Hamburg Gets Heavy Bombing Raid

IJJINIMJN, July .¿7.-At least (175,000 incendiaries, topped off with many two-ton high

explosive bombs, were dropped on Hamburg early today. "One of the outstandingly ; successful; attacks of the whole war" is the description given the raid by the Chief of the Bomber Command (Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris).'

-The attack on Hamburg was ev*>n, more concentrated than any of the 1000-bomber raids and.; was over in

45 minutes.

It began just before 1 a.m., _with thè first wave of heavy and medium bombers carrying their maximum load¡ of incendiary bombs. - |

Before they left, and td make double, sure, a second great wave- attacked with a mixed load, in which incen-diaries dominated over high explosives.

Within 35 minutes of the first of the 175,000 incendiaries falling much of thc old town was in.flames. There were fires all around' the Oussem

Olster Lake and many in the . dock


Pillars of black' smoke were rising, but were not yet'r¡drifting over - the town, leaving the . target clearly, .ex-posed for the attack of the las't wave of bombers. -»They were fully -loaded with high explosives, including many 40001b. bombs. v . Í

. Every thing. was so clear in, the moonlight that the high explosive .attack took scarcely more than a quarter of ali hour.

The fires continued to spread, and the last crews to leave saw themiburning when they were, a long wayïfrom the target on the homeward journey.

It was stated officially in Berlin that the Hamburg attack caused .heavy civilian losses,, many buildings beingi destroyed, especially in the residen-tial quarter.

LONDON, July 27. 4- Experiments hâve proved that properly trained Bi'itish- soldiers can be as tough . as "Japan's best jungle-fighters,. says thé "Daily Mail" Colombo correspondent.