Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Tuesday 10 April 1928, page 14



The adventures of numerous Australia children and several goats are portrayed in "The Kid Stakes," a picture which delighted audiences on the Grand Theatre

on Monday. The exploits of that audacious young gentleman, "Fatty" Finn, have been depicted in pencil for some time, but Mr. Tal Odell, the director of the picture, has wisely assembled a cast of children to interpret the antics of these cartoon creations. The way in which the chil-dren enter into the spirit of the t.'iinz is really wonderful. and there is not a dull moment in the picture. Stonker and Hec-tor, the two principal goats, seem to know their importance in the scheme of things, and they do everything that a goat is expected to do, from eating straw hats to bun:in? their enemies in the rear. The a jioiieit harvest festival while the (Mrdener trails the luckiess Horatio Wart, labelled "that pial" hy a pcntlemau unv.-i!lin2 to he his-- father-in-law, is (=ome:Pi ins to rejoive tiie heart of Australian wnith .md it evidently did on M'jnJav. the great G. at Club Championship is tj be run. and. llcctnr i* still missing. Wliei. lie is found the only hope oi setting him

to the course is by aeroplane. Hector goes for his flight, bu; unfortunately the enthusiastic pilot insists on looping the loop, with the result that he falls out Fortunately be Ijnis in a. creek, but nothing will induce him to enter the aeroplane again, and his owners have to beg a lift for their precious freight frnm som? passing motorists. Meanwhile the preliminary heats for the Clip are being Vun, and Stonkcr. Hector's rival, has carried oil before him When the car containing the classically-named hero arrives there is great rejoii.'ius. and wilder cheering ensues final round Stonker joes to the front, but Fatty, in'his soap-box chariot, cheers his pet on, and at last Hector vrins by a short beard. It is no wonder that poairacing is popular in <Jueoiu-lar.d if the race seen on the screen is any criterion, lor it is as amusing as it is excitinj. Master ??Po;>" OnlcV. ;s fxcellen: as "Fatty" Finn, x Pretty Miss Eileen Alexander has I lie Tola of 1 wist, wilq whom ITora&o and several other jieonle arc in love. It :s the children mho make the picture, ho never. "The Grip of the Yukon" is n spectacular picture of North-West Canada, shownis :he adventures of the hardy gold-, heckers in the of the winter "freeze" in the back country. How two strange men adopt a youn? pirl to save her from the clutches of a. rascally dance hall prorrietor. alii liow they tiini out to be tUe men who killcil her tatiwr niakes nn ?exciting st.irj". The sirl falls in love irith, ono of the men. anil there is a remark-