South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 24 February 1847, page 1

FOB SINGAPORE. Touching at Anger Point to deliver the Overland Mail. r-X' Mr The new fast-sailing ship ?®^^v&\ ? MAZEPPA «ffiia^^Al,270 tons, Capt. W. H. Thompson )gjjlj3jij^will he dispatched all next week. ?^BraSHfe For freight or passage, apply to the owners, at the Commercial Rooms, BUNCK BROTHERS & CO., OR JOHN NEWMAN, Port Adelaide. For Swan Elver Direct. A-*—* Thb new fast-saffing brigantine Mm**c EMMA SHERRATT, Mmfm^- 94 tons register, will sail on or about the For freight or passage, appiy to WILLIAM OWEN, Pine-street 16th February, 1847. BILLS OF LADING. oHIPPERS of goods are respectfully informed that J5 Bills of Lading areon sale at this office. WHEAT. WANTED, a few thousand bushels of Wheat, for which the highest cash price will be given. MONTEFIORE & Co. ADVANCES ON WHEAT. A DVANCES made on wheat shipped per Adam ?**- Smith, to the Cape of Good Hope, to tne agents of the undersigned. A. L. ELDER & CO. Wheat, Barley. Oats. &c. THE undersigned is a purchaser of wheat, barley, oats, and other colonial produce. WILLIAM OWEN. Pine-street, Feb. 5th, 1847THE undersigned is a purchaser of Wheat, Gum, and other Colonial Produce, for cash. MONTAGUE PH1LLIPSON, Rundle-street. February 19, 1847. Wheat, Barley, and Oats, BOUGHT at the Agricultural Store, Hindley-street ? * Just Unpacked, AT McNICOL & YOUNG'S Ready-made Clothing Establishment,' f'| VWENTY cases ready-made Clothing of every deX scription, at prices far below any other house, whilst the style and make are quite equal to bespoke. N.B. Two cases of superior table cutlery. At the Stores of the Undersigned. A NCHOVY and Herring Pastes -£jl French and Spanish Olives Small lot of Sardines Walnuts and Barcelona Nuts English Jams and Jellies Sweet and Bitter Almonds Maccaroni and Vermicelli Prime Curry-powder Cayenne-pepper Superior samples of Congou and Green Teas Strong Black Tea, Is 3d per lb Ditto Green ditto, Is 4d per lb. THOMAS REYNOLDS, Rundle-street February 19, 184/. Capital Team for Sale. TWO excellent draughthorses, in fine condition, with new dray and harness complete, to be soJrV well uorth the money, for cash. Apply at the office of this paper.

A STONISHING EFFICACY OF HOLLOWAY'S -CV PILLS. The Testimony of a Clergyman vouching to Eleien Cues of Cures by these wonderful Pills. Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Gearge Prior, Curate of Mevagh, Letter Kenny, Carrigirt, Ireland, 10th January, 1846. M To Professor Holloway.— Sir: I send yon a crude list of some elefen cases; all cored by tbe use of your pills. I cannot exactly give yoa a professional name to the various complaints, bat this I know, some of them baffled tbe skill of Deny and this county. In a previous letter this gentleman states as follows :— Within a short distance of my bonse resides a smai 1 farmer, who for mere than twenty ytars bas been in a bad state of health. Mr; Prior gare him a box of the pills, which did him so mnch good that I heard him say for SO years past he never Ate his food or enjoyed it so much as since taking yonr pills. (Signed) 'GEORGE PRIOR.' *»* The above reverend and pioun gentleman purchased tome pounds worth of the pills for the benefit of his poor parishioners. Cure of a Confirmed Asthua, accompanied with great Debility. Extract of a Letter from John Thompton, Esq., Proprietor of the Aimagh Guardian, Armagh, YJth April, 1846. *' To Professor Holloway.— Sir : There is at present living in this eity a serjeant who had been for many years in the army at Cabul, in the Bast Indies, from whence he returned in September last. On bis way here, from the change of weather of a tropical to a moist climate, he caught a tery violent cold, which produced a confirmed ease of asthma. In December last he commenced taking your pills, and by the use of two lls boxes, with two 4s 6d pots of yonr ointment well rubbed into his breast, he is, I am happy to say, not only qnite col ed of the asthma, but is also become so strong and so vigorous that he informed me yesterday be could now ran round the Mall with any person in tho city, and tbat he never got any medicine equal t o your pills and ointment. (Signed) 'J. THOMPSON.' The Earl of Aldborough, cured of a Livbe and Stomach Complaint. Extract of a Letter from his Lordship, dated Villa Manna , Leghorn. 2\tt February, 1845. ' To Professor Holloway. — Sir : Various cirenmsunces prevented the possibility of my thanking yon before this time for your polite, o^ss in sending me your pills as you did. I now take this opportunity of sending yon an order for the amount, and at the same time to add that your pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my liver and stomach which all the most eminent of the faculty at home, and all over the continent, had not been able to effect; nay not even the water* of Carlsbad and Marienbad. I wish to have another box and a pot of the ointment, in case any of my family should ever require either— Your most obliged and obedient servant (Signed) 'ALDBOROUGH.' . Sold at the establishment of Profeisor Holloway, 244, Strand, near Temple Bar, London, and by appointment, by John Stephens, Bookseller, Stationer, Printer, and General Commission Agent, Hindley-itreet, Adel aide Sole Agent for South Australia. N-B. Directions for the guidance of patients in e?ery disorder are attxed to each box. HOLLOWAY'S PILLEN nnd SALBE sind *zu habeir bei A. Kavel, in Hahndorfund LangmeiL Lately Published, One Vol. demy 8vo, Price 8s., NEW ZEALAND AND ITS AFFAIRS; forming a complete History of the Colony. By Dr. Mabtiw, late a Member of the Legislative Council* and Magistrate of the Colony. London : Published by Simmonds and Ward, Bargeyard; and sold by John Stephens, Bookseller, Hindleystreet, Adelaide.

Classical, Mathematical, and Commercial Academy, MONTEFIORE, XORTH ADELAIDE. 1/TESSRS WICKES & TITHERINGTON anLTJL nounce to the public their intention, at the nsuing quarter-day, March 25th, to open a School w the reception of YOUNG GENTLEMEN, whom hey purpose to guide through a course of intellectual, loral, and physical training, in accordance with indiidual capacity, genius, and intended future pursuits . The CLASSICAL department will be chiefly conducted by the Rev. J. B. Titherington, late of Stepney Jollege, and the MATHEMATICAL and COMMERCIAL by Mr E. W. Wickes, who has been successfully ngaged in educational duties from early life. The premises are situate at the south end of Jeffcotttreet — an elevated, salubrious, and well-adapted spot, ommanding a park frontage, and opposite to the City bridge. A commodious School-room will be iminedi.tcly erected.A A few BOARDERS can be received. Terms may « known on application. Mrs TITHERINGTON, who has had much expeiencein the instruction and management of Youth, nil undertake the early education of a few LITTLE 30 YS, as preparatory to a more extended course MOUNT BARKER. EETJC&TION. MR BONNAR begs to announce that his school in the township will open on Monday the 1st klarch next TERMS, QUARTERLY : £ s. d. Children under ten years of age, per quarter 0 10 0 Mx-ve ditto. ? 0 13 0 Mount Barker, 16th Feb., 1847. WANTED, a female, to act as nurse. Application to be made to A. M. Mnndy, Esq. WANTED a good steady groom, the wages not so much an object as sobriety and a knowledge of iis business. Apply at Watts's Livery Stables, King Williamstreet. Feb. 23d, 1 847. -WANTED. A TIMOR' PONY, broken in to saddle. For further particulars apply at the office of this paper. FOR SALE, about 100 tons of the very best Hay either wholesale or retail. The undersigned will be glad to make arrangements ivith parties, to supply them with the above article by the year, at one fixed price. Wanted to purchase in any quantity Cape and English barley, wheat and oaten hay in any quantity if good, for which cash will be paid on delivery. FISHER & ALLISON. Corner of Gawler-place, Rundle-street, January 29, 184/. ' NEW SONG BOOKS. ON SALE, by the undersigned, the following new and popular song books : — The Cyclopcedia of popular Songs. Tho Brilliant Songster — large. Ditto ditto small. ' Fairbnrn's Harmonist Preceptor. The Qjjaver. Fairburn's Pocket Melodist. ?' New Comic Songs. *' Wonderful Songster. ' Sporting Songster. BritaunU's Musical Journal or Naval Songs. Tegg's Melodist and Universal Songsler. Innes's Budget of Merry Songs. ?? Victoria Melodist. JOHN STEPHENS, At his Book, Stationery, and Patent Medicine Warehouse.

ON SALE by the undersigned, a choice selection of new and cheap popular works, among which are the following: — Tbe Mysteries of London Salamander, a Naval Romance, by Eugene Sue The Widow's Walk, by ditto The MyBteiies ot Paris, by ditto Arthur, by ditto The Female Bluebeard, by ditto Therese Dunoyer, by ditto The Regent's Daughter, by Alexandre Dumas The Coquette, or Florence de Lacey Young Kate, or the Rescue Fanny Campbell, ths Female Pirate Captain The Gypsy of the Highlands, or the Jew and the Heir The Heiress The Prime Minister, or the Peasant and the Peer The Orphan Boy, or Test of Innocence Sungrove Abbey, a Domestic Tale Lives of eminent Naval Heroes, (dems I8mo.) Amelia, by Fielding The Invalide, or Pictures of tbe French Revolution Fanny Dale, or the first year after Marriage The Mysterious Mother, or Theory of Second Love Alice Copley, or the Devoted Spanish Page Tbe Pirate, or Lafitte of the Gulf of Mexico Tales of the Genii, or amusing Stories Horse Shoe Robinson, by Kennedy The Brothers, or tbe Double Duel History of the Seven Champions of Christendom Emmeline, the Orphan of the Castle Nick of the Woods, by Dr Bird Tbe Log Cabin, or the World before you Malcom's Travels in Hindustan and China Abercrombie's Gardener's Calendar, (demy 18mo.) Bucban's Domestic Medicine, (demy 18mo.) The Life of Christ, by Dr Fleetwuod, (18mo.) The Two Sisters ; or Life's Changes The H ? Family, b} Miss Bremer Evelina, by Miss Burney The Pilot, a Tale of the Sea, by Cooper The L««t of the Mohicans, by ditto The Red Rover, by ditto The Prairie, by ditto Two Years before the Mast Cowper'B Poetical Works ?The Castles of Athlin & Dunbayne a Highland Story The Recess, by Miss Lce Arab. an Nights Enterteinm ;nts Lowson's Complete Hi rse and Cattle Farrier The Modern Cabinet of Arts (18mo) Wonders of the World in Nature and Art Jack Malcolm's Log, or Sea Adventures Francisco, or the Pirates of the Pacific Life of Viscount Nelson The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe Fatherless Fanny ? Byron's Select Poems Pamela ; or Virtue rewarded , Lives of celebrated Highwaymen and Robbers Woman an Enigma; or Life and its Revealings The Life of tbe Rev. J. Wesley Newgate Calendar The Life of Frederic Baron Trenck Old English Baron, and the Castle of Otranto The Rival Cbieftians ; or the Brigands of Mexico Agnes, or the Power of Love. A Tale The Pickwick Treasury of Wit Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress Complete Letter Writer Young Woman's Companion The Victoria Scrap Book; in Poetry and Prose Burns' Poems, with a splendid Frontispiece Popular Song Book Lives of Celebrated Pirates Mason's Select Remains, demy 32mo . Crumbs, ditto JOHN STEPHENS, .-,' - Bookseller, Printer, and Stationer, J Hindley-street, Adelaide. . ?

To Literary Gentlemen. ANY gentleman of literary experience and ability, i who is familiar with the details of the newspaper iress, may meet with a permanent engagement, by mating a written application, and stating terras, qualifica;ion, &c, to the proprietor of this establishment. South Australian Register Office, Feb. 23d, 1847. . , TO BE LET, -A FARM, within less than a mile of the township -of Mount Barker, containing 1 60 acres all fenced i in, with a sufficiency of surface water. J A person with assistance to cultivate the land would ^ )e liberally dealt with and means supplied to enable \ him to do so. ' Apply at the office of this paper. ' Mount Barker Agricultural Association. HP HE exhibition of stock and agricultural and other J produce will take place at the'township of Nairne, m Thursday, the 25th day of March next, when the following prizes will be offered for competition :— «£# Sy **? For the best entire draught horse ? 3 3 0 For the second best ditto ? 1 1 0 : For the best draught brood mare ? 2 2 0 ; For the best pair of plough horses, to be shown in plough harness ? 2 2 0 1 For the best bull of any breed ? 2 2 0 For the second best ditto ? 1 1 0 For the best dairy cow, of any breed ? 1 11 6 For the best team of six working bullocks, inyoke ? 2 2 0 For the best fat bullock ? 1 1 0 For the best ram of any breed ? 2 2 0 For the best pen of six' fat wethers ? lil 6 For the best pen of six breeding ewes ? Ill 6 J [Consideration being had in these three prizes to the quality of the wool.] For the best boar ? I I 0 For the best sow ? 0 10 6 For the best pig of any kind ? 0 10 6 WHEAT. For t he best six bushels ? 3 3 0 For the second best ditto ? 2 2 0 BARLEY. For the best six bushels ? 2 2 0 For the second best ditto ? 1 1 0 oats. For the best six bushels ? 2 2 0 For the second best ditto ? 1 1 0 FLOUR. For the best bag of 200 lbs. exhibited by the manufacturer ? 2 2 0 POTATOES. For the best cwt ? 1 1 0 BUTTER . For the best keg or jar, of not less than 10 lbs., nor less than three months old ? 1 1 0 CHEESE. For the best in marketable condition ? 1 1 0 BACON. For the best side ? 1 1 0 HAMS. For the two best ? 1 1 0 HOPS. For the best 4 lbs ? 1 1 0 SHEEPWASH TOBACCO. For the best parcel of not less than 10 lbs. . . 0 10 6 GRAPES. For the best 10 lbs ? 0 10 6 FRUIT. For the best collection ? 1 1 0 VEGETABLES. For the best ditto.. ? 0 10 6 The Committee will have much pleasure in awarding prizes to deserving agricultural implements of colonial manufacture, and to extra stock and produce exhibited and not mentioned above, should the funds of the association admit.No No prize will be awarded to any article the Judges may deem undeserving. REGULATION'S. 1. The show to commence at one o'clock precisely. 2. The six bushels respectively of wheat, barley, and oats obtaining the prizes shall be disposed of at the dinner, after the exhibition; and the party showing shall guarantee to produce forty bushels more equal to sample, for sale, if required. 3. All grain intended for exhibition may be delivered at the yard on the Wednesday evening previous, but cannot be admitted later than eight ofaock on the morning of the show, and stock and all other articles not later than ten. 4 All competitors shall be subscribers, and the exhibitors of grain and other agricultural produce shall be the growers thereof. Subscriptions in aid of the Society's funds will be received by the Treasurer, R. Disher, Esq., Mount Barker, or at the stores of Messrs Disher and Milne, Adelaide, and by the Honorary Secretary. W. B. DAWES, Hon. Sec. Mount Barker, February 1st, 1847. GRAND LOTTERY. In One Thousand Tickets of £6 10*. each, for the late Ttieaire and Buildings^ on the Acre No. 176, Weymouth-strcet, Adelaide, now producing a Rental of £500 per annum. IT is proposed to dispose of by lottery that spacious and valuable range of buildings, originally built for a Theatre, at great cost (£13,000), and now occupied as the Supreme Court and Law Offices by her Majesty's Government, and including the well-frequented tavern known as the ' Temple.' The first instalment to he paid in advance, and the remainder to be paid in ten shillings on the first day of every month, until the whole be paid, at the offices of Mr Solomon, Rundle-street, where one of the trustees will attend at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to receive the instalments. The tickets will be numbered 1 to 1000, and any person will have the choice of any number unsold at the time of paying tne first instalment. The Lottery will enable every man in the province to take a share, as it is intended that the tickets shall be paid for in monthly instalments of ten shillings, to he paid into the Bank of South Australia to the credit of Messrs Smart, Flaxman, Stakemann, and Solomon, as trustees for the depositors. The proprietor (Mr Solomon) undertakes that the Lottery shall take place on the first day of June, 1847, if only six hundred tickets be sold; and if six hundred be not sold by that time, the amounts paid will be returned without deduction. Deeds of trust will be prepared and signed by Mr Solomon and Trustees, covenanting to perform their engagements, and convey the property to the successful party. Tickets will be issued 'by Mr Solomon, to whom early application should be made, as a great many are already taken. FANCY STATIONERY; MR JOHN STEPHENS, Bookseller, Stationer &c, Hindley-street, has just unpacked a large assortment of Fancy Stationery, direct from the ceJes brated house of De la Rue & Co.

NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE. Tnder the immediate patronage of tlie Past and Present District Officers of the Independent Order of 3 Oddfellows, M.U.; upon which occasion the centre of the boxes icill be reserved for Brothers of the Order and their . Families. 3N THURSDAY evening, Feb. 25, 1847, the entertainments will commence with the celebrated rama of DOW CJESAR DE BAZAN and MAUTANA TEE GYPSY. Oddfellows' song, Mr lorncastle. Hornpipe, Mr Myers. Favourite song, Irs Olifie. Character soner, Mr Horncastle. After ;hich ' Mrs Caudle's Curtain Lectures,' written by a entleman of Adelaide. Comic dance, Mr Douglas, ion?, Mr Horncastle. Song, Mr Hardiman. To conludewith, by particular desire, TEE ILLUSTRIOUS STRANGER, or Married and Buried. Tickets to be had of the District Officers, and at the theatre. G. COPPIN. £2 REWARD. LOST, on Saturday last, February 20th, on the Mount Barker Road, between the Mountain Hut and lahndorf, a small brown leather pocket book, contain. receipt and bank notes. Whoever will bring the above, with its contents, to his office, or at any of the Inns on the Mount Barker toad, shall receive the above reward. February 22, 1847. LOST. ON or about the 27th January, out of Mr G. A Anstey's paddock, Highercombe, a grey cob, short ail, branded with a cross brand (the letter X only leinor visible) on the near shoulder. Whoever will bring it to Mr Fuller's Auction Mart jivery Stables, or give such information as will lead 0 his recovery, shall receive £1 reward. WH. GEORGE being about to give tip the ? retail trade, and to remove from King1 Wiliam-street into Angas-street, requests that all parties 0 whom he is indebted will send in their accounts ; ind that all persons indebted to him will liquidate the ;ame as early as convenient. N.B.— The house and shop to let A SUPERIOR PIANO FORTE for sale or hire, ti. Application to be made at the office of this )aper. WANTED, I TO Rent or Purchase, a House, containing 4 or more rooms, in or near town. Apply to Mr. J. ROBERTS, At the Exchange Room. FFebruary 16, 1847-FOB SALE. * A FEW ten-acre blocks of land, two and a-half miles from town. Apply at Mr Richardson's office, Rundle-street. Prospectus of the Adelaide and Suburban Building Society. In 240 transferrable Shares of Fifty Pounds each. Subscription : Three Shillings per week. Rent of Cottages: Five Shillings per week. Entrance Fee: One Shilling per share for the first hundred shares; Ttco Shillings and Sixpence for the second hundred) and Five Shillings for the remainder. Conducted by five unpaid Trustees, and nine unpaid Directors, of whom five form a quorum. Paid Officers — Secretay and CollectoR| and Surveyor of Works. THE eminent success which has attended the operations of Building Societies in Great Britain affords, ample proof that the advantages offered by them are substantial and apparent; and that these advantages are not confined to the affluent only, but are equally attainable by the middle and industrious classes of the community. The principle on which Building Societies are based, is, the conversion of rent into capital, to the end that every man may become his own landlord — a principle which it requires no argument to recommend, and which would operate still more beneficially in this province than at home ; in proof of which, reference need only be made to the miserable substitutes for houses which many now occupy, at rents which, if paid into the funds of a Society, would in a short time be sufficient to secure in perpetuity, a good and substantial dwelling. The object of the proposed association is to raise, by weekly subscriptions of three shillings, a fund from which a three-roomed cottage, of the cost of fifty pounds, may be erected for each member; and it is calculated that this can be done in four years, or within three months of that time. Up to that period, each member occupying a cottage would pay a weekly rent of five shillings — but it would then become his own freehold. No directors are at present named), but as soon as one hundred shares are taken, by payment of one shilling per share entrance^ the subscribers will meet to elect nine from their own body to that office. They will also elect Trustees, who need not of necessity be shareholders, and two paid officers— a secretary, and a surveyor. When the operations of the Society have commenced, members wishing for houses (of which two or three can be built monthly) will apply for that purpose; and should there be more applicants than the number to be erected, priority will be decided by ballot ; but to prevent the funds lying idle, should no person apply, the ballot will be among the whole members, and he on whom the lot shall fall, will he bound to take the house or to find a substitute— this, however, is a contingency not likely to arise. Such members as may not have wished for cottages, will be entitled at the dissolution of the Society to their fifty pounds in money. The clear profit will be eighteen pounds sixteen shillings, or somewhat more than thirty per cent per annum, as may be seen from the following statement— £ ». d. Value of cottage, or amount in cash ? 50 0 0 Payments— 3s. per weekj £7 16s. per an- ) 3i 4 a num for four years ? j . Clearprofit ? £18 16 0 As the payments will be extended over four years, the average on which to calculate interest is two years, and to shew the annual per centage a simple rule-of-three sum will be sufficient — As £31 4s. is to £18 16s., so is £100 to £60 5s. This is for two years, or £30 2s. 6d. per cent, per annum. . The following gentlemen are the temporary officers of the Society — John Richman, Esq., Clerk to the Bench of Magistrates — Chairman. Mr Brunskill, Kensington — Treasurer. Mr H. G. Hewett, Clerk to the Police Commissioner — Secretary. The nest 'meeting will be held this Erening, at eight o'clock, p.m., precisely, at the ' White Horse,' Currie-street. ,

SALES BY PUBLIC AUCTION. his Lay, Wednesday* 24*A Febi-uary, at 12 o'clock. JOHN BENTHAM NEALES riTILL sell by auction without reserve at the Auc» ' tion Mart— 1 escritoire and book case ?3 large sideboards 1 small ditto 1 cheffionier ?3 chests drawers 1 square table 1 telescope dining ditto 1 bronze chess ditto 1 small round ditto 2 horse-hair sofas 6 horse-hair chairs and 1 erm ditto 1 meat safe 1 handsome bedstead with furniture 1 Kidderminster carpet 2 hearth-rues 3 rocking chairs I magnificent alabaster custard set 6 solid coloured glass pedestals 1 superb ruby claret jug 4 pairs Very handsome flower vases 2 green and gold water bottles and stands 2 richly coloured caraffs and cups Cut decanters, and glasses coloured and tinted in great variety. After which* 2 invoices of stationery. SherifsSah. Iarris & Others,} Sbarle. ) T*O be sold by auction, to-morrow, (Thursday), the J- 25th instant, at 12 o'clock, on the premises, in lundle-street, opposite Tavistock Buildings, by virtud if writs of Fieri Facias in these causes, all the deendanfs household furniture, books, desks, &c, &c. Chas. B. Newenham, Sheriff. John Bentham Neales, Government Auctioneer. To Farmers, Carriers, Horse-dealers, &c. Twenty-five Horses to close Consignments. JOHN BENTHAM NEALES HAS received orders from the consignees of the above lots to offer them for sale on Saturday iext, without reserve — 2 powerful entire cart-horses 8 useful draft horses (heavy) 8 gig and saddle horses (young and sound) 4 first-rate saddle mares and fillies 3 blood fillies. Several of the above are from the best stock in Van Diemen's Land, and all genuine lots for bond fide sale. AFTER THE HORSES— A very superior lot of mixed cattle to close an ac:ount ALSO, Drays — cedar — carts. The Valuable Property now occupied by Wm. Younghusband, Esq. (For particulars sec previous papers). JOHN BENTHAM SEALES WILL sell the above on or about the 10th of March. Time of sale— Noom To Cabinetmakers, Builders, Grocers, Blacksmiths -and Others. MR WM. SAMSON * . WILL sell by public auction, for and on account of Mr E. Solomon, Rundle-street, on This Day, February 24thj at 12 o'clock, the following goodst without reserve — 4000 feet of well-seasoned cedar boards* of all widths 60 doz. chair legs 100 sets table ditto, 3,4, and 5-inch Bedposts, split cane 100 bullock yokes, bullock chains Blacksmiths' bellows Vices and anvils, of sizes Nails, padlocks, brass cupboard locks 50 boxes superior black tea 1 bag cloves, salad oil .11 cases pipes Blacking, in pints and quarts White and coloured Chinese matting 18 saddles Wine-glasses and tumblers Window-glass, 16 x 12, 11 x 12, 20 x 16 Paint, rope, brandy flasks Pilot coats, portable deskSj blinds A quantity of vineering pine, and scantling. AND A variety of merchandise, to clear out the store. Extensive arid unreserved sale of the most elegant and costly furniture ever offered for sale in South Aut* tralia. MR W. SAMSON HAS much pleasure in informing the public that he has been instructed by Mr E. Solomon to sell for him, by auction, on Tuesday, March 9th, in consequence of that gentleman's departure, the whole of his elegant furniture, consisting of— A superb sideboard Ditto wardrobe Elegant sofas, couches, bedsteads, iron do. Cheffoniere, silver tea service China, cut glass, carpets, rugs Looking-glasses, toilette services Tdbles, chairs, piano-fortes. and , A variety of other furniture, kitchen utensils, &Ci Catalogues of which will be ready for delivery three days before the sale. also , Carriage, horse, and harness. Just published, price 6d, THE Royal South Australian Sheet Almanac for 1847, containing the calendar in an extended form, and acondensed variety of the most useful information. Printed and sold by John Stephens, at the offices of the South Australian Register zndthe Adelaide Observet Hindley-street AlsOj preparing for publication, The Royal South Australian Book Almanack for 1847, which will contain much original and valuable matter and substantial information. Lately Published, Price one shilling, rpHE BOOK OF THE TOILET; or, the Secret of A Beauty, ? ..- aibo: MY RAZOR AND SHAVItfG TACKLE ; or, How to Shave without Great Pains and Little Cuts* Price 3d. . Sold by John Stephen n, at his Hoekselliog, Stationery, and Patent Medicine Warehouse, Hiadley-itreet, Adelaide.