Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Thursday 12 January 1950, page 9

SPECIAL film Pictorial of Ihe Past 50 Yean. And In Addition: The Wurld't Latest Newireeli, March of lime, Kcalurellu. and Tom and Jerrr Cartoun. Adulli I/, Tai 2d. Children lirt. Visual Educational Entertainment. LAST 2 DAYS NIGHTLY AT 8. DAILY AT 2.15. 'DICK WHITTINGTON' The Greatest I'anto. Ever! Commcn. Next Sat. 'FOItEVER GLAMOUR' Hoi PUm, Pallni-i & Theatre. (B23:9-BB22C). ;The ? BLUE ? GARDEN'! REDLAND BAY | Morning and Afternoon Tean, ~ Lltht Luncheons. Sandwiches. | PHONE: R. BAY 182. J 'suiiSTfHEE ANNEHLEY, PHI.. SAT., MON. IlICHARD WIDMARK, LIONEL BARRYMOHE, DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS (CJ.). JEANNE CRA1N. MADELEINE CARROLL, THE PAN (A.|. THE FAN (A.). BIO DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS Matinee Saturday. ASHGROVE. TO-nlBlH. Richard Attcnborough. LONDON . BELONQS— ia. M£_JAJ... TROUBLE PREFERRED (G.J. — OOMERANO. IPS. RD. J3227. JLVro-nlght. John Woyne, Vera Rolilon. THE NORTHERNER (A.). Zachiry Scott, Betty Field, THE SOUTHSRNER (A.I. - ??. ?-.- -....., . PLAYFIELD. SAVOY. M1I07-8. U Finally To-night, 7.30. Clark Gable. Walter Pldgeon. Van Johnson, Brian Donlevy, COMMAND DECISION (O.I. Broadway's Sensational Stage Hit, Ron- Randell, June Vincent, THE LONE WOLF AND HIS LADY (O.) COORPAROO, ROXY. XU19B8. Frl.. Sat., Mon. THE STRATTON STORY (G.). ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET THE KILLERS (G.). GRANGE. LM3O40. To-night (Family Night). Barbara Stanwyck. Robert Cummlngn, THE BRIDE WORE BOOTS IG.). Robert Ryan. Audrey Totter, THE SET-UP (A.). 0 REENSLOPES. HOLLYWOOD. Ur XU1941. Frl., Sat., Mon. Robert Taylor, Ava Gardner, THE BRIBE (A.). Mndclcinc Carroll. Ian Hunter. WHITE CRADLE INN (O.I. Watlnec, Saturday, Wallace Beery. The 3ug!o Sound io.i. Allan .Ione«. You're 1 Lucky Fellow. Mr. Smith IG.). Caroons. Serial.TPS. TPS. RD.. ODEON. FIN. TO-NIOHT. 1 CORNEL WILDE. MERLE OBERON. 5ONO TO REMEMBER (Col.). (O.). NINO MARTINI. PATRICIA ROC, ONE NIGHT WITH YOU (A.I. KELVIN GROVE. (In Technlcolour.) Don Amcche, Alice Faye. HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE (G.). THE MARK OF CAIN (A.I. T UTWYCHE, IMPERIAL, FAMILY Lj NIGHT. Jnmej Stewart. Marlene Dietrich, DESTRY RIDES AGAIN (A.). BACHELOR DADDY (A.). MOWBRAY PK. J2989. Frl.. Sat. THE STRATTON STORY (O.). MEET THE KILLERS (G.). Matinee Saturday. VTEW FARM, ASTOR. B4M3. B7892. 1- To-nl«ht. 7.30. CLARK OABLE. WALTER PTDGEON. VAN JOHNSON. ' BRIAN DONLEVY. CHARLES BICKFORD. JOHN HODTAK. EDWARD ARNOLD. In COMMAND DECISION (G.l. ONE WOT.F AND THE LADY IA.) PADDINOTON. FAMILY NIGHT. Shlrler Temnie. KISS AND TEL1 A.). John Calvert. APPOINTMENT WITH MURDER (A.). PADDINOTON. PLAZA. FM5683. Finally To-night. 7.40. Oreta Oynt. John McCullum In THE CALENDAR (A.). Pef«y Knudsen. Charles Rusjell In TROUBLE PREFERRED TO.). STONE'S CNR.. ALHAMBRA. XU19BI. 1.25. To-night Only. Owen Munro. Joe Valll. 3RPHAN OF THE WILDERNESS (O.). Duncan Renaldo. Leo Carrlllo. THE VALIANT HOMBRE (G.). 'ri.. Si\t., Mon.. The Weaker Sex (O.). T-wn to the Ssi In Shlos (G.). rOOWONO. 'ELITE' ON TRAMLINE. ITJH68. To-night Only. Ray MUland. Patrl--ln Morrl.'on, THE UNTAMED (TECn.). (A.). SOHTH OP THE CHISHOLM TRAIL (Gl WINDSOR, To-nlsht. H'mphr''» Bngart, Llnntl Barrymore. TIdward O. Robinson. KEY LARGO (A.). ATR HOSTESS (O.). W'C.'.BBA. BROADWAY. J2134. To-nlBht (Only). 7.30. -wen Munro, Joe Valll. Brian Abbott, IRPHAN OF THE WILDERNESS (O.). Dick Foran, ?REACHERY RIDES THE RANGE (O.). 'rl., Sat., Mon.. Treaaure of Sierra Jadre (A.). Daredevil! of the Clouds (G) [XrYNNUM. IMPERIAL, BTRAND. W Manly, To-nlsht. TIN PAN ALLEY (O.). THREE nOABTNO BOMPO5 (P.). DENTISTS 4 RTHUR G. CRAIN. 97 Adelaide St. -% Immediate American plastic denJres £ 10/10/. Repairs from 7/6 B4837 4 A. PHIL. BRINER, B.D.Sc. Dentltt. i 446 Ocoruc Street. B9314. r\R. ALEX. NOBLE, B.D.Sc. Dentlsl I / i31 George Street. B7573. '-EORGE O. STEWART. Dental Sur.X seon, McWhlrter6' Emporium. Val^y. Biunswlclt SI. entrance H788. IOHN STEWART. L.D.Q.. Dentist. 234 I WIckham St., above Prince Conort Hotel. Valley Cnr. Set of teeth rom £3/3/ Pink transparetn lets rom £5/5/, extract. J/8. JOHN GOODWIN, L.D.Q., Dentllt. Camp Hill. XW10S0. T Cohen, Dental Surgeon, next Conpon Furniture Co., Flvcways. J1C84 M ALLAN. WILLIAMS -fc BASHFORD. DENTISTS. i complete upper oi' lower set of Teeth from £4/4/. NATURAL PINK JUMS AMD AMERICAN TRANSLUCENT TEETH.. £7/7/ to £10/10/. }u Extraction!: Single tooth 5/ each. additional tooth 2/6. MAXIMUM CHARGE el. 3ENERAL ANAESTHETIC £3/3/ (Inludln* Doctor's fee) For children: 10' and 1/ each tooth Fillings from 10/6 Repairs from I'd OPEN SATURDAY MORN1NOS. 817 OEOROE 8TREET. BRISBANE Onr Door from Queen Street ' OATE8. Dental Surgeon cm Melbourne and Ore; Streets. South lrl«hnnc I.1P52 Repairs tame day fuelTand stoves '?tHAncqAL luppllei avallabli. Phone -j Thcrnlanda lour. DRIMUS stoves, 'Companion' 88/ t: each, at: Hancock t$ Gore Ltd., Trim Hop II, Ipswich Bd.,, Woolloongabba.

TENDERS BUNDABERG HOSPITALS BOARD. NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Tha Bundaberg Hospitals Board In vltes tenders for the erection of Resident Medical Staff Quarters In thi Bundaberg Hospital grounds. Spcclllca tlons and plan available at the offto of tho Architect. Mr. E. H. Boilcn. i MulBravo street. Bundaberg. Phone 1053 Tenders to be sealed and endorse) 'Tender for erection of Medical Staf Quarters,' are to be addressed to 'Th Chairman, Bundabcrg Hospitals Board.' and will be received up to 31st Janu ary. 1350. Lowest or any tender no necessarily accepted. 8. N. WILLIAMSON. Acting Secretary. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Quotations will be received at th above office closing 10 a.m., Wednes dny. 25th January. 1950. for the follow (a) Fencing work at Morayfield Slat C(b) Renewal of flue pipe and stove Internal painting of bathroom, renewa of stumps, replacing wash basins am supply of filling at Slacks Creek Slat School. Particulars at this olllce. and as tol lows: (ai C.P.S. Caboolture. (b) State School. Slacks Creek. T. P. LYONS. Under Secretiry. TENDERS are Invited for the build Ing of Oslo Lunch Canteen at Duttoi Park State School. Plans and sped flcattons can be Inspected by contact lug Secretary. Welfare Association. R Bartlctt, Rawnsley Streo'.. Dutton Park J3S79. THE QUEENSLAND HOUSING COMMISSION. TO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. Tenders will be received at the Otfla of The Queensland Housing Commission Brisbane, until 10.30 a.m., on Monday 23rd January, I960,, lor the clectrlca Installation to a group of two {2 timber dwellings at Kldston Terrace Wynnum Uob IIos. 3823 and 2034). - f Plans and ' sncctHeations for the pro posed- work. may be viewed. at such Office . The lowest oj any tender will no nccostnrily be accepted. Tenfle'rs should be In sealed envelopes oloarly^iinarkod .-'Tenders.' -?. .-, ~ ? - . J. E. OREENING. Secretary. THE QUEENSLAND HOUSINO COMMISSION. Tenders will be received at the olflci ot the Clerk of Petty Sessions, Cour House, Wallnngarra, arid at the oiflci of The Queensland Housing Commission Brisbane, until 10.30 a.m., on Tuesday 31st January, 1950, for the erection anc completion of: — (A) A group of five (5) dwellings o timber construction at Margetts anc Morlnda Streets. Wallangarra. (B) A group of four (4) dwellings ol timber construction at Barawcll anc Ra.vlclgh Streets, Wallangarra. The time for competition of tin dwellings Is as set forth In the specification. The contractor may stlpulati Ills own time for completion, &nd sucl stipulation shall be considered when ten Drawings ind Specifications and Forn of Tender with Conditions of Tendering etc., may bo obtained at such Office. The loweit or any tender will nol necessarily be accepted. The tenderer may tender for th-whole or one or more of the groups ol dwellings, but contractors must submit a separate tender setting out the urlct of each dwelling complete. Tenders should be In sealed envelopes, clearly marked 'Tenders.' J, E. OREENINO, Secretary. THB STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND. Tenders are Invited on behalf of The 3alrn», Townsvllle, Caprlcornla, Wide 3ay, and South Burnett Regional Electricity Boards (or the supply of the (ollowinn:— SPECIFICATION No. 187. ELECTRICAL LINE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL. SPECIFICATIONS. TENDER FORM -nd full details are available for Inspection at the offices of the State Electricity Commission, and may be obained by the payment o( £2/2/ (or tlrst copy and 10/6 for each additlona :opy. The cost of the first copy wil ic refunded upon receipt of a bona fide Sealed tenders, which must be endorsed a.' specified, will be received at the offices of the State Electricity Commission. Scottish Union House, Eagle Street, Brisbane, up to 3 p.m. on l&lh Pcbruary. 1950. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted.R. R. W. PICKING-, Acting Secretary. TOWNSVILLE CITY COUNCIL. SUPPLY OF BITUMEN. Tenders are Invited for the supply of 100 tons of 80/100 Penetration Bitumen. Tenders endorsed 'Supply of Bitumen,' and addressed to His Worship the Mayor, are to bo delivered to the Town Clerk, not later than It noon on February 16. 1050. Specification and conditions of tenderng may be obtained from the City Engineer's Office. The lowest or any tender not necesmrily accepted:A. A. ROBERTSON. Town H..I. T0Wn CUrk' Townsvllle, 6th Jan... 1950. BOARD & RESIDENCE A 6TOR Private Hotel. Casuals, perm,, t\. bed and breakfast. B7753. A T Bunya. 61 Coronation Drive, oeo ri and breakfast, city area. B5938. A CCOMMODAT1ON for gentleman CA full board. U3985. Toowong. A Young man requires board, south ti side. Please ring B7700. 17-NaLI8HMAN wants full board, priJJ vatc home. N.W. Brisbane. Interests 'our'fer'MB'u' |)notogrftpny- Box CN-8^ tj'ULL board, single room, University ' Student, 'preference West End, Too»ong. Box CJ72, Courier-Mall. HAIRDRESSER urgently requires board, close tram. Please ring B2281 j'jlween 4 and 5 p.m. r'M fed up with boarding houses, and would like board, res., prlv. home, lining to pay well. Ring me, J6005, itan. Elmer. KING8LKY Private Hotel, George ai Bed breakfast, hot water, rooms MARR'S. TANK 8T., City, rooms onl-4/6, tea ai coffee and toast, b nd c. Bnowera. 100 rooms. B5778 RESPECTABLE Prot. engineer requires JLX board. Reply Box CPS4. CourierIMCHARD House, WIckham Ter., oveiI\ looking city. 2 mtna Cltj ria\l. ber ind breakfast B8932 TWO Carpenters require board. Brisbane, separate or together, from li/l/SO. Richards, Landaborough. * TWO bank gtrlt (sisters), require full board. CN05, Courier-Mall. WANTED accommodation, vicinity Archerfleld, with private family, or young man, grazier's son, radio offl:er. Apply Primaries. Creek St. WANTED board and lodging lor Junior olerk. private family orelerred *pply Box CJ51. Courier-Mall WANTED, by quiet, refined young country woman, full board, with 3rtvato family. North side city. Box YOUNO business rent., out ol town periodically, requires full boird 'epuuble guest Home or private home b'6B'c°our'.?-Mi?l' ''D'al- BeP' B'* YOUNO nun, quiet, w«nti ilnile room or board, nice private hom» orelerred. .: Box . CHT4. . :CourlM-»lfSr

? GOVERNMENT NOTICES rpRANSMISSION BY ' DEATH. ?X 'THE REAL PROPERTY ACTS. 1861 TO 1943.' ? Notice is hereby given that applications have been made for the Registration of Transmission of Tltlo to the Lands hereinafter mentioned Particulars of such inpllcatlons are given below In the following order: — (a) Name of deceased jroprletor: (b) Date of death: (e) Name of claimant: idi Description and situation of land: (e) Estate claimed to be transmitted: (f) Particulars of Will or otherwise. Any person desiring to oppose must do so by lodging a Caveat at the Principal Olllce of the Heglstrar of Titles in Brisbane unless the Lauds arc situated within the Central or Northern District*. In which cane the Caveat must be lodged at the Local Dlslrlcl Registry at Hocklmmpton or Townsvllle Sf I°EHlitCu'AKYt''!19loWENTY-F'tS'r Dw 111 THOMAS LAWRANCE. late of Cliurchlil, Ipswich.— (b) ltllh November, 1318.— (c) Percy Frederick Lawrence, ol Esk.-(d) Sub. 158, por. 279, parish Tounibul. subs. U to 17. sec. a, por. 122. parish Purxu. — (e» Fee-slmulc ? fl) Wll dated 8th February^ 104ft. (a) HELEN MARION ROBSON, late of Eagle Junction, Brisbane, widow. — (b) 23rd May, 1948.— (ci Tho Union Trustee Company of Australia. Limited, William Thorpe Robson, of Eagle Junction, Brisbane, and Roncr RobsoS. of ClajrficlU, Brisbane, as Devisees In Trust, (di Subs. 358, '359, and rcsub. B, sub. 300. por. 107. parish Enaggora; reaub. 1, sub. 1, allot. 2, sec. 6, town Coolangatta.— (e) Fee-simple. — m will dated 10th, January, 1944. ' (a| DANIEL JENKINS, late of West End, Brisbane— ib) 28th July, 1948.— ic) Ocorce Gordon Brlggs, of Cooriiaroo. Brisbane, and Ellen Amelia Jenkins, ot WcslEnd, Brisbane, widow of deceased. a» Devisees In Trust.— (d) Resubs. 1, 2, subs. 24, 25, W.S.A. 21. 23, parish South Brisbane.— (ci Fee-simple.— (f) will dated 36th February. 1948. (ai THOMAS HENRY EVANS, late of Klngaroy.— (b) 28th Sept., 1947.— (c) The Public Curator of Queensland, as Administrator. — (di Subs. 27, 28. sec. 1, sub. A. rcsub. 8, sub. 3, por. 116, parish Boonennc.— (o) Fee-simple.— (f) Certificate of Appointment. a (a) FREDERICK HENRY (or FREDEICKl OOODFELLOW, lfctc Of Presn. near Toowoomba.— (b- 29th Feb., 1948.— (c) Margaret Josephine Goodfellow, of the same place, widow of deceased.— (d) Resub. 11, sub. 5. por. 31. parish Drayton.— (e) Fee-simple.— (() Will dated 16th March, 1937. FRANCES ELLEN NOONAN. late ol Newmarket, Urlsbane, widow.— (b) lath Nov.. 1941.— (c) John Francis Noonon, ot Ihe same place— id) Ono undivided third shore in por. 312, parish Ipswich. — ten Fee-tlmple.— (f) Will dated 4th November, 1941. ? (a) PATRICK O'SHEA. late of Park-more Chinchilla.— (b) 29th May. 1947.— (c) Michael O'Shea, of the same place. — (d) Pors. 35v. 31V, parish Colamba.— (e) Fee-Simple.— (f) will dated 25th October. 1943 (a\ WILLIAM BERNARD McGUIRE, late of West Bundabcrg.— (b) 13th April. 1949.— (c) Lilian Agues McOulre. of Went Bundabcrg, spinster, as Devisee In Trust. — (d) Allot. 17. sec. 84. city ot Bundancrg.— lei Fcc-slmplc.— (t) Will dated 30th April. 1828. (a I JOHANNES HOLDORF. late ol MIKord. near Boonah.— (bl 24th April, 1049.— (c) Annie Edith Holdorf. of th! same place, widow of deceased.— fdi Por. 144. parish of Dugandan.— lei Fee-6lmpl« — If) Will dated 3rd December. 1938. I M EDWARD ETTRICK BURROWS, late of Goodna.— (bi 19th June. 1949.— (ci Ellen Valentine Burrows, nf the same place, widow of deceased.— (d) Resub. 1, hub. 1. allot. 2. sec. 21. parish Goodna. — (ei Fee-simple.— (f) Will dated 15tH October. 1027^ ? (a) WALLACE EDGAR BURNETT, latl of Brookiield, Brisbane— Ib) 15th January, 1949.— (c) Mary Dawson Burnett )I the same place, widow of deceasedId) Por. 248. palish Brooyar. — (Ci Fee. simple.— (f) Will dated 23rd Fcbrurary 1932. ? (a) JAMES OLIPHANT, lale of Redcllite.— ib) 6th June, 1949.— (c) Jame: Alexander Ollphant. ol Spring Hill Brisbane.— (d I Part suburban por. 163 resub. 10. sub. A. N.E.A. 79, parlsl North Brisbane; subs. 49. 50, por. X2R parish Redcllffe.— (el Fee-simple.— if! Will daled 22nd April. 1943. I a) JOHN CUONIN. late of Dalcouth via Stanthorpe.— (b) 7th Februaiy 1949.— ic) BridECt Emily Cronln. of thi same place, widow of deceased.— (d! Subs. 3. resubs. 46. 47. sub. 1. Mlnera Selection 317. pnrlsh Broadwater.— (e| Fen-simple.— (f) Will dated lBth January. 1949. ? . (a) CAROLINE MARY ' LOUI3/I DEGEN. late of Dundas. wife ot Cari Ferdinand Dcgcn.— ibi 13th .November, 1948.— (ci John Henry Drftcn and Stanley Dcgcn, bolh of Dunnas.— Id) S-jb 1. poi's. 31, 51. parish Dundas. — (c) Feesimple.— (f) Will dated 19th January 1943. (a) PERCY ABERNETHY, late of Toowoomba.— (b) 19th June. 1949.— (c) Winifred Eden, of Grange, Brisbane wife of Ernest Victor Eden. Fernie Olive Abernathy, and Hilda Abernathy. spin-sters, both of Potts Point, Sydney, N.S.W.— (d) Por. 191v. parish Clifton (e) Fee-simple.— (f) Will dated 22nd De-cember. 1943. (81 1IENHY CHARLES GREEN. Idle of Clayflcld. Brisbane.— I b) 13th May 1949.— (c) Clara Orcen. of the sanw place, widow ot deceased.— (d) Resub. 1. sub. U, por. 74, subs. 4, 25. 26. sec, -?. relub. 1. sub. 12, por. 81. parish Toombul.— (el Fcc-slmple.— if) Will dated lit June 1903. , (n) EUIMCB,,iMAIUE-_ELATH,. Hate ol Bundaber*f,»jdowi-r^(b»SJlSU).ji*y. 19-19. — (ci Albert Ocorge WUfiam ,Pia(h. oi Moore Park. Sydney. N.S.AV.; and Mavyf Reglna Plattl, of Bundaberg,' spinster.— -d) Sub... IC.. retub- K,*uh^a.v rpsub. 3. sub. J,,resub.._B,^sub.' ,4, dot, IS, uarlsh Bunanbetf&le) ?^Fec-sltobre^tft r'WW jated'25th' JDIy.'T946! .---*---?»«'? ? '-(a) JOHN WARD, late of Anthony, via Munbllla.— Ib) 10th July. 1917.— (c) The Public Curator of Queensland, as Administrator.— (d) Pors.' 216, 224, parish Fasalfcrn.— (el Fee-simple.— (fl Certificate of Appointment. ? (a) ANNIE LISTER FOSTER, late ol Coorparoo. Brisbane, wife of Arthur (or Arthur Louis Foster).— (b) 2nd August, 1949.— ic) Arthur Louis Foster, aforesaid, of the same place.— id) Uesub. 521. iub. 2. por. 58. parish Bullmba.— (el Fee-simple.— (f) Win dated 2nd March. 1934. (a) HENRY BOLTON. late of SandKale, Brlibanc.— (b) 8th May, 1949.— (ci George Adrian Bollon, of Mackiis. M Dcvlj.ce in Trust.— (di Subs. 560. 560D, 561. 561D, 562. and 562D. por. 194. parish Er.oggera.— ici Fee-simple.— (f i Will dated 6th April. 1942. (a) JOSEPH RICHARD' WSLKES. Inte oi Lower Tenthlll, near Oation.— ib) 30th March. 1949.— (c) Anna Emma Wllks. of the fame place, widow nl deceased.— (d) Subs. I. 2. pors. 26. 27. nariali . ?Tenthlll.— (el Fec-flmplc. — id Will dated 31st October. 1921. (ai WILLIAM AUGUST lor WILHELM AUGUST) STABENOW. late ol Neradllla. Orantham.— (bl 11th September, 1940.— (c) Lucy Emily Btabenow. of the same place, widow of deceased. — (d) Por. 40v. parish Terry.— (e) Feesimple.— (f) Will dated 22nd August, 1949. , -1- MARGARET AMELIA' BAYNES. ale of Toowoomba. widow.— (b) 31st March. 1949.— (c) Ellen Baynes, «plnitcr. and Mervyn William Baynes, both of Toowoomba.— (d) Subs. 1, 2. allot. 12, sec. 61, parish Drayton.— (e) Feeslmple— (f) Will and Codldl dated 11th August. 1933. and 29th April, 1047. respectively. CENTRAL DISTRICT. (ai donald McDonald, late of Ness Park, Cawarral.— (b) 9th Nov., .948.— ici Hugh Alexander McDonald, oi Rockhampton, and John Duncan McDonald, of Olen Retreat, Nerlmbcra, as Devisees In Trust.— id) Por. 395, sub. 1, por. 394, subs. 1, 3, por. 759, subs. 1, 3. por. 544 and subs. 1. 3. por. 391. parish Cawarra!.— (e) Feesimple.— (f) Will dated 22nd August, (a) HENRY NORMAN' HENRICKSON. :ate ot Rockhampton.— ib) 6th Feb., 1049.— (c) Doris Henrlckson, of the same place, widow of deceased.— (di Sub. 2. altot. 3, sec. 112. city Rockhampton.— ic) Fee-simple.— if i Will dated 5lfi August. 1939. ? (a) WALTER REGINALD TINDALE. late of Yeppoon.— (b) 12th Sep.. 1948. — (c) Jean Maud Orr, of Clermont, wife of Arthur Orr.— id) Rcsub.i. 6. 7. sub. 73. sel. 461. parish Yeppoon.— (c) I'ee-slmple.— (t) Will dated 16th July. 1947. , ? NORTHERN DISTRICT (a) ANDREW WALZ, late of Mackay. — (b) 9th January, 1949.— (c) The Pubic Curator of Queensland, as Administrator.— (d) Sub. 6, resub. 3, sub 18, resub 2, sub. 1, por. 89, parish Howard. — (e) Fee-simple.— (f) Certificate of Appointment. (a) ROWLAND LEE. late of Cardwcll. — (bi 11th April. 1948.— (c) Harold Norman Lee. and Keith Cecil Lee. both of Kllcoy.— (di Allot. 3. sec. 20. town Cardwell.— (e) Fee-simple.— (f) Will dated 12th June, 1946; ? (a I GEORGE PETER JORDAN, late it Finch Hatton. near Mackay.— (b) !6th February, 1949.— (c) Conrad George Jordan, ot the same place.— (di Sub. 6, jor. 1515, parish Mia Mia.— (e) Fceilmple.— (f) will dated 30th November. :04B. ? , (8) ARTHUR HERBERT WHITTEN, ate of North Mackay.— (b) 17th May, 1048. — (ci The Public Curator of Queensand. as Devisee In Trust.— Id) Resub. !, sub. 12. allot B, suburban sec. 101, larish Baasctt.— le) Fee-simple.— (fi Will latcd 2nd April. ? 1946. (a) EMILY MCCARTHY, late of Don Slver, Bowen, widow.— (b) 15th June. 1949.— (c) The Public Curator ot Queensand, as Devisee In Trust.— (d) Por. 107, sarlsh Prlng.— (e) Fee-simple.— (fi Will lated 28th January. 1925. (8) VIVIAN HOTHWELL BOWDEN, ate of Warden House, 09 Mount Ephraim. Tunbrldge Wells, Kent, England.— ibi 21st April. 1940.— ic) Vivian jordon Bowden (since deceased), and 3ldney George Bkeate Brinkv/orth, ol London, England, as Devisees In Trust, -(d) Allots. 4 to 7. sec. 9. allot. 3, sec. I. BUbs. A. B, allot. 2. sec. 7 town Pdrt Kennedy.— (e) Fee-simple.— (fi Will jnd Codicil dated 29th August, 1935. and Jrd August. 1937. respectively. R. J. THOMSON, Registrar of Titles. Registrar of Titles' Office, Brisbane, 7th January, 1950. WIRELESS REQUISITES A. ALL LOCALITIES, REPAIRS 1O RADIO. Day and Night Service 3RAY'S RADIO SERVICE. PM4I62. . A VAILABLE for Immediate delivery. £* best makes ol consoles and manwi adlos. will make the highest' allowance in suitable piano or player-piano, with :ash adjustment.. G. J. Grlce Ltd.. 9012 Queen Street. Brisbane. ~1OME In and hear the glorious tone -i of the new Queen Radiogram, cv lual wave. £67/10/. at J. T. Oreenlees k Co . 129 Ann St.. Brisbane. FOR (trst-closs prompt radio service ring B8459. J T. Oreenlccs fc £o.. opn. Albert 8t, Methodist Church I7OR sale. H.M.V. 5-valve dual wave JP mantel model radio, and S.T.C. -''vet broadcast mantel model. * 'box CHU. CourleriMaU. \ DIOR »sle, small Teen I co wirslui, In ...perteflj condition, £1J. Ring L18B7, 1167 Diiv P-tH( . , . -

MACHINERY. TOOLS A. Coventry Climax Fork Lift Truck provides the solution ol most handling problems. Let us show you how tu save men. time, . space, mid money the modern way by a practical demonstration on ynur own premises. Sunn demonstrations arc entirely without obligation and can be arranged at. short notice Immediate delivery available, full ?ani» from 3000 to SOOOIb capacity y.BT and Dominion Motors. Ill Campbell St.. Bowcn Hills. Box 1050V. O.P.O.. Phone L1761 A , BrlUtand Silt Scoop wll) maintain r\ youi earth lanks at full capacity Every station should own one, Two models 1'A and l'i yard capacity Always available from stock. U.K. and Dominion Motors. AN I.E.L. Power Chain Saw will cut voin costs and Increase your production Now wholly produced In Australia the fl h.p model 'M' Is outstanding tor rutting speed and rellublllly. Rapidly Increasing production will ensure prompl delivery from January. Meanwhile deivery usually available few weeks Write to-day loi literature and price lists. U.K. AND DOMINION MOTORS. K T Second-Hand Machinery Dealers: t\ One nortoble saw. TD 14. dorerblad.- shoes: ripping tynes: torges: 3ln. rubber suction hose: one large Ice chest: one outboard motor engine: motor acsessorlcs. Second-Hann Machinery Dealers, No 5 tram stop. Stanley 81. A VAILABLE. Immediate delivery. 5'.iln. -ri 'Hercules' and Cln. 'Thor' lalhcs, also No. 2 plain milling machine and 6ft. planer. All specifications and dealls. Mars Machine Tool Mantg. Co. Pty. Ltd.. Bridge St.. Volley. L1555. AUGER Bits, sizes V 3/10 each, i,i' 3/10 each. 9-16' 4'1 each. »'4' 6/ sach. 1' 7/0 each, at Hancock & Gore Ltd.. Tram Stop 18, Ipswich Rd., WoolCAKPEHTERS. Woodworkers, comb outfit, planes saws, rabbets, bores mortice-tenons. makes mouldings. C17/I0/: Jigsaws, lathes, £15/10/: spindle moulders, £8/10/: 'Woodmachtnco.' I5HA Ktnnlcy Street. J1716 CORDWOOD Cutters, Loft's Garage Maryborough, have for sale one 'Harguns Patent' mobile saw. Had vcrj little use. Ideal for falling trees and cutting to length. Full particulars or application. I \2 Caterpillar, very good order, powci i-- pulley. Wiles, 861 Ann St. 1 ELECTRIC Motors In stock. 50. 40. ?J 25, 20. and 15 H.P. A. S. Dewai and Sons. Kedron, LX1131, Vee bell drive specialists. IVLECTRIC Motors. '/, to 40 h.p.. imI-i mediate delivery. T. H. Cock. 621 Lutwychc Road, Lutwyche. M34B3. 1 EVERYTHING lor Earthmovlng. Thi j Brllslnnd range of earthmovlng and logging machinery Is unsurpassed loi scope, value, and efficiency. Contact ut for all requirements. Including buckscrapers, grader ditchers, rcsnos scoop! 01 all types— mechanical cable or hydraulic—plows, rippers, logging winches, pic U.K and Dominion Motors. EXPANSIVE Bits. Greenlec, American 17/6 each, at Hancoi* &, Oore Ltd. rram Stop 18, Ipswich Rd.. Woolloongabba. FOR sale. 10 h.p. Law portable saw practically new. £300 cash or terms Box CNS9. Courier-Mall. ? FOR SAL*. MALCOLM MOORB MOBILE CRANK. 6-ton Capacity, Telescopic Jib, Fowei Steering, Oliver Engine, 19 B.P. Eolic Tyrei . . PRICE £450 Apply— HOWARD 8MITH LTP., 127 Eagle Street, BRISBANE. Ii^OH those small eunnmvmna joOb . where a low cost scoop Is required for use with horses or wheel tractor, i, Brtlstana Buckscrapcr Is Ideal. Three models available from stock. 14, 18, and -i cuu ii. cupucity U.K. and L»umtiiiun Motors.'f^OR 'f^OR sale, second-hand Clark 60001b E lorklllt. Ring M3115 for Inspection. TT'OU sale, i\w- Clcanac ii n y V Crawler Tractors, good condition N. B. McLean. Mullumblmby. N.S.W T^OR that crosscuttlnB Job, where n X? fast, efficient machine is required, you can't beat the Buzacott drassnw. Buzacotts (Qld.). Ltd.. 443 Adelaide St., Petrle Bittlu. B3501. GALVANISING., prompt service. Rini JY-1564. work will be picked up. rjARNER. GARNER. GARNKR ' Lightweight Agriculture Tractors priced within the rtach of all. Full range ot these famout tractors ana Implements. Retail and trade Inquiries 111vlled trom Sole Distributors foi Queensland and NSW REVILL MOTORS PTY.. LTD.. 333 Adelaide St.. Brisbane. p o Box 259E. /^ENERAL all purpose Pump. New VJT Marino Flexlvane pump. Phone B2158. Write for Inspect, at Marino Products. Ply.. Ltd.. Barry Parade. GET busy with Howard Rotary 12 with Its twin-cylinder water-cooled engine. Chop uo and mix all the gras.through the soil In one operation. Lei us demonstrate Its value. Follow Intel *lth a Rotary Cub to clean your crops ASA FARM MACHINERY. 74-76' Eaglf Street. -Brisbane GRINDSTONES, 16' dlam. x 3'. 15/7 16' x 4', 18/8 each: 20' x 3' 21/Tcach; 20V.X4'. 27/ each, at Hancock .*- Oore Ltd.. Tram Stop 18, Ipswlcr. Read. Woolloongabba. -J-.ATE model DDH Clctrac, five-yard I ' njdrauilc scoop, hydraulic ripper, Britstand grader, ditcher, plant, two' order- Can be Inspected working, price E4000. Phone Charleville 303. oi write Ogllvle. Watson Street. Charleville t OFT'S Gara8e. Maryborough, have foi JU sale, very good SCX Case Tractor, fitted steel wheels and belt pulley. Dunstan side plough and tool-bar, suitable cultivator, etc. MASSEY Tractor. 26/41, excellent condliion. Huston. Phone 153H. Allora. ]Vf CCORMICK-DEERINO W12 Tractor, l'i steel wheels and belt pulley, excelent order throughout. Ideal small farm. Loft's Garage, Maryborough. Phone 270. REAR wheels, Massey, 103, with 28 x 12.75. almost new. at reasonable offer. Box 2. Caboolture. 'DING Spanners. T. 334. English. 14/10 XV set of six. sizes from *,' to Vn\ S .VE. and Whltworth. at Hancock i Gore Ltd.. Tram Stop 18, Ip8wich Rd.. Woolloongabba SALE. Sawmill Ford 4x4. with Ford winch and trailer. Apply Curtis North Tamborinc. Phone 232. CELL, 5 h.p. 1440 r.p.m. A.G.E. elecO trie motor, as new. Apply Bulldlne Traders Co.. 1047 Ann Street, Valley. Phone L1505. QELL 5-yard hydraulic hoist, with, tlt-O tings, ready to mount, good order. £110. Care Strake, School Road, 8Mllc Plains.QTANLEY QTANLEY Tools: Braces. 10' Sweep n 26/5 each: Planes, Smooth. No. 4. 2/11 each; Spokeshaves, 5/0 each, at Hancock & Gore Ltd.. Tram Slop 18 Ipswich Rd.. Woolloongabba. rpREWHELLA saw boncn. fence lell J. hand. new. JY5561. V IT ANTED rear set steel wheels, suit V M. or MD Farmall tractor. Box CJ94. Courlcr-Mall. WANTED, up to 200 feet 4 Inch dellery hose, ring Peter Blondell. Hawthorne. XL1908. \VANTED 2-3 h.p. kero.-petrol en- i glne, must be. good. Davlcs. T-2B76. MW1305. WANTED three knife stationary chaficutter. Schofleld. Dunn Rd.. Rocklen. WANTED purchase 2 Inch brlsht shafting. Australian Machinery Co.. Duncan Street. West End. Phone J1483. WE are pleased to announce we can offer you the well known Wolselcy Petrol Kerosene Engines (Ensllslu tank or hopper cooled. In sizes l'A/3 h.p. and 2/5 h.p. Deliveries from February onwards. Trade also s'lppllcd. AS. A. FARM MACHINERY PTY., LIMITED. 74/7P Eagle Street. Brisbane. LOST AND FOUND FOUND, money purse. Wynnum Esplanade. 91 Hals Road. Torwood. JOST at Coolangatta, In vicinity Em?? plre Hall, number of religious articles on safety pin, one In crocheted bag. Great sentimental value. Reward on return to P.O. Box 78. Gatton. LOST. Monday, opal ear-ring, between Ballow Chambers and bus stqp. WIckham Terrace. Phone B1588. between 9 and 5. Reward. T OST. Tuesday, between Bardon and -Lj C'wealth. Bank. K.O. Square, lody'r. sold wrist watch. Reward. Hansen. Simpson's Rd.. Bardon. LOST leather port and contents. Rochedaio district. Good rcwurd. F. Burns, Octantls St., Coorparoo. I OST tarpaulin, between Sth Brisbane j and Valley, branded R. M. Oow Reward on return to R. M. Gow ic Co. Pty., Ltd.. Rome St. LOST a lady's gold wristlet watch, expanding band, between Mater Private Hospital and George St. Good reward. Telephone JY8986. LOST, between Samsonvale and Kedron, one ule. Reward. Ring Dayboro 13. LOST wallet, between Albert and Crock Ets.. has Air Force badge on front. Reware'. B0647. T' OST, vicinity Alderley - Oaythorne, -- sliver brooch. Reward. LM3215. PERSONAL, MISSING FRIENDS ABSOLUTE privacy guaranteed ul Emma Smith's Matrimonial Bureau. Lower Basement, 240 Queen St. Call, write, for details. Houis. dally. 2-4.30. fven., Tues.. Frl.. 7 to 8. Saturday morning, 10.30 to 12. B8193. A. Tall grazier wishes meet a lady, at Smlip's. A . Smart English professional gentle*??» man wishes meet lady, at Smith » A . Two widows. 23, 31, desire meet ?r- young, at Smith's. e\ . R.C. lady desires meet gentleman. -tt tame, at Smith's. A . Young gentleman, neat appearance. /* Income £16 weekly, wishes meet country girl, through Smith's. APINKERTON'S Investigators. Woolworth's Bldis., Adelaide 61. Divorce confidential Inquiries B3802. continuous A DVICE social, matrimonial, business, iX. city, country. Interstate, personal Introductions, loneliness banished, prompt leply Write or ph. B4411, after hours J5684. O.K.C Confidential Club. 117 Queen Street. C^ENT,. naturalised, early 40's, doT sires correspond with educated lady or girl. Box CP38, Courier-Mall. T ADY, 40. wishes meet gentleman JLj outings, v.m Box CL80 CouncrMal] OUTTRIM. Anyone knowing tnr whercabr.uu of Arthur Frederick Outtrlm. formerly of Redclifie. In the State of Queensland, are asked to communicate with G. G. Webb. Solicitor 167 Sutton's Peach. Redcllffe. TALL Englishman would like get In touch with widow, about 22 or 23. holidaying April, v.m. Box CLTOI Courlcr-Mall. W-ILL F. B. Hope, ex South BrlsbAna, communicate Box 1, South Brisbane? Hl» advantage. '\X7OULn like a kind couple adopt ' V* baby, born this month. Box CMB3. Courier-Mail, -

BUILDING MATERIALS A. 'SEALROOF wlir effectively leal badly rusted Iron surfaces and protect your lanks, guttering, troughlng. etc. Hoof & Bulking Service Ply., Ltd.. colonial Mutual Building, 289 Queen atreet. Brisbane. BI091. A T Carters Store, Logan Road. English J& . ccmeut. large or small quantities, 1000 sheets black drum Iron, suitable fowlhouscs. 2/6 sheet: eft. loin, x 211. lOtn. full glass doors, flus and panel doors, and casements; 15 x 15 marquees, tent llys. ADJUSTABLE glass louvres In metal frames, good range ot lancy glass available. R. 8. Exlon A: Co., 280 Queen St.. Wlckhnm St., Valley, and ul A. ViSixliTlAN BLINDS AND LOUVRES, highest quality. Expert advice and estimates free. Immediate Installation, all glass types. P II. bBUOIT & CO., 3(10 Queen Street, Queensland's Leading Munuhicturers and Suppliers. AT Blones, Woolloongabba. Hardware J147U. Stuck o' sand and gravel from 14/3 yard, garden fertilisers, lime, laundry trolleys 23/, 2U/G. red oxide 53/6 cwt. ADJUSTABLE striped duck awnings. Ideal outside glass louvres or vers., all sizes. R. It. Tunlcy and Son Pty.. Ltd., in.1 WIckham Street, Valley. ALL grades gravel, sand, soil, also cement. S and S. Oravel Pty., Ltd., Albany Creek. Phone 27. Strathplne. A. BRISBANE GLASS LOUVRES Service. Install glass louvres or will supply material ready to erect. J536J. or call factory. 8b5 Stanley Street. A. Casements, seasoned ;llky oak, French casements mil, louvres, heavy steel frames, best patent, heavy Imported glass, all types; bnck and Ironl doors, allT tltttnKs. locks. Whttco nt»ya, butts, screws, etc.. paint. ledge doors, sauze doors, cement, etc. Wrll-. call, or phone Timber * Joinery Yards, 4446 Anncrlcv Road. S. Brisbane. J29II. A SHES, breeze, soil, turf, delivered i\ anywhere. JV5409. ASHES, breeze, B yds.. 25/. gravel, cement, orompt delivery. MWI92I. BARTLETT'S. 300 BRUNSWICK ST.. VALLEY. Concrete baths. £6/10/ .lellvcrcd. BARTLETT'S have available, several concrete tile roofs, Immediate do.ivery. BARTLETT'S have available, sletl and wire ? gates. Immediate dcllvcrv BARTLETT'S have available, gni coppers, copper boilers and stands, d. .nould. quod, architraves, skirting, casement windows, and doors, from stock. BATHS, corrugated Iron, wire netting, English shipments arriving shortly. XU4340. BRICKS and rubble, lake away free. Nielsen, cnr. Marsdcn St., and iandgale lid., Clayflold. BRICKS wanted, pay good price, face or commons. LW1141. ofllce hours. BUDGET for beauty and colour In yuur kitchen with a NACO Acrylic Sink. NACO saves crockery breakages, is completely hygienic, as strong as steel, slalnproof, guaranteed. Six pastel shades. NACO— at all leading hardware 1;OR SALE. 30 x 10 building for rc. moval, nearly new, wood with Iron roof, Ideal temporary dwelling, £120. A. W. BROOKE 4: CO.. 130 Adelaide St.. opp. Flnneys. B4775. B8833. 171OR sale, Venetian blinds, mirrors, : fluorescent lighting, glass shelves, cupboards. Chcval mirror. Junker hoi water system, basins, etc. Apply 143 Queen St.. City. FOR sale. 1U lona oulck setting cement, best offer. XU1UB. GATES, steel or wire. Immediate delivery, chain wire available. Munt. M Wharf St.. B6054. HOT water systems, gas and electric stoves, plastic baths and tlnks, Immediate delivery. At Ironmongeries, Pty.. Ltd.. 152 Queen St., Brisbane. JMMEDMTE delivery. English cement. 30 bags to ton, £13/3/10. half-ton .ots 13/3 1 2 per bag. single bugs 13/11. Red Comb House, Homa St., opp. Railway station. Phone B3501. PAINTS. Heavy bodied, linseed oil. enamels and prepared paints. Trado supplied, from Hancock & Gore. Ltd.. mini stop 18, Ipswich Rd.. WoolloonPAINTERS. Mascot Zinc In Oil. Paint Spot, 341 Stanley St. PLANS and specifications prepared nixoment. 300 Queen St. B7843. REGULAR supply of timber available, weatherboards and tloorlns, etc. .15794. ? READY CUT HOUSE FRAMES, Immediate Delivery. Cut to your owr. plan, or plans prepared, complete with weatherboard flooring, pine Jamb lining and mouldings. BARKER. LEE SAWMILLS, 810 Ipswich nd.. Moorooka, Tram Slop 31, Phone JY4619 OOFING Squares, American' 557l each, at Hancock & Gore, Ltd., !iam slop 18, Ipswich Rd., WoolloonQAWN timber for sale. All sizes. Ring SELL old home for removal, 30' x 40' two stories, contains approx. 120 sheet: 24 gauge Gospel Oak Iran, 140ft. guttering, down piping. 500 gal. tank nnd stand, chamtcr boards. T. It, G nine linings, h.w. .system, as new. ei. and fuel stoves. 2 brick chimneys, sink and concrete tubs, large qty. flat tlbro £400. or nearest offer. Tel. J6201. office hours or Wynnum 991 after 7. ALE, army hut. lean-to. W.C., cupper, tubs, stands, bath, siovc. light ,iolcs. £00. Box CN62. Courier-Mall. SPECIAL from our Paint Dept. Special discount of 10 p.c. on all paints at Hancock A: Gore. Ltd., tram stop 18. Ipswich Rd.. Woolloongabba. QPECIAL Priming Paint, with extra 0 preserving qualities, at Hancock & Gore, Ltd.. tram stop 18. Ipswich lid.; Woollooniiabba. SPECIAL. Water Paint for. all concrete flbro, and plaster surfaces, at Hancock & Gore, Ltd.. tram stop 18. Tpswlch Rd.. Woolloongabba. SPECIAL. Paving Paints and Enamels for all purposes, at Hancock & Oore. Ltd., tram stop 18. Ipswich Rd., Woolloongnbba rriHREE panels lattice and lattice door X (two leaves), also one panelled door, one squatter chair, and deck chair. ?'M3053. WANTED flbro. flat or corrugated rmv good price LW1141. oftlce WANTED to buy small army hut or similar. State price. Box CLT47. Courier-Mall. WE restumo houses Robinson Bros XU1731. -/ W.S ZERO Watei Soltcncrs providt ft soltcned filtered waler evcrvwhen in ^thc Jiome UUInii fi Co. T and G SEEDS, PLANTS. BULBS AVAILABLE now viola Seed. Choicest mixed 1/ and 1/6 pkt. Oerbcra Hybrid seed. 1/ pkt. THOS. PERROTT -fc SONS. 337 George St.. BrisC3NERARIA Seed. 1/ Dkt. Delphiniums. GlBiii Hybrids. 6d. and 1/ pkt. Pacific Giants, 1/ and 1/6 pkt. THOS. PERROTT -fc SONS. TJERENNIALS. Phlox, Asters. and 1 Camomllo Daisy. Iris Florist. Q'LD. NUT TREES. 4 years old, 3/ each, at nursery. Including package, excluding cartage. Reduction foi urge quantities. No orders less than five accepted. Plant an orchard or trees around your property, and assure yourself of a permanent Income. MACADAMIA PRODUCTION PTY.. LTD.. i Wool worths Building. Adelaide Street B6966.) QWEET PEAS: New season's Bccd now O available. Over 40 distinct varieties, also in select mixture. 6d.. 1/. and 1/6 pkt. THOS. PERROTT i: SONS. 337 George St.. Queen St.. and Bowen Brlrig-- Rd.. Brisbane. ? GARDENING, LAWNMOWERS A Britlsh-bllllt 'LADYBIRD' Elcc. fl MOWER will cut your lawn In half the time It now takes— only £27/10/, plus tax. Cuts over paths, garden hedges, etc. For large properties we recommend the English power-driven ROTOSCYTHE. which cuts long and short grass with equal cfllclency. MARINO PRODUCTS, Barry Parade; Brisbane. AVAILABLE Immediately, beft tun soil, top-dress. W Dawes. LX1382 A 1 Top-dressing and garden soil, c t\ n Cuthbcrtson. Vallcv. LI572. day ur night. ALWAYS get the best turt. toll, toodressing by ringing LU1588. K Larter Quote for lawns. ASSURED delivery sand, gravel, brlckj loam, ashes, garden soil, cement Quote for filling. XL1 190-2273. A SHES. breeze, 8 yds. 25/. gravel /\ .k .— nt nrompl delivery. MW1921 pAMBRIDC.E— the world's 'best— 14' Vj rubb'r-tyred. price £13/5/. less 5 ).c. for cash, or terms. £2/13/ deposit. tO'6 oer month tor 12 months. Guaranteed 10 years, self-sharpening, selfadjusting, others trom £5/19/. Q.P.S.. Bowen St.. near Fire Brigade. piOW ^manure. 7 bags 20/. delivered VfOWERS repaired, machine ground ipVMVe,72 p%;; 6orvic-!' ?'-* rtiHE Ogaen 6 blade, rubber-tyred. 14ln JL sell-sharpening lawninower. £8/7/6 Qualcast motor mower, I6ln., £73/17/6 ronmongerlcs. Pty.. Ltd.. Queen street Brisbane WOODEN garden seats. 6ft. long, are now available at Buzacotts (Qld.). Ltd.. 443 Adelaide Street, Petrle Bight. B3501. ? DRESSMAKING, LADIES' WEAR A ? MILLINERY. £\ FLOWER MAKING. OVER 1000 SUBJECTS. MODERN MILLINERY MADE EASY.' An Encyclopaedia of nil Millinery. Printed and Illustrated ITeaches far more than any £5/5-Cuurse of Instruction) ONLY 21/ PER COPY. On Sa e Leading Stores and Stationers (All Slates), or Post Free trom THE NEW-ART PUBLISHERS. 77 Queen Street. A ? MILLINERY RENOVATIONS. 'LbI -ri. us remake your old hats into tl.e latest model in 1 wk. Special service to jountry clients. Juncc Millinery. 69a Elizabeth Street lopp. Barry's) \TTENTION ladies, modern, exclusive .styles, expertly cut, competent dressmaker 12 years own business, late Melbourne, 34 Thompson St., Mayne L1098. A .EVERYTHING In Drcasmaklng, rnf ?tS. Paris Plcaters, Room 3, 1st Floor Old Courier Bldg.. Queen Street A LL hat blocks mode promptly. MllA \an. 229. George St. B38H4 DORSET Repairs by Marie Hume. ArfcV.' laldi' St., opp Anzac Square. D. DRESSCUTTING, FITTING, MAKING, ' DESIGNING. ETC. Without charts, tedious drafting, or complicated methods. 'Cut by tape measure.' Few vacancies Jan., Feb.. March. Easy Weekly Payment* . Also Millinery. 7/ Lesson. Private Tuition (no Classes). Also Postal Tuition. MODERN DESIGNERS' ACADEMY, King House, Queen 8t B9010 fEAN UOYLE, FROCKS mnde, buttons ntTANTED sewing to do at home, VV sheets, pillow cssc*. *tc.. with ectrlo machine., Box CL8, Courier-1

FURNITURE, MACHINES A. Mattresses rewired or repaired, re .,„ Intorccd. . Cross Braces \i desired Wire Mattress Repair Co. LMS3O4. ANY lurnlturc you have to dispose oi Ring L2000. A. ? OL8EN and BELL want ul classes of furniture fur their weekl: auction. Ring L3036. ANY quantity .of good Quality lurm . ture wanted. Smiths. 130 Wlckhan Stiect. Valley. L1874, L2491. CHAPMAN'S. Red Hill, for new urn used furniture, reconditioned loungi suites, from £15, make and repair al furniture. FM4165. Ph. Landsboro t-6 171OR sale, hemstitching machine. nU' . button machine. Apply Modcratt Drapers, 323 Ipswich Road. MATTRESSES rc-maao like new. sann day service. We call and deliver Hopkins Bedding Co.. 5 Mcrlvnle St. aoulh Brisbane. J17:-5. 'VTEW Pre-war Type Wire Mattresses -L- Joy Mattress Co. mid.). 48 Petrli lerrnce. B7101. SELL Singer drouhcad machine, enun new. 61 Swan Terrace, Windsor SELL good droohcad machine. £14 Delahunty. 42 VUllers Street. Nc\i Farm Wharf Trom. Stop 12. OELL, 6 ? piece bow fronted kltchci O cabinet lurnlturc. £10; 6 piece ova ? able silky oak dining furniture. £10 double, single silky oak beds, doubli wires. 108 Alfred St.. Valley. SEWINO Machines — Plnnock — in word's best, portable electric. £35 terms. Deposit £9/16/. 20 payment of 30/. or with three drawer, table £40. Terms. Dcpotlt £9/4', 18 pay ments of £2. Sole agents: Q.p.s Bowen street, off Ann street. Phom B3131. PIANOS, INSTRUMENTS AT Whltehouses. the Piano Specialists you can sell your Piano for Cash Phone B43D1. Highest ptlcas paid. AT Whltehouses. the Piano Specialists latest models, new pianos on view dav and night. Showrooms. 185 Oeorg Btrect. AT Whltehouses. the Piano Specialists you can choose from the larges range »of reconditioned pianos In th 3tate. Easy terms arranged. AT Whltchouses. the Piano Specialism rrcondltloncd player pianos are al «ny» available. Established 1853. ? AT CARNEOIES. 63 Queen Street. New Imported Pianos at Lowest Prices trom £188. See them to-day. AUSTRALIA'S MOST POPULAR PIANO ??THE NEW THALllEnG.' Inspect them To-day at CARNEQIES. 62 Queen Street. LMOST new piano for sale. Appl: Box CLT83, Courier-Mall. AM cash buyer. piano or player M1475. Box CL19. Courier-Mai DOUBLE Iron frame Ciinndlnn Bel piano Bowers. Central Avenue GOOD second-hand vloMn for sale Box CP17. Courlcr-Mall. PALINOS HAVE THE PIANO TO tUIT YOU. Whether you desire a Orand or ai Upright Piano, Palings have the ver; Instrument to cult you. Their extennlv range of new and reconditioned Piano la unequalled in Brisbane, world lamou Imported Pianos and high-class Auttra Man Pianos are offered by Paltnca oi easy terms. Call In or write fct par tlculars. w. H. Paling and Co.. Limited 86-88 Queen St., Brisbane. PALINOS. You can sell your olano o player outright lor cash or par payment for Charles Hope Cold Flam Eleclrlc Refrigerator ? PIANO 8 AND PLAYER PIANOS. WANTED BY CARNEGIES. Call or Phone Particulars Now. CARNEGIES, 62 QUEEN ST. B2758. 1ANOI-A, in good order, with abou 300 rolls. Ring U8044. QCHUMER-A piano, Fpeclally built fo O Queensland climate. £109. cash o terms. King's Music Houie, 77 Queei Street. B3711. CELL slightly used Spanish HUlblll: r» guitar and case. Best offer. Rim XL1916, 5 to 7 p.m. . SELL. 6 stop 'Estey' organ, gooi order. £25. Ring FW1751. WJ ANTED 2nd hand piano, can do -- cash c Blundcll. Brldcc Street Chclmer. REFRIGERATORS, ICE CHESTS AT HOWARDS. AT HOWARDS. COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATORS. COMMERCIAL R*RIGERATORS. Better In Design— Better In MaterialsBetter In Construction— Better In Value Models for every type ot business. Ou JU years' experience Is your guarantee o Satisfaction! Inspect al HOWARD8. LTD.. 317 Adelaide St.. Brisbane. . NEW Commercial Refrigerator Iron Buzacotls this Summer, will mak a world of difference In modernising you slore. Designs and quotes for spccla cabinets supplied free. Most standarc :qulpme:\t available tor Immediate dc livery. For; complete information, con met Buzacotts iQ'lnnd). Ltd.. 443 Ade laide Street. .Pctrle Bight. -J33501. ' A IRSTREAM.' the Ideal refrigera il tor tor country or city, avullnbl In kerosene, elcctilc element, and motor operated models. c. E. NEWTON Stone's Corner. XU1323, XU27S8, AIRSTREAW ciec-ana KeW lefrigeru tors 6 cub. ft., avail. Country Con sunierV Co-od.. Ltd.. 4th Fli.. Wool BUZACOTTS have a ' wide range o reconditioned commercial Refrigerators, all In excellent condition. Write coll. or phono (or full details. Buza :otts (Qld.1. Ltd.. 443 Adelaide Street Petrle Ulghi. B3501. iTIOLDAIR E \j SEALED UNIT REFRIGERATORS All Electric— Fully Automatic. A model for every purpose (4'.i-6'.i cub. ft.). Prices from £92/15/— Easy Terms CARNEOIES. 62 QUEEN STREET. B2758. E'NGLISH 'PRESTCOLD' Refrigerator i IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A Sealed Unit Refrigerator. Anprox. { cub. ft., 5 Year guarantee. Completi mill presladoor, meat keeper, crlspatoi -?-,'* vegetable storage compartments £124/19/. or Easy Terms. Call or wrlti BUSH A: CO.. 503,7 Queen St. Petrle Bight. Brisbane. Phone B2274. nt TOOWOOMBA. Phone 933 T^OR sale. Chas. Hope Cold Flume Re ?L (rigerator. electric. 2 years old. goo-Co'udrl|eirO-nMallC70- RePly n°X CLT7S HOT POINT REFRIGERATORS, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. A 5 cubic feet sealed unit refrigerator Entirely new all steel ail welded cabinet of graceful streamline design Guaranteed 5 years. Easy terms arranged. Call or write BU8H Ic CO 503-7 Queen Street, Brisbane. Phonr B2274, and at Toowoomba. phone 933 OWARDS are right out iii front for refrigerator reoalrs and overhaul A skilled staff of tradesmen Is youi guarantee of a thorough , Job and complete satisfaction. Howards. Ltd.. Adelaide Street, Brisbane. Phone B1952 I{ ELVINATOR. 12 cubic tool. 2-OOOI IV refrigerators, available for Immediate delivery The Ideal family refrtg ?ralor. £180 Chandlers. 43 Adelalelf St.. cnr Albert & Charlotte Sts.. Bundaberg. Rockhampton. Mackav Townn vllle Culms. Ton'vnnmba Wanvirk TiTAWSON Ice Chest. £3. R Smith J.VJ. 24 Sellhclm St Wllston. VI ETROPOLITAN Reirlneratlnn Serial vice will give you dependable anc Iftlclmt sr-rvlce. IW05, U7B9S nil hrs REFRIGERATORS, Gas. Electric, oi Kerosene, c. Lloyd. Main St., Kungaroi Point fright at No 9 bus stop) J1845 iJEE the new model 51 Rapid Heal ~ Refrigerator electric or kerosene. £83/10/, at J. T. Orcenlces & Co., 128 Ann St.. opp Albert St Methodisl SELL Electrlce refrigerator, good con'ditlon. 5 c. ft., £65. Ring M3821 OELL kcro. trldgc.. 5'/, c. It*, splendid O order. £40. LUI70D after flvoT SELL Qlacicr two-block Ice chest, enamel Interior. Ring FM4591. CELL U.M.I. Ice refrigerator, with 0 ant baffle, good as new, £14. Hlnspetcr. Oxley Street. ChermKidc. OFFICE EQUIPMENT, FITTINGS A. Duplicator for every use The Derwood, £20. complete. stott'i, Ply., no ALL classes ol scales repaired lo Govi standard. Phone L4378. A. Patterson, JM Stanley St. CASES. Large quantity ot used cases on hand lor all packing requirements C. W. Lupton, Pty., Ltd.. Montague Rd.. South Brisbane. J5065 EXECUTIVE Table in silky oak. 5ft. 5 x 3ft. 4tn., 8 drawers (Including 1 (tttng drawer), and 2 dictation elides, £28/17/6. available at TR1TTONS, 260 George St.. Brisbane. MODERN Furniture available at TRITTONS. 200 George Street, drlsbanc. Silky oak office chair £2/10/9: swivel office chair £10/10/: 3ft. x 2ft. silky oak office tables, 2-drawer C7/5/. 3-drawer £8/7/6: 5ft. x 3ft. silky oak 4-drawcr office Ub:e £12/15/; 41t. 6 x 3ft. 2-drawer . silky oak office tftblc. £8 Inspection welcome. :!nd Floor. ^ RATIONAL ROTARY UUPL1CATOHS. - Australian made, and only on»flfth the price of Imported models. leprndiiccs Typewriting, Handwriting Di (swings, Plans etc. Only ' £ 17 10/ )!us sales tax. Details and demonstraloiif (lorn Jackson & O'Sullluan. P'.y Ltd.. 304 Queen Street. B2461 -e llnesi '\L1VETTI Typewriters. Portable stnns * dard. Immediate delivery, nil Btzo :arrinRes tor snlc. hire, purchase, hire BELL PUNCH CO., 144 Adelaide St. B7713. B*709. PROTECT your cosh sales, change, charges, etc.. with a 'PROTECTA' Self-Registering TILL. Ideal for any small store or garage. Only £13/10/ Sec It at Jackson & O'Sulllvan. Pty Ltd. 304 Queen St. B2461 (6 liner) REMINGTON Typewriter only, 6 mths. old. lust overhauled equal to new. Price £35. Apply Box 24, or Phone 49, iVooroolin. DELL Berkcl Price Computing semi. O fan. capacity 301b., reconditioned tfhlle Govt tasted A. Patterson, 363 7'YPEWRITER8 repaired and rebuilt, ports all makes, quotas Johnston Bros.. P'v Ltd.. loi Elizabeth 8t B871B TYPEWRITERS AND CASH REOISTfcKri reoaltcd Mbo machines ourchased E S Spencer and Co. 671-3 Queen street. H8767 VISIBLE 80 Latest in filing methods. V All names In view when cabinet ip wened. Details from Roneo Systems. 151 Queen St.. B859!. CHIROPODISTS AB. J. SHAY. M.I.BO,. M.Ch.A V all foot ailments attended to bi ixperts. King House. B8036. U'\ . W. ORAVE8. Ch.l.Q., M.l.l.Ch.. MUher'f Bid.. 310 WIckham 6™ JjllM

HOLIDAY RESORTS ' ADVENTURE IN ENCHANTMENT -XX Visit the enchanted Isle — DAY DREAM— set in the sheltered sapphire I seas of the famed Whitsunday Passage, y whoro sparkling water and aiurc skies (pirn a vivid background to a holiday ? H\ai's r,,?^1''11' 'irlllingly different. a DAY DREAM Is but a step away by fast, modern transport. Say good-bye 1 lo vour daily rounu-forgct your cares c, °i! P'iX DREAM ISLAND Mid have 1 the holiday of a lifetime ! Book to-day . at Pioneer Tours. Ansctt Travel Scro vice 05- North Quay. B2291: Allan fi u Stark'B, Adelaide Street, B12I2; or write to Box 33, Mackay, Queensland ' A VO7P ,idls»PPO'ntniciu, lew' booklngi . AY available Aust. Day week-end Jan , 28-30. brick cabins on surf front, pr' vate toilet and bath, accd. six. all meals , Holiday Humes. Palm Beach Phone BurB IClgh Hds. 77. B4870. t| OUSH wanted, fortnightly. beton I February, anv beach. Box CN57. Courlcr-Mnll. WANTED house or flat. 3 adults, al -♦ Pialba or Calouudra. trom 6th Feb. Mx^mod-ern™7?: ^° », 26th. 'jSSOa!' DenCh' KCbnmry 12'h lI YVAN'lisD s.c. modern flat at Surfer.' -- or Main Beach, from 21st Janunrv to 5th February. Phone ,)53t): WANTED house or flat, South Coa-U, »- 4 adults. Jan. 14 lo 28. FW1427. R ,!,,-, o HEAUDESKHT 'NO 8u'.Uvnn's Grand Hotel ioi . flrol-rlass accommodation. Sundns dinners a specially A VAILABLE tiirn'lshcd Hats, cabins, Phoneeni« Paradl50 Park' Burlclgh. BisSSfi/gSISi,.''1 ''oin' c'u' C COOLANOATTA LEAN tcrviceu sooiiit. not water and 1 septic In bathrooms. Handy bcatti and shops. No meals. Phono 198 oi write Bunnlng. P.O. Box 23. FURN. Houses. Flats. Twlgg 4 Nnn-K rnni.inga-ta. Tweed 97. TriRRAMOUNT Oucst Huuse, h.w. JtV5?'lv.M'-.T H»'ls. Ph. 33. Tweed MOUEit.i fiat a»ah. Jan. 28. three wceVs. Wlndcri. piinno 91 ST. LEONARDS. 1st class iccom. M Peak. Piouilctrcis. Pnone i«a. VACANT Hats tu let, niLd. cuus. ApV ply Mrs. Peak. Phone 162. CoolanCALOUNUKA A ? Oood houjes. Hats. Ring, wrlt-ix Roy Honzell. Calountlra. Pn. 23. y^ALOUNDRA LETTING AGENCY tol V S?°l-5fflK'-pfr£-,. f 'ft1-- wr''-fl«' IpLAT ovall.. Feb. 2, accom 3. elec stove. CLT8S. Courier-Mall. T ET two double rooms, use kitchen Li Rolslon, post Oiflce, Caloundra. t OOWOODS Hol'ld'ay rarm. Enje» i-i good lood and rest. Logwoods Pty MANLY JETTY View Oucst House, Manly. Ph «l Wyn. u. K.L.M.A. McQuillan, prop MAKOOCHYDOKE SUNSHINE 1-ials. Uouklllg now. 195U ail electric, hot water, convenient. MONTVII.LC A .A. Accom., elston, bowls, niehi tennis, rldlnu. 5. pool. h. water, septic. Lawrlc A: Wlntcrbotham. Phone 2 MANJALDA. all modern appointment* and tport tacllltlcs. J. Porter, Ph. 3 YfAVFIELD, ex. cuhlnc, tennis, bowlt i-X h.w., septic, m. and aft. teas dairy, log tires. Mathers, Phone IS. MO0LO0LA1M AVALON. Modern clcclnc, sea frontage flats, vacant Irom 4th Fcb FM4253. MIMINBAII VAM.EV CHIGIGUM. dnlry. riding, swim., nr Blnna Burra. Nnncy Yaun, N.V. ?*. REnCl.II- FE A A. Eeabrae Private Hotel. Phone Jt\ fledcllflc 141 for reservations rtONISTON Flats, Rcdcllttc 229. Nc v^ Jan. vacancies; book now tor carl-Feb. or Easter and avoid disappointment U'LATS. houses, from 2ath January JC Phillips' Agency. Margate. Redcltffe FOR superior hotel accommodation, Phillips' Agency. Margate. Phone Renclltfe 387U. 'ITiULL board, farm, Redcllffe, 50/. Bos JL1 CLTBI. Courier-Mall. REQUIRE furnished house or flat, accommodate six. between Margate anc Scarborough, modern conveniences, hands beach, for fortnight, from elghtccntl January. Apply Queensland Prlmars Producers', Creek Street. SUTTON Gutst House, sou (ront. noi water septic. Phone 86. WANTED by young -wuplc with twu children, small furnished cottage Redcllffe. Margate, Box CN'2, CourierMail. NANDGATE A T Scavlew Hotel. Shornclltte, suiXperlor accom.. excellent cuisine, all meals. Ph. Sandgate 2 reservations. SOUTHI'OKI A . HOUSES and Flats to let. L L i\ .leiks. Asent. Phone 430. CHELMSFORD Ouest House, delight(ill situation. Phone Southport 14. FLATS vacant from 4th Feb.. hot ane cold water, near railway and Esplanade. For particulars, apply to W. Hunt Landsborough, Phone 14. 'I.J ARD1NG Smith tor buying, selling I I and holiday letting. Phone 302. QEA front, superior furnished house n 3 bedrooms, maid's, electric slove tctrlBCttttor, hot water service, septic rarage. £8/8/ weekly. Available February. STUART CAMERON. Union Ban! Ciiambcis. B6513. SOUTHPORT, Esplanade. S.C. flat vacant from 25th February. Rlni J4073. after 5 p.m. SPACIOUS luxury flat available.. Febru ary. on waterfront, Labrador, all conveniences. Phone B2201, or Southpor 36. SUrtFEllS1 PARADISE ATTRACTIVE flat available now. : bedrooms, electric stove, refrigerator wireless, carpets, garage, phone, etc., al 'Inen and- cutlery supplied. -Zi'&i ? w week, near Surters' ParRtllse Hotel uu Beach. Apply Mrs. Brooks, Hamlltoi Avenue, surfers' Paradise. Phone 403. YALTA Flats s.c, near Sufcrs' Hotel Ideal 2 Write'. Phone 132. TIN CAN BAY 'IT'URN. Flat, el., septic, hire launches A dinghies. Barnett. Phone 4. TKWANTIN ALLARA (ex-Williamson's). Housej, Flnts. Boats, river front, h. showers, sep. Apply Mnnaser. Allara, Ph 52 TA.MIIORINE BONA Vista auest House, Eagle Heights. Ph N Tamborlne 102 BUNGUNYAH Flnt vac. for couple Jan I6th. Phone Nth. Tamh. 228 COMFORTABLE Flats. The Poplars Eaclc Hts. Phono Nth. Tamb. 272. I71AGLE HEIOHTS HOTEL. TAMBOR1- INE MOUNTAIN. Approved tariff, Q5097 from 16/12/49. Rooms with h. and c. walcr. weekly tariff £6/15/, dalls 'nrlff £l'2'fl: rooms without h. and c water, weekly tariff £6/6/. dally CI bed and breakfast 11/6, lunch if. dinner 8/. fiookliigs through Govt. Tourist Bureau or direct to phone Nth. Tamborlne 227. or telegram Crcsdee. Eagle Heights. Queensland. R. A. Crcsdeo rfiAOLEMOUNT FLATS. Eagle Heights \t tint-class accom., now avail., all c!cc. every convenience. Ph. Nth. Tarnhorlne B51. or B3971. OCEAN View Oucst House and Pirns Kngie HcighU Phone 207. North Tamhnrlne. Mrs Walsh TAMBOR1NE. Mail and Passcngei Service from King George Square dally. Booking oftlce. 16 Roma Street next door Windsor Hotel B397I TOOWOOMBA A T Rutlands. leading guest house t\. opi). purk. gardens, ex. cuisine, sew. Miss Snbarla Thompson. Phone 916. BRYNTIRION. adjoining Middle Rldsi golf links, vacancy now. Phone 99. T\J ICE holiday flat available from 1- 14th Fcb. State period and famllv, 1 Frrnrtv St.. Tmbn. S'- HELTON Guest House. 176 Hume St., Central. Phono 1761. Write parMELnOllItNB AGATWICK PRIVATE HOTEL. 34 Fltzroy Siren. St KIMn. for quality comfort, and service I.A129H EXCURSIONS, TRAVEL AN S E 1' T AIRWAYS Dally Return Pasbeugcr Service Link 5 Stales. Also Ually Freight Services Bookings and- Intormutlon. ANSETT TRAVEL SERVICE. 95 North Quay. B2291. All Hours AN ISLAND CRUISE every Tuts. Wed.. Thurs., Sat., 9 a.m., 5/: Lone Pine, dally. 2 p.m., 2 '6; Showboat. Sal 7.20; sun.. 8 p.m., 2/6. uknee Trips Tues. to Frl., 7.30 p.m., 2/6; Sat.. 7 p.m.. 3/. Haylcs1 Wharf. N. Quay. AUSTRALIAN National Airways, Pty. Ltd.. Australia's most experienced airline, maintaining tnst and frequent schedules to 54 cities and townt throughout Australia, for all vmsjeniiei bookings and enquiries, contact ANA. t Booking Otflcc. Albert House. Klne Oeorge Square B19B4. A Modern Drlveyoursel) Cars, ill Ann Street B5566. BAY TRIPS to Rcdclllie and Brlbie Island (mm Circular Quay Whail, s.s Koopo every Tues., Thura., Sat. una Sun., at 9 a.m. Paren: Adults 6/ Children 2/1 return Refreshment* or BEAUTIFUL cars, smart; ctflcicnt chauffeurs arc the well-known leaturcs of the dependable RETURNED SOLDIERS' AUTO CO. Wedding Ca Service, 446 Upper Edward St., No. 2 bus stop. B1472. /lAHILL'S Drive Yourself Cars, 93 V^ Georce SI. Phone B0505. B0506 FLY T.A.A. JUST RINO B1341. LOYD'S Drive Yoursell Cars. Rowe't ? Cute Lane. Edward Street. Inqulrlei B3j75. alter hour* LM3433 PALMERS Express Passeingei Service I u aydncy. 2 days Melbourne 3',j days. Book at Palmer's, Bond's Arcade. 101) Adelaide St. B8U92 Alter hour.' .\i'3tuu ui Cjuvt I'uuntt Bureiin PIONEER TOURS otter two 3-day tours during the Foundation Day weekend, /nnuury 28th to 30th. The Near North Coast tour Includes Malcny, Nambour. Tewantlii (with cruise on lakes), ftiitl Cnloundin; the Northern Rivers o New South Wales lour by way of LIsmorc, Balllna. and Murwlllumbah. Depurtlng Siilurdny morning, returning Monday night. Pioneer Tours, Ansetl Travel Service, 95 North Quay, Allan anil Stark'5 Travel Bureau B2291, or Q'ltl. Govt. Tourist Bureau. IJEDCLIH-E Uu»e» leave Hus 8tund linear city Hall. Mon to Pri.. i.u 8.30. 9.20. 10 15 11.45 a.m. 1.15. Z 10 3.15. 4 30 5.10. 5.40. 7.15 9 IS ??;] II p.m.. Sat., 7 15. 8.30, 9.20. 10 16 11.30 a.m. 12 15. 1.15. 3. 10. 3.15 1 30 5 10 B.15. 7 16. 0 16. 11 p.m.: Sun. 8 30 9 20 10 15. 11 30 a.m.. 1 IS. 3.15 4 IS 5.0. BO, 7.15 p m. Roma St. Depot if ?ntnj earlier B4074 Rodcllffe 14 CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES A. *or sale, large vuriety ot men t double and single breasted suits, all sizes In stock, nearly new. Simons 131 Stanley St., Sth. Brls.. near Bridge ^HEAP. new grey suit. Ill schoolboy V- J 3 . J3541. ' (~-OX & SONS. Tailors CuttinB not L, service to all purchasers of suit engths troubei lengths, ladies' cosumes. boys' 2 piece suit lengths «lsu )0 remnants, from 8/6 each, ooyt' short!. Samples avullnblc. measure 3r'l'biiiic'UntrV cllent8' 32° 'uecn St 7 OR sale, All Hallows' unllorm anc-Plhon?^57116e.r8e tUn'C' 'lmOat nCW' HUGE quantity white Bombay shorts. ex naval slock, English drill and make, special price to clear, 5/. Thomas all. Pty., Ltd., South BrUbano, juoa.t

MISCELLANEOUS AT 'SHERRY'S,' 70 Ann Street, Brl«bane. B6381 (opposite City Hall). Mew Surplus. Military Supplies.., Shirts, Jungle green, slzo men's, 13/ on.: trousers, khaki drill, army type, waist 301n. 10 42in., 18/11 pr.; borets. blue drill, ex R.A.A.F.. 1/6 ra.; socks, heavy all wow. all sizes. 4,6 pr.; 3 palm tor. 12/8: skirls, khaki drill, ex A.W.A.S., range ot sizes, 5/11; slacks; khaki drill, ex A.W.A.8.. al\ sizes, 10,6 pr.; shorts, khaki drill, men's sizes, 3 to 8. 12/6 pr ; sheets, double bed slzo, semi-bleached, size 80 x 00, .13/9 ca.; ground sheets, cape combination, 32/6 ea. ricoso odd freight when ordering. A MILLINERY, FLOWER MAKING. OVER 1000 SUBJECTS, 'MODERN MILLINERY MADE EASY.' An Encyclopaedia of all Millinery. 21/ PER COPY. Post free from THE NEW-ART PUBLISHERS. 77 Queen Street. ALL SANITATION difficulties overcome by Hygca, no emptying of unpleasant tanks. instBll where BCptlo Impracticable. Dcakln & Co., Col. Mut. Bldg.. Queen street. B5416. A. BORERS. White Ants eradicated, timber replaced. 5-yr. guarantee, lumlvcators, domestic and Industrial, 100 p.c. kill guaranteed, general pen control experts. Dlbbs & Sons. J4455. U1079, service all hours A. Nursery provided for children whll» mothers nave hnlr done at Marlon Wilson Salon. 123 Queen St., opposlts Curzons. B7484. A .A. A. The 'Splndrler' Wringer and Rlnscr. Excels all others. Installed frco- on trial. Only 0110 with ball-bsarlngs, and won ftrsl prlzo. £7/10/, less 5 p.c. tor cash; or terms. £1 per month, no deposit. Solo agents, Q.P.S. , Bowcn St., off Ann street. Phone B3131. A PPLES. Oravenfteln, eating, sltghtlr ^v han marked, lfi' bushel case, cash Kith order, sidings at froight. T. it M. Downs. Oladhlll Orchard. Cottonvale. TJABY'S enamel bath wanted. Ring CASH Registers wanted. Best prlc* paid. Phone B0636. DEXTILE plastic tiles and stripping, various colours, 36/ per square yard. Available for immediate delivery. R. S. Exton fi Co.. WIckham St., and sls» S80 Queen Street. DIRECT DISPOSALS CO.. Duncan St.. Valley, opp. Embassy Theatre. L1859. All brand new while hoop mosquito nets, full drop, «i'. sleeping valises, 85/; American water and mosquito proof hammocks, 37/6: folding; camp stretchers. 35,'; English grey blankets, wool. 39/10; green and khaki' troufcrs, from 16/. Country orders promptly executed. FANCY Costumes, dress suits for hire. Or'dart. 130 Queen Street. B9944. FLAGS for hire. £1 for 5(1. Q.P.S. , Bowcn Street. Phone B3131. FOR sale, empty cases. For lurther ? particulars. Rlnc B9498. FULL stock of Hornbj trains and Meccano outfits fnr New Year .... at Ironmongeries, Pty.. Ltd.. 152 Queen Street. Brisbane. (1 REEN maize tor sale, three acres. X Schofleld. Dunn Rd.. Rocklea. TAMPS Pressure at 76/9 each, at ^ Hancork -fc Gore, Ltd.. Tram Stop -e Tn...-Th Rd.. Wnollooucabba. ? LARGE QUANTITY MANGOES , Required, Common Variety. MUST BE OREEN. Apply MYNOR PRODUCTS, 183 MONTAOUE RD., SOUTH BRISBANE. I AROE stocks English towelling .77 VS S5!4 'nCl1' C0''n S81™' PICTURE framing at the Moreton si^Gallcrles. A.M.P Basement. Edward PRINTED waste paper tor sal«. Apply Storcman, Courlcr-Mall. REDUCTIONS. 'MP' CIollics Wringers, usually 72/6. Now 59/; Household Mous, usually 3/0, Now 2/6; Case Aluminium Kettle, usually 49/6, Now 43/; other Kettles also rcducod; Alum, saucepani,, Plastic handles .Set of 5), usually 41/, Now 33,9. Plastic Cak» Tray, usually 6', Now 3/9; Plastic Cannlstors (bet of 6), usually 43/6. Now 38/6; Vacuum Flasks, usually 22/6. Now 18/3: and many other bargains at D.P. Hardware, cnr. WIckham i: Glpps Sts., Valley. Ph L3461— deliver C.O.D. RUBBER STAMPS, near Canberra. S. SMITH & SON 168 Ann St. Linen marking sets 5 6 Phone B6134. S JYS6e?iyCl°M l''e Car- Rin* GILVER. NICKEL, and GOLD PLATO ING, all kinds of articles. 'Car-dlox.' rear 130 Adelaide Street. SPECTACLE reoairs to all makes and £1 ktv!es. Specialise jpcedy rcrvlce. Consult L O Worfold. Optometrists 275 Krtts-81- » cSrn'' °PD°SltB rPHE Prestige Pressure Cooker. In 7 I- and 9 pints, complete with thre« «rparators and measuring cup Prlc« E5'5/. at Ironmongeries Ptv.. Ltd.. 152 Queen St. Brlbane. \\fANTED Pestle, and Mortar. Rlntf »» price. XW2179 daytime. XU1808 nUht. \\7E pay £4/10/ per ton for stove '?scrap. £5/10/ per ton for light machinery scrao. delivered works. OrecnXIP04I AnV qlm'ty Crown stoves. \X7EDDING INVITATIONS PRINTED. ' ? Sample cards A: prices sent on ren. H Percy. VM P Bldg . Brltbane B4536. POULTRY, DOGS, BIRDS?' A AA. AT RED COMB CO-OPERATIVH /I Poultry Abattoirs, export ' hens i/3 Ib., export cockerels 1/7 Ib., export c'liukliinjs and diukellngs II Ib., all K.-o weight price, no commission charges, 40H Montague street. South Brisbane. Phone J3456 (or details of our collection service and minimum collection number. A. 1. DEN HAMS hibiscus poultry Foods tor immediate delivery; Layi/is 'nash 18 *3, growing mash uo/6 per 11 Jib. bag. Free delivery city and «uburbs. Order Qld. Groceries, Ltd., North Quay, or Q.P.S., Ilowcn St. B3131. \ . WOODSTOCK FARM DOES NOT J\ BUY EGOS. Aus. Orp. and W.L. chlcxj. bred troTi our non-broody lams, Qld. Oovt. Reg. Farm, No 85 WOODKTOCK POULTRY STUD Tool cyrtnao, Tnrraglndl. Brisbane. JY4B07. A IT PAYS TO WRITS FOR OUrt, ;|inCKEb^k ,iKh&-vcr,,m1c1r!t &[%?. [?CUdLL5E¥sk $gg& 'l'aV.^- W?,.? PRICE LIST. ^Klanga Chick?.?- Supp '& x ftffS01111 P.ost Office. Brisbane A -onp.. W.L.. DO.. and staried ii ohlcts. now booklim orders. 1950. M. »i. Campbell &: Bous. Maliaca. Asuiey. Phone biriuhpinc 54. A USTRALORPS. white Leghorns. £\ crossbreds, now booking ordors lor fc,^ruary to Oct. delivery. Write for detailed price list. K. H. GISLER iGisler Wynniim «''' Rd' w»nlluu-- ^m« ALSATIAW' Puppies, pedigree stock, L2207m £10/10/- ''''M i-1/11. Phone riOCKER puppies, blues, goldens, reaJj sonable. Lever. 8 Filth Avenue, Wilston. pOCKER Spaniel puppies, well bred, tVoWe'n, grown, reasonable. UB613 Up I) n»'.1A¥s ''''Iscus' Poultry Mashes. Si3 Sib fi2?b- yc°ar'WinsLB y&- M™ B7A^-fiSi,Mf.fir: street1'5 Jack30!1 & Co- 50-58 Roma FOR sale. 8 pullets, 5' months, 4. 8 _, 'A9''18' C3's' '--'? Phone M2392. (-J.ROW green leed with 0 minimum VTof work The Howard Rotary Hoo (i h.p.) ploughs, harrows, and cultivates in one operation. Full details r«'n Buzacotts (Qld.i, Ltd., 443 Adelaide Street. Petrle Bight. B3501 |--N1NE CANKER LOTION for all car -»i disorders. 3/. from DAVID Pharmacies, next Lennons Hotel. George Stiect. Brisbane, and all branches. ??yriSTY .Morn,' Brisbane's Luxury pEDIOREED Great Dane pup. Inqulr« *ib.o^.r- M*fir- 324 sandifato RdSELL, Cocker Spaniel pups, 3 months, male. 4 guineas, females two guineas. Winkle, Elliott Street, Hawthorne. QELL, pedigreed male Collie, 6 months, KJnlso bitch. 16 month*, reasonable. B«»-'»». Wynnum ltd., Mnrnlngslde. ' UIMPSON'S Canary and Parrot Seeds »J 're mixed by an expert. Birds can have no better diet. 'All stores.' WANTED dog, two to three montlii -- old. terrier, cattle, sheep breed preCoirter-lSlf.1*' 'Ot C55e'tla1' B°X CP35-ELECTRIC, GAS APPLIANCES' A LL Electrical Goods, Swan ElectriciV Kettle. £5/13/6; Waffle Irons, £5/7/6: Cake Mixer, £21; Tecnico Floor Polishers. 2 biush £10/16/, 3 biubh £28/7/; Tecnico Vacuum Cleaner, £18/18/. Available Kings Music House. 77 Queen Street. B3711. ALL electrical work by certified electricians quick service C. E. Newton, Stone's Corner. XU1328, XU2798. GAS Coppers. 12 gall., (uily enamelled modern design, £8/12/, each, at Hancock A: Gore, Ltd., tram stop 18. ipswIch Rd.. Woolloongabba. T. I Or WATER aVSTEMB. tfas OI clecU trie, all mukci available. Immed. installation, cash or easy terms LLOYD, 538 Main St.. Kangaroo Point, right a( Mo 9 bus stnn AH hours, JI845. NACO 2 Plate Junior Ranges, complete with storage cabinet. £27/8/, each, at Hancock A: Gore. Ltd., tram stop IB. Ipswich Rd.. Woolloongabba. NEW WOULD STOVE. With Kcgulu Oven Control. Upright and Table Models Now Available. giiglHua s Most Economical Stovs. Inspect at COATES 61 CO.. tW Adelaide St.. and A.M.P. Basement Phont B9554 OW the Thor Is down, 540 Queen Street, Pctrle Blglit. Bettor sco It and finish with washing and dishwashing worries.QEE QEE Buzacotts lor all electrical apC3 plnnccs for your home: Irons, toasters, vacuum cleaners, electric stoves, refrigerator, etc. Buzacotts (Q'land), Ltd.. 443 Adelaide Street. Petrie Big hi,. CELL 'Webster' 240v. single element O electric boiler. What offers? Applr Box CPI5. Courlcr-Mall. '/Ha ZERO Sol- Water Protect* /? Washing Machines and Hot Water Systems ZERO Soft Walei Is a boon, 'ttlnu * Co T At a Bldg Brlsh»n». SHOPS, OFFICES I/ACTORY space available, approx. I? 14.000 sq. ft., 14 mile, oost office! natural licln. phone, etc. must buy Jlllcc furniture, benches, etc, Boi ;N25 Courlcr-Mall. 17-ROCK Agent wants room or 250 »q. ' It space City/Valley. Box CL5», :ourlcr-Mall. LET, Windsor, lock-up shop. Apply 38 Newmarket Rd., Windsor, WANTED to rent spaeo, elty_ailt6.ble lor workroom. Ring TM^CT