Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), Monday 26 February 1934, page 3




Producer Before

Commission . . PROTECTION


- i SYDNEY, Monday. .

' ' .Otorgo i Patrick Hanna, of Collinsstreet, Melbourne, director of Pat Hanna Films Productions, told tho Film Commission that Australian productions had been forced to ac-cept terms which, if allowed to con-tinue, would kill the industry. In the suburbs of Melbourne "Diggers in Blighty", and "Harmony Bow," two feature comedies together, show-ed a gross profit of £80001 The pro-ducers jointly received £2000, which was 124 per cent, for each picture.

In the Capitol Theatre, Sydney, the two pictures drew £30,079. In two weeks Effteo Films and Iiis company received between them £313 for the hire of the two pictures. As the General Theatres Corporation was the only city outlet available, they were compelled to accept its terms, or go without release altogether.

Tho witness said he know the full facts of Mr. Thring's situation, as diclosed by his published statements, and could well understand his inten-

tion to suspend operations. " I fully sympathise with him," he added, omi definitely say I will not seriously consider making another picture until soma protective legislation is on the Btntute bookB."

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