South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 15 February 1858, page 2



Saturday. February 13-The ship Hope, 318 tons, George H. Forster, master from London Oct. 15, the Downs Oct 22. Chubb, Hill, and Co, agents. Passen-gers - Mr. Church, Mrs. Herbert and child, Mr. Skelton,

Mr. and Mrs Crocker, two children and servant, Mrs. Craig, Miss Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Everard, Mr. and Mrs Saunders, Misses Saunders (2), in the cabin; also, en route to Swan River, attached to the Commissariat Department, Messrs. Blades, Mercer, and Maken, in the cabin; Messrs. Edwards, Claxton, Parker, Thomas, Henry, William, and Benjamin Goode, Davis, Lawrence, and Coles, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Morgan, Miss Reid, and Mrs. Bennett in the second cabin. Same day—The schooner Mary Smith, 89 tons, Buxey master, from Port Louis, Samuel Dixon, agent. No Passengers Same day— The brig Fayaway, 197 tons, P. Slater, master, from Newcastle, N.S.W., Jan. 28. Elder, Stir-ling and Co, agents. Same day— The barque Alfred, 382 tons, T. Meyer Master, from Hamburg Nov. 4. Amsberg and Co., agents. Passengers— Dorothea Zurgenson, Richard Sartorias, Margaretta and Adolf Engler, A. Bernhard, C. T. H. Scheffus, J. Woite, M. E. Bretag, J. Louise, C. Bretag, G. and G. Bretag, Wilhelmine, Carl, and M. Wolff, J. Rosenblag, Johanna, Pauline, and Carl Rosen-blag, C. Reiche, W. Sturmer, B. Wolff, J. Hastadt, Carl Gottlob Bogen, Magd. Biele, A. Altus, Christian, Maria, August and Johanna Biele, J. and A. Kaiser, C. Was-sendorf, M. Brusen, Johann, Friedrich, Joachim, Richard, and Diedrich Bruhn, Sophia, Joachim. Doro-thea, and Gottlob Pluctshann, A. Nole, A. Kruger, Ehrenfreid, Josephine Rupflen, Carl Mader, Ernestine, Hans, Bertha, Hann, B., W., G., J., L., P., and G. Schecher, M. Rohick, M., Agnes, and Henrietta Schmidt. Maria, Hans, and Carl Lander, F. Michliesen, Caroline, Adolf, and Emile Schemmel, Joseph, and Maria Bartels-meyer, K. Weil, T. C. Hanchen, J., Anna, Anna, Maria, Magdalena, Christina Ernst, and Augusta Altus. Sunday, February 14 -The brig John Ormerod, 189 tons, T. G. Sivier, master, from Sydney Feb. 5. Pas-senger— Mr. Henreker, in the cabin.

ARRIVED COASTWISE. Saturday, February 13— the steamer Ant, 131 tons, Bnewto, master, from ©lichen Bay. Feb. 13. roanghni ?asd and Co, agentt. Passengers— Xr. and MtsTg. C. toker, Mr. and Mr*. OebaS, Master Cleland, Mr. G. Stan, Mr. HatehlMon, Mr. Dunn, and Mr. Boberts, in the eabfai{ Mr. MeQoknefs in the steerage. In ballast. Sun day— The cntter Breeze, 17 tons, Cheeseman, ?*ster, ftora YaakalOUand Bapid Bay. L« Mssuricr, agent. Cargo— 73 qrs. wheat, Dale and Co. Saae day— The schooner Eebecca, 83 tons, Labe. Banter, from Franklin Harbour Feb. 6, and Port Lincoln Feb. 9. French, agent. Passengers— Heisn. T Jf oare, J. Docheriy and fiunUy, Q. Richardson, C Estrois. Henry Smith, Arthur Carr, E'len Welsh, Mary Delany 6. Beedaway, Thomas Carey, a native boy from Franklin .Harbour, and a prisoner charged with robbery. Sunday, February 14— The schooner Waitemata, 60 tone, Harris, master, from Port Augusta, Port Lincoln, wdtankafflla. Cargo-60 bales wool, 10 tonsSour* Order. _ Same day— The schooner William Pope, 38 tons. iamb, master, from Willunga. Cargo-160 bags flour, lt» nags bran. SAILED. Feb. 13— Vietori* Packet, barqae. for Sydney. 1J— Bobertina, brig, for Port Elliot and Me-T boome. 13— Hanry and Mary, cutter, for Yankalilla and BipidBaj. CLEARED OUT COASTWISE. _ Sitardiy, February 13-The cutter Henry and Mary. » ton*, Tarrfe, master, for Yankalilla and Rapid Bay. Cargo— Sundry stores. 3 nrpoETS. Cargo of the Hope, from London— 35 pk«_ A.W lUchardson; 13 cases Chubb, Rill, and Co.7Ybales 2 2S* *J-?Stes t**0**'*'!, J. k Pollard; sSet GoodeandCussenjM cases wine, Buteftich 'and tS Mam; US plw, Haller; 13 cases airricnltttrtUmple Soaks, Thomas Fax; 1 case, John Green ; 15 pkw^ B. 83SS?li^ll0?bt5 Pk^i°taCo!lton; 3 pigs, mSSh^1.?* 2°'* * ^d'' bnnd7' «^--CMks. Order A. M. Bickrard; 3 bales cornsacks, Chubb, ffilTanS Co.; 1M grindstones, 4maWone*, 119 bondlof wS?, 631 torn CMtiaM, us pkgi, Harrold Brothers; U63 deals, wTSr16'^^-8™*0* S trunks. T.Johnson7i?hhds; J'KrWooWiidget 2 cases stationery, Fenn. and W«S lag; 7 hhds. wme, 2«qr.-casks, J. Stilllmt and Co ? lease, Blaek and Wright; 200 boxes handles? BL r! anghea and Son; 125 cases beer. Order; 138 cases, J. eaHing and Co.; 7 cases pianos, W. J. CrockBr. 18 $?&'* J'StacJ and Bon; 8 pk«s. Order; 30 bales. J. Botomon; 4 cases. Draper and Qillj 18 pkgs_ lease opti ^S^WSnteTm pkgs, J.Solomon; Mpkgi, rambb,Hfll, sndCo.5 »pkga, B. Simmonsj 48pk|i; w^: gaplEa.JVSB&?B! 3 CMW' B. M\HarrfctT £P^fe,i^ *%s 7 £5'- Crocket '^ H»n-iiton; 97 fcf« JSf^Ei0** 7f^M.Mann; 44do,A.Abra Jams ; 2,178 pkgs, E. Spicer ; 1^38 do!, J. StUlin* and Ce,i 4 cues, J. Gross; 87 ciseCiso pipes. PTSanto «we, C Platts; 1 case, F. Lamb; 6 cases harmo ™«. W. Batters; 1 case, P. D. Prankerdi 8 cases. »a cases soda crystaJa, 13 bales, 100 cases gio, 10 hhds! Jrandy. 20 qr.-asks do, 100 cues do. Order; 5 pkgT C.Gooch. and Sons; Shales. F. J.BecCandCo.- lciel !«*. iEjerett and Paplett; 1 case paper, Acram^S Mata, Lindsay, and Co.; 5 cues, P. Cuimfai andS^ WO tonscoato, Order; 2* hndT brandy, Or&V* sflver' g«santa. James Chambers; 89 casksf's amel- Joshua £%£ -& lrons3*Sblr» d0- JosnM G«ri 3 bales, B cases, Orders 30 hhds. liquors, F. Clark and Sons; 3«sks, A^ Hardy; 1 cask, collars, W. J. Barlow; 8 pkgs! OemmtSabines 61 pkgs, Martin and Bach; 9 bales, ^teteo«il)atton,and Co.; 4qr.-caaks spirits, Abra tt^Dut:on,aadCp.; 4 qr.^asks spirits, A. Scott; 23 Pkxs, Actaman, Main. Lindsay, and Co.; 20 cases wine, -wS°°h?L? «'?? P' F- HeriotJ 8 ct^ Goode and £5'™! 8 Wid*. wine. Pitt Cobbett and Co.; 100 casks watted, »J« I lease, Order; 60 bales. Fox, Lloyd, and **» i .* ? «aaa HoLowaj's pills and ointment, E. Rowland ? lOhhds. oil, Chobi, Hill, and Co.; 130 pkgs, j. H. Cargo of the Mary Smith, from the'Mauritins— 1,566 stags sugar, S. Dixon. tans^Xfordef*J*'raJ' bm lrewcastl^N-s*w.-J80 Cargo of the Alfred, from Hamburg— For Melbourne ? W cases meKhandise,Neuhaus,Haller,andCo.;lsaaple case, 3 do. merehsndise. Order j 1 ease plant*. Dr. P. «^; &%? * S^PJ8 pared' 4 aaea' -Mai 21 cases inatches, Msller Brothers ? 100 boxeV sperm candles, a do. wriang utensils. 400 do. brandy, 350 do. eherry: '''^^MWboxeawine, MuiSch Brothers Si Co.; 8 tubs cheese, 600 cases candles, Molknbeck, uhlhorn, and Co.; 49 casks seeds, 72 ramsTlbaxwool .«mplet 8 cases, 28 bales. Neuhaus. HaSir. and Co, JtaSSSLPS?t °Ite5 lc««.H«H7 H.TurnbuU; 1 Sfe^fe.0^!^'** G010*11^ Brothers; lease W Order; 800 boxes,! sample box, Order: 1 case Ptots. Dr. T. MuUerTl caseT R. PikerTw hhZ tatter, 209 cases sperm candles, Toos, Taegtr, and Co. ; Wboxes, Order; 10 pkg»^ 1 sample parcel, 3 cases, 1^00 tags, 33 empty bags, 250 cases spirit*, Mollenbeck ?£;£?? : 'WT1 '''JV pk?' ^^-QoeUie; lease, ^**5 HaUef.and Co.; 61 cases, Order; lsampS Parcel, 23,000 arebrkks, Order. Cargo of the John Ormerod. from Sydney— 20 casks «fe». Ofder; VSt* spokstTs drarwd«, F. C. Clark «dSoM , B bales bags. 200 tons co^sTf. J. Beck; 73 empty baskets. 800 boxes soap, 10 crates, l dray, 152 whflnaTes, 3,7ft) spokes, lSdray-poST? do. sSti I SJf ^C°5rv5 '^ ?** b«r, 6 bales hops, 14 Sunt Order *'* ^°°0 trenafl*' ^i1 PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ~ For London— Hannah, early. For Mssottins— Vanguard, early. JgJUtmgt-Bm Burn, Feb. 18; FaTonrite, For Syttney-gtaghonndyCarollne. early. MISCELLANEODS.' The toque Alfred, from Hamburg, under command H n?ptfoM8yerf fotmeriy commander of the AmusL of HMnburg. arrired at the Lightship anXraaVon* Batoday, the 1 13th instant, having dgSt^nrcGeK passengers, the majority of whom are bound for Mel bowne. She has a very heavy cargo, likewise consimed ** '''S'1™^ «5d - Portia of her freight bffira lams. The Alfred is quite a new Tassel InS i!£rL geo^mmUingherpWeframSe'Sw^S hftl2Srffr3Il^i^ia WMrfs the Expren » toMelbop- '--« Msaritiuswith a cargo of sugar for-' -.«« on the same day as she took her departure ~Mi-tl2ldft» Tlathip Hope, from London, hove in sight early on Baturday morning, but was not boarded until noon. She Mports a voyage of 108 days from the Downs. Whenin the latitude of Madeira, November 5th, encountered a Very heavy gale from the southward, daring which the gaaner boat was carried away from the davits. The Equator was reached on the 6th December; the longi tude of the Cape of Good Hope was made January 3rd; and St. Paul's January 19th. When off Cape Leairin atrong easterly weatha was experienced, which lasted three weeks. February 3 spoke the ship Helen Gray, of Dundee, from Melbourne, bound to Batavia, out ?even days. Thednught of the Hope being 17 feet 6 inches, It is anticipated she will not be able to get into harbour until lightened.