Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Tuesday 21 November 1922, page 11

AN EASY WAY TO INCREASE WEIGHT. GOOD ADVICE FOR THIN FOLKS. The trouble with most thin folks who wish to gain weight is that they insist on drugging their stomach or stuffing it with greasy foods;' rubbing on useless "flesh creams," or following some foolish physical culture stunt, while the real cause of thinness goes untouched. You cannot get fat until your digestive tract assimilates the food you eat. Thanks to a remarkable new scientific discovery, it is now possible to combine into simple form the very elements needed by the digestive organs to help them convert food into rich, fat-laden blood. This master-stroke of modern chemisty is called Sargol and has been termed the greatest of flesh-builders. Sar-gol aims its regenerative, recon-structive powers to coax the stomach and intestines to literally soak up the fatten-ing elements of your food and pass them into the blood, where they are carried to every starved, broken-down cell in your body ?MMbon has taken place and ym notice four neck, shoulders, and bust disappear ?? l r<m£ to. SSTf MU, hesUhy flwh. Sargol is absointely hsiiule—, Mexpensive, efficient. Leading' chemists of Adelaide and vici nity have it and will refund jour money if you are not satisfied, as i>er the guaran tee foond in every package. Caution. —Whilst Sarjrol has ftiven ex rellent results in overcoming nervous dvapepna and general stomach troubles M should not be taken by thane who do ?at wish to gain ten pounds or more.

SUMMER BEST TIME TO RELIEVE CATARRHAL DEAFNESS. IT MAY NOT *ERODBLB YOU IX WAfiM WEATHER. BUT THE t_E__.l OF OAfTABBH IB -TH__ EST _OLR B-OGD. -Those who, _r_T_r. from catarrh, catar rhal deafiiess or head noise, o—en imagine they may throw off its dreadful effects dur ing; the warm days, only to find" the first touch of winter weather brines it back with all its former n_stre___al hawking and spitting. s—ld weather, however, will aid the treatment, and this is an. Excel—nt time to thoroughly cleanse tbe system of the conns. That catarrhal troubles are due to a constitutional disease of the blood, is read ily- understood when you realise that any disease germs which have inflamed tbe deli cate membrane of the nose or throat are likely to be breathed into the lungs and stomach and thence to the entire isystein by means of the blood. To rid yourself of. ihe trotib— *ro_ must Tetnove the cause. The disease itself is what y__ mast at tack, and not merely the outward signs or symptoms. Thereiore, sprays, salve?, in iraline liquids, &c. merely ptaj* with the complaint, since they could have no effect whatsoever on the blood. This being so, much time has been spent in perfecting. a pure, gentle, yet effective tonic that should qtricklv dispel aU traces of the catarrhal poison from the system. The effective prescription, which was even tually formulated, is given beiow in an un derstandable form, so that anyone can use it in their own home at little expense. Secure from jroar chemist a one-ounce -phial of Panni-it (double strength), take this borne, and add to it i pint of hot water and } —?. of crystal sugar: stir ant:', dissolved. Take one tablespoonfuj four times a day. The -first dose should begin to relieve the distressful head noises, head ache. daht-*—_ elo-dy thinking. ___, that c_—te miserable days and —eepless night, and difficult breathing. whCe the bearing should rapidly return aa the system is in vigorated by the tonic action of the treat ment. I—t_; of smell, mucous dropping in the back of tbe throat, and c!io"-ed-up air passages, are other symptoms that indicai.. the presence of catarrhal poison, and which arc often overcome by this effica cious tretitmeni. If nearly SO "per cent, of all ear troubles are direcfly caused by catarrh, tbere must be i__ny peot_e whose bearing may be r__to_-_d by this sim_"e home treatment. Kvery person who i* troubled this way should give this mixture ' trial this verr va-fecr.

? "Arter giving- your exquisite jg Q 'Talcum Powder' a trial, I can _\ x honestly say I have never Iot?d & * its equal. * § (Ssd.) % ? MISS LORRAINE ESMOND." ' §) I Plaza 1 i Talcum Powder 1 I A True Hot 1 1 Weather Necessity I § _5 g ?T you wish to appear at yonr *£ * best when you are tired and * §j overheated, use a dash or Plaza S if Talcum Powder—the deligiitrul ? @ Plaza fragrance win give you an § * Instant charm, and yonr _!_n -win § be gratetal ror its coolinir treat- ~| jjg ment, for Plaza Talcum Powder § g keeps you fresh and dainty rrom ? S head to toe. 5. * ? I I i*^______ stll Plaza' I II f^B Taicum I M^M Powder 1 ?*-?S>*_*S_4_-*--'^-"^

_______________________________ The Salt of Life ... Such is the meaning of the name of the popular summer effervescent. BICKFORD'S SAL VITAL Sal Vital contains all the elements that tend to cool and purify the blood, and makes as well, a refreshing and cooling beverage. The ingredients have been so balanced and blended that the resulting Effervescent stands alone for quality, purity and flavour. Sal Vital is not ordinary Health Salts, it is something better, be sure you get it. . . . . . . . . Sold in ½ and 1 lb. tins at all Chemists and Stores _______________________________ Domo Over 15,000 sold in South Australia You Cannot Buy Better Quality; Win Pay More Money? Spare Parts Always in Stock 9-gal.. £. 10/ f -0-gal.. £14 V 12-ia:.. ig. j -5-gal., i-iJ. ir --*h:.. t:n. | ?5-;-a_., _..-?. ',-2-eal.. .£.... j ONE MONTH'S FREE TRIAL IF DESIRED A.W. DOBBIE & CO., LTD. Gawler Place Adelaide _______________________________ __-S__Ti_a£^_J___t

AT YOI/R SERVICE. The Ultimate Choice of a Discriminating Buyer. Maxufaetmrcd by the BRUNSWIGK-BALKE-OfHJJOnMK OOMPAMY. Tfte Exdnsfvc BRUNSWICK ****** #f >rpi ? fciflia rfce Vltoaa plays all hakes of iiie Owrf r?ae Aapflfler RECORDS at a torn of the hand. Not an "Attach- Made artwdf of m?aae* wood. Use a fiae ?U ment," but a part of the BRUNSWICK, the only ?&?-?> octal Kaanded at the ? tibran * Ite ?k S,g^iidifiasOTof^?iatdjM?" noises, and longer- ??* ?? fesK""^* far (fat tuw> BB.U?gnCX lasuqg records. : tane. Does ???y with ** ?astribc "* imbmbs. Come in for a DemonstratkwL l We have the _~zm-~ & Cowdij Sole Selling JT^^^grf^B ALS? Phonographs MJr^M^^KfffiM^wM^^ tX^*?. and \Wj&r* W T^llfMr A Talking £^f ?WUDKdMIkC ?aAfnEU* Machines. mmbkiii. . We also retail the ordinary Talking Machines offering by other ' Music Traders, and will accept them as Past-Payraeat for oor Brunswick or Oliftophone iTe Sett o? Terms to ?ot tfte fwipgwarwce o/ ewerykod*. £ * '^^_ ? a^^^^^^^^^ aK^Ha^atfa^ft JBafiaVa^a^Mf (Ommite Jaowt ManhtlTs)


**?"? ?''?? .?-?? < ;>'? ??.fy.'l-PII t a„l .ill MM! I Make Your Home I i **0/& cheerful for 1 ? I Christmas with I I Abbott's Wallpapers I I WE fiave the very lateA I in Wall Decoration that wiU B lend d?tifKlkm, and add a da-ttghtfa! S (-harm to your home turmsbi-g at a E very moderate cost. P We snppjy papers from Is. per rott. | 1 i |f Call and see our new ideas in Cat-Ont Fi__xs £ I and Fittings, or write ? for pattern-. 5 ' I S I \\<lj.*y.Al>l>ott*%Q I oi-^_______l?5 H^ TRADE HOUSE *^^ | _T^__§M^^^^^^23 *____-_______-* St________ a__L_______? fcjiy : \|]|j off Crt-fe? Strea, Become matt tmt ti <__w_x n_a_ IM -1 j[/m'\ Pfaoae 4691 <2 i-aeat. lift