Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 30 March 1901, page 5


March 27.

'Last night Wie annual meeting of the Mount Gambier Gymnashim Club was .held in the Mount Gambier Agricultural and 'Horticultural Society's Agricultural Hall. The ' president (Mr. T. A. Brown) presided over a good attendance. The balance-eheet submitted showed that The expen-diture for itihe year had exceeded the income by £2 p/, ¡but against this the club had bought ma-terial, which was valued ait £9, and ¿¡here were several subscriptions to come in. The officers for 'Uhe year were elected, as follows:-'President, Mr. T. A. Brawn (re-elected); vice-president, Mr. F. .'Addison; Sion, secretary,, Rev. P. Crozier; assistant secretary, air. E. Nicholas; treasurer, Mr. J. OL Davison; instructora, Mos&rs. W. Hanron and T.-¿Addison. , Owing- -j» -/Hie, ¡wann weather during ¡the last three (months the cliA has tieetf in recess, but a saart with the weekly meetings is to 'be made on Tuesday, April 12.

During last week 282 tons 6£ cwt. of potatoes were railed from" Mount Gambier- to the city.

On Monday evening the annual meeting of the Federal Foatiball Olub was held at Uie Com-mercial Hotel. Mr. H. Symes was elected cap-tain, Mr. F. Young secr.tary, and (Messrs. J. Mulhouse, W. Carthy, M. IDuigan, H. Symes, and F. Y'oung, connnitteeinen.

The Soubh-iEastern Land Board sat ,at Mount Garol«eir;on.Monday and Tuesday, ond'heard ap-plications, from 50 persons for the homestead blocks in;ifilie ünraäred of Mingbool, near Ming-bool. , The ¡following allotments iwere made:Secrion 838, 'Mingbool, 53 acres, R. C. Thomson; section 339, Mingjbooi, 34 aerss," ü. A. Hayes; 6ee(mon 340, Mingbool, 29 acres, J. Ah Chuoh. jun.; section 341, (Mingbool, 35 acres, S. Snell; '.conon 3-12, ¡Mingbool, 22 acres, W. Ali Omioh; soction K13, -Mingbool, 27 acres, t>. Mackinnon; section 344, Mingbool, 51 acres, T. Wilkinson; section 345. Mingbool, 4S acres, S- Godfrey; sec-tion 346,' Mingbool, 39 acrei. W. Brice; section U, Young, 426 aerea, W.' McCarthy; section K, Monbulla, P. Donlon. The anomfoerö of t}ie board left for Millicent this morning.

The Mount Garalbier D Company (infantry) have received a challenge from ¡tibe (Portland Rdfle^ Club to fue a match either at Mount Gambier or1 Port-land. Tire local men are trying to get a team to visit Ppntland at Easter, and fire off the match.

The Mount Gambier Mounted Rifles held their last mounted parade for taie present quarter Üüä afternoon on Vansittart Pork. Thcrel was a good n-u«cter,anäbLie«tenan±'lG.tÖi Norman was in com-mand. ' f ; . J- ' fi . f . '

The census collectors are busy' distributing forms for the censu3, and statistical returns.

To-day has been one of the most disagreeable daj s experienced this summer. This morning a strong north wind waa blowing, raising clouds of dustl ^'-About 8 o'clock in the evening the wind went ¿Ç6vfti,'"-Mid a steady rain 3et in.. We are badly :rn> neecF- of a good downpour. Stock are showing' the effect oí the long-continued dry

weather.' -' .'

KAPUNDA, March 28.

Some four or five months ago the local munici-pal council made an order for the opening of a road, which it was alleged had been illegally closed. The legal status -of, the council was ques tioned by a councillor and some of the ratepayers. The matter was submitted to the solicitors of the Local Government Association for an opinion. The reply was unaccountably delayed, and the council enforced its resolution and opened the road. At the meeting of the council this evening the soli-citors' 'opinion was laid on the table and was to the effect, that the council's action was ¡egal,

This^jfnónth jn¿ oeca a very dry one, and water is very" scarce ih the town. We have a reser-voir here, but the water is unfit for human con-sumption. The effluvium is some times almost nauseating. For-this water small "consumers" are charged 3/ per 1,000 gallons. The water has never been any better than it is at present, and probably wUl never be until a better catchment area is obtained or clarifiers placed tit the head of the reticulation, pipes at the reservoir. .

The annual meeting of the Kapunda District of Oddfellows, M.U., was held on Tuesday at the council chamber. The usual reports and balancesheets were presented and adopted. The question of the Yongala Lodge was discussed, and it was resolved that the lodge should be worked by the Kapunda district for the present. Bro. A. T. Banyer was elected P.G.M.; Bro. White, P.D.G.M.; Bro. F. Thomas, Prov. C.S.; and P.G.'s W. Jeffs and Wälder, district auditors. The levies fixed for the next two quarters amounted to 3/6 per


Recently a deputation, representing the Kapunda Corporation,-!waited on the Commissioner oí Crown Lands'and asked for-an additional amount for the maintenance of main roads in the town. Notifi-cation has . been-received .that £50 has been granted.

A Continental in aid.of the building .fund"of the Kapunda and Light Agricultural Society was held bn the show grounds on Wednesday evening The weather was unfavorable, and'the musical pro-gramme, under the'"direction of Mr.¡E. C. Schroeder, was carried'out in"' the large show hall. The at-tendance jwas rather smaller than, that at the pre-vious entertainment. Tlie following; contributed to the programme:-Misses E. Banyer, Smith, Os-borne, A. Newberry, Nicolle, Hooper, Mrs. Green-shields and .Mrs. Nettle, and Messis. S. Oats, D. Shannon, and F. Schmidt.. , Lotie & Goetze's string band also rendered- 'selections.

MEADOWS, March 28.

The,weather up jtill yesterday had been cool and pleasant, with heavy dews during the night. A light rain fell for a few hours last night, but only 5 points were registered;

The codlin moth is, very troublesome here. It lias now found its way into the grapes.

1 During the Lenten season the Rev. K. W. Pobjoy has been holding »week-night services in the An-glican Church.

ROCHESTER, March 25.

A good rain is 'Wanted to start the -rubbish growing on the fallow ground, as tsome farmers

are preparing for seeding.

MAITLAND, March 25.

Water is becoming scarce around here. House tanks are empty, and the Maitland Government dam gave out a fortnight ago. Fortunately there is a good'supply in'She Yorke Valley dam. A downpour would- now be very acceptaiWc. .

A brass (band 'is being formed here.

The Literary Society' ¡has i>cen in recess for two or 'three months; but "will reopen in a week or

two. I


The first "meeting of the present session of the Nantawarra Mutual Improvement Society was licld on Tuesday evening last. There were present Mr. T. Cosh, vice-president (in tlhe chair), and seven members. It was" decided to obtain an estimate oí ^he cost of building a hall for the purpose of holding all public meetings In.

The weaiiher is still very dry, and formers are anxious for ram,to enable-thean to start.seeding. Many of tSiem are carting water.

EUDUNDA, March 26.

A general meeting, of members of the Eudunda Agricultural Society "was .held this evening, Mr. J. von Bertouch (president) presiding. The secre-tary presented the1 report and balance-sheet for the past year,. which showed the society to be in a satisfactory position. The late show had been very successful, both in the number of ex-hibits and the attendance, and although a much larger amount of money had been paid away in prize-money than in former years the balance was on the right side, and the society had over £00

to its credit in the bank.

Eudunda has been well represented in South Africa. Private J. L. Hare, of the First Contin-gent, marching to the relief, of Blomfontein, and taking part in 20 engagements, returned to South Australia without a scratch. The Secona Contin-gent included Trooper T. B. Marsden, who gave up his life for Queen and country; and at present the town is represented thereby Lance-Corporal A. Farley, of tij"e-Imperial Contingent. To-day Trooper T. Walter, visited Eudunda prior to his de-parture as' a: member of the Sixth Contingent. Trooper Walter came up lo say good-bye to his parents and brother and sisters before embarking and although not generally known here, having belonged to the Laura Company, he carries with him the heartiest wishes of Eudunda folk.

The Railway Department has decided to erect the long-needed engine-shed at the local railway-station, and tenders are being called for the building, which has to be completed in ten weeks from the signing of the" contract. The shed is to be large enough to accommodate four engines, and is to be provided with all up-to-date appliances.

WALLAROO, March 27.

H.M.S. Torch reached Wallaroo last Wednesday, and the Mayor and other leading gentlemen visit-ed the ship. On Thursday morning some of the officers, accompanied by the Mayor and the harbor-master, visited the smelters, and in the afternoon the captain was show» . over the works by Mr. T. O. Cloud (the manager). The." Torch left Wallaroo on' Thursday for Port Lincoln.

The, Rev. J. .Read's lectures in aid of tlie new institute, continue to tie well attended. A capi-tal programme of. vocal music was added to the last, lecture, which was illustrated by dissolving views,/'Bhe¡ lantern being, worked by Mr. Hughes,

of Moonta.,.

Mr.-D. Taylor* has been re-elected unopposed as a member of the Kadina board of advice.

Messrs. Bell & Co. are loading another ship at WftHaroo. Messrs. Darling & Son hare also load-ed -W ships, .wMle Cave & Co. and tile Fanners'

Union "have each sent one.


A cricket maidi waa played here Jxftween the Boston Bay Cricket Club and the H.M.S. Torch team. The 'Bays batted first, and put together 46 runs; W. Follett and W. Ryan each contri-buant 10. The Navy made JO runs; Seymour 14. Jonnxngs 10. In tllie second innings Boston Bay made:01 wiffiv the loss.of one wicket, of which lítiíiíá* ntftde 49 co. and. Eruoo 02 a.o. The

captain declared the innings c&ecd, so as io give" (Sie visitors tetf the batting time. When stumps wore drawn the Navy had lost four wickets for 13 runs. The crowd ihat assembled to witness the match was one of the largest tiat has ever gatäiexed ¿ere. In *be evening an entertainment waa given by the officers and crew.

Mrs. W. Goode, who came to the colony in 1839 in the ship Asia, died recently, and the funeral took place here on March 24. The de-ceased lady resided at White's River station for over 30 years. Captain Hill, of the Buffalo, was her brother-in-law, and the late Mr. James Ander-son, of White's River, was !her brother. Mr. W. ¡E. Goode, of White's River station, is her only surviving son. The funeral was'very largely at-tended, and many natives followed the coffin to the cemetery- The uîev. W. H. Howard eonducted itlie service. - ¡Mrs. Goode was 84 years of


March 26.

One of the largest and mos't reprebentative gatherings ever seen in our institute congregated to-night to bid our postmaster (Mr. J. Skinner) and Mrs. Skinner and family farewell. T«te hall was elegantly decorated by the committee of ladies. The tea and coffee service, selected by

Mrs. D. McFarlane and presented to the guests . by.the residents.of the district, was on view, as well as an illuminated address .froin the Port Lincoln Cricket Club. The salver bore the itdlowing inscription:-"Presented to Mr. and Mrs. Skinner by their Port Lincoln friends on the occasion of their . departure for Port Pirie. March 26, 1901." -Mr.J. Anderson occupied the chair, and made on appropriate speech before handing the nreients \o the guests. The Rev. W- H. Howard, Father Jor-gensen, Messrs. A. Cole, E. Bartlett, 1\ Clode, E. W. Cooke, and Seddon also testified to Mr. Skinner's many good qualities. Mr. Skinner thank-ed the people of the district for the great kind-ness he and his wife had always received. In his new home at Port Pirie he would ever think oí the happiest time of his life, spent in Port Lin-coln, and the token presented to them would be a reminder of that pleasant gathering. A musical programme followed, in which Mrs. Seddon, Miss Stevenson, and Messrs. Sparrow, G. M. Evan, Assheton, Rose, and J. McFarlane took part.

A meeting of the Boston Bay Cricket Club waa held at the Pier Hotel. Mr. G. M. Evan, chair-man of the South Australian Cricketing Associa-tion, who was present, offered the club the use of the Adelaide Oval ii a. trip could be arranged. Mr. T. Mudge, of Streaky Bay, offered to present a bat to the highest scorer in first-class matches during the next season. 7

The Band of Hope, under the presidency of the Rev. F. Davis, held the monthly meeting on Mon-day in the Metliodist Chapel. "The vacant chair" was sung by Misses Mundy and Oswald. Miss Morris contributed à solo and a recitation. Mrs. Davis sang "Save the boy;" Master Davis and Miss

G. Oswald recited, and ¡Mr. Davis gave a humorous -address, entitled "The trial of John Barleycorn." ? . Sergeant 'Olade has ¡had the rocket apparatus and crew out for their monthly practice. Th« crew got to work, and rfihrow a line and rocket across ¿he jetty within sen-en minutes-after plJfcing the apparatus on taie beach. This was con« sidered very smart -work._


Yesterday a northerly wind, with clouds of dust, prevailed most of the day, ¡making things very unpleasant. A change passed us during the evening, "without any rain, and to-day the weather is fine, clear, and pleasant. Farmers would like to see some ram shortly, so as «o enable them, to get on wu'th seeding operations.

QUORN, March 27..

--last-week--we were Ésrored- with cool weather, but this iweek has been hot and dusty, " to-da£ being a real brick-fielder.

Mr. E. B. Solomon, the comrifcry collector for the S.A. Deaf and Dumb Mission and Parafield Home, for aged and infirm deaf crates, has been through this district, and collected £16, which he considers excellent

aVDDLEWORTH, March 27.

A meeting was held in the council chamber thia afternoon, and Mrs. 0. C. Hill presided ever a fair attendance of ladies, who are interested in the proposed Queen Victoria Maternity Home. Tne following ladies were appointed a committee^Mesdames Thomas, Tauender F. G. Richardson, and Dunn, and Messrs. Hannan, M. Partridge, Goa« key, and Daley. , ' '