South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 5 November 1856, page 3


QUARTERLY MEETING. Tuesday November 4. . .

The tat qmiterij meeting or tne unsnDer orcoia meree for the present year mMI as tfbore at Green's land sale room. - Captain Hall (Chairman) presided. Ahnnt twonftr ffmtlemen. were nresent.

lite SscBXTurr reaa me mmuies 01 tne previous teeettng, which were confirmed. TheCBimus' then read the 'following synopsis of the proceedings of the Committee during the previous 'Synopsis of the Proceedings of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce during the Quarter ending 4th November, rases ' The chief subjects which hare occupied the attention f the Committee are the following : — ' lit. Eizcnax or Cuxtxxxs asd DspvtzChisr xur.— At the first meeting, in terms of roles lately adopted, the Committee elected George Hall to be Chair man, and Arthur Bljth to be Depot; Chairman, for the year. . ' Bms ot Sin, &c— The Committee have succeeded in obtaining periodically, at a trifling expense, the list of bills of sale, warrants of attorney, and other documents of a similar character; and the same are posted fort nightly in a book, which is placed on the table in the ttSee, and available to the members at all times for inspection. - . - - -Bscjipi xm- Dxtmrer or Goods bt tbh Cut jlss Post Rulwit.— A deputation from the Committee waited npoa the Undertakers, and pointed oat several farticti'jtfs in existing arrangement, which were the cause of considerable inconvenience to the public. The deputation met with a courteous reception : many of their suggestions have since been adopted; and it is believed that there are now much fewer causes of complaint. "TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN THE AUS TRALIAN COLONIES.— The Committee have been in cor respondence with the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce on this subject, and, from the favourable manner in which the scheme has been entertained by the several Governments, there is every prospect of its soon being carried out. The public are considerably indebted to Mr. Todd for the initiation of this project, and the able manner in which he has organized the preliminaries. ' Aubtkuxut Turns.— the Committee are now in communication with the Melbourne Chamber on the subject of the assimilation of tarifls in New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, the necessity of which is becoming every day more apparent, in order to prevent Our growing trade on the Murray from being interfered With. The Committee. hav« stated their views on this Bubjeefc which is now under the consideration of a Sub Coinmittee of the Melbourne Chamber, who are ap pointed to report thereon. "Mails per Steamers to Melbourne.— The Com mittee endeavoured to induce the Postmaster-General to extend the time for closing the mails per steamers to Melbourne, as they never leave the Port before 3 p.m., although the mail is closed in town at noon. The Post master-General in reply stated reasons (satisfactory to the Committee) why the application could not be com plied with. "Overland Mail (to Moorundee and Murray) — On representations made to the Committee, they ad dressed the Postmaster-Gcneral, showing the defective State of postal communication on the Murray, and urging the extension of the mail to the boundary (dis tant about 130 miles from Moorundee), close to which mails from New South Wales and Victoria are already established. The Postmaster-General replied that the extension is contemplated by the Government, and that he has reason to suppose it will be early carried into effect. ' Pour Elliot ud Victob HisBora.— The disasters which have lately occurred at Port Elliot induced the Committee to apply to the Government to have a survey made of Victor Harbour, in Encounter Bay, with the Tiew of ascertaining whether it would afford safer anchorage than Port Elliot. This survey has since been made by the Harbonr-Master, who states that Victor Harbour, though of gmall capacity, is, in his opinion essentially superior to Port EUiot in every particjar, but would require an expenditure of several thousand pounds to render it available. 'The Sydney Chamber of Commerce have transmitted (to this Chamber) copy of a resolution passed by them, the effect of which is, to admit as honorary members at their general meetings visitors who are also members ot any other Chamber of Commerce in the Australian colonies. ' RrvBB Mussat NmGAnoy.— The Committee, im pressed with the importance of removing every obstacle to the fuU development of our trade on the River Murray, have solicited the Government to place a sufficient sum upon the Estimates, for the purpose of clearing the river of snags and other obstructions to the navigation and also intimated the advisability of inviting the co operation of the Covernmento of New South Wales and Victoria in this mutually beneficial work. To this com ?mnication the Government have not yet replied. " English Mails.— The new contract for the Aus tralian postal service, leaving out South Australia in its route, and not including provision (so far as the public are aware) for the branch service, the Committee have addressed the Government, requesting information whe ther any, or what steps have been taken to secure the speedy transmission to this colony of our English mails after their arrival in Melbourne. To this an answer has not yet been received, but the subject of the branch service will not fail to engage the immediate and best attention of the Committee." The CHirgtfiT remarked that there was one subject not alluded to in the tynopsis to which he would refer : it was the present working of the Insolvency Act. A notice of motion upon ths subject had been given by one of the members of the Committee, which would be cen sidered at their next meeting. It would be a sxeat object gained if they could render the perpetration of funds Jess frequent; or if, when committed, that the ?punishment should be increased. It was a very desirable ?object, and oue which might be considered as a legiti mate part of their function?, to endeavour to effect such alterations, in the existing law as should beat maintain a high tone of commercial honour. He would also allude to the charge which had reeeutly been made with regard lo the admission of members. He thought it was a cause for congratulation that they had abolished all ex closiveness. Their quarterly ireaeral meetings were also s new feature in their proceedings : they were intended to enable the members to ascertain 'the manner in which the Committee were Deforming their duty, as will as to give them an opportunity of offering aucgestions on subjects to be brought under their notice. With respect to the admission of members, he congratulated the Chamber that they had determined to abjure exclnsiveness, and to invite' the co-operation of every honest man in the colony. There were many gentlemen of high commercial standing who had not evinced that interest in the proceedings of the Chamber that he could have wished; but he hoped that the quar terly meetings would in future be moie numerouslT attended, and that thus the Committee might be sup rported in the prosecu ion of their duties. ADJtlSSIOX OF 5IW MEiTBBKS. The following gentlemen were admitted new member. Tjy ballot r— Messrs. N. V. Squarey, Alfred Watts, Henry Wtston Philips, John Morphett, Isaac Solomon, Emanuel Sdlomon, John Daniels, Walter Duffield, Charles Jacobs, John Carmthers, Joseph Skelton, Thomas Reynolds, John Thomas Church, Arthur J. Wright, Francis Joseph Bot ting, William Townsend. THK 13SOLVSXCT ACT. The Chaxjucax having ascertained that there was no further business to transact, invited any member of the -Chamber who might be so disposed to communicate to the Committee in writing any suggestion they might wish to make relative to the Insolvency Act.