Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 14 October 1901, page 7



D. Diercks," Mannum. We regret thatwe are unable to find space for the detailed! discussion of such questions. t ' .

"Anxious." She should go to the nearest court, at which the clerk would give her, the information she requires.

A. Turner," Hindmarsh. Not yet; but an advertisement announcing the results is expected to appear in a few days.

Special Inspector" urges the necessity of repairing the footpath in Wakefield-street, alongside the Government Offices. '

"Constant Reader," Southwark. An enquiry addressed to a Melbourne paper would no doubt elicit the particulars you


''Constant Reader." Express your thanks

by word of month, or it the giver is at a " distance write a note conveying your grati-'


"A Tipperary Woman," Norwood, protests against the effect which the Federal tariff is having in increasing the ease of living. She asserts that the prices of common necessaries are now so high that poor people are in danger of starving.

C. W. Hughes," Buckland Park, Two Wells, suggests the protection of warships from submarine torpedo-boats by means of electric wires around the former below water-mark, with, signalling apparatus? on: the bridge. He also advocates the employes ment of electric telescopic searchlight.

"Hymen," Marryatville The honeymoon is the month after marriage, or so much, of it as is spent away from home. It is so called from the practice of the ancient Teutons or drinking honey wine for thirty days after marriage.

Benjamin writes in favor of Senator Dobson's 'Bill liberalising the law as to divorce.

He urges that the "good, learned, -and honorable men" who go on the Supreme Court bench will take care that freedom from the marriage tie is not given to man or woman for trivial or insufficient; causes, and expresses regret that the Angli-can clergy are attempting to work up opposition to the measure.

"H M. Addison" expresses the opinion' that "the marriage laws of a civilised community should afford every facility for divorce. Divorce laws, he adds, "are. to the unhappily married as lifeboats and life buoys are to the poor wrecked sailors being bruised and buffeted to death by stormy; seas, no matter whether they have been brought into that condition by their own carelessness, or the ignorance of their caps train, or by the visitation of Providence."

Bachelor," Pulteney-street. At wedding: breakfast speeches have gone out of favor, though usually the officiating minister or the best man" proposes the health of the

bride and bridegroom. The bride and) bridegroom drive home together, the others following. The father, or whoever gives away the bride, usually sits between the newly-married pair, though there seems to

be, no distinct rule.

'Hummocks," Hummock Hill In 1803

Lieutenant-Colonel David Collins was sent -from England with a small armed force and a party of convicts to form a settlement on the shores of Port Phillip (Victoria), This expedition, consisting in all of 402 souls, comprised 15 Government officials, 9 officers of marines, 2 drummers, and 39 privates, 5 soldiers' wives, and a child, 307 convicts, 17 convicts' wives, and 70 convicts' children. Lieutenant-Colonel Collins did not consider Port Phillip suitable for a settlement, and the convicts were transferred to Hobart. J

"Playgoer" writes -"On Friday last I had the good fortune to witness the fine play of "Man and his Makers' at the Theatre Royal, so capitally rendered by, Mr. Wilson Barrett and his talented company. The play, in my opinion, is calculated to do an immense amount of good' in the uplifting of suffering humanity. I regret it was taken off so early but sincerely trust the management will put it on again for a few nights before the season terminates. I am sure they will not regret doing so. In my opinion it is true of the finest prays ever produced on the Australian stage." > a

'"Tintinarra."-The label is not necessarily an indication of the genuineness of the instrument. Exact copies of the labels used by Stradivari, and having the appearance foliage, are now printed and placed in violins made at the present time by the manufacturers of spurious articles. The varnish of a violin is the chief guide of the expert in determining the genuineness of

otherwise of violins purporting to have been made early in the eighteenth century The label is not a guide.

"In the Dark," North Adelaide. No one seems able to give any clear and satisfactory explanation of the phrase "to move the previous question." May, in his Parliamentary Practice," says-The is an ingenious method of avoiding a vote upon any question that has been proposed, but the technical phrase does little to elucidate its operation. When there is no debate, or? after a debate is closed, the Speaker order narily puts the question as a matter of

course .... but by a motion for the ~ previous question this act may be intercepted

and forbidden. Those who a wish to avoid the putting of the main question vote against the previous (or latterly question), and if it be resolved in the negative the Speaker is prevented from putting

the main question, as the House was read a fused to allow it to be put. It may, how,

ever, be brought forward again another " ,


"Progress" writes:-"There are" many, people in this State who are sound in the, principles of the fiscal policy which has placed America in a leading position among the nations of the world, but it is a great pity that they do not realise the responsibilities which really rest on their shoulders to disseminate the knowledge of the faith that is in dress. It behoves true Protectionists to band themselves togecher.aiHl be ready to fight for the cause whenever occasion requires. That there will be many opportunities almost goes without saying, for there is no doubt the fiscal policy of Australia will be a very live question for many years to come, and the. more one studies the subject the more he must be convinced that under a judicious policy of protection Australia will make great strides forward, while with an open door progress will he slow. What is the Protectionist Association doing? Protectionists, . rally up, and note that you have organised parties against you."

'prescribes," Clare Although the patent freezer saves trouble, it is possible to freeze very nice cream without its use by placing the cream or mixture to be frozen in a tin pail with a closefitting cover, setting the pail in a wooden bucket:,. or small tub and then packing the space about the pail tightly with salt and broken ice, usingabout one-third as much salt as ice. Allow the whole to stand for a few minutes, then wipe thebed carefully to remove any salt that may adhere

to it; lift off the lid. and with a long-handled ' wooden spoon or a knife remove the frozen return from the sides of the pail, arid stir and beat it thoroughly until the whole Jar smooth; then replace the lid, let the cream stand undisturbed for half, an-hour; repeat the stirring and beating, and re-place the lad as before. This process may be repeated as often as necessary, and, of course, the more the cream is stirred and beaten the floor will be its grain. When the cream is sofnerently firm the water may be turned off from the tub, more ice and salt added, and the whole covered with a

blanket, and left till needed. The juice of straw- ' berries or raspberries gives a beautiful color and flavor to icecreams, at about half an ounce of carried or extract to a gallon, or to suit the tastes We do not know the method of manufacture pram used by the street vendors .