South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 22 December 1892, page 4


The outcome of the Onslow enquiry, into the affairs of the ''Darkest England' scheme is highly satisfactory to General Booth. Practically the head of the

Salvation Army was on his trial. Some of Ins critics have been proclaiming upon the housetops that his accounts were in a glorious state of confusion, that the social reform funds were being used for strictly 'Army' purposes, and that General Booth was making a nice little thing out of the whole afiair. The findings of Lord Onslow's committee on these points are all that could be wished. The accounts are clearly kept. The bulk of the Oversea Colony Fund is invested in Queensland and Victorian sfocks, but two-thirds of the stock is pledged as security for advances. How this came about General Booth himself recently explained. Making an urgent appeal for further monetary aid for the 'Darkest England' scheme, he said unleis the required aid were forthcoming at once certain buildings and land would have to be sold and the work curtailed. What had already been done had been effected at a cost of £185,000. Towards this sum he had received only £120.000, including tho legacy of Mr. Fowler, ti£ Liverpool, and some promises as yet* unpaid. He was therefore left £65,000 in debt. This deficiency had been supplied chiefly by temporary loans, which rtust now be repaid. There is nothing, observes the committee, to show that the Booths have benefited personally by the social reform scheme. What is more, there is evidence to prove that General Booth draws no money from tho exchequer either of the 'Social Reform Wing' or of the Salvation Army proper. So far the great leader of Huxley's ' corybantic Christianity' scores hoavily. How ho is supported the committee does not say. Of couise, he cannot get along any more than the rest of us without money, and presumably he personally finds the ' sinews of war' in the sale of his numerous publications or from the essentially trading department of the Army, or from both, Upon another aspect of the matter the declaration of the committee is scarcely so reassuring. One of the severest of the General's critics, and not tho less severe because he was studiously careful in his attack, has been Professor Huxley. In one oi the trenchant letters in which he assailed General. Booth and his work the distinguished scientist asked— ' Will Mr. Booth take counsel's opinion as to whether there is anything in such legal arrangements as ho has »t present made which prevents him from disposing of tho wealth ho has accumulated at his own will and pleasure ( Will anybody bo in a position to set either the civil or the criminal law ia motion against him or his succeason if he or they chooso to spend every farihing ia ways very different from those contemplated by the donors?' Professor Huxley himself afterwards took the opinion of Mr. Ernest H,i;tonThe eminent Chancery Queen's CounBel said, ' Booth can give away the property, simply because there is no one who has a right to prevent him from doing so.' The members of the committee affirm that General Booth i& liable civilly and criminally, but adequate legal safeguards are wanting. This pronouncement is all the more noteworthy because one celebrated lawyer at least was on that committee, and the investigators one and all were capable men of business. The Lhing hero laid bare seems indeed to be tho great weakness of General Booth's institutions. Tho chief is too literally an autocrat. His control of property and finances is supremo. Tho committee has found that his hands arc clean, but it is not well either for his fair name or for tho public interests that any needless risk should be run of anything going wrong. That the committee should consider that all real property and investment of stocks affecting the 'Darkest England' scheme should be vested in independent trustees is therefore a most natural and necessary conclusion. Thecommittee doubtswhother thetraining General Booth'schargesaroreceivingio England will convert them into suitable emigrants for the colonies. Long ago -we gave expression to the same opinion. The habits of a lifetime, and tbe mental and moral inheritance of generations, perhaps, are not to be eradicated by a few months' or years' training, however judicious. The suggestion that it will enable the people concerned to make a fresh start in the old country is a good one. It is worthy of tho serious consideration of ill tho current of whose sympathies run 3wiftly in favour of tho Bocially unfortunate. To Australians it is welcome because it opens up a possibility sf seoing how General Booth's »reat experiment works without our being asked to run a dangerous risk. kt the same time tho committee thinks it desirable to go on with tho ovelfea :olony idea in order to give the scheme a

fair trial. From a thoroughly English standpoint this ia reasonable enough, and any colony that likes to lend a hand in giving effect to the iinal-fltage of the experiment is welcome' to do so. So far as South Australia is concerned we feel that a waiting policy is the wisest to pursue in the matter. We hav^ (plenty of land crying out for settlo. men't; by people of the right stamp. But we 'cannot afford to add thoughtlessly to the number of the constitutionally criminal, vicious, and lazy within our Wrflew. Even the British Press, often paiaftaHy ready to welcome the least promise of a solution of the social pro blem,' still doubts whether General Booth's scheme is of a practicable character. To Bum up, while the investigation in which Lord Onslow has taken the lead has cleared General Booth's name of asper sion, it has proved what haB always been evident to many of his friends as well as to all his enemies that till the trust conditions of the Salvation Army and its agencies are more in accordance with business usage and the requirements of common senso the originator . and director of one of the most wonderful religious and moral movements of this century will not possess the entire con fidence even of the whole of his well wishers. .'?''' The Intercolonial Cricket Match. — Cricket is, a fascinating game, and its un certainty ia one of its chief charms. This element was. especially apparent in the intercolonial match which ended yester day, and so long as important matches are j eo exejtirg as, that Wai the revival of Cricket in popularity will increase Jmore and more. How the balance turned from Saturday to Wednes day ! Victory appeared to be well within the grasp of the New South Wales players during two and a half days. Then a Beeming certainty became a probability, and so remained for two more days, until South Australia eventually achieved a brilliant triumph. Our players have scored many successes, chiefly on account of the wonderful cricket of Giffen and Lyons. It is, therefore, the more satisfactory to notice that while the world-renowned cricketers worthily ac quitted themselves men of smaller reputation played no unimportant part ia this: contest. We refer particularly to Reedman, Hill, and Jones. With these and otter promising players qualify ing themselves to do efficient: ser vice,' South Australia may confi dently await future developments in the manliest of all English games. The' record of matches between Now South Wales and South Australia is now even, so that the return engagement a fortnight hencee will be eagerly awaited. And whatever its result may be this much we know now — that South Australia by its conquests last year and this scaaon leads all Australia at present in cricketing prowess. In any other colony than this the fact would occasion a boasting which is not altogether un patriotic or destituteof its serviceable side. This latest intercolonial match very rightly attracted great crowds, and the spectacle— whether considered from the standpoint of the cricket in the field or of the eager throng who viewed it — was impressive. But it had unsatis factory features. Some of the spectator were guilty of execrable taste. The hooting indulged in when the umpires gave unpopular decisions was highly discreditable. Perhaps errors of judg ment were made, but it is only right to recollect that the umpire can see more than the average onlooker, and that at any rate he is sole arbiter, and that all the harsh name-calling in the world cannot alter his verdict. The hooting on Friday and Saturday was especially reprehen sible. Had the umpire been a South Australian it would have been un mannerly, but as he was our visitor and our guest it was more than dis courteous. Umpiring is at best a most thankless task, and partisanship amongst the' crowd should not add to its trouble!.' The conduct of Melbourne roughs* has made the M.G.C. Ground a place to be dreaded by vieiting umpires. We do not fear that 'Adelaide will Attain the same notoriety, but the crowd should be careful; and occupants -if the Members' Reserve should surely be- the last to mis behave themselves, because they profess to bV practical supporters as well as ; ardent admirers of cricket. Mistakes were undoubtedly made by both umpires, which, as it happened, were prejudicial to the local men, but having won the latter can _ afford to be generous and forget the only unpleasant circum stances of the match. We are glad to see that those . South Australians who are considered to have claims', for inclusion in the 1893 Aus tralian Eievon performed so well. In the. selection cf that important team all inter colonial differences should be sunk, and though our province was the last of the three leading colonies to take a front rank ?in is now in the forefront, and there is no reason why we should not have live men chosen if they are better than those in New South Wales and Victoria. The prowess of Australia and not that of any particular part of it is the test. G. GifTen and Lyons of course are certain to be included in the eleven. Walter Giffen is also mentioned, and it is unfortunate that he could not play in this last match and that he cannot cow go to Melbourne However, his last two seasons' form give some ground for his selection. A. H. Jatvis, by his brilliant wicket-keeping and good batting, has probably ensured his. pla:e, while Beedman has gained a status which we believe he has skill enough as a cricketer to maintain. South Aus tralia has never yet sent more than two men in any one team to England, but it is not improbable that four or five will be representing us on English fields next summer. However that may be it is very satisfactory to note the exceedingly auspicious way in which the cricket season has begun in this colony, and the corre sponding interest in tho game which is being displayed in the centres around Mel bourne and Sydney. The large concourse of people on the Adelaide Oyal during the last week ; the crowds which in the streets awaited so eagerly opposite to the newspaper offices the posting of the results of a friendly contest which they were not privileged to see ; the absorbing interest excited by the same infor mation all orer Australia— these things have their significance quite outside sporting circles. These intercolonial matches are great federalizers. The motto which the prominent cricketer translates into practice is— Each colony for itself within proper limits, but all the colonirs for Australia ! There is in that sentence a text for the speakers at the Federal Council next month. Vicebeoal.— Hia Excellency the Governor, accompanied by Lady Kintore and the Ladies Hilda and Ethel Keith-Falconer, left Adelaide on Wednesday morning on a visit to Mr. A. Maofarlane'a ab Wellington. The party will probably return on Saturday next. The Socni Australian Loan.— With refe rence to the London telegram which appeared in the Register of Wednesday, in which it was stated that a rumour was going the rounds of the London money market that the Sonth Australian Government would float a loan in the middle of January, the Treasurer states that there ia no doubt aa soon as the money market ia favourable the Government will take some action. As stated in the House the Treasurer will need additional funds, ano

the House gave him authority to float upwards of a million pounds worth of stock in addi tion to the £600,000 balance of the laat loan. In addition to this the Treasurer was empowered to float £500,000 worth of Treasury bills locally in the event of the London market not being favourable for the flotation of the ordinary stock. So far as the cablegram is concerned in which it is stated that the London brokers had offered to take up £1,000,000 worth of stock the Treason* aaya he knows nothing of the reported offer. SrKciAL Train.— A special train carrying English mails and passengers left Adelaide at 6.50 p.m. on Wednesday for the other colonies. The ' SAaixpox SeAifc.— The quariitm*4 passenger* on Torrens Island are still in good health, and in a few days they will probably be released.. The fumigation of Mt. t»de toann's houte at Petersburg is being' pro* Deeded with. ??-.??? , ' 'ReTUBN OF THE VICTORIA?? AORNT-GiwKRAt.' —The Hon. J. Mnnro, Agent-General for Victoria, was a passenger by the Ballaarat, which arrived from London on Wednesday. His return has bean hastened owing to com plication in the Real Estate Bank and private lffairs. Mr. Munro on Wednesday declined to say a word in connection with the :ause of his return or Anglo-colonial lffairs, simply remarking that he was praoti jally on a holiday trip, and was enjoying it rery well. Mr. Mnnro, who is acompanied by Urs. and Mies Munro, continued his voyage by the steamer to Melbourne. Intercolonial Cricket.— The finish of the intercolonial cricket match was not exciting1, Ihe South Australians winning by 57 runs after playing .a brilliant up-hill game. The Sydney men. left by the afternoon's express for Melbourne; when they meet the Vtotorian* on Saturday. A large crowd gathered at . the station to see them off, and hearty gtiod wishes were expressed for their success in the match with the Viotorians. The South Australian twelve who are to play against Victoria to-morrow week and .gainst New South Wales on the succeeding Friday will be selected this morning. At the same time the next best fifteen will be ohosej, and on Satur day afternoon the two combinations will neet on the Adelaide Oval. Walter Giffen has been unable to obtain the necessary leave of absence to enable him to go to Melbourne and Sydney. Visit of an Indian Engineer.— Mr. F. R. Upcott, M.I.C.E., the Superintending En gineer of the Consulting Engineers' Branoh of the Indian Public Works Department, is now on a visit to Adelaide, He has come out specially to leave his family here so as to secure education for his children. He has met some of the leading public works officials, and intends travelling all over the railways. While here he will write an account of South Australia for some of the midland papers in India, aa he says there are a lot of people- in India' anxious tar come to South' 'Australia. Chatting to one of our reporters on Wednesday he said that in India, ae in South Australia, the break of gauge is the trouble, but not to inch an extent as it is here; The greater portions of the railways in India are constructed purely for strategical purposes to defend the frontier, and many of them aro absolutely un remunerative. The other railways are gene rally constructed by a Company, who borrow money from the Government, which secures it from outside sources ; bub the Government can purchase tho lines from the Company within five years at par. Generally, however, the management of the railways is left to the Companies which construct them. In India the public works are nearly all rail ways and canals. The public works are divided into four departments— military, which looks after the forts and barracks ; roads and buildings; canals; and railway?. All these are under one head, the Secretary of Public Works. Mr. Upcott had a brief inter view with the Chairman of the Railway Com missioners (Mr. J. H. Smith) on Wednesday. Leigh's Creek Coal.— On Wednesday after noon a party from the Chamber of Manu factures, consisting of Messrs. A. W. Dobbie (Vice-President), A. Adamson, T. He 3k, M.P., W. W. Forwood, G. Stace, and W. Clark (Secretary), visited the Apollo Soap Works, Hindmarsh, for the purpose of witnessing a trial of Leigh's Creek coal for factory purposes. On arrival at the factory Mr. H. M. Radcliffe, Manager for MesatJ. Burford & Sons at Hindmarsh, conduoted the visitors to the furnaces of the factory, two of which were in operation, one charged with the coal in question and the other with NowcMtle. The test had extended over a period of thr. 3 days, the firm having originally received about three tons of the Leigh's Ciack coal, and the result has certainly proved most favourable. Mr. Radcliffe stated emphatically that it was quite as good as the Newcastle coal as far as this test was concerned, equal quantities of each kind giving equal results. The cDal, which is lighter than that from Newcastle, burned very freely in tho furnace, and pro dmed a light clinker. ? ?? ' New Wheat.— The ship Templemore cleared at the Custom-house on Wednesday with 7,521 bags of wheat; being the first vessel to leave the Port with this season's grain. She is bound for Guapi via Wallaroo, where the remainder of the cargo will bo shipped. The barques Cambrian Chieftain and Lunaohe are loading wheat at Port 'Adelaide.. -THR PotlCB MXGISTHYTE OX HTS DlGNirT.-^ At the City Police Court on Wednesday morn ing two boys were charged with stealing cotton. In cases when the defendant ia , under 10, the Magistrate usually hears the case at the office of the State Children's Department. In this instance one of the boys was over and one under the age of 10, and the case was heard in the Justices' loom. Before the charge was heard Inspector Gray ; said he was instructed by Mr. J. B. Whitinjr, the Secretary of the State Children's Department, to say that one of the boys was under tho age of 10. He bad sent the boy up to oblige His Worship, and did not wish it to.b'o taken as a pre- edenb. Mr. Gordon said he was at a loss to understand how Mr. Whiting came to send such a message to tbe Court that he would not have the case regarded as a precedent, and especially as he was not the informant or the person concerned in the case. (Mr. Gray—' Not ' will not,' but ' doesn't wish it.'' ') There was a direction to the police by the Chief Secretary that in all charges against girls under 18 and boys under 16 they should be sent round to the State Children's Depart ment to bo tried, so as to prevent publicity and for other reasons. Mr. Whiting had no right to send a message about not re garding the case as a precedent. He mistook his position altogether, and he did not act re Epectfully to the Court when he sent such a message. He would adhere to his usual custom in hearing charges against children, and he would not be dictated to by Mr. Whit ing. He saw no reason why the cases should not bo heard in a private room. If the oases had been separate ones he would have tried one in the Court and the other privately at the department's offices, but aa the lads were charged together in one informa tion the caees had to be heard together. He would like Mr. Gray to convey the tenor of his remarks to Mr. Whiting. One cannot help thinking that the whole affair is a strik ing illustration of ' much ado about nothing.' Mr. Gray would have acted more wisely had he explained privately to the Bench the reasons for the departure from the usual practice, but His Worship would have better consulted his own dignity had he taken a less serious view of the incident. Trip of the Governor Musgrave.— The steamer Governor Musgrave returned to Port Adelaide early on Wednesday morning after a fortnight's absence at the West Coast. The trip throughout was a rough one, but the steamer worked very satisfactorily. Leaving Port Adelaide on the 7th, Cape Borda and the Althorp Lighthouses were first called at, and a portion of the stores landed for the keepers. The 9th was employed in repairing the telephone cable at Althorp Islands, Coffin Bay being reached on the day follow ing. The buoys were put in order, and another start was made for Streaky Bay, which was reached on the 11th after a very rough passage. After the buoys had been replaced Denial Bay was reached on the 13th. Here a beacon was placed on Bird Rock, and a buoy put down to mark the Daphne Shoal in the bay. Venus Bay was reached on the morning of the 15th. Two buoys were put down to mark the deepest water at the shoal which stretches at the entrance to the bay. At Waterloo Bay the moorings were overhauled, and enquiries were made with reference to the

new jetty at this plaoe. ' Arrangements were also made for a leading beacon to be placed over tbe bar. This having completed the pro gramme of work, a return was made on the 19th, and after landing itorei and relief keepers at Cape Borda and the Allhorpw, Port Adelaide wat leached on Tuesday. Tbe vessel will go on the slip to-day. Colonial Art.^Mt. Frank H. Bartels, who ia the son of the late Mr. A. H. F. Bartels, me of Adelaide's ex-Mayors, whose memory is much respected, hat developed a remarkable talent for pen-and-ink drawing, his work beiag eo fine and so artistic thai his production* can hardly be , diatiagained From etching! of the sanae type. Mr. Bartels has evidently a skilled hand and an accurate eye, with nice judgement in the selection and composition of his subjects. There are twenty-two examples of his work on view at' E. S. Wigg & Son's, some of which. in execution compare most favourably with the etchings of Mr. Menpes in the Art Gallery. They are not all original in conception, bat those that are do not fall short of the inspired subjects. One little gem is an original sketch of Clarendon, with a bit of the beautiful Onkaparinga ; and another is a comprehensive view of Victor Harbour from the Port Elliot -road, showing Granite Island and the Bluff in the distance. There are also titbits of scenery in the neighbourhood of Brownhill Creek, Clarendon, Port Ade laide, and other favourite resorts of lovers of the picturesque. In addition to these are two charming marine views boldly and cleverly treated, a panoramic view of Broken Hill, and several emblematio pieces such as 'Harvesting the Vintage,' and groups of the fauna of South Australia. Mr Bartels apparently has not only the delicacy of touch, but the inexhaustible patience necessary to qualify him for high-class etching; his work is beautifully balanced and possesses few faults. He ought to take up etching proper, as he has evidently the talent for that kind of artwork, Railway Returns.— The railway revenue for the week ended December 17 was 622,993, that for the corresponding week of 1891 being £23,579, Bhowing a decrease of E520. Customs Holidays.— On Wednesday a requisition was presented to the Collector of Customs, asking that December, 20 and January 2 shonld bo gazetted holidays in place of December 25 and January 1, which fall on Sundays. '0 nder the Act the holidays cannot be proclaimed without special action on the part of the Government, and unless some thing is done the Customs officers will have to be kept open on, Monday and Hoaday week. The requisition was forwarded to the Trea surer, but owing to the Executive Council meeting being held at 10 o'clock on Wednesday the document was received too late for tho' Treasurer to have the matter dealt with. It is, however, understood that the wishes of those who aigned the requisition will most probably be complied with. The Y.M.O.A. in Western Australia.— About twelve months ago Mr. J. J. Virgo, General Secretary of the Y.M.C.A. in Ade laide, started by correspondence a branoh of tbe Y.M.C.A. in Western Australia, and re- : spending to a pressing invitation, he has recently been attending the first anniversary meetings of the branch at Perth. Mr. Virgo, who was accompanied by Mrs. Virgo, re turned by the Ballaarat on Wednesday after a thoroughly enjoyable trip. During his stay of eleven days at Perth he addressed ten meet ings, and received an excellent reception and most hospitable treatment. Mr. Virgo speaks hopefully of the branch at Perth, and looks with hope to great progress being made with the good work in the western colony. During1 bis stay in Forth he waited upon Sir William Robiufion and many public men, enlktin?, their sympathy with the Y.M.C.A. movement/ A Notomous 'Lady.'— Sometime ago a woman with several aliases, but generally known as 'Lady' Munro, figured con-: npicuously in the Adelaide Police Court. It is understood some well-intentioned reformers took tho 'lady' in hand, and subsequently raw her on board a steamer bound for London. ' Lady' Munro was a n'rst-clasi passenger outward bound by the Ballaarat, but only; reached Brindisi, where she was put on shore, to be sent on to London 'with care' at the first opportunity. A few days on board the mail steamer, however, was quite sufficient to make her a notorious character, to be given a wide berth by all the passengers. Burglary at Uklby. — On Wednesday Bvening a burglary was committed at the house of Mr. Pettitt, of Enterprise street, Unley. Mr. Pettitt, who is a commercial traveller, was not at home at the time of the robbery. It appears that the window of one of the front rooms of ' thff house which is iued as a bedroom had been left open for the pur pose of airing the room, and by this means a man who is unknown effected an' entrance. In- the room was a bag containing fifteen sovereigns, some silver; papers, &c. The man' discovered this bag and' abstracted five sovereigns and then made ' his ' escape.' In ? getting through the window' he was observed by one of the Pettitt family, a boy of about fourteen years of age, who was coming! in through the gate. On realizing that he had been discovered the man made a in?h: past young Pettitt and escaped. The intruder Was in all probability disturbed while searching tbe room, and in hit hurried exit was able' to obtain only five lovercigns. The room at the time the robbery was committed was in total darkness. ' 'Storage of Explosives.— On Wednesday the Mayor of Port Adelaide (Mi. C. Tucker) and Mr. J. C. Lovely, waited upon the Treasurer to aek that step3 should be taken in accordance with the wishes of a recent publio meeting at Port Adelaide that the explosives should be removed from the North Aim. It was pointed out that the Marine Board bad recommended their removal to Port Gawkr. The Treasurer promised that the matter should have prompt attention. We understand that the Government have deoided to inBtruct the Marine Board to prepare regu lations preparatory to tbe removal of the hulks to Port Gawler. It is probable that the pro posal to retain expense magazines at the North Arm for the storage of small quantities of ex plosives to suit the convenience of merchants will not meet with the approval of those who have been asking for the removal of the hulks. Feuit fhom Rexmark.— We have been asked to call attention to a drawback to tho transport of fresh fruit from Renmark to Ade laide. Last week a consignment of apricots was shipped by the steamer on Thursday in time for the passenger train on Saturday morn ing, but instead of being conveyed thereby at the lower rate, as we are told is the case with soft fruits from the hills, the packages were kept back for the goods train, and arriving after the goods yard was closed for the day the consignee could not get the fruit till Monday. Although the fruit was large, luscious, and un spotted, having a beautiful clear Bkin, th6 detention certainly did not improve its con dition. The Renmark settlers felt that they are entitled to as much consideration from the authorities as the hills gardeners, and that the concession would be advantageous to the public generally. St. John Ambulance Association.— For some weeks past Dr. Michie has been lectur-ing to a class of ladies on ambulance subjects, and on Monday evening Dr. Poulton, one of the Association examiners, conducted the cus tomary examination at the Y.M.C.A. Rooms. The Secretary of the Association (Mr. J. P. Roberts) informs us that the following ladies satisfied the examiner and have gained the certificate of the Association certifying their ability to render ' first aid to the injured' :— Mesdames W. Hack, M. Josling, and E. Wilson, and Misses L. F. Ambrose, E. C. Barr, E. L. Culley, M. Durie, Eimer, Evans, A. Evers, M. Evers, M. L. Evers, A. K. Fleming, L. H. Goode, C. L. Goode, C. M. Harrison, M. Hay, G. Higgia, M. Mitchell, A. Pearson, K. I. Phillips, K. Rhodda, B. Vivian, and A. L. Wilson. Bushmen's Club.— The annual meeting of the Bushmen's Club was held at the club pre mises on Wednesday, December 21. A brief report and the balance-sheet were read. The accounts showed unmistakably that the popularity and business of the institution had largely increased during the year. Street Accidents.— At about 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning an accident occurred in Curriestreet whioh resulted in the death of a horee. The animal was being taught its paces in a brake belonging to Mr. R. Allen, when it

?warred into the line of .vchiclee -on the licensed stand. The result was that the shaft of ,a dray entered the obit'* chest, causing death. No other injury was done. At about an hour later, whilst' the driver of one of the South Australian Brewing, Malting, and Wine and Spirit Company's two-hone trollies was adjusting a portion of the harness whioh had become displaced the horses sud denly moved on, knocking the nun aside, and proceeded to trot down the street. The start wail made fromopposite to tbe Sir John Barley -con HaUl, and the trolly bad gone as far a« the Red Lion Hotel when a yaong man naaed Bartht* stopped tilt' ranawayi. As th«y were going a) only an ordinary pace rio ool linonic-xn]rr«d,^t'serio-M results might have followed hitd ,they gone into fcinf Wiu^aja street without any one to guide that, . Fatal AccropiT.— Oni - TMsOay V child named Grace '' AteToyd, '' ag-d ' '' font j . years) ; daughter of Joiuthi^Akeroyd, iron«npng«f,,o£ Woody ille, was ran over by a trolly whilst attempting to cross the road. Dr. St«wart,;of Hindmarsh, attendel the child, bat on Wed nesday morning she died from internal inju ries received through the accident. An inquest was held on Wednaeday afternoon at the Wood ville Hotel, when % verdict was returned to tbe effect that the little girl was run over by a trolly, and that no blame was attachable to any one. ? A Pluck? Boy.— On Wednesday morning, as the 9 o'clock tramcar from Hyde Park was nearingthe North-parade near Way College thiee Bchoolboyi were, travelling ' townwards, om oir k tricycle and two on foot, when a wagonette mat them, and one of tb», boys in andcaTOuriag to.gst out oi the way was knocked down and run over by the trap^ the wheels passing, over his thighs. The plucky little fellow jumped up, and after resting agai&Bt ft fence for awhile went on to school with his companions. . Accident at Goodwood.— At aboat 2.15 p.m. on Wednesday, December 21, Samuel White, a butcher in the employ of Mr. R. D. Vawaer, of Coromandel Valley, met with a painful accident at Goodwood. It appsara that Whito was riding round the corner of Dartmouth-street and Goodwood-road after seme sheep, when his horse slipped and fell on him, breaking his left leg. The ambulance van was obtained, and the sufferer was taken to the Adelaide Hospital, where he was ad mitted. The police then communicated with his friends in reference to the accident. A Model Farm.— Our Curramulka corre spondent writes as follows on December 20-— ' A day or two ago in company with a friend I paid a visit to the large and well-appointed farm of Mr. Joseph Parsons, J.P., where the visitor is enabled to observe evidences of the rapid strides which have been made in the perfection of agricultural ? labour ? saving machinery during the last few years. Mr. Parsons is not contented with half-measures. His farm is well-stocked with the newest and best implements, and everything about the plaoe betokens the fact that Mr.' PaTsona is a careful as well aa a scientific farmer. At tbe- time of our visit h«waa engaged in threshing English1 malt barley with the aid ef a portable farm ateam-engina. He stated that brewers and others complained that this species of barley if reaped with the ordinary stripper was considerably damaged. He has. there fore, bit upon the plau of using the twine binder in the field, and then threshing the barley by steampower. |The contrivance is a very ingenious one. The bundles of sheaved barley are placed in the ordinary feeder of the threshing machine, and after undergoing the usual process the str?w passes along a per forated passage constructed by Mr. Parsons and 'termed a straw-shaker. Here iny ft rain of barley which remains is shaken out, and falls below the ' shaker.' The straw then passes on and up an elevator which can be raised to the height of 25 ft. if necessary. From this elevator it is stocked by Mr. Parsons' assistants, the elevator being gradually raise 3 as the height of tho stack increases. Thus by the aid of the rnashine and engine the barly is thoroughly threshed, and the straw remaining is stacked with the minimum of labour and trouble. This machine is the only one of its kind on Yorke's Peninsula, and it may be termed a triumph of labour-saving machinery. Passing through the grounds one is pleased to observe neatness and order everywhere. ? The garden is well kept and contains numerous fruit-trees, which will vield i-onsiderablo quantities of fruit this year.' Grapes will be plentiful, t'.ie vines at present bearing heavily. Mr. ' Parsons has been specially complimented by Professor Perkins on the character of the vines. Mr. Parsons has made scientific farming a special study, and his opinion on agricultural matters generally is eagerly sought for and always respected. A son of the Hon. T. Playford was recently instructed by him in practical fanning. Altogether we spent a very pleasant and instructive afternoon.' ' 'Garden and Field.'— We have received theChristmae number of this practical monthly journal. It contains tbe usual . useful and interesting articles on the farm, orchard, vineyard, and garden. But the special features are baautifql lithographic pictures of two of the Hon. J. H. An«a«'» stud , cattle, Couat Comely and RofciaNibleit an both well known to frequenter* of Adelaide Shows, who will at once recognise the portrait* as . faithful repre eentfttknwof the almost perfect specimens of a Hereford bull and ebortbora cow. , Mr. Anga» kindly revised tke proofc him«e)f. and the result, ia that Mr. Hi Barrett has probably produced the ; best , examples of shir class of lithography dome in Australia. It is doubtful if bettor Work would be turned oat in an ordinary way from a fint-clfts English offioe. These pictures should do a great deal to edu cate our farmers in the points to be sought in beef- producing. cattle. .Tbe paper also .con tains a chalk sketch of Nancy Hanks as she stands in her pneumatic rubber-tired trotting sulky in which ah* made the world's trotting record for a mile of 2 min. 4 mo. A fall pige of drawings illustrating an article on ' How to Bud Fruit-trees and Roses' will prove of value to amateur gardeners. Choice Plants.— Messrs. O. F. Newman and Son, f orists, are showing in their window, 17, Rundle-Btreet. Clerodendron Balfouriana, with several thousand Howers of bright crimson with pure white ealy.-rej, and a charming Orchid Anguld* Clowetii.. Tho sepals and petals are blight yellow, the lip pure white or yellow, tipped With orange, and the flowers are fragrant. They ha /e also on view Lycaste Deppei'. The flowers have oblong obtuse green sepals, dotted ever with chocolate. There are purple spots in trans verse Hues. The petals are smaller, pure white, and the lip is cucullate, three lobed, yellow with crimson dots. The New South Wales Crick^teiw.— We have received from Mr. T. McGann, of Leigh street, an excellent photo group of the players in tht New South Wales cricketing team engaged in the match against South Australia on the Adelaide Oval. The picture was taken in tho BoUnio Gardens at a spot where the background is made up of large tropical plants. All the liknesses are good. MT Peaks' Soap for toilet and nursery specially prepared for the delicate skin of ladies and children, and others sensitive to the weather, winter, or summer. Prevents redness, roughness, and chapping. Sold everywhere in tablets Is. each. Larger sizes, Is. 6d. and 2s. 6d. A smaller tablet (un scented) is sold at 6d 1 99h Small Fire at Pobtland Ward.— A small tire occurred in the house of William Dawson in Portland Ward, Port Adelaide, at 6 o'clock on Wednesday morning. A deal table and other articlesof furniture were destroyed, while the walls of one of the rooms were scorched by the flames. The fire was started through a grandson of Mrs. Dawson playing with matches. COMMEMOBATION DAT at Glenelg.— Pre-parations for the gala on Commemoration Day have been begun atGlenelg. Already booths are being erected, and children are being enter tained on the merry-go-rounds. Steam whistles and steam organs are already a nuisance, and unless the Council take action will continue to be so until after the holidays. Accident on thk Pout Line.— A horse belonging to Mrs. Aldred strayed on to the Port Railway Line in St. Vincent-street on Wednesday morning and was killed by the 7 o'clock train from the Semaphore. Collegiate School of St. Peter.— The annual Speech Day in connection with the Collegiate School of St. Peter will take plaoe this morning. Bishop Kennion will preside. Chbistmas-tbeks.— An advertisement ap pearing in another oolumn notifies that two enormous Christmas-trees will be placed at Gay's Arcade to-day and following days. Port Congregational Church.— The Pas sion play ' Oberammenrau' will be given in the above Church this evening. St. John's Church, Adelaide.— A carol service will be held this evening. Pcltkney-str*bt School. — The annual distribution of prizes will tain place at the school this afternoon.