South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 21 August 1854, page 2


we havo already acknowledged Melbonrne dates to the 14th instant, and the Bosphoros has, of course, brought us nothing later, although we are indebted to her arrival fi»i- tha

completion of our files. ' The following commercial intelligence appears iu the Herald of the 1 1th and 12th :— ' Tho quotation for gold is merely nominal at £4, as there is nothing doing at the brokers'. . . ' No alteration has occurred this week in banking or monetary affairs. The state of absolute rottenness disclosed in many cases in the Insolvent Court, of late, amongst a certain class of mushroam traders who dignified themselves with the mmo of ' merchants,' has induced the banks to restrict their discounts. , ?' We aro uniblo to report any improvement in 'the wholesale markets thin week. Every branch of trade rema'ns remarkably quiet, arid all forced sales continue to exhibit the same ruinous results we havo noticed for the past quarter. Drapery goods are constantly on sale at the auction-rooms throughout the- city,, and are generally . knocked down at prices which will astonish ! the shippers — if indeed anything remains for them after defraying expenses here. '. ' li In the wine traJe,good port weuldobtaW a very improved figure just now, if such an article were to be found iu the colony — -a «ety doubtful contingency. : / ' Rice continues as scarce andextravaguitlj high as last month'. '-' The flour trade remains steady at ilie old quotations for town made: Adelaide descrip- \ tions are cheaper, being quoted at £32 103. to £33, bags included. -^ 'The provender market is rather lower: bran, in quantities, may be purchased a^s. ' 6d. per bushel at tho town milla. - Hay /-f colonial yield is selling ar £20 to £24; and v imported descriptions at £18 to £20. .' ' Split peas have again advanced slightly in value. ?? , ' -'In groceries generally thirre is little change to notice. Butter has baen easier to bay in some cases, but the current rate is not reduced. Currants of good quality ate worth 10s. per cwt more money. . 'In the timber trade we hear of no alterations: the market is very fully supplied.' The latest market reports are those of the 11th August, which we subjoin :— Live Stock.— Messrs. Kaye and Buichart report M~ follows :— Tho market haa during tb i week been well supplied with cattle of good quality, ?whic.i wew hU at from 35,. to 40.1. per 1001b i. Inferior oittlt still remain almost unsaleable. Large t-upplies of fat stock are near town. Sheep— Tho market has fcaea full of good Hheep. Wo havo koL1 this week, 3,000 first-r*te wethers at 29-*.; 1,700 fair ditto, *t tte; 500 at 2Os. 61. : and 1,800 ar 17s. The above ecmpriM the whole of the sheep that hivo lieeu in tho market this week. Calves are id good demand, and wei« scarce at the beginning of the week, hut a tinely sap-.ply came in towards the close. They are now taleahle from £3 17s. to £8. according to stzo aad quality. Hay.— An average supply of hay has been brought to town this week, but the price lor tirst-clais* ia HIMwhat lower. £25 per ton is now quoted for beat, and £-20 to £22 for second quality, trussed or imported hay £18 to £21 per ton. Wheat straw is now man. plentiful, and the price has receded to £18 per too, with a fair qnantity on offer. Cattle — Thn demand for horse 6tock I* exceedingly , dull at present, aud sales aro ollb-teJ but slowly- Flr»t- ' class draught horses, which were in great lequest eoaa tituo ago, ai high prices, are now the reverse, uid ctt only be disposed of at losing rates to the seller. Secondclass draught horses are more inquired after, but la* feriordo are altnoU unsaleable. Useful j.mraey h«eke and light harness horses a-e in fair demitud, and b*ve been sold this week fr«m £30 to £60 each. Working bullocks only iu model ate demand - Genickal Pk duos.— N - :. Iteration 1;m occurr jd ia the fruit and vegetable market. A fair average rapply has come in, iucluJing a few importations iron tli? neighbouring colonies. Dairy produce to bmm* plentiful, aud sells at rathsr low latus. The following are tlie retail prices :— Fbuit and Vboktablks— Cabbages, 6a to 10- per dozen; cauliflowers. 6 -t- t2s per dozen; celer-,l per buii-li; carrots, Bd per bunch; railit hts, 6d per bunch; parsnips. 9d per uo; leeks, 6d per cot poUtoea, very scarce, at 6*1 per lb, or 80s per cwt; gnrlc, Ssper lb; onions, Is 6d per lb ; apple ., 1 - to ia (id per lb ; lemone, ? 4s per doz; pens, 2s per quart ; tomatoes, 3s tsi per tb; green figs, 2s por doz ; melons, out of season; orange*, 2s Od t- 3s per dojsju. ? Dutch bus1 Meat.— Beef, 8d to 9d per Tb ; icottcn, M to 10.1 per ditto ; pork, is to Is 3d do t veal, U 9d per do ; roiiHtiug pigs, 36s each Dairy Produce, Poultry, &o.— Butter (fresh) 4s 61 to 6s per lb; ditto, 2s to 3a por ditto; new UM eggs, 3s per dozen ; milk, 2s to 2s OJ per quart; geeae, 20s to 25s each; turkeys, 30s 'to 60s. each; ducks, 21s per pair ; fowls (^Ovd), 20s por pair ; teal, 12s pot pair. ? ? ? - . Tub Parliament Bill. — We understand that the mail by the Lady Jocelyn brings ho official tidings whatever of the Parliament and Civil List Bills ; but the poit--cript of the Home News of June 3rd, under the head ?' Last Night's Parliament,' informs us that, Mr. Peel, in answer to a question from Mr. Divett, said that the South Australian Constitution Act had been received by Government Homo timo ago, but it was impissiblu to take any steps rejecting it until the corresponding Bills had been received from the other colonies. LI re recently, he added, the Victoria Constitution Bill bad arrived. The Lady Jocelyn's Passengers.— Among the passengers who toavo returned to the co-lony in the above-named steamer are Captain Hall, late representative of Port Adelaide in the Legislative Council, and his lady ; and among the newly arrived is Mr. Robertson, a gentleman connected with the management of the Strathalbyn Mining Company. Hindmarsh Ward.— A. meeting, pretty numerously attended, was held ou Friday, »t the iSir John Barleycorn, ltundle-strcet, Mr. Martin in the chair, when Mr. Burford addressed the ratepayers in explanation of his principles. He .'aid that though the measures likely to come before tlie City Council were of little importance in comparison lo those which occupied the attention of the higher assembly, they were still important as regarded the comfort and well-being of the citizens, and, in Bomq degree, those of coujitry people wbo were at least occasional visitors to Adelaide, lie believed that men of business habits were wanted in the City Council, and men who would ba as economical as possible. Mr. Townsend said there seemed to bo an apprehension that Mr. Burford would attempt to close tbe very convenient bridge opposite the end of Rundlf-st root cast. He wished to know his feeling on the sulij. ct. Mr. Burford said he was incapable of such a thing. He was in favour of every improvement, and he considered that one ; ho hoped to see similar improvements in other parts of tho town. (Cheer*.) Mr. Davis asked whether Mr. Bnrford would vote for the Mayor's salary. Mr. Burford did not know that the Act required any salary paid to the Mayor. His own opinion .wa«, and he bad expressed it very freely before, that thnre oucht to be no salary attached to the office. The honour of the position was so high, that they need never want for candidates. He would prefer to ses the Mayor elected by tbe cilizeus at large, and not by the Council. He did nut waut to speak invidiouoly, but he was convinced- that there were many men who would fill theoffioo as efficiently as tbe present man, and do it gratuitously. He should therefore at the proper time vote against the salary, and the more so as he believed a crisis was approaching, when it would be necessary to practise economy. Mr. White remarked that they all knew Mr. Burford so well, and had known him so well for tlie last fifteen or sixteen years, that they need hardly waste time in Questioning him. There were other candidates in the field, and it would be better. for them to make arrangements for securing his return. Mr. Pulsford said he disliked the : Corporation, and was one of the clewa who signed tho document against it; still, as they had a Corporation, they might as well put in the best man, and one that principle he proposed Mr. Burford as tlie most proper poison to supply the vacancy. Mr. D. Fisher (one of the Town Council) seconded this, and explained that his natne was put upo.i Mr. Waterman's Committee without his knowledge or consent, lie added that the requisition to Mr. Waterman was got up as a mere lark, by his son and a neighbour. Mr. Davis remarked that Mr. Burfurd had taken a prmninput part in defending the Corporation at the time of the late attack. Mr. Waterman, though no doubt a highly respectable man, had not the public spirit to come forward, either then or at any other time. He never came* forward, either on one side or on the other. He (Mr. Davis) did not like this. He would far sootier eeo a man do mischief, than do nothing at all ; for out of the mischief good might afterwards arise. Mr. Townsend corifir ned tho statement thnt Mr. Waterman was brought forward by bis own' son and Mr. Tyler (Wat Tyler, as he was' sometimes called) by way of joke, aud said that the names had been obtained to the requisition by a fatae statement, to the effect that Mr. Bnrford would endeavour to increase the city; rates; Iii his opinion, Mr. Burford had a priorclaim upon the eitizens, even if he and 'his opponent were in other respects equal. The re-volu'ion, which included a pledge in Mr. Burford'B favour, wa9 carried unanimously . Tlie meeting then resolve.l itsolf into a Committee for the purpose of securing Mr. Bur. ford's return. Handsome Pbesent to the Jocket Club.— ? We learn that .through tho instrumentality of Mr. James Fisher (whose health prevented his returning, as intended, by the Lad/ Jocelyn), Mi. Peat, the celebrated saddler, haa presented to the Jockey Club of Snath Australia a very hannsomo and costly whip, as an acknowledgment of the patronage bestowed on Mm )-y the settlors of this PIS* vince. ? : ' .'- ?.?'?? :---;v-^ . ? . ?'??,. ?'/--?i.nti