South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 9 January 1857, page 4

s r AUCTI0H8. THIS DAT (Friday), January 8, and following Days ?? ,_ - a* 11 o'clock sharp. . TO DBAPEBS, CLOTHIEBS. STOBEKEKPEBS, WF^ATcIS^i5itITCHELL'8 'i/TITOHELL, POWELL, & CO. will «U JML by auction. at their Mart. 117, Htadlewtrat TUa Day (Friday), January 9, and following days, at 'mSmde of Mr. KMTTCHBLfS EXTENSIVE ; STOCK, comprising— _ TOite Calicoes White Cotton How ? Grer do Brown do. nXneh Sheeting Men's Cotton Half-note mltetSirpanes 300 dozen Children*! Socks Coloured do. assorted White Serge Silk aud Thread Glovee ? Blue do. Kid do. Saxony Flannels Black Sarsnet Bibbons Welsh do. Coloured do. do. Cords and MoletUni French Satin do. Huckaback* Bonnet do. GUsaclotns . Linen Collars *4 and 4-4 Diapers Parasols Iriih Linens Wove, Thread, and other Figured Damask Lases Watered Moreens Bobbin Nets Black Orleans Figured do. Do. Coburgs White Lace Falli Barege Long Shawls Black do. do. Cashmere do. Silk Neckties Paialey Shiwls Black DueapeHandketehiefi Children's Dresses Coloured do. do. Leghorn Hate Pongee Handkerehiets Black Silk Mantles Corah do. Muslin do. Barcelona do. . . Men's Fancy Doe Shooting Coats Do. Black Alpaca do. Do. Coloured Silk Warp do. Do. Black and Coloured Satin Vests Do. Silk and Moire Antique do. Do. Black Cloth do. Do. Coloured Tweed and Doe Sporting io. Do. Black and Coloured Alpaca do. Do. White and Fancy Mareellas do. Do. Black Cloth Trousers Do. Mixed and Fancy Doe do. Do. Light Tweed do. Do. White and Drab Cord do. Do. Strapped Moleskin do. Do. Millers' Drab Mole do. Do. Drab do. Do. White Dress Shirts Do. Merino Shirts and Pantaloons Do. White and Brown Cotton do. do. Do. Cotton and Indiarabber Braces Boy*1 Tweed and Doe Shooting Coate Do. Shepherds Plaid do. Do. Black Cloth Coats and Jackets Do. Black Cloth Tunic Suits Do. Black and Coloured Alpaca Coat* Do. Tweed, Silk, and Fancy Vests . Do. White and Regatta Shirts. The Auctioneers, in calling the attention of the Tiade U the abore extensile Sale, beg to state that it is Mr. Mitchell's intention (in order to prevent his Stock inter fering with Goods placed in their hands for Sale) to sell the whole without reserve. Luncheon each day at 1 o'clock. Terms, by approved bills of 3, 4, and 6 months. 3*lkv THIS DAY (Friday), Janaary 9. TODRAPER3, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS FOUR CASES MOLESKIN TROUSERS. FOUR CASES 6-4 PRINTS. ?YTTICKSTEED,BOTTING-,TOW1TSEND, Y V and CO. are instructed to sell, at their Mart, This Day (Friday). January 9, at 11 o'clock— * Cases HEN'S MOLE TROUSERS 4 do. 6-4 Prints a do. Shooting Coate. ? THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. TO DRAPERS AND OTHERS. ON ACCOU2JT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. THBEE BALES CALICOS. 'IXTICKaTEED.BOTTING.TOWNSEND, YY and CO. are instructed to sell, at their Mart, This. Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock— 3 Bales CALICOS. All more or leas damaged. ? THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. TO WINE MERCHANTS. PUBLICANS, AND OTHEES. TXTIC_STEED,BOTTnfG,TOWNSEND, YY and CO. have received instructions to sril, at their Mart, This Day ( Friday). January 9, at 11 o'clock— 0 Hhds. BRANDY 4 do. Kim 100 casks Porter ? ? 60 do. Ale. ? THIS DAY (Friday), Januarys. TO WINE MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. TjnTCKSTEED,B0iTTING,TOWNSEND, YY and CO. are instructed to sell, at their Mart, This Day (Friday). January 9, at 11 o'clock— 16 Cases SPARKLING MOSELLE 12 do. Still Hock 13 do. Claret 10 d-. Splendid Champagne. THIS DAY (Friday), Janaary 9. TO GROCERS, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. TXTICKSTEED,BOTTING,TOWirSEND, Y Y and CO. are favoured with instructions to sell, Mi their Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 O'clock— 19 Hhds. TREACLE 160 bags Salt 100 cases Jams 10 bales Hops. THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. TO GBOCERS AND OTHERS. 800 BAGS LIGHT SUGAR. *TXriCKSTEED,BOTTING,TOWNSEND, YY and CO. are instructed to sell, at their Mart, This Day (Friday), Jannary 9, at 11 o'clock— ? 600 Bags LIGHT SUGAR. ? THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. TO GBOCERS, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. TTTICKSTEED.BOTTIlfG.TOWNSEND, vY and CO. are favoured with instructions to tell, at their Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 «'dock — 6 Tons Fine BICE 362 tins Ling Fish 4 cases Preserved Oysters 5 casks Bacon 120 cases Pickles 250 bags Dark Sugar. THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. AMERICAN BROOMS. AMERICAN BROOMS. \\f ICKSTEED.BOTTENGr.TOWNSEND, YY and CO. are instructed to sell, at their Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9. at 11 o'clock— ? 30 Dojten AMERICAN BROOMS. ? THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. OH ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. TO BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS AND OTHERS. ?TTn^CKSTEED.BOTTIXG.TOWNSEND, YY and CO. have received instructions to sell, at the Mart, This Day (Friday). Jannary 9, at 11 o'clock— 1 Trunk of SHOES, containing— 48 pairs Lidies* Dull Morocco Elastic Boots, calf fronts 48 do. do. do., Adelaide do. &a, &-:., Ac. ^^ THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. fO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS. - 'TmCKSTEED.BOTTmG.TOWSEITD. Y V and CO. are favoured with instructions to sell, at their Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock— 100 Cases Bryant _ Davis's PORTER ? 60 do. do. do. Ale. ? '' THIS DAY (Friday), Janaary 9. NINE BALES BAGS. TjrTIOKSTEED.BOTTING.TOWNSEND, YY and CO. have received instructions to sell, at the MartThis Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock— HH with S under within diamond— ' 110-119—9 Bales BAGS. On THURSDAY, January 15. ™* TO DRAPERS, SILK MERCERS, SHOE AND HAT MERCHANTS, 4c. BT 03DER OF THOMAS MARTIN. ESQ, JUST ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND. T}inCKSTEED,BOTTINCrJTOWNSEND, Y Y and CO. are instructed to sell, at their Mart, «n Thursday, January 15, at 11 o'clock— 8 INVOICES, in 8 Cases, Prime GOODS— 1 Case containing— Dresses of Crape. Loutta, Zeluka, Eupatoria, and Silk, Satin, Morie Antiques, Damask. _ Caws containing— Gentlemen's Fine White Shirts, Boys* Fine, and Stout, Fancy Sewed Fronts, Re gattas, new style. X Cases containing— Fancy Wool, Clan, Marled, Striped, Natural Brown, Saxony Shawls, and Rich Gala Plaids, in Tartan, Shepherd, Wincey, and 'others; Long Shawls in great variety. 1 Case containing— Patterson's best Gentlemen's Boote, in Enamel, Grained, Riding, Half, Water tighta, Tucked, Indiarubber, and Humby's Euknamedias (quite new). . 1 Case containing— Christy's best Hats, Summer ? Drabs, in all siz*s and shapes. 1 Case containing— Morland's celebrated Parasols, hi Browns, Blacks, Watered, Figured, Fringed, Lined, and Fancy. Terms as usual. . The attendance of the Trade is earnestly requested on fUsoccaakn, as the whole will be sold. Bayers must t» awtre that Mr. Martin bought well in Europe, all his pmchases being for cash. ... , PBELIMINABY NOTICE. AS 8O0N AS LANDED. ?00 CASHS GROCERIES AND OILMEN'S BTOBE3. 'Hn0KSTEED,B'oTTINQ,TOW]Sr8Ein) ? dJtoSdna^rf-InStrnCtedtOliell-attheirM«rt'on ?00 Cases GBOCEBIES and OILMEN'S STORES. On MONDAY, January 12, at 12 o'clock. at the newmabket inn, c0rneb of west-terbace. household furniture. bab and other fittings, and stock. /JTIHOS. D. FINEY will sell by auction, u - - J- abore (by order of the Proprietor, who is removing -Into the country)— ? AH his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STOCKIN TRADE, and BAB and other FITTINGS. Also, at 12 o'clock precisely— Tfce Lease of the above Premise*, held at a very low pfftal . ChfiaU

,.„.? auctions, THIS DAY .(Friday), January 9. REMAINDER OF CABGO OF THE CLIPPEB. FROM HONGKONG. TO GROCERS, SHIPPERS. DPHOLSTEBEBS,' ? AND OTHERS. B SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day Friday), January 9, at' 11 o'clock— _ . The BEMAINDEB of the CABGO of the CLIPPEB, consisting of— r :? . Teas - , Skin and Camphonvood Trunks Chessmen and Bice Pictures Lacquered Ware. 4c., *a#* *c ? THIS DAY~(Friday), January 9. BEMAINDEB OF THE CABGO OF THE AUGUST KAUFFMANN. . FBOM CALCUTTA. ' K) GBOCEBS, SHIPPERS, MUBBAY TBADERS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. have received instruc ? tions from Messrs. Fox, Lloyd, 4 Co, the Im jorters, to sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day Friday). January 9, at 1 1 o'clock— „„,»„», ' The REMAINDER of the CAKGO of the AUGUST KAUFFMANN. from Calcutta. . ? THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. BEMAINDEB OF THE CABGO OF THE CALEDpNIA. FROM SINGAPORE. TO SHIPPEBS, GBOCERS, MURRAY TRADERS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed by ? Messrs. B. Amsbenrt Co.. the Importers, to lelL at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock— „ The REMAINDER of the CABGO of the CALE PONIA, from Singapore. ? THIS DAY (Friday), Janaary 9. LIVERPOOL ALE. TO PUBLICANS, WINE MEBCHANTS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock— 20 Casks, each 4 dot, LIVERPOOL ALE. THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. 49 HALF-BARRELS PIGS' TONGUES. TO GBOCERS, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock— 49 Half-barreh PIGS' TONGUES. THIS DAY (Friday), January --s-BOTTLED FRUITS. PRESERVED SALMON. TO GROCER3 AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Friday). January 9, at 11 o'clock— 16 Casks, each 4 dozen, BOTTLED FRUITS 78 boxes, each 21 2-lb.tins, Preserved Salmon. THIS DAY (Friday), January*?! TO GBOCEBS. STOREKEEPERS, MURRAY TRA DERS, BREWERS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock— 6 Cases MATCHES 210 boxes Best London Soap 20 quarter-casks Champion's Vinegar 6 tietces York Hams 32 cases half-pint Salad Oils 17 do. pint do. 10 do. Assorted Sauces 3 casks Bleached Jamaica Ginger 10 do. Unbleached do. 10 bags Cloves 4 cases 2-lbs. Salmon 6 do. Confectionary 0 do. Sardines (Albert's) 2 1 asks Pimento 20 cases \-\b. Mustard 8 do. Ketchup 1 do. Brewers' Isinglass 1 do. Fine Cut do. ? 8 caiks Whiting, 2 tons. ? THIS DAY IFriday), January 9. NINE CASES BLACKING. TO GBOCEBS, COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to sell, ? at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock — 1-7. 7 Cases, 167 boxes, Day and Martin's PASTE BLACKING 8. 1 do. 12 do do. do. do. 24 half do., do. do. do. 9. 1 do. 336 do., do. do . do. THIS DAY (Friday), Jannary 9. 320 CASES CLARET. TO WINE MEBCHANTS, PUBLICANS, AND THE TRADE. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock — 130 Cases, each 1 doz., CLARET, St. Julieu Medoc, AXD 190 do., do. i doz., do., St. Estephe. THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. EX ESMECALDA. ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. SIX CHESTS CONGOU. FOUR CASES PATENT GROATS. TO GBOCERS, COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock — 6 Chests COMPANY'S CONGOU, AUD ? 4 cases, each 10 doz.. Patent Groata. ? THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. Ill INDIA MATS. TO UPHOLSTERERS, DRAPERS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? (sell, at the City Anction Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9. at II o'clock — 111 CHINESE MATS, three sizes. THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. SILVER PRESENTATION CUP. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Friday), January 9, at 11 o'clock — A Handsome SILVER PRESENTATION CUP, Masonically designed. Manufactured in the colony, by Mr.Firahaber. ABSTRACT OF SALES BY E SOLOMON & CO., AT THE CITY ? AUCTION MART. To-morrow (Saturday), January 10, at the City Mart, at 11 o'clock Drapery Clothing Saddlery Oilmen's Stores Ironmongery 30 Silver Watches ASD Sundries ALSO, 2 crates Crockery, assorted. Without reserve. Far fnll particulars, s«« this day's Tiaet ami To-morrow's E^titttr. THIS DAY (Friday), January 9, at 12 o'clock. TAMES H. PARE is instructed by Mr. O George James, to sell by auction, on his premises at the back of the Norfolk Arms. Bundle-street — 3 Very Superior HOBSES. ALSO, Spring-Cart and Harness. L Welshman is a remarkably handsome Bay Cob, rising five, about 15 hands high, perfectly quiet, and staunch in harness, an excellent hack, and carries a lady. He is got by Mr. Hay's well-known cob Taffy. This is a rare horse— Buch strength, activity, and appearance is seldom to be fannd in one animal. 2. Bobby is a dark Iron Grey, rising five years, very handsome, sound, and a beautiful temper, and is not to be surpassed as a saddle and harness hone in the colony. 3. Nelly is a thoroughbred Bay Mare, got by Egre mont out of a mare imported from Van Diemen's Land, by Mr. Stamford ; she is very handsome, and a perfect lady's hack. It will well repay any gentleman looking for Horses to call and see the above, as they are now on view at the Norfolk Arms Stables. ^HABXESJENKlNS,AIjrCTioNEEEand \J GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, attends the Cattle Yards at an early hour every Saturday morning, te take entries of Stock, Drays, -to, intended for the day'f ?ale. No chasoi vob isiit, C J. invariably obtains the highest prices which can be vouched for BY ANY PERSON WHO ATTENDS THE YARDS. The ESTABLISHED MONTHLY SALE at SALI8 3UET takes place on the first Monday in every month. Always 911 Sale Privately— Horses and Vehicles of ?very description. Communications may be addressed to the care of Mr. EL H. Bickford, Hindlsy-ttreet. C. J. will be happy to attend Sales of General Mer chandise, Furniture, Stock, Land, &o* in Town or Country, 317mfcv THIS DAY (Friday), January 9. ~~~^ TO DAIRYMEN, PRIVATE FAMILIES, FARMERS, AND OTHERS. riHAELES JENKINS will sell by auction, Vj/ -This Day (Friday), at 11 o'clock for 18 o'clock precisely, -at the Oddfellows' Anna (late Beresfbrd Arms), GiHewtreet— 10 COWS, in Milk, all quiet and young Horse, Dray, and Harness . Heavy Draught Horse. 4 years old, and really good Bay Hare, good in saddle and light harness Light Spring-Cart. ___; ? fcyLOOK ALIVE, -a BRANCH OFFICE^Tthe ' REGISTER' and 'OBSERVER' NEWSPAPERS.— MR. WM TOT/LIER, Stationer and Booksallcr.Hindley-stMetftbe eU Stgiittr and Obitrver office), U authorized to receivi Advertisements, 4c Copies of the liegitUr and Olitrvf always on sale. A File for referenoe rezulartv ker Qrdan for Job Printing r«cei»e byMr.Hiuua.

LAST) AHP HOUSES. 1 3 ~\ E' O E Gr E GREEN '' Jj' ,;' LiND AGENT ' ?and LAND AUCTIONEER. LANDED PROPERTIES VALUED. LANDED PROPERTIES SURVEYED. PLANS furnished and TOWNSHIPS laid out. Plans r Townships, Hundreds, 4c, 4c, throughout the IOLONY always open for inspection. ' .. HOUSES, STORES, LANDS, SECTIONS, 4a. LE*T or LEASED. EXCHANGE LAND M VRT, And Land Offices, King William-street -i LAND f ' ' ADELAIDE, I Ajm I inoBOUSKB, }EO. GREEN, I (JEJJEBA.L COM- \ WM. GREEN, aso William- I MISSION I QUBwr-siasat ? stmbx. J OFFICES. L , AVpnvwFVT ') Purcnased ta accordance *ith_ the ? l0JSR^;SEN^ J-instrucfions of parties absent from SECTIONS j jyeiajae. ; JOVEENMENT 1 Purchased and let on Lease with SECTIONS J right of purchase. invPRWW WT ') Pirehased, and any proportion of the cS?Tinva t purchase-monev advanced for l:ng o SECTIONS Jfor gh0rt neriod3. ' SPECIAL NOTICE. MR. GREEN'S ADVERTISEMENTS appear he ' REGISTER' Newspaper on MONDAYS j THURSDAYS, and in the 'OBSERVER' of Saturday Iqv GEORGE GREEN, Land Agent. TTALUABLE AGRICULTURAL LAND. To be LET-or the LEASE to be SOLD). a Com-pact FARM on the TORRENS, adjoining Walkerville, containing 120 Acres, together with House, Stables, 4o. Also, TROUBRIDGE FARM, containing 151 Acres, within two and a half miles of Adelaide, with House, Barn, Stables, Cowsheds, aud Pigeeries. The above i'arms are in a Brst-rate stale of cultivation. Also, for SALE, the Freehold of a SECTION of 80 icres, with House, Buildings, Ac, situated at Islington, on the Lower North-road, about three miles from town, and a few hundred yards from the Gawler Town Rail-way. Apply to GOODE BROTHERS, Rundle-street; or SAMUEL GOODE, Walkerville and North Adelaide. January 8, 1857. ? 9-15vl7 FOR SALE, the beautiful and valuable ESTATE of FULLARTON, situated on the GLEN OSMOND and MITCH-AM ROADS, which bound it for two miles, commanding a splendid view of the Gulf, Town, -*c, and is only two and a half to three miles distant from Town. The Estate consists of 230 Acres in one block, with commodious DWELLING-HOUSE, OUTHOUSES, and GARDEN well stocked with Vines and Fruit Trees ; also, good FARM PREMISES, consisting of Barn and Sheds attached to same. Stable, Cart Sheds, Cottages for Men, Stock and Stack Yards, Pfrgeries, &c, and is subdivided into convenient sized Paddocks. Plans can be seen, and price, terms, and other parti culars ascertained, on application to the Proprietor, Mr. James Frew, on the estate; Messrs. J. 4 R. Frew, Grenfell-strcet; and Messrs. Bartley, Bakewell, 4 Stow, North-terrace, with the latter of whom the titles are deposited for inspection of purchasers. N.B.— If not dispose of in one lot, will be cut np into Building and Villa Allotments, to suit purchasers as per plan. . 267acv jCLLENELG.— Furnished and Unfurnished VjT COTTAGES t« be LET by the MONTH. For terms, apply to 319acv B. B. COLLEY. SUBURBAN BREWERY FOR SALE. — A safe and rood Investment for small Capi talists. Doing a goou business, to which the Gingerbeer and Sodawater might be advantageously added. MITCHELL, POWELL, 4 CO. are instructed to sell by private contract a well-known BREWERY, in a populous district. Plenty of good Water, with excellent Drainage, and Wood in abundance. Plant nearly new, and well bought. Terms— Cash, or credit on approved bills. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, 117, Hindley-Btreet. 3«-7acv STORE to be LET.— To be LET, a large and commodious STORE in LEIGH-STREET, For particulars apply to GEO. P. HARRIS, Hindley-street. November 17 1858. 32 Uo OLDFAST BAY.— Mr. NELSON begs to inform Visitors to the Bay that every accom modation, with Amusements, will be found at the BERKSHIRE HOTEL, with good Stabling, at low rates ; and being a short distance from the Sandhills, the premises are secured from clouds of dust. 359ac STEPNEY, a few yards from the Payneham road.— A Supeiior COTTAGE to be LET, consist ing of five Rooms, one of which is undir ground. It is enclosed, and has a Well of good Water, and only a mile and a half from Adelaide. It is adapted for a quiet family. Apply to D. Harwood, Nelson-street, Stepney; or at Messrs. Chubb, Hill, 4 Co.'s, Grenfell-street. 6*13 ?\TORTH ADELAIDE.— To be LET, those JLl two commodious FAMILY HOUSES in Kermode strcet, in the occupation of 0. K. Richardson, Esq. Immediate possession. WRIGHT BROTHERS, Land Agents. Exchange-chambers. 193m fc ORTH ARM, SECTION G.— ALLOT-MENTS of LAND FOR SALE, consisting of WHARF FRONTAGES on Hindmarsh Reach. Also, BUILDING ALLOTMENTS. Apply to T. B. Strong ways, at Green'* Exchange. 14Scv EW and COMMODIOUS OFFICES to be LET. in a central situation in KING WILLIAM-STREET, either in a suite of Six Booms or separately. Rent moderate. Apply to Macgoorge and Co., Hindley-street. ? 8'10al7 OR SALE, the LEASE of those Valuable PREMISES, situate in VICTORIA-SQUARE, known a* Drumraond's Timberyard. For particulars, apply to the undersigned. 6e R. 4 J. DRUilMOND. O FRUIT-GROWERS and Others.— To be LET, a SHOP, No. 33, HINDLEY-STREET, opposite Mr. Graves's, grocer, with two Koams, good Cellar, Yard, 4c. Enquire of M. Morris, Tinware Manufactory, No. 50, Hindley-street, opposite the Black Bull. ? 35Stfcv ECHUNGA GARDEN.— To be LET, the GARDEN at ECHUXG A, the property of Jacob Hagen, Esq., formerly in the occupation of Mr. Evcritt, but now of Mr. Russell, together with the Corn Paddock, containing 17 Acres, at present leased with the Garden. For further particulars, apply to Mr. G. Sanders, Eehunga Creek : or to Edward Stirling, Adelaide. 331cv OEFICES to be LET, in the heart of the City. Apply to ^lc ? B.OBT. HAWKES. King William street. S''HOP to be LET, NORTH-PARADE, Port, now in the occupation of Mr. James Grosse, Apply on the premises. 346c T-UBLIC-HOUSE.— To be LET, the X ROYAL OAK INN, NORTH ADELAIDE. For particulars,apply to the Landlord, on the premises; or to Charles Banbury, North-terrace. 322tl5 TO ba SOLD, in the pleasant Village of UNLEY, a Two-roomed Brick COTTAGE, with a Garden well stocked with Vines and Fruit-trees, and a Well if excellent water. Accommodation may be had for part of the purchase-money. For particulars, en quire at the Post-Officc, Unley. 6c rpo be LET, a Five-roomed HOUSE, with. JL Garden, 4c. Apply to William Peirce 4 Son, builders. Magill-road, Norwood. ? 6/9 T O be SOLD, a BLOCK of LAND, with HOUSE partly built, on SOUTH-TERRACE, corner of Brown-street, in consequence of the proprietor leaving the colony. Price low. For terms apply to S. Phillips, on the premises. ? 9'10 TO be LET, Private and Genteel APAHT MENTS in the most healthy part fit NORTH ADELAIDE. The House is pleasantly situated, stand inir detached in a pleasant garden I ront and baok. Either fnll or partial Board may be obtained. Enquire of Mrs. M. Morris, Archer-street, North Adelaide; or Mr. Morris, No. 131, Hindley-street. 9ftc TO be LET, a Five-roomed COTTAGE, pleasantly situated, NEW GLENELG, within five minutes' walk of the Beach ; the late residence of the Rev. J. B. Titherington. Terms moderate. Apply either to the Landlord, Mr. Harvey, Glenelgj or to the late Tenant, 361e' OR SALE, LEASE of a PUBLIC HOUSE in the Country, twenty years unexpired. Rental low. Apply to J. 4 R. Carrutners. 322cv TO be LET, the IRON STORE in GAWLER-PLACE, lateUoccupied by the lateW. C. Douie as a Wine and Spirit Store. The Business and Fixtures'may be token by the incoming Tenant. For particulars, apply to Mr. Joseph Darwent, Watts's buildings, King William-street. ? 340cv TO be LET, two doors from Gold Digger's ArmB, NORWOOD, a HOUSE and SHOP, con taining Four Rooms ; large Cellar, Store, Yard, Garden, good Well of Water; lately in the occupation of Wailes and Hicks, grocers. Rent, 25s. per week. H. JOHNSON, 326c Gold Digger's Arms, Norwood. TO be LET on LEASE, the substantial - and well-built STOBE, now in the occupation of C. Cleve 4 Co. Adelaide, 28th July. 1856. ? 211c TO be LET, a' Stone and Brick STORE and COUNTING-HOUSE, next door to the White Horse, CUBBIE-STBEET. Apply to Barringer's Livery Stables. 347c PUBLICATI0H8 AND STATIONERY. A USTRALIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL. ./V. — Subscribers and the Medical Public generally are informed that the Journal will continue to be issued on the regular days of publication quarterly. The Com mittee of Management solicit the contribution of Original Articles from the sister Colonies ; those for the next is^ue to be forwarded before 1st December to the Pub lisher, Mr. Buzzard, 181, Bourke-street, Melbourne. Subscriptions to be paid to Mr. E. S. Wig?, Adelaide, Agent. ? 333q COUNTRY EDITION. SHEET ALMANAC FOR 1857. Just Published, Price 6d, at theEegtiterand. Obitrver . ' O£Hces, THE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN .SHEET ALMANAC for 1857. Country Edition. Cozmirrs: SIGNALS used at the West-terrace Signal Station CALENDAR for 1857, with Days of the Week, Month, and Year; Remarkable Days, Moon's Changes, Risintr and Setting of the Sun and Moon, Dial Time ECLIPSES, Feasts, Anniversaries, Principal Articles of the Calendar, &c GOVERNMENr of SOUTH AUSTRALIA, including the Ministry, Executive Council, Parliamentary Dis tricts and Returning Officers, Principal Officers of the Civil Service, with their Salaries, Judges and Law Officers TABLE of D1SFATCH and ARRIVAL of INLAND MAILS CENTRAL ROAD BOARD and DISTRICT COUNCILS, with names of Chairmen and Councillors, time and place of meeting. Pounds, Poundkeepers, and Rates of Poundage POUNDAGE FEES as fixed by the Impounding Act LOCAL COURTS— Days of meeting, and Stipendiary Magistrates ADELAIDE CATTLE MAnKET-Harket and Auction Days, Dues. Resralations, and Penalties REGISTRY OFFICES for Birth?, Marriages, and Deaths in Town and Conn try, with names of Registrars PLOUGHING MATCHES iv 1856 TIMBER LICENCES, Depasturing Licences, 4c. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS TARIFF, Land and Share Agents' Charges FARMERS' and GARDENERS' CALENDAR : BANKS, 4c., 4c. May be obtained of all the Country Agenti of the, BtgUttrtni Oburvtr,

TTBLICATIOgSAWD BTATIOKEBY 1 , FUST RECEIVED, and on SALE by the I nndmigned, the following CHEAP BOOKS :— .? ???. Watkna Tha Absentee . -Headlong Hall Lore and Ambition ..;{- ? -Married, not Mated. Whom to Marry , ' Corinne Midshipman Easy . Pottleton Legacy ' Marchioness of Brinvilliers , The Smuggler Wild Spot w - ? ? - Solitary Hunter The Green. Hand . ; . Manmuvring Hidden Path ' '?? ? ?? Nelly of Truro Ida May. \ : 365q W. H. HILLIER, 10, Hmdley-street. \TEW and POPULAR MUSIC. ; ' -1! LV 33*1 ? , PLATT8. --, |/TEG DOD'S COOKERY. HI. 325q PLATTB. BOOKKEEP J NG. — New and Practical Works on this subject just received. 339q PLATTS. fVRAWING PAPER.— Whatman'g beat YJ Turkey Mill, Double Elephant, Imperial, Medium, nd Demy, just received, at ' 133q HILLTER'S 10. Htndley-street A TLASES.— Butler's Atlases of ANCIENT OL and MODERN GEOGRAPHY, just unpacked at HILLIER'S, 95q ? 10. Hindley-street. T1HE VICTORIA LAW TIMES and J- LEGAL OBSERVER, 26s. per quarter; can be ibtained from the Agent, 3I5q. W.H.HELLIER, 10, Hindley-street. PUNCH.— Parties desirous of subscribing to JL PUNCH can obtain them regularly by every mail in application to W. H. HTXLIEB, Stationer, 4c, 31Sq ' 10, Hindley-street. IN HONOREM.— SONGS of the BRAVE, beautifully Illustrated, on Sale at 865q: HILLIER'S, 10, Hindteynrtreet. T~ ITTLE DORRIT, by CHAS. DICEJ!NS. JLJ Nos. l to 8 just received. Subscribers and others iau have them on application to - ' W. H. HILC.IEB, Stationer, 4c, 336q ? 10, Hindley-street. ? BLAIR'S CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES Revised and Enlarged, comprehending the Chronology and History of the World from the earliest times to the Russian Treaty of Peace, April, 1856. 337q .. ? ; . . ? PLATTS. NO House in the Country should be without this Book. — DICTIONARY or DOMESTIC MEDICINE and HOUSEHOLD SUBGEBY. By Dr. Spencer Thomson. London, Groombride ; Adelaide, 331q ? PLATTS. TETTS'S DIARIES. 1857 -LJjtfq ? PLATTS. T:ITTLED OR R I T, Nos. 1 to 8, JJ 285q PLATTS. A COMPLETE SET of PUNCH, 29 Volumes, uniform Binding, for Sale. .226q PLATTS. 1 and 95. Hindley-street. EREE by POST— ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. Single Copies, One Shilling each. 318q PLATTS. 'DLATTS'S ALMANAC for 1857 is just JT published, price Sixpence. - 348q T7TTRAPPING PAPERS, Wholesale and TV BetaiL 338q ? PLATTS. -VTEW MAP of VICTORIA, showing the JLl Murray Biver, part of South Australia and New SoutL Wales. Price 9s. - -273o ? E. 8. WIGG. No. 4. Bundle-street. pHEAP ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, Vy* in great variety, always on Sale at 246q HILLIEB'S, 10, Hindley-street. TLLUSTRATED NEWS, free by post, JL Single Numbers, One Shilling each. 305q ? PLATTS. fTTHE ILLUSTRATED TIMES only costs -L 15s. ptr Year, at 273q . E. S. WIGG*S, Bundle-street INNEY'S SERMONS.— Forty-four Ser mons delivered in Exeter Hall, by the Bev. T Binney, Brock, Aveling, Hamilton, 4c. 308q ?? - ? PLATTS. ONE SHILLING per Number, the 'ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS.' Large quantities received by every mail. 308q ? ? ? PLATTS. TTOLUME 28, ILLUSTRATED LONDON V NEWS, handsomely bound, embossed covers, gilt. 36iq PLATTS. TLLUSTRATED LIFE, CAREER, and X TBIAL of WILLIAM PALMER, of Rugeley. containing Details of his Conduct as Schoolboy, Medica Student, Racing Man, and Prisoner; together with all the original Letters, authenticated Documents, 4c, 4c On Sale at 3G5q. HILLIER'S, 10, Hindley-street. SINGLE NUMBERS ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, One Shilling. 303q PLATTS. T EDGERS, Single and Double, Private JLj Ledgers with Locks, Journals, Day Books, Waste do.. Cosh do., Invoice do.. Guard do. for Letters, Letter and Copying Letter Books, Order Books, Bill Books, Diaries, Manuscript Books, Account Current Books, Account Sale Bonks, Ciphering Books, Copy, Memoran dum, and Metallic Books, Carters' Receipts, Wedg wood's Manifold Writers, Log and other Slates, Bills of Lading and Exchange, Acceptance Forms, Loose Indices for Ledgers, Writing and Travelling Desks, Improved Bill Files. 256q PLATTS, 1 and 95. Hindleyrftreet. USIC— A quantity of PIANOFORTE MUSIC and INSTRUCTION BOOKS, for various Instruments, constantly on Sale at 246q ? HILLIER'S. 10, nindley-street. FIVE POUNDS PER HUNDBED. TO STOREKEEPERS, DEALERS, COUNTBY LIBBARIES, 4c.— The price ot the PARLOUR AND RAILWAY LIBRARY is now reduced to FIVE POUNDS for ONE HUNDRED VOLUMES. The Stock consists of Ten Thousand Volumes, and, is re plenished by every steamer. Every new work is shipped immediately on publication. Iqv PLATTS, Hindley-street This Day is Published, price 3s. 6d_ T.ISCOURSES on the SECOND XJ APPEARING of CHRIST, and on the Changes Predicted by the Inspired Writers in connection with that glorious event. By Thokas Puctoed, Bentham street Chapel, Adelaide. 248q ? PLATTS. Adelaide. ORRELL'S REGISTRATION INK, just received direct from Fleet-street, and on Sale at 183q ? HILLIEB'S. 10. Hindley-strcet 'DEEVES'S DRAWING-PAPERS Xv Do. dp. Pencils Do. do. Boards Do. do. Books Do. Water-Colours, liquid, soft, and in cakes, separate aud in boxes Do. Oil-Colours, and every requisite for Oil Painting. Also, Tracing Papers, Tracing Cloth, 4c, 4c 273q ? / H. S. WIGG. No. 4. Rnndle-street. ?DECEIVED MONTHLY, and DELI Xv YERED in any part or the Colony— Dublin University Magazine Btackwood's Masrazino Illustrated' London News Ladies' Newspaper Chambers s Journal London Journal The Tram ? ? Titan Practical Mechanic's Journal ; Lardner*s Museum of Science Colonial Church Chronicle Family Friend Family Economist Sunday School Teachers' Magazine Baptist Magazine Pulpit Magazine. 29Iq ? PLATTS. CHEAP BOOK ALMANAC f OR 1857. Will be published on Tuesday next, at tne Rtgister and Obterver Office, Grenfell-street, price One Shilling and Sixpence. ' rTIHE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ALMANAC JL for 1857.— This Almanac will contain a great variety of mercantile and general information, carefully compiled from official and other sources. Advertisements received at the hegitter and Olttntr Office, Grenfell-street; at the Branch Office, Hindley strect, and at the Branch Office at the Port, on the fol lowing low soalc of charges, paid in advance: — Cord net exceeding one-eighth of a page...'£0 3 6 Quarter of a page ... ., ? '0 6 0 Half a page ? 0 1 6 Whole page ? , ... 0 10 6 Agents and others in the country are requested to send in their orders for the Almanac as early as possible. Advertisements cannot be received later than to-morrow. TOWN EDITION. ~~~~~ SHEET ALMANAC FOR 1857. Just Published, Price 6dn at the Beguttr ana OUtner Offices, THE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SHEET ALMANAC for 1857. Town Edition. Cohtxsw: SIGNALS used at the West-terrace Signal-Station CALENDAR for J 857, with days of the Week, Month, and Year; Remarkable Days, Moon's Changes, Risinsr and Setting of the Sun and Moon, Dial Time ECLIPSES, Feasts, Anniversaries, Principal Articles of the Calendar, 4c. GOVERNMENT or SOUTH AUSTRALIA, including the Ministry, Executive Council, Parliamentary Dis tricts and Returning Officers, Principal Officers of the Civil Service, with their Salaries, Judges am Law Officers TABLE of DISPATCH and ARRIVAL of INLAND MAILS SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS TARIFF Wharfage Dues Charges on Goods Stored in the Bonded -Ware-house, Port Adelaide Tonnage Dues Rules and Regulations at the Wharves Harbour Dues Towage Rates for Steam-Tujf Mooring Dues Light Dues Rates of Pilotage Storage of Gunpowder ? - ? Custom-House, Port Adelaide MAGNETIC and ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH Charges BANKS , . -LICENCES for Public Conveyances and Water-Carte POUNDAGE FEES . ' ADELAIDE CATTLE MABKET LAND and SHARE AGENTS' Charges CENTRAL ROAD BOARD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION FARMERS' and GARDENERS' CALENDAR. May ba obtained of the Agente of the Beaitttr and OUerttr. . N SALE, at W. H. HILLIER'S, Branch Office of the Segirter and Obuner Hindley. street— Applications for Pasturage Applications for Purchase of Land » Masters' and Servants' Agreements Apprentices* Indentures Emigration Forms Write of Summon* CartNotes Sheep-station Returns ? ??'? The New Tariff Billsof Lading '?? = I- ' ? : BillsofS-tchangelntrlplint - ' Seamen's Advance Notes Write of Subpdma