South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 20 September 1858, page 3



Jaages for Hones — Messr*. James Umpherstoo, Amelia. Smithfield; James S. Watson, Clare j W. Bowman, Manindale, Mlntare. For Cattle— Messrs. W. L. Bjare. Bnn«r-». fil*».

i norms K.olnson, Fairfield, ton wortham ; John Borrow, Ashwell, Mudla Wirra. For Pigi— Messrs. J. H. Bleechmore, Brookvale Farm, Auburn; Joseph Dunn, Wakefield ; WUlUm Baker do For Saeep— Messrs. Joseph Kevnis, North Bhine: Peter Ferguson, Adelaide ; Wni. Baker, Wakefleld. For Flowers— Messrs. Arthur Honoeks, Penwortham -A. Sokoowsky, Clare; James Curuow, *VooUhed Flat * The Society's annual exhibition of live stock was this year held at Watervale, a ruing township agreeably situated among the hills, upon Eyre's Creek, a tributary of the Wakefield, about five miles beyond the township of Aubnrn, and a few miles from Mount Horrocks— a region at one time considered by our early settlers as the very confines of colbuization, but now presenting, with iia well-tilled fields and bus/ homesteads on every hand, a striking approximation to old English rural scenery, and a peculiar resemblance to great portions of the County of Devon. The richness and verdant appearance of the whale district gave indication of the rains having latterly contributed much to enrich the crops ; but the pasture lands, though extremely beautiful to the pausing observer, by their cheerful green, are evidently of stunted yield this season, owing to Nature having so long withheld the early rains— a circumstance necessarily (as will be seen in tha sequel) affecting the character of the exhibition. The previous day having been one of showers in the morning, with a continuous downfall of rain through the afternoon and eveiung, much anxiety was felt by all interested as to the shortcomings of the morning's show; but, iu spite of a day of drizzling rain and dirt, the gathering was one that could hardly have been anticipated under the unfavourable circumstances as to weather and the state of the roads that Attended it. The exhibitions of the Society are half-yearly— one being in summer for the show of grain, vegetables, fruit*, wine*, flowers, haney, &c, and the one held at this time of the year beiug for stock of all kinds and flowers. Owing to the peculiarity of the present season, which it wa» remarked to us was precisely similar to that of 1819, it was a subject of general regret that the show of stock: had not been fixed for October. The character of the present month and of the season generally was a matter, however, beyond the Committee's calculation, September being usually a clear and open month, as instanced by a quotation which tha President of the Society furnished us with from bis diary, in which he found inserted, In 1855, as something to bo remarked upon, ''September 14, a heavy rain storm.' The entrances for the various classes were completed by noon, during the process of taking which the rain so far intermitted as to give us mil opportunity of taking observations, and of paying some attention to the flower show, which waa held iu a very convenient and well-adapted newly-erected store engaged by the Committee fer the purpose, and which, owing to the ladies congregating in tolerable numbers as the day advanced, becamd the fashionable lounge. An additional attraction to the hungry visitants of Watervale was a refectory, occupying one end of the room, under the management of Mra. Ovorton, of Leasing, ham, whose supply of excellent and substantial confectionary gavG general satisfaction, and afforded an amusing contrast to the pastry of polished cities', more remarkable, it was observed, for puff and beauty thau substantiality aud nutriment. The flower-stand exhibited, for a locality so remote from the metropolis and bo recant a* to its settlement a very creditable display. We missed, however! wiih some feeling of regret, our old English favourite — tho flower of poet and moralist — the lovely rose, and .found, on enquiry, that its absence was owing to tke state of tbe seaaen, it being a month too early for the roses of the. district. In speaking- or which it is to be borne in mind that its altitude Is about 2.O3J feet above tbe plains of Adelaide. In noticing ah inland town of a colony like this, it is alto to be borne in mind that the unformed state of the appro iche* to it place it at a double distance fr. ra iu capital— generally accessible in old countries by well-formed highways. Applying, therefore, this consideration to all matters of local improvement connected with our settlements in the interior, ills impossible not to view their rapid advancement in whatever is useful or ornamental with satisfaction; and we cannot wonder that Mr. Gregory, in approaching us from tha north, expressed his surprise and admiration ' at the indomitable energy of the settlers of South Australia.' ? The oitizens of a metropolis accustomed to bowl over good roads, in well-appointed vehicles, at tbe rate of ten milei an hour, require to be reminded now and then of the fact that a drag's journey to to wn and back to Mount Horrocks is an affair of a fortnight, and that the cost of most ef the appliances of art necessary to civilized life is no trifling obstable iu the way of our country cousins in the north. To resume, however. The flower show had (offered considerable diminution, we fouad, from not only the late rains, but from the violence of recent winds, and not less Irom severe frosts, which had formed on several occasions recently ice of the thickness of a' peuoy. One gentleman's anemones, intended for com-: petition, were destroyed a few dajs previously, but his bulbous flowers obtained a prize. No plauts in pots were exhibited, nor collections of roses. The chief attraction was the Sturt pea, of which Mr. Scutchinirs (who gained the prize for the best general collection of fljwers) exhibited a variety, from a seedling of Mr. Jacob'* having the peculiarity or wanting entirely the black oolounug of the raised portions of tbe (lower and of being- pink throughout instead of red. It was stated to as by one of the Judges in reference to the black pjrtionof the original flower, that if groiro In limestone it entirely loses the rich gloss, or enamel, for which it is conspicuous. In reference to exhibitions of this kind, and for the information of florists generally, and especially of the ladies, we may mention that In order to preserve flowers when gathered, in vigour and bloom, the Eaglish country ladies aro accustomed to put into tha water in

wn:cn iney are placed a lew pinches of guaao, the effect of which iu prolenging their vitality is remarkable. The cause of Buch a consequence wo leave for the present to the consideration of thj chemist and philosopher, aud proceed to notice as conspicuous in the display before us a most beautiful and interestiag pan of native flowers, collected evidently with great industry by Mr. Sjutchings, which excited much admiration, and was ai we anticipated rewarded with a priza of 10s. 6J.:as was also another collection formed by Mr. Amoon Goldsmith ; a third by Mr. John Green baing eomraendtd by the Judges. Passing from this flowery scene— In which were some of Nature's beauties of a different species and equally interesting with those of floral growth— we proceed to notice those portion* of animated nature tkat claim our regard as being useful as well as ornamental, and first of these the horses, of which the display in so remote a part of so young a colony wai, when we call to mind exhibitions of the the kind ?n tho old country, perfectly surprising. South Australian, an imported blood entire, was much admired, and pronounced by the Judges as well deserving of a prize, which he missed from there being no competition. Thi* animal, it Is pretty generally known, ia the property of Meters. Bowman Brothers. Of the colonial-bred blood stock, Mr. Wood's Franklin, a three-year-old, by Frank out of Fanny, a Van Diemen's Land mare, was much admired. Particulars of others deserving of notice will be found in oar list of the entries. We are *orry not to have to record the exhibition of any imported blwd mares, and to observe of the colonial mares shown that the Judges evidently considered them not of first-rate character. Mr. W. G. Wood's Blink Bonnie, by Ejremont, waa entered for competition, but disqualified in consequence of her not having had a foal aid not boing, in tke opinion of the Judges, Iu foal, on which account it was suggested that the should exebanre name* with Mr. J. H. Bleechmore'* Nan, which lady gained the second prizj. Mr. Bleechmore'* Countess, wa* distaueed, as well as Blink Bonaie, for want of her pedigree, entered in the Vai Diemen'* Land Stud Book and written for, but not yet to hand. There were no imported draught entire*, but of colonial horses of thi* clots— both aged aud younir onesthere was a truly noble display. Of these, Mr. Bobiason's Farmer was much admired, aud Mr. Gleejon's white horse Champiea. This fine animal, as cousnicuous for

good temper at far good parts aad condition, was brought almost direct from the plough, where he has belabouring at subsoiling with the powers of a rising elephant. The competition hj between him and Farmer, with whom he divided lhe two prizes. Of the young colonial draught entires tho display was truly interesting. Six of these entered the list*; but there could be no doubt that tha issue woii'd ba in favour of Mr.G. C. Hawker1* Duncan Gray, which horse, in gaining the prize, wai pronounced by the Judges as very excellent. The joung blood entires wore good, but the rainy and cold weather had a visible effect upon the young stock, and their coat* were anything but smooth and silky. Clare and Bloodstone, in spite of winter and rough weather, exhibited points of great promise. With respect to the latter colt the Judges were placed in a difficulty. The role for the clais for which he was entered stipu'ated 'under three years of age;' but a* the age of a horse does not count from a birthday, like that of his rider, it became questionable whether Bloodstone, who was foaled on the2oth October, 1855, was i:ot disqualified, and the Judges inconsequence appended to their decision a request that the Committee ?hould fir a rule for the age3 of horses. It is, however, possible that tbe decisions of various agricultural societies upon thi* point might vsry, and therefore, to ensure uniformity of action throughout the colony, it has been suggested that the Commute should lay tbe nutter before the Jockey Club, aud get their decision as a guide, which there is no doubt would be universally adopted. Mr. Gleeson /whose Clare missed the first prize, but was recommended for a second prize) entered a protest against Bloodstone, which the Secretary announced would be laid before tin Committee. Subsijqujntly however, it was reported to have been withdrawn. Next to the draaffhs entires in point of interest were the draught brood mares, which, as a whole, did infinite credit to the north, as the article is of hflnite importance in a country Uko this where there U a manifest desire lo supersede the cumbrous ox team by the more handy and manageable horie. Of the mares, eight were entered, all good, and therefore it is no disparagment to say of a couple of them that they should nos have been entered alongside two such fine animais as those which gained the upper prises. Of these animals our reader* will best judze by our raentiraing that, with the foal* at their heels, they were estimated, by competent judges a* worth 200 guineas. The whole eight animal* entered were valued at £303. Some further idea also of the attention that is being paid by the northern settlers to tho character and improvement of their draught horses may be fjrm,cd from a statement mada to us by a member of the Committee, that he had a few days 'before been inspecting some stock offered him in the neighbourhood of Watervale, consisting of one brood mare, price 43130, one at JB12J and t wo horses at £ JO and £80. * The blood fillies Were good, but not first-rate. The draught fillies were praiseworthy, but nothing remarkable.

Tbe horned stock was not conspicuous as to bulls in which there wm little competition. An imported shorthornej eo» of Measrs. Bowman was admired, and there were some good colonial milch cows, but by no means so many shown as we looked for, considering the suitableness of the country for dairying purposes. Some beautiful helpers were shown by Mr. Dunn, whose eute-prise inthu department of farming it will be seen by the awards is highly meritorious, and it will not surnrisa oar readers that his young stock were of a superior character, wheu we state that ho has been a purchaser of yearlings at £iO and £25 a ple,-e. This gantlemaa eam«i the prize for fat stock; ho snd Mr Wainwrhrht showing two fine beatts of the estimated weight of 1 200 and 1,100 lbs. ?&?--*» ?»«*»/ The show of sheep was very creditable; but considering that Australia U the land of weal aid mutton we canaot aay that we exnarienced so much M.l.fWii™ *iJ ,.

general survey orthu department as we have had tolipress in reference to the draught oattle. Some of the V?u *ieT% ohoice »nimal». aud tho wool was tpoken ef by the Judges as very fine and abundant; whiirsereral were exhibited so inferior as to prove ver£ *trongT^e ^em°. f fh9 c™I*iiii' examinations, u the ownere int££° r tS ***« 'to* candidly admitted. For the interest of the butcher we should have been clad to have recorded a greater amount of meat upon the eni. mals,f«wtf which reached 70 lbs. Of pig*, an animal so valuable to the farmer as an article or mere home consumption, there wa* absolutely hardly a *h«w; consequently, Mr. Solly and Mr. Uphill were the more praiseworthy in doing the little that was done toward* the exhibition ia thi* department. Perhap* it requires time for bacon to establish a footias; as well aa mutton npon the tables of our northern friend*! or perhaps tbe fact t* that bacon will uot increase and multiply till dairies increase, and the very spirited ex. ample of Mr. Dunn Is fallowed, of whom it may be truly said that what of him is Dunn is well done. With th«*e remarks, we refer our reader* to the list of the entries a* follows.— H0B« STOCK. : , Imported blood entires— Bowman Brothers* South Australian. . . Colonial blood, entire*— 1. W.G. Wood.'* FraakUn. S 7trj!^byj^o«QfF«n7i I. Mr./.^jB^gjj, I

i Coluu-al-bred brooi inures— 1 Mr W « v^i-. Alice, b,3u- Hercules ; 3. Mr. J. H.Woechm»rVs Nun* 4. dr.J. U. Bleechniore'* Canutes*; S.Mr. A, Melville's dlftftsrostfa Colonial- bred draught hones— 1. Mr. Thomas Bobln. son's Fanner ; 2. Mr. B. M. Cola'* Wallace ; 3. Mr W MoKenzle'g Jtunno Para; 4. Mr. W. T Salter1* Pride' or the Valley ; 5. Mr. E. B. Gleeson'a Champion. Colonial blood en. ires uiidor 3 years old— 1. Mr. J. H. Bleechmore's Bloodstone; 2. Mr. James Taylor'* Leasin f ham; 3. Mr. E. B. Gloeson'g, not named. Colonial-draught entires— 1. Meurt. Anstey & Giles's Gilbert; 2. Mr. Jame* Me Water's Young Aggravation; 3. Mr. John Thomas's ? ; i. Mr. Jame* Taylor'* Young Clyde; 6. Kr. G. C. Hawker'* Duncan Gray ; 6. Mr. Beubsn Solly's Bring Good. Colonial-bred draught brood mares— 1. Mr. W. J. Ken's Bess; 2. Mr. B. M. Cole's Poppet; 3. Mr. J. Thomas's Madam; i. Mr. I. Thomas'* Fly; S.Mr. J. Taylor's Fan; 6. Mr. A. Goldsmith's Beauty ; 7. Mr. B. Solids Gray Kit; 8. Mr. E. B. Gleesou's Molly. Colonial blood fillies under 3 years— 1. Air. V. Treloar's Beda; 1. Mr. J. Taylor's Mosquito; 3. Mr. A. Goldsmith'* Mossmae ; A. air. W. McKenxie's Loreaza ; 5. Mr. A. Melville's Gipsy. Colonial draught fillies— 1. Mr. J. Dugan'a Gipsy ; 2. Mr. E. B. Gleesou's, unnamed. CATTL*.

Imported bull— 1. Messrs. B jwman Brothers, shorthorn, considered very good, but no competition. Colonial-bred bulls— 1. Mr. J. Brown; S. Mr. J. Dunn; 3. Mr.B,ToUey; 4. Mr.W. Wainwright. Bulls under three years old— 1. Mr. F. Treloar- 2 Mr. J. Dunn ; 3. Mr. W. Hosking. ' Yearling bulls— 1. Mr. J. Brewer; 2. Mr. J.Dunn. Cows, imported— L Messrs. Bowman Brothers, shorthorn, no competition, but well worthy of a prize. Colonial- bred cows— 1 to 6. Mr. J. Brewer; 0 to 9. Mr. J. Dunn; 10. Mr. P. Wood; H. Mr. W. Wainwright ; 12. Mr. J. Warner. Heifers under three years— land! Mr.Tregea; 3 to 5. Me J. Dunn; 6. Mr. W. Wainwright. Yearling heifers— 1 and 2. Mr. J. Dunn; 3. Mr. Jas. Warner. 1 1 Fat beasts— 1. Mr. W. G. Wood; 3, Mr. W. Wainwright. , ? BHHP. : Fat wethers— 1. Messrs. Anatey & Giles (6); 8 and 3. Mr. E. Jones (5 each). Imported rams— 1. Messrs. Anstey & Giles (2); t. Mr. G. C. Hawker (!), English; 3 and 4. Mr. G. C. Hawker (i each), German. Colonial rams-1. Messrs. Anstey & Giles (6); 2. and 3. Mr. John Green (5 each) ; 4. Mr. G. C. Hawker (5); 5. Mr. W. T. Salter |6). Ewes— I and 2. Messrs. Anstey & Giles (5 each); 3 to 6. Mr. B. Jone* (5 each). - , . . Bam . Iambi— 1 and 2. Messrs. Anstey & Giles (5 eac/i); 3. Messrs. Bowman Brother* (Sj; 4. Mr. W.T. Salter (5). . swnra. Boar— Mr. G. Uphill's. This animal was disqualified, being erroneously entered as an impor.ed, but wa* recommended for a priu as the best boar on the ground Co.onial boars— 1. Mr. B. Solly; 2. G. UphUL Colonial breeding sows— 1. Mr. G. Uphill; 2. Mr. Warner. THE TJfVNKR

Before entering upon our notice of the Society's pnbllo dinner, we should name that Mr. Hansell, of tbe Prince of Wales Inn, Watervale, entertained a very great number of the visitors at a most substantial ordinary, at the very moderate cost of half-a-crown. Of the total number' of persons who helped to break in upon tho tranquillity of Watervale. aud enliven it for a few flaetmg hours, there could not' be much less than a thousand, who gradually dispersed as the day clossd in. and the moon struggled with the clouds to lend her light to the jolly farmer* who rode 'jog, jour, along the miry road.' iu quest of ' home, sweet home ' Leaving, however, the goodly number or mere than threescoie guest*, prepared to do justice to the very substantial feut provided by the Committee through the able medium of Mr. Amuou Goldsmith, of tha Watervala Hotel, whose tab'es literally groaned undtr the weight of viands of alt kiads, especially of suckingpigs— a dish to which we were very gravely informed the settlers of the north are remarkably partial, tiuch a dietary, feature at, once accounts for the very defective show ot.pigs, which it appears to us aro somewhat injudiciously cut short in their natural desire to reach maturity, aud to increase and multiply. The pigs, poultry, pastry, ana puddings, being toitnbly well disposed of, the President of the Society. Mr. Gleeson, who occupied the chair, supported by Messrs. Bowman, Horrocks, George Young, and other official members, tho Vice-Chairmen being Messn. Yvung aud Brewer, proceeded to give with appropriate introductions tho usual loyal toasts, which wtre drunk with considerable warmth of feeling. The CHAinxur, iu a very complimentary speech, then proposed 'The Health of the Patron of the Society,' who last yoar honoured them witu bis company, their assembly beiug still further graced by the presence among them of his amiable and estimable lady. (Applause.) A short time since he had the satisfaction of being in Ills Excelleucy'a oomuany, wheu he named the present meeting to him. Hit reply upon the tubject was most courteous. He expressed the highest gratification at the progress and prosperity of tho young Society, and assured kim of the p.easuro with whioh Lady MacDmnell often referred to her visit among them— (cheers)— and from the minute enquiries ILs Excellency mode about their affairs, ho must say that they were fortunate in such a Patron, and the colony no less fortunate in such a Governor. Drank with long-continued cheering, and one cheer more for Lady MacDounell. Mr. Lowbb, on being called upon to variegate the proceedings of the eveuing by a little harmony, gave ' The merry bells of England' iu admirable style. The Ckiibjux, expressing au opinion that we had ? tolerable share ef good men and true in our Legislature, and that they were entitled to publio confidence and a fair trial of their abilities as statesmen, gavu ''The Parliament of Souta Australia,' which was drunk with much good feeling. Song, Mr. J. Filcuib— 'I'll seek the bonny shamrock.' Mr. Umhkbsiojt, in giving as a toast 'The Northern Agricultural Society,' said that its success was no longer a question but was fully apparent. In all the classes they hid to boast fine animals, though in somo portions of the show the number might be limited. If, however, they bore in mind that success did not depend upon high patronag) but upon humble efforts long continued— though patronage was very gratifying— they would learn to rely upon themselves. They had now, as men of the north, no need to fear their rival agriculturists In the south; but tho improvement of tha north was becoming daily more urgent upon them if they desired to gain the consideration of the Government. Of such Societies as that the benefits to all were many and great, and of such meetings as the present it was impossible to ?peak too much in praise. Without such opportunities of comparison men neither knew what other people were doing nor what they themselre* were doing or neglecting to do, (Applause.) They united to hold out inducements to one another to show, what each was doing, and thus showed that union was strength. They saw and heard of the practioet of others, and practice thus easily learnt enabled them to correct the errors of theory. ( Hear, hear.) They heard on thoso occasions rainy a good suggestion, which, in extending their operations, they could avail themselvet of. In conclusion he would say that it was not the Interest of such a district as theirs to be confined to one kind of rural pursuit— to horned cattle, or to sheep, or to the plough. IU capab titles were of so varied a character that all and every of those pursuits must have a fair share ol their regards. (Much noolauje.)

Tho Chubhut, on behalf of tho Society, returned thanks, observing tint if the Show was not equal to what was anticipated from the district, much of the deficiency was to be attributed to tbe state of the weather and the roads, which operated to deter the more distant competitors from encountering the inconveniences which unavoidably attended, as tbuy all ksow.tuo bringing stock a long journey. (Hear.) Agriculture was not no w a rude laborious art, and that alone, but had become a science, and one well worthy to bo studied sclent ideally and carefally, diligently and pcrseveringly. Mr. Umpherston had comphmonuid them on their suecaas. Tha Adelaide Shows were of course superior to theirs, as they ought to be; but it was satisfactory to them to know that thoy were not behind the south. (Cheers, aad ' No, nor don't mean to be.') Wheat and wool were undoubtedly the mainstays of the colony at present; but it would hardly bo wise when the growth of wheat was increasing fait among those who were at present their chief customers to rely upon tneir wheat crops exclusively for export. II is friend Mr. Grundy, whom lie was happy to see amongst them, hod called his attention to some Interesting suggestions under this head, which he hoped they would have tuo satisfaction of hearing hi* remarks upon. (Hear, hear.) At nresent he would

content hinuoir with suggesting that tbe planting of vines ought, ns-t to be lost sight of, but to be had special and early regard to— (hear;— as likely to furnish a good article for export. That we could make gocd wine in South Australia was notr sufficiently proved; indeed he need not go beyond his own bouse to prove that, nor need his friendt who heard him go farther— (cheers and loud laughter)— lor he could give them a glass of two-year old, of which for a beginning be thought he need not be ashamed nor they afmid. (Cheers and mush laughter). He concluded by here calling upon the Secretary, .Mr. Gavin Younjr, to read to the members and company the awards of the Judge* in tbe several classes of the exhibition. The SBCBEiABr accordingly read tha list of prize* as follows :— Best imported stallion. South Australian. Bowman, Brothers. No competition, bat couideroa well de* serving of a prize. Best colonial stallion, £3 6s, Franklin, W. G. Wood. Sejond beat stalliou, £3 3i^ Lucifer, Henry Greys;. Best draught stallion, colonial bred, gfi dsu former, Thomas Robinson. Second best stallion, £3 3j., ChJvnpion, H. B. Gleeson. Best blood entire uider three j wra, £i 2i- Bloodstone James B. Qleechmore, Draught entire under three years, £3 2*_ Duncan Gray. G. C, Hawker. Best colonial blood mare, £5 5s., Alice, W. G. Wood. Second twst blood mare, £3 3in The Nun, J. H. Bleechmore. Best colonial-bred draught brood mare, £5 5j, Ues», W. 'Second best ditto, £3 3*, Poppet, B. M^ Cojo, Third ditto, £t Is, Fair James T^lo?' Best blood filly, under 3 jears, ££ 2a, Beda. Jas, Trcloar. ; ? . , Best drauarht filly, £i 2a+ B. B. Gleeson. Second best ditto, £1 is., Gipsy, James Dugan. AOMSKO OlTriH. Bes( tmll Imported, short, horned, £k 4», Bowman Brother*. ?? ? -Best colonial bull, £4 4i, Wallace, Joseph Dunn. Second best colonial bull, «3 3i, ditto, Win. Wainwright. Best bull under 3 years, colouial, *2 &.. Toon* Au*. tralian, Joseph Dunu. Best cow imported, £i 4s, Bowman Brothers. ' Best row. colonial bred, £1 4,., Duchess, Joseph Dunn. Second ditto, Qaeen, £i 2*., Joseph Dunn. Third ditto, £l Is., Lady Finnit*. Joseph Dunn. Beat heifer, colonial bred, under 3 year*, £i 3*, Lad» Malcolm. JjseDh Dunn. .^?

becond bent, £1 it, Lily, Joseph Dunn. Beat yearling bull, £1 is, Joseph DanjL ; Best yearling heifer, £l Is, Aurif.«r, Joseph. Dunn. Best fat beast, £1 2s, W. G, Wood. ' snisp. B:st pair of imported rams, £5 fia, 0. 0. Hawker. Best pen of five colonial rams, £5 6s, Anstey k Giles. Best pen of ft\e colonial ewe*, £3 3*,, Anstey & Giles. Best pen of five ram lambs, fii it., Anstey k Giles. Beat pen of Bye fat wether*, St 2s, B. Jone*. swum. Best coloni&l.bred boar, £3 3s, Dick, George Uphill. Second best ditto. £1 Is.. Punch, Beubeu Solly. Best ooloniil-bred sow, £i 2s, George Uphill, VLovrtzs. Best bouquiit, 10j. 6d, George Yoanff. Flowers from bulbs, 10s. 6d, George Young. Best collection of fljwan of any sort, 10s. 6d., James Scutchings. Best collect on of native flowers, 10c 6d, Annum Goldsmith. Cheque* fos tie amount of the several prize* having been handed to tbe fortunate winners— Air. Gaviv Youflo rote to propose a toast whie!) he considered as the pleasamest of the evenlojj. It wu pleasaut to see prizes awarded from Macaw Craek to Bungaree— (loud cheers)— aud be wiahed it to ba extensively known that the invitation* of the Sooitty ei. tended to the whole colony. They were glad to give prixes for good examples and models to any ooloaltt* far oruear-(hear.bear)-hut itwa. ttaivery tatitfactory to tee that the bulk of the pn jes had been gained br tha settlers, of their own UUtriot and tbe tupporters of the Society. (Loud oheering). He was torry that it would hare to be reported of them this teason that their show wm defective in to Important an article as dairy ttock— CHear, hear ' from tha'Chairman uH M76ral other genmen)-but the weather had undoubtedly kept bapVa &df ^JW*,*™ b*n.br4h?f-2w«tf! Irfcnd Mr. J»oob who wm abjeat }a*t now from the neighbourhood. It wai a source of regret that there wf' Muy U. eowBi hut ii was sttlsfactorr to know that Wftat hjd.tgea.ib.own wen considered by Uw Judges.

and by their visitors from a distance well worthy of approbation. . He then gave as a toast— 'The SaectHiul Compatltori.' which wai drunk with applause. Mr. Bowuur, In returning thank* for himself and brethren in Juck,. mutt confeu that, whether be might hive proved to fortunate or not, ho should hare been glad to see more competition. (Bravo.) The young ttock was certainly indicative of good sires and good dims among them; and they had a fine and fruitful fS --T' which u reitcd wi'-h themselves to turn - , ? f, °?a adT»t»ta«e in a variety of wajra. They had etldeutly laid a good foundation fjr itock-(hear, hear) ™?r li .701W bu their owu fault8 if tneir successors did Jtr iw etU °r 'w *f°^ a beginning. (Cheer*.) «mt ;,??i ' M °,u,9 of tUo mo«t roocettful of the preh? autt °m ' ^1Jc? ' few worJi- «« certainly, when momCiun (ham,1'-9 abodl- ou th0 Wakefiela that to iVat ni^ht 'tfaUapale that ho should be returning ?tockyards would be full. (Hear, an' Uuihte rf K known there would hsve been bo much room nil? assuredly ho would have coroo up »troni« to S« contest. (Cheer, and merriment) As k was? howewr he had much reason to be grateful to the Society Tor tha encouragement it had given him, and grateful for teeinir himself carrying- away thii year no lest than eight prizes. (Cheers, and ' tfravo, Dunn.') Of courso he wu perl fectly well satisfied with the decision of the Judgtt and had no complaint to make against them. (Much laughter.) Spaaking, however, more seriously and to the point, he considered Buch societies, setting aside hit own good luck, as most beneficial to tho commonlty at large, and to tho members in particular of such an association as theirs. Carrying ou individually aad as isolated or detached cultivators of the toil, their progress must be slow, unsatisfactory, and often uncertain; but coming in contact with each other, they got their eyes opened to old errors, and new facts very useful to them. (Hear.) If they stopped at hemetbey kept themselves in all the darkness of their own ignorauoo and ?oneeit ; they fancied great things about their own doimrs, and their own stock was in tholr own eyes decidedly the best in the country, till they came to shows and meeting* such as these, and there got their notion* set right about themselves and their doings. (Loud and long-contluued laughter.)

jar. Bowies gave 'The Unsuoceiful Competitor.' which was responded to by Mr. Baowir, who said that he wu not ashamed to admit that he deserved to ba whore he was. (Merriment.) If he had not come to tho exhibition he oertalnly ihould not have been awaro how far behind he wu, like many more who thought they were eqaal to great thing* till thoy found others equal to greater doings. He thought his bull as good ?* aay other bull In the district, or perhaps a shade better— (great laughter)— till he came there and found that there were bulls in the colouy better still. (Immense laughter.) He hoped, however, to do better by-and-by, and would resume his teat with the best poulble Intentions. (Renewed laughter.) Mr. Brbwsb, ai another of the unlucky one*, could endorse all that had fallen from the previous speaker; he nevertheless held a very favourable opinion yet a* to his cows, but he had learnt itmethint/ to-day that waa useful to him. He, like many others, had thought his bull as good as any other bull, but he now found to his surprise and discomfiture that hit bull'* tail waa too far up. (Immense laughter.) He had no hand in putting it* tail where it was, but would try to Improve In this particular. He was satisfied with the decision of the Judge*, and aUo satisfied that his bull's tail was uot really where it ought to be. Tho man who had beaten him had gone to great cost, and had taken great pain*, and deserved to win ; aud he felt a* satisfied with the Judge* a* If they had awarded prizes to himself. He should take example from Mr. Doun, and try hi* belt to bring good i took liko his. Song, Mr. Bowk—' When the leavos had deserted tha tree*. air. flioaoa Youvo, In proposing 'The Judge*' Health,' expnased his great pleasure at the gentral satisfaction their decisions had givea. Tbe toast having been drunk In a very complimentary manner, Mr. Umpkiestoit returned thanks. The Judges' was a bad billet, as to many must experience dliappoiuinnut by their award. It was, however, his maxim to satisfy bimself conceiving that he wu right j and ho was pleased to find that other* thought so too. (Applauta) Mr. Bakbb, u a Judge of sheep, responded alto. Ho should have liked to have seen more colouial rams. They had examined the sheep generally m.ut minutely. Of two pent of ewts they had much difficulty In considering the merits, one lot being dty. aud tbe other iu milk which necessarily made a ooniiderablo diftVrenoe Iu tha staple of the wool. The priz* for wethers, was (rivet* on very deliberate consideration to the joiing small fax aniinilB, rather than to the large full-mouthed iheen. whose ooudition was not m good. He ihould be always happy to assist them, and they might rely upon hla honest conscientious judgment. (Chotrs.) Song, Mr. Lowib— ' The shells or ocean.' Mr. Jambs Taxlob proposed the next tout, 'The Army and Navy,' which wot responded to by Mr. Allut A conversation horo took place upon matters ooune;tod with the origination of tho Society, which we omit as poweMiiig no publio Interest. The Cuubjuj gave 'The health of their worthy Secretary.' This having been duly honoured, Mr. Gatix Yooso responded. Ho had been much indebted to thr- Committee for tbo ottiitanco Him bad rendered1, without which the best effort* of a secretary wauld liuve been of uo avail. The CHitBinif gave the next toast, 'Lady Mao Donnoil and the Ladies of South Auitralia.' Mr.QAvitf Yooso responded in gallant strain. Song, Mr. J. Ulbkcuuobb— 'Tiw Ivy Greeu,'* llr. Mo Kiszib proposad ' The Agricultural, Pattora!. Mining, aud Commercial Interests of tbo colony ' Sjng, Mr. J. Filqati-' TUo Doun»brook Ji*.u Ti.U

was loudly encored, and he aooeded to the wishes of tha compauy.oy.siugingagaln, butsubitituted ' Tho Widaw Mtchree. ' whioh wasfreceived with roars of laughter. Mr. lUBXturo iu returning thanks for the pastoral interest, said the great northern aheophrmers might have strained a pjint, as they did in the south, to lend something to the »how. It was rather too early for cattle, but he had tried hU haud st overything, and had token three prizes. He confessed ha had been sanguine enough to have hope! to take all, but wu very well coutented with the decisions as they stood. Mr. Binoooic responded on behalf of commerce. WhttSi that flourished we could not go (or wrong. (DtuonlA They had (plenty of lndmtry and intelligent onion*, them to help them forward, and all they wanted waa to make the moit of their advantage*. «?«?»?? Mr. Baxwaa acknowledged the toast for the mining interest. Tue present mlnei, however Important, were' in his opinion, nolhiug to what w.e should heareafter see. Even by next jeir ho hoped to find the nor. them mines assuming a very prominent position. (Ap* plause.) * '^ Mr. UitPHBttSTO* replied on behalf of anfcut-' tare, remarking, that it was a pursuit embracing a very extensive range, and he could not helo feeling that in drinking success to it,' Uur were virtually drinking cuccett to tha colony, tor ff agrioulture flourished everything else flourished too It was quite likely corn might go lower, therefore they moat oil ba on the alert. - One grand help to them would be the improvement of their means. n[ transport by the agency of railways. A good deal of land wu at present inactive. Wheat would be brought Into cultivation If a main trunk line wore driven up the country. They had a great deal of good Und whioh was of uo nte to them because they could not approwh it, but the railway would remove the difficulty. Agriculture by emplo*ii». numerous hand* led to a rapid increase of tho popianon and the money produoed by it was kept in the colony to iU great advantage. Much had been told lately on tha ?ubject of new products Tor export, and especially about baooo ; but it must not be forgotten that their baeo/C which they might have to sell at sixpence per lb. woidi? oost them more than that In producing. Thej musk first keep more cattle and attend to the dairy-(Hear hear)— whieh would naturally lead to the increase of Biriue. After a few remarks upon the existing Impound, ing AcU, which ho considered susceptible of great improvements, he ooQoluded by proposing ' The Health of -the Committee,' coraplimouting ita memben upou their. f efficiency and the tatufautury nature of their arranicV mente. ?***

Drunk with ratuloal honours. Mr. Jab. Buiqiiicobi returned thaaki. Ilo referred to the rapid progress of the district, remt/klnr that when ho first settled in It a few years ago there were onlr two sections fenced In. J Mr. Maohauaiu gave 'The Health of the Visitor! ' many of whom he saw had favoured them with thtlc company at considerable personal inconvenience, lie was sorry they had bean greeted with to little tuuihlna ; but they must not suppose there was always bad w^atlm iu the north, for last yuar they had a very One daj Had it beeu like it thjs yoar the stock exhibited would have been more numerous as well as tho visitors. Dr. IiHAftDOCt acknowledged the compliment. Song, Mr. Thkbaooold— 'Ben Bolt. Mr. llLEKCHJcoua proposed 'The Absent llambars' remarking that had they been present the gatneritiV would have been a little larger than it wit, s''1'''* Drunk with muiioal henours, Mr. Bbbw.H demanded a bumpar, for the Chairman, whom he was happy to, aeo so well tupporteJ, for abeuk bowman than ho ha4 oa his right never drew .hart ia merrie green wood \ and It rau« be admitted, with rigard to the gentleman on his left, that though «* jouuaif TM A*i m?* of loag 8Undil'&. (TWa saUy excited bunts of laughter, having reference to tUu awn« of tS CbAurawn'* supporters, and tho stature of one of thflT which is something under seven foet.) Tbo Chaiwaaft had yery kindly urged them to the adaption uf nrtdUiouaJ rural punulU. He would not have them depend eutiToIr upon corn, but suggested their haviag recourse to the garden to meet tho possible falling off in the £*r-n. urns remind ng; h,lm, of the panon who contolod the ttrrowlng widow by telling hex not to fret, u bo could toon hela her to. another husband. (Much laughter -, He need tay little In reooramnndatlon of tho tout for they all, knew their Chairman well, a*d knew that he was. fW ''T *-» every good work, aud hardly stopped to. o-jaiji6d« Drank with three timss three. The CaAiBXAir acknowledged tho compliment. Ho had felt exceedingly happy in oeing able, though onwelL to be present with them, and tike a part in the interettior proceeding* of the day. Indeed, tbs office he helu amoagtt them wa* far more gratifying to him than if ' they had elected him into Parlianwat, lor wUh them, ha ? was happy aud got praise, but hi the House of Assembly. ' perhaps, he might only have got abuse. (Much laughter) He concluded by proposing the ' ViCfrChairman^ G In Y **' 'M d-lljf houour6d '^ acknowledged^ Mr. Mr. Bbkw«b gave '%b Health of Mr. Edward. Bowman,' obscmugthnr he. wa* one oJUuirmoit useful and efficient helps, aad wu diitiugnia&ed amount them. u oou of the largest landowner*, sheepbolders, and cittle* owner* in the colony. Mr, Bow^uir, in returning thanks, declared the mat ? interest he felt In, thu prosperity of tbe dUtrkt» which ha. would gladly help at any time with hi* purse, hit otopk'/ or his presence. Mr.SxBuciHAX. proposed 'The Press . oyfrfiputhjAuj* Mr. Attkk returned thanks oil behalf of the AtkerlUtr aud Chronicle; and Mr. Gboud^ for. tbd£*gitttr and Observer. Tne Chaibkax proposed, iT^ie Host and Hostess.** -Mr. Goldsmiik returned thank*, and toon afunonl* ' Lhe company aeparaled^ having pawed a very agreeable -' Bvening.