded by tho whole citj in the several Wards. ' The nominations of Candidates will take place between ) and 11 o'clock of the above day. By order of the City Council, W. A.. HUGHES, Town Cleik. Town Clerk's Office, March 27. I860. 88fm9-pITY AUDITORS.— Tho ELECTION of \J AUDITORS to the Corporation lor the year ensuing will take place on Monday next, the 2nd April. The undersigned, b;ing again candidates for the appointment, respectlully request the votes of tbeir fellow-cllizens ou the oscasion. FREDERIC WICKSTEED. xk ? JOHN BROWN. ? T-0RT CORPORATION.— The ELECX. TI0N of AUDITORS and ASSESSORS for the ensuing year will take place on Monday, April 2, at 9 o'clock a.m., at the undermentioned places :— West Waid-Port Hotel. East Ward— Britannia Hotel, Company's Wharf. Each Ward is required to elect two Assessors ; and two Auditors have to be elected for the whole Town in the several Wards, 90-3 W. H. HARRIS, Town Clsrk. COMPANIES AHD SOCIETIES. ADELAIDE VOLUNTEER ARTIL: LERY.— Tho Members of this Corps arc particularly requested to Assemble at the Gum Shed, on Saturday, the 31st inst., at 12 o'clock i-harp, for tbe purpose of Firing a Salute in honour of the arrival of His Excellency Sir Richard and Lady MacDounell. A full attendence of the Company is specially requested. 90-'l, ? P. R.TORRENS. Captain. C.V.A. THE FIRST ADELAIDE BLFLES will wear WHITE TROUSERS ou Saturday, the 31st instant. A. H. FSEELING, 90Jl ? Commanding First Adelaide Rifles. HE VOLUNTEERS are expected to ASSEMBLE in front of the Armoury, on Saturday, the 31st instant, within half an hour.after the firing of three guns from the Armoury. The guns will not be fired should the steamer arrive off the Semaphore later than 6 p.m. A. H. FEEELING. JKCl Senior Officer of Volunteers. SYLLABUS of SUBJECTS for DEBATE in the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DEBATING CLUB from 30th March to 20th July, 188D, inclusive :— Date. Subject of Lecture or Debate. March 30— That the Introduction of the Victorian Land liill is not desirable. April 13— The Character and Influence of Napoleon III.April April 27— That Manhood Suffrage is not desirable. May II— What is Representation? ? . ? May 25— That Secular ' Governmental Education Is desirable. Juno 8— That a Moiety of the Land Fund should be set apart for the Importation of Labour. June 22— That it is improbable that the Earth is the only inhabited world. J uly 0— Tlint Thackeray as a writer is a greater artist than Bulwer Lytton. July 20— That Transportation is injurious to the Colonies. The Club meets every alternate Friday, at 8 p.m., and strangers are admitted on tbe introduction of a member. C. MANN, JUN., Hon. Sec. Adelaide, March 29. 1860. ? x W'HEAL SARAH MINING COMPANY. The usnal GENERAL MEETING, nnd a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of t!:e Shareholder?, will take place at 3 o'clock on Monday, tho 2nd cf April, at the OiEce of the Secretary, in Grcntell-street, wlen tho proposed Deed ef Settlement uuder tho Limit:d Liability Act, and other matters, will bo laid before the mxVng' FRED. 9. C. DRIFFIELD, Secretary. THE FIRST VOLUME of the 'FARM AND GATIDEN,' neatly bound, can be obtained at tho Publishing Office. Grenfell-street, price 8s. 8d. The postage on the same to on; port of this 01 tbe neighbouring Colonies is is,

aOVEBNMENT ADVERTISEMENTS REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICES.— WHEREAS the Persons named and described at dot hereof havo each respectively for himself made aud ubscribed declaration before the Registrar-General, set* ing forth that hei s seised of an estate in fee simple in he Lands set forth and described after his nanie at foot -ereof, aud hath /made application to have the said jands brought under the operation of Ace of Parliament Jo. 15 of 1857-8, intituled 'The Real Property Act:' lotieo is hereby given that, unless caveat be lodged rith me by some person having estate or interest in tho aid Lands, or any of them, or by some person duly authoized on; behalf of a person having estate or interest herein, on or before the expiration of the period herein clow for each case described and specified, I will proeed, a3 by law directed, to brlcg the said pieces of Laud ndcr the operation of the said Act :— VILLIAM.HUTCHINSON; Resideuce, Noarlunga; Property, Part Section 32, ^rvey C, lying north-west of the Government-road, crossing saiu Section. Date up to aud inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, Aprl 15. ? AMES CHAMBERS; Residence, Adelaide; Pre;erty, Part Town Aero 14?, Adelaide. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat mny be lodged, April 16. AMES SUTHERLAND MACKINTOSH; Residence. Willunga; Property, .Part Section 218, Survey C. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. QHANN WILHELM FRITZ LANGEEHR; Residence, Adcluido; Property, Section 2318, Hundred Kondoparinga. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. AMUEL BAKER (intending purchaser from John Strong) ; Residence, Mr. Barker Springs ; Property, Part Town Acre 631. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. IOBERT EOUTLEDGE (intending purchaser from William Randall) ; Risideneo, near Findon ; Property, Section 452, Hundred Yatala. Dato up to aud inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. IARTIN McNAMARA; Residence, Tothill'a Creek; Property, Sections 1065 and 1069, Hundred Saddleworth. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. LNN SHEPUABD (intending purchaser from Elisha and Walter Haekett); Residence, the Sturt; Property, Northern moiety of Section 33, Hundred Adelaide. Date, up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. 'AMES G1LLETT COLLINS (intending purchaser from South Australian Company); Residence, Woodside;' Property, Lot 46, Township of West Woodaide, part, of Section 5031, Special Survey,- Sources of tbe Unkaparinga. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. [AMES McLEOD (intending purchaser from John Ellis); Property, River Darling ; Residence, Northern moiety of Section £0, Survey B. Date up to aud inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. TAMES PAUDON (intending purchaser from Septimus McKcnzie); Residence, Robe Town; Property, Lot 37, Lbrdstonn, ol Section 218, near Robe Town. Date , up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. IEINRICH CRAMER; Residence, rear Gawler Town; Property, Easterly portiou of Section 3u54, Hundred Barossa. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. ' JEORGE NEAGLE (intending pnrcliaser from Frederick Saint); Residence, Stockport; Property, Section.471, Hundred Light. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodge), April 15. ALEXANDER HENDERSON (intending purchaser from Richard Stapleton Crabb) ; Residence, Adelaide; Property, Lot 4, Township New Woodforde, of Sections 9i4 and 915, Hundred Adelaide. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 15. I0HN SHEPHERD (intondiHg purchaser from Robert Shepherd); Residence, Yankalilla; Property, Soctions ' 420,402; western moiety of 401; and western portion of Section 403, Huudrcd Mypanga. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. THOMAS WILLIAMS (intending purchaser from Joseph Hill); Residence, Yankalilla; Property, Section 369, Hundred Yankalilla, and part Sections 368 and 371, Hundred Encounter Bay. Dato up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. PETER ROWLAND (intending purchaser from George Green); Residence, Poachey Belt; Property, Section 3ul6, Hundred Munno Para. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. DANIEL HEPPNER; Residence, Tanunda ; Property, Scc'.bn 627, Hundred Moorooroo ; aud pact Sections 654 and 658, Wiltshire Special Survey. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may bo lodged, April 22. UAltY SANDERS (intending purchaser from Thomas Jackson); Besidcnce, Adelaide; Property, Lot 63 and . patt 69, of Section 379, Survey B. Dato up to and inclusive of wheh caveat may bo lodged, April 22. PATRICK AULD; Residence, near Magili; Property, Lots 13, 15. 16, 17, of Section 1402, Hundred Kapunda. Dato up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. WILLIAM HERRING; Residence, near Gawler Town ; Property, Lot 33, -o: Seetbn 3220, Hundred Munno Farj, Datenp to and inclusive of which caveat may . be lodged, April 22. ARTflrjE JAMES WRIGHT; Residence, Adelaide; Property, Section 25t), Hundred Light, Dato up to . nnd inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 21. FRIEDRICH MAERSCSEL (intending purchaser from Johann Cristoph Haendel) ; Residence, Blumberg; Property, Part Section 6537, Hundred Taluuga, nine chains and fifty-two links, or thereabout, from tho south-east corner. Date up to and incluslvoof whid- caveat may be lodged, April 22. WILLIAM; JANTZEN (inteniiiug purchaser from Johsnn Cristoph Haendel) ; Residence, Blumberg; Property, Part Section 6587, Hundred Taluuga, eight chains and thirty-eight links, or thereabout, Horn the south-east corner. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat ma; be lodged, April 22 ANDREAS LUDERS (intending purchaser from Johanu Gottlieb Kloke); Residence, Blumberg; Property, Fart Section B6S7, Hundred Talunga, westerly end of the Section eouth of the Governmentroad. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. JULIUS VON DUVE (intending purchaser from Johann Gottlieb Klake); Residence, Bimiberg; Property, Part Section 6597, Hundred Talunga, easterly end of Section north of tho Government-road, Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. -JOHANN CHR1STLIEB HAENDEL (intending purch:s;r from Johann Gottlieb Kloke); Residence, Blumberg; Property, Part Section 6S87, Hundred Talunga, westerly end of Section, and south of tbe Government-road. - Date - up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. GEOliGE BAKER (intending purchaser from Augustus Frederick Clajfield) ; Kesidecce, Adelaide; Property, Lots 192,193, 194, and 234, Bowden, of Section 354, Survey B. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. THOMAS BAILS (intending purchaser from John Carr); Residence, QueenBtowu; Property, Part Lot 164, of Section 443, Survey li. Date up -to and inclusive of which caveat may b: lodged, April 23. JAMES JONES (intending purchaser from Henry Glover); Residence, Gumerocha; Property, Part Section 1558, Hundred Para Wirra. Date up to aud inclusive ot which cat eat may be lodged, April 22. JAMHS SCOTT YOUNG; Evidence, Parkside; Property, Part of Scctiou 254, Survey B, Parkside, being Allotments . or portion of Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, bounded by roads on tbe eastern and western extremities with land at the rear, and at tho rear of Allotments 1 and 2, also being the Allotment No. 12. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may b& lodged, April 32. .. ANDREAS PANNACH; Residence, near Stockwell; Property, Section 204, Hundred Bilvidcre. Date up t» and inclusive of which caveat may be lodgo April 22. WILLIAM BBABYN WILLIAMS (intending purchaser from Henry Humphrey lliff); Residence, Brompton ; Property, Part Lot 107, Brompton. Dato up to and inclusive ol which caveat may be lodged, April 22. . . . JAMES HESKETH BIGGS; Residence, Edwardstown; Property, Part Section 61, Survey B. Date np to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. THOMAS ROACH (intending purchaser from William Henry Porkins) ; ?Eesldence, Marion; Property, Lots 37 and 33, Marl jd, of Section 117, Survey D. Dato up to and inclusive of nbich caveat may be lodged, Apiil 22. JOSEPH GOULD (intending purchaser from Stephen Peltro Henry Wright) ; Residency near Magili ; Property, Section 1103, and part 915, Hundred Adelaide, Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. THOMAS HARDING; Residence, Kapnnda ; Property, Lot 2, Township North Kapunda, of Section 1101. Date up to aud inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 23. JOHANNES GOTTFRIED EDUAED MATTH1ESSEN ; Residence, Morphett Vale; Property, Section 577, Hundred Noarlunga. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. JOHN HOCKING JENNINGS (intending purchaser from Wootton Lansell); Residence, Norwood; Properly, Sub-lots 14, 16, and 18, of Lot S3, Norwood, of Saction 263, Survey 0. Date up to and inclusivo of wliicU caveat may be lodged, April 22. THOMAS STANFORD; Residence, Beedbeds; Property, Section 34S9, Meadows Special Survey. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 22. CHABLES SIMEON (intending purehas r from Strettel Jackson Tuthill) ; Residence, Adelaide; Pro* perty, Part Sections 17 and 18, Snrvey C. Date up to and inclusivo of which caveat may be lodged, April 29. BICHARD LIVETT LANDER and RICHARD STEPHENS; Ees'.dence, Stratbalbyn; Property, as intending purchasers from James Dawson, junior, of Sections 2618,1871, and 1872, Hundred Konduparlnga; and as intending purchasers from James D&wson, senior, of section 2683, Angai Special Survey. Date up to and inclusive ot which caveat may be lodged, April ?9. JOHN AMOS THRUM (intending purchaser from John McLean); Residence, Strathalbyn; Property, North-easterly moiety of Section. 2624, Angao Special Survey. Date up to and inclusive of which cav:at may be lodged, April 29, JOHN AM03 THRUM; Residence, Strathalbyn; Property, Section 1331, Hundred Strathalbyn. Date up to nnd inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 29. BENJAMIN GIRDLES; Residence, Norwood; Property, Lot 181, Kent Town, part of Section 255, Survey B. Date up to and inclusive of which cavea may be lodged, April 29. GEORGE GODFREY STEINTHAL (intending pnrchasef from George William Fulling); Residence, Auburn ; Property, Southern moiety of 373, Hundred Upper Wakefield. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 29. EDWARD DREW; Residence, near Glen O3raond j Property, Section 3011, Hundred Ba-ossa, except one ncrc of said section for road; northern moiety oi Preliminary Section 294, Survey B; southern moiety of Preliminary Section 293, Survey B; Allotment) ICO, 105, 103, Kensington, part of Section 289, Survey K; eastern moiety of Town Acre 374, Adelaide; part Town Acre 412, Adelaide ; and Lots 11, 12, and 13, of Section 475, Survey B. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may bo lodged, April 29. THOMAS NESTOR; Besidence, Bugle Banjres; Property, Section 2317, Hundred Maccle3field. Date up to and inclusivo of which caveat may be lodged, April 29. THOMAS HENRY WIGLEY and WILLIAM RODOLPH WIGLEY; Residence, Adelaide; Property, Lots 102, 103, 104, 111, 112, 113, 114, and southern half of 115, Township Somerton, part ol Section 206, Survey B. Date up to and inclusive ol which caveat may be lodged, April 29. HENBY 'JIOSEIiEN; Residence, Gienel;?; Property, Lot* 1 09 and 1 10, Somerton j nnd part of Section 208, Survey B. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may bo lodscd, April 29. HANS HEINRICH ECKERMANN; Residence, New Mecklenburg; Property. Western moiety of Section 1789 Hundred Nuriootpo. Date up to and inclusive . of which caveat may be lodged, April 29. THOMAS WHITE (intending purchaser from James Munro); Residence, Magili; Property, Part Section 342, Survey B. Da-e up to and lecluslvo ofwhlci natmnt mnv tin lildced. ADrll 20.

GOVEBlfMENT ADVERTISEMENTS , JAMES MUNRO LINKLATER (intending purchaser from William Gray); Residence, Adelaide: Property, Lot 12,. Township Port Onkapaiinga, part of Ecetion 318, Hundred Willunga. Date up to and inclusive of which cavear.may be lodged, April 29. JOSEPH KINSEY; Residence, near Hamilton; Property, Lot 69, Salisbury Township, Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 59 BICHARD CASEY; Residence, Grcenock Creek property, Lots 47, 49, 49, 60, Township Victorvillc , part of Section 1677a, Hundred Nurioo'.pa. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 29. I0HN HECTOR (intending pnrchaser from Richard Holt); Residence, Adelaide; Property, Section 6284, Hundred Talunga. Date up to and inclusivo of which caveat may be lodged, April 29. SAMUEL LANSFORD; Residence, Maclaren Vale; Property, Unditided moiety of Section 670, Hundred Willunga; and as intending purchaser from John Bailey, of other undivided moiety of said section. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged, April 29. ALEXANDER SCBUTTON; Residence, 81, Old Broadstreet, London; Property, Sections 1183 and 1199, River Light Special Survey; Blocks 96 and 69, and Lots 82, 112, 191, 192, 20), 3. 7tJ, 294, 389, aRd 488, Township Victoria. Date up to and iuclnsive of which caveat may be lodged, April 29. LNDREW DOUGLASS; Residence, Bowden; Property, Lots 339 and 337, Bowden, of Section 354, Survey B. Date up to aud inclusivo of which eaveat may be lodged, April 29. : Dated this twenty-seventh day of March, one thou, ;and eight hundred- and sixty, at the Registry Office Adelaide, 6outh Australia. ' ' , ? ? ? ' ' ? ? ? ? ? ' : ?W. B. T. ANDREWS, Deputy Registrar-General. DALE OP .CROWN LANDS, k5 ' THURSDAY, APML26rH.. i. The following portions of Crown Lands will be offered br'sale'by public auction, at the Land Office, Adelaide, -e Thursday, 'the 26th of April, I860, at. 11 o'clock, Deposit 20 per cent.:— :?.',';,,? : 1 : '' SPBCIAL.ConNTBrLO7S.'.i--. ! bounty Grey— About two miles south of the Township of Kalangadoo, Hundred of Grey. ;.; ? ? ' Lot. Sec. Acres. : Price; . ! '? 19963 918 ? 102 . £156 S 10969 ' 919 . 85' , ? 91 10 i 1S970 ? 920 , 81 ' ,, ?. Hi 7 : ? Country Sections.— Upset price £1 per acre. 3onnty, Hindmarsh— North of and, adjoining the Township of Clayton,. Hundred of Alezaudrina, Lot. Sec. '-' A.'= n, . ' Lot. , Sec. i.. it. 19971 96 -? 4 1 .19979 . 122 45: 0 19972 97 11 .0 19980 126 29: 0 19973 98 ? ' 9 2: ; ,19981 127 23 0 19974' 99 ... 7 0. 19982 128 lo: 0 19975 100 . 9 .2 ? 19983 129 37 .0 19976 119 19 0 199S4 130 20 0 19977 120 17 9 19985 131 . 3 1 19978 121 ' 45 0 19386 132 2 1 County Sturt— About one and a half miles' north by . west of Langhorne's Bridge, Hundred of Freeling. -Lot ? Sec. Acres. Lot. Sec. Acres. 19987 29 9i I County. Sturt— On Baker's Creek, between one and a half and two miles south-east of Baker's Home Station, Hundred of Turn-killo. 19983 . 66 81 19993 71 58 .19989 67' 97 19994 224 76 19993 68 89 19995 225 111 19991 69 73 , 19896 226 78 19992 70 140 . County Burra— One and a half miles west by north of Logan's Gap, Hundred of Apoinga. 19997 120 65 | 19998 121 100 County Burra— East of and adjoining the Karkulto Mine, Hundred of Apoinga. 19999 176 22 I 20001 178 221 2C900 177 41 | 20j02 181 208 County Grey — About two and a half miles south by west of the Township of Kalangadoo, Hundred of Grey. ' - . :.:-?: --..- - ... 20003 917 80 20005 922 ? 80 20004 921 £0 | -i Water Frostaoe Lkase. Section 390, on Lake Alexandrine, Hundred of Murray, County of Sturt, containing four acres one rood, at the upset price of £5 per annum. The lease to be for a term of fourteen years, but reserving to the Government, on giving one year's notice to tbe lessee, power to resumo possession in the event of the land being required for Government purposes. INSOLVENCY NOTICES. I THE undersigned, GEORGE DEANE SISMEY, of Adelaide, in the Province or South Australia, Miller, do hereby declare that I am unable to meet my engagements with my Creditors. 'Dated ot the hour or eleven o\.bck in the forenoon, this twentyeighth day of March, in ilia year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. Q. D. SI3MEY. Signed in the presence of Chas. Fsmr, a Practitioner in tho Supreme Court. . ' Filed in Court this twenty-eighth day of March, 1330, at twelve o'cleek at noon. , . x JOHN B. SPENCE, Official Assignee. I THE undersigned, MICHAEL TEE, of the Big Waterhole Credk, near Nairne, in the Province of South Australia, Farmer and Contractor, do hereby declare that 1 am unable to meet my engagements with my Creditors. Dated atthe hour of a quarter to four o'clock in the afternoon, this twenty-third day of March, In the- year of our Lord oao thousand eight hundred and sixty. ? ? ? MICHAEL TEE. Witness— Gbobqs Augustus Labitt, a. Practitioner - of the Supreme Court of Soutli Australia. Filed in Court this twentj-o'ghth day of March, in tb.4 year ef our L)rd one thou3und eight hundred and sixty, at two o'clock in the afternoon, z ' JOHN B. SPENCE, Official Assignee. HOTELS AND LIVERY STABLES. rnHEGEEEN DRAGON INN JL at the junction of the Mount Barker and Mitcham Road;, Hanson-street, South-terrace. GEORGE CANT begs respectfully to inform his old Friends and Patrons that bo has recommenced business cs above, and hopes to secure a sharaof public favour as heretofore. ? ? -The accommodation for Travellers at the Green Dragon is second to none in town.' Spacious and Well-Ventilated Bedrooms. A Good Ttble, a First-rate Cellar. The Stables (13 stalls) cannot be surpassed in the coU-ny. Hay and Com grown on tho farm. Well-appointed Gigs and Carriages, with capital Horses,alwajs to be had at moderate prices. - ; Hay of tho best quality for tale in large or small quantities, delivered to any' part of Adelaide. ? Convenient Stockyards. Abundance of good Water. A capital Weighbridge, warranted correct. 84-9ljrmwfOO GEORGE CANT, Proprietor. : I 'money. ? MONEY TO LEND, LOANS NEGOTIATED. CASn ADVANCED, In large or small sums. -GREEN 4 WADHAM, Exchange Land Offices. King William-street. 138q-JI/TONEY TO LEND, in largo or small JXL sums and for short or long periods. Interest -t current rates. WRIGHT BROTHERS. Exchange-chambers. King William-street. [267hfqv \l[ ONE Y to LEND on Mortgage or Deposit, DLL at current rates, ROBERT BLUNT. Office, King WHIiam-strcet, next Green's Exchange. ' 244c? produce! _„_ DKEKWTCK begs to inform his Priendi ? that be has REMOVED to ono of the new Stores opposite the Sturt Hotel.GEENFELL-STEEET, where he will continue to receive FLOUR, GBAIN, Ac, for STORAGE at modera'.e rates, or to SELL the some on COMMISSION. Flour, Bran, Pollard, Wheat, Barley, and OatB alwajs on Sale. N.B.— Good Cellarage accommodation. Adelaide, March 23, 1860. 83mwf90vl05 LEION STEAM ELOUR-MILL. Grenrell-street, Adelaide. BEEBT 4 DUNSTAN are Purchasers of WHEAT ai the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. BAGS LENT foi WHEAT purchased free of charge. BEBBY & DUNSTAN receive WHEAT for STORAGE upon the following terms:— STORAGE, Id. per bushel per month. INSURANCE against Loss by Fire, ed. per 106 bushels per month. RECEIVING and DELIVERY.— An extra charge of Id. per bushel for receiving and delivery, if not sold ta us; such delivery to be made Irom Wheat of a quality equal to but not from the Wheat originally received. Lots of 1,000 bushels or upwards received upon such terms as may be agreed at time of storing. Sev . ION STEAM-MILLS, COX'S CREEZ. —Wheat Bought at the highest Market Piico for Cash. Giist Work done for 9d. per bushel. 3BC7 ? HENRY nEWISH. A P L E Y ^& 0 O , are Purchasers of ?WHEAT . at the nighest Cash Price. ' 20c - Weymouth-Btroer, Adelaide. . WrHE AT.— The undersignedarePurchaoerr ? at their Gawler Stores, at market rates. 23cv PADMAN & CO. W'HEAT, BARLEY, and OATS Bought by the undersigned, at B. Nathan's Grain Store, Currie-street. - - ? ? ? llcv ? ; G. TURNER.' W'HEAT PURCHASED or STORED, SSlmfcv ABRAHAM SCOTT, Blyth-strcet. WOOL.— The undersigned either purehas* ' or advance on Wool. -1 W. PEACOCK 4 SON. Grenfell-stFeet, Jannary, 18S8. . lev &TJM BOUGHT, at the' Highest Market ' Price: at B. Nathan's Grain Store, Currie-street, . .TOev, ?? ' - ? GEORGE TURNER. TPO BUTCHERS and Others.— HIGHEST J. PRICE given for GREASY WOOC, SHEKP. SKINS, Ac. JOHN TAYLOR 4 CO. Thebartcn. September. ? ? 251cr TO BUTCHERS and Others.— HIGHEST JL PRICE for ? ?'?????; ' ? Greasy Wool ? ? ? * ' '' ' Sheepskins , ? Hides ; ' Tallow -: ''?!?' ' ' r, ,-» l.\ ' W' PEACOCK * SON. Grenfell-atreet. ? ? ? — - ? ;: 63cv PRESSED HAY FOR~8ALE. Apply to \, .. , . CHABLES SIMEON. Hindley-street. ? ; 3550 BOARD AND LODGING. ONE or Two Gentlemen can be accommodated with PRIVATE BOARD and=LODGINGS, near the Parade, Norwood, Address A.Y.. PostOmca. Kendino^nn. : Rafmtn

:LAND AUCTION NOTICE*, - GREEN 4-WADHAM'S ' APRIL ; LA. N D A TJ C T I O N SALI will be held in tho ' LAND MART, , ? . , ? ,, ' OS -.-..: April 20. FRIDAY. April 20. -., Parties are requested to forward particulars of Fro* erties intended for the April Auction on or before hursday, April 5, 1880. ' 83ov ~7~~lAND'AtFg0U3E5.'~~ '4- ^ i5 £ * & W A D a AM J ' LAND AGENTS and LAND AUCTIONEERS. LANDED PROPERTIES VALUED. LANDED PROPERTIES T,,.™. SURVEYED. PLANS fcrnlihfic and TOWNSHIPS laid out. Plani nr??5S?h?p!' flnna«ds. 4c- 4c, threugbout lh» OLONY always opea fer inspection/ HOUSES, STORES. LANDS. . . SECTIONS, 4c, ET or LEASED, EXCHANGE ? ' ' LAND MABT,And Land Offices, King William-sticet, ADBIiilOT, 1 LANP, f OTOOT, GBEEN I I G. GBEEN. Sc - . LOAN.' - iuBTEAUUfWADHAM, I „? ; . ,1 BOOMS. raowM.gj.J. ?u™ Louanrm, ? GENERAL COM. — -MBLBOUBHB, V ? 1: ' .; ,' ( BYD1TKT, rM. GREEN,/ MISSION ) B. *? E1CHvbxi colltss f ?) AEDSON, WBBBI. ) OFFICES. I .6B0BQB-BI. OVERNHENT') ForcJia3?d in accordance with the SECTIONS ^Instructions' of parliM absent from } Adelaide. . OVERNMENTi Purchased and Let on Loasa witb SECTIONS j right of purchase, BPECIAL NOTIOR. GREEN ft WADHAM'S ADVERTISEMENTS opcar only in the 'REGISTER' Newspaper on WON, iAYS and THURSDAYS, and In the 'OBSERVER. [Saturday. lqv ? GREEN A WADHAM. Land Agent'. BWR SALE, at FINtflSS VALE (Second ? Valley), Rapid Bay, one of the bestwheat-growlnir nd most improving districts in the colony, about 760 kcres of enclosed LAND, having a permanent supply of xcellent Bnnning Spring Water, together with a commodious and substantiolty-built House, verandah, &c_ rith put-buildings, &a., io. This beautiful and Eigularly unique property, so well nown to old colonists, is situated close ta a good steamoat harbour and wharf, and possesses a climate and oenery unrivalled in South Australia, thus rendering It bove all other localities in the province equally eligible jr the Marine Villa Residence of a gentleman, the formation of a Marine Township, or a first-class Watering'lace. Building Materials, including Marble, in any uantity, are obtainable on the spot. A portion of the purchase-money, if required, may relain for a term at 10 per cent. For further particulars, pply to Mr. William Randall, on the property. 63cv EEKMlTAtrJi JBaTATE.— TO be SOLD or LET, the FARM and VINEYARD known as tie CONSTANTIA, containinj nbout 150 Acres of icelleut Land, a portion of which is well adapted far otatoes, well Watered and substantially enclosed, inluding_ Acres of Vineyard in full bearing. The louso is built of Stone, and contains rooms. The 'roperty is situate near to the village of Houghton, and lthough only 13 miles from town possesses the advanlges of a hill climate. For further particulars, pply to WRIGHT BROTHERS, Land Agents. Exchange-chambers, Adelaide. 90wfcv LOCKLEYS.— TO be SOLD op LET, that Commodious DWELLING-HOUSE, with be extensive Pleasure Grounds, Stables, Paddock, ia, itely in the occupation of Mr. Arthur J. Wright, situate rithin four miles from town, on the new read to theses, n coafoquenco of Mr. Wright's removal to Melbourne, liis Property, which in bcaity of scenery is not to be ? quailed in the colony, will be disposed of on very adantagcous terras. Apply to WRIGHT BHOTHERS, 90trcv] Exchange-chamber?, King William-street. SUBURBAN HOMESTEAD.— FOE ' 3 SALE, three and a hair miles from the City, a neat nd comfortable Homestead, comprising substantial Itone Dwelling of Four Rooms, with detached Kitchen, nd Servants' Boom, Stable, Fowl-houses, &c,, &c, 'ank to contain 5,000 gallons water, with pump affixed. iond comprises 10 Acres, in two Paddocks, and includes xcellent Garden of about 2 Acres, planted with ehoieo Truit-trees and Vines in full bearing. For further partiulars, apply to 69cr ROBERT HAWKE9. King William-street. CURST-RATE PAR VI FOR SALE.— TO U bo SOLD, at MOUNT GAMBIER, a first-rate 'arm, of 200 Acres, 70 of which has been onoa oropped nd 60 more ready for the plough, House, Well, Bam, :c, all Fenced and Subdivided with Pos.s and Riils. for further particulars, apply to A.B.C., Mount Gambler tost-ufiicc. Average of wheat this year per acre, 36 lushels. The only reason of tho proprietor selling is, through amily circumstances, being obliged to go to England. Mount Gambier. March 12. 1880. ? 81'lllvlO5 ^TitATHALBYN.— FOR SALE, 150 Acres O of LAND, adjoining the Township of Strathalbyn, he property of tho late Joseph Trcgilgas. For particulars, apply to Airs. Tregilgas; or to M 'dward Sunter, Strathalbyn. Strathalbvn, March 28, I860. OO'lv rdnBLACESMITHS AND WHEELWKIGHTS.-TO be LET,, at a Low Bent, a JLACKSMITH'S and WHEELWRIGHT'S SHOP, ituated at the Sheaoak Log, at present doing a good msiness. Apply to tho' proprietor, Thomas Ward, on !ie premises. ' 87cv \TANKALILLA.— TO be LliT, DAIRY I ?- FARM, 970 Acres, Fenced, and known ss THE iL'jUN'GS; a never-failing supply of Water. Po;sesion March 25, 1360. Apply to Robert Norman, Northcrrace. ? 76mwfcv I' 0 bo SOLD, Cheap, the following valuable Land: -SECTION 785, Hundred of Port Adelaide, situate on Lctevrc's Peninsula, containing 10 lores. ALLOTMENT 173, Hope-street, Smithfield. 10x312 links. Smith's Creek rnns through this land, ind thero is a well of excellent water on it. Immediate application to be made to E. Birtin, Penlington-torracg, Norlh Adelaide. 86mwl97vz 'OODVILLE.— TO be LET, the capital RESIDENCE lately occupioJ by E. K. Horn, Esq. 'Arply to Mr. Little, WoodviUe; or to Arthur lardy. King William-street. , . . ? 43mwfo 0 be SOLD Cheap, a COTTAGE 'of Three Rooms and Kitchen, walls concrete, tituated in au Allotment, 30 X 90 feet, of Acre £07, GILBERTSTREET. Price for House and Land, £86. Apply to Mr. Jones; newsvonder, Wabefleld-street, scar the Scotch Jhnreb. ? ? ? Wmwfe TO be LET, a Comfortable Detached HOUSE of Six Rooms and Cellar, NORTHFERRACE. Apply to John Bullock, Franklin-strcet. ? 1_ ? 88wmlc T1O be LET, a Comfortable RESIDENCE of JL Five Rooms, ic, Ac, with three-quarters of on icroof Land, a portion of which is planted with choice fines and Fruit-trees in fall bearing, situate in Kent:erracc, Norwood, Apply to Mr. Garsed, on the preniBes. ? 8981 TO bo LET, a Comfortable FAMILY RESIDENCE, containing Nine Booms, Ward- , .srect, NORTH ADELAIDE ; good Stable aud Coach. lonsc, Garden and Tank; lately occupied by M. IS. lien* riqucs. For particulars, apply to ' J. H. KA.1NKS. King William-street; or to 20c HENRlQOES&CO.,Currie.8tTeat. TpO be LET, a good Five-Roomed HO USE, X with Passage, Ac. Apply, E. Peirce. Norwood, near Maid and Magpie Inn. 89*84 SEA-SIDE HOTEL TO BE LET.— The GLENELG HOTEL, Glenclg; Bent Low; inoom. Ing easy; immediate possession. For further particular;, apply to Mr. H. Mosely, Glenelg. N.B.— A 6rst-raro opening for new married couples, sr persons with limited capital. 73a GOOD PUBLIC-HOUSE TO be LET NORTHWARD, First-class, Apply to 61c THOMAS POWELL, King William-street, EMPLOYMENT WAffTED. A Respectable English young 'Woman desires a SITUATION as HOUSEMAID in a private family. Apply at Morcom's. x AN English Person oilers a Month's Ser, vices gratis for a FREE PASSAGE to Melbourne or Sydney; no objection to proceed to England. H. EL, Postmaster, Hindmarsh. . 87*91 ~ PEBSOKS WASTED. W 'ANTED, a respectable Youth as APPRENTICE. McArthur, Kuicsborough' and Co. ? 88c WANTED, a respectable and active Tonne Man as BARMAN, &c Apply to Bichard. Blackler.jnn., Port Admiral, Port. . ; . 1 ? 88c 'ANTED, a good COOJi. Apply to Mrs. John B. Hughes, Woodville. 89o W -ANTED, an experienced NURSE MAID She must be an English Protestant, and must have a character from her lost situation. Apply, before 10 o'clock, at Mr. Moulden's office, 69, King Williamstreet, Adelaide. ? | ? 89*90 W 'ANTED, a SHOEINGSMITH. Apply to J. P. Sharp, veterinary surgeon, Piriestreet.. ' ' _ ? 88*80 'ANTED, a respectable young Man about la or 20 as GROOH and .GENERAL SERVANT for a private family in the country. Apply at Morcom's Labour Mart. . : : ± 'ANTED, a MASON and Three 8BEPHEEDS; also DOMESTIC SERVANTS and Two NURSEMAIDS. Apply at'Morcom's. x rANTED, an experienced FRAMESAWYER, Adelaide Steam 'Saw-Mills, Eastterrace^^ ? ? . ' . . gca 'ANTED, en active RUNNER for the delivery of the Begitter and Observer in North Adelaide and WalkerviUo. Apply at tho office or this paper. ? . ? , ? 90o W 'ANTED, a HOUSEMAID. Applv to Richard Bladder, Port Admiral Hotel, Port. [90o W 'ANTED, a COOK. Apply to Mra ? Blyth, the Gables, Mileham. ? 80'l W 'ANTED, a good COOK. Apply to ? Mrs. T. Magarey, Curri street, or Enaeld. 93o W 'ANTED, at the Dnrlinjj Junction, a good DOMESTIC SERVANT. Torparticnlin, spply to Mr.J. Whttinr.King *.Villi*Jm-gtreet. CO't ANTED, a CANDLE MAKER, at the Burra Borra Mint?, to wboufconstant employment would bo given. Apply to Mr. W. H. Challoner, nccountant, there, or at the office of tho South Australian Mining Association, Bundle-street, Adelaide, 81cv