South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Friday 13 July 1855, page 3



Present— Messrs. Shepherdson (Chairman), Little, Frame, and Wedd. The Clerk reported £7 6s. rates, and £2 for a timber licence, received since last meeting.

Mr. Watts attended to request that the road between Sections 3697 and 3701 might be made passable. The Council ordered that Mr. Shiels and the men should re-pair it as soon as they had finished the work in hand. Mr. Cowe agreed to make the ford near Mr. Lang's, and to cut the hill on the east side of the Mount Barkcr Creek, for the sum of £6. Mr. Treloar applied to the Council for a ford between Sections 4447 and 4448. Messrs. Frame, Wedd, and Little agreed to meet him on the ground on Friday next, to inspect the pilace. The Clerk produced a letter from the Central Road Board, allowing the expenditure of £20 on the main road near Mr. Rowe's. Three tenders were received for erecting bridge at Little Hampton. The Council were unanimously of opinion that the money could not be afforded this year, but they would allow £7 towards it if the remaindcr could be raised by private subscriptions, provided the work were done to their satisfaction. The Chairman informed the Council that he had written to the Colonial Secretary for a further instal-ment of the grant in aid, and that the money would be given without the district being obliged to take more of tbe immigrants from the Depot. The Council therefore ordered that the five men now in their employ should remain, but that authority should be given to Mr. Shiels to discharge any of them who did not give sa-tisfaction. Mr. Little was authorized to get some repairs done to the road between Caleby's and Lean's sections. The Chairman read a circular from the Colonial Se-cretary, referring to the unemployed Irish female im-migrants. The Council were of opinion that a depot might be advantageously established at Mount Barker Town, and that about 23 might be immediately accommodated therein. The following amounts were ordered to be paid:— Eyles, for work near Mill's, £2 ; Lyon and Yeaman, on account, £80 ; Cowe, for road near Cleggett's, £40 15s. ; wages, £21 18s. A MtJBDEE BY THE BLACKS IN THEKORTII. — The following is an extract from a letter dated Mount Eemarkable, July 0 :— ' There has been another murder committed by the blacks just on the other side of Spencer's Gulf. They are gone in pursuit of them now.' Further particulars are likely to be forthcoming in a day or two. Seeiops Accident. — On 'Wednesday, at noon, aa Mr. Alien, of Wright-street, was preparing a portion of the roof of an out-building, a piece gave way, which precipitated him to ths ground, falling with his wholo weight on the. blade-bone. A gimlet, which he had in his pocket, was, ijy tha fall, forced through the clothes into the body near the lungs. Dr. Frankis was immediately called in, aad, under his care, we are happy to say the p&ticnt is likely to do well. Na&bow Escape. — On Sunday morning last, while some men were engaged in the vicinity of Macelesfieid in reeonductiag a steer into a paddock from which he had escaped the previons night, the animal made a rush at one of them, a farmer named Warrcnncr, who threw a blue shirt and a cap at tho steer, vainly endeaTouring to divert his attention. As a last resource Warreiiner threw himself flat on the ground, aad the steer bounded over him, nearly severing his left ear from his head by a blow irom one of its hoofs. The beast was afterwards secured without doing any further mischief. The Teimtt Boabd.— Tlio Board, acting upon tho EU?ffe3tioa of Captain Douila.% the Master, have decided that tho various officers sliall hereafter, for the sake of distinction and for tbe purpose of obtaining a more ready recognition of thsir authority when introduced to shipmasters and others to whom they may be unknown, wear Trinity buttons oa blue coats. By a specific arrangement orthe buttons on (,he s!«era of tho coat, at by the emplsyment or bands of various styles, the distinctions of rank aad department will b« oo« Benrable,

JBABEWELt Breakfast? to Mb. Paxton.— Fhe friends or Mr. W. Paxtoa met to take leave or that gentleman yesterday, at a farewell breakfast (provided by Mr. Sarasay, of the Napoleon Bonaparte), previous to his ieparture lor England. Amongst the company present to observed Messrs. J. Baker, M.L.C., J. B. Nealcs, «.L.C., J. Hector, G. Stevenson, H.Ayers, M. Smith, tt. J. Stow, W. A. Wearing, H. Noltenius, J. Newman, bt r\ V' VW W-JL Chani°ek, J. IS. Hughes, W. EL Clarke, F. Fisher, G. Brunskill, A. Tolm« G H Fox; -H.--B; James, J. Allen, G. White, S. Dixon ' N* lames, A. Forster, R. H. Griereon, G. Dale J McLa-pn'— ?. Smith, N. Hailo, J. W. Bui!, j. Finnic C. Mann J* lainiiton, W. Gossc, W. H. Formbj, J. James, J. LighU bot, W. Sanders, Wrisrht, Phips, Pierce, Bennett, n! V Jquarey, and others. The breakfast embraced ail kinds of emptin? things in the calinary art, got up in tho most reditablo style. Tho chair was occupied by John Jiker, Esq., M.L.C., oa tha right of niiom sat Ir. Paxton and Mr. H. Aycrs, and on tha 2ft Messw. J. Hector and G. Stevenson. Breakfast Laving been rather hastily discussed, in consequence of he necessity of Mr. Paxton's early embarkation, and the sual loyal toasts having been proposed, tho Chairtnaa ose to propose tho health of the gentleman who was so oon to take his departure from the colony, and of whom, hey had met to take farewell. He said he had asked a riend near him what would be the best course to pursuo ii the situation in which ho was placed, and hat friend had advised him t) jump into tho aiddle and strike out rignt and left— to take ths bull by ?no horn?. He fcarcely knew what was meant by that Ldvice, but he supposed' it implied that ho was to po at t at once, and propose the health of Mr. Paxton. This ie would endeavour to d ! as volt as he was able, although ie felt that he could not do jnstii-o to it. There wcra many present who doubtless had been on closer terms or .atimaey with that gentleman t)-an himself, but nono Sad been more observant of his character, or entertained or him warmer feeling of regard. If he did not, therefore propose the toast in adequate terras, it was not from of respect to Mr. I'axtou. He had known him for upwards of 15 years ami could say that there was not a man in the colony who had conducted himself moro to the satisfaction of his fellows than he had dune He had 3een him tried in many ways; ho had seen him straggling with .difficulties, and battling with the reverses against waieh nearly all the old colonists had been called to contend; and ho had seen him subjected to tho test of prosperity— a test which not many wero proof against ; and under every circumstance he had conducted himself uprightly. He waa now about to leave them, and, as he said, not to return again. They could not but feel sorrow at his departure; sorrow, because tho colony was about to loso one of its most enterprising colonists ; sorrow, because all in tho circle of Mr. Paxton's private aeniiaintanee wero about to lose s. sincere friend ; and sorronr, because many in poverty and distress wero about to lose a benefactor to whom in their penury they had never looked in vain. Mr. Paxton's private charities had been much more extensive than was generally imagined. They had not been displayed ostentatiously ; but a case of distress had never been brought before him that he did not relieve. Although 31 r. Paxton wm absent from the colony, he hoped he would not forget it. but remember that it was in South Australia ho had made liis fortune, and from whence he drew his resourcei' Ho was adding one more U) tho number of absents© colonists, a:id the colony by his departure was suffering an additional loss. Ho tiiought it probable that Mr. Paxtoa would feel inclined to return tu tho colony ajaln, although he had expressed his intention not to do to. Having been so long here he would feel a blank in bin existence in another sphere of action. Ho had arrived at that period of life when men did not readily throw off old friendships or create now ones. Ho lvuuld think of old friends and old associations, and bo led to return ; and that was his (Mr. Baker's) wish, and the wish of all who heard him. The sentiments ami feelings be had expressed towards 3fr. Paxton would, he doubted not, have been expressed by all present had an opportunity been afforded. He felt that in parting with him they were parting with a kind-hearted and honourable gentleman. Sir. Paxton's health waa then drunk with a hearty rouad of cheers. On Tiling to return thanks, Mr. Paxton, who was considerably aiVectod, said he ? ould not sutlioiently express himself for the kindncje that had been shown him. Ho did not expect it, particularly on the eve of hia departure. Ho had wado many friend3 in South Australia, whom ho never expected to see again ; but he would remember tho happj days he had spent amongst them. Ho regretted to leave tho colony ; but having fortunately, by his exertion*, attained a position which ensbled him to do so, ho w&

naturally anxious to see tho friends he had loft behind in tho old country. The Chairman had alluded to his acts of charity, but he had never done anything that ho wished to parade before the world. What he had givea had been given to assi«t others, and for a good purpose, and he had lefs instructions w-ith his friend Mr. Ayera to da tho same, on his behalf, during; his absence. He would beg to take leave of them, all, and wish them all prosperity and happiness. Jlr. Hector said they must not part without drinking a bumper to the health of Mrs. Paiton and tier daughters. The Chairman had set forth tho merits of Mr. Paxton in eloquent terms. Ho had not his eloquence, or he would have employed it even more forcibly in setfng forth the virtues of Mrs. Paxton. Much as tho colony was losing in parting with the husband, a greater loss v;as sustained in parting with his excellent . wife. Ho hoped her daughters might yet become tho wives of some of tlio young pcnllemen of tho colony, Mrs. 1'axton'a health having been drunk with cheers and Mr. Paxton having returned thanks, tha Chairman said there was another gentleman in tho company who was about to leave with Jlr. Paxton, whose health ho would call upon Mr, Wearing to propose. It was a serious matter to see to many of the most enterprising -of the colonists leaving, aud ho hoped the newspapers would favour the public with au articio on tho aiUQUlit drawn by absentee bankers, and merchants, and landowners from the revenues of the colony. Mr. Wcarlnj? then rote, and in eloquent terms proposed tho health O Mr.G. H. Fox. Thishaving been drunk, and Mr.Foxhavmu returned thanks, the proceedings wire brought to a close by Mr. Aycrs announcing that the timo was up when it would bo necessary for Sir. Paxton to proceed to the Port. A vote of thanks was then given to the Chairman, and Mr. Paxton, accompanied by Messrs. Ayer*, Sanders, and Newman, started in a carriago and ? four, furnished in most beautiful order by IlounseveU, for tin p'aee of embarkation. About i3 of Mr. Paxton's friends accompanied him in the steamer Melbourne, to tho John Banks, in which vessel he will proceed to Ceylon, and theuco by tbe P. & 0. Company's steamer and the overland route. Madame Cahaxdini ami Mons. Emuk Coulox. — At the earnest solicitation of manv influential

^miemcn, leaning mercnams, nna lamuius rtsmuig oui» if town, Madame Carancini and JIoup, Kmile Couloo, vill (rive a morning concert, at 2 o'clock to-nicrrow, at ho Victoria, when the internal arrangements will bol irccisely similar to those of an evening concoHi ?n4 :here is every reason to believe that the eminent vocali»ti vill be honoured by a very gratifying at tcadacoe. THE ADELAIDE HOUNDS.—We have been favoured by an esteemed correspondent with the follow-ing account of two days' sport with the Adelaide hounds :— The lovers of the chase will be delighted to hear through the medium of your paper that a select few of the sportsmen from Nairne and neighbourhood have had two splendid days with the above pack. The hounds met on Monday last at the District Hotel, Nairne, and with their gallant master, Mr. W. Malcolm, at their head, trotted away to the Burnt Chimneys Creek, and soon after crossing the Bremer, the music so delightful to a sportsman's ear was heard from that noble hound Gamester, which was taken up by all the pack. On clearing the scrub two kangaroos were seen wending their way across the Bremer Ranges, one taking south and the other north. The dogs, nothing daunted, went away at a pace that made the knowing ones cry for quarter, and after a burst of from five to seven miles a fine " old man " was run into in gallant style near to the Dry Station. The other making for the Murray scrub, the dogs were judiciously whipped off to preserve them for next day's sport. On Tuesday morning the sportsmen met at Callington Township, and no sooner were the dogs uncoupled than the well-known voice of Gamester . saluted the ear, and after a little dodging in the scrub below the hills away went the hounds in full cry, over the Bremer Ranges to the east, thence to the south across the roads leading to the Dry Station, Thompson's, and into the Murray scrub. The pace at this time was terrific, and many tailed off ; a few, however, including the master, Mr. Farquharson, and a son of Mr. Bee's (not yet 10 years old), still kept them in view, and, skirting the scrub, ran him to where he started from, through the scrub and down to the Bremer, where he was been taking a wash. He then went in the direction of the Wild Dog Station and back again to his favourite spot, where the dogs ran into him in gallant style, but fairly exhausted from their long chase, a distance from point to point of at least 30 miles. Thus was concluded one of the finest day's sport that the most ardent dis-ciple of Nimrod could desire, and all returned home highly delighted with the sportsman-like bearing of the

master, and his pupil, the first, second, and third whip, Willie Simpson. The " old man " that afforded the last day's sport has been sent to Mr. Ramsay, of the Napo-leon Bonaparte, where no doubt the sporting gentry and novices of Adelaide may both view and taste him. PfiOGKE33 OF l3ITROVE5fEIi'r AX TUE POUT. — A patent vertical caw-mill of 20 horse-power, and con. 8tructed on principles improved upon thoso which obtained tho prize tit the Great Ex! ibition, liamelj, Uft one exhibited by the eminent manufacturers, Moollowall ' and Sons, of Glasgow, haB lately arrived to Mr. Walter Smith, of I'or; Adelaide, who designs it for use in a, Ifrget establishment, which he is about to build on grourtd purchased from the Port Land Company, at the angls where tho Tam O'Shantcr Creek reaches thb Port-road, Tli3 machinerr, which is of wrought iron of tha best . description, will execute all its various purposes with little or co manual assistance, as it will draw up qn a railway, to a largo vertical saw frame, logs of tunne? even ia large as ?! foet square and 190 feet long. The mill is provided1 with 73 saws for the vertical frame, all of which may bo made to work aJ ona time oa the samo log, and cut it in'.o various sizes at required. The cut timber, after passing out to the rear, can there be loaded on a dray by pullics attached to and worked by tho machinery. Attached to the mill is also a self-acting1^ circular saw bench, provided with eight large circular'.' saws, eich 43 inches in diameter. Jlr. Smith has very! wisely provided tko requisite gear for working woplpresses with the aid oi the steam-power employed 1^ driving the saw-mill. As the depth of tha creek average^ from 10 to VI feet, the advantages it will afibrd, for tha conveyance of hei.vy timber and' fuel from the river, cani not be overestimated. It is to be hoj.eJ that Mr. Sinlth'S spirited undsrtaking will prove very benefudal to himself ai well as productive of great convenience aad advantage to ihs community at largo,' The Pkopos j;d Hospital Ii uontikq Noeth- . tehhace.— The following is the Bubstanco of a petition presented to His Kxccllency the Governor, by citizen* and others who concur in the opinion expressed jn tha' petition of the Municipal Council as to tho iudiifibllity of the proposed Bite :— ' That they have seen with much regret tho cominenwment of buildings intcndc'l by tho Government for a hospital, in tho reserved lands fronting North-tcrracc, which, if persisted ia, will, in their opinion, be obnoxious not only to the residents in that particakr locality, bat to the inhabitants of tho city generally, as tending greatly to depreciate the value of property in tbor neighbourhood, to abridge tha moans of recreation which the immediate contiguity of tbe Bite of tho proposed; ' Botanical Garden at present affords, and tu injurious Ui the public health. Your memorialists, adverting to tha petition presented to your Excellency by their reprettn* tatives in the Municipal Council, a:id concurrinjj nwwii fully in the viewg proposed therein as to tho ineligiWIHy of tha eite proposed, respectfully urge- its prayc? upon your favourable consideration; and that your Excellency will bo pleased to direct that tha acw hospital be etesU:i oa «ome other spot not open ta the objections to vrbich they have veaiured to cafl your ' Exellenc/s attention.' Buidge at SnuTEUXBTX.— Wo understand that the District Council of Strathalbyn have it in geriou contemplation to erect a bridge over the River Ancai'at that township ail speedily' aa possible. This design appears to give great satisfaction to tha inhabitant* of Strathalbya and tho surrounding settlers. Such a structure has long been wanted, and the necessity for it I* becoming more and more urgent with the iarge Increaso of traffic conseijUiJTit upon tha increased and iuereafing settling of the irarrounding country. Tli3 Ford, at present used as tbe crossing-place, is aa extremely dUif gerous place in iret seasons, and more than one hona and rider have bc-en swept away in former year* by. tho current, in attempting to cross when tha river was up.' ? On such occasion', of course, any persons oa foot wero compelled to remain en that sida of the water on wnkh they might chance to be at the time. ' ? -Tiie'Cuops.— In the Macclesueld, Strathalbyn, find-Kondsparinga districts tho crops ere looking . remarkably healthy and promising. Thero ia amucn , larger bre*JOi of !ani1 nQ-icr cultivation in theso dla» trictjthis year than there was tho list season,1 and an abundant harvest may tie reasonably expected. Some of tfo wheat on Iho Bugle ranges is looking extremely well, and will no doaut amply remunerate the fanners for their outlay. Adelaide and Peovikciai, Building Com* BAJrr. — At tbe monthly meeting of this Company, held on Thursday evening, at the Napoleon jJouapsrte, Klag William-street, (.hero wero .sold, (including finctional ?parts) 11J £100 shares, which realized prices roaring from £.1% 15s. to £32 15b. Tho eniraaca fe« for tot current month w&9 fixed at £1,