Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Wednesday 6 May 1903, page 7


Broken Hill. May 5.

Mr. H. Bottrill, an old resident of the

Barrier, has returned here from Arltunga, after spending about 18 months on the new field. He states that it is not a poor man's field, but thinks it is going to be one of the biggest fields in Australia when opened up. At present there are about 900 men on the field, and others are still travelling up. It is useless, he says, for men to go there on the off chance of getting work if they have no luck in prospecting. No one should go without some capital. Men can live there on £2 a week. Speaking of the conditions of the country, Mr. Bottrill said there is plenty of water and feed at present, and there had been during the whole time his party had been there, although at times the seasons were very bad. The stations in the district are well stocked.

Mr. W. G. O'Hara, secretary to the Warman Prospecting Syndicate, reports the receipt of a telegram from Mr. Warman, stating that he has secured a property at Star Creek, carrying good gold.

The following telegram has been received from the manager of Brandt's Options Pros-pecting Company:-"Pearl shaft, 11 ft. deep, opening splendidly; struck iron quartz and lode material, all carrying gold and rich pyrites. Unable yet state size of lode; it is evidently a large body. Visible gold in stone; excellent prospects by dolly. Emerald shaft, 9 ft. deep; busy timbering and fixing brace. Next week will fully man leases and prospect continuation of Golden Junction outcrop on the Pearl lease. Am forwarding specimens by first oppor-tunity."

The following report has been received from the prospectors of Lane's Prospecting Syndicate, dated April 24, from Macumba station:-"We are stuck up nine miles north of this station by the flood waters of the Stevenson Creek, which came down a banker on Monday last, in places the water be-ing over 10 ft. deep and 2 to 3 chains wide, rush-ing down 6 miles an hour. It was impossible to cross, so we have had to camp four days, and wait for the creek to go down. We expect to get a start again to-morrow, as the waters are subid-ing rapîdly, but shall probably have to carry all our goods and pack saddles on our backs across the creek, as the camels are no pood in several feet of mud. The Stevenson drains a big area of country, about 140 miles in length, with numerous tributaries. The track runs near its bank for 50 miles. After we leave I don't think we shall get stuck again."