South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 28 June 1848, page 1

For Rivoli and Guichen Bays. And Portland should sufficient inducement offer, rv The fine fast-sailing cutter $|S, THOMSON, Jgggpn tons, Thomson, master, will sail for the above ports in a few days. For freight or passage, apply to R. VENN; Or, JOHN NEWMAN, Port Adelaide. N.B. — Goods stored and shipped free of expense. NORTH ADELAIDE Classical and Commercial Academy, CONDUCTED BY MESSRS BERJEW AND BARFORD. THE young gentlemen at this Establishment separated for the Midwinter vacation on Tuesday last, and will re-assemble on Monday July 3rd. P.S. A public examination of the pupils will take place in December next — (Deo Volente). North Adelaide Seminary. MRS BERJEW begs to inform her friends that the duties of her scohol will be resumed on Mond-.y July 3rd. P.S. In addition to ordinary tuition young ladies at this Establishment are instructed in French, Music, and Drawing; combined with the advantage of a writing master. WANTED, A YOUNG LADY of respectability, as Governess in a school, to assist in teaching senior classes. Ajply to Mrs Berjew, North Adelaide Seminary. June, 23rd 1848. ON SALE BEST tarpaulins of all sizes Cart boxes Tooth's best Sydney porter Brandy in barrels about 18 gallons Ditto in 1 dozen cases Port wine and Madeira in cases Cape wine in pipes, hhds., qr-casks, and half aums Blue bean coffee Also invoices of hats, millinery goods, broad cloth, floorcloth, stationery, perfumery, &c, &c. HENRY NOLTENIUS, Hindley- street. Adelaide, June 24, 1848. New Church Society. THE members and friends are respectfully informed that the services of the Church are now held a the Odd Fellows' schoolroom Weymouth-street, every Sunday at 1 1. a. m. and half-past 3 p. m. N.B. All the sittings are free. FIREWOOD. FOR SALE, a large quantity of firewood, from the Park Land, in large or small lengths, at from -is to 12s. a-load delivered in Town for cash. Enquire of Joseph Mellor, Wheelwright, Morphett-street. Wholesale and Retail Grocery Business for Sale. ONE of the most flourishing and active concerns in Adelaide. For particulars, apply at the office of this paper. June 3rd, 1848. A HOUSE, delightfully situated in the best part of North-terrace, suited for a family, to be sold Apply to J. Richardson, share broker, Rundle-street' WATEFFOBD HOUSE, ENFIELD, GREAT NORTH ROAD. JOHN GILBY, having commenced business as a dealer in general stores, solicits a call from the inhabitants of Enfield and surrounding districts, when they will find articles of the best description, at town prices. TO BUILDERS. SEALED Tenders will be received by Mr W. Weir Architect, up to Wednesday, the 23th instant, for the erection of extensive two story buildings in King William-street, on the lands of J. B. Neales, Esq., next to the new post-office. Plans and specifications may be perused at the office of the architect after Monday next. June 16, 1848. TO BUILDERS. SEALED Tenders will be received by Mr Weir, Architect, at his office, Hindley-street, up to Friday, 30th instant, from parties willing to contract for the erection of a Church near Willunga. Separate tenders ma) be given for the stone work and carpenter work. June 16, 1848. TO STONEMASONS. TENDERS will be received by Mr W. 'Weir, ArchiX tect, (at whose office plans and specifications may be perused, and other information obtained) previously to Thursday, the 6th July next, from stonemasons willing to contract for the erection of a large house near Kensington. Adelaide, June 26, 1848. NOTICE. E. M. L. SMITH, General Agent, HAVING removed from Adelaide, can be consulted on all matters of business at Mr John Harvey's, Little Para, till his new Offices are completed, which are now in the course of erection on the new. town of Salisbury, Para. N.B.— Several Sections and Allotments in the Town of Salisbnry, for sale, &c. KJ» Always on hand, a large quantity of steers fit for yoking; also, some very superior milch cows warranted quietSea Sea Side and Rural Building Association. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Special General Meeting will be held at the ' Southern Cross,' on Fiday evening next, the 30th Instant, at eight o'clockj for the purpose of electing the Directors, and othei business. The Rules and Regulations of this Association arc now printed, and can be had by application to the undersigned, who will be happy to receive the names oi any parties wishing to become Members. Persons becoming Members of this Association, are at liberty to withdraw and receive back their subscriptions (less their proportion of preliminary expenses), il they do not approve of the Deed of Settlement when ready for signature. -. R. B. COLLEY, Sec. pro. ten\.

WHEAL GAWLER MINES ASSOCIATION. PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE: W. C. Crane, Esquire E. L. Montefiore, Esquire H. C. Stakemann Esquire solicitors : Messrs Bartley and Bakewell. bankers: The Bank of South Australia. secretary, ad interim : Mr W. A. Hughes. THE proprietors of section No. 909 (better known as the Wheal Gawler Silver-Lead Mines), with a view to a more vigorous prosecution of the operations, have determined to offer to the public a portion of their interest in the above property, at a moderate advance upon the considerable outlay incurred in the purchase of the ground, and the extensive workings for opening the Mines They, therefore, propose the formation of a Joint Stock Company under the above designation, to consist of 1280 shares, at £10 each. Of this number, one-fourth (or 320 shares) is unreservedly offered for sale for one month from this date, at the above price. The entire proceeds of the first one hundred shares sold to be reserved as working capital. The Company to be considered as formed so soon as the amount of one hundred shares is deposited with the Bankers. The purchasers will then be called together for the election of Directors and Trustees, and to take into consideration the draft of a proposed Deed of Settlement, which is now in course of preparation. With reference to the present condition and prospects of the Mines, the proprietors invite attention to the following report from J. C. Dixon, Esq. Adelaide, 25th May, 1818. My dear Sir— In compliance with your letter of the 3d instant, requesting my opinion in detail respecting the Wheal Gawler property, the present state and i'nturc prospects of the mines, their geological formation, &c, I have uow the pleasure of presenting the annexed report ; And remain, my dear Sir, Yours truly, H. C. Stakeinann, Esq., Adelaide. J. C. Dixon. REPORT. Locality, &c ,) The Wheal Gawler Mines arc situated about of the Estate, J four miles from Adelaide, at the foot of the Mount Lofty range. There is a supply of good spring water at all seasons of the year; and the general shape of the ground is extremely well adapted for mining operations. Geological ) The Hills, which are the subject of this Chabacteristics' / Report, belong to the earliest Slate rock fonnation ; being the second series of aqueous or stratified deposits, and occurring in geological order next above the ' Gneiss'; and between that and the Old red Sandstone or ' Silurian' system ; but there are now only a few scattered traces left to indicate that any more recent series of rocks ever rested upon the slate and grauwacke of this locality ; the Old red Sandstone, with its concomitant beds of limestone and shale, having been washed away in all probability, during one of those temporary submersions uuder a boisterous ocean, to which every part of the earth has at various eras been subjected. The Old Slate rock, however, has not been suffered to remain in its original position, but has been contorted by the agency of subterranean heat, and lias been rent and broken by the expansion of the primaeval rocks beneath ; in many places, large irregular fractures thus formed have been filled up by the extrusion of melted crystalline matter projected from the mass of quartz and granite which constitutes the deeper crust of the earth : in otlier places long rents or well-defined fissures, produced by the same cause, have been filled with metalliferous minerals (separated from other matter, perhaps, by some chemical action which could proceed only under the combined circumstances of heat and enormous pressure), and thus we see the metallic ' lodes ;' the meials chiefly exhibited in the Wheal Gawler Mines being lead and silver in various combinations. Present state ) The numerous lodes which run through the of the Works.) Wheal Gawler estate, have (generally speaking) the same magnetic direction, their course being nearly eas tby north, and west by south ; and, in order to intersect some of them, two adits have been driven from the northern gully, and other works have been carried on, which I will now -separately describe:— A shaft (called the 'Fahlerz Shaft') having been sunk upon a very promising lode, a quantity of extremely rich silver-lead ore of the steel-grained and foliated varieties, was discovered at the depth of five fathoms, and the lode continued to yield this quality of metal for three fathoms deeper, when it was resolved to continue an old adit, with a view to try this particular lode at a greater depth, and the result was that three other lodes ( which had not been discovered on the surface) were cut in the progress of driving ; and when the ad it penetrated the ' Fahlerz Lode,' it was found at that depth (sixteen fathoms) to contain metal of the same rich quality as had been raised from the shaft at five fathoms depth. Another adit was, meanwhile, being driven from the northern gully, about 100 fathoms eastward of the old adit, for the purpose of proving the ' Fahlerz Lode' at a still greater depth. This adit has now been driven thirty-two fathoms, and must be continued about eighteen fathoms onward, in orderto reach the lode it was intended to intersect. The metallic value of the iodes, and their longitudinal extension westward, having acquired further confirmation from discoveries made in a shaft called ' Dickins's shaft,' it was resolved to sink a main shaft in the most eligible position, not only to arrive at a deeper section of the ' Fahlerz Lode,' but also to obtain access to other lodes which were supposed, to exist on the southern side of the property. A shaft was accordingly sunk near the southern gully, and at twelve and-a-half fathoms depth crosscuts were driven north and south. The northern crosscut now extends to within about ten fathoms of tbe lode it was intended to reach; and the southern crosscut has bee? driven thirty-five fathoms, intersecting three new lodes ; the last one having been further opened for examination by a drift fourteen fathoms long, at the end of which a -vinze has been sunk ten fathoms deep ; and it exhibits throughout its course rich stones of ore containing alarge proportion ofsilver. With reference to the mode in which the mining operations have hitherto been conducted, I do not hesitate to declare that your superintendent, Captain Henkel, has displayed an excellent degree of judgment and skill in all the underground works which have been entrusted to his direction. Future \ Being requested to advise relative to the future Operations.) mining operations, I would recommend that the main shaft be speedily sunk about thirty fathoms deeper, and that a crosscut be driven from it (at that depth) to the southern boundary of the property ; by such operations you would Intersect at least four lodes, which would, in all probability, afford a rich return of metal, and enable you then to carry on other works of great importance to facilitate the development of the more northern lodes. General ) It would be impossible for a man conversant with Opinion. ) geological analogy to examine the Wheal Gawler Mines, without being convinced that the estate contains a great many metallic deposits of the richest and most profitable kind ; the general diffusion of orange gossan, highly tinged with cure-mate of lead; the regular magnetic direction of the lodes ; their well-defined walls, and dip or inclination downwards ; their ascertained longitudinal extension ; the extremely rich character of the silver-lead ores which some of them bear, and the very promising appearance of the rest, — would all tend to the conviction that at a greater depth, many of the lodes would be filled with, massive ore, and would improve in size and value as they go deeper underground until they touch the granite. I have not arrived at these conclusions hastily, but after many careful examinations of the ground, and after much patient consideration of the subject ; and I now deliberately affirm, that if, under continued good management, the Wheal Gawler Mines do not eventually become exceedingly productive, geological analogy must then be held as altogether worthless. Adelaide, 25th May, 1848. J. C. Dixon. Applications for shares to be made at the office of the undersigned, Rundle-street, where also may be seen a plan of the present workings, and specimens of the silver-lead ores from the various lodes, with reports thereon. By order of the Provisional Committee, * W.'A. HUGHES, ?? Secretary ad interim. Adelaide, June 10th, 1848.

QUEENSTOWN. (Adjoining Port Adelaide) rtHIS very desirable and valuable property (being L preliminary section No. 443) is now being surveyed nd laid off in frontages to the New Port Road, in allotlents suitable for residences or business purposes. Selections having been already made, immediate pplication is necessary to HENRY SIMPSON, & CO., Port Adelaide, June, 23rd 1848. Eating-house, aud Boarding Establishment, Rosina-strect. CHARLES MOSBEY (Late Mosbey and Jliggins) f-EGS to inform his friends that he has now the sole 13 management of the above concern, and hopes for continuance of the favours hitherto bestowed. Strangers visiting Adelaide and parties from the bush, lay depend upon good accommodation and moderate barges. All persons, either town or country, may be supplied :ith servants on applying every Tuesday and Friday. N.B. No servant need ajiply unless producing respectah reference as to character. Pianofortes tuned and repaired. MR H. WITTON, Professor and Teacher of JX Music and Music Seller, (opposite the New Exhange, King William-street,) begs to inform the Muical Public of South Australia, that he has engaged an xcellent workman for the express purpose of Repairig and Tuning Pianofortes, and knowing him to have forked in the establishment of Messrs Clementi and Jollard sixteen years, he can confidently rely upon giving he public that satisfaction in this branch of his busiicss, as he has hitherto done by his sound and peculiar ystem of teaching, the success of which he is daily asured of.Families Families within ten miles of Adelaide can be attended or the purpose of instruction ; and within thirty miles, 'or the purpose of tuning or repairing. Mr H. Wtlton has still on hand, Pianofortes, Guitars, Violins (best assortment in the Colony), Flutes, 1 , 4, md 8 keyed, C and D Octaves, Oboes, Bassoons, Corlopeans, Trombones, Serpents, Violoncellos, Bows, Books, Reeds, Violin and Guitar Strings, Music Paper, ?rimers, Pegs, Rosin, &c, &c. An assortment of Instruction Books for every Instruuent, and a quantity of Songs, Airs, &c, for Pianoforte. Every description of Musical Instruments bought, old, exchanged, tuned, and repaired. N.B. — Wanted to purchase, one or two second-hand Pianofortes. G. CANTON, Cabinet- Maker, Hindiey-street, UT« three doors from the ' Royal Admiral,' returns hanks to his friends and the public in general for their iberal patronase since his commencement in business, md trusts by due attention, combined with good worknanship, to merit a continued share of their patronage. N.B — To Cabinet-makers — A large assortment of urnery always on hand. FOR SALE, by last arrivalsSheet Lead, various sizes Block zinc Sheet zinc Window glass Paints, &c, &c. S. R. HALL, Leigh-street. Building Materials. In the Yard, not Expected. ON Sale at the yard of the undersigned, at a great reduction on former prices — V. D. Land palings, at 21 s per 100 Colonial ditto 1 7s Gd do. Six feet ditto 24s do. Shingles, at 14s per 1000 Laths at 13s to 17s do. Stringy bark of all kinds Gum, various sizes Deals, cut or uncut New Zealand pine, ditto. TURNERY. Chair legs at 6's per dozen And all other kinds of turnery at equally low prices. P. LAVERS, Builder, Gawler-place. Doors or sashes made to order for town or country. City of Adelaide Cloth Manufactory. THOMAS CAIN, Sen., & Co. feel it a duty they owe, not only to themselves, but to those colonists who are kindly disposed to give due encouragement to domestic manufactures, to acquaint such publicspirited individuals, and the South Australian community generally, that the trade has not condescended to notice the infant establishment in Currie-street ; and it therefore behoves the proprietors to notify that cloths of the genuine Adelaide fabric can at present be obtained only at the manufactory. Some very inferior blankets and tweeds, falsely represented as of T. Cain, Sen., & Co.'s manufacture, having already been sold as such, even at the distance of 50 miles from Adelaide, they cannot longer forego the assurance that nothing equal to the blankets, tweeds, and flannels which T. C. Sen. & Co. are now preparing for winter use can be produced by the importers or dealers. At the Currie-street manufactory none but the best colonial material is used; consequently, the felting process is abrogated, ' rags' have become matter of English history, and a warm, durable, but yet light and elastic species of colonial manufacture is presented to South Australians at moderate piices, and undeniably worth the money. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Sun Court, and No. 16, Pall Mall, London, Instituted 1803. For Insuring houses and other buildings, goods wares, merchandise, manufacturing and farming stock ships in port, harbour, or dock, and the cargoes of such ships ; also, ships building and repairing ; barges and other vessels on navigable rivers and canals, and goods on such vessels, throughout Great Britain and Ireland and in foreign countries from loss or damage by fire. Subscribed and Invested Capital One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds. Directors ; Alexander Stewart, Esq , Chairman. Charles Cave, Esq., Deputy-Chairman. Jams C. C. Bell, Esq. Geo. Hibbert, Esq. R. C. Lee Bevan, Esq. Samuel Hibbert, Esq. Michael Bland, Esq. Jas. G. Murdoch, Esq. C. Francis Cobb, Esq. Claud Neilson, Esq. Andrew Colville, Esq. J. Horsley Palmer, Esq. Geo. H. Cutler, Esq. J . Pattison, Esq., M.P. Henry Davidson, Esq. Henry Pearse, Esq. Jno. H. Deffell. Esq. H. J. Prescott, Esq. George Field, Esq. Joseph Reid, Esq. Newman Smith, Esq. Ex Director*: Arch. Hastle, Esq., M.P. George Reid, Esq. Wra. Lyall, Esq. W. R. Robinson, Esq. Daniel Mildred, Esq. Martin T. Smith, Esq. Auditors: T. G. Barclay, Esq. James Brand, Esq. A.H. Bosanquet, Esq. Joshua Lockwood, Esq. Charles Frederick Weber, Esq. Conditions of Insurance obtainable of the Agent, JOHN MORPHETT, North-terrace.

SALES BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Sales for the Next Few Days. JOHN BENTHAM NEALES TTTILL sell by public aucl ion— T Y This Day (Wednesday)— At the Mart— Can-dies, merchandise, seeds, &c. Friday, June 30— At the Port— Cargo of the Waterlily, and stores and fittings of the Princess Royal. Saturday, July 1 — At the Market, at elevenHorses, cattle, &c. At the Auction Mart, at twelve — Merchandise and sundries. Monday, July 3— At the Mart— Town and country land. This Day (Wednesday), June 2%, 1848. JOHN BENTHAM NEALES WILL sell by auction, at the Mart — An immense variety of choice GARDEN SEEDS, produced for his own use by Mr Ind, of Hindley-street, who is leaving business. ALSO, 10 boxes clothes pegs 4 ditto mould candles 0 ditto coffee 10 barrels pickled herrings Loaf sugar, pollard, hysonskin, tea 1 case prints 1 bale Guernseys 7 bags caravansa beans 12 dozen striped shirts 1 ton dried snapper Fountains, tea-kettles, saucepans &c, &c, &c. CARGO OF THE 'WATERLILY.' Stores and Fittings of the ' Princess Royal.' On Friday, June 30, at the Port. JOHN BENTHAM NEALES WILL sell the above cargo, including — 25 barrels pitch 6 do. tar 20 do. rosin 20 coils Manila rope 5 tierces beef J 5 kegs negro head tobacco 4 bales American hops 20 boxes tea Gunny bans, fit for wheat 4 boxes glass 3 casks bottled fruits 35 bags white Siam sugar 1 case honey 1 bundle whips 8 bundles clothes lines. ALSO, Surplus stores and fittings of the 'PRINCESS ROYAL.' Commence at twelve precisely. On Saturdny, July 1, 1848. JOHN BENTHAM NEALES WILL sell by auction, at the Mart, at eleven— Horses, cattle, drays, and 150 goats. At the Mart, at twelve — Meichandise and sundries. Valuable Town Acres, Preliminary Sections, Section with running water all the year, large block in the Meadows, §c. BY ORDER OF THE PROPRIETOR, H. OSBORNE, ESQ. JOHN BENTHAM NEALES HAS been instructed to offer as under, at the Mart, on Monday, July 3, at twelve o'clock — Lot 1 — All that valuable half-acre in Currie-street, corner of Rosina-street, to which it has 2 10 feet frontage, being numbered 1 54 in the town map. This property will be laid off as per plan at the Mart, offering the best business site now in the market. Lot 2 — Acre 764, North Adelaide, next the residence of W. Younghusband, Esq., having a Park frontage, and commands an extensive view of the Gulf, City, and Hills. Lot 3— Immediately behind lot 2, on higher ground. The two lots would place the happy buyer in possession of the finest villa lot in the province. Lot 4 — Section 904, beautifully situated on the Second Creek, with romantic sites for vineyards and residences, and water power enough for machinery. Lot 5, 6, and 7— Sections 3439, 3442, 3483, in the Meadows, being the earliest selection in that Special Survey. Lot 8— Preliminary section 496, originally selected for Admiral Hawker, in the very centre of the Gilles Plain property, which is confessedly the best corngrowing land in the province. This will be offered in one or more lots, to suit buyers. The Auctioneer deems it unnecessary to call further attention to the above valuable lots, as the mere perusal of this notice must convince buyers of the great importance and rising value of each. Terms— Twenty-five per cent, deposit; three, sit, and nine months' bills fox the balance, secured on the property. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ABOVE, Lot 1 — The best business acre in Adelaide, being No. 2, North Adelaide; cut into allotments. Lot 2— No. 754, North Adelaide, Park frontage, next to the Church ; commanding a fine view. Lot 3 — No. 1002, corner of Melbourne-street, in which is a beautiful garden, and well known as late the property of Mr Mitchell. Lot 4 — No. 995, North Adelaide, in a fine slope, immediately below Mr Philcox's, and forming a corner of Brougham-place. Terms — 20 per cent, deposit, and bills at three, six, nine, and twelve months; or, half cash, half three years, at eight per cent. ALSO, Section 2121 (84 acres), at the Dry Creek. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1848. Unreserved Sale of Silver's Slops, Blucher Boots, fyc, fyc. Register Stoves and bronze Fenders. MR WILLIAM SAMSON WILL sell by auction, at his Rooms, Rundle-street, on Friday, 80th June, at 12 o'clock, no reserve, 50 Stout pilot coats 15 Gents' beaver coats 25 Gents' Chesterfield ditto 20 Ditto doeskin ditto 20 Dr to Tweed ditto 15 Ditto paletot ditto 50 Monkey jackets 50 Pair moleskin trousers . 50 Ditto superior velvet cord ditto, lined 50 Ditto Albert cord trousers 40 Ditto check ditto 48 Rich challi waistcoats 30 Gents' doeskin ditto 72 Velvet waistcoats . 80 Check ditto

80 Moleskin jackets 100 Pair Blucher boots 60 Ditto stout Oxonian shoes. AFTER WHICH, 20 Register and half-register stoves 6 Bronze fenders, &c, &. 1 case jam, &c, &c. Terms at sale. , IN RE BRYANT, By order of the Official Assignee. MR WILLIAM SAMSON fTTILL sell by public auction, at his Rooms, in VV Rundle-street, on Wednesday the 19th day of fuly, at twelve o'clock— The insolvent's interest in that splendid freehold set* ion of land, No. 303, near Payneham, fenced, together vith buildings erected thereon. Further particulars in future advertisements. 13th June, 1848. ~ EMMETT & GLYDE WILL sell by public auction, at their Rooms, This Day (Wednesday), June 28, at noon precisely— 5000 rooted vines, and a large quantity of goods, to lose consignments. EMMETT & GLYDE fTTILL sell by public auction, at their Rooms, on YY Friday, June 30, at noon precisely — .4 hhds. red wine 6 qr.-casks ditto 7 hhds. London stout AND A variety of other goods. _ EMMETT & GLYDE VTTTILL sell by public auction, at the Government Y T Yards, on Saturday, July 1, at noon precisely— Horses and cattle, including twelve dairy cows. EMMETT & GLYDE HAVE received instructions to sell by private contract Section No. 259, District B, lying about bur and a half miles south of Adelaide. They have divided this fine property into 9-acre blocks, with convenient roads, so as to accommodate gentlemen requiring first-rate building sites for villas, &c. The water is good and abundant, and the terms ivill be made very liberal. ALSO, The remaining unsold allotments in the new township sf Malvern, on the Great North Road ; two beautiful sections on the Torrens; and several valuable building sites in Adelaide and the neighbourhood. EMMETT & GLYDE A RE purchasers of wheat for cash. ix. RATES OF E X C HAN G E:— BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. (Incorporated hi Royal Charter.) Draw on London, at 30 days' sight, at 2 per cent, premium. ?..'.'Buy Buy bills on London, at 30 days' sight, at 1 per cent, discount. ' ' at 60 days' sight, 1 £ per cent. ' « at 90 days' sight, 2£ per cent. If drawn out of London, but payable in London, £ per cent additional. If payable out of London, \ per cent, additional. Draw on branches in New South Wales— Sydney, Maitland, Melbourne, and Geelong, at 30 days' sight, at 1 per cent, premium ; buy at 1 per cent, discount. Draw on branches in Van Diemen's Land — Hobart Town, and Launceston, at 30 days' sight, at I per cent, premium; buy at 1 per cent, discount. Bank of Australasia, Hindley-street, June 24, 1848. NOTICE. M. & S. MARKS HAVING received by all the late arrivals an extent sive assortment of every description of Drapery, Hosiery, Bonnets, Stays, Slops, Boots Shoes, Floor-cloths, &c, &c, the whole of the extensive stock having been purchased by first-rate buyers, and many of the goods having been bought below their value, in consequence of the depression of trade throughout the manufacturing districts, at once enables them to offer to the public every description of drapery at a considerable reduction upon prices hitherto charged in Adelaide. Among the new goods will be found a choice lot of— Registered and other patterns, in soft tartans, at Is4d per yard 500 pieces fine Orleans cloths, from Is to Is 6d (double width) 200 pieces fine alpacha cloths, in dark shade, at 2s per yard 150 pieces best British merinos, at 2s 6d 300 rich Saxony and muslin de laine dresses, from 7s 6dtolOs6d -500 all wool tartan shawls, large size, at 7s 6d 300 all wool tartan handkerchiefs, at Is 6d 500 pairs black lace mitts, at 6d per pair 1000 worked muslin collars, at 6d each Ladies' black satin scarfs, from 8s to 35s each Ladies' satin shawls, equally low Lot superior linen bed ticking, at Is per yard 6-4 table oil-cloth, at 2s per yard Welsh, Saxony, and Lancashire flannels, equally low French merinoes, 6s to 7s 6d per yard Hoyle'sand other prints, from 4s 6d to 7s 6d per dress Hoyle's chintz colour cambric prints, at 8s 6d per dress Kid, silk, cotton, thread, and other gloves, from 6d , Calicoes, at 9s 6d per piece (24 yards) Damask fringes, carpetings, blankets Counterpanes, diapers, &c. Cloaks, in all shades, at 25s each Hoods, in all shades, at 4s 6d Lawn and cambric pocket-handkerchiefs, 4s 9d the half-dozen Prunella, cordovan, patent, and French shoes Black and white satin shoes. Settlers, country storekeepers, and others, will find on sale, just arrived — Large size Scotch twill shirts, at 33s per dozen 84, 9-4, 10-4, 11-4, 124 Witney blankets Large white counterpanes, from 4s 3d to 10s 6d Coloured rugs and counterpanes, at 3s 1 case gent.'s Wellington boots, at 20s per pair (best quality) ? 1 case gent's low crown broad brim black beaver hate 1 case gent.'s Clarence, Prince George, and Oxonian dress boots Silk, pocket, and neck handkerchiefs, at 2s 6d each 500 pairs white and dark coloured kid gloves, at 2s 6d per pair Coats, trousers, waistcoats, flannels, pantaloons Socks, stockings, in cotton, wool, and merino Every description of slop clothing. M. & S. Marks wish it to be understood that they will sell all goods at advertised prices. 'Liberal allowances to the trade. M. & S. MARKS, Burra Burra House, ' Hindley-street, nearb/ opposite the Club House.

Organist for St. John's Church. 1 PPLICATIONS for the appointment of Organist J\. will be received by the Wardens, on or before Monday next, the 3rd of July. Salary .£20 per annum. M. MACDERMOTT,)W d J. ADAMS, j Wardens. St. John's Church, ON SUNDAY NEXT, two Sermons will be preached at -the above Church — that in the :morning, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ade laide; and ithat «in the afternoon, by the Rev. the Colonial 'Chaplain; -when collections will be -made in - aid of the 'fund for purchasing the organ, which will be - opened upon that occasion. Morning service to commence at 11, and afternoon service at 3 o'clock. To be Let, ALL those 40 acres of fenced land next to the Vil lage of- Clifton, with house, garden, &c, &c. ALSO, All that section No/2,221 , situate on the Para Plains, ? containing 187 acres. For particulars, apply to Mr F. Bayne, Stephens place, Solicitor. June 27, 1848. Adelaide Mining Company. NOTICE is hereby given that the third instalment of £1 per share upon the new issue of shares in *the above Company will be due on Saturday, the 1st -July next, on which day shareholders are requested to *pay up the same, otherwise the shares will be forfeited. J. E. BARNARD, Secretary. King William-street, June 27, 1848. NOTICE. I WILL not be answerable for any parcels without being booked at the stables, or Mr -Wren's, " Burra Burra Hotel," and pre paid. JAMES CHAMBERS. June 27, 1848. Economy in Fuel. IT having been proved that Coals are cheaper, than Wood at the present high rate of the latter article 'the public are informed that the undersigned have always on hand, for sale, at moderate prices, a supply of .good Coals and Stoves, suitable for private families. W. R. S. COOK & CO., Albion Steam Mills, Grenfell-street. WHEAT. jrpHE undersigned are always purchasers of wheat at JL the full market price of the day, for Cash. W. R. S. COOK & CO., Albion Steam Mills, Grenfell-street. ONE POUND BECTABD. ONE black steer, S near rump and shoulder, HW 2 2 and z near neck. One brindled ditto, S near shoulder, near horn down, and off rump Ha\. One red and white back,' HO near rump, R off ribs. One red-sided straw 387 berry head, RF off ribs, E near thigh, and I near ^ W - rump. One dark brown, nobby horn, 0 off rump, linear ribs. One blue-sided, -white back, I near ramp W - and C near thigh. One strawberry-sided, white back 2 I near rump, and AA on the ribs. W 'TEN SHILLINGS REWARD. One red and white spotted, CC near rump, and I neai rump. One light brindle.J near rump, OB off ribs W *One light brindle, cock-horns, £ near rump, and FH oi -ribs. FOR SALE, Two teams of bullocks, with dray and tackling. Apply to Mr Henry Watson, near Payneham. TWO POUNDS BEWABD. LOST, about 5 miles from Gswler Town, nearM; Hallef.'s, a red and white pointer Bitch, answer; to the name of 'Kate.' If found and identified, an-left at Mr Caltons, Gawler Town; Messrs Hamiltoi & Henderson ; or at Mr Torrens at the Port ; the finde will receive the above reward. NOTICE. 'VTOTICE is hereby given that if the cattle left ii JLl my charge by Mr Thomas Toole, on or about the 5th day of July, 1847, are not taken away from nr station, on the Murray River, on or before the 5th July 1848, they will be sold by auction to defray expenses oi the same. FRED. CASTLE. Adelaide, 23d June, 1848. TO be raffled for, at Mr Fuller's, Dry Creek, Nortl Road,- a splendid hog, supposed to be the fines i -model ever seen An South Australia, weighing fron 5601b. to 6001b. Fifty members, at 5s each. To take place on Mon -day, July 3d, at two o'clock p.m. The owner to spenc . £ I , and the winner ?£ I . The hog can be seen any day after Wednesday, Jun-28tb, at Air .Fuller's. A good man cook wanted at Mr Fuller's, ' The Bird in-hand,' North Road. Hollowav'a Fills and Ointment. THE undersigned begs to remind the public that h-is the only authorised Agent for the sale of H«l moway's Pills and Ointment in this Province, and that there is consequently no other place where pur. ^chasers canbesure of obtaining the only genuine article i AU advertisementeprofessingto sell ' the only genuine Holloway's Pills and Ointment' are therefore unwarrant able and delusive. JOHN STEPHENS, Wholesale Agent for Holloway's Medicines Hindley-street, 26th June, 184& Hollaway's Pills and Ointment may be had, whole *ale and retail, at the offices of the Adelaide Observe) and the South Australian Register newspapers, Hind ley-street, Adelaide, and of the following local agents :— Port Adelaide.— Mr Teakle, storekeeper, Port. Mitcham and the neighbourhood of the Brownhill Geek — M Henry Taylor, storekeeper, Mitcham. Mount Barker Township. — Mr John Dunn, storekeepei Mount Barker. Hahndorr, Klemzig, and LangmeiL—Rey. A. Ravel, Pasto of the Evangelical Lutheran Churches. Encounter Bay Distiict.—MT Robert Higgins, storekeepei Encounter Bay. Township of Gawler — Mr C. Jacobs, - Beehive Storei Gawler Town. County of Stanley.— Mr J. H. Bleechmore, of the '? Stanle Anns,' Penwortham. , . -District of Wellington —Mr Oliver Hare, publican an storekeeper, Lake Victoria. Town aud District of Port Lincoln. — Captain Underwooc storekeeper, Port Lincoln. JMUt Para Survey — Mr Thomas Battersby, general stoi keeper, Village of Houghton. Angasion—Ht Samuel Kealley, itorekeeper, Angaston. District of EivoH Bay.—lix Jamea Smith, storekeepei BivoliBay. ?

SITUATIONS WANTED. BY A man, his wife, and two sons. The man is thoroughly acquainted with the management of sheep, stock, and agricultural farming. The woman is a good laundress ; and the sons have been in the habit of taking care of sheep, and driving bullocks Reference to G. A. Anstey Esq. of Highercombe. Apply at the Office of this paper. WANTED a situation, by a young man who writes a good hand, is quick at accounts, and is willing to make himself generally useful. .Unexcep tionable references can be given. Apply at the office of this paper. THE daughter of a German teacher, seventeen years of age, seeks an engagement in a respectable family for teaching young children. Besides the usual objects of Instruction, she can give lessons in the French language, in drawing, and in the rudiments of music. Apply to A. BEYER, Gawler-place. WANTED A MALE AND FEMALE SERVANT. A mar ried couple would be preferred. Apply at the office of this paper. -Mall Conveyance to the Fort. ALL parties sending parcels by the Mail Cart are to understand, that I will not be answerable for their safe delivery, unless booked at the 'Port Hotel', or at my house ' Royal Admiral' yard. C. TANNER. Gumeracha Steam Flour Mill WILLIAM B. RANDELL & SONS, beg to in form the settlers of the neighbourhood of Gumeracha and the adjoining districts that their mill is now daily at work. All wheat sent as grist will be ground and dressed with as much care and as little delay as possible ; and as their premises are fitted up in the most convenient and complete manner as a flour manufactory, they hope, by strict attention to the in terest of those favouring them with their orders, to merit a due proportion of public patronage. W. B. R. & Sons are purchasers of wheat Terms Cash. Gumeracha, June 26, 1848. CHURCH CF SCOTLAND SOCIETY. IN terms of a requisition addressed to me by a quorum of Directors, I hereby call a General Meeting of the Society, to be held in St. Andrew's Church, Gren fell-street, on Friday, the 14th day of July next, at four o'clock p m. ANDREW MURRAY, Secretary. Adelaide, June 26, 1848. WILXiUNGA PLOUGHING MATCH. A PLOUGHING MATCH will take place at Wii J\. lunga, open to competition from all parts of the colony, on Tuesday, July 11th, 1848, when the follow ing prizes will be awarded : — First Prize — For pair horses, without driver ? £4 Second Prize — For do. ? 3 Third Prize-For do. , ? 2 Fourth Prize— For do. ...... 1 First Prize — For team six bullocks and driver .... 4 Second Prize— For do. .... 3 Third Prize— For do. .... 2 Fourth Prize— For -do. ? 1 A silver medal will be given to the best ploughman on the ground. Prizes will also be awarded to the success ful drivers of the bullock teams, under sixteen years of age. Entrance to take place on Monday the 3d July, 1848, at the ' Bnsh Inn,' Willunga, between six and eight o'clock p.m.; or at Mr Williams's, ' City Bridge Hotel,' Adelaide, on Saturday the 1st July (he having kindly consented to receive the same), where the general rules can be seen. Entrance, 7s 6d. Subscribers of £1 or their servants, free. The Judges will be declared on the entrance night at Willunga. An Ordinary will take place at the Willunga Inn after the Match. JOHN CLIFT, Chairman. South Australian Auxiliary Bible Society. 'NOTICE is hereby given that Mr R. E. Tapley has been appointed Collector to the above Society, in the room of Mr W. Wincey, who has resigned. By order of the Committee, GEORGE PHILLIPS, Secretary. Adelaide, June 15, 1848. Ancient Order of Royal Foresters' Court, No. 427, Parent Court, No. 1, Adelaide, South Australia. THE Brothers of the Order are informed that the Court will meet in future at the hour of seven o'clock every alternate Wednesday, at the house of Host Gardener, 'Golden Fleece Inn,' Currie- street, to which all Brothers of the Order who have visited these shores are especially invited to attend. by order of J. Hunt, M.W.C.R ., W. PEARCE, Secretary. N.B. — Next Court will be held on Wednesday, the 5th July, when a supper, gratis, will be provided at eight o'clock. MORISON'S PILLS, THE VEGETABLE UNIVER SAL MEDICINE. — In corroboration of the sound ness of the Hygeian or Morisonian System of Medicine, a opposed to the Organic Theory pursued by Doctors, th following proofs are offered to the world : — 1 . All animal bodies consist of fluids and solids. 2. While in a state of embryo all animals consist entirely to fluids. 3. It is from and by tbe fluids that tbe solids are formed. 4. The fluldi contained in tbe human body are four times the weigh of the solids. 5. The chief of the fluids is the blood, from which all the others are derived. 6. Tbe blood not only repairs every part of the human machine, bnt also carries with it all tbe rubbish, or decayed parts, to be de posited in the intestines, previous to being expelled along with the excrement. 7. The -blood is the life— the primum mobile— the first agent from which all others derive their origin. 8. Health depends upou the pnrity of the blood. 9. The purity of the blood depends upon its having free outlets for Us decayed particles. 10. Disease is induced by choking up these outlets in the bowels, by reason of an accumulation of glary mucus on the inner surface of the intestines, Ac. 11. This accumulation is occasioned by anything that weakens tbe circulation or hurts digestion, but chiefly by poisonous drugs and bad treatment of the faculty. 12. The impurities thus detained in the blood occasion every spe cies of disease, accoiding to the quality of the humour or the parti cular locality in which it is lodged. 18. All diseases proceed from one source, therefore they must all be cured by one medicine. 14. This medicine must be a vegetable purgative, innoxious in itself, yet sufficiently powerful to pervade the whole system, clear away the above-mentioned mucus, and putify the blood. 15. The discovery of a vegetable compound, capable of being digested, and mixing with the blood, so as to impart to it that energy requisite for ridding the body of all superfluous humors was a desi deratum. 16. This discovery has been made by James Morison the Hygeist, in the composition of the Vegetable Universal Medicine, commonly known as Morison's Pills, of the British College of Health, Hamilton place, New Road, London. l^*No Chemist or Druggist is authorised to sell Mori Bon's Medicines ; and owing to the numerous counterfeits which are sold in various parts of the world, tbe public are requested to see th»t the words 'Morison's Universil Medicines' are engraved in the Government Stamp, in white letters upon a red ground, without which none can be genu ine. They are to be had only of Mr John Stephens, Book, seller, Printer, 8tationer, General Commission Agent, and Patent Medicine Vender, Hindley. street, Adelaide, (the Sole Agent for South Auitrulin) and the local agents, whom he hai appointed in the settled districts of tha Pro j vince.