South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 1 November 1859, page 3



Present— Mr. Belt (in tbo chair), Mr. M. Moorhonsc, Mr. A. Hardy, the Chief and Second Inspectors, aud tlio Secretary. IVSPRCTOltS' Itll'ORTB,

me v^nici inspector a report irom me zna aepiomuor to tbo 29ih of October was read. It reported Mint nine schools in Adelaide and eighteen In tho southern district hnd been visited ; that the attendanco at Mr. Fnggo'g school, Morphett Viili;, had been affected by the hay harvest; that public examinations of tho schools of Mr, Coli1, of Aiding*, and Mr. ami Mrs. Ilissott, of Willungn, had been attended, and the results satisfactory; and thai the attendance at the school of Mrs. White, of Pinniss Vale, had been reduced one-half by Iho prevalence of hoo[jii'.^-coui;!i. Licences wcro recommended to bo granted to Mrs. White from the latof October, nttho minimum stipend, tho neighbourhood only admitting (if a small school ; Io Mr, Smith, of l'url Elliot, from August lfi; mid to Mr. Ilorton, of Wntilo Plat, near Yuukali'lu, whose school was opened in November, lBiy, ami had been brought, up to a satisfactory coudltloH. 'l'he other bjiiojls were found in n Btatc of gcncrul satis faction. The report of the Second Inspector was also read. Eleven schools in the suburbs and eleven in the south eastern district had been visited. The number of pupils attending the school of Mrs. Shaw, at Wellington, had been reduced in consequence of some of the chil dren having left the district, and others being laid up with the hooping cough. The following memorandum was appended :— ' Attendance affected by the prevalence of diphtheria, ophtalimia, and hooping-cough. Tho unusually small attendance at Sir. Foggu's, Mrs. Shaw'*, and two or three (tlicr schools was noticed by the Board, and they din ctol tho Kojrotury to intimnt -to tho teachers concerned Ilia* unless tlicir scUnolu nUoweil signs of pmgitsrs liny misln nut oonaide? their. selves jiujiiUed iu renewing their licences after the pre sent year. RESIGNATIONS. Mr. Thomas Caterer, of Glenelg, wrote, tendering his resignation as licensed teacher at that place, he having been elected to the mastership of the school at Auburn. Mr. John Chambers, of Bawdcn, informed the Hoard, by letter, that it wad hid Intentinu to relinquish hit present Rchool at the termination of the quarter, he being about to leave the colony, lie expressed the pleasure and s&tisfaction which he bad always found in receiving the patronage of tho Board and tbc visits of Its ollleem. A letter containing notice of resignation was read from Mr. K. Kvans, of -«'uriootpD. Ho expressed lila alucero thanks for the kindness ho had received during a peri oil of more than live years' connection with tho Hoard. The resignations were accepted. The Iionrd expressed their regret at losing Iho services of Mr. Chambers. HOAHLOBOA. A letter was read from Mr. ilartin Burgess, Clerk to the Noarlunga District Council, enclosing the plans and specifications for a public school about to be erected by the inhabitants. Ho stated that tho Council hid ap proved of specimen No, 'i, and would givo the guarantee require! by tho Board. The Secretary wai instructed to write, requesting that the guarantee might be sent iu to tho Board, when a sum in aid would bo voted on the customary conditions^ -audioes isa. A letter was read from Mr. It. Milne, J.I',, &n4 Mr. Chos. W&tson, District Chairman, stating that they hod been present at the examination of t'uo Ardtornish School, conducted by Mr. Kerr, and tho Bcholara acquittod themselves very satisfactorily. APPLICATIONS FOR LICHSCgtf. An npplication for a licence to teach was received from 31 r. T. Niehaus, of Wakerk-ld.htrect, who stated that he had opened a school which waa attonded by S3 German and three Knulbh bays. The Board did not fed justified in granting any addi tional licences in the city. An application for a licence to teach was received from Mr?. Sutherland, of Shcaoak Log, with a memorial In her behalf signed by 20 inhabitants. The Board, knowing Mrs. Sutherland to be a well qualified teacher, iiutructed the Secretary to write, in forming her that tho Board would hive no objection to grant her a licence providing the Trustees considered a female teacher sufficient for tha district, and would grant her tho use of the district schoolroom. If those condi tions were not agreed to the; could not grant her & lioenca in that neighbourhood. XAffOABOO ISLAITD. The Sicbitabv reported that a school waa la opera tion at Kangaroo Island, bavin? abont 10 pupils, and that a licence would probably bo applied for in a ahert period. Adjourned for a fortnight.

Hasdsomb Siltke Cup. — In passing the shop of Mr. Davia, Jeweller, cf Bundle-street, yesterday, we noticed a handsome lilrer cup of entirely South Aus tralian workmanship and dealgH worthy the Inspection, of all interested in the fine arts. The cup, which 1* thet workmanship of Mr. Bcbomberg, stands about IS inches high, aud i» most elegant in its ihapc and elaboration. Iia shape throughout— that is to say, u to pedestal, Bhaft, and bowl— is decidedly octangular. The base, which starts from a circle, presents eight facets tastily adorned, ind is surmounted by a wreath of tbc oxylo bium or native ivy. Where tbo stem rises from the bass there are four diminutlvo figures, couEUting of cmut and kangaroos, Iu black or oxidized silver. Above this, and constituting tho main body of the shaft, aro four niches, within which aro ensconced four upright figures representing two male aud two femala aborigines, also executed in oxidized silver. Whera the shaft enters as a support to tho cup there -ii another drooping wreath of native ivy which falls moat gracefully over the crown of tha sha't. The cup itself, which will contain about lialf-a-piut, is relieved by eight righly-chased facets, lour of which are elegantly embel lished | the defciga in each consisting of an alto-relievo. native face, in bronzid-r.ilver, supported by a beautiful pedestal and surmounted by a graceful ornament of drooping vine-leaves and fruit. The rim of the cup ia smooth and circular. Tha com of tho cup it divided into eight compartments with a email ornamental licet in eacb, The rim of it ia loadei with a beautiful wreath of the aativo soranum, the leaves of which are verv similar to those of the English oak. The whole U crowned by a life-like representation of a kangaroo couchant, executed hi oxidized silver, with tho head turn«d back as if startled by some object in its rear. The cup, which has been exquisitely finished, does the artist infinite credit, and U on artlclo which we can readily conceive' any wealthy South Australian would give a long price to makohisown. Specimensof the native ivy— oxylouium— and of the soranum are both to be fouud ia the Botanic Gardeu by those who would with to test the accuracy of the detailed ornamenting of the cup. ^ Messrs. Townsend, Botting, & Kay requsts us to call the special attention of SheepfarmeM. Capitalist*, Merchant*, Stockholders, and othew, to their extenBlve Sale of Sheep and Buns/This Day, at Uo clock. Among the lota are upwards of 2W0 Sheep «nd valuable Agricultural Section V in all W 'ot», to be Joltf entirely' without reserve, in the order advertised - this day's Itcjtiter. ' _ '