South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 15 February 1860, page 1

. ,.,,...; ,;- ssippraa, ..v :-..-k*. /'VVEBLAND EODTE TO ENG' OPHn^, \J LAND.— The PENINSULAB : ' ^SHitS^- a-n(1 ORIENTAL STEAM NAVI'fi iiitfrVffri GATION COMPANY'S Steamship '- ? ' ' SALSETTE, .-.. B. Methven, Esq, commander, 1,900 tons, 403 horsepower, will be dispatched from KANGAROO ISLAND on February 19. for SUEZ, Calling at KING . GEORGE'S SOUND, MAURiriUS, and ADEN. The eompaKj*s Rates of Passage-Money, which ' ' include stewards' fee?, table wines, beddroe, linen, cabin furniture, &&, will be for the Sea Passage only, as follows^- ? ' To Southampton ? ... £110 Gibraltar ? '. 110 -Marseilles ? 105 . Malta ? , ... 100 ' ' ' Alexandria ? 90 'Eckets for the jonrncy across Egypt, entitling the holder thereof to the advantages secured by theCora' :pany in -their recsnt convention with the Viceroy, will . :be issued to the throngh passengers at the sams time as 'the passage-tickets, at the following rates :— For Hrsfrclass Passengers ? £7 0 0 Second-class do. ? 3 10 0 Si ... - -^iiareDi Half Fare. Arrangements have been completed for the insurance of gold-aost, treasure, and gocda, covered by open ipolieiej, with the chief Companies in London, covering transhipment and other risks to destination. - ' -—Freight on pold and specie— To the Bank of England, .including transit duty, London, 1 per cent.; to Mauritius, Ceylon, or Indian ports, 1 per cent. ; Hongkong, 1 : percent. ? These arc the Company's lower rates of freight, at which shippers take risks upon themselves. .:. The higher rates of freight at which the Company take all insurable risks, and all other information, may be obtained on application to ELDEK. STIRLING, & CO, Agents. Parcel* must be delivered at the Agent's offlies on or - before Friday, 17th inst , at noon. iS^O ? ? - -, ts^ rilO ENGLAND IN FIFTY-FIVE ?SPQsjjR^. JL DAYS.— The magnificent Steam-/.ggSSSSlEI GREAT BRITAIN, 3,000 tons register, J. Gray, Efq., commander, will sail from Melbourne positively on Tuesday, 6th March. Intending passengers must apply eatly, as this noble vessel is foBt filling. The acconurodation for all classes U nnrivalled. WM. YOUNGHUSBAND, JUN., 4 CO., AC 2AM AN, MAIN, LINDSAY, & CO, Agent.*, Adelaide; BEIGHT BEOTHERS & CO., 41c Melbourne. '.'VT'O&v T?IRST STEAMEB TO MEL'?ESPSTK^. J- BOURNE. CALLING at PORTTfflNfttlS^- LAND ONLY.-The splendid Screw OMEO, ?1,000 tons, Al at Lloyd's, Captain John McLean, will positively tail on Thursday morning next, the 16th ' Instant, at 10 sharp. ? FREIGHT of FRUIT, 21a. per ton. FARES.— Cabin, £3 6s. ? Steeraje, £3 3s. : General Cargo tobe alongside by 6 pm. on Wednesday, and Fruit per first Train on Thursday. Passengers by 9.15 am. Train. J. NEWMAN & SON, Port. 42T J. DAEWENT, Grenrell-street. V'Kia;' QTEAM TO POIiT LINCOLN AND ^JPSFjs^w O P0BT AUGUSTA.— The ; ?-?S7#is23£i» Captain Ward, will sail on Saturday next, the 18th February, on arrival of the 3.30;p.m. train.' Goods must be alongside not later than 12 o'clock en . day of sailing'. Freight on small packages and parcels to be prepaid or they will not be forwarded. JOS. STILLING & CO, 1T/._ „, Pn.f. J. DARWENT. j T -nm and Port' iLDEB, STIRLING, & CO, Port Augusta. GrenTeU-streeti February 11, 1860. ' . 4V9 -4*Irk '\rOTICE--SHIPPEESan3 INTENDING . j8£»S. i- ' PASSENGERS per Snip CHILI are 4z23£»- informed that she will proceed to sea without ^tSSSSm &*1 on the 22nd inst. One first-class cabin and a few steerage berths still disengaged. Early application is necessary. *3-'Bril-7 W. PEACOCK & SONS, Agents. -*Tri, 'VTOTICE TO PASSENGEBS PEE 8ALA/m&S. 11 MANCA, FOE LONDOX.-Passengers ' 2al£E£fc» pe.r Salamanca are informed that she will niiiTi i sail on Wednesday, February 16. The Steam-Tng will leave the Wharf at 2 p.m. -'45-B ? ELD SB, STIRLING, & CO. Vii-v T?OB LONDON, Calling at the CAPE OF ^gM\ -T GOOD HOPE.— Now Loadinfr, to sail 35sSB§» 22a& February, fall or not full.— Tho mag-JEggjffjfy nificent Thames-built Ship CHILI, 1 A.lfor 13 yearn, 1,500 tons burthen, James Brinsden, Esq., commander, is now alongside the Wharf. Intending ?passengers will do well to inspect the complete accommodation provided. First-class passengers are provided with beddin?, linen, lights in cabin, and every necessary as usually found in steamers. The eerviccs of a Stewardess are engaged, and a Cow is provided for the convenience of families. Dr. Arnott will return in the ihip. ? '?.??? Shippers of wool should avail themselves of this, the last opportunity for the May Sales. All will be taken undamped. ?. : ?? - ' For provision-scales for intermediate and steerage passengers, and freight or passage, apply to W. PEACOCK & SON, ?-_,„„„ J. STILLING & CO., jTown-18CT J. NEWMAN & SON, Port Adelaide. ''-ibk T70B L0ND0N DIRECT.— To leave HobjWJftKV J? son's Bay on Thursday^ February 23, ?mrkJw 1S60.— The magnificent clipper Ship 4€r«c&B RESULT, 2.000 tons, Al at Lloyd's, J. Cow, commander. (Belong* ing to 'Messrs. Green, of Blackwall.) Apply to JOHN NEWMAN 4 SON, Port; or to 42'*9yi J. DA R'YENT, Grenfeli-streat, Adelaide. jHUt TJ1OR CALL AO. — The fine Aberdeen j#B»\ J? clipper Ship ffjlg&- HUGUENOT, WttSbm- J. N. Forbes, commander, will leave for the above port bbout the 1st March. -For passage apply to the Captain, on board ; or to 4W8 ? ELDER, STIRLING. & CO. Utct. T7OE SYDNEY DIRECT.— To follow the j&RSl . JD ATHOL.— Tho Brieanline lj%j£ftfo : UNION, ?y^ffiE— J. Littlccott, master, will have immediate For freight or passage, apply to tho Captain, on board ; 3Sc ? J.W. SMITH, Port U-W *T1OR SYDNEY DIRECT.-The Al French \ffiEik- Jj Ship :fSgggfr VISIB, ?WmiSj* 400 ton?, Angnsie Lolellier, has room for ? about 100 tons of Goods at very moderate rates, and will be fitspalcied earl; nut week. Apply to CURCIEB, HAWKE, & CO.. Gilbeit-nlace, Adeliile: or to 48fmSlvl JOHN NEWMAN '& SON. Port ? jTjtj. T?0E POET ELLIOT and BNCOUNTEB £g|»s-l? BAY.— The Cutter ' *jffiiiliu 53 Urai, E. Jenkins, master, will sail for the .above porta on Wednesday, February 16. For freight or passage, apply to J. DARWENT, Town; or H'6 ? . ? H. & R. MAIN, Port. SHIPS' POSTET4S got out on the shortest notice. A larze supply of coloured Inks, coloured caper, and new jobbing type, jnst reeciveh. Apply at the Jtegitter and OUaver Printing Office. MEBCHAITOISE. ? OTifE HTINDRKD FIRZLN3 PRIME NEW COUE BDrTEUonSaleby 46ct ? P. McROSTIE, 139, Bundle-street. QTOUT.-HOAEE & CO.'3 Celebrated KJ LONDON STOUT, in the very best condition, . £015* per Hhd., delivered in Town. - Sole Agents for Sooth Australia — WM. YOUNGHUSBAND, JUN., 4 CO, Town and Port. Gilbert-place, February 3, 1EC0. 31c THRESH GOODS, for Summer use— X? SELTZESWATER, gsnuine, quarts and pints, ' now londin?, ex Nile Hock, sparkling and still, 1 dozen cases -Claret, 1 dozen casss. Champagne GinaerWine, Ginger Brandy, Ale and Pcrtcr, pints ?--'? andqoarts ' ? ' Pert and Sherry, in qr.-casks, for harvest nse'. 357e ?. MARTIN, GAEDECHENS. &CO. TWTOW LANDING, Ex PHGEBE DUN?: BASS'S Ko. 3 ALE, in bulk Truman's XX Stont ' ~ Byaia'a A!e ard Porter, pints and quarts . , AUsop's 'Ale, pints and qnarts Booth's Gin, in bottle and bulk ? TT.Y.OV Brandy, do. do. J.D.K.Z. Geneva, Urge and small bottles -Finest Sherry and Pert, in qr.-casks and cases Jamaica Bum, qr.-easks and hhds. ' - ? ' .«?;?,.. ' .. I. S. HENRY. TVTOW LANDING, Ex PHCEBE .DUN-! £X BAB, VIOLET, and ARABELLA— ' . large' Asfortment of OILMEN'S STORES, consisting of— . -! ? ?_????. ' Belmont.^ale'g, Sperm, and Composite Candles J i.Half-pinr, pmt^and quart Sakd Oil Starch, Bine, Confeclicnary - ? Half-pint Castor Oil ' : Pint Pi- kles, Bottled Fruits Janr,Sr-l Ib. and 3 1b. jars . . . Sirdines— i End \ boxes Bdl& Blact's Matches 'Vinegar :; Hnntley &. Palmer's Biscuits Co'mih's Mustards ....,'. 4S'j'ta' fc- to LS.HEKRY.TTJST ARRIVED, Per DECE3CBKB, O 'MAIL- ' ' 2 Cases of SILVER PLATF-, consisHnp of Tea and . _ Coffee Sirrices. Spacn?, Forla, &J, &s. : 1 case London-made Jewellery of the newest de-' aigoa, OpUcg, WaJch Materials *^ &&,.&-, -42^7. '- ? I.S.IIENBY.. ' 'IT73T XATJDED, ex CHILI— ~ '^ ? ;tJL;cX- Splendid-Assortment of PAPERHANGINGS. -In Marble. Oak. Statuary, ic, in great variety. Also ? '-? ? ?- Kentfs Brnehes ? Warnci?a Pnmos ; Best Loh3pn Glue Vermilion ; ? . ? Samp Lske ? ~y ? Quaker Greens, &&. ic '19e»i BOBERC POD SON^Leigh-street. THE undersigned hare ON SALE as folJows— '' ' ' Chests and Half-Chests finest Oregon TEA. Manila Cipais, No. 2. Coeens's Sherry, in quartercasks. - Braady. Pcmetfs, Pale and Dark, hhds. Vinegar. Champion's No. 24, in qr.^saeks and cases. 1 ' ' -Branbaes, five-bushel; Cornsackp, three-busnei. . . Alliopp'* Botlled Aie, quarts and pints; Super Durham Mustard iH 7-lb. tins. ' ' CarboaateorSodamHand23lb.jarB. ., O»k, Carriage, and Copal Varnish. J. Create and . Son's. . . - ., ..-,-: ' Baw Linseed Oil, 6-galIon drums. JOo HENBIQUESiCOTCurriMtreet.

FORSALE, .at the-.' Store of the undersUrned— . ?? ?' ??? -? -?? ' ' ''-'?' . i -'.' Choice Samples of CONGOU TEA, in Chests' and Half-Chests ' ., Mauritius Sugars : . Manila Cigars, 1857 and 1859 Byaes's Ale and No. 3 Burton's Ale, in bottles, 4 dozen' enks : ? ? Feast's Pickles and Salad Oils Patent Nails and Horseshoe Nails WashingSoda ' ? - ? And various Invoices of General Merchandise. ? To arrive— Invoices of Boots and Shoes ' Leather -Galvanized Iron . BlMkats, various colours and sizes ? . , Slops and Drapery ?' I . ? , Bass's No. 3 Ale, in hogsheads ??'?' .-? Loaf Sugar, &&, &c. . .' :; ? . llcvx] BURNETT NATHAN, 87. Hindley-street. 'CTENCLNG WIRE, Annealed H«cl Tarnkhed I? Superior Bation and Fina Teas, sew crop Crystallized and Ration Sugars ' Arsenic, Sublimate WooipackB and Twine . Tobacco,' Eagle Twist and Honeydew 4c, 4c.. 4e. JOSEPH STILLING 4 CO., 13fmwlG2v Hindley-street. POWAED'S OILMEN'S STORES— \J - Eaye's Pills, Enrope Hope Shop and Seaming Twines Sash Lines, Hawsers Carriage Harness, Patent Eoans and Enamelled Hides ' Sng)ish Bye-rass-S«ed American Linseed Cakes Loather Cloth, Orebags Eosin, Tin-Platea -Bortog, Moftisinir, and Brick Machines ac, Sxn 4c. ? - . JOSEPH STILLING A CO, 13fmwlO2v - :Hi..dley-stieet. ; pOROMANDEL VALLEY MACHINE\J MADE BISCUIT.— The assortment now-making consists of— Captains' Crackers Adelaide Biscuit Wine Biscuit Cream Biscuit Abernethy Biscuit - Nonpareil Biscuit Picnics Ginger Nets, and Kout Biscuit, comprising— | ? - 'Africans j j -ShrewBbarys ; — Tunbridges. ? The revised price-list may bebadon application at 21, Hindley-street. ll-66rmwf60 0' N 5ALE - ? ? ? ? ?- ;-- ??- f~ BRANDY, Port, Sherry, London Gin, Bum . ' - ' Harper's Bottled Stont, WUitbrestTn Stout ind,Coope & Co.'s Burton Ale, No. 3, pints and quarts- ' ' ' ? ? - ? ' Ind's Burton Pale Ale, bottled by White, do. do. Barclay's Stout, bottled by White .. ..Ginger, Sfarch, Hale's Sperm Candles ' Batty's PickleB, Bottled Fruits, Salad Oil, &c. Cornsacks, Orebags, Woolpacie, and' SeamingTwine ' . : Iron Bedsteads, Flooring-Tiles, Slates, Portland Cement, Glassware Charcoal, Tinplatcs, Brassware Tea and Coffeo Pots, Fryingpans, Chain, &c. FfiAN CIS CLABK & SONS, 64acv Blvth-street, Adelaide. N SALE at PARKINSON'S, Chemist. 67, EuadlcstreetChemical Clieats, Bain Gauges, Portable Hygrometer Alcoholometers, Saccharometers, A ssayer's furnace and Assaying aud Blowpipe Apparatus Mineral and Geological Specimens, &c, &c. ' . And a general assortment of Chemicals and other . Apparatus. - -Assaysand Analyses performed. 37'B5 ON SALE, by the undersigned— . CIIEISTY-S FELT HATS, Belts, and Braces ' Crimea and Serge Shirts, Blankets, Oil Baizes A few trunks superior Glasgow-made Boots and Shoes. ? , 41mwtt8 W. STOBBIE, IP, Carrie-street. f\ N S A L E by the ' undersigned— L/ SADDLERY and COACH IRONMONGERY of very description, to arrive per Arabella, Phcebe -unbar, and other early ships. The largest and best sfortment of Goods ever sent to Soath Australia. 322f43 ? E. T. SMITH. Blyth-street. nOLONIALWINE.— ON SALE, Colonia -J Wine, crown by Jos. Gilbert, Esq. of Pewsey Vale SMmwfc FRED. S. C. DBIFF1ELD. Qrenfell-street. DO ALS. — .Best English and Newcastle (N.S.W.) Coals can. be had ia any quantity, at ? ' H. SIMPSON'S Cosl-yard, Port Adelaide; or X T-. KEKWICK'S. Kinfi- William-street. 8740 ITIOTORIA SPERM CANDLES, FANCY T SOAP . , Ej-ass's Bottled Ale and Porter . Nicholl's Ale and Porter, in hhds. Bum, Brandy, Geneva, Port, Sherry Varnish, Perfumery, Hoots and Shoes S. W. fcilver 4 Co.'s Furniture and Clothing ' Elastic Steam Packing. Patent Roofing Sell Cornsacks, Branbags, Orebags, Twine BBH Iron, Sheet Lead, Tin Piates ' PUnns, by Ennever (late Allison & Allison), llwscv ABRAHAM SCOTT, Blyth-street. plOE SALE- 7 D CLARET SAUTEUNE. Received direct from the grower in France. SOOxcrwe ? ELDER. STIRLING. 4 CO. OSEWOOD PIANOFORTES. — The nndcrsigned hava FOB SALE, at their Stores rar Superior Bosewood Semi-Cottage Pianofortes ruaranUed direct from the manufactory of Messrs iroadwood 4 Sons, London. ' 281MCV ELDER. STUJLINa. 4 CO. WTRE.-FENCING WIRE.— 500 Coils of No. 4 Black Wire, on sale cheap. ? ? 237aev Vr.W. GALL. 79. UundloIVrOW LANDING, and '- ON SALE— LI Fencing Wire, No, 4, Comsacks, Morewood & Co.'s Ictal, Zlne, Fine Screened Patna Eice, Ceylon Plantaion Coffco, Loaf Sugar, Candle!, Colman's Mustard, itarch. Blue, Salad Oil, Castor Oil, Tartdric Acid, Saltpetre, Bluestone, Ifntr, Candied Lemon-Pee), Currants, lew fruit. Brandy (Martell's), ia quarter-casks, U.V.C-, u quarter casks and cases, . ? 37mwf65 ,. . C. JACOBS, 7, Cnrrie-gtreer. NOW LANDINGr.ex Plraba Dunbar and Violet-25 Packages FANCY GOODS, comirising French Toys, Dolis, Cabinet Goods, Combs and Irusbes. Portmonnaics, Perfumery, Stationery, Wax Testa?, &c. 41mw&3 W. S rORBIE, 19, Carrie-street BUSINESS HOTICES. 'TAYLOR BROTHERS' COCOA, CHOJL COLATE, MUSTARD, and CHICORY. TAYLOR BROTHERS, London, from their position is .the largest manufacturers of the above Articles in England, are enabled to supply the samo on unequalled eras. ? . . . . ; TAYLOR BROTHERS* Unrivalled HOMffiOPATHIC md SOLUBLE COCOAS, also their Original SOLUBLE 3HOCOLATE, are expressly prepared, with peculiar care md experienced skill, to suit hot climates, and are warranted to stand the voyage and keep gsod for any reasonable length of time. 5WSTARD. TAYLOft BEOTHERS prepare their Mustard from .be choicest seed by a patent process, which prevents Fermentation, and at the samo time retains the pungency ind purity of flavour to a degree which no other process :an accomplish. Packed for Exportation in Bottles, Tin Canisters, and Jars. . . CHICORY. Warranted Genuine and of the Finest Quality. Packed to 28-!b. and 66-lb. Tin Canister?. Sold by ail the Principal tracers. ' ' TAYLOR BROTHERS, ' 25DwfS0 ' Chocolate and Mnstard ilDl j, London. TnLOORCLOTflS. —NOTICE.— In conX! sequence of the premises of the undersigned being Deonvenient. for tho proper display; of their -Stock' or Floorcloth?, they have determined on relinquishing the business, and are now offering the whole of theirSTOCK in this branch (of the very best quality, well seasoned) at THREE SHILLINGS PER YARD.beinir a REDUCTION of TWENrr-FlVE PERCENT on former prices. The. Stock consUts of Cloths of every width from 'two to twenty foot, and will be cut in lengths to suit purchasers. . - ? ? ? ??. ? JOHN HODGKISS 4 CO., 351mwfcv - - 28, Bundle-street. ? GAWLER— NOTICE: -W-'H. WIL- KRISON, DRUGGIST, Mnrray-street,- Gawler, being about . to Remove to Koorings, requests that all DEBTS due to him will be Settled at his residence he e on or. before the ?20th jn»t After that dnto.Mr. Frank Wllkifison. Tpd-street, Gawler.- will bs empowered to collect and receive.any outstanding Accounts. ' ... Gawler. February 8, IStiO. -,. . ? ,.4tw46749 ' TTOMCBOPATHIC MEDICINES.— J-L Arsenicum Drosera Opium ' ? Arnica ' HeparSulph' Bhus Tor' Bryonia . Ipecacuauha . Snip- Acid Belladonna Ignatia Sepia . - CarbaVcir ? Lacheses ' SquHIa . , .Chamomilla , r Mcrcarius ? Veratrum. ' 'Arnica' Plaster, Calendula' Plaster,' Tinctures,' Un, medieated Dentafrice, and Cases with- Books.'; - - ? IQq ? . PLATT3.9S, Hindley-street. 1 CE.— AGENTS WANTED at. the PORT, A KO0RINGA, KAPUNDA, GAWLEB, and other Centres of Population. Apply. to ..; ?.--? ??-. ? , SINNETT 4 CO,. Ale ? ' Ice' Manufactory,- Fianklinitreet. QTEREOSCOPES and STEREOSCOPic JO' VIEWS, Cheap, and in great Varfctyj-alf' '? ? :127q , .. ;. . E. S. WIGG'S.12. Bandle-street ftpLETCHER'S Celebrated EYE LOTION. X? , Sole Agent for Adelaide, 337t& ? PLATTS. TO ; MOTHERS, SURGEONS, and NUa3ES.-CR0WDER'S PORE FLUID MAGNESIA, warranted superior, in quality to any imported, end sold retail by most Drnggists and Storekeepers, in quart bottles, at Ss. cac.i (half price of Murray's), and wholesale at the Manufactory, Franklin-street. 35«a'8c lO CRICKETERS.— A large supply o, ' BATS has just been received, including Dovetailed, Spring-Handle, 4c; also, BALLS and STUMPS 10q, ? PLATTS, 95 and 97. Hindley-itrcet. OTODARrS Splendid Toned PIANOS and V7 aBrst^IassHAliMONIUM: Music— £ong3. Duets ?it,- Union Tuno Books, Harmonists &c ? U3c ? E. S. WIGU, 12. Rsndle-Btrcet, rjARPATJ^INS, TARPAULINS. - JOSEPH ALLEN^nt™dFTarP!a^toi' Maker' 31 Kng waUam-streer, has on hand a large assortment of the ame^at very low priees/frira 30a. unwaius N.B.rrOraers wecuted on the shortest notice, ?47oy

Important- public jnotice.— ? JL ; To IRONJfONGERS. C6NTKACTOR8, SToRE?KEKPERS. BUILDERS, CABINETMAKERS, ?BLACKSMITHS, and the public generally.-' ' - In the Insolvent Eitate of KING BROTHERS 4 CO., IRONMONGERS, Sc , Melbourne. ??? No satisfactory Tender having been received for the whole of the large, valuable, and well-assorted Stock of -Ironmongery, to, in the above Estate, the Official Assignee has (with the consent of the creditors) given directions to have the premises, No. 20, Collins-strtet West, Melbourne, Rcopend on and after Monday next, and to ?DISPOSE 0 F the STOCK in quantities to suit purchaser?, at and under COST PRICES, as per printed catalogue. ? A liberal discount will be allowed to large purchasers. - Up-iountry orders, with remittance, will havo prompt attention, and at the same prices as if personally selected. ? Catalogues may be teen on the premise, No. 20, €ollinB'StreetWest,Melbournp, and at the office of this paper. ? ? N.B.— It may not be generally known ' that the Stockis qnite new, free from old or unsaleable goods, all such having been cleared off at auction sometime ajo— that the Stock pow offered for sale is valued at cost at upwards of £15.000, and consequently presents a great variety of choic3 soods from which to select. ' ? ALEXANDER LAING. OiBcialAEaiiroee. 8, Eldon-chambew, Melbourne, January 21, 186). , ? -.-?? 46mwf74 A K. BAFIK L A M P S . — YOUNG'S PATENT PABRAFIN OIL. PARBAFIN LAMP WICK. PAB.BAFLN LiftIP GLASSES. PABRAFIN LAMP GLOBES and SHADES. A Large Assortment of the- above on Sale, at ? G. RHODES 4 SON'S. Ironmongers, ' No. 9, Bundle-street, near the corner of King ??46mws58v63 ??? ? WlllUm-street. . I A T E N T PETBOLEIB. or LIQUID GAS LAMPS, constructed for -Burning Petrolene, Belmontine, Pho?'? - - ? ? ? toeeo, and P.irrsfin Oils. ? The Patent PETROLENE, or Liquid Gas, is LESS than the COST or OIL or CAMPHINE, is more economical, and a» clean as pure water in its use. .?PctroIeBe, unlike Camphine, is uneiolosive, which removes the possibility of accidents. F-'.r an cqaal a-nennt of light, tho cost of Burning this Lamp is less than half that of Camphine or Moderator. ' -TABLE LAMPS, from 53. fld. each, will gird the light of two candles, and the cost not ; exceeding one FartbiD- per hour. 0nSale,8t G. RHODES & SON'S, Ironmongers, - Rnndle-street, near the corner of King *\Yil4Cma-sSBtB3 ? -liam-gtreet. ? ? ' ;i ?'' BRASS PUMPS. BRASS POMPS.— | !£'Ja5t anived, ex Arabella, a large number of the xbove, and arc now on Sola at .Jlev HALL 4 CO.'a, 18, Hindley-street. r: EHOCQ'3 BOOTS. LEHOCQ'S BOOTS. LJ — A further supply of the above celebrated Boots, si Violet, at LOWER'S GOLDEN BOOT, Kfnir Williamitreet,and65KundIe-streot. Also LADIES' COLOURED ?RENCH BOOTS and SHOES, ex Phoebe Dunbar. 38ev FOR SALE (well worthy tho attention of Minincr Companies and others), a HIGHPRESSURE STEAM-ENGINE, 16-inch diameter, twueet stroke, with Tubuhr Boiler, five tons. Drawing Apparatus connected. Last used for pumping water and Irawing stuff; also calculated for 'crashing ores or Iriving any other machinery. For further particulars, pply to Mr. Eiehard Nancarrow; or to Mr. William Thomas, Engineer, Penrice. ' 33'65 10 BLACKSMITHS AND WHEELWRIGH3S-A eood OPENING for BUSINESS t a Township in the Hills, with SHOP, DWELLINGIOUSE, &c., complete. Apply to Messrr. Padman and !o., Gawler-place ; or to Mr. Sandford, 73, King Williamtreer, Adelaide. ? 45-'6v HIT E & . B it E W E R, AUCTIONEERS,' GAWLER and KAPUNDA. 82cv B~E O P GOOD CHE E R, THE SINKING MAY BE SAVED! HOLLO WAY'8 PILLS. The history of this great remedy is the most wendcral medical revelation that the world bos ever known, t establishes the all-important fact tint whbbbveb ; nd in wiiateveb sdapb internal disease exists, the isinlecting, searching, and healing properties of the ' ?ills are fullv eijoal to its subjection and cure. This ia ot a history written by one man, or even derived from ( lie experiences of or,e nation ; it consists of a complla- : ion of teslimonisls from the sick of every country, an nitspeachablc record, the like of which has never been ' dduced in favour of any other discoverj or iuvcntioa I ince time beean. i DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH ' re the sources of tho deadliest maladie.«, especially in ' rarm latitudes. Their effect 'is to vitiate all'the fluids ( f the body, and to send a poisoned stream through all ? lie channels of circulation.) Now what is the operation ' f these Pills? They cleanse tho bowels, regulate the ' vcr, bring the relaxed or irritated etomach into a ?' atural condition, and acting through the secretive rgausuKttrTHK-iLOOD-MSELF, «hance ' the - state oj j lie system from sickness to health, by' ciercisin? a imultancpus and wholesome effect upon all' its parts : nd functions. ??? .-....-?? WOMAN IN ALL HER DIFFICULTltS ' 1 i invited to test tho regulating .'anil restorative pewesr f this barraless, but eilcctive preparation. At tho two pochs of life in which the female system undergoes the lost important and critical chances, in countries where lese periods are surrounded by dangers, these Fills ill prove a positive safeguard n#ain*t evil consequences. ' bey are also confidently recommeuded as a specific in ? rory dwnrder to which females are delusively subject, ?. STRENGTH AND VIGOUR AT ALL AGES. . -GKKEBAiTDiBiLiTr.— Wien the system is weakened ' ad the vital powers are paralyzed by too great an in- ( tilgencein what aro called the pleasures of life, and. ? rhen premature old ace seems rapidly approaciinfr, liere is no medicine in tho world that has so truly renoat ing and exhilarating an effect as Holloway's famous 'ills. In a very few days they raiso the exhausted -afferer from debility and despair to strength and ckeerilness; they brace tho relaxed ncrvts, purify and lmrove the blood, correct gross humours, restore' the lost ppctite, and give toue to the whole system to a'degree ever jet effected by any other racdicina in, r by any change of regimen or of climate, The young ad middle age. who, like the old, may have lost their teugth and vigour from any cause, cither from impruencoof youth, or otherwise, will find these w-nJerful 'ills more precious than gold. Their value in India, the ape, and Australia is, beyond dispute, as thousands ave certified. . DISORDERS OF THE LIVER. Extract of a Letter to Professor Holloway, dated Carlisle.' September lst,1853. .. Sir— I was at death's door from a disordered livor. I ad been -persuaded to try various mercurial preparaion?, which gave me no relief, and bo reduced my trcngth that I coald scarcely movo without assistance rom one side of my room to the other.' Sceiag one of our advertiRementSj I got a supply_o^yonr_admiiahle ills and Ointment', I rubbed the latter over the r-gion ftholiver. twice a day, and took eight Pills every raorn]g, In six weeks I was thoroughly cured. I send you iy card for private satisfaction; if desirable you may Tint this letter. In bilious, yellow, and intermittent ivers, these medicines ore inestimable. loHoway's Pills ore the Dest remedy knoTn in the world for the following Diseases :— Lgiie Female Irregu- Scrofula, or King's isthma larities Evil iiliousComplalnts Fevers of all kinds Stone and Gravel Notches on the Fits Secondary SynipSkin Gont . toms iowel Complaints Headacho Th-Doulonreuz !oliw Indigestion Tumours : ^onstipailonof laflammztion Ulcers -the Bowels Jaundice Venereal Affections lonsumption Liver Complaints Worms of all kinds )cbility Lumbago Weakness, from )ropsy Piles whatever cause, )ysentcry Retention of Uriua 4a, 4c Erysipelas Sore Throats .. Sold at the Establishment of Pbofbssob Hollowat, ill, Strand (near Temple Bar), London; also by all Mpectabla Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughtat tho civilized world. ' ' There b a considerable saving by taking the larger Iks. ...'.??..' N.B.— Directions for the guidance of patisnti in every lisorder arc affixed to each Box. . IGUvwa PPBLIOATIOHBiLm) STATIONERY TPHE NORTHERN STAR, KAVUNDA.X The first number of ?? THB NORTHERN STAR,' i Weekly Newspaper for the North,- will be published at Ivapunda, on Friday, February 24. Advertisements and subscribers' names received by Rigby,' Hindley-etreet, icelaidc ; and at the office, Kapundo. - 41mwf53vl9; . A' SELECTION~of MOORE'S IRISH US. MELODIES, Illustrated, Is. 8d. 34q ? PLATTS. llf OOBE'S LALLA ROOJKH, JXL Illustrated, U. 8d. 313 . ? PLATTS. A CATALOGUE of BOOKS, adapted' for the we of Literary InstiMitcn. Book Societies, and ireneral readers, ON SALE at PLATTS'S, N'os. 1 and 93, Hindley-street, can be had GRATIS on application. ?-'?? '? - '? ? Mq ' NEW TEAR'S GIFTS.— A large assortment of VALUABLE BOOKS, ia APPROPRIATE BINDINGS for PKESENTS, at moderate prices, at . S64q JOHN HOWELL'S. 4, Bundle-street. A BRIYAL- OF THE ENGLISH MAIL. £SL —THE LATEST INTELLIGENCE is in the HOME NEWS. _37q ? ? PLATTS, Sole Agent. PLATTS'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY. - No. 1, Hindley-street, Established 1810. ?' Open from 8 a.ra. to 6 p.m. daily. This Library contains every description of Literature,. including Periodicals per Orcrland Mail. . ,, ? ? . -.'. M)q ! H E M I L I T I -A..— Those colonists who have not already supplied themselves with tho Acts providing for the orgsnizition of a Militia Fcce in South Australia are advised to do so Immediately, as but few copies are. left Publishedat ., ; ? . i ?? .. PLATTS'S. Hq. PRICE ONE SHILLING. ,.- - - ' TUST received 'at TLATTS'S— A large O Collec'ion of CATHOLIC PRATBB-BOOKd. FATHER FABER'3 Popular Works, and. other Catholic Publications. . , ;. ?-.?i - :. ,-41q; /COLONIAL SONG-BOOKS, \J at ? . . ;' ' , -; ...-.'... ;.??-.,.,' . . 31q . ? ?? PIATTS'S. TTOMCEOPATHY. — Laurie's,' ' flering's, JLJL &&, Handbooks and Cases of. Medicines Just received. ? ? :? . .? ;?..-.-,. .;*..,;. ?.;'. 335c . ?.??'., ?.E.S.WlGG.'Rnndle.street.: HOME NE \VS^- Mr.~Platt3 is appointed by Messr/. Grinulay. & Co, the Proprietors of omelfewi. their'SOLE AGENT -forl the:Salo of hePapftr. '?' .' . ?'.*,. .: A ''.:.' '343 ; TTANKEE. ENVELOPES, Tarions JL sizes. ? '' '. ' ' ' ' j 31q' . .':f:.'..'.: .'.- i.r '? ?????' -PLATTS. TTANEEE SN VEL OPE S.iTarious JL -: tizes. ' .,?-?':?-??'? - t';;*' r-:r-f '-?--'' -,3jq, v. .v;-.. : -p. :-???-????-' ^^PLATTS. IT- A N;K; E E E N,Y E L 0 PE S, Tarious -X ' sizes. ' .' -, ? ? . '.'??: 3*i PUTIS,

PUBLICATIONS AND STATIONEBt BOOKS JUST REOEIVED.ATHILLIEB'S. . ; Thackeray's Works ' ??'*? » Sydney Smith's Works ? . A Handy Book on Property Law by Lord St. Leo. nard . . : , -. '. i Physiology of Common Life, Lewis Tom Brown's School Days ? ' . Scouring of the White Horse, by the same anther : Australian Facts and Prospects : '. i Walker's Dictionaries . : ' ? White's Farriery , ? ? The Dog, by Youalt ; , i ?? -Staunton's Chessplayer's Hand-Book \ '? ? Coffin's Botanic Guide to Health ./ : , ( Hand-liook on Dining, Simpson ?; V ? Family Cyclopedia . ?' Biblical Reason Why ' { Things Net Generally Known (Second Setieil. CHEAP EDITIONS. . ' PirateoftbelTediterraaean Marryis'gMan '.}... ' Master Passions, Cockton Stanley Thorn ?( : Soldier of Lyons Balthazar, or Science and Moneyed Man ' ' Love - ? Two Sisters Hervyn Ciitheroe/ AiBs. Recollections of a Detective ' worth i ; Police Officer White Chief I Chief of the Ancas Half Brothers, Dumas Jack Ariel ' Cbrinne, of Italy, De S'ael Dottinits nf a Lounger, by Theatrical Life Frank Fowler Maxiraums and Speciments Border Tales, by Maxwell of William Muggins Picnic Papers Jack Bra?, Hook Hidden Hand, Southworth Tom Bon ling Martha Bell Chevalier De Maison Trial and Triumph Rouge, Dumas Romance of Real Life Comio Sketches, Poole Romantio Tales Wit and Opinion, Douglas Tales from Bentley Jcrrold Smugglers and Foresters Adventures of a Mounted Sideon Giles, Miller Trooper in Australia Cousin Geoffrey, Hook CouuUss De Charny, Parson's Daughter, Hook Dumas . , Passion aud Principle, .The Hostile, Damas Hook ; . Garibaldi Rose of Ashurst Handy Andy. Lover Pirate, Scott School Girl in France ? : ECenil worth, Scott What's in a Name Cousin William, Hook Only Daughter, Qleig Orphans pf I^issan Love Le'tters of' Eminent Memoirs of a Peeress Persons PeverilofthePeak King's Secret [lottery of Life - Marmaduke Wyvil Ifouag Islauders . DICKENS'S WORKS. WALTER SCOTT'S WORKS. BULWER'd WORKS. All In Cheap Editions. . ' . HILLIER'3, 10, Hindley-street. O- CATALOGUES of all the BOOKS on hand can be md gratis on application. . 41q Just Published, rHE FARM AND G-ARDEU, No. 20, FOB FE BRUABY, 18S0. ? Edited by Edwabd Wilcuk Amdxswb. ander the auspices of tho South Australian Agricultural and lorticultural Society. -coiflBtrrs: Leading Articles upon the Rainfall of the Colony and i Garden Produce Market for Adelaide. . . Injurious Insects— No. 8, by C. A. Wilson. M.E.8. Naturn Amator)— containing Remarks upon tho Vino Caterpillar, the Ants, and the Insects injurious to our utive Eucalypti. Parti. '? The second of a series of brief articles on New or ?ood Plants, Fruits, or Flowers, by an able Botanist. The Hot Winds aud the Gardens, a record of the annary Heat and its Effect*. The Rainlall of Victoria, a few facts from the Vieorian Meteorological Report for theyear 1858. Letters from Mr. George IlcEwin upon the TorrenB s it was, is, and might be ; from the Lord Bishop of ideliido on Damming back tho Torrens ; on Reaping lacliinea, by Auricula; on Experiments in Growing Theat, by Mr. J. 0. Cave, J.P.; ou 8mut iu Wheat, by Ir. Francis Duffleld, of Cobden Grange, and by Mr. irnold A. Light; ou Hedges, by aVictorian Subscriber j n Watering Potted Plauta, by Mr. J. B. Smith; on 'rizB Sheep, by Mr. Charles Price; en Wheats, by 'a 'armer'ntOaetreeHill; on (Jypaum, by 'Jack of all 'rades;1' with other shorter letters on Food for Cattle, lainfall at Mount Lofty, Drying Peaches, and the Ants. Reports of the Committee MeetingB of the Agriculir&l and Horticultural and the Horticultural and Florialtural Societies; of the Farmors' Club, giving Mr. rcscott's second Paper aud Discussion thereon; and of 30 January Flower Show. Review of 'Au Essay of Husbandry, and the Agrllltural Capabilities of South Australia,' by James arkinson, Adelaide. . ' Very valuable Weather Tab'.e, kindly supplied by Mr. . I odd, Observer and Superintendent of Telegraphs, ivin?, iu addition to dally readings of the thermometer id barometer, with direction oi wind through tho tonth, and remarks daily and general on the atmojhere, two Tables, the ono containing statement or le temperature in the month of January for the last mr years, and the other recording the number of days i the last four January mouths ia which the tempetture exceeded 90°, together with the maximum and liuimum heat of those days. Original Poetry, 'The Aurora Au3trall«,' by G. A.W., iensington. ' The Farm Calendar for the Hills and the Plains for [arch. ? The Garden Calendar for the Hills and thePlaina for Farch. The News of tho Month. The Market Report for January. . ^ The Diary for February and March. . Together wilh other useful matter. ' The Farm and Garden is published OH the second hnrsday in each month, and passes tree throngh the ost-OfOce as a newspaper, ._. ? ; ' ... 1. . '. PRICE SIXPENCE, ; )uta!ning 16 piges of closely-printed matters ? Adelaide: Pablished at the. RfgUter and Observer eneral Printing Offices, Grenfell-stroct; and .Said by all ookscllersaR!}. News Agent*. ... . 41ev, Vf E W B O O K S.— Ji HOWELL'S SHEET ALMANAC for I860, Price 1., with Book on Colonial Gardening Gratis Fowler's Wreck of the Royal Charter, Is. Family Herald, the new volume, just received Hovd's (Thomas) Poems I rood's WhimB and Oddities Hood's Own, or Laughter from Tear to Tear ; Hood's Precocious Piegy Spurgeoii's Sermons, just published ? Tennyson's Poems, new edition ? ' Lord St. Leonard's Handybook of Property Law AHaudybookofPirishLsw : . Thackeray's Virginians, 8 vols.; just completed ' Livingstone's Missionary Travels in South Alrlci The Imperial Dictionary and Gazetteer, at English price Toaatt on the Horse, new edition Thomas Carlyle's Works, 16 vols. ' Rcade's Love mo Little, Love me Long, 2 Vols. Nick or Woods, or The Fighting Q iaker History of Ireland to the present time Beard's Bioeraphical Dictionary Bomantio Tales, bj the Author of John Halifax, Gentleman Casscll's Popnlar Educator, 0 vcls. Ministerinj: Children and Ministry of Life Handy Andy, Life of John Stcggall Benson's Bible, Clarke's Bible Cassell'a Pictorial History of England Tho Professor, by Currcr B 11 The Kalian Campaigns of General Bonaparte Tredwld on the Steam-Engine The Boy's Own Sea Stories Maunder's Treasury. ????-. JOHN HOWELL, 32o 4, Bundle-street, ES. WIGa has just completed the' ? ENLARGEMENT or his SHOP, and has furIshed the new Shelves with a NEW and CHOICE ELECTION of BOOKS, comprising:— . ' 3 Coses Books, from the Rslifous Tract Society 1 do. do. do. Sunday School Union 8 do. General Literature 1 do. Choice American ' : 6 do. .Suited to tho young for Prizes, Gift Books, also some splendidly Illustrated for the Drawing Boom, &c ' ' .' . , , Also, 1 case French Works, in French ' The whole altogether forrnin? the best seleotidn E. B. VIgy bos ever had to offer in tho colony. . ? Atso,' ' ? . From Reeves & Sons— Drawing Materials, Drawing' BnoEB.LUho^raplu.&cAc.i a lares assortment of Mathematical Instruments, from 6s. to 12 guineas, ' ' ; '.'.' Also, ... ? Note' Papo s, Letter Papers, Foolscaps,' Envelope.), , Morell's Registration Steel Pen, and Offiee Inks, 323q ? E. S. WIGG, 13, Rmidle-street. rEE FIRST VOLUME of TEE FARM AND GARDEN, neatly' bound, is .novi ready, md may be had of Messrs. llillier, Platts, Raven, and Sigby, Hindley-street ; Howell.Wieg, Mullett, Hackett, md Bayty, Ru.' lie-street ; G. Dchane, King. Williamitreet; and at tho Publishing Office,. Gren'ell-strect, Price 8«.6d. Tho postage on the same to any porto. .he colony is 2*. . . ~' ' Just Published. PLATTS'S ALMANAC FOR 1860 57. contains the Signals used at tho Wcst-terracc Flagstaff Kollp'ses, Feasts, &c: Government of Soath Australia, Central Road Board, Farmers' and Gardeners' Calendars, Customs Tariff, Wharfage . Does. Cattle Market,--Local Courts, Corporation*, Jewish Calendar, Table of Dispatch' and Arrival of Inland Mails, and various other matters. ? Price SrxpBWCB. 358o. Just Published, THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MILITIA FORCE ACTS. Price. One Shilling. i37q-. ? PLATT3. T ETTS'S DIARIES FOR 1860, at JU English Prices. .'..: '. : -367ov ? ?-- E. S. WIGG, Rnndle-strect. . OSSltAN'S SHIPWRECK,- OF. THE - -AD1I ELLA, price- 6s.) -bound in cloth.- i An allowance to Storekeepers. - ' i ' =-?-335cv E.S. WIGG, Agent, Adelaide. , SHEET ALMANAC FOB 18C0.. V. . : Just Published, at the Jteguler and Obiercer General Printing Offices, Grrnfel -street, .and to be obtained of all the Agents in town and. country, Piicb SnPBxea rfiHE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN JL SHEET ALAM/VNAC FOB 1860. ; COKIBKTS : SIGNALS used at the WesUcrraco Signs! Station. ECLIPSES, Feasts, Anniversaries, Principal Articles of the Calendar, 4c. ? : CALENDAR for each Month in the Yeir, containing the Days of the Week, Month, and Year, Kisiiitr aud Setting of the San and Moon for each dayj'Pliascs of the Moon, daily means of regulating Dial 'Time, Remarkable Days, &c. . *? ~ '. GOVERNMENT of Sonth Australia, includihV Ministry, Executive Council, Parliament^ Lia.t of Officers iu the Civil Setvioa/Judees, Law Officers, &c. ~ MUNICIPAL. CORPORATIONS, with their Officers. ' COSTOM-HOUSE, Port AdclaiJe.— South Australian Customs Tariff, Whnrfazo Dues, Pilotage, &.'. FARMERS' and GARDENERS' CALENDAR for th« Kitchen Garden, Fruit Garden, Flower Garden, and Field, for each month of the year. LICENCES for Hackney Carriages, Water-Carts, vat ft'eighbridjes. ? . POUNDAGK FEES under tho Impounding Act. LANDS TITLES REGISTRATION OFFICE FEES &c. ,..,;-. TELEGRAPHIC CIURGES. &c. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE, CHAMBER 01 COMMERCE, BANKS.! .-, ,- ) ' ?. ; with a full and precise , ? ?? '* ?' i TABLE of DISPATCH and ARRIVAL of-INLANI MAILS, with Distances and Poatma»ter»'-Namei. -JEWISH CALENDAR, A.M^ 663-).l, .-.! THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ALMANAC HVEE ISSUED,

-'. iDBAPERY AND dMHINGJ ; WORTHY OF ATTENTION. JOHN HODGKISS 4. CO. ' -hprebylnvite the attention ot Purchaser's to their ? . NEW, and EXTENSIVE STOCK of LINEN and ! - '? WOOLLEN DRAPERY, . ' ?: . ' ? '-Just landed from the various 'ships recently arrived in port, comprising an immense variety of the Newest and most Fasb^opable Goods.' - ; ? '' ! ''?'';?? ? Th«;Advcrtisert are also offering tho Summer portion of the Stock of Messrs.- Maegeorgc & Co.. among which will be found the greatest Bargains in ?-''..: ?' , ? ' ' - USEFUL GOODS ':?./.' ever submitted to tbe public of South Australia, ;' It being impossible, within the limits ot on adTertise-. ment, to enumerate tho-varirfas article's', the Advertisers content themselves with savin? that cop Js will bo found .:..::.-.., -CHEAPER THAN EYEfii ' Obserre— ? ???????? ???? -' ' ? ' JOHN HODGKISS & CO., „ . ? . ' 26, Rutfdle-streer, : 322cv , ' OppoiiietheNorfolg. Arms Inn. EDINB U R G- H ? H 0 'US E.— JAMES WHITING has JUST OPENED another Lot of NEW HATS in White and Coloured Crinoline,. &c, which he can Sell at little more than Half the Price of the last. ' ?-.?:'?. Also, amongst other New- Goods) no begs to call the attention of- Ladles to a new kind of CRINOLINE STEEL SKIRT, in White and Colours, New Dress Prints, Arabian Glaces, Mauve and o5her ncr Coloured Moreens for Skirts, Gauntlet Glore-f, &c. ???-?_? ; N.B.— Air Summer Dresses. Mantle*, 4c; on hand will be offered at a Great Reduction to make room for new goodB now opening, . - ? ?? , FOR GENTLEMEN, White and Coloured Shirts of tbe best make, to fit cither small or the largest sizes, best make of Linen Collars, Neckties, &i. 45 '9 TMPORTANT TO LADIES.— 'W.; H. X FERNELEY having decided to . CLEAR OUT the remaining portion of his SUMMER STOCK 'at greatly' reduced prices, and his Goods beirlJr of the leading: and most fashionable stylo*, Ladies will find this a favourable opportunity to secure Goods of novelty In stjlc, excellent in quality, and cheapness in price; *'? ' , ^So PER KORTHAM AND OVERLAND. LADIES' SILK FLOUNCED DRESSES Do. Sewed Muslin ' do.1' ' So. Loco do, I'o. LiceMantlra ''?..''. Plain. Oriental, and Watered Gibbons ' ? ChUdrr u's Drcs«s .-.....' ? ?' ? , 1 Infants' PelU9cs, lc^ ic. ' ' '? . ; - ' i^evig; (. ;-'' PEt'EgCOMMINQ&SO^S., DISSOLUTION, OF JETARTNER^BifF.— , CHEAP SALE, i.i.:-.:- i SKLLIN'G OFF tho WHOLE STOCK of. DRAPERY, nABKBDASIIERY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BEADYMADE CLOTHING, See, &e; aud as the. whole must be sold off and turned into cosh within a limited period, Great Bargains will be given, ;.. .. A. JAFFREY (Late A.iJ. Jaffbuy), 30o Waterloo House, Hindley-street. EQISTERand OBSERVER GENERAL and FANCY PRINT1NQ OFFICES.— Every .description' or Letterpress ind Copperplate Printing executed neatly, cheaply, s-J promptly, at this office, the most Extensive Establishment in South Australia, where tho most. skilful hands ere engaged, and every endeavour made to give satisfaction ~~' PROFESSIONAL. EkR. HEATH, AURIST and. OCULIST, ' M.U.C.S., England, and L.S.A., London, &c. late Wright & Heath, St. James's-.sqnare, London, will; remain in Adelaide for a short time, and may. be consulted on all cases of DEAFNESS and. OCULAR DISEASE, at Mr. Parkinson'?, Chemist, Rundle-strecr. ? ; ? Cousultation hours, 10 till 4;. Sunday's execpted. ? His vsork on Deafness b sold at Platts's, Hindloyslrect. Pricols. , . , ., r:-;; -45c7 E.- C. N. WORNUM,. .LICENSED SURVEYOR; Address Post-Office, Norwood. r - . . .? ? ? . ?:,. ' . -sascv T Q H N B . .P. O OLE , O . LICENSED, SURVEYOR. ?? ? Office:— King William-street, ' ,- : . ? ~. .32mwfc INERAL; ASSAYS iahd ANALYSESjof . cvery^ description performed by WILLIAM REYLIN. F.C.S., AnaljticEl Chemist to H.M.Ccstoms late of the Royal. College of Chemistry. London); *01, Bundle-street. ' 35*t7« AMUSEMENTS. riEELONG- ANNUAL REGATTA, 1860 VX To take place on Wednesday, 29th February i Peesidbnt: His Excellecor bir Henry Barkly. ? - VioB-PnssrSBiri: The Collector of Customs, Gcclong. CojnrODOBH: Captain JlcPtierson, Harbour-Master. UlOPIEB: Captain Boss, B.N., H.U. Cutter Icelia. ? ? ? Tbbascbib: ??? ? Mr'J. B.Hutton. Siawiwjs't ' His Worship the Major TheHon.Gep.Coppin.jI.L.U. Mr, N. J. Cummins ' Mr. Joseph Da Little ??? ' '. . T. Lyttleton 11 JohnGalletly ?' CharlesiTactcs ;' ' George Webster ??? . ' H.C Catspbell ' W.M.IIitchcck ' JiB.'Hdttqn 'J. Martin «? A. 0. MacdbriaW. ? Tna Yacet Racb (Open to all the colonies).— For this event the first prize will be the Geclong Yaoht Club sift of 100 guineas, second aud third prizis boiri? aided from the Regitta Fund. Course, aboutr21 miles. Three yachts to start or no race; four or'nb sa.-oid prize; six or no tklrd prize. - Half a minute per ton allowed for diffcrencs of tianage, aud to be sailed for under the Gcelonz Yacht Club Rulu.=. Fouh-Oakld Giq Kac3 (Excluding outriggers). — Open to all. If three boats s:ar-, One priza; and if four or more boats start, two prizes will be given. - All information relative to the' courses, prizes, cn-1 regulitions will appear in the local papers and £eWi Life in Victoria as early as pessibto, . * - 4V66 ... ?'??? W.B.S.NEILLEY. T~~HE TITO LI! THE TITOLI; ORIGINAL J'BOM ENADE CONCEBfS, 1 ? ? LAST NIGHT ?'?.??-? . OF THE F1RST.SEASON. IMMENSE ATT.RACTIQN. THIS EVENING (Wbdwiisdav),' 16ik Fbbbwbv,' ? NEW MUSIC. FRKSH SELECTIONS ' from ' ' . CELEBRATED OPERAS, THE MAGNIFICENT GARDENS AND BALLROOMS, UNEQUALLED IN THE COLONY, ' Arc Now Open. THE UNSURPASSED BRON3WICK B VSD, ? conducted by HEKR SCHKADER, will have the honour to obtain renewed plaudit?. GALAXi* OP TALENT. ?; Admission to Subscribers as usual. Non-Subscribers, Is. each. Commence at 8 ; cloae at 11. ? ? 03- THE FIRST NIGHT OF TUB SECOND SEASON will ba on ' ' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAR.Y 22!TD. . / x QIR JOHN B ARLEYOORN.-CONCERT KJ ou Mondays and Saturdays; SJect QUADE1LLE PARTY every Tuesday ovcniBfr . ..?????....:: 16o . . .. WILLIAM .CHALKER. A SELECT BALL will take place at, the ODDFE CiLO Jr7S' A BUS, Gilleu-street, oaTuesday, February 11. , To commenco at 8 o'dock. . .. , .ii'S . ' SPOSTINfl, -;— — -GAVYLER TOWN AND WILL ASTON . HACE3, March. 1st, 2nd, aud 3rd, I860. Stewards— Mr. Brewer. Mr. Ross Ueid, Dr. Popham. -Mr.Hollind,andMr.J.Pilo,sea. ., Jd'lgc — Mr. P. Ferguson, ? ; Siarter— E. M. Bacot, Esq. FlrtSCDA?. Disibioi Bacb, £1 Is. entrancoj — sovs. added. For horses the property of. persons residipg wiihiu ten .miles o! GiwicrTowu; catch weights ; mile and a half heats,, ' '. .';..',? . -. ? :,:?-'. ? Towk Platb, £3 3s. entrance; — spv». aiied. Two mile heats; mares and geldings 'allowed 3 lbs.; 3 years cW, 8 st. 10 lbs.; 4 years, 9 st. 3 lbs,: 6 years,' 9 st. 10 lbs. ;? 6 icar's and aged, lift st 3 lbs;. ? : ? IUiLWir : SriKES, £2 10s. entraneo; ?' — '- 'sovs.. added. Two r&ile heats ;' mires aad,gclding3 allowed' 3 lbs.; 3 jcnrsold,9st 10 lbs.; 4 years, 10 St. 3 lbs.;' S yinra, 10 st 10 lbs.- 0 yf'ars and aged, 11 st. 3 lbs. ? - ' . Gallowit Kacb, £1 If. entrance; — sovs. 'added. For horses not'exceeiing U hands 1 inch -in height ; catch weights; once round the course. - ? SECOND DAY. ? ; Maidbit Stakis, JBI If. entrance; — sovs. added. One .mile heats; mares and geldings, allowed 3 lbs.; 2 years old, 7 at. 10 lbs.; 3 ycarv',8 It. lOlbj'.; 4' years, 9 st. 3 lbs.; 5 year;, 9 st, 10 lbs.':. 0 years and 9gen. io st. 3 lbs. ? ..,:..*?;;??' ' Publicaim' Pcbsb, £3 2s. . entrdricc ; ' — ' sovs. added. Two mile heats; Gawler. and Willastoa Town Plate weighfs. ? , ':? '. : , ' Ladiss' Pubsb, £1 2s. entrance;' — sov*: 'added. One auU a halt milo hea's ; Railway Stakes ncuhts,- ' : THIltD DAY. ,..'. ' . ; ' : Wsltsb Stacks, £i 23. entrance; —tow; adJed. Three miles; cne event; Railway Stakes , weight). Hack Racs, Cllf. entrance; —.eov:-. added. ,- One milo and a half heat); catch wdghls; post cntrauce. , ' Tiie decision of the Stewards to ba final,-. . a Jockey costumo insisted upon in all races. '. .'.' The entriea will take place at the Willaatoa Hotel, oil Monday, February 27, from 7 to 9 p.m., scaleJ and addrcsEcd to the Secretary, Willaston Hotel. 46w63vx THOS. GREAVES, Secretary. ' ' IOST AND FOTTirD. -;p} ] LOST.— Broke away, in Hinaiey-street, last n'i-bt, a. Bay M ARE. wl;h black points, saddle, and bridle;. Mare branded (S) with IS) under. ~ Ap.nlj to Mr.G liartleet, Grenfcll-Btrctt. ? .'., x-. ElVEf, POUNDS REWARD wHl be given ]' on Conviction of the 'erson w,ho STOLE from my Stable a Hit MARE, 11 hands hUh. branded HSV conjoined withX.Vunder near shoulder, BOff shoulder, or One Pound ifstrsyed/nn delivery to myself, in Norwood; or Mr. John Grace, Sheaoak Log. - , ? JOSIAH Y0ULTEN. ' ( Norwood, Februiry 11, 188-. 4t'8v ; TWOCPOUND3 Strawberry BULLtfCK, white back, white tall, white, hind logv,strjwhorry face, rather slaggy. horns but a little turupd at the points, brauded co on tto top of the near loin. Was last setu on the Dirty Lieht. - The alrtvo re ward .will be paid to any one delivering him to Mr.HanBaford ofUivcrton. ' J87o ? TWO.? -POLT^DS,,. REWARD.— LOST, from Goolwa, one B*y HORSP, 15 handc, whitehiiK feet tndfspeck, branded.S off shoulder, KWoffnesk; also, cue Bay HORSE 16 hsnd?, near hind foot white, branded r oJ shoulder, .R91 off neck. Apply to T. Vartce, Goolwa; or. W. Kounsevell, Adelaide. r41w'6'66 rnwo pounds reward— lost, a ? ; UL Light Bay FILLY, three jears old, about flitcn ban's high, branded C near shoulder, a little white on , near hind-pastern (or foot). Laet Been at the North ' Rhino about eight months since. Tho above reward w ill r bo paid t6 any person giving information Ihat'may lead to tho recovery of tho same either to Win. Crabb, North Bhine; or to B. 6. Crabb, veterinary surgeon, Hlndleyitreet, Adelaide, ? 49xvo

The1 Friends of -.the: l&e Mi- frede?KICK FBEARSOX are rt spectmlly Informed that His. BEUAlNS.will leave his Residence, Prospeot-plocc, North- Adelaide,. for the North Adelaide Cemetery, This Day, at 4 o'clock. p.m.. . ' 'T. ? ;?: ? x'- ! ELECTORAL NOTICES. TO THE -ELECTORS OEV THJ) DIS' TRICT OFSTURT^ ' :u-; ! )-?: Yon are requested to attend a Public Meetintr, at the Kangaroo Inn, Sbnth-road, on Thursday, the .18th inst., at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, to consider, Hho are thepersons mo3t desirable to .Represont the District ia the ensuing- Parliament. : '? -?— ; 'The rireject-Eeprescntitiires-bf the' District are respectfully requested to attend the'ra'eetinr. ? 'Root. Srpith - Wtn. R; Wigley ? Alfred Wilson - tfalin, Lindsay S.P. H.Wright - -Peter dimming ' George Poor B.J. Heath ? David Sutherland ? William W. filyth ? ? _Adelald-, February 10. I860.' . '' '/ : . ' 4Vwh'7 RELIGIOTTS ROTIOES -'-''-' p H RI S T C H U R C if, If 0RTH AD£\J LA1DE.— The SUBSCKIBBItS .; fo. a TESTIMONIAL to the Memorj of the late SAMUEL GOODE; Esq., are requested to meet ia the Vestry, on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock. Subscriptions should be promptly paiii to the Wardens, the Collector, or to Mr. Stodart, the Treasurer.. . ' HENRY GILBERT, ) Wnr^no x HENRY WATSON. {' warden*. INSOLVENCY NOTICES. I' THE undersigned/ JOHN FRANCIS RO3S, of Adelaide, in the Province of South Amtralia, Timber Merchant, do hereby declare that I am unable to meet my engagements with my Creditors. Dated st the hoar of half-past eleven cVUtk in the fore-' noon, this fourteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aud sixty. ' ' ' ; ? -j.-f.^eoss. Witaesa-TAiBoi Bjjhbs Becch* a. Practitioner of the Supreme Court, of South Australia. Filed In Court this fourieeath daj of February. In the year of our Lord one thousand tight hundred and sixty, at half-post elevrn o'clock iu the forenoon, — ' '? ? ? »;:'- JOHN B. SPEMUE. Offleial Assignee. PUBLIC SOTICES.' THE GREAT NORTHERN COPPER MINING COMPANY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA WHEREAS a Company formed In London, and styled the Great Northern Copper Miuing Company of South Australia, has issued a Prospectus wherein my name appears as one of the Committee of Management in South Australia: I hereby give notice that my NAME was INSERTED in such advertisement WITHOUT my AUTHORITY, and that I am in no way interested in or connected with that Company, and that I decline to act as one of tho Committee. x JOHN MORPHETT. I^HE BRIGHTON and STURT VOLTJN, TEER CORPS will meet on Thursday first, at 7 o'clock, at the Farriers* Arm?, lor the purpose of Balloting for Members. Intending applicant .will please Bend in their names to me before the' 16th instimt. it. U. SMITH. (Mlands. FebraarylO. . ? 42o COMPANIE^ANP SOGIETI g«t. THE Y00T0QM00KINA COPPER MINING COMPANY. In One Thousand Five Hundred fcharcs of Fire -Pounds each. PbOVI9IO!UI- DIBE0I0B3 ; Bahxebs : Solioiiobs: The Yootoomookina Mine is situated in the vicinity of Mount Emily and Hayward'd Bluff, about 83 miles Irom Port Augusta. This Property, long known to contain extensive Copper Lodes, waj examined in September last by two thoroughly practical Miners, upon the faith of whose representations the present Proprietors' took Immediate steps to cause a survey to be made, and to obtain a lease of the same wider tho existing mining regulations. Two competent persons were subsequently employed for a short time in ppeniug upon the Lodes, snd their reports are of such ah encouraging natnroas to leave no doubt that tho usual mining operations will secure abundant and permanent success to tho under* taking. The report referred to, together with specimens of the Copper Ore raised from tho property, may be seen at the office of the u-idcrsgned. An average sample of the ores has been assayed, and produced 62} percent. With thpvlcw to obtain tho means of effectually working the Mine it is proposed to form an Association, to be divided into 1,600 Snares of £5 cachr-t£l per share to be paid on allotment, and the residue to' be piid by instalments of £l each at' intervals' of not less thoa three months. Five hundred paid-up Shares to be, reserved for the original proprietors as compensation for their interest in the concern and in .'liquidation of the expenses already incurred by tbern.'ir eluding tbe costs ot wrjeyaud of rent for the iirtt twelve moriths paid in advance. ' ' ? ? ', ] . '. ' , ; . Instead of noraimting Provi; iohal'Direetore,' Bankers, md Solicitors of the. Company — as is, very peaerallj Mo in preKminarjr adrcrtlsementa— It lias been thoaifht preferable that these appointments ehould ,'bs made -y the ' Eub3cribera .themselves; and. it is therefore proposed that upon the allotment of ..'Shares a meeting shall be called for that purpo's;. It will be the duty of the Provisional Directors so appointed to receive ou behali of the Shareholders (hj first call proposed made, and to take such means as may be nccWury to briuff tho Company under ths provisions of the Limited Liability Act. ? ' Tiie Promoters do not think it necessary to say more by .way of inducement io join iu the undertaking than to refer again tj the practical reports and the samples of ore' raisid from tho mine, which will remain open for the inspection of intending uliareholdors at the offices of tho undersi^ueJ, as before mentioned. They,. deem it risrhr, however, to call attention to the fact that whilst the measures which will doubtless ere lung be adopted by the Government for increasing the facilities of transit to and from the mines in thj north oaunot fail greatly to enhance, the value of this.prppetty, its near ices, to Port Augusta; to Which orcscau bo carted in all seasons over's good and weil-deQncd raid, at comparatively trJOinc 'expense, obviates, in the meantime one greit drawback' to'thc working of mines which an extended distance 'in some cases from the port or shipment at present involves. ,' /Applications for Shares in the form heriinuader written to be addressed to - ' PSEDEEIC W1CKSTEED. Sing VVilJiam-streat, Broker. tfjnir op irpLicATioir. . To the Promoters of tho Yootocmookina Mining . . - Company, 1 request you will allot mo Shares ia tha above Company, which I agreo to accept (or. any less number ff Shares which may be allotted to me), subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Prospectus published in reference thereto. ; Fame ? ;. ? , ? , ? „„„'„., '; Adiress..... ? ,..,.. ? inte ...'.....: ? ;......!. ? 4tmwl'8x7 ? ....-???' : SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MINING , ASSOCIATION.'— FOBTY-FIBST DIVIDEND.~ NOTICEis hereby (riven thjfa DIVIDEND of ONE HUNDRED PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company1 (being £5 per share), has been this .day declared by tho Directors of tbe Assqaiatiop, and that tho'Bamc will bo payable to the Shareholders On 'Satur-day. 3rd day of March next, between ths-hbu'rVof 10 and 1 o'clock, or on any Wednesday or Saturday afterwards between tke'iarbe hours. ? ' ; ,'., ,'.?' ? 1 ? The Certificates or Shirrs mutt be lef: at tho ofUca for examination at least three clear day* previous to the Dividend befog- called for, ' ' . The Books of Transfer will be closed on the 1st, 2nd, ahd'Srd proximo. ' ; . . ? '?' Bj order of the Board, ' ? ' ' '?' -? ' - HENRY AYERS, Secretary. , Adelaide. February II. 1880. ?,40'8.61''-vS8 A: DELAIDE PHILOSOPHICAL ±X SOCIETY.— The Sevcnt-four'tti .'MONTHLY MEETING of this Society will bo held on Wedyssday, tho 15th iostonr, at 7 o'clock p.m, afWhite's'Rpom;, when a Paper (deferrod from the last mcetinf:) will be read by Mr. T. D. Sineaton, entitled ' Scieutifio Jbttingr, 1851-9.' - ? : ; !??? . JOHN HOWARD CLARK, non. Secretary. Adelaide, Fvbroary 13, 18S9. . . , -Ni'J.— Strangers admitted on tho introduction of a Member. ; ? ??? . '? ? ? ? 41a'tf fZLAWLER POLITICAL ASSOCIATION. VHi —A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING or ths Members of this Association will bo held at the Prince Albert Inn, Murray-street, on Friday evening. next, the 17th instant, to take into considcratio.i district at tho forthcoming election, and to uamo suitable candidates, on. which ocoasion the public -generally .and iutouding . candidates .are' respectfully invited. w , ?„ .. ?' ? . ... - . : x ? A. QOIGG. Hon. Secretary. A ;N G A ST 0 N ? I N S T ITU T E.— A' Xi. LECTURE on CHEMISTRY; to be illustrated with brilliant experiments, including the exhibition of the Oiy-Hjdio^en Ligh% will be delivered on brha'f of this Institute, ou Wednrsday, 22ud inst., by Mr^NssniT, in.tbe Old. Sdioolroom, Angastop. Dcors. open at halfpast 7 o'clock p.m. 'Lecture to comnQcnca at s o'clock exactly. Angeston' r.aud 'will bo in attenuance. Admittance for adults^ Is., children half-price. xv ' ;rT~cT^ENi)ERg.-: .-;? ; ;: EASTERN, SUBURBAN RIFLE COM'PAKY.--TENDERS,accompan!edbyPaifefnsand Samples of Materiaf/for furnishins a suitable UNIFORM for tho above Corps, upwards of '40 stroii?, wiSl be'recnived up to 4 o'clock on Friday noxt, tho 17th instant, and 'are to be addressed to the Hon. Sec., Mr. Bastard, care of Mr. Degenhardt, Maitl arisf Alajrple, Stepney. . : '. . ' ' By order. . W-VBRNONHERFORD, 41Ja , ' Chairman of Committee. . ?: WmiGISM A¥D DISTRICT : - COTTKfCILS. ? MUNICIPAL COSPORATfON, CITY OF ADELAIDRt-INSPECTOR of SLAUGHTERHOUSE, CLERK of M4RICET and -.POUND-KEEPKR.— Applications with Ustimoniali will boraceivrdnnlil Monday- next, at 3. p.m., from persons desirous or beta? appointed to the following offices V— ' . Ivupfctoror Slaughterhouse,- salary £140 'per annum and residence. ?' . ? ' ? ? '??'—'. i - Clerk of Market and Poundkeeper, salary £25 per annum and residence. . -?-- . .,....?...? . r For p-irlieulnrs as to tho duties of tho slluatious, apply nt tbe Town Clerk's Office;- ..?';.??'? ???--. 1 ; . ' By order of the City Conncil, ''. ??'?:'? ' ' r ; . ... W. A. HUGH ES, Town Clerk. : Town Clerk's Omco, February 13, 18«7.- '4-ijwf6l j '/MDVE1ITISEMENT3 : in ? Al'ffi ESlDK XL OESBRVER.— DISCOilNTS'. far-ltEPEVTED INSERTIONS.— From the 1st July the 'DISCOUNTS ou repeated insertions in tho ADELAIDE OBSERVER ill be as follow: — i ' -,?...'.''.. : On 3 insertions ... Hi. In the Shilling, or 12 J per cent On 4 insertions ,.. 2d. In the Shilling, or'ISf per c«nt ; On 5 insertions „. ,-2Jd. in th« Shilling,'or 20* per oect, ^insertkfns^ ^ itt the ShU^?. «25 &«*.. ^inLbns8!.11 '}*.- ^ Shilling, or 29ip«cen ' ^.^to4 if „; f «? 'to' ^« ShUling. ot poiosnt. ;

?r , DTStTBANCE NOTICES, i '?? ?tJ-^«tlaAtilNEiriSDRiNCE. ' '' : A DELilDE EEOTJJ'a. ASSOCIATION JjC .'..?? OF. UNDER WBITERS.' -j- '*, 'vy*i''Wioi)CK.'fEst, Chairman. ' ? 'Thos. Gbivbs, E8Q.,'.Deputy Chairman. Marine Risks, taken, at current rates, and policies issued immediately on acceptance of the same, ? ?' CLAIMS FOR LOSSES ? promptly settled in cash without deduction. ? : ' COWIE & ASPINWALL, ' ' ' ? ' ' 'Brokers to the Association Grenfell-street, January, I860 ' ' ' 32'4taiwfo -? A: LLIANCB BRITISH- ANB 'FOREIGN J\ LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— Capital, r£5,C00,000. Losses poi4 fa- the colony. No reference Homo required. ?'??.'? ? '?' '? . ? .LifeDflpartmeut-\7. Wya^'Esq,, MJ)., Medical Be, Fire Department— E. W. Wright; Esq, Surveyor. ' Prospectuses can be had oa application to the undersigned. .?'?' ?.?.—??' , ???'?? ' HENRIQ'U.ES fi'TO.-, e '-? i : . 4wfm383 , . . . '.._;:, Agents^Ciirrie-,»tre»t. ?? ? { 'iOKiSWA-L.ju iJlKJli ?J&Xp jHAitirtJi\J IKSUBAJTCE COMPANY, ;.'LADNCESlfOW. , James Aikcnhead, Esq.: Secretary. , ;. ? Bub-AponfB for receipt of Fire ond'Marine Proposals i ..John Newman; Cleland, Page, & Co, Port, ?:F«aak Wjltinsonj'Gawler. W. B. Lucas, Kapuilda. B. Drew & Co., Kooringa. , . , Percival Warburton, Angaston. . .._.,'. '?? Goods &: Allen, Goolwa. ? JV -'?-?'. William Gray, Port Onkaparinga and the neighbourhood, ' . .,!'.'? ./'??'''' ? Engineers ? Poppui & 'Jones,- Bly th-street. ' . Annual Fire Policies- expire 1st January 1st April 1st July, and 1st October. '? -' ?' : ? -ABRAHAM SCOTT, ... ' ? 3*2acv ? ? AzentforSonlh -Australia. TMPORl'ANT . NOTICE. — AUSTRAJL:' LUN MUTUAL PROYIDENT' SOCIETY.— The BOOKS of tho Society CLOSE on tbe lost day of ?February next, for the current year's I usmess. All proposals m:da at this Agency before 22nd February will bo entitled to participate in' the profits of one year more than -those effected later in the year, in terms of the by-laws of tho Society. -'??' At the Second Investigation into the Society's affairs completed during 1869, it was fonud that the transactions of tbe five } ears ending February 28, 185P,liad been so profitable as (V--piriKlucaaSurplo3 of more than Fifty per cent, on tha Liabilities, llure than one-third of the Assets was prafit actually realized and invested Tor the exclusive benefit of the Members of the Society and their surviving friends. . ,-..: The fallowing instances will show the results to individual Members of the operations of the .post five years:— . ? '.. u.:. '.- '.'.'?..;: -' .:.' Lira Assdiunob Polio; vob £500, vmosso it , ? IHB.AGB OP 40. ..-;f ; ? , , S' :-&- -'w'-.' ; Date of Policy. : ' § ..!.~f.. . -r;'l ' ? -,o-' j.a'' lot,... :' ' :: -:?--':? ?'?'?' ?? ?? ? S . :.S . . tS™ Amount Assured Mi',' ' . with previous . 0-1 :oo r;«« ? Bonus. ? ???? --O-: ;--m-- i^p. : . ; .?„;;: ;i ' ?; ,? -'!,,. : ??:..-.q'-..8:-J gfc-;:r. ??:??:.:. r^. ? ' r ? o '»: ' 5* : ' Bonus, 1859. ? ? ?C' U _., Of?'' ' ? ?' '' ' '? : ' . . ' ?- ►-=. Total Policy. ►* w ?' '. ''d°v- co ' : W«- , Beduclionof 0 S '00? ',, Premium in lieu . -' ►- »- '-^a.' ?'?'?otweimt'Bamu. g S .S«? '::'~:i:'\':r.',,y ' '?' w ? . Cash value of . ? 01 .°° '*!'..' ...',' present Bonus,;, ' o 0 eo* . ??'!?? .0 5 ;. w1* Amiual Prospective o ?». .. ' «? ????? ? addition till next .0 .0' ^.a ' ? 'InvesUBation. A Deferred Annuity for the original sum of £2\ to jommeuee in 1887, is now £29 Is. 1 d.' ; An Endowment Policy payable in 1870, on the nominee wmingof age,' for the original amount of £100, is now me for £503 17s. 9d. 03* The attention of Assurers is requested to the folowing important privileges granted by the Legislature -f New South Wales to.the members of this Society, and :o them only:— ' ?' . .;; All its. Policies are protected nsjiinst the operation of ,ho insolvent laws, after, a certain term, ,on a- gradually increasing scale. _ , ... lj;;. , :: ;; Policies effected by married women are protected igainst the debts and conf rol of their husband*. ? The Fumiiies of email Assurers are Bayed tho expense -f Letters of Administration. . . : Prospectuses, Forms of Proposal, and every information may be obtained from any of tbo -Society's Agents -r Medical Referees iu New South.- Wales, and in the -ther Colonies, or at the Principal Office. Adelaidb Bunch: W. GO3SK, Esq., Medical Referee. , : P\DMAN & CO.. ARents. EOBERP THOMSON. Actuary and Secretary. Principal Ulflce, Huntei-strcct, Sydney, , .. December 21, 1853. . ? ? . -4V63 SOUTH -AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE -? COMPANY (LIMITED). . For effecting Insurances c^aiust FIRE. Corner of Kin? William and Curric streets, Adelaide. Agencies at every Township in the colony, ChairiraD, Geobgb Yotnra, Esq. Deputy Chairman. J. M. Liykulter, Esq. Money Lent on mortgage nt 10 per ci nt, - ? ' 315cv , . . . R. E: TAPLEY, Secretary TMPEfllAL TIRE INSURANCE' COMJL PANY (Instituted 1SO3), 1, OldCroad-ctrcct, and 10, Pall Mall, London. Subscribed and Invested Capital One Million Six Hundred Thousand Pounds;-' . Iuturanccs on MILLS effected at current ratcsi Insurances effected on Vessels and Cargoes in Harbour. All Claims are settled in.Adelaldo on proof of loss. , - . ? i A. J. WRIGHT, Agent, '?- . Exchange-chambers, Kinj William-strcot, Adelaide Gncine-houss, Umdmarsh-squore. ... . .lfiScv ?\7ICT0RIA FIRE AND MARINE INV SURANCE COMPANY. ' ? -' -Established 1819. Empowered by Act of the Legislative Council, , - Capital £1.000,000. Chairman of tho Board of Directors: The lion. Henry ? ' ] .. -? Miller, M.L.C. ? ? ; Secretary: Joseph Collie, Esq. . Head Office— 82, Collins-street cost. . The undersigned having, been appointed Agents for South Australia of the above Company, ate prepared to accept Proposals for Fire and Marine Risks, at the current rates of premium, and to issue Policies at once in accordance therewith.1 Claims, fettled promptly, without reference ont of the colony, and Losses oh Marine Policies paid in London if required. ? ..-,.-:: '..?': G. A. 4 H. BARTLEET, Agents. 280a ? , . flranfoll-6jri.'et. ;. '\rORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY XS ? '' OF LONDON.'''' ^-..... -Subscribed Capital ? £1,259,780 Invested Funds '..,.?:...- ?. 386,033 -.'-r -LIFE DEPARTMENT.— The Directors -bavins; deolded on resuming this branch of their, operations m the Australian Colonie.'', the undersigned are empowered to receive proposals for insurauce of first-class lives at the low b«!o. of premiums adopted by. tho Company to Enzland, . ? , - ,. .????; FIRE DEPABTMENT.-rlns'nranecs are effecUd on cve-y description of Property 011 liberal terms, and Potties issued immediately on acceptance ef risks. In surance on Mills .effected at the ordinary rate. , t .; All Claims are settled in Adelaide, no reference home belag requlrcrl. . . ? : ,' ; . . .. ,. . ELDER, STIRLING. 4 CO., ?? i 'Asreiita for South Australia. Adelaide. Sopbmber 12, 1359. , ? 'ZSScvi ~~BW?L0YWEm 'WANTED/ A LADY accustomed to Tuition and able to CL iri-'tpiet in the usual brunches of Euglish Elno'i- . tion, includiiijr Mnsie and Pronth, is desirous-br outlining a SITUATION as GOVERNESS. Her object is loss salary than a home. The most unexceptionable references can be Riven. Address K. WM at the office of this paper. - ? 4iw'g W 'ANTED, by a respectable young Person, a SITUATION to take Charge of aud Instruct two or three young Children. Country net objected to. Address M. H., caro of Mrs; Stringer; Charles street, North-terrace. ?? ? ? ? ? . ?'? ' -'Uw*6v; VTCTANTED, by a respectable Yo'un^Ladr, ITT a SITUATION an NURSERY GOVBKNE6S in tha Country Apply by letter to G. M. A, csreof E. S. Wig?, BjnJle-sireet. ... . ?:.'--':.? ? ?- - :4fr'8 'ANTED, a SITUATION us HOTJSEKEEPEiS. . Address X..Y. Z., Post-Office, A4elalde. ? ; ? -...?:? ?/-tr«-.-u42f8' WANTED— A respectabio- Widow.' 'is desirous of.securing a PASSAGE to ENGLAND, and would bo glad. .to arranea.with: any, Lady for her tervices during the voyage. ? Can be respectably recommended. -Apply to Thomas Worsnop, GrenfeU-strcat. ' ?. ;. ?;....' ;:.,- ,: ..-^ ????:,?,.??:: ? . 4Oo : ANTED, by a steady Person, a SITUATION as PLAIN COOK. Address B.C., Pat. Offige, Rundle-streat.- ?? ' .?;,?-?', ? ?45J6 '. WANTED, a SITUATION as BARMAN or WAITER, by a young' Man who has had 12 years' Wpcrienco on bosrd a passenger ship. Apply at the Office of this paper; or to Mr. S. J. Eichardf, 9i, Hindiey-stoet. ? ;.;.,.?:?: , 45'6 :-~~; ^PERSONS'WASnFEJ)' '~~: WTISSIONARY WANTED for tbe SOUTH lVA AUSTRALIAN BUSH MISSION. ' Enquiries may be addressed to the Secretary, . ?- :?;?.' ; i ?-? - ;. ? .JOHJI HARVEY, ' 4aev .' ' ? We\maath-strcet,'AdelaIde. ' W-ANXE U, a NUJkSEGIRL- about ? 17 years of nge; wa?es 6*. a week. Apply tomorrow (Thursday), at .Mrs. Milton's,- Government Office*, botweeH li and 1 o'clock. .. ;.? ..;? ,. :. ,'X ; W^~ ?AHTED, a good .SERVANT GIRL. Apply at. Mr; Tuxfdrd's,' Sportsman's Hotel, Byron-place. ' ? '?? ?'- '- - ? ?? ? j&'q 7 W 'ANTED imracdiatery;''an ASSlSPMT. W. Lister, Commercial House, NorthAdohide. - '- '? - ?'?'?'' ?'? J:;:p!6{ T^TANTEI), -an experienced- ^NUR^E. 'T MAID. to Mrs. George Ydnnr,- Park-side. '?' '-'- - ? ;-''v ~°-i ??'Tr~'H5--i QPECLALENS,^ PRINTING IN EVERY M ? STYTiB- caii be'«cc'n at-the ? RKGISTR.R -. and OBSERVER - GENEBAL'aud FAJv'CY PBISTIKG OFF4CUS, GrbnlelU'stKct; Adelaide, whero all ordcra atoeieouted ^atlr and cheaply, and on the saortoat WtUa. s .. ' '..-,,' ?- ,- . :?, - . :

j JjAm-AUmoS NOTICE^. A BSTBACT-OPGREEN & ?yVADHAJl'd JOL ? \; FEBRUARY LAND AUCTION SALE, To be held in the LAND MABT, . ' . . r.on — FebrnarySl FRIDAY, February 24.? » ix 12 o'oxoor. Lot TOWN PBOPEBTIES. 15. VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PBOPBETT, Cnrrie'?, ??;.: istreet.SOUTH' ADELAIDE. ??'? ? 16. FIVE ALLOTMENTS (Acre 610), SOUTH ADELAIDE. ?? ' SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. 2. VALUABLE BLOCK of LAND (17 Acres), iWEST ?5, BT ObDBB O» 1KB EQUIXABLB MOBTGIGBH. ALLOTMENT OF LAND, PORT ADELAIDE. 6. .?'?'??. Br Obdib op thb Mobtqisbb. LAND, GARDEN, *c, PARKSIDE. . 7. C6TTAGE and LiND/Beulah-road, NORWOOD. *'''~kLm Br DanSB OP THB MOETOAGEE. ., S°TTAGES and LAND (Half-Acre). BK0MPTON. 15; THREE ALLOTMENIS, BROJIPTON. -Mi SECTION 821. (73 Acres), FOURTH CREEK. 19. STONE DWELLING-HOUSE, &c., MAfiYATTVILLE. i3. HOUSE and LAND (Two and a Quarter Acra), MAGILL, 21. Br Obdbb op ihb Orpicux Assigbbb, Vimobuu VALUABLE BUILDING SITE, POET ADELAIDE. ? : COUNTRY PEOPEETIES. 1. F0BTY' ACEE3 (Section llo), CUEEENCT .CREEK. . ?' ? '?????? .,- ? 8 «nd ?*? - Br OaDSB ov Tins Mobioiosb. -- 3. H0USE8 and LAND (10 Acres), LEFEVBE'3 PENINSULA. . . . . 4. SECTION 289 (636 Acres), near KAPUNDA. ? B, Br 0l»B2 OP TBS MoBTGiGBB. SECTION 435 (8j Acres). MYPONGA. 0. As ihb Risk ob a Fobmeb PrjucsiBEB. SECTION 3018 (3D Acres), near VIRGINIA. 10. VALUABLE FARM (ItOAcren). WILLUNGA. i?' ^r12.^011 *001 «b0 Acrcs-. MDNNO «ARA. 11, VALUABLE STOKE; NOAELUNGA. 17. OlTDEB la STBOCIIOHS 'PBOM VlCTOMA. SECTION 139J (91 Acres) STRATHALBYU. &C, &c, &c. . , r.!£$r/aM PMtieulars. see current advcrtlsDmonrj In J2EQISIEU and OBSERVES. fcesTspspew ba Mondar. Thnraday, aud Satnr Jay.) * ? GREEN & WADUAM. Land' Ac'ents. Exchangg Land uffieea. King Wiillam-street; 45e? MONEY. A USTE4.LIAN TEUST COMPANY.— Xl MONEY LENT.-Interest 10 per cent on punctual payment half-yearly. JOHiV M0EPBETT.' DAVID MELVILLE. FRANCIS C. SINGLETON. For further particulars,- apply to I.'' ?'????? WM. J. LAWRENCE. 34mwf60v56 ' ? _ . . Solicitor, Adelaide. '~ MUNEY TO LEND. ? ? ~ f O AN S -N E G O T I A T E D. JU - CASH ADVANCED, ? ' In large or small sums. ?????-? GREES t WADHAM, ? Exchange Lana Offices. King ?William-street. lS8qv I JOHN RICHARDSON, SHARE AND (J MONEY BROKER, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT. MONEY LENT on Mortgages and approved Securities, and Bills Discounted. LAND and ESTATES VALUEB. - Officer, King William-street. 133O ?jl/TONEY to LEND on Mortgage or Deposit, ''„„ .wCUrl .]raMt E0BEBT BLUNT. Office, King Will am-strcet, ' -.-next Green's Exchange. ' , ' 241ov MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage, at 10 percent. - ? -\r ? -.-FENN i BRUCE, Sollcitora; .'; Gresbam-strect. - ? ? ', ' '4o l^/TONEY on Morrgege or Deposit. 1\ 1 . EDWABD ^WRIGHT,. ; 110a Opposite National Bank. '????-?: PEOiDTOE. ??--?;'T~~'~ fjWTERPBISE MILL,. KENSINGTON. Hi —ALBERT CHAPMAN having taken tbo above Mill is now reaty to Grind at the following rates :— Wheat, over 59 bushels, Is. per bushel. Do., undr-r SO bushels, Is. 3d. per do. Barley, Oj'p, fc., 8d. per do. Lots of S00 bushels and upwards, open to arrangement. . ... ... ... N.B.— Families supplieJ with Flour and Offal at tho lowest prices. - . . . . i^g? /TLBIQN STEAM ELOUR-ALlhh -□L Grcufell-slrcct, Adelaide. '?' BEEBY & DUNSTAN aro Purchasers or WHEAT st the HIGaEST MARKET P3iCE. BAGS LENT Us WflKAT purchased free of charjrP. BEEBi1 & DUNSTAN receive wnEATforSTdBiea spnn the following terras :— STORAGE, id. per bushel per month. INSURANCE agaicst Loss by Fire, 63. per 103 bushels per month. - ' . . REOEtVING and DELIVERY.— Au extra ohargs oi Id. per busliijl for receiving and delivery, if not sold to us; such delivery to bo mede Irom Wheat of a quality eqml to but not from tho Wheat originally recoived. Lots of 1,000 buaholB or upwards received upon euoh terms as may bo asread at lime of storing, . . ? 5ov W'~ 'EST-TEilEACE ' WliSDMILL.— WHEAT PURCHASED at raariet' price, or Stored, either at the Will, or at their Stores, in wey-meuth-strcet or Port Adelaide, by ' ?? .' -GILES iSMITHt Grist work done at current rates, . 33}rm'wo7 T IGliT-SQUAKB STEAM-MILL AND JU STORE.— WHEAT, BARLEY,' and OATS Purchased for Cash. A constant supply of' Crushed' Ontu, and Barley, Flour, Pollard, Bran, Chad', ic.'oa hand. ' WHEAT GROUND at lOJ.per bushel, ia quantities of not leu than 100 bushels ; under that. Is. S6towf!iSv49 . H. WYATT. LION STEAM-MILLS, COX'S CREEK. —Wheat Bought at the highest Market Price (or Caih, Grist Work done for 9d. per basbel. -390 ? ? - HENRY IIEWISH. HEAT, OATS, and BaKLISI Bought at the highest market price. ' . GIIARLES FISHER. Rundle-street, ?' Opposite the Plongh and Harrow. N.B.— Grain Stored on tho most reasonable terms. WHEAT.— The undersigned Purchase for Shipment. ... ? 365r4e» ? . ? ? T. C. CQUBB & CO. ASH for 'WHEAT, ia any quantities, tit the Kapunda Mill. - - - -19-49V105 ? PALMER & OLDHAM. W'HEAT. — The undersigned either -Pur-chase or Advance on Wheat. ? Excellent Storage on moderate charges. ?-.?-? °- . ?; . ° W.MOORE. Grenfell-street. January 3. ISfy*. ....'. ? 4C7 A PL E Y -? & 0 O . arc Purchasers of ???? WHEAT at the Highest Cash Price. ' ? 20a ? '? ' ' ' ?''' Weymonth^street, Adelaide. ?.\\j HEAT. — The undersigned are prepared ' 'TV - to Purchase Wheat and other Grain, or to nmb) Advances on ssme if Stored- with them. They ari aba rc»oy to uadcrtakc tha Sale ef Grain and Flour on Com* mission. ?-???????- : ???'?? ? ' ? - ? ??? ? ?' - 350t75T BARRY & BAYLEY. TTTnEAT,: BABLEY, and OATS' Bought . V V by the undersignei,'nt B;Nathsin*B Grain 8tow, Corrie-street. ? - .*...-llev ? - -G.TUENEE. WHE AT.^— The underaignedareParciiaserfl ? at their Gawler Stores, at market rattii. ' ' '23cv. ? r ' PADMAN&CO; WOOL.— ^ Thcunderaigned* either pnrchaia or advan'ec'bn Wool. ? - ? ? - ??.-'.?' W. PEACOCK & SON. Grearell-strccr. Janttnry, 1859. ,. * ???-?' -lev npO BOTCHER3:and Others.— HiCrHEST X 'PRICE given for GREASY WOOLftSHEHP SKINS, &c ' ??'? '-' ?i!-':: JOHN TAYLOR *: CO. Thebarton. September. .-?' ??'; -: ? ''-' ' iSUi qno BUTCHERS and Others.— HIGHEST JL PRICEfor ? '??! '' ' ;?? ?'?'?? ?:;? ' , ? 'Greasy Wool ? -?'??? Sheepskins ? ' HWes ? Tallow ?' * ???' i ??'? ?? W. PEACOCK 4 SON, Grenfell-street. !l :_' ;: ?;/ \\; :l. ,.-,' :;;/v ','.;;.' ,63c7 RESSED HAY TOR SALEi-^pply to - CHARLES SIMEON. Hlndley-ttreet. . ' '. ' ;. '/; ' ' ; 3BSc HOTELS A3TD LIVEIIY STABLES. NOTICE TO LICENSED VICTUAL.LERS.-.'OHNSTON, FURNISS, & BLAKEWAY big to remind those Customers to whqm they hive forwiried APPLICATIONS for RENEWAL of LICENCE tha1-. tho same must be returned to them, or forwarded to theClcik to the Bench of Magistrates, by tbe26thin»t. . ? ..«.(.--Grenfcll-itreet, February 9; 1B60. ? . AlwiBn. THIRST-CLASS PUBLIC-HOUSE E NORTHWARD, doing from £40 to &,7-S a Week newly and well buHtof Stone, with first-class' Stab Lease of Eight Years, at £3 10j. per week, with Elgh tof PurcaaHB at S1.400. ??' ? -The Stables are .permanently let at IS), per week. ' . Ths Business is principally Bar, with a good Evening Parlour Connection. ?'? -- ?'?? The Wat«r is very pood ; snpply excellent. _? -' - -Terma,very easyi- Apply to ?-..:.- ' ? .'? ? THOMAS POWELL, Auctioneer and Appraiser. ? Central Mart, King Willlam-streot. ' [25 JTi IG- nnd SADDLE. HOESES, CAR;IJ- RIAGE. andDOG.CABTbn:HIREattheWIL. LASTON HOTEL. .'.... ? -;-;. i- ???.-.? ,.8»w,,;, . ? '. ? . ; B.T. POOLS. HORSES. C iTTLE. VEBJCLES; »c, F'OR SALE, the well-known Racing- Entire WIULEBONE. Pricefi^O^AppI^^ -y.TrthKensingrnn. ? 4*'6 EOR SALE, from 1,000 to 10,000 Head of CATTLE to bo delivered in cither' Warburton's or Stuart's Coa'ntry, in mobs not less thin-SOO.-* For ^iy Pi-'ysCQTT & O-FLAHERTY; Adelaide. KO 0 R I N & A.— WANTED to - PUR? CHASE immediitely, f 0 to 30 good round Store PIGS, of any ages. Term*, cash on delivery. ' Apply, stating1 ages, &&, and price eatb, delivered in Koonnira, to Mr. W.Watts.orE.Hotcb.'n, butcher. - «J8