Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 5 September 1855, page 4



September 4. - Terror, U. S. barque, 405 tons, R. H. Waters, from Boston 1st June. No Passengers. Wilkinson Brothers and Co., agents.

September 4. - Iserbrooke, Hamburg barque, 205 tons, F. Kock, from Hamburg 10th May. Passengers - cabin : Messrs. E. Visbeck, C. Wegener, and eighty-seven in the steerage. Neuhauss, Woolley and Co., agents.

September 4. - Pilot, schooner, 91 tons, R. Doll, from Hobart Town 24th ult. Passengers - cabin : Miss Brooks, Mrs. Adams, MissJohnson, Johnson, Mrs. Oliver and child, F. Gorman ; and three in the steerage. R. Doll, agent.


September 4. - Flora, schooner, port un-known.

September 4. - Maid of Alicante, schooner, from Nelson, N. Z.

September 4. - Hariet Nathan, barque, from Hobart Town.

September 4. - Anna Maria, brig, from Sydney.


September 4. - Gem, William Duthie, for Sydney. G. D. Guthrie, agent.

September 4. - Stalling, W. H. Hawkins, for Guam. H. P. Sawell and Co., agents.

September 4. - Harmony, D. C. Kennedy, for Launceston, V.D.L. H. W. Patton and and Co., agents.


September 4.-Ben Bolt, cutter, 8 tons, Alexander Longman, for Flinders Island, ia "ballast; Captain Longman, agent.

September 4. - Reindeer, barque, 828 tons, G. B. Storey, for Shanghai, with part of ?' original cargo from Tome. Smith, Cannron and Co., agents.

September 4.-Ann and Jane, barquo, 301 '?tons, Thomas Smith, for Newcastle, N.B. W., ia Ittdlast. Captain, agent.

September 4.-Telegraph, steamer, 352 tons. Ceorge Gilmore, for Sydney. W. P. White and 1 Co., agents.

September 4.^-Hellespont, steamer, 832 tons, TV. "Watts, for Sydney. Raleigh, Locke, Thorp «nd Co., agents.

September 4.-Gem, schooner, 101 tons, W. "Duthie, for Sydney. Q. D. Guthrie, agent.

September 4.-Euphemia, barque, 150 ton?, 1 "William Shepherd, for Hobart Town. AV.

- Shepherd, agent.


September 4.-Dobsons, schooner, for Laun-ceston.


September 4.-Hellespont, steamer, for SydSeptcmber 4.-Storm Bird, steamer, for Port Albert.

September 4.-City of Hobart, steamer, for Hoburt Town.

Sc.pteinber4.-Almcda, schooner, for Sydney.


>' FOR LONDON.-Kent, 13th September.

FOR LIVERPOOL.-Donald M Kay, early. FOB. BRISTOL-Free, early.

.FOR GUERNSEY.-Crispin, early.

? Fon SYDNEY.-Telegraph, this day ¡Eagle, TOÜi September ; Prince of the Seas, Peveril, Itebecca, Callender, Harp, Gem, early.

FOR NEWCASTLE.-Elizabeth, early.

"FOR PORTLAND AND WARRNAMBOOL.-Queen, ibis day ; Champion, every Friday; Louisa, luariquita, early.

FOR ADELAIDE.-White Swan, this day ; .Albion, Queen of the Isles, Commodore, early.

FOR LAUNCESTON.-Lady Biid, Cth Septeint»t; Royal Shepherd, 12th September; Block Swan, Harmony, early.

FOR RIVER MERSEY.-John Nussey,* Hercules, Harmony, early. .

FOR HOBART TOWN.-Gem, Abbey, Euphejliia, early.

FOR OTAGO, N.Z.-Sybil, early.

FOR AUCKLAND, N.Z.-Pelsart, early. FOR NELSON,N. Z-Albion, early.

FOR NEW PLYMOUTH.-Vixen, early.


> Fox. CAPE or GOOD HOPE via MAURITIUS.-" ticander, early.

FOR CALLAO.-Lucy, Carrymore, early.

* FOR SAN FRANCISCO-Fanny Major, 25th Sejitcmbcr.

FOR CEYLON.-Sailors' Friend, early.

¡FOR CALCUTTA.-Merlin, 6th September ; White Eagle, loth September ; Falstaff, 16th September.

FOR SINGAPORE.-Alverton, Emanuel, Jo-anna Boag, Phoenix, early.

' FOR SHANGHAI.-Aeiolite, eaily.

FOR MANILLA.-Miles Barton, 9th SepteinIxjr ; Benjamin Heapc, early.

FOR HONG KONG.-Hannah, Starling, this day ; Joseph Tucker, Tremelga, early.

ÍAm MACAO, via TIMOR.-Tremelga, early. FOR BATAVIA.-Nyveihcid, early.


September 4.-Terror, ft oin Boston : 55,038 feet pine boards, 25 barrels varnish, 20 kegs turpentine, 610 ash oars, 200 kegs white lead, 200 cases gunpowder. 45 barrels tar, 270 do. icsin, 104 cases clocks, 203 chairs, 45 cases lx>ots, lOO do. axles, l8 pkgs. do., l8 doz. picks, 400 bundles shovels, 6 cases axo handles, 7 do. Tick do., 10Ö boxes clothes-pins, 5 bales hemp Swine, 3 do. cotton twine, 10 bundles gaidon 3ioes, 7 do. hay forks, 150 spades, SO c:ises sacliB, 2 do. hatchets, 100 nests tubs, 1V0 dozen pails, 32 packages rope, 250 dozen Ibroonis, 1 cask bed cords, I case do., 3 pack-

ages rope 5 casks bhot, 60 boxes clock weights, 1 «use merchandise, 10 hhds. butter, 25 cases cheese, 200 barrels dried apples, 60 tierces Sinms, 5 hhds. bacon sides, 30 barrels pork, Í7 eases salt, 100 half-barrels corn-meal, 110 Ixixus composite candles, 100 kegs tongues and axiunds, 25 do. mackerel, 160 boxes Jobsters, 200 do. elixir, 200 do. cider, 23 rabcs ci ackere, 50 half-barrels crushed sugar, C5 bales hops, 300 boxes lemon syrup, 2 bales, 60 rolls duck, 30 do. drill, 1 box ecidest I case twine, 25 bales cotton duck, 3C0 pieces do., 1 box do., 238 cases, 40 halfchests tobacco, 50 bales domestics, 1 leathcrpplitting machine, 1 package boaids, Wilkin-son Brothers and Co.

September 4.-Pilot, from Hobart T own : .46 tons btone, 120 bags potatoes, 15,000 feet thnber, J. Ciaveu; l8 do., Pigott Brothers; 15 tons potatoes, M'Meokan and Co. ; 1 cart, ÎT. Austin.


September 4.-Telegraph, for Sydney : 2

lx>xcs containing 2000 ounces gold. i

September 4.--Hellespont, _ for Sydney : 23 Jialf-ticrces tobacco, transhipped ex Ocean

{Steed from New York, 24 tioices, 20 half- i pierces, 20 quaiter-tierces tobacco.

September 4.-Gem, for Sydney : 25,000 feot

timber. |

September 4.-Euphemia, for Hobart Town: E00 deals, 129 doors, 109 kegs herrings, 6 oases

cbnirs. I