South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 14 June 1856, page 4


The half-yearly examination of Mr Young's scholars was held yesterday in Neales's Exchange. We were surprised to see that large room crowded on such an occasion, and certainly pleased to find that so lively an

interest in the important matter of education seems to be felt by the Adelaide public. The chair was filled Mr.G.M.Waterhouse and on the platform we noticed Messrs. Peacock, M.L.C, Stirling M.L..C, W. Giles, and J. Howard Clark. The size of the room was felt to be a disadvantage in one respect, the "childish treble" of the lesser lads being inaudible in the remoter parts of the building. Mr Waterhouse opened the proceedings by remarking on the importance of education generally and the pleasure nhe derived from watching the improvement in the character of the education provided for the youth of South Australia. He concluded by calling on Mr. Young to read his usual report. Mr Young then read the following report:- "On these occasions I consider it to be my duty to inform the parents of those under my care of the actual state of the school, the general progress, and the subjects to which the attrention of their children has been directed. I am aware that there is generally a want of confidence in reports They are supposed to be too flattering, the dark side being concealed and the bright one only ex-posed. If I have erred in this respect, it to not with the intention to deceive ; for, since I have had the man-nagement of this school, I have always endeavoured to disccarge my duties faithfully and conscientiously. 'My present report is, I am happy to say, a far more favourable one than the last. There has been more in-dustry displayed than during any previous half-year, partly owing,~ I believe, to many of my better pupils having left the school, thereby giving a greater stimulus to those who thought they could not successfully compete with them. Their exercises, however, have proved that if, instead of despairing of success, they had exerted themselves as much as they have done this half-year, the honours would not have been monopolized as they were by a few. I hope this will encourage those who have been sdvanced from the junior clssses, and teach them never to relax their efforts to attain to a high position in the classes to which they have been raised. Some of these, however, do not require such advice, for their advancement has had the effect of stimulating them to greater exertions; among these are Frank Pitman pnd Henry Greig, who have greatly improved. Although I cannot report as favourably of all, there are many who have been more diligent; and I have hopes they will yet distinguish themselves. What I have most to complain of in many is not want of attention during school hours, but neglect of work required to be done at home which many of the parents will have noticed in the monthly reports. I do not mean that the total work done at home has been less than usual; for, on the con- trary, there has been a very great improvement Among those who have distinguished themselves by their persevering industry are Hubert Giles, George JamiesonGreig, Greig, Hart, Peacock. Souter, and Vosz, in the senior class; and James Robin, E. and A. Bayley, Bennett, Clausen, Dollman, C. Giles, Stuckey, and Woodforde, in the junior class. "On the whole I am well satisfied with the general progress and conduct this half-year. 'In surveying and mapping there has been great improvement. The weather having been favourable, we have extended the survey commenced last year, in-cluding the township of Glen Osmond. Plans of the whole survey and of Glen Osmond, on a larger seale, laid down from field-books, are exhibited, by which you may judge of their improvement, at least in drawing. Copies of a few other plans have also been done for practice in mapping. 'In the drawing class there has also been great improvement, especially amongst those who commenced this half-year, and I think, on examining the few speci-mens on the walls, you will find they surpass any yet exhibited. 'Geometry, too, claims a more favourable report than usual, on account of many, who formerly took very little interest in it, having applied themselves to its study and, consequently are making very satisfactory progress; among these are Charles Davies, John Partridge, and -Verco ; and among those who have just commenced the study of geometryare several who, by their application and their progress during so short a time, lead me to expect much from them during the next half-year Among these are Beyer, FranK Hack, Greig, Wilton Hack, and Frank Pitman. Those in the first division are now studyiug mechanics, in the second division the sixth book of Euclid, in the third division the second

book, and the others are in the first book. In algebra and arithmetic there has been, with few exceptions, very great improvement. The first division in algebra have been working problems in plane trigonometry from formulae obtained by themselves, the second division have been solving difficult problems in quadratic equation, and the third division are in simple equations. The lessons on science has been a continuation of a course on practical chemistry commenced some time ago. The last six months have been eiven to agricul-tural chemistry, in which I have explained to them the improvements that have been made in agriculture by the aid of science, showing the imoortance of such knowledge, especially to purchasers of land and farmers. I first noticed the conditions on which the life of plants depends, then discussed the chemical constituents of plants, and en-deavoured to explain to them, as satisfactorily as pos-sible, whence they derive these constituents; and then concluded with the practical part— the nature and use of fallow, rotation of crops, and manuring. As this is the subject chosen for the examination of the senior class, you will be able to judge of the amount of information acquired by many in this class. 'History.— For history biography has been substi-tuted — the lives of some of the most distinguished men in the eventful reign of Charles the First. 'Geography.— In geography I have given lessons on the British possessions in Europe, Africa, and America, on which I shall examine the junior classes. 'English. — In English composition many have much improved. 'Latin. — Of Latin I cannot report as favourably, but I hope that through the changes I am about to make in this class the progress will be more satisfactory next half-year. ' French and German.— Mr. Greffrath has given a very pleasing report of his class in French and German, and speaks in the highest terms of James Robin, who has also greatly dislinguished himself throughout by bis application and good conduct. 'The examinations are not conducted to show what boys learn, but rather the manner in which they have been taught. The papers that will shortly be read were not prepared for the occasion, but were selected from the exercises written by the boys during the half-year.' Caleb Peacock was then called forward to read a paper on a scientific subject. The extent of knowledge displayed in tbis paper, and the general excellence of the composition, elicited the warmest expressions of approbation from the auditory. The junior boys were next examined in geography, and evinced an acquaintance with British possessions in various parts of the world that might put many older Englishmen to the blush. In reference to this as well as another class-examination which followed we may remark that there did not seem to be the slightest appearance of "cramming" for the occasion. It was clear that a very considerable amount of knowledge of a wide and useful kind hnd been acquired so thoroughly as to be available at command. The next part of the proceedings was the reading of a paper on 'Capital' by its author — Hubert Giles. The subject is one of which boys usually know nothing, and men often little more; and much surprise was evidently felt by the audience at the masterly way in which the young gentleman in question handled his topic. We could not help casting a glance into the future, and speculating for a moment on the probable effects on the condition of this land — her legislature and her people — which studies such as this must produce. We know not whether Mr. Young designs his establishment to be a school for our statesmen of the next generation; but he certainly must be preparing enlightened members for the society of the future. The examination of the senior boys in agricultural chemistry was the next step in the proceedings; and here again we were struck with the extremely practical nature of the instruction imparted, and could not repress the wish that our farmers generally could have the benefit of a course of teaching similar to that which these lads had passed through. A number of the boys then recited various pieces of poetry. Most of the recitations were given modestly, but with considerable effect. Mr. Waterhouse then distributed the prizes awarded to the most deserving of the scholars, accompanying each work as he placed it in the hands of the happy recipient with appropriate and encouraging remarks. Sir. J. Howard Clark, in giving the prize which he had kindly offered for the best essay on the British possessions in America, addressed the boys on the importance of tbe power of writing well, founding his observations on Lord Bacon's aphorism — ' Reading makes a full man, speaking a ready man, writing a correct man.' The essays written in competition for his prize were as a whole, he said, very much superior to those of the pre

vious half-year. The following is a list of prizes and honorary certificates awarded : — First CIass.— Good Conduct: Adolph Vosz, prize. Industry: George Jamieson, prize. Geometry: Charles Babbage, prize; John Partridge, certificate. Algebra and Arithmetic: Philip Santo, prize; Charles Davies, 1st certificate; John Partridge, 2nd ditto. English: Caleb Peacock, prize; James Linklater, certificate. Latin: Charles Hack, prize; William P. Auld, certificate. Political Economy: Hubert Giles, prize; George Jamieson, certificate. Science: Charles Babbage, prize; Caleb Peacock, certificate. Geography: George Jamie-son, prize ; Hubert Giles, certificate. History : Caleb Peacock, prize; George Jamieson, certificate Poetry: John Frew, prize. Drawing: William Verco, 1st prize; Eden Babbage, 2nd ditto; Thomas Young, certificate. Surveying : Theodore Hack, prize ; James Frew, certificate. certificate. Mr. Clark's prize for the best essay on the British Possessions in America,' awarded to Joseph O'Halloran. Second Class.— Arithmetic: Thomas Moody, prize; Herman Henning, certificate. English : Thomas Edge, prize; Richard Cotton, certificate. Latin : James Robin, prize; Frank D. Woodforde, certificate. History: Clement Giles, prize; Alfred K. Whitby, certificate. Geography: James Robin, prize; Edward Bayly, certificate. Science: Sidney Goldsack, prize; James Robin, certificate. Writing: William Gosse. Third Class.— English: Henry Smith, prize. Writing: William W. Williams, prize. Arithmetic : Charles Hill, prize. History and Geography: Henry Smith, prize. Science: John Styles, prize. Mr. Waterhouse said he wished they could give a prize to the teacher as well as to the scholars, for it was very evident he had well deserved one. But Mr. Young had his reward in the consciousness that he was diffusing valuable knowledge through a large and prospectively very influential circle, in the regard of his pupils, and in the esteem and gratitude of their parents and frionds. To the boys who had that day acquitted themselves so well, he would say that as every French soldier carried a Marshal's baton in his knapsack, so every schoolboy carried distinction in his satchel. On the motion of Mr.Giles seconded by Mr. Peacock, a vote of thanks was given to the Chairman and to Mr. Young, which, having been duly acknowledged, the lads gave three hearty cheers for their teacher, and separated until the close of their vacation on the 2nd of July next. ' We must not forget to mention the drawings and plans which were exhibited on the walls of the room. The plans of surveys made by the boys during the half-year were especially creditable, and called forth very strong expressions of admiration.