South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 25 February 1857, page 4

ATCTIOlffS, THIS DAY (Wednesday), February r6. BT ORDER OP THE TRa.DE A83IGNEE OP THE ESTATE OP ROBERT RAMSAY. RB. COLLET haa received instructions ? from tbo Assignee* of the EfUte or Robert Bamsty, insolvent, to sell by auction, at his Booms, Kins William-street, This Day (Wednesday), February 36tii,stnoon— The following Valuable TOWN ACRES, No*. 678, 679, 633,689. Lot 1. Acre 678, Freehold. The remaining unsold_AUot nentsof this Acre; comprising about Three-fourths of the said Acre, being Nino Allotments, numbered 4 to 12, as per plan. Allotments l to 3 hare realized £210 to the original owner. Lot 2. Acre 679. Held under Lease from 0. Gilles, Esq., for -a term of 33 yean from March. 1854, at a rental of £25 per annum first seven years, with Bight of Purchase at £375. Lot 3. Acre 633. Held under Lease, on same terms as Acre 579. Lot! Aere 689. Held under Lease, on same terms as Acres 479 and 538. These Acres arc well situated on high ground near St. John's Church, and command Frontages to Halifax and -Oilles streets. ? 4Aaer THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. R.B. COLLEY -will sell by auction, at his Rooms, King Wiliam-street, at noon All that FREEHOLD HOUSE and LAND, situated on Section 183, known as ST. LEONARD'S, GLENELG, late in the occupation of Mr. Savill. 44acv] This Property adjoins the residence of Mr. Tord ~ THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. T- B. COLLEY will sell by auction, at _IA/a his Booms, King William-street, at noon — All that FUEEHOLDSECTION, No. 3703, containing 73 acres, in the Hundred of MACCLESFIELD, with all the improvements on said Section, Fencing, Stone House, &&, 4c. The Freehold will be sold subject to the unexpired term of two years, of a lease held by Mr. Corbell. The Property is well known as having been in tho occupation of Mr. Masters. 4iaov THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. EB. COLLEY -will sell by auction, at ? his Rooms, King William-street, at noon — All that Portion of TOWN ACRE No. 283, FRANK LIN-STREET, 60 feet by 210 feet in depth, held under a lease for 43 years, at a low ground ren*— 10s. for first TO years, 20s. nest 10 years, 4c, 4c. This Property is near Dr. Gonson's and Mr. Sa vage's ? «acv THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. ' IMPROVED FARM, 11 MILES FROM ADELAIDE. RB. COLLEY will sell by auction, at ? his Rooms, King William-street, at noon — A FREEHOLD PROPERTY of Eighty Acres, being the southern portion of Sections 3015 and 3016, on the PARA PLAINS, now in the occupation of Michael Condon. The Land is fenced in, and has erected on it two good Cottages. The best Water on the Plains is on Section 3010. This is a very rare opportunity of obtaining an im - proved farm, embracing good land and good water, within 11 miles of Adelaide. The Government Reserva of 150 acres adjoins this property on the east. ? 4iacv THIS DAT (Wednesday), February 25. EB. COLLEY mil sell by auction, at ? his Booms, Kin? William-street, at noon Portions of ALLOTMENT 51. BOWDEN, exactly opposite the RAILWAY STATION, near Mr. KinR's 61acv THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. RB. COLLEY will sell by auction, at ? his Rooms, Kin? William-street, at noon— Excellent DWELLING-HOUSE at ALBERT TOWN, situated in King-street, St. George's-square, near the residence of E. G. Collinson, Esq., and in the occupation ? of Mr. James Home. Long credit for the purchase-money. [51acv THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. 'D B. COLLEY will sell by auction, at JLv» his Rooms, King William-street, at noon— A FREEHOLD PROPERTY at PLYMPT0N, com prising Four and a half Acres of Land Fenced, excellent Garden, good Water, with a Cottage of four rooms. Plympton is four and a half miles from Adelaide, and two miles from Glenelg, and is well known for the excel lent produce of its gardens. The property is in occupation of Mr. Manning. [51acv THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. AT THE POET. CARGO OF THE MARY CLARKE. TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS, 'i)iriCB3TEED,B0TTINGh,T0WNSENT), T V and CO. have received instructions to sell, at the Port, This Day (Wednesday,) February 25, at 12 o'clock — 12,796 Feet Full-«ut Heavy TIMBER No.Pcs.Bdth.Leth. Total. No. Pes.Bdth,Ljrth. Total 7 5X2 14 81 2 10X3 12 60 1 do. 13 15 1 12X3 10 30 51 6X2 12 612 1 do. 11 33 3 do. 11 43 2 do. 12 73 7 do. 15 105 5 6iX3 13 97 4 do. 18 73 1 8X31 13 23 5 8X2 13 86 4 12X31 12 163 7 do. 14 130 1 4X4 11 14 1 da. 16 21 6 do. 12 90 1 do. 15 20 6 da. 16 123 1 do. 18 21 2 6X4 8 32 * 4X2*12 40 17 do. 10 340 3 do. 21 35 32 do. 12 768 1 6X2*10 12 43 do. 14 1,204 1 SX2| 11 18 3 do. 15 90 1 4X3 8 8 1 do. 16 32 15 do. 10 160 9 7X4 12 252 26 do. 13 312 2 do. 13 60 1 do. 13 13 1 do. 14 32 14 do. 14 196 1 do. 16 37 2 do. 15 30 7 8X4 11 205 3 do. 16 43 25 do. 12 800 6 do. 20 100 22 do. 14 821 33 5X3 10 412 2 do. 15 SO 50 do. 12 750 1 9X4 8 24 12 do. 13 395 3 do. 9 81 1 do. 11 17 45 do. 10 1,350 8 do. 15 150 1 do. 12 36 3 do. 16 GO 8 do. 14 336 9 6X3 10 135 1 10X4 14 46 4 do. 11 66 4 12X4 12 193 107 do. 12 1,926 16 6X5 10 333 3 do. 13 53 6 do. 12 150 57 do. 14 1,197 1 6X5 9 22 14 do. 15 315 6 do. 14 210 7 do. 16 163 2 do. 16 80 15 do. 20 450 1 9 X 5 10 37 9 7X3 12 189 12 5£X6llO 302 6 do. 13 133 1 6X6 9 27 11 do. 14 269 12 do. 10 360 4 do. 15 105 I 23 do. 12 1,008 6 do. 16 163 I 7 do. 13 273 4 8X3 10 80 6 do. 14 253 11 do. 12 261 1 do. 18 64 1 do. 13 26 1 do. 21 63 20 8X3 14 660 3 7X8 13 126 2 do. 15 60 2 do. 14 98 3 do. 16 96 1 8 X 6 10 40 8 do. 20 320 1 8JX6 10 42 4 9X3 10 90 1 7X7 10 41 17 do. IS 459 3 do. 13 147 3 do. 14 94 1 8X7110 M 10 do. 18 380 3 8X8 12 llf 120 Battens, 10, 400 855 do, 12, 3,420 425 do., 16, 3,266 Without reserve. THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. AT THE PORT. TO TIMBER MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. EX MARY CLARKE. PALINGS. POSTS. BAILS. TTTICZSTEED.BOTTLNa.TOWlfSEND, T V and CO. are favoured with instructions to sell at the Port, This Day (Wednesday), February 26, at 12 o'clock— 87,400 PALINGS, 6 feet 349 Posts. 2,111 Bails. Kote.— Wednesday, February 25 at 12 o'clock. * THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 26. AT THE P0BT. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. SLATES. SLATES. SLATES. 'fl^CKSTEED,BOTTrN'Gr,TO'WlfSENI-, V V and CO. have received instructions to sell, at the Pert, This Day (Wednesday), February 25, at 12 o'clock — ' :?...' 11,000 Duchess Blue Bangor SLATES, 21 X 13 8,400 Viscountess do. do., 18X10 16^20 Red Viscountess do. do, 18X10 14,400 Blue Fat Ladies' do. do., 18 X 10 ? ' 4c, &c, 4c. ? THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 26. ' AT THE PORT ON BOARD THE MARY CLARKE. TO GROCERS, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHEBS. WITHOUT BESEBVE. 'Tl\nCKSTEED,BOTTmGr,TOWNSEND, n and CO. are instructed to sell, at the Port, on Iwaid the Mary Clarke, This Day (Wednesday), Feb. 25, at 12 o'clock— : 40 Cases JAKS. weighing 2,251 lbs. 8 hhds. Raspberry Vinegar, 440 gallons. : .-. . ~ TO-MORROW (Thursday), February 26. I'., TO BOOKSELLERS AND OTHERS. BOOKS. BOOKS. BOOKS. S]l J',1-,'WICKSTEED30TnN&,TOWNSEND, ? ' ' (iJ « if^ °°- hwe »eceiw4 instructions to sell, a ... ,the Marti To-morrow (Thursday), February 26, at 11 ? 1 i 6 Cases BOOKS, containing— ,.''\., .v Disraeli's Works i ?« i.ii.1. ? Bashful Irishman . .- ? -, ,--i ,,. , .. ,? *« Modern Flirtations i,,-.~, ... Lever's Works . ^ Yankee Cram, Lamplighter . ? \r,- 4 i-.Jjfiwjrflrtlnw'M PoemS -.. -GU' ' «T«va » .Christopher Tadpole *** Cooper's Novel* . -: t. ,?; . Washington living's Works Parlour Library, 300 vols. Bundle of Crowquills, &v *&» Ac.

attohohs. ? '~ '~ On FRIDAY, February 27. BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. IS BE BARTON, INSOLVENT. ON THE PREMISE*, AT MIDDLETON, XEAB - THE G00LWA. T1HE GOVERNMENT AUCTIONEER L has reserved instructions to sell, on the Premises if the Insolvent, Middleton, near the Goolwa, on Friday, February 27, at 12 o'clock— All his STOCK of GROCERY, EARTHENWARE and IRONMONGERY Scales and Weights Paling, Quartering Posts and Kails Household Furniture, ftc. jllso, ' ' ? ? 2 Mares, and 1 Foal Poultry 4c_ Ac; fte. LEONARD W. THRUPP, Official Assignee. FREDERIC WICKSTEED, Government Auctioneer. On FRIDAY, Febmary 27. NEW GO0D3. NEW GOODS. EX CONSTANCE. 15 PACKAGES DBAPERY AND CLOTHING. TTTIOKSTEED.BOTTINGr.TOWNSEin), YV and CO. have received instructions to sell, it their Mart, on Friday. February 27, at 11 o'clock— 15 PACKAGES DRAPERY White Mole Trousers . Drab and Cord Trousers Regatta Shirts Tweed and Doe Trousers Scotch Twill Shirts Grey and White Calico Grey Sheetings Forfars, Hessians Braces and Belts. Note— 11 o'clock, Friday. On MONDAY, March 2. UNDER THE PAWNBROKERS ACT. TO WATCHMAKERS. BAZAARKEEPERS, DEALERS, AND OTHERS. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. TmCKSTEED.BOTTINGr.TOWSEND, II and CO. have received instructions from Mr.' Wm. Schulitz, Pawnbroker, to sell, at their Mart, on Monday, March 2, at 11 o'clock— The following UNREDEEMED PLEDGES :-Date of Pledging. Description of Article. 1855. Dec. 26. Watch 1856. Jan. 12. 2 Rings 17. 6 Silver Spoons 21. Gold Watch 25. Watch and Guard Feb. 1. 2 Rings 7. 2 pair Earrings 11. Coat 13. Coat 14. Watch 22. Silver Lever Watsh, 2 Rings 23. Watch and Guard Mar. 1. Watch 3. A Satin Dress-Piece, Crape Shawl, and pair Earrings 3. 2 Wedding Rings, set of Studs 7. Watch 12. 21 articles of Stiver Plate 14. Watch, Gold Watch, Coral Necklace 15. Musical Box 19. Ring 24. Bing April 1. 12 Silver Forks, 12 do. Spoons, 1 do. Ladle, 1 do. Gravy, 1 Dessert, 1 Sugar, 1 Tonga 3. 3 Sings 4. Ring and Silk Mantle 8. 2 yards Cloth 10. SUk Dress, Cloth Jacket 11. Ring 17. Coat 19. 3 Silver Spoons, and 3 do. Forks 2L. Gold Watch and Guard 30. 1 pair Blankets and 3 Pictures May 3. Gold Lever Watch 7. Watch and Guard 16. 2 Trousers Lengths 17. 3 Books and Dressing-Case 19. Musical Box 20. Gold Watch and Albert 23. Watch, Guard, and Ring 27. Watch 30. Watch and Wedding Ring Jane 3. Silver Lever Watch, Ring 5. Silver Knife, Fork, Spoon, and Gold Ring 7. 1 Gold Bracelet, 2 Silver Spoons, and 2 Scent Boxes, Watch ' 9. Watch 10. Brooch, set of Studs 18. Pair Boots, Gold Watch, and pair Eartops 27. 2 pieces of Cloth, 2 Lockets, 1 Hairguard, 2 Rings, and Silver Spoons 28. Coral Necklace,, Gold Repeater Watch 30. 2 Rings, Accordeon, 4 Trousers Lengths July 2. Pair Boots, 6 Silver Teaspoons 4. Silver Tablespoon 5. Watch 8. 2 Trousers Lengths 17. 5 Books ? . . 18. Watch . 19. Clock and pair Boots, Gold Guard 21. Gun and Case, Coat 26. Gold Lever Watch and Chain, 20 yards of Plaid 28. Cornopean, 12 yards of Cloth, 12 yards Doeskin 29. Writing-Desk, Watch Aug. 6. 2 Watches and Guard, Gold Guard, Gold Watch, Shirt Buttons 6. Gold Pin 7. Gold Watch and Guard 8. 7 Bracelets, 1 Brooch, and 5 Kings 9. Watch, Seal, and Key 13. Watch, Ring, Ring, Ring 13. Watch, 3 Silver Teaspoons, Caddy-spoon, and 3 Brooches, 2 Rings 15. Musical-box, a Chronometer 20. Watch and Guard 21. Dressing-case 23. 4 Books 27. Silver Lever Watch 28. Work-box 29. Gold Nugget, Watch, Watch, Guard, Locket 6 Silver Teaspoons, and £ Bracelets 30. Gold Ring, Gun Sept. 3. 1 Silver Snuffbox, 1 pair Gold Spectacles 9. 6 Silver Spoons, and 4 do. Forks 15. Book, Watch 37. Watch 19. Watch Coat, and Quadrant 22. Silver Lever Watch and Guard, Brooch, Fishing Rods 26. Ring Oct. 4. Flutina 6. Silver Lever Watch 10. Watch 14. Gun 15. Gold Watch 24. Watch 25. 4 Books 27. Silver Lever Watch 23. Ring ? Nov. 1. Gold Watch and Guard 6. Watch 7. Watch and Guard, 2 pieces of Silesia 13. Gold-King- and Pin ? ...-.-Sept. 27. 4 Silver Tablespoons 29. Watch Oct. 13. Silver Lever Watch . . 14. 1 dozen Forks, 1 Ladle, 1 FUh-slice, 6 Tea spoons, 6 Dessert do., 1 Gravy do., 8 Nut crackers 17. 2 Watches, 1 Snuffbox Nov. 1. Silver Watch and Gold Ring 15. 2 Rings. The whole of the above is for ABSOLUTE SALE, in terms of the Act of Council, Note— 11 o'clock, Monday, March 2. PBELIMINABY NOTICE. IMPORTANT SALE. AT, THE STORES, HINDLEY^TREET. TO DRAPERS, SLOPSELLERS, IRONMONGERS, GROCERS, DEALERS, AND OTHERS. TXnCKSTEED.BOTTINGr.TOWNSEND, IT and CO., have received instructions from B. Nathan, Esq., to sell, on his premises as above, on a day to be named — All his Valuable Stock or MERCHANDISE, con sisting of— Invoices of Drapery Do. Slops Do. Ironmongery Do. Cutlery Teas, . . 4c, &-?,, 4c. Full particulars will be published shortly. TBELIMINABr NOTICE. : ON THE PREMISES OF MR. GIBBS, CABINET MAKER, RUNDLE-STREET. TTTlCKSTEED.BOTTm&.TqWNSEin), tv and CO. have received instructions from Mr. Gibbs to sell, on the Premises as above, on a day to be named All his STOCK-IN-TRADE. Further particulars shortly. On FRIDAY, March 6, 1857. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES. TXTICKSTEED.BOTTING.TOWNSEND, v v and CO. are instructed by the Trustees of the Savings'-Bank, to sell by auction, at their Mart, on Friday, March 6, 1857, at 12 o'clock— ALL that Valuable SECTION or LAND, being num bered 74 in the Hundred of i W1LLUNGA. - This excellent Farm contains 77 acres of good Land, on which is erected an excellent HOUSE of Six Rooms, DAIRY, Stockyard, &c. There is also an ORCHARD of seven acres, well stocked. This Property is within a mile of the HORSESHOE, and is known as Mr. Giles's. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, or to Messrs. W. & H. B. James, solicitors, Exchange chambers. ' On FRIDAY, March 6. HOTEL, &c., GLENELG. WICKSTEED, BOTTING, TOWNSEND, and CO. are instructed by Mr. Nelson (who is entering on another line of business) to offer for positive sale, at their Mart, on Friday, March 6, at 12 o'clock— The whole of that valuable Freehold and Leasehold Property, now occupied by Mr. Nelson at GLENELG, and known as the BERKSHIRE HOTEL, and adjacent Buildings. The Land comprises in all a frontage of 110 feet to the ADELAIDE ROAD, by 105 feet in depth. On the Land is erected the above HOTEL; Also, a Store and Cottage (let at £2 week for seven years), a HOUSE (Five Booms), extensive STABLING, COACH HOUSES, SKITTLE ALLEY, DAIRY, &c &c. Full particulars may be learned on application to the Auctioneers; or to Mr. Nelson, on the premises. N.B.— The attention of Capitalists in search of a really good. Investment is directed to this Property, as it is for ABSOLUTE SALE.

AUCTIONS. On THURSDAY, April 3. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. -BUN FOB SALE. SEVENTY SQUARE MILES. 1,100 HEAD OF CATTLE. IN SOUTH-EASTERif DISTBICr. TTTICKSTEED.BOTTING.TOWNSENI), V V and CO. have received instructions to submit 0 public competition, for positive Sale, on Thursday, Ipril 3, at 13 o'clock, at the Mart— An Extensive RUN of SEVENTY SQUARE MILE8 Stocked as above. . As this Property is sold for the purpose of winding-up 1 partnership, the Stock and Bun will bo absolutely dis KMed of and further particulars will be published about he middle of this month, when the Proprietors are ex acted to be in Adelaide. ABSTRACT OF SALES BY E SOLOMON & CO., AT THE CITY ? AUCTION MART; Co-morrow fThursday), February 28, at the City Mart, at li o'clock — English Cheese Figs, in boxes and cases Corks Bell's Matches . German do. ? - ? ' Without reserve. Saturday next, February 23, at the City Auction Mart, at 11 o'clock-Large Miscellaneous Sale. ? No reserve. ? THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. EXSALACIA. . TO GROCEBS, CONFECTIONERS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day [Wednesday), February 25, at 11 o'clock — 32 Barrels CURRANTS (new Fruit) 12 cwt. Candied Orange, Lemon, and Citron Peel 200 boxes Belmont Sperm Candles, No. 1 120 coses Colman's Starch, each 56 lbs., No. 1 80 do; do. Blue, do. 23 do., do. 25 pockets new Kent Hops 10 hogsheads W.I. Bam, 12 o.p. 10 do. United Vineyard Co.'s Brandy 10 quarter-casks do. do. do. do. 200 cases ? do. do. do. do. ? THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. EX MOIBA. NEW FEUITS. NEW FBUIT3. TO GROCERS, CONFECTIONERS, STORE KEEPERS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to sell, ? at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Wednes day), February 25, at 11 o'clock— RAISINS Currants Figs. ? ALSO, Oatmeal ? Cork Butter. ? ; ? THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 26. EX STAG. OLD TOM. BRANDY. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day [Wednesday), February 25, at 11 o'clock— 45 Qr.-casks OLD TOM ? 45 do. Pale and Brown ?RrsndT. THIS DAY (Wednesday;, ieuiuurj mt. ISINGLASS. CASTOR OIL. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City. Auction Mart, This Day Wednesday), February 21, at 11 o'clock— 126. 1 Case Fine Cut ISINGLASS 127-36 10 cases, each 10 doz., t-pint Castor Oil ? 137-12. 6 do., do. 8 do., j-pint do. THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. 33 CASES BATTY'S OILMEN'S STORES. TO GROCERS, COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day [Wednesday), February 25, at 11 o'clock— 3 Cases, each 4 doz., Hatty's JAMS and JELLIES 12 do., do. 4 do:, do. Orange Marmalade 4 do., do. 3 do., do. Bottled Fruit 10 do, do. 3 do, do. Crown Table Vinegar 3 do., do. 4 do., do. French Olives. ? THIS DAY (Wednesday), February 25. FOUR BOXES EGGS. TO GROCERS, COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, SHIPPEES, AND OTHERS; .., E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City Auction Mart, This Day (Wednesday), February 25. at 11 o'clock— ? 4Boxes, 150 dozen, EGGS. ? ? On FBIDAY. February 27. VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PREMISES. IN THB BEST PART OF HINDLEY-STBEET. THREE AND A HALF YEARS UNEXPIRED. NOW IN THE OCCUPATION OF MR. LAZAR, SILVERSMITH, &o. E SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at the City -Auction Mart, on Friday next: February 27, at 12 o'clock sharp — The UNEXPIRED TERM of those Valuable BUSI NESS PREMISES in Hindley-street, now occupied by Mr.J.Lazaras a Silversmith, 4c., having nearly three and a half years to run, at a rental of only £3 10s. per week. . . , The double frontage is 27 feet wide, with a Back Store and Private Entrance in Peacock's-bnUdings. A Parlour, Kitchen, and Yard, Drawing Room 18 X 16, and Bedrooms ; the whole in thorough repair. Tenant's Fixtures given in. The Premises are admirably adapted for a Grocer, or any Business requiring room. Possession given early in March. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers. 1 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. ~~ ~ On WEDNESDAY, March 3. . POSITIVE UNRESERVED SALE. AT THE STORES OF MESSRS. B. AMSBERG & CO., GILLES-ARCADE. DRAPERY. CLOTHING. . . FRENCH GOODS. CHINESE DO. .... BOOTS AND SHOES.. , TO DRAPERS, CLOTHIERS, OUTFITTERS, COUN TRY 8TQBEKtEPERS, , BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS,- AND OTHEBS. : Tj* SOLOMON & CO. have been honoured [2i* with instructions from Messrs. B. Amsberg and Co. to sell, at their Stores, Gilies-arcade, on Wednesday, March 3, at 11 o'clock— ? ? The whole of their Unpacked Goods, consisting of— DRAPERIES Clothing China Goods French do. Boots and Shoes ' ftc., 4c., 4o. The Auctioneers are instructed to state that the above Sale will be positively without reserve. Catalogues will be issued, and may be. bad at the City Auction Mart, or at the Stores of Messrs. B. Amsberg ft. Co., on the day previous to the sale. Foil particulars in a few days. ? TO-MORROW (Thursday), February 26. AT THE CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, AT THE REAR OF THE AUCTION MART. ?'?., BR1TSKA. ? DOG-CAETS. GIGS. . . ... TO LIVERY STABLE-KEEPERS, PRIVATE FAMI : . LIES, AND GENTLEMEN REQUIRING A FIRST-RATE TURN-OUT, -B SOLOMON & CO. are instructed to sell, ? at the Carriage Repository, at the rear of the City Auction Mart, To-morrow (Thursday), February 26, at 11 o'clock— 1BRITSKA, with Colling*s patent axles 1 Dog-Cart- ? ? IDo. do., with iron bars to form a tent 2 Dennett Gigs, patent axles 2 Gigs 2Do. ' 2 Dennett Gigs IDo. .?:-... . ?- .-?? - ' 'On FRIDAY; March 6. ' / -'? TOBUTCHEBS. ; _ FAT CALVES, STEERS, AND HEIFERS. P-HAHLES JENKtNS has received in Kj structions from MesGrs. Rasdell, of Gumeracha, to sell by auction, on Friday, March 6, at 10 o'clock pre cisely, at the Black Swan Yards, North-terrace— 20 .to 30 CALVES, Fat 20 Steers and Heifers, do. 1 young Devon Bull. N.B.— The attention of the trade is particularly called to the above lot, which will be found of a first-rate quality. Remember 1 10 o'clock, Friday, March 6. 50*6Sv On WEDNESDAY, March 18. .60 HEAD OF HORSE STOCK, With good bone and breeding. piKARLES JENKINS has received in \J : structions from Edward Stirling, Esq., to sell by auction, at the Black Swan Yards, North-terrace, on Wednesday, March 18, at half-past 10 for 11 o'clock precisely— 60 Head of HORSE. STOCK, consisting of— Mores, broken and unbroken Mares, with Foals at foot, do. Colts Fillies Yearlings., - Stock Horres. Parties requiring goodStock will do well to be in time on the day or Sale. - - . March. 18.. - ' ;60a76-'7v -~~' ,:-.. SALISBURY' MARKED : ! /ShAELES JENKINS' bega to inform the' \J Public «f Salisbury and its neighbourhood that he dees not intend holding MONTHLY SALES in that Township from this date, 60w|6v59 ,

APCTI0H8. ? E MITCHELL begs to inform the mer ? canUla community that the PARTNERSHIP between Mr. POWELL and himself has been DIS SOLVED, and that the BUSINESS of AUCTIONEERS and COMMISSION AGENTS will be CARRIED ON as heretofore by himself, under the Firm of E. MITCHELL andCO. ' , 52-»vj ' TO-M0BEOW (Thursday), February 26. ' AT 11 O'CLOCK. WINES. WINES. WINES. E MITCHELL & CO. will offer for sale, ? To-morrow (Thursday), Febmary 26, at 11 o'clock— 16 Baskets CHAMPAGNE, each 1 dozen,laflrst rate order. ' * ?' ? ': ' '? ??'? ? ??? ? iiso, 60 cases Sherry 60 do. Port. ? TO-MOBBOW (Thursday), February 26. AT 11 O'CLOCK. PORTER. PORTER. PORTER. TO BREWERS, PUBLICANS, WINE MEBCHANTS, AND OTHERS. E MITCHELL & CO. have instructions ? to sell, To-morrow (Thursday), February 28, at 11 o'clock— 70 Hhds. Hoare's Brown STOUT, ; In good condition. ' ALSO. . 3 hhds. Sheffield Ale, TO-4IO ABO W (Thursday), February 2*. -AT 11 O'CLOCK. BOTTLED PORTER. BOTTLED ALES. TO PUBLICAN5..WINE MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. E MITCHELL & CO. are instructed to ? sell, at their Mart, To-morrow (Thursday), Feb ruary 26, at 11 o'clock— 250 Casks BYASS'S PORTER, each 4 doz. 60 do. do. Ale, do. 30 do. do. Porter, pints 30 do. do. Ale, do. 100 do. Marzetti's Porter, each 4 doz. ? 30 do. do. Ale, do. ALSO, Ex George Canning— 400 casks Evans's Porter , SO do. do. Ale 25 do. Truman's Porter, And various other brands. -On WEDNESDAY, March 4, at noon. HORSES. HORSES. HOBSES. GREAT AND UNRESERVED SALE. B0YAL ADMIRAL HORSE BAZAAB, HINDLEY STREET. 'TITR. E. J. PEAKE has received instruc -1X1. tions to sell by public auction, as above— ? About 40 very superior COLTS and BROODMARES. N.B.— Mr. Peake invites the attention of Farmers and Teamsters to the above Sale of valuable Stock. The busy season approaches, and tho present will be found a chance for purchasers. EDWARD JOHN PEAKE, ' Land Agent and Auctioneer, 56a'8-63 Hindley-street, Adelaide. On FRIDAY, February 27, at 12 o'clock. MILCH COWS. MILCH COWS. IN THE YARD OF THE BUILDERS' ARMS, WEYMOUTH-STREET. T' UKE MTJEPHY is instructed by the I J proprietor, who is leaving for Melbourne, to sell, in the yard of the Builders'. Arms, at 12 o'clock on Friday next— 8 Snrerior MILCH COWS, in good condition and quiet. The Cows will be in the yard for the convenience of purchasers. They are to be sold under peculiar circumstances. At 1 o'clock, opposite the Cumberland Hotel, Wey mouth-street — . . . . A lotof HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS. 56J8 On THURSDAY, February 26. ON THE PREMISES LATELY OCCUPIED BY MB. JAMES GROSSE, NORTH-PARADE, PORT. r^HAJRLES CALTON has been instructed Vy by Mr. James Grosse, to sell by auction, on Thursday, February 26, at 11 precisely— A large quantity of useful MERCHANDISE, consisting of— Butter, Tea, Herrings Pickles, Sauces, Soap Nails, Hinges, Fenders, ; Saucepans Brooms, Brushes, Pictures Cottons, Work-boxfs A quantity of useful Crockery Wine Glasses, Tumblers Looking Glasses, Clocks, Sc. The whole will be sold without the least reserve, as the premises are let, and possession must be given this week. . Lunch will be provided. 55*7 On MONDAY, March 2. /TLEORGrE WARREN is instructed by VX Mr. John Auld to sell by auction, at Floraville, near Gawler'Town, on Monday, March 2, at 12 o'clock — HiB FARMING STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FUR NITURE, &c consiBting of 3 Draught Horses 1 Gig More (Lady) 1 Phaeton and Harness 1 Horse-Dray and Harness Plough, Harrows, ftc. 5 Cows and Calves Sow and Pigs Wheat and Barley, in bags. FURNITURE/ Very superior-Piano Dining Table and Linen 8 Mahogany Chairs Mahogany Sofa 1 Sideboard, richly carved 1 Eight-day Clock Easy and Invalid phair ? Elegant Mahogany Wardrobe ' Bedstead, Mattress, and Furniture Bed, Blankets, Sheets, ftc 1 doz. each Table, Dessert, and Tea Spoons Knives, Forks, &c. Spirit-stcnd, Cruet-stand, &c. Toilet Table, Mirrors, ftc. Kitchen Utensils, ftc. also, . ? Wheat and Barley, in bag-, ' ? ftc, 4c, ftc. ? ??- . » Approved bills taken for sums over £20. : ' * ' The sale to commence at 12 o'clock precisely. 62*61v. LAND AND HOUSES. &-E O R G E Gr REE N LAND AGENT ? - and '? ?' '?' ? ' ? ' ? ? i LAND AUCTIONEER-LANDED PROPERTIES : — VALUED. :...-.?.?;?;?? LANDED PROPERTIES ' SURVEYED. ; ' PLANS furnished and TOWNSHIPS laid out, Plans of Townships, Hundreds. 4c, ftc, throughout the COLONY always open for inspection. ' HOUSES, STORES, LANDS, SECTIONS, &c, - LET or LEASE D. -EXCHANGE ? V .'???? TiAND MART, And Land Offices, King William-street. ofoHorf&t1 ''- f mnaou«H«, mrswrtS \ GENERAL . COM- I WM. GREEN, «™£^*l 'MISSION J QUMff-SlMM BIBMI. J. OFFICES. (. nnvwmsnwTTNTT ') Purchased in accordance with the eprrmKra ^instructions of parties absent from bhOUOHS J Adelaide. GOVERNMENT 1 Purchased and let on Lease with SECTIONS {right of purchase. . h/wwwwMTwr *) Purchased, and any proportion of the T^ftl^Vnwa J-purchase-money advanced for leng . .SECTIONS J for ghort periods. / . SPECIAL NOTICE. MR. GREEN'S ADVERTISEMENTS appear the '.REGISTER' Newspaper on MONDAYS ?' THURSDAYS, and in the lfOBSERVER' of Saturday1 lqv -. GEORGE GREEN.Land Agent APUNDA.— For SALE, SECTION 62,. . 122 acres, good arable land, well timbered, six miles from the Township of Kopunda, on the Bum Burra-road, Allen's Creek. , . ! 66cv HENRY IDE, Surveyor, Start, TVTORTH ADELAIDE.— LET, Two JLv Five-roomed COTTAGES, very convenient, and well finished, in one of the pleasantest situations in North Adelaide. Apply to H. W. Peryman, jun., builder, Lefevre-terraoe. ' 68-69v66 t YANKALILLA.— To be LET, the SALT CREEK STORE.— Apply to R. Bowyer, Crown and Sceptre, Gilbert-street, Adelaide. ? xv EOE. SALE, the LEASE, eight years unex pired, of the well-known Public-House, the NEW WHEATSHEAF.Main North-road, PEACHEY BELT, near Gawler River, doing a splendid trade. There is, in connection with the House, 107 acres Land (part fal lowed, with four acres Lucerne), all substantially fenced and subdivided with ona rail and No. 1 wire ; together with commodious Stabling and Stockyards, splendid Water, &c~ The oboveis genuine, and solely parted with on account or ill-health in the family. For further par ticulars apply to Messrs. Ripley Webb ft Co., wine mer chants; Messrs. White & Phillips, brewers ; or Mr. William Morgan, grocer.Hindley-street. 45v8rev T?0R SALE, at KOOELNGA, the Re JJ mainder of the LEASE of the one-acre Township ALLOTMENT No. 61, ground rent paid up. The Lease expires in 1867. The Property consists of a Bakery, (V -'- used' as three separate tenements), and wooden Wuui ? Stockyard, and Office; there is a Well on the premises. For further particulars apply to Dr. Mayne Kooringa. ? ? ? 17c 'TTCTATERVALE.— To be LET, or for ; V V SALE, the PREMISES known as J. VICTOR SEN'S STORE, Watervale, with or without the STOCK on -hand. Terms liberal. Apply to J. Victorsen, Miners' Stores, Clare. ™* TVTORTH ARM, SECTION Gr.— ALLOT-II MENTS of LAND FOR SALE, consisting of WHARF FRONTAGES on Hindmarsh Reach. Also, BUILDING ALLOTMENTS. Apply to T. B. Strsng. (ways,' at Green's Exchange. ? 145cv TO be SOLD, in the pleasant VMage of UNLEY, a Two-roomed Brick COTTAGE, with a Garden well stocked with Vines and Fruit-trees and a Well cf excellent water. Accommodation may be had for part of the purchase-money. For particulars, en ? quire at the Post-Office, Unley. ? 6c_ O be SOLD or LET, the HOUSE and PREMISES at LYNDOCH VALLEY known as the' OLD COLONIST INN, with an Acre of Fruit Garden, *c, &c Terms moderate. Apply to Mr. HlpwelL Lyndoch Valley j orB.Davey SUller.Sheaoak Log. . *S'66T

LAHP A1TD HOUSES. TO GRAZIERS, FARMERS, and Others.— To be LET, a BLOCK of 433 Acres or LAND, together with a substantial 8T0NE COTTAGE of Four Booms, Stockyards, Stackyards, 4c, situated on the North Para River, within two miles of WUlaoton and Gawler Town. The Land is nearly all Fenced in, and Subdivided into suitable Paddocks, tha River running through the centre of the Property, which is in ore Block. For particulars, apply to GEORGE WARREN, Land Agent, 28wcv Gawler Town. Q be SOLD or LET, DELAMBRE, late the Residence of Mr. Hartley, near Miteham. Apply to Bartley, Bakewell, ft Stow. 28ac T' 0 bo LET, PULLARTON FARM^ fcApply to , .?????? r -' - ' ' - JAMES FREW. See OS*«rr«r of this week. 33wsc O be LET, a GENERAL STORE in a central situation hi town, doing a first-rate busi ness. Stock, about £260, to be taken at a fair valuation, Terms— £100 cash, the remainder on good bills at three and six months. Apply by letter to 0. L., Branch Office of this paper, ? 38c mO be LET, a respectable RESIDENCE, JL at EAST MITCHAM. For particulars, apply to Mr. John Carruthers, wine and[spirit merchant, Bundle* street. ? 61o. T' O be LET, at WOODVILLifl, the Seven roomed HOUSE near the Church, at present oc cupied by Mr. S. L. Phillips. Rf nt moderate. Apply to Fowler and Baldwin, Woodville. ? 49o O be LET, at UNLEY, ft Large HOUSE, with GARDEN and a goorf We1' of Water. Three or nine Acres of LAND, if req iw '??' Apply to Wm. Martin, Terminus Hotel, North-te ra -a. 56«59_ TO be LET, on Lease or otherwise, with or without right of purchase, that desirable PRO* PERTY known as the GRACE DARLING HOTEL, situate at BRIGHTON, suitable for a Private Residence, Boarding-House, or Hotel, with 12 or 21 Acres of Land. Rent low to a suitable tenant. Apply to 65o P. COBBETT 4 CO., King William-street. 0 be LET, the IRON STORE in GAWLER-PLACE,lateljoccupicdby the late W. C. Donie as a Wine and Spirit Store. The Business and Fixtures may be taken by the incoming Tenant For particulars, apply to Mr. Joseph Darwent, Gilbert place;' or to Francis Clark ft Sons, BIyth-strect. [310cv SMPLOYMENT WANTED. W 'ANTED by a respectable Married Woman, a SITUATION to wait on a Family going to England. Her passage will remunerate her lor her services. Address S. M^ Post-Office, North Adelaide. ? 66'8 TTTANTED by a Young Man, a SITUA TT TION to go up the Country, He is well acquainted with the Veterinary profession. Address A. J., Branch Office of this paper. ? x_ W 'ANTED, by a respectable .Person, a SITUATION as LADY'S MAID, or to take charge of children to a family going to England. Ad dress L. M., Post-Office, Alberton. ? ? 61c TO FAMILIES GOING to MEL~. BOURNE.— A respectable young Female wishes an ENGAGEMENT to attend upon a Lady and Family to Melbourne, and for such period as may be agreed on for her passage. Address A. B, Post-Office, Norwood. ? 6i**6 EMALE REFUGE, NORWOOD.— WASHING and PLAIN NEEDLEWORK taken in at the above Institution at moderate prices. February 31, 1857. 64wb'9 PERSONS I WANTED, ~~ pi ITT AND PORT RAILWAY.— \J NOTICE.— The Board of Undertakers for this Railway are willing to receive APPLICATIONS from persons suitable to fiU the OFFICE or TICKET CLERK at the Port Station, at a salary of £160 per annum, up to 12 o'clock on Tuesday next, tho 24th inst. A person acquainted with Railway Accounts will be preferred. ? By order of the Board, JOHN CHERRY, Secretary and Traffic Manager. Adelaide Station, February 20, 1867. 636 WANTED, a good WHEELWRIGHT. Constant employment and liberal wages. Apply to Mr. Ward, Gawler Town or Sheaoak Log. 66o WANTED, a good Practical BREWER, for tho country, Apply to Mr. John Holmes, Currie-street. - ' . 65J7 ? TO JOURNEYMEN BAKERS.— WANTED, a BREAD and BISCUIT BAKEB. Apply to T. Shephard, Walkerville. ? ?; 65J7 MILLER WANTED for the Country, to whom Four Guineas per week will be paid. Overtime at the samo rate. Apply to J. Darwent, Gil-, bert-place. :. .??..:? .. ? ' . . . ?' 66c O MILLERS.— A STONE*DRESSER and a FLOUR-DRESSER WANTED. Liberal wages. None but first-rate hands need apply, Hind-' marsh Steam Mills and Stores, Currie-street. A good STOKER wanted. ... 56-9v66 'ANTED, a EORTER. Reference re quired.-G.&R. Wills.,- 54-'6 '? W 'ANTED immediately, a respectable ' LAD, who can^ drive Horses. - Apply to J. S. Stacy & Sons, Boot and Shoo Warehouse, Bundle street. .?'':. , ..'.... ' X ?ANTED, a WET NURSE. Apply to Mr. Main, Medical Dispensary, King William street. . ' .. ? x WANTED, a HOUSEMAID, who thoroughly understands the duties of the situation. Apply to Mrs. Hall, Woodside House: near Mitcham ; or to Mr. George Hall, Grenfell-street. [65c 'ANTED, a good HOUSEMAID ; must be either English or Scotch. Apply at the Royal Admiral Hotel, Hmdtey-street. ? 66*6 'ANTED, a HOUSEMAID. Apply to H. D. Mullcr, Wellington Inn, corner or Carrie and Leigh street*. 64c W 'ANTED, a Female SERVANT; one that can Cook and Wash. Apply 09, Hindley street. - ? ?? ? ??,?..-.-. . ? . . ro-7 . WANTED, a FEMALE SERVANT. Apply to Mrs. Gooch, Sjdenham-road, Nor wood. ? . ? ??...? ? .????: x :: 'ANTED/TWO good SERVANTS,' one as HOUSEMAID and the other as NURSE-, MAID. None need apply without good characters.. Apply at Hunt's Labour Office, King William-street.l29c 'ANTED, a COOK and ifURSEMAID. Apply to Mrs. Lawrence, Brougham-place, North Adelaide. : .-? -'. ; '52rf6 W/ ANTJ&D, for the Hurra iJurra Mines, a T V' MINING SMITH. Apply, to' Captain- Roaeh there, or at the Offices or the South Anstralian Mining Association, Adelaide. . - ; 346cv 'ANTED, at the BTJRRA COPPER WORKS, Kooringa— . '.-,.,' Refinery Men ;;?..; ? , _ ' Furnace Men' ? '. ' . . ? - Furnace' Mates ' ' - :' ' -.. .!.:? : . Drivers^for Mule-waggons -' f ;..???;?. Blacksmiths . \ Apply at the above Works, or at the Officeof the Eng lish and 'Australian Copper Company, King William street, Adelaide. '' »-.:«(..:?! November 12. 1866. . . . 317ov .. INSTTBAgCE JjTOTICES. CORNWALL FIRE AND MARINE \J ENSUBANCE COMPANY, LAUNCESTON. Capital, £100,000. Established 1841. . ABRAHAM SCO1T, Agent for South Australia. BUB-AQKjriS- SOB BBCBIPT OV JIKH AHD KABOT :-- ' : ' ' PROPOSALS: ' : John Newman ; Cleland, Page, 4 Co., Port, W. R Lucas, Kapunda. .-S. Drew 4 Co, Kooringa. . Frederick Robert Htint, Hahndorff and Mount Barker District. ? -= Duffield tt Turner, Gawler Town. ? . ? Goods & Allen, Goolwa. William Gray, Port Onkaparingamnd the neighbour hood. ???.-'.'?'???..;. '??X'-.f-' f;:: -.- r . ? EifsnrBHBS— Pappin 4. Jones,:Blyth-street. Annual Fire Policies expire 1st January, 1st April, 1st July. 1st October ? 186acv LIVERPOOL AND LONDOK JjiKUi AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. : Empowered by Acts of Parliament. Subscribed Capital £1,600,000. Accumulated Capital £670,000. Losses Paid in the Colony. No reference home required. Life Department— John Woodforde, Esq., M31.C.S., Medical Referee. Fire Department— William Wier, Esq.. Surveyor. The many various modes of effecting LIFE ASSUR ANCES, so as to make provision for a family, or to ac complish some financial object, with the Bates upon FIBS Bisks, can be obtained npon application to F. J. BECK &.COi Agents. Cnrrie-street. 44aov ALBION LIFE AaSUJttAiNUJBJ UUiit PANY.' Established A.D. 1805. ' ' . BCRDICAt BBTXBBES. ' F. Bayer, Ejo,M.D. | Wm. Gosse, Esq.; M.D. Persons insured in this Office may serve in Militia or Volunteer Corps within this colony without extra charge. -.????? For tables of rates, ic^ apply to 186acv ? ABRAHAM SCOTT. Agent. TVTORTHERH AaSURANCE COMPANY, U\ 1, Moorgate-street, London.— Established 1838. The Policies of this Company are not only guaranteed by a Capital of £1,259,760, but also by tke unlimited personal responsibility ot more than 900 Shareholders. The undersigned, Agents for South Australia, are prepared to effect FIRE and LIFE INSURANCES on liberal terms, and issue Policies in both branches im mediately on acceptance of risks. Insurances on Mills effected at the ordinary rates. All claims are settled in Adelaide, no reference home being required. ELDER, STIRLING, & CO. Adelaide. 1st July. 1856. ? 185cv IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY (instituted 1803), 1, Old Broad-street, and 16, Pall Mall, London. Subscribed and Invested Capital, One Million Six Hundred Thousand Poundi. Insurances on MILLS effected at current rates. Insurances effected on Vessals and Cargoes in Harbour, All Claims are settled in Adelaide on proof of loss. A. J. WRIGHT, Agent. Exehnnge-chambarB, King William-street, Adelaide. Ensrine-honsc — Hindmnrah-soruare. 1S3qv ONARCH FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Adelaide-place, London-bridge, and 28, Regent-street, Waterloo-place London. „ ? „_ ?» CAPXX1X, THBEB HUKDSBD THOU3A2tD POFEDB. (Established 1835.) DntxcroBs : Sir John Musgrove, Bart, and Alderman, Chairman. Francis Witham, Esq., Deputy Chairman. John Addis, Esq. John Humphreys, Esq. C. S. Butler, Esq., M.P. John Laurie, Esq. George B. Can, Esq. Robert Main, Esq. , J. G. Hammack, Esq. Sir Francis G. Moon, Bart. Edward Huesrins, Esq. W. ScholeSeld, Esq., M.P. -Mahagks: GeorpeH.Jay, Esq. Mkdioal Bbkebkb : F. Barer, Esq, MJ). SuBvmroB : Mr. James Macgeorge. JOSEPH STILLING & CO, AgentB, Adelaide. 2Mcv ? ?? ' ?.?'-?: A LLIANCE BRITISH AND FOREIGN JO. FIRE AND LIFE ASSURAN6E COMPANY (Established by Act of Parliament.)' Caksait— Frva MrtiLioirB Ssxhsiho. J ? Office t Bartholomew-lane, London.'-' : -Medical Referee: W Wyati, Esq., 1O.C.B. Losses by fire paid by he Agents in the colony. Prospectuses may be obtained on application to 183*1 FOX, LLOYD & CO.. Agents. Greu&ll-itmt,

CTBUBAirra H0TI0B8. MARINE INSURANCE.— MEL-BOURNE LLOYD'S ASSOCIATION OF UN DERWRITERS.— The undersigned, as Agents for th« abova Association, are prepared to take all descriptions »f MARINE RISKS, with or without particular average. Losses made payable in London if required. FOX, LLOYD, 4 CO, Agcnta. Grenfell-street, Jannary 15. 1857. ? 16ct OB ART TOWN and LAUNCESTON MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. , Established 1836. . t dibi cross: Askin Morriscn, MJj.C. John Walker, MX.C. Edward Goldsmith John Foster Henry Hopkins. ? KAKABBBS ACCOtnTTAJI I ? Thomas MaoDowelL Michael Evans. AQXB7 AX LATmCBSTOff: JohnMunro. isma at KSLBoinura : lam at oratoare Downing, Griffiths, 4 Co. Thomas. Ogilvie. SUBVBTOB AT POST ADBLAIDBZ Cant. H. Simpson. -The nndersigned caring' been appointed Agents for South Australia, are prepared to accept Marine risks and issue Policies. F. J. BECK 4 CO., Agents. 183qv ? Adelaide and Port. ROYAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ^ Coital, Two Millions Sterling. ITRE BRANCH.— The Agents continue to grant Insurances at moderate rates, and are duly empowered to settle claims for losses in the colony. IN THE LIFE DEPARTMENT the Bates of Pre mium are the same as thoso charged by the offico in England, the large amount of bonus (3 per cent. pe. annum) awarded to holders of life policies last yeai forming: an inducement to persons to insure their lives with this Company, equalled by few, if any. of the other English Life Offices. Medical Bb»emb— W. H. Sholl, Esq., M.B.C.S. Ebshtb-Hodsb, at Me33rs. Barlow 4 Son's, Hind marsh-square. For further information apply to ACRAMAN, MAIN, LINDSAY, 4 CO, Agents. February 8. 1856. tmtwhev PtJBLICATi^HS^irSTATIOHE^Y CATHOLIC |B O OK S .— Invoices of the following Books on Sale— Gahan's Catholic Piety, various bindings Church Manual Catholic's Vade Mecum Garden of the Soul Golden Manual - ' Key of Heaven Poor Man's Manual - . ? Douay Bibles ?????' ?' Butler's (Rev. Dr) Catechisms LigOurTs- (SO'Works. ' :: r: ~ :?'?? MICHAEL T. GASON, Catholic Bookseller, 139, Elizabeth-street, Melbourne . , 44a56 OOKS JUST RECEIVED by the under signed— . Geography of the British Empire, 2 vols. Geological Observer McCulloch's British Empire, 2 vols. Museum of Animated Nature Pictorial Sunday Book Family Prayers Churchyard Manual' -Mental and Moral Training Taylor's Memorials of English Martyrs Goss's Rivers of the Bible - . And a large assortment of other first-raU Works. 16q W. H. HILLIER, 10. Hindley-street. Just Published. THE BOOK ALMANAC FOR 1857. SECOND EDITION. . The first Edition of the above Almanac having been disposed of, a SECOND EDITION is now published. The Table of Arrival and Departure of Inland Mails for the present year is corrected up to the latest day; Agents and others requiring copies are requested to give their orders early, in order to avoid disappoint ment. .' , . ' 'DEEVES'S DRAWING-PAPERS Xv Do. do. Pencils Do. do. ? Boards Do. do. Books Do. Water-Celonra, liquid, soft, and in cakes, separate and in doxcs ? Do. Oil-Colours, and every requisitt for Oil Painting. Also, Tracing Papers, Tracing Cloth, 4c, 4c. a73q ' E.S.WIQG, No. 4, Bundle-street. LATE WORKS just iinpacked— Epitome of the War . History of the Turks -The Knout and the Russians . ; Constantinople of To-day ' Russia Self-eondemned -Hero of our Times . ' ; My Life and Acts in Hungary . . . . . Kingsbury's 'Mnnnai ot Artillery and Infantry Practice. , . ? 16q HILLIER'S, 10, Hindley-streeh ASKETS. — A rery large Assortment . Wholesaleand Retail. ; ? ?: . I 43q . i;; PLATTS, 1 and 95, Hindleystreet. ... ?jVTUSIC— A quantity of PIANOFORTE -1XL MUSIC and INSTRUCTION BOOKS, for various Instruments, constantly on Sale at 246q HILLIEU'S. 10, Hindley-street. -DRED, by Mrs. Stow. Price, 3s. 6d. Dred^ by Mrs* Stow. Price,*. 6d.; 45q : E. S. WIGG, Bundle-street. ILLS OF THE SHATEMUC, by the author of Wide Wide WorW,at 2s.6i,4s.6d, and 88. ?,..; :.::??: i :. : 45q ? E. S. WIGG, Bundle-street. 'RAPPING PAPERS, Wholesale and Retail. , ' ; ^338q ' PLATTS. BLRT1IDAT PRESENTS and PRIZES for SCHOOLS, in great variety, just unpacked at 16q HILLIER'S, 10, Hindley-Btreet. PAPIER , MACHE GOODS.— Just unpacked and on sale, a most elegant assortment of Papier Maohe Goods,; consisting of. Workboxes, Writing Desks, .Tea-caddies, Inkstands, Card-boxes, Blotter*, Music Folios, Ladies! Cabinets, Trays, Knitting boxes, 4c., 4a, at - - _-_^- ?-??.? '- »? 280c . HILLIER'S. 10, Hindlcy-streel PL ATTS'S ALMANAC for 1857 is just ' published, price Sixpence. ? - 346q ETTS'S DIARIES, 18 5 7. 346q v . '.;:';'. ' PLATTS. TVTEW MAP of VICTORIA, Bhowing the JL^I Murray River, part of South Australia and New SoutL Wales. Price 9s. -, 273q . - . E.S.WIGG. No.4.Rundle-gtreet SINGLE NUMBERS ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, One Shilling. 303q PLATTS. /^HAMBERS'S JOURNAL, Volume 5. \J Volumes of the last Series may be had at a reduced price. 301 ? I ? PLATTS. HOUSEHOLD WORDS, Volume 13. Complete* SetTttay be had. 30q ? -_ ? PLATTS. DEEDS OF GENIUS. . By Mary Jane Piercy. London, Ward 4 Lock ; Adelaide, '30q ? -? ? . ? PLATTS. 'TTALENTINES.— A large Assortment. T ? PLATTS. n e^ Ix ' 48q ., ? PLATTS. HILLS OF THE SHATEMUC 48q ' - PLATTS. TLLUSTRATED NEWS, .free by post, _L Single' Numbers, One Shilling each. ? 806q .-'??'??:'; ' -f^XJ .' ' : ? : ' 'PLATTS. ITTLE;!3-OiRRIT, Nos. 1 to 11, .-!««?.' ? ':??. ?'.:;??:?'. - '?? ??'; ? '?/ 'PLATTS.. A COMPLETE SET. of: PUNjJM, 29 J3L' Volumes, uniform Binding, for Sale. -225q : . PLATT8; 1 and 96, Hindley-street. T ITTLE DORRIT, by CHAS..DICKENS. JLJ Nos. 1 to 11 just received. Subscribers and others can have them on application to .: : . . W. H. HILLIER, Stationer, ftc, 336q, ... 10, Hindley-street. IVTEW and POPULAR MUSIC. -i- V 324q ? PLATTS. V'OLUME 28, ILLUSTRATED LONDON 'NEWS, handsomely bound, embossed covers, gilt. 384q PLATTS. 00KKEEP1NG. -^ New and Practical Works on this subject Just received. ?' ' 339q . PLATTa MORRELL'S REGISTRATION INK, just received direot from Fleet-street, -and on Sale at ? , : 183q ? HILLIER'S. 10, Htndley-street. BINNErS SERMONS.— Forty-four Ser mons delivered in Exeter Hall, by the Rev. T Binney, Brock, AveUng, Hamilton, 4c 308q . .-?. PLATTS. ONE SHILLING per Number, 'the . 'ILLUSTRATED LONDON. NEW&.' Large quantities received by every mail . 3080. ? PLATTS. This Day is Published, price 3s. 6d, -' DISCOURSES on the SECOND APPEARING of CHRIST, and on the Changes Predicted by the Inspired Writers in connection with that glorious event. By Thomas Putvoks, Bentham street Chapel, Adelaide. ' 2A8q PLATTS. Adelaide. BOOK ALMANAC FOR 1867. ~' Just Published, at the BegUter and Obterver Offices, and sold by all Booksellers and Agents in the Colony, price One Shilling and Sixpence, THE ROYAL SOUTH AUSTRALIAN - - - ALMANAC FOR 1857. COKTKBTS. - . PRINCIPAL ARTICLES of the Calendar, Fixed and Moveable Festivals, Eclipses, 4c. SIGNALS used at the Flaestaff, West-terrace. DAILY CALENDAR, with Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon, Moon's Changes, Table for the Re gulation or Dial Time, Bem» rkable Days, interleaved with blank paper for memoranda. FARMERS' and Gardeners' Calendar. SOUTH AUSTRALIA-Political Constitution, Popula tion, Wheat and Flour Exports, Exports of Native Produce, Revenue and Expenditure of the Colony Land Sales, Emigration Balances, Murray Trade Shippine Statistics, Progress of Discovery ' THEt GOVERNMENT-Civil Establishments, with Names and Salaries of Government Officers JUSTICES of the Peace for the Province. Mercantile EMiK^SKtS6^10119 PORT ADELAIDE-Customs Tariff, Tonnage Dues, Kules and Regulations at the WharvesTwharfage Dues, Harbour Dacs, Light Dues, Rates of Pilotage, Storage of Gunpowder, &. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. DISTRICT COUNCILS, with Names of Chairmen and Councillors, Times and Places of Moeting.'Pound*, t tJ;0™'31'^13. and Poundage Fees, 4c. LICENCES for Public Conveyances, Water-carts Timber, Crown Lands, &c. ADELAIDE Cattle Market. REGISTRY OFFICES, and Kegiitration of Births, ? Deaths, and Marriages. Chamber of Commerce, Law Courts. Hoyal Family. Railways and Telegraphs. -Banks acd Newspapers. . i Agricultural Returns for 1856. ??.-?'? Memoranda for 1956. ?. - ? - ' ? : - '?'? Ploughing Matches for 1856. . Agents and others in the country are requested to send in their orders for the Almanac a- early u posttbla

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