South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 2 October 1855, page 2



Monday, October 1— The barque Wilhelmine, 300 tons, Kimme, master, from Bremen. June 6. PassengersCharlotte Lankenan, Doris Heine and child, Agnes Ehlers and child, and Alex. E. A. von Goeben, in the

cabin; Kasten, Wehr, Klopsch, Langenbergen 6, Muller, Eberhard, Buchholz, Gerding, Bar 10, Hartwig 3, Schultz 8,Seeliger 5, Hartwich 4, Schultz 4, Premmel, Engelking, Klauber 5, Packel 6,Wolff, Kobel, Mattern, Herbig, Pietsch 5, Barrein 5, Kubke 9, Kubke 3, Heuer 3, Schroder, Prigge, Friedrichs 4, Feuss, Hartwich, and Hartwich 4, in the steerage. Gerke and Rodemann, Town; J. Newman and Son, Port, agents. Same day— The barque Caucasian, 537 tons, W. Davidson, master, from London June 4, the Downs June 11. R. H. Grierson, Town ; W. Scott, Port, agents. Passengers—Mrs. L. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Tinline son and daughter, Capt. Allen, Messrs. Henry and Frank Rymill, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan, Miss Julia Nathan, Masters Edward and Lewis Nathan, Mr. and Miss Solomon, and Dr. Hughes, in the cabin; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Miss M. Johnson, Masters John and Benjamin Johnson, Messrs. C. Lubeke, G. Saunders, J. Clipstone, T. Carter, J. Hut-chinson, G. Attwood, Mr. and Mr. T. Forsaith, David, Mary Anna, Thomas, Joseph, and Martha Forsaith, Mr. and 'Mrs. Porter, Master W. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Shephard, and Miss L. Vosper, in the intermediate. ARRIVED COASTWISE. Monday, October 1— The barge Lipson, , 38 ion*, Booth, master, from Port Waketield. Cargo— 31 ton* lopperore. CLEARED OUT. Monday, October 1— The ship Admiral Boxer, 111! tons, Jones, master, for Calcutta. Passengers— Mrs. Jones and servant. CLEARED OUT COASTWISE. Monday, October 1— The cutter Endeavour, 20 tons, Reid, master, for Yorkc's Peninsula. Cargo— 2 bales woolsacks, 1 pkg. tobacco, 1 cask sundries, 1 weighingmachine, 1 bale slops, i ton flour.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Calcutta— Admiral Boxer, this day. For Mauritius— Telemaclio, early ; Gazelle, early. For Swan River— Alice .Martin, early. For Melbourne— Havilah, October 3; Borra Burrs, tarly ; Thane of Fife, early. For Guichen Bay— Firefly, early. IMPORTS. Cargo of the Wilhelmine, from Bremen — 132 pkgs., Gerke and Rodemann; 7 pkgs., 14 boxes, Heide; 114 pkgs, Henzenroerder and Co.; 2 boxes, Warnken; 50 do. ale, 100 demijohns spirits, Koepke; 32pkgs., Kunkc; 1 box, Ochme; 1 do., Noltenius, Meyer, and Co.; 100 brls. resin, 20 boxes wax matches, 1 sample box, 50 boxes chairs, 820 planks, 2 cases wearing apparel, Gerke and Rodemann ; 4 casks beer aud porter, Heide. Cargo of the Cancasian, from London— 8 cases, 11 bales, McLaren ; 29 cases, 16 casks, U cases, 1 trunk, Xathan ; 1 box, McKenzie ; 1 boi, l'resgrave; lease silver plate, Tinline ; 15 cases, Austin, DeMole, and Co.; 20 tanks and covers, Chubb, Hill, ami Co.; KJ easks bottled ale, \V. Yoonghusband and Co. ; 1 case, Order ; 5 cases, 1 cask, Union Bank of Australia ; 1 casu apparel, Mbs M. Wilkinson; I case printed books, Rev. 1). J. Draper; 10 cases hats', Order; 1 case stationery, Levi ; -1 pki;*. containing a phaeton, Rantlell ; 7 bales, Murray and Co. ; 3 cases, Angas ; 5 cases books, Platts ; 1 bale and I case paper, I case printing tnatcriala, Order ; lease books, Scarle; 16 trunks, Dartlcet; 6 cases, White; 2 cases, Goode Brothers; 23 cases, Black and Wright; 1 cask medical bottles and corks, Gosse; 12 bales paper, Order; 6 cases, 2 bales, 3 trunks, Lucas and Co.; 1 case, Baker; 2 dray-wheels, 1 axle, 1 matted bundle, Grcgorson; 5 cases, Macgeorge and Co. ; 2 do., 1 cask, Platts ; 10 cases, 3 bales, Goode Brothers ; 1 cask, Nickles ; 1 ca«e, Peake ; 2 cases, 1 pipe, Order; 1 case a pianoforte, Fisher ; 11 casks, 27 crates, 6 boxes, Futchcr; 3 casks, Martin and Sn-'h; 5 cases, 14 trunks, 15 cases, 6 bales, and 2 pkgs., Crocker ami Hamilton ; 11 cases, 1 matted pkg-., 7 kegs, 1 grindstone, 1 cask, 1 do. gunpowder, Eld-T and Co. ; 3 tierces, 12 cases, 1 crate, 1 case containing a pianoforte. Hector; 3U bars, 1 cask, 2 ke^rs, 3 pkgs., Sharp; 2'! kegs, 6 casks, 1 case, 10 bundles, 1 case, Allen; 3 cows, 1 bull, 5 rams, 2 sheep, 1 ram, 1 hhd., 10 bdls. wire, 13 cases, i casks, 1 hhd., 7 qr.-cusks. Order; 5 bales, 7 cases, 3 trunk', 1 case, 1 pkg. samples, Miss Williams ; 26 tons coals, Griersun ; 1 pkg. containing a Clarence carriage, Order; 12 forje batiks, 12 tire-irons, 1 case, 1 cask. 120 mould-boards, A3 sole-plates, Blyth Brothers ; 4 hhds^ -I ?jr.-casks brandy, Aylwin ; 5 cases mnsieal instruments, Samuel Marshall ; 3 case*, 3 trunks, 1 package, S. Solomon; 100 boxes candles. Hart and Hughes; ?U cum, 20) eves brandy, fiilor Brothers ; 7 cases, 6 i-asks, J. Ciltou ; JO h!tds. b cr, 20J cases bottled beer, A. SL-ott; 6 casrs earn, 8 wheels, 2 pkgs. shafts, 6 di-. whoc!*, 1 do. axles, 3 do. shafts, J. Solomon ; 160 cases, H. Ayiwin; 6l-lo., Order; 19 do., 2 trunks, 2 casks, -'rder'; 1 case, 1 b»K\ Thomas Colton ; 6 cases, John Colton; 11 lurrcls. Order; 2 boxes, James Caldcr; 12 kejrs, 20 bundles buckets, t5 casks, 5 bundles sieves, 3 ke^s, 3 casks, 4 weuhinz-machine*, 2 cases, 15 ba^s chain, Lauvon and Harris; 3 boxes, 6 cases, 3 bundles, 4 kc^s nails, 13 casks, 9 boilers, 21 barrowwhcc-ls with spindles, 1 tierce, 12 bundles buckets, 9 wvi;rhini;-:nachiiics, Mbags nails, 100 iron air-brick!-, Blyth Brot'icrs ; 2 ca.s-.-s, Abrahams ; 230 iniarters nv-lt, 40) box.'*, 1'. I/;vi; 2 wses plat-.1, U. Tinline; 12 pkgs., ilcArthur, Kinrsberongh, :un! C-.; 1 case books, Order ; 7ca-cs, Faultuug; 5o casks bitter, Robin and Co. ; 16 cases, 10 ca-*«. Solomon ai-d Co. ; 3 bales, 2 cases, -1 wt-ighing-aia bines, 8 pkgs., Phillips; 2 cases, 6 pkgs. wheels, Colti in; 1 crate, 10 cases, 2.) bdl3., Fcnruson; a ijuaxiti'v strap-bolts, £in:r -!??., and rail-joint plates, 19 casks, 1 barrel naib, 813 'riil-i,lti-bar, 103 ironstajs, 36 angle irons, 20 piccM for cisterns, 2 cases, 1 boiler, 1 fly- wheel, 13 cases, 2 castings, 15 cask', 1 tie-bar, 1 funnel, Undertakers of the Adelaide City and Port Railway.

EXPORTS. Carpo of ths Admiral Boxer, for Calcutta — 2 case* hardware, Dippel, Printz, and Christen. SIXGAPORE SLOPPING. ASSIVALS. From Adelaide — Jane 2--, Bidder, advertised to return. Frwn Melbourne— June 2(5, Singapore; June 23, A. Che«sebon.ush; July 21, Melbonrne; July 23, Antilles From Sydney— June 22, Himalaya. From Swan ltiver— July 30, Empress, advertised to return. EXPBCTBD. From Melbonrne— Llewellyn, Surprise, Whistlir, From Swan River — Rapid,* Squaw. DEPARTCKKS. For Melbonrne— June 21, Malacca. MISCELLANEOUS. The Caucasian, from London, arrived as elsewhere reported, after a very tedious voyage, liaviug little clsa than head winds to contend with the whole time. II«r lfi~ reports much heavy weather. When off the Bay of Biscay she lost a portion of her bulwarks, and also in the lonciiuile of the Cape of Good Hope. July 7, when in lat. t-° 55' N., long. 21' 27' W, signalled the Amicitia, from Suncerland, bound to Rangoon. The steam-tug will brinjrthe Caucasian up the Creek this morning. The A'lmiral Boxer is lying at the Lightship. C'oloxial LiGnTS. — A copy of the correspondence between the Admiralty, the Board of Trade, and the Colonial Office respecting colonial lights has been kid before Parliament on the motion of Mr. Cardwell. It results from a letter, dated the 23th of February, 1S55, signed by Jir. Merrivale, oa the part of Mr. (then) Secretary Herbert, that if it were desired to proceed immediately with the Bill proposed for the purpose of levying tolls for colonial lights, it was advisable to introduce a clauso declaring mat no levy of tolls under tbe Act should take place in any colony, unless and until the local Legislature shall have addressed the Governor for the purpose. Loss of ihk Amekici.y ?Ship Ligiitfoot. — Captain Bormyman, of the Pantaloon, reports the loss on July lstj near Saugor Roads, of the American ship Lightfoot, Captain Sumner Pierce, from London to CaLmtta. The P.intaloon, on seeing the signal of distress, boie up to her jisustance, and succeeded in savingthe whole of its crew, to the number of 50, but no part of the cargo c -uld be saved. Tne Lightfoot was a fine vessel of 3.C00 tons, on her sc«.rad voyage. She had on board 000 tons of railway iron, besides a large quantity of miscellaneous cargo. The vessel had been dismasted on the passage oat, and struck in ThornhilTs Channel wheu running in. The crew, with their effects, was transferred to the American ?hip Morning Light, inward bound, which vessel had . kindly nmained by both vessels during the night. — limits Time*, July 21. Rrssiu Pbivi?eer3. — The captain of the French fhip Cauton, which vessel arrived here on Fridiy last from San Francisco, reports that two Russian privaf een of SO) to 600 tons cich, were at anchor in the harbour «f ^an t'rani ispo. The two privateers had arrived with ice fur thj Russian ice company. A British ship of war was at anehar outftidi: the port awaiting the departure of the privateers. The Canton has not brought any San Franlisoo journals, and the above particulars are all that we lave been able to glean. Masters of English and French ?hips will do well to keep a sharp look-out, and report every sospidoui-looking vcsscL— Straitt Time*. July'3. Cultbsb Coolie Trade. — Oa Friday, July 27, there arrived from Macassar the barque Rose of Jutpha, which vessel left Housrkong for Melbourne in June, 1351, with about 4J0 Chinese passenjers. From stress of weather the ship pat into Manila, where extensive Tepairs were made; she then saiUd for Melbourne, but bore up for Macassar and remained at the latter port several months awaiting the arrival of funds to .nav off the expenses incurred: on tUi receipt of fundi, she a'-ain started fjr Melbourne, encountered boisterouj weather, lost siUs, 4c, and returned to Macassar, whore the Chin-»a passengers, noleiu coleiu, were landed, and the ship sailed for Singapore. Until we have full details we shall refrain from comment, but really the Chinese Coolie tr ule is a monster nuuance ; its irregularities are calculated to induce poor deluded emigrants to take revenge on European schemers or others concerned in this disgraceful trade.— Strait* Tia'i, July 31.

VESSELS EXPECTED. The numbers in Marrjatt's Signal-Book: are prefixed to each vessel's name. IBOH LOXDOW. 2nd 6279 — Constance, 800 tons, Smith, master, to sail June I ? 1st 4537— Gloucester, 591 Ions, Hiatt, master, to tail June 23 2nd 4281— Irene, 447 tons, to sail in July 1st 9026— N'orna, 392 tons, to sail June! 1st 9013— JTorton, 813 tons, sailed in November for Port Waketie'd.pat in at Rio for repair! 1st 9206— Oriental, SOU tons, to sail with Government emigrants Jane 1 2nd 5670— Sea Queen, 600 tous, Rowe, master, to sail in July -2nd 4035— Tcmpleman 2nd 2301— Victoria, 521 tons, to sail June 19 2nd 7310— Victoria. Reins, 1,200 tons, to sail June 30 2nd 4257— Walriseb, ]-» tons, to sail July 5 2nd 3701— Warren Hastings, 557 tons, J. L. Pottcous, master, to sail June 23 ? ? rsdv tivKsroot. 1st 123— Africa, to sail in June lat 1369— BuecphTlus, 1191 tons, Thompson, mastar, 'loading in June : 3rd 390— Dominie Daley, 227 toni. Frost, master, sailed ltec.7, put in at Port Xatal for rcpalis 1st 3965— Fortune 2nd 8315— George AvcrTj with Government emijrrauts, to sail Fe'ruary 19 1st 8357— Merlin, to salt Mav 7 2nd 120— Sclianec. 805 fcjvi, Bennett, mister, loading . May2l, ??? ? ? ? , 2udl590— Theodorp.'.SSi* ton3, Davys, master, to sail June 4 ?' — ?? Vriendcntrqw, 50D tons, Greyclinck, master, to »ailMay20 ' TBO1T EOCXEAttnOS. ' 1st 5236-Himal3Ta ?; ? 1st 7219-Lloyds, sailed May 8 : , FHOM CABDITF. 1st 5916— Jannerjic, banpc, 700 tons, to tail June 4 2nd 4029^GEri£5a'BelI:BKISrO'1 ~ 2nd7302--Typhooll'°aG'l:iOCK- ?? : _. _ . 'OX 00TTX5BCBG. BirHobertDixon ?FEO31 SIMJMTICS 1st S180— Hero,brig-, sailed July 21 ? ' ~ .'?^taoaBraoiroKi.' ~ — ^aM» ? . . '?'.,. TEOUISDIi. ? '... 2nd 5786— Polka .. ? TBOM VAUAILIISO. 2nd 8885— LcBvesteya Symmctery r ? - »BO»r MBLBOUBITE, . -^ 1st 7361— Louisa, early - ? ? 1st 7483— Lydto, earir 1st 8074^-3017 Ellen ? 7777 -. ? 1st 862t-NancY' ? ;~ !i- - ?' ?-? 1st 8971— Nonpareil, tchooner, sailed Auguit 21 ' 2nd 19— -ineen of the Isles, early . ' ; TBOHSrDXKT. . .'? v. ? ; 2nd 9530— Perseverance, sailed Augast 21 nOK UOD1BT TOWS. 1st 3927— Flying Fish, sailed August 27 2nd«432-Galeg» 2nd3087-Zepbyr

??'?: ' nox mbtlutd. ... ?'..'.' lit 2561— Daphne, schooner, to sail SeptemlMT 21 ibom Knro osobok's somrs. 2nd 3561- Malacca, ship, sailed September 10 VESSELS IK HARBOUR. Ideoni , schooner, 130 tons, Noel, master. Newman and Son, agents. In the Stream. Alice Martin, schooner, 62 tons, B. Hilton, master, from WilltuiKa. W. Scott, agent In the Stream. Bernard, britj, 175 tons, from Sinirai'orc. AcTaman, Main, Lindsay, and Co., Town; CoU!nson,eort,agcnt«. In the Stream. .'?''.'' ?' Champion, brig, 226 tons, Jack, master, from Leschenault. Queen's Wharf. ' ' ' ' . , ?. Charles Kerr, barque, 463 tons, Thompson, master, from Cardiff. B. Amsberg and Co, Town; S. Mocatta, ; Port, agents, .In the Stream. ... Commodore, brig, 180 tons, Sayrcs, master, from Melbonrne. ' Patent Slip. Gazelle, brig, from Launeeston. In the Stream. Grenada, schooner, 156 tons, MasFie, master, from Melbourne. In the Stream. ' Hannah Maria, barque, 335 tons. Drew, master Newman and Son, agents. In the Stream. Harry, brig, In the Stream. Havilah, steamer, 337 tons, Lowrie, master, from Melbourne. G ». H. Fox and Co., Town and Port, agents. Queen's Wharf. Josephine L'OUeau, schooner, 90 tons, Lindsay, master. from Newcastle. N.S.W. Younghusband and Co., agents. In the Stream. . Kaniraroo, cutter, 45 tons, Reid, master, from American River. Queen's Wharf. Lapwing, cutter, 65 tons, Francis, master, from Port Elliot R.Tapley, agent Company's Wharf. Leichardt, steamer. Acramaa, Cook, an I Co., agents . IntheStream. Mary Clarke, brig, 180 tons, Clarke, mastar, from Port Wakeficld. IntheStream. Quito ship, 503 tons, Johnstone, master, from London. Cleve and Co., Town; E. G. Collinson, Port, agents. Company's Wharf. Robertina, brig, 217 tons, Manson, mwter, from Bataria Linklatcr, agent. IntheStream. Swallow, schooner. 135 tons, Lothwood, master, from Port Louis. Stilling and Co., agents. Queen's Wharf. Switzerland, Bhip, 610 tons, Doherty, master, from Liverpool. Acraman, Main, Lindsay, and Co., agcnti. In Stream. Telemacho, brig, 220 tons, SSchouti, master, from Sydney. F. Fisher and Co., agents. On the Bank. Thane of Fife, schooner, 132 tons, McKlnnon, master, from Swan River and King George's Sound. Queen's Wharf. Thomas Arbuthnbt, ship, 6il tons, Martin, mast«r, from Plymouth. Acraman. Main, Lindsay, and Co., agents. ' Company's Wharf, rimandra, barque. 311 tons, Solomon, master, from Lcschenault. Hall and Co, agonts. In the Stream. Tweed, coal-hulk. Simpson, agent. In tho Stream. Valentine Hcllicar, schooner, BurCcld, agent. In tlv Stream. Voyageur, schooner, 139 tons, Willis, master, from Port Louis. Fox and Co., agents. In the Stream. Toting Australian, steamer, 120 tons. Wells, master, from Cape Northumberland. Patent Slip. A.TTII1BOBTH 1BK. Alice Brooks, barque, 212 tons, Davidson, master, from Singapore and Batavia. Clarendon, brig, 121 tons. Quarantine hulk. Princo R«gent, barque, 523 tons, Jago, master, fran London. C. Cleve and Co., Town; Collinson, Pov agents. AT THE LIGHTSHIP. Admiral Boxer, 9 to tons, Jones, master, from Liverpool. Elder and Co., agents. Amicus, schooner, 120 tons. Brown, master, for Mauritius. Put back. Caucasian, ship, 536 tons, Davidson, master, from London. R. IL Grienon, Town; W. Scott, Port, agents. Lucia Maria, ship, 717 tons, Passenieu, master, from Gottenburg. MacDcrmott, Dutton, and Co., agents. Marathon, ship, 538 tons, Wilson, master, from Liverpool. Patent Copper Co, agents. South Sea, ship, 950 tons, Geere, master, from Plymouth. Elder and Co, agents. Wilhelmine, barque, 300 tons, Kimme, master, from Bremen. Gerke and Rodemann, Town ; J. Newman and Son, Port, agents.