South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Sunday 16 April 1854, page 2



Sunday, April 16— The barque Dreadnought, 300 tons, Mac-: Donald, master, from Melbourne April ,10.-'.: ;lu ballast Passen gers— Mrs. Gerner, Miss Gerner, Misses MacKenzie 2, Mrs Monroe: Messrs MacLean 2. Mitchell. Bradley. Ires. Mrs

Brook, Messrs S and C Brook, .Master Thorpe in the cabin: Messrs Collman, Roach, Mrs Roach, Messrs Edwards, Follet 2, March, Hodges, Jones, Saunders Young Mrs Batters, Messrs Carling. Ge*ron, and Huntingdon, in the steerage. Same day— The schooner Sea Witch, ISO tons, Walker, mas e r, from Mellwunie April 10. Passengers— Mr and Mrs ' Vaux, Mr and Mrs Daine, Mr and Mrs D*ake, Messrs Higgings 2, Coope, Hope, Koberts, and Beckley. GLEA.RKD OUT. Saturday, April 15— The ship Henrietta MisiUth Susannah, 107 toiis, Kuappert, master, for Uatavia. Iu ballast. No p is iangers. Siime day— The ship Queen of S'leba, 310 tins, Hingston, master, for London. Passe nger.i— Mrs Rendall, Messrs Fish, Castles, Thompson Miss Castles, Mrs Russell and 2 children, Mrs Fish and 2 children, Mrs Castles and 2 children, in the cabin; Mr and Mrs Marshall, Mrs Creighton, Messrs Wheeler, Phillips, Glover, Lynch, Giles 11, Mr T W and Margaret Emery, Messrs Wylde, Gu*npas. Knight Hanyon, Taylor. Misses Mary, Lydia and Jessie Phillips, Messrs Udv*Smith, Redfern, Green, Victor John, Mary, and David Eldridge, S Gilbert, Messrs Jones, Stone, and Stewart, in the intermediate ; 47 in' the Steerage. Same day — Tho barque Alice Brooks, 212 ton*, Davidson, master, for Melbourne. Passengers— Mrs Jones, Mns Brandon, and Mrs Alexander, in the cabin ; 5 in the steerage. imports; Cargo of tho Se-i Wircli— Part of original cargo : 20 boxes soup 1 c;iss ir..!ini.»ng.-ry 1 ciso irapcry 1 do opium 18 bags hops 19 bales bags 1/JjO bags su^ar, Order. EXPORTS. Cargo of the Qu:en of Shelm.— I cask wlue 2 boxes works of art, Younghusb.iml and Co : 36(5 tiles copper 1,342 caked do, S A Milling Association ; SO bags copper ord, Kapuada Miniug Co ; 59S do do, Levi. Cargoof the Alice Brooks— 256 balos hay 361 bags bran 200 do wheat, Whimerah and Co. MISCELLANEOUS SHIPPING. The following vessel* sailed yesterday : — For London, the Qumt vf Sheba ; for Cave Jaffa, the Government schooner YataUi: for Lauuceston, t\m John King ; f jr Batavia. tha Ilen rie'tta Elisabeth Susannah: for Melbourne, the Alice Brooks. The &« Witch sighted the llavilah, on Friday, 13th iustant, about 15 miles north, oi' Cape Northumberland. The Robert Cl'vz beat out ttiroujth the I'ort Phillip Ilesils in company with the Sea Witch aad Dreadnought ou Tuesday, llth iustant The Sea Witch met the Rebecca, from Port Adelaide, running up Hobson's B iy. ? The birque Dreadnought arrived at the Lightship anclioiage one hour lifter the Se i Witch. Hotli vessels sarted from the Port I'hillip Heads at the same time; and this trial of speed proves them to be well matched. They had already won golden opiiiious as ?' regular clijipcrs.' The Government schooner YuLila proceeded yesterday with Captain Lip son, K.N., master of the Trinity Board, and a com petent party of assistants, to undertake the erection ot the new neaco ? oft' (Jape Jaffa, on the principal rock of the reef, upon which the Margaret Brock wrecked. Three Lascars who only returned on Saturday, the 15th i-ist.,froiu -: visit of 30dnysto Mr. Asutou's ostabUshmant, for desurtiug their vessel, the Fiavius, made up their minds again to. try the same experiment, and accordingly bolted yesterday mornngat3 oc'ock Tho police, however, succeeded in cap turing tlinin. They were quietly encamped . on the beach, not far from the mail-house on Lefevru's Peninsula, and their state of freedom was asaiii suspended about noon. The ship Symmetry, from Live pool November 15, arrived at Table Kay February -26, with a cargo of coals, and sailed for Port Adelaide March 4. The schooner St. Peter left Nova Sco'.ia for Port Adelaide December 2, with a cargo of tish. She put in at tue Capo for water February 23 aud s .-ign n February 25. , The G S. S. S. Co.'s steamer linsphorus was to leave South ampton on the 4th February, for Melbourne direct, with tho Australian mails, she having taken the tender. The Argo is to convey the February mails for the Cape and India.— Cape Pa per, March 4. The Sydney steamer, hence December 21st, left King George's S jund J anuary 4th, and arrived at the Cape January 31st. She left the Cape for LouJou February 5. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For London — William Hammond, 18th For Batavia— Iserbrook, )8tU For Hombay — Xeptune, 18 h For King d'eorge's Sound and Swan River— Hamlet, this day For Port Lin :a\n— Bandicoot, this day ? ? .' For Pern— Cheshire, 215th ' -For Port Elliot— Jim, this day For Melbourne— .-lint, this day; Sir John Harvey, 18th at 4 p.m.; Pearl, Sijuaw, Adele, Amazon, Fiavius, Dazzler, John Hullett, early. MELBOURNE SHIPPING. AKKIVALS FROM I'ORT ADELAIDE. April 7— Chilian haniue, sailed March 31 7— Vivid hrii, cleared out March 25 7 — Jlazeppa barque, sailed March 31. ARRIVALS FROM OTUER VORT3. April 7— Lady Mona brig, from Mull 7 — Brmlalbane ste.uner. from Glasgow 7 — Triumph schooner, from Newcastle (N S \V). UI.liAKEI) OUT FOR I'ORT ADELAIDE. April 7— Louisa brig. 4 passengers. VESSELS EXPECTED. The following is a list, taken from various sources, of vessels laid on or nailed for this port:— FROM l.ON'DON. Charlotte Jane, cleared out .la-.u ry 7 Hindostun (ship), with -]in k dispatch Leucouiu, sailed Jaun.iry 10 I .-'nice 1'eyrnt, entered outwards November 12 Royal Charlie, cleaivu out January 7 Thai stries, bailed from Gravesen I December 13 ' KP.OJt PLYMOUTH. T.vjmoulh H-isde, in sail with Government emigrants Jan 25 Time and Truth, left Gravesend December 24 ; to embark umi grants at Plymouth FROM MVKRI'OOL. Ifrnrivii, to follow th ! St.i.U Utr cht John B.tnpia (-ship), ti sail early in Januiry St'idt Utrecht, tisil J iimiry 1 S:j,ai-i':tr-j, sailed Xcvtiiib..r'l5l left the Capo March 4 jfii.yfc«r(-.hip}l l,O:x) tuns, wi[li pisieiigjrs for tne Australian colonies FROM Di;Sl)KE. Prince Albert, sailed December 5 FROM THE CAPE OK GOOD HOPE. St. Peter schooner, sailed February '25 i'kom nouuicAirx. Celina, en route to Melbourne and Sydney FltOM MKUIOim.NK. AM, schoocor, to siiil about April 20 Aib'un. early Champion, early Chilian, bin(iii), to sail April 12 City of Xo'folk steamer, to le ive Hobson's Bay April 14 Elizabtth Jlugh's Inig, cleared out April 8 Goblsi'.rly.r schooner, to sail April 8 Jr.isie. early Josephine fj Oiiseau brigantiue, cleared out April 3 L-u'.sa, early Xi/ra Oreiit r, a ?ivertUed to sail April 6 I'rihcf- of WaUi brig iiitiue, cleared out April 8 Qi en steamer, daily Hob'-rt dive, sailed April 10 WanntiH, to sail April 12 Wye, early FltOM SYDNEY. Aini'i Dixon brig, tosail April 8 Harriett uar-iuu, advertised to Kail with dispatch VESSELS IN II.VRI5OUR. AMe (brig), 22 - tons, from Portland. F Fisher, Town, agent. Company's Wharf. Adulphit (schi; jne.r), 120 tons, Deacon, master, from Melbourne. Prince's Wharf. .'Egir (brij^). 140 tons, Slollur, master, from Christiana. Acra m n, Cookii, and Co, agents. Compiuy's Wlurf. Anwzon (barque), o9t- tons, Sterry, master, from Melbourne. Uandicoot (Lchonner), 55 tons, Hay, master, from Pjrt Li'. coin Corrpiny's Wli.irf. Clieshire (burqua), 37C tms. Hngif. master, from Lo:idon. New ii'Bii, Port, agent. Company's Wharf. Christopher (schooner). 150 t) 8, Jiifinan, master, from Mel-' biurne. Queen's Wharf. Dazzler (Hch'oner), 174 tons, Allen, muster, from Melbourne. Queen's Wharf. Dr olno'ighi(b\r(\ne), 300 tons, MacDonald, master, from Mel bjurn.i. Gil, To* n, Tapley, Port, agents. t-louard (ship), 673 tuns, Da Winter, master, from London. Eldtr and Co. agent-!. Company's Wlrirf. E-lwjrd (barque), H2 tuns, tivans, master, from Sydney and Gielong. Heck, Town, DntT, Port, agents. Company's vVharf £ni;o,y(brig), 14S tons, Ward, master, from Melbourne. Print's Wharf. Fame (schooner), &) toni, Cohu, master, from Melbourne. Li:Bair and Co, ngeutrt. Company's Wharf. £V(uA(brii;), 200 tons. Ward, master, from Melbourne. Collin son. Port, agent Patent Slip. Fiavius (ship), 298 win, Kobinson, mister, from Singapore liltltr and Co, agents. Qiieeu'.s Wharf. Hamlet (brig). 20H tons, Ivissack, -naster, from Melbuiirno Collinsmi, Port, agent. Prince's Wharf Hannah Murbi, 385 tons. Drew, master, from Lacepede Bay, Newaian. agent. Iu the stream. Hazard (schooner), i:-5 tons, Atkian, mister, from London. MacDeriuott, Dutton, an I Co, Town, agdnti. Princa's Wharf HytUraltad (sh p), 810 tons, Castle, master, from Southampton. dabiiiu and Co, Purt, agents. In the Stream. Ur.rbruok (l»ri«), '20'J tons, Kru^fir, master, from Hamburg Amsberg and Co, Town, Moccatta, Port, agents. Company s Wharf. John Hullett (birque), 229 tons, Jury, master, from Melbourne . Company's Whaif. Lina (brig;, aoc tons, Young, ma3t-;r, from Melbourne. Queen's Wharf. LoMnaxr (brig). 199 tons, Drown, master, from Melbourne. Company's Wharf. Lydin. (brig), 179 tons, Henderson, master, from Melbourne LuRair and C j, agent*. Company's Wharf. iltcDonnell (birqu.t), 5'JO Mns, H-ina, mister, from London Uollina in, ng4M, Port. Company's Wharf. 3TiceJon (ship). 5'iS tons, Ta/lor, mater, from Melbourne Acr.imau. Cookp, and Co, agents. In tho Stream. JIarinir (ship), CS3 tons, Harlanl master, from London. Bec'-and Co, agon a. Company's Wharf. Ntnlune (ship), 641 ton*, HiiiJers'ju, master, from London AcraiiH.ii, (Jojice, and Co, Tuvru, and Scott, Port, agents. In tub Stream. Onnelie (ship), 5S3 tins, Fa'dar, raster, from Glasgow. Elder and C'», agents. C-- npiiij-'s Wharf. Osprey (schooner), 149 tons, Hawking master, from Melbourne and Portland. Q icon's Wharf. I'virt iliir.j!!:). lSi to:m, Hill, master, from Colombo. Elder »n-l Co. n^uiits. Qiia.-n's Wharf. P-inch (brig). In tha stream. Ttnnee (barque), 19 ) tons. Grierson, master, Singapore K.'der aud Co, agents. Company's Wharf. Rtginii (birqne), 531 torn, Ingerman, mistRr, from London. Jiiit and AiHtiu. Town, aid Saiiine and Co, Port, agents Codipany's Wharf. Ruby (l;arqu.*), 443 tons. Turner, master, from London. LeB iir and Co, agents. Company's Whirf. Sea Witch (schooner), if ) tons, Walker, master, from Mel boun.e. Gill, Town, Jackson, Port, agents. Sir Elioird Parry (barque), 575 toin, Gray, manter, from Ply mouth. Thomson, a^nt. Town. In the Stream; Sir John Harvey (steamsr), 447 tons, Mailer, matter, frjm Mel bourne. Stilling, agent. Sir Thomas (Jresharn. (ship), u)3ton-i, Narracott, matter, from Plym inth. Gr ersdn, Town, Scott, Port, agents. In the Stream. Sq'fw (brig), 160 tons, Wilson, master, from Melbourne. New, agtrr. Ct mpiny'n Wharf. (barque), 511 ton.s, Spencer, master, from London Scott, Port, ageat. Company's Wharf. Thonvus Fielden (barque), 456 :ons. Guy, master, from Liverpool LeBair and Co, agents. Company's Wharf. W'tlvisch (ship), ? . Yarmouth (brig), 210 tons, Kenney, master, from Melbourne. Puduian, Town, Goldsmith, Port, agents. Vessels at the Lightship— The Wxlliam Hammond, John King, and Dawttona. ?