Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 26 July 1855, page 8

Houses and Land to Lot.

TO Let, Two Foui-Hoômêd 8toj>e HouBes, ia

Little Geurge-stieet. Rent moderate.

John Cochran. 17 Temple-conrt. J^y.r¡n?

t\\ou Let, a Store, two U«ors ¡^T^Zi.-.S¡.

¿iÄr^° CCT,T'"-'¿T*, Tob.Äts

S?ÍÍ!MI ' or -«noy Goode Storekeepers, this Iq a «vorab»» opportunity. Apply Nathan Joseph,

.. armera.plaoe, 31 Little enst. 19

rpu Let, furnished, a Comfortable Ten-roomod JL HouBe, on the Punt-road, Fouth Yarra, near Mi.jrr Davidson's; terms very liberal. Applv at ii- Kruse. _83

. i«o Let, near Post Office, r.!iit Ji'i, Shop and

v , 8tore. 49 Bourke-streetiwcBt 05

TO Let, Two Four-roomecl Verandah Cottages,

opposite the Catholio Chapel, Richmond, ">6n each._53 jly a*

TI' Let. Hiohmond on tho Hill, Four.rnom-t

detnohed House. R. Clark, 98 and loo Collins. street east._133

mo Let, Four-roomed rottnvee, situated ia J. Spenoer-Btrcot ; also ShopB with Dwelling,' Sitnated in Spring-street. Apply M. Benjamin, ] Itfle Collins-Btreet west._183 jly 37

TO Let, with immediate po'scelon, a Thirty.

, stall Stable, with enclosed Yard, ana Three, rofmrd Brlok Cottafie. Apply to Daniel Fox, Trentury Hotel, Queen-street._240 jly 28

TO Market Gardeners, <fco.-To Let. at Gardiner,

about four miles from town, Klpht Acres first rate Land, well supplied with water, fenced-in, and grubbed. R. Clark, 98 and loo Collins-Btreet cast._133

TO Let, Bix Apartments. euitRble HayBtor».

Boarding-house, Purvis« building?, Little T onBdole-strcet east, Old Whip Inn. 318

TO Let, Albert.terrnoe, Victoria-parade, corner

Smith-street. Apply W. Law. seedsman, 83

f wsnston-street._155

TO Let, n Cottage of Tliree Apartments. ofE

Col lins. Btreet eaBt, Apply to J. Carson. 39

ColHrB-atreet. _ __,_ 1st

TO Let. a House of Pix Kooma, Kitohen and

Yard. 125 Flinders-lane ennt. Rent mode. rate. Apply to John Carson, 39 Colline street,


"front, and rear. ~ *.-J "-'-'. TT"8e"jiyT37 " TO Let, Comfortable Three -roomed Stone House,

detached kitchen, opposite Empire Hotel. Errol-street Rent low._ 7g

TO Let. Comfortable Cottage, Stabling. Largo

Yard ; rent low. Mr. Cro s, opposite Empira Hotel, Crrol.Btreet. 73

TO Let, Two CommodioliTíwo.roornod Cottages

off Bourke-street eaBt, opposite the Black BuU Inn. 70

TO Let. n Confectioner's Hut-inesR, in Geelong,

established three years, situated in the lead-ing street, and doing a good bneiness in balls, nippers, dinners:, breakfasts, Ac. ; also the Whole, rale Confectioner's Department, fitted np with (veiy requisite for doing a large trade ; there it siso a Restaurant connected with the «a me. The rrtmiBe« are roomy, well iltuated, end the rent «xlremelylow. To a business party, this is an epportunity rarely to be met with. AddreBS O. Y,, Argw Office, Gi elong._1758 jly 37 _ TO Let, a Splendid Hotel, poes^ing many ad-

vantages, on a publio road, abont tbree miles


This presents nn eligibln opportunity to a per.

von of Eober and industrious habits of starting in

liiie line.

The rent ia very low, and only a small oapitsS


Bofllolent explanation will be given for the Trrpert landlord retiring.

For farther particulars and terme, apply at 123 qnren-Btreet._K1 jly 27

iriCTORIA-PARADE, Eastern Hill.-To Let .V a First-class House, rooms l8 xSO stable* spd' every accommodation : tank holding 1300 fallóse. Also, at North Ellwood; fronting the

ay,TwoFiret-clflssHouses, ooaoh-hnuse.stables, tanks, &o.-- Aleo for sale, at Caulfield, East St. Bilde, Twoanda'Half Acres of Land, with brick Cette ne. Also at Derrimut, Fifteen Aeres in seo* tfen SI. Also, at Collingwood, Two Two-roomefl Weather-board Cottages, with 37 feet frontage to LittlelOxford-streetbyS? feet deep.

Apply WATTS and PRITCHARD, ar&Jteats,

.io,, Í4 Collins-Btreet. m';{ ,

»? . -rrr:-=-- ? '

*«/ ANT¿"? to let, a Shop, Three Hooms, and a TV Kitohen." Rent, £2 per week, 111 Little Bourke-«treet. «4

\\i xLLI&MBTOWN.-To bo Let, or Lease Sold, VT - of those extensive premiseB adjoining Mesen. Wilsmore, Box, Fyfe and Green, Williams, te wn. The Premises consist of two superior Front Chops. 20 by 40 feet each; and large superior Ve. ?nrd»h Dwelling House, containing twelve room«, (xteneive yard, and an excellent aix-etall atable, with an ample supply of fresh wator at all time« .f the year. Apply to Mr. LINDSAY, on the pre* mise». 13 jly 83

.a --»-.»---»

Houses and Land for Sale.

AN HOTEL for Bale, on tbe Most Libera

Terms. Apply R. Tyler, surveyor, 85 Sto tihcn-street._ CiUHNER Of Flinders nnd King streets.-Wr "

J WILLIAM PHILPOT r is instructed to Bell ty rrivate contract the valuable property now in i le occupation ot Mr Bteolce. having fror.tage to PUndera-fltreet of 60 feet by dep h of 70 feet fron. tfpe to King-«treet. Tbe rental paid by the ] resent occupant will insure to purchaser« a »rand and lucrative Investment. WILLIAM PHILPOTf, l8 Collina «treet west. 371 jly 9a


or, to Let on Lease for a Term of Years. -

Apply to Messrs P. DAVISaud CO., City Msrt 48 Collins-street eist.

Country Lands.

40flacres,l rood,16perehcs.parisri of MooTooduo, cn the margin of the Bay, within three quarters of » mile of the beooh at Snapper Point, adjninJrtf» Mr. Hunter'« property, bounded by a cn ek ; «ood «oil fi r cultivation, exoollent prniing land, haviT abundanoe of fine timber, and an extensiva

frontage to the main Government Road, will ba

»old or let for a term of year«.

916 acres, parish of Kumi»mmorring, emly a mile and a.hali beyond the Daodenoo't Bridge, and having a mile frontage on the Great Gipps Land Road, 3 ohains wide; good land. W11] be sold in the whole, or in lots to nuit purahnior». Title from the Crown to the »resent vendor, direct for Bale, or on lease ior a term of year«.

384 aoreBin the «ame parish, pcy-ilnlng Dande. nong Pound; good agricultural \vnfi, and Ona dairy country ; for sale, or on leane for a term o

years. >

168 acres, parish of Mulgrave, good land, about 20 acres already cleared and ready for the plough, thirteen miles from town, and two miles from Dandenong Creek. Title from the Crown to the present vendor, direct. Will be «old in lot* of 10 acree, or in the whole, er be let on lease.

"SS aorea, parish of Nunawading, only eight miles from town, and possessing abundance of fina timber ; will be sold in lot« to suit buyers. Title«, a «rant from the Crown to prea ent vendor.

168 nore«, parish of Bulleen, twelve milo« from own, aud one mile from the Yarra Yarra, nee«. Templestowe.

1031 «ores, parish of Warrandyte, twenty mile« from town ; fine gracing land, and having abun-dance of the best timber for «awing or «putting, This fine estate has about four and a half mile« frontage on the Tarra Tarra, and is port of tha Anderson'« Creek gold-fields. Title direot front the Crown to tho present vendor.

8 acres 31 perohes, enoloeed with substantial three.rail fence, and oltared of underwood, naif

mile from St- Kilda, fronting the great three« IbainB wide Brighton-road, near tbe Greyhound) inn, admirably adapted for a genteel suburban gidenoe,- thefineat metal road in the oolony li now complete from the very door into tbe city.

6 sores, Prahran, enoloeed with iron fenoe, three, quarters of a mile from the Greyhound Inn, ad. Joining the residences of Rev. Mr. Poors, and Mr: Fulton. Hiob soil and finely timbered, and finely elevated for a residence.

15 acres, and io acres, parish of Boroon. dara, about four miles item town, euoloeel with substantial three.rail fenoe; fine sou for ?tarket gardens, and having plenty of marketable wood. Title direct from the Crown to the present vendor, Will be Bold, or let for term of years.

78 a cres, parish of Coronelía, within half a mile .f tho township ; fine rloh agricultural land, and ?within one mile of the anchorage at Western Port,-will be Bold or Let for a term of years.

93 acres 3 roods 39 perohes, adjoining the parish of Boroondara, six miles from town, bounded on three sides by Government roadB, and on one side by an extensive Government reserve, affording ex. tensive advantages for grating,-will be Sola or Let for a term of years.

Suburban Land.

Tbe finest sites for Villa Bostdenoes, In St. Kilda, Prahran, Boroondara, and som« ohoioe pro-perties in other looaUUes, beautifully sitnatedi near Ins city, and will be sold at low prieta.

City Property.

An entire Government allotment, situate ia Therry.Btreet, with one substantial briok-baflt dwelling, and an iron honst of five rooms.

One briok cottage, five rooms, and detaonad kitohen, situated in FitiKoy-stieet, Oollingwoot.

One handsome stone cottage, with veraadau, five rooms and detaohed kitohen, and servants' room, situate at Collingwood.

Several valuable portions of land in South Melbourne, North Melbourne, and East Melboarae, or sale, or to let on building lease.

Liberal ondit will be given to buyers of any of the above properties. 8304 aug 9


OH Sale, a Two-roomed Stuccoed Cottage;

Apply Bbelley'a store, Simpson's Road.


FOR dale, Cheap, Two Substantial Handsome

Hoaacs, beautifully situated. Apply to ireesrt. Bymons and Perry, auctioneers.

_ 10 Jly 38

-TOUR Sale, in Napler-etreet, Collinrtwood, Two J? Allotments of Land, frontage 06 feet, depth, in the whole, 188 feet 11 inches, upon whioh ii erected a Shop and Dwelling house, and Two Cottage«. Applv to Mee»«, Blundell nnd Mut

«teburv, Bwanstonstreet._07 jly 30

- "«in. Merri Creek. iio'rthooto, Two Ao're«"o'f TJTbn w- . "" *~"vid and partly oultivated aa JJ Land, wen *».-. «our-rooniod Verandahed Market Garden, with a - ;-«o Kidney Brothorii j» our» and Outhouses. Appi) 83 jly 30

Brunswiok-atrtot. _-^- "»

Fou Bale bv Trlvato Contrant -To Farmou *a<ï J

Otbera^Fivo Acre» of Rich Arable Land, the 1 wholoolearea, fenced, and under orrm; togothor I Sit tia Convfortable Tnree.womed Cotftgoçroot«a

' yM?i.« Vim« «ittiated in thovillngeoi Hawthornn,

i°/t lar from the 8 ? Onarlea Hotnam Hotel For

Bouilc-ptrcct. iciojiy «,

Houses and Land for Sale.

ply to William Dunlop, Yarra.street, Emejal« .-"'; 17 Jly 3T

Li OR Sale a Two-roomed" Cottogo for £30. ». T Oxford-place, Collingwood. 182 Hy 37

t?OR Bale, on Liberal Terms. Apply Mt. T SCHULTZ, 50 Collins street east,

58 Aores Farm Land at Kyneton.

Frontage to Ceolland Electra streets, WilUams


5 Acres Garden Land nt Gardiner.

Frontage to Great Brighton Road, near tin oil way Station._286 jly 38

FOR Sale, all thatNewly-built Four-roomel'

Brick Building, with Detached Kitchen, Yord, and conveniences/situate in Queen-street, I adjoining the Great Western Hotel. Price £3 SO

cpsh. Apply to Mr, Gledhill, acoountant, 74

Quctn-street, Melbourne._ 20 TLfOK Hale, Cheap, a Two-roomed Weatherboard V Cottage, in tho oity. Apply to Mr. Gledhill, acountant, 74 Queen street. 23

AWTHOHNliT^For Sale, an Exoellent Altor ment, close to the Church. J. Ford, seeds [ man, Crcawlok-street, Hawthorne. o

7"ll"N-SÏOREfor Bale, Î8 x4Ó7ard 12 feet Mgh. 1 PackaRei in good condition, and »attable for .ransport Guaranteed complete. J. Katzcnsteln

und Co , 8i King-street_ISP aug 1

INCOME_An Improved Ground Rent of £151

per Annum for twelve years for Sale, under piculiar circumstanced, for the euro of £100 casi). Arply immediately to W, F. Westall, estate agent, '9 Queen.Btreet. Melbourne._112 jly 23 alt

LAND, Land, Land,-AlmoBt Given Away, the

Propietor leaving tho Colony. Remember, 07 Elizabeth-street. 000

LAND-You have now an Opportunity of be.

coming an lndependent.Freeholder fora mere

trifle._ ooi

AND in the Beet Investment you con make in i the Colony. Go to 67 Elizabeth street 032 LAND not Sold in Lesa Quantity Elßhreen Al-

lotments, each 30 x90 07 Elfzabeth-otreet,


LAND can be Purchased Cheap, at 07 Elizabeth

Btreet. Wood ¡and Water on the Ground.

JLi mott luorntlve cnipioyiueui, iU -u.v- "".-ui

for New Arrivals 005

LAND, Twelvn Miles from Melbourne, at Leas

than Half Government Upset Price. 07

j EHzabetb.ntreet. 000_ LAND.-PnrohaHera Conveyed Free of Charge, on

Monday, at uine o'clock in the morning. Refreshments provided. 007

LAND-One to Two Hundred Aores to be Sold

on the Darebin Creek. The finest land in I the colony. W. Gardiner, 68 Flinders-lane west.


IO Sell or Let, Three Aores of Good Grass Land _ suitable for a Milkman, with a fine Orchard in full bearing, and a Cottage. Apply to J. Shields, Carmarthen-street, Brunswick, near i I'ornton'a Store._36

TO Bakers.-A Firat-clasa Trade for Salo. Apply

to J. Burkin, 13 Little Bourke-street west.

93 Jly 28


Stations and Live Stock for Sale.

A STAUNCH Draught Horse for Bale : any trial .** given. Apply to George Gillespie, water. man, Clarendon-street, Emerald lilli. 101 jly 37 COCHIN CHUSA FOWLB.-Eggs 15s. a Dozen.

Mrs. H'Gill, IO Chaucer'.lone. 083

»TOR Bale, Watoh Dog, between Kangaroo and P Bloodhound. Frioe £2 ; age ten month« ; has bad the distemper. 40 Highett-street, Richmond, opposite Kingston Hotel. 983

"IVOR Sale, This Day, Handsome Madras Talking " Parrot, guaranteed. P. Davis, Auction Mart, Collins Btreet. Novelty._974

GOATS.-For Bale one Goat witb two Kids, on»

ditto with one kid. Applv at Butcher's, phop, below Bay-View Hotel, 8t. Kilda. 147 jly96 FOR Sale, at Buninyong, in the Avooa Distriot,

3000 Dot Sheep. Apply to A, Macredie, Esq., n - the station; orto W. Millett, Eeq, opposite the *7u,te of Wellington, Maryborough.

I TrjORSrta.»¿:^ S* w-*« ¿or», inlïarlïese,

? ". .n ",Vei --«ewiae Spring Cart. W. F.

BrowS* LaUTrol*"'tre?» De-ween Swanston and V 'zabeth afreets._ 4t>

fl>0 be Poid, a Barrrain. a BtmJ\^, "ïï??b* X Horse, Dray, and HarneBS ".Iw Albion hay end Corn Store, Corth Melbourne, Ie« ia¿-» Rooth Hotel. . v '7

Trade Addresses.

ARGUS HOTEL, near the office of this paper -

Board by the Week. Gentlemen scoommo.

dated with Singlo Bedrooms._143 aug 16

AKGDS HOTRL, and Dining Roomi, near the

office of this piper. Board and Lodging by ih" Wetk._149 nug 16


tensive Paddock?, in connection with Kaleigh'S Purit, on the hizh road to the ditrcines, «to., and 5 miles from Me'.bourne. are open for tho reception < f cattle and horses, &c . at usual rates. The punt fare? having been considerably reduced, and the i ccommodation afforded by 'liege paddooks, make tho route worthy of attention. 52 aug 9


the Catholic Cbnroh, Lonsdale street. Uor?e3 sI'Qd from 10B. for oash. 04

BOOKS, Watches, ^IVOB, Fi3tols, Musioal In-

strument', anything and everything pur-chased. Ninnis, 75 Little Bourke-street ea«t.

350jly 31

BOOKS. Choice Assortment, for Sale. 123

Little Collins.atrcc-t cast. Second-hand Books-any Quantity PurchaBcd. 161 jly 28

CUMBERLAND HOTEL, Castlemaine. - JO.

SEPH WATSON, Proprietor, beg» to inform his old f/lends-the Carriern nn the Rouds. and In Castlemaine, as a three yearn' resident, that the above houw ia now op<-n for the peneral inn. venienco of the publio, ond trusts Tiy personal Buperinfndence, anil particular osre as to oleanlt ii PS, and the supplying of pood liquorp. willi a good and well supplied tabla dally, to merit n shaie of the patronage ofthe publio.

To Draymen and Cartera.-Stnbllng is. per stall pir nlpht, Feed of every description at nearly c( st price in Melbourne.

Every attention paid to Horses on Livery, or Funding, at low ratoB. _ 115 aug 19

G HEAP,-Toeltp, 4d. por packet; Fnperhang

inge, from 6d. rer piece ; Gold Leaf, Is. 6d.. per book. Opposito Mechanics' Institution.


COPPER.WORK ofevery description Made and'

Repaired. Itobiflon Brothers and Co., 99

Wharf._016 jly 33


CHARLES WEDEL, late proprietor of the /iRus Hotel, has the pleasuie to announce to his fiiends and the publio generallr that he has 'rV'fn the above Hotel, and has added to its well. Incwn elegance all the appliances to real


'Jhe Apartments set apart for the Aoonmmodt«. tic-n-of Families have underRon« un entire re. e<" ju&tment, in order to mako tho Hotel a honw for families visiting Melbourne.

The Bedrooms for Single Gent-emeu will be fcund equally commodious.

The Hot anil Cold Balln are reopened this day. 'J lie superiority ol'thiise BntliB is already known to tho publio, and the best and promptest attan dance will be provided.

The HcBtaurant ia open from eittht o'olook a.m.

till eleven o'olock p m., and partios viuiting this ' department will and all the delloacicB wliich the colony oan afford, ns well as good Kng'ish the lowest possible rate, with prompt and civil


The Bar bao been refitted, and the utmost car» is taken to have always the Best. Ale and Porter and the Choicest Wines and Spirits whloh oan b3 procured in the oolony.

The Commercial Parlor, adjoining the Bar, is replete with every oonvenfonce and comfort.

- The Criterion Hall will bo open for respeotable Balls and Concerts, and Dinners will be provided for large or small parties on the Bhortest notice.

The Proprietor intends to oonttnuo in hie new Hotel his well-known moderate obarges.

Melbourne, July 16th, 1855. SOO aug l8

CLARK, House Painter, Glazier. Paperbange<r?,

Decorator, io, Oil end Colormnn, <to, 98 and ' 100 Colllns.Btreet eaat. Pleaeo observe-No aon

reotion with my former place of business, 184 I CoHina-itreet 181 jly 38

DANDENONG PADDOCK, adjoining the Town*

?hip of Dandenong, twenty miles front Melbourne. Horse» and Bullooks reoeived. R. 0.


N.B.-Joseph and Alfred Haynes, who oan na reen every day at E, Row's Bato yards, Bourke. «treetf win tako Btook to the Paddook. 80 aug I GRAZING Paddock«, Mount Ararat, Weetara

Port.-The above First-rate Paddocks com. ptiae 18,000 acres, securely enoloicd, with Post and Rail Fence, well grassed and watered ; every cara «ken without responsibility. Horse« oan be left any day with the groom«, at Messrs. Lilbnane and Co '«, or Messrs, Dougherty and Co.'« Bale Yard«, Bourke-street.

ETARIUP and KETTLE, Proprietor.


GUNS, Pistol«, ana Trusses made and Repaired'

with despatoh at Vincent's, 77 Little Collin«. »treet east._83V


eera and Commission agenta, Ryrie-atreeC Geelong, continue to hold Dally Bales of Horse», BulIookB, Quiet Cattle, Carts, &o, at tbeir Basaar. Kyrie-street, They will always ensure the highest market price for Fat Cattlo and Sheep entrusted to them for private or publio onlo. a hoy will also devote attention to the Balo £ S'urep ana cttl* ««Mops, wblob, (hey will undertime ct moderate rnlt-',_-O'» e,

HINBON and CO'o Darle HiJli Caehmerefc.

4" lid , uBuallj Bold las. 6d. Plain Ctajt» eciutey Cheap. _2 iY *

¡NOON and CO,, grateful for past unexpected

and liboral support, assure ilieir patron» of their continued unremitting ellortB to clcserve

thejrinoreaaed eupoort, 70 jly 30, ?

Trade Addresses.

YEEND bega to inform the Publio that he has always on hand, fer Sale or Hire, a num-

ber Of useful Saddle and Gift Horses, Horses tfikefi in Í5 Livery or Bait on* t!:o lowest terms; Glasgow Arms Livery Stables, Elt/abMii-Btreet. T «sr the Poet Office._313 Jly 30

INSON and CO.. Drapers and Outfitters Bmith.street, Collingwood, are Daily Recelv.

in« the Choicest Goods._72 Jly 30

INSON and CO.'S Usual Prices will be found

to be Below English Coat, Call and see,

_73 Jly 30

H INSON and CO.'S Dresses are muoh the

Cheapest in Collingwood. The Australian

Rote only 9B 6d._74 jly 30

H INSON and CO., doing Business in their own

Premises, save the enormous Rentals paid by

other Drapers._I* Jly 30

TNBON and CO.'S 7-4 Frenoh Twills, Is. yard

usual price, from IB. 9d to2i. 3d 77 jly 30

H. H


INSON and CO.'S 12-4 Blankets, Ils. lOd ; our

usual price, 85s._70 jly 30

ORBES SHOD, 10s,, 12a and 14B. per set,'

Armstrong's Forge, 45 Bourke-street west.


HUR9EB Shod at W. Taylor'B, King streut,

opposite Harp of Erin, 14s.; Pair Shoes,

13s. 4d._W8 Jly 33

J CAMPBELL and CO., Wholesale Coffee Mer.

' chants and Roasters, 17 Little Bourke.street,

behind the Post Offloe._124 aug 4

ROYAL, Turner and Machinist, 119 Flinders . lane east. Odd Axle Boxes and Brass Cap3

supplied._»n jly 30

LIVERY STABLES, ueelong, at O'Farretl and

Sons' Horse Bazaar, Ryrin-Btreet west. George Allen having obtained a lease of the above Commodious Stable«, is prepared to receive hornes to Btand at Livery or for Bait; it boluc bia inten-tion to merit n shore of publio auuport, the utmost attention will be bestowed on all liorna entrusted to his care. A number of useful Biddle and gig horses and light conveyances kept for hire.

_893 ang39

OYSTERS, Oysters', OyatcrB.-T. Brasher bega

to inform the publio he oan supply them at wholesale price with fresh Oysters, to bo sent racked to any part of the town or count-y. 2S

?VTOTICE to Farmers and Settlers, that"! rVStleo X7* table and experienced Man respectfully in. forms them that he has, by dllipent perseverance, fi und-eut a Cure for Scabby Sheep, without injur-ing tbe Wool; and also a Cure for the Foot Hot. w bien in every case he haa taken in hand haï proved successful Term« moderate Address by letter to Mr. F W. PRICE, County Court of Bourke, Little Collins-atreet, Melbourne 9


CONrRACTS taken, and every Garden re. ouifite supplied. W. M'Donald, late Duncan and Co., 138 Bourke-street eist._ l8*

PICTUHE-FRAME8 made to order, in any

kind of Fanoy Wood or Gilt. 132 HusseU.

street._ 87 aug 12

ieTDRE-FRAMEB Manufactured or Regilt,

Paintings Restored, Artists' Canvass Pre. pared. Norton's, 87 Collins-Btreet east.

29?jly 38

PICTURE.FRAME Mouldings, Gold Cornices

Ac, great variety, Cheap. Trade Supplied, orton, 87 Colllns.Btreet, 2S4j ly 95

RENTS legally recovered, Distress Warrant«

issued, Tradesmen's Book» posted correotly. Bucban and Kirkup, accountants, Heave's-baild. inga._93 jly 33

THOB. CROFT and CO., furnishing underto.

kars, 76 Madeline-street, ¿v ort li Melbourne, cntinuation of Swanston Btrcet. 202 um; 3

VICTORIA NURSERY. Clmrch.xtroi-t, Ilion,

mond.-JOHN J. HULK bcgH to inform tin publio that he has on hand a large pfck of Oma. mental Shrubs, Greenhouse and Hurd? tTio.verlag Fiants, consisting of upwards of one thousand dictinct species and varieties; alun, a very large Block of Fruit Trees, Grape Vinca, &o.

Priced Catalogue? forwarded on application, with four pbBtege stainiis, 10 jly 97

WHITE LEAD, 6s. Od. 29.1b. keg ; Dutch Metal,

3d. book, George Pllloy, opposite tho ile chariioa', MI jly 27


; ANTED Eveiybody to ciet Shaver ior 'i hree.

penoc at No. 8 Little bourke street «est.

2:4 jly 23

WATCHES, Jewellery, G'uns, i'irtols. Broken

Gold nnd Silver Artioles Purohaeed. V.

rohen«, 9u0 Bourke street east._10» Jly 30

INDOW GLASS.-Chance's Patent PUt«

Vf Crown, Sheet, Colored, Stained, Cathedral, i nd Ornamental Window Glass, either in ouses as hint from the worka or cut and carefully repaoied 10 order. HENRY. BBOOK8, IS Sttpheu street, be tween Flinders street and Flinders-lane,

170jly 30

WATCUKa Repaired, Moderato CUnrgei;

Glasees, 1B. Watches Purchased. Ninnis, watchmaker, 75 Little Bourke-street east.

340jly 31

-\jn HERB is the Town Crier ? I havo loBt my Vf Hone-opposite the Arcade, Little Bourke.. ttttit. 101


ANTED Coffee io BoaBt. 5«. cwt ; done well.. Walton, 120 Little' Bourke-street ea*t,

185 aug 1


ADVICE Gratis.-Dr. Louis L. Smith, Surgeon,

Licentiate of the Apothecaries' Society of London, Member of the Heaioal Uonrd of Vittoria. Advice gratl?, before eleven and after six. 197 Bourke-street east, six doors beyond the New-market Hotol, Melbourne. ti oot 0

ARTIFICIAL TEETH Fitted Most Bfaufiiully Mr. Bamford, surgeon

dentist, 16a Lonsdale street catt,_2»3jly 31

ARTIFICIAL TKETU Fitted by t-eiph, Uentist.

Queen street, opposite the Tin aire. Home chargée. Patienta visited privately. ¡122 jly 27

DR. L. L. SMITH'8 Vopetab'.e Pills oura

biliousness, feverinhuot s, IOBB of appétit», furred tongue, indi[;eatio&, liver, stomach, and towel compilants, Bick hcaduche, skin eruptions, ?pUEmo, palpitations, nervous itiTi-otions, giddi. nesB, flatulence-, heartburn, ko, 107 Bourke-street eaet, Holbourne. 123 oct 10

,R. BECKETT removed to 171 Collins street,

east. Hours of consultation as usual.

_151 aug I

OVERNMKNT Publio Vaoomation Otnoa - Removed from Swanston.(.treet to the resi < dence ot the Government Vaccinator, Mr. F. T. Weet Ford, surgeon, M'Keuzle-rtreet, last street off Hutsell-street north, next Ln Trobe.Btreet." At» tendanoe dally from nine until eleven a m

138 aug 9


HOLLOWAYS PILLS, an Undoubted Homely

? for Asthma.-Mr. Ellis Wilson, of Gawlor Town, Adelaide, had for five years ve) y severe attacks of asthma, which deprived him of bodily rf st, night and day. The cough at times almost; choked him, and caused him oontinuilly ,to spit blood-. He was never safe, either eating or drinking, and his family were distressed beyond m enture to see him gradually reduced to ulmoat a skeleton. Holloway'* Pills, in his cato, were, at usual, effloacious. This gentleman uced them for i leven weeks, and tbey effected a perfect oure : ha feels .himself stronger nowiîiûn he has been for Hie ISBt fifteen vears. Agent, F. COOPER 'and CO., CoUlns-street, Melbourne. 1768

MESSRS. PERRY and CO., Surgeons, nt 214

Lonsdale-street east, four doora from Cop pin'a Olympic Consulting fee, £1. Letters im-mediately answered. Balm of Syriaoum, 11s. per bottle. Purifying Pills, 2s. 6d. to Ile. per box,

HO jly 33 MR. ERNEST CARTER, Surgeon Dentist, Iron»

London, Collins.street oatt, oorner of Rus. Bell-street. Artificial Teeth fixed on approved principles, equal to tbe moat perfect form of nature, combining oomfort with durability, and that Mr. Carter's improvements may bo within the reaoh offne moat economical ho has fixed his charges at the lowest scale poBBlble. 439 nug 4 alt .VTEW DISCOVERY.-Mr. G. Dosaxe, nurgeon xy dentfst, of 0.:Collins-street west, six doors

from Elizabeth-street. Toothaohe oured in one moment ; and filling deooyed teeth with white cement ; artificial teeth auppllod on the moat ra Eonable terms, and of all shades. Teeth extraoted, fs. 39 jly 31

PAINB In the Bick, Gravel, Lumbago, Rheuma,

turn, Gout. Indigestión, Flatulency, Ner. vearness, Debility, Stricture, te. - Dr. Dti BOOS'B Compound Renal Fill«, a« their name "Renal" (or the kidneys) iadioatca, are a most safe and efncaoioua remedy for the above dangerona complaint», diioharge* of any kind, retention of urine, and dfieaies of the kidney«, bladder, and urinary organ« generally, whioh, if neglected, frequently »nd In »tone in th» bladder and a Un. gering deatb. For depression of apirit«, blushing, -1._ <.-....._ --?-w bucine««, conta.

ep without refresh, .id insanity itself.' they are unequalled, Prioe la. lid, 2s. 9d.. 4». ed.» 11«., and 33s. per box ; through all medioine ven. dor«, or tent (tree) on receipt of the amount, by Dr. D« Roo«, Bl Ely. place. Holborn, London. At home for consultation daily from eleven till font o'olook, Sunday exoepted, Agent for Melbourne» Mr. Ford, chemist, Swanaton-strcet. SOOl aug SI a


ANTED a Chemist's Assistant, of businett

habits. K, D" offloe of this paper. Bl


BOOKKEEPING, - Evening classes, except

Wednesday and Saturday. Aoademy, Little Bourke-street, between William and King «treet«,'

_'_is?jly9« _

EATON HOUSE SEMINARY, near the Junotton»

8t. Kilda. Term«, Sixty Guiness. Mrs. Gar. einer ha» Vacanoles for Two Boardera. Day Pa.

pile, Three Guineal per Quarter._044

OT. PAUL'S CHURCH PBALMODY CLASS. Ö Conducted by Mr. Russell, every Thursday evening, at seven._73jly 28_ nt/ïUSUAL Instruction to Adulta. Piano, 1VJ Guitar, sird £Jngitirï. Try V."t:onV method. Mund rxil u'efu,'. Alu Saul, Atn.'1«!,!-, (.'ertui',.. net, . ' W}


'" y . i i " S i I i*7? f-?"7

BELL'S LIFE, io, May 6, per ship Ktnt

Books and Newspapers Lent. North, ti Qttxm-street. 362

CÁSSELL'S riluatrated Family Paper, issae

weekly, prioe 3d. Slater, Williams, aa Hodgson, and all Booksellers._Jly 81

"pvlSPATCH, May 6, per ship Kent. Chea? :U Reading, Books, and Newspapers. North's

Library, 51 Queen-street._ 261

HOW to Bettlo, with Colonial Formiig and Sr.

dening, Ss. 6d. " Exuotly tho Information, -'EtraUi. All booksellers. 315 aug I

JUST Published, Prioe Sixpence, a Fifth Letter

lrom Peter Papineau, tiigner, lito of Mel- 1 -bourne, and now of Bendigo, to Mr. John null, dig-ger, lateof the Bendigo,and now at the M'lvor, con-taining a Rap for the Author of "Pap," and season-able hints to zealous placeman, who hive got," o: ere looking for Constituencies to tell, with a Prefatory Dedication to Mrs. Sairey Gamp, the " Mi ky Mother" of the Argue,

- (a, C- »ODE. publisher, 71 ¡Swanston street, The

'trade supplied._107 jly 27

CST Published, royal 8vo" Prlep <'ne t-hilUn* _ the " Report from the Commission appol.nteä to Inquire into the Condition of the Gold Siülds

f Victoria,''

May be had at theory!« Publishing Offloe; el eil booksellers; and of the acuito of the Argm r rnngcont th eoolony.

OLDFIELD, COUZENS and CO., General Her

criant?, 28 Lonsdale-atreet east, beg to an-nounce to the Booksellers of Melbourne and the adjacent oolonies, that they have on hand a loree Stock of Books, whioh they are prepared tO;offor on advantageous terms, amongst them are i

Alone, by Marian Harland Ida May, by Mary Langdon

Restoration of the French Monarchy, by

A. de Lomertino Longfellow's Poems

Louin XVII, by A, de Beauoheme

Marianne Wellington, by the author of

Margaret Catchpole

Moneypenny, a Talc of New York, by C. Nan Darrell, by Miss Pickering

Turkey, Post and Present, by J. Hutton The Russian Empire

European Turkey As It Is

Arvinc's Anecdotes

"""C&ufl !_an lîBBay on th» Nature, Causes,

Grindrod " - K" n*

, CsuBes of the BuooeBB of the EngliBh Re-

volution; a Translation from Guizjti

by Soobl«

Chinese Revolution

Clouded Happiness, by the Countess


Usurer's Daughter Wide Wide World

And numerous other works.

OLDFIELD, COUZENS and CO , 28 Lonsdale street east, nearly opposite the Catholio Cathedral. _70 aug 3

MUSIC. Muele.-Loree Assortment MUBloal

Bouquet, with all the Instruction Books. M Kee'B, bookseller, George-street, Collingwood.


Subsorlntlon One Pound for Three Months. T. M, Bastard, 181 Bourke-street eaBt. 207 aug 1

NEW Cheap Volumes, ex Mar¿o"poio~¿nd White

Star, on Bale by the undersigned :

Bir Jasper Carew, by Charles Lever, 3a. 6d. Haurice Tiernay, by do. 2s. Od.

The Ross and the Bing, by Thaokeray,

es. ed.

Danvers, by Theodore Hook, 2B.

The Man of Many Friends, by Theodore

Dook, 2s.

Chronicles of Woolferta Roost, by Wash.

ington Irving, Is 6d.

The Whiteboy, by Mrs. S. C. Hall, 29. Od.

Castle Avon, hythe authoress of Emilia

Wyndham, 2s

The Old English Gentleman, by John

Mills, ÜB.

Frank Farlegch, bound in cloth, 4s, 6d. The Step-mother, by James, 2s. Russell, by do., 2?.

The Family Feud, by Adam Hornbook,.

2s. Od.

Our Horcos of the Crimea, Is. Od. Thei-hady Side, Is. Od.

AI»net by Marian Harland, 2?. Od bybil LeunanJ. hy Mrs. Grey, ?s.

The Men of the War, '" Od. . Hie Crimea, by C. W. Koch, la. Od, The Disowned, by Bulwer, 2».

The Heir of Belwood, by Mrs. Goie, ii. Miles Wollingford, by Cooner. 2a.

With an extensive assortment of all the cheap tiiid popular novela of the day.

brorekeepers and deolera supplied on the most

liberal terme.

GEORGE ROBERTSON, bookseller and ata. Coner, 85 CollinB-streat east, nearly opposite the oli'ce of this paper._«jly 38 ~



(A new weekly illustrated journal, prioe Is., or £1 ter half-year), will Bppcar on Thursday, 2nd Auguit. circulating In M.-lbnurne Gpelonp, Syd-ney, Adelaide, and Van Diemen's Land, among government and corporate official?, architect«, tuilders, contractors, civil and mechanical engt. nterB, building and land societies, agricultural and mining companies, and all interested in house ir-lsnd propeity, containing all the building rewa ofthe colony, with open entracte, compa titions, and «cceptcd tenders.

Designs and plans given of Government build. ings and townships, cottages, houses, farm build ingß, and public edifices, adapted to the oolony; with practical advice as to the best material, Eiaulncture, and decoration.

Advertisements (and but a limited number) will be received up to Wednesday, by the pub. Usher, F. NEWTON, 81 CoUlns-street eaBt.

176 jly 30

rp HE Viotoria Freehold Lond Society's £175 -L Prizes, for the beat deigns for cottages adapted to the colony. 'I he Australian Builder, price IB., cantalea a large engraving, with speoi. lications, oast of erection, and every paitioalar.

177jly 30


August, will contain an Article on "The Church of England and the Total Abstinonce Movement,"Parooblal Sketches, No. If., io.

Advertisetai-nts to be forwarded to Messrs. Iii nth and Cordell, Market-square, Geelong.

/gents in Melbourne: Sir. Blundell, Collins. Etieet, and Mr. Baker, Swanston-street. 1740


Now Ready, contains the Best Colonial her ga over published. 093


lished by Charlwood, 7 Bourke-street. Said

l>v all Booksellers. COI

TIMES. May 7, per ship Ktnt North's Circu

lating Library and. Universal Newapaper Office. 51 Queen.street. 200

THE New Western Market.-A Magnificent

Engraving is in aourso of prep a'ationfor the Australia» Umida; prioe 1B, 178 jly 31


James Sinclair's Heed-ehop, opposite the Bull tnd Mouth, Bourfco-street. 113 aug l


three volumes, to bo had of Slater, Williams and Hodgson, 04 Bourke-street east: G. Nioaola» Collina-strcetwest; Charlwood and bon, next the Post Office, Bourke-street; and wholeanlo of Old. ield. CoL¡-ças and Co., 29 Lonsdalo-strecteast.

_BO aug 3

WANTED a Cnnvasäcr for the " Weekly Re*'

membranocr." Apply at Calvert's print-ing. ofEoe, 34 Swanston-street. 115

Building Materials.

A6HOP.FRONT of Splendid Design, complete

with Plate.glasc, ¿o" for Sale. Payne, Vio. toria-parade. 48 jly 28

BRICKS.-Bricks for Sale. Apply opposite tha

Liverpool Arms, Brunawiok- street. Colling.

wood._49 jly 97

BRICKS.-On Sale Thirty Thousand best Bo-

roondara. Mongredlen and Hodge«. S3

Hindera-atMet east_94_

DOORS and Window», Cheapest in tho Colony

clearing-out «ale. Anning and Sons, Bruna. vlck-»treet. Collingwood._31 jly 98

EI\GLISH. Portland, and Roman Cement, Pla«

ter of Paris, barrel«; now landed. Edmund

Westby and Co._ 105jly 30

FLEMINGTON BRICKS, in any quantity, for

Bale; «ample and price, at Fulton and Emlth'« Foundry; or George Smith, Spenoer* »treet, between Bourke and Little Bourke «treet«.

^___108 jly 28

FENCIKG-WIRE, l8«, per Hundred at J.

Hughe«1«, wnoleiale tlnemitu, 100 Little Bcnrk«.«tr«et «Mt._918 aug l8

HEADS Roche and Slaoked Lime, juBt arrived.

Wharf price. Dyer and Co., Lambeth-plaoe, Flinders lane. 934Jrjr38

TOINERB* WORK.-Window Trimming«, with al' Shutter and Baokfold», oomplete; Door», Moulding«, Skirting» and Arohitravea, English* nade. Edmund Weit by and Co. 104 Jly 30

OG.TIMBER, in Redor Kaurle, Piece», lita i 80 feet. Edmund Westby and Co.

_193 Jly 80

EAD SHEET, 4, S and O.lbs. oheap. John Ra«* i eell and Co., corner Collins and King «treats.


LEAD.-For Sale, a Quantity ot oheet Lead.

Apply to J. R. and J. Murphy, Wharf

| Br> wery._80

POSTS and Rails, Best Quality V. D. L, now

landing. Patton and Co,, »OMinolng.lane,

Wharf._048 Jly 88

>ALINQB,8 uperior C and 0 feet, on Sale. H, W,

Patton and Co,, 80 Mliolng-Iane, Wharf.

_053 Jly 88

POBTS aud nails, at Saltwater River. Apply

at Clarke's Hotel ; or to Patton and . Co,, Vliorf. 016 Jly 88 PI.ATE-GLASS, Window Frames. Sasbco

plotc, DoorB.Iron Giitterlng,'.Paint& ' , I-tie, " ftyne, YK».«.'!l»-B»'»d«,

ibeo oom- ]

p. io., for I

Wyn ¡

Building Materials,

PALINGS-Superior 8-Feet. at 90a,per hundred.

W. B. Patton and Co., Hinoing.lane. Wharf, _089 Jly 98

PI ASTER PARIS, fine quality and first-rate

condition. Henry Brooks, 13 Stephen-street, t et ween Flinderi-itreet and Flinders-lane.

178 Jly 3«

PLASTER OF PARIS, in prime order, Hair,

Laths, Ac, Dyer and Co., Lambeth plaoe,

Flindere-lane. _223 Jly 98

ROMAN CEMENT, guaranteed the best in the

market. Dyer and bo., Lambeth plaoe. Flin-ders Jane west. 922jly 28

SHIPS' SPARS in Kaurie Plue, at the Timber,

yards of Edmund Westby and Co.

_103jly 30

(^ POKES. Felloes, and Stocks. Miller and Moe. r* quistan, 101 William-street,


»¿¿.ATES, 20,000, various sizes, for Sale. Glover IO and Edwards, 72 Flinders-street went,


LATES, Countess and Ladies on Sale. Mason

nnd Smith, 3 Flinders-street east 8 jly 31


LATEB " on Bale, by Cleve Brothera and Co.,

114 Lonadale-Btreet west 904

CLOUTING, Spouting, Spouting, Od. per foa: k3 Fixed. E Biron, High Holborn, Prahran.

132jly 27

TIN TILES on Sale, 19 x 19 inches, 6 x 6 do.

118 Flinders-lane west. 031

TURPENTINE. Boiled and Raw Oil cheap, John

Russell and Co., corner Collina and Kin«;

HreetB. 039

TU OMAH BELL, Slater and Slate Dealer, corner

Stephen.street and Lonsdale-street, baa on hand and for Bale :

Countess elates Duches» do. Princess do.

AU kinds of Blaters' battens, nail«, copper,

zinc, and iron, cement, plaster of Paria. Aleo slaters' and plasterers' toolB. 81 jly .8

WHITE LEAD, Quarter-drums, oheap, John

Russell and Co., corner Collins and Ki-g street«. 038

ZIrxC, Noa. 9 and 10, cheap. John Russell

and Co., corner Collina and King streets.


am? Macquifltan, 101 William..treet. 211 aug 1

IflñAnn HALFÜÑCH Baltlo Lin" iUU,\J\.J\J ing Boarda. Miller «and M-cqnistan, 101 William-Btrcet._919 aug 1

Oí 1 f\C%Ci LINING and Weatherboards, £>A \V_»VJ' t Cheaper than ever. John Wood'« btenm.mille, Moore-Btreet, Collingwood.

_ 260 jly 37


BOLtD and Cut Deals Miller and Mao.

quistan, 101 William-street.

_ 240 jly 9«

Of\ CA8ES Cedar Loo Table Pillar«. ÖV French Bedposts, Table, Waubbtand, anti Chair Legs, Sofa Bails, Sofa and Drawer Stumps. Miller and Macquistan, 101 William, «treet.

881jly 8«

'A(~\ nnní.EET --»«-«-isaui« t>\.'»\J\JyJ Flooring, at Reduced Pricea, ac FoiEyt'h'B Timber yard, Elizabeth, street north.


Wines, Spirits, &c.

BASS'S BURTON and Cobb'B Margate Ale, o i

,Sale, by Cleve Brothers and Co, 114 Lonsdale, street west. 80S


HANDY, Martello, in bnlk, dark. Miles, Ktngton and Co., 82 King-street. 097

BRANDY, Martell's' and Hennessey's, in Bulk,

on Sole at J. Behrena's, 113 Flinders.lane

weft._88 Hy 33

BRANDY COLOKING Bert Quality, in any

quantity. A. Ulai, 106 Bourke-street west.

_ S7Jly23

CASE BRANDY, Finest Qualities, Martell's an«

Hennessy'e. H. W. Farrar and Co., Bourke.

trcet west_142 jly 30

1NGER BRANDY, Tanqneray's, in oases.

Mason and Smith, 3 Flinders-street east.

5 jly 31



case. H. W. Farrar and Co., Bourke-street weet. 143 jly 30


N S A L tu. Old tom, in hhds. and oases Brandy, in do. do.

Grimbies'B ginger brandy, in quarter casks

and cases

Port and sherry, in bulk and oases.

RENNIE BROTHhR6,3 Market-atrect. 093

e¿COTCH WHISKbY, Campbelton and Isl»y, to on Sole, at Smith, Cannon and Co 's, 93 Flin-ders-street west._247 Jly SO

SCBIEDEH, Choleo Sumple, for Hotels.

Mason and Smith,3 Flinders-street east.


SUPERIOR PORT, Graham's; and Gordon's

Sherries, in bulk and cate, for Sale. Hisson and Smith, 3 Flinders-street east.

7 Jly 31


ABTLEY'B.-Ladlca and Gentlemen Taught tbe

Polite Art of Riding, by Mr. Lewis: terms moderate. 329 jly 38

ASTLEY'S.-The Beautilul Stud of Horses to

Let or Hire, for Ladies and Gentlemen; terms moderate. _ 330 jly 38

ASTLEY'S,-Horses Broken for the Road or

Field, by Mr. Lewis ; terms moderate.


BALL given for the Benefit ofthe Wounded end

Invalid Soldiers of the Frenoh Army in the Ciimea, under the management of Monsieur La Cc mte L. Horcton de Chabrillan, Consul of France, t ntl trie distinguished patronage of

His Excellenoy Sir Charles Hotham, K.C.B.

Colonel Macarthur.

The Right Worshipful the Major of Melbourne.

The Honorable the Colonial Secretary. The Honorable the Colonial Treasurer.

The Honorable the Collector of Customs His Honor Justioe Barry.

Colonel Valiant.

Lieutenant-Colonel Anderson, V.V.R.R,

Major Kempt.

Major Hodgson, V.V.R.R.

Captain MaoMahon.

James M. Tarleton, Esq, Consul of the United


W. Westgarth, Esq. W. Hammil!. Esq. W. Beyfus, Esq. Ed. Chaine. Esq.

G. Hennelle, Esq.

Ans. Ricard, Esq., Seorctary.

a his Ball will take place the 16th August, 1855, tt the Exhibition Building, 1114

BOSTON RIFLE GALLERY-£1 will be given

to the Person who makes the bett Fonr Shots cn Saturday evening next. Names enrolled dilly.

_54 Jly 27

MB. DENNING'S Dancing Clasn, Protestaos

Hall, wiU please Assemble This Evening, in Hen of To-morrow. 34

MUSICIANS-The Parties who Replied to 0.

P.'s Advertisement will learn the nature of tbe Engagement offered by oalllng at Astley'* t mibltheatro at half-past twelve o'clook noon oa Friday next._149


r.ext, «Musical Bolree will be held, Members orly ) will be able to obtain tiokets st the rohearsil this evening ; or at Slater, Williams andHodgsou's (4 Bourke-street east, up to Friday evening.



|| Friday, July 27th, 1855.

|| Amateur Performance

| In Aid of the Funds of the


| Under the distinguished Patronage of

|| The Bench and the Bar ;

|| Le Comte de Moret Chabrlllon,

|| the French Consul ; || J. M. Tarlton, Esq.,

|| the American Consul ; || Colonel Anderson,

And the Officers and Members of the Victoria

| Volunteer Rifle Corps ;

And other influential parties, whose names will

|| be duly announced.

The Melbourne Garrick Club have the honor to announce that they will, on Friday Even-ing next, the 27th instant, give an Ama-teur Dramatic Entertainment at the Queen's Theatre (which has been placed at their disposal gratuitously by the Proprietor) in aid of the Funds of the Melbourne Hospital, on which oc-casion the performances will commence with George Colman, the younger's admired Comedy, in Five Acts, entitled


In which Mrs. BROUGHAM, the celebrated Lon-don Actress, will appear,

|| R.H. Horne, Esq,, |has kindly contented to sing a

| Spanish Romanza and Serenade

between the pieces ,

| The whole to conclude with


Admission by Tickets only, which may be had of J Wilkie, music repository, Collins-street; J. J, Blundell and Co, stationers, Collins-street : J. L Baker, bookseller, Swanston-street, and at the hospital. No Seats will be reserved after the rising of the curtain.

Carriages may be ordered at half.past ten for elevenen. Horses heads towards Lonsdale-street.

Doors open at Seven, the Performance to com-mence at a Quarter to Eight.

|| Prices of Admission :-

Dress Circle and Stalls 7s 6d. ; Gallery, 2s, 6d,

||| J. E. REEVE, Manager.

||| W. M.. AKHURST, Hon. Sec.


THEATRE B OXA"ZSt, __ Bourke-street

.I be Manager has great pleasure in anaeunclng to the Publio that he has effeotcd an Engagement


To appear at the Theatre Hoy<l : lier absence from Melbourne being temporary, while the stage arrcngemcnts are being completed fot her appear-ance. _ML. T, H E A T R E R OYAL, X Melbourne.

Under tho Bole Management of


Immense Sensation 1 ,. Crowded Nightly !

Mr, G, H, Rogers, as Colonel Damas.

Mr. Charles Poole.

Mr Henry Neil Warner.

Mrs. Charlea Poole,

This Evoiiing,

Thursday, July 28th,

WiU be Performed Bulwer's highly-admired and

ponulorplay ofthe




Clande Melnottc ... Mr. Henry Kiel Warner.

Colonel Damas ... Mr. G. II. Roger*.

Tnuline De6oliapellcs ... Mr?. Charles Poole. Overture-Alcxandro Stradeliu ... Plotow.

Prb Bohemion, Redoniska, Madame Strebinger,

Signor Carandini.

To conolude with the Laughable Faroo of the


Hector Timid ..." Mr. Charles Poole. Stage Manager... Mr. Charlea Poole.

In the oouree ol' a few weeks will bo produced m entirely now and original local Extra-vaganza, written expressly lor this theatre, by

W M. Akhurst, Esq.

In active preparutioD, the aorgcous Operatlo

Fpeotaole of


/ o performed at tho Theatre Royal, Drury.lano,

1er upwards of

Two Hundred Nighta, with immense sucoesB.

Prices of Admission:-Dress Circle, 7s. Od.; EtollP, 6s. ; Upper Cirole, 49. ; Fit, SB. 6d.;

Cnlleiy, Is.

roora Open at Seven ; performance to commence

at Half-past Seven.

Box Office open from eleven till four.

Children In Arms not admitted to any part of

ii" monee._ 285 V¿ ALLE DE VALENTINO Open Ever y Evening. IC Concert at eight, Dancing at nine o'olock. / r mission, one shilling. 191

¿ALLE DK VALENTINO.-'Iho liest Quadrille O and Waltz Bund in the oolony. Admission, one shilling._102

STALLE DE VALENTINO. - The only plaoe O where you can have Conoert and Ball for One Shilling._103

WHERE Spend a Pleasant Evening, and hear

a good Song ? At Mooney's National Hotel, Eourke.street east. 22 jly 27

Lost or Found.

BOAT LOST,-Lost, on Saturday Kirthtlaat, a

Ship's Boat, Painted White, wicn Black Gunwale; name Telegraph on the stern, ando. Gi more, inside. Contained fi,ur ours, lout wate-r-breakers, one maBt and sal's. The finder i<i<quested to apply to W. P. White ond C>., »rent's, Wharf._17-44

I alLD LOST.-£10 Reward.-On Saturday, YJ 7th inBt., n Child, named Richard Babington^ vas loston James Babington'e station, near Jim Crew, about nino year» old, with dark ourly hair, ttuiters when speaking, lame in the right foot, ni d wearing molo «km truuacrB and waistoaat, gingham juinpor, and Panama hat, with a red cotton handkerchief round his neon. £10 will be riven, snd expenses paid, on giving information to JAMES BABINGTON, on tho station; or at BENJAMIN KfcNWORTüY'S store, Kyneton; or at Wheeler's Railway Hotel, Melbourne

_205 Jly 37

(vcUND, a Large Tan-colored Dog : by paying JL? expenses, can be bad on application to

V vet eil and Lattice. 70

«j IVE POUNDS REWARD.-Stolen or Strayed JP from Heidelberg on the 21 at instant, on J Black Horse, Hire« white feet, snddle.markel, without brand. The above Reward will be pall io any person giving information to Mr. Lambie, farrier, Little Bourke, street east ; or Mr. H. Wade. pm, Heidelberg._to jly 27

j- OUND Red Kangaroo Dog, with obcin-oollar J7 and braBB lock. Apply inr. Bick, newsagent,

Junotion. 4


OUND on Sunday, 22nd July, ISIS, a 30-fee

Blaok Whaleboat, with red streak. If not filmed within Bevon days, It. will be Bold to de-fray expenses. Apply to Thomas Bell, fisherman, Moidfoilocfc._5 Jly 28 alt

LOST, between tho Treasury and Collins.street,

ti Fawn-colored Kangaroo Dog. Whoever finds the samo ia requested to advise Mr. Cowle, }]9 Collins.street west, wben any reafonable ex ienses will bo paid, 344

LOST, between Sandridge and Emerald Hill,

Part ol' n Gold Spectaole. A Reward will bo / iven on its restoration to Sergeant Ivess, Erne 1 nid Hill. 039

LOST, in Bourke-strcet, near corner of Queen,

street, on Wednesday, at about 12 at noon, an Account, addressed to Henry Jennings, Esq., ia TI li ich was enclosed Eleven Five Found Kotes and Twc One Found NoteB, making, in all, Fifty.aoven Pounds, the numbers of which are known "and Flopped.

Whosoever will bring'the sume to the Detective Clflico, Collins-Btreet west, will be handsomely Rewarded. 2-18

L Obi'.-ONE PiJDND REWARD. - Young

Black and White Newfoundland Dog, Ap. plv Mr. Holey, Osfoid.street, Collingwood. 45

HE POUND REWARD.-Strayed or Stolen

from tho premises rf Mr. G. De Saxe, fcurjeon-dentist, on 22nd July, Two Fowls, Whlto and a Black. Any person giving information thrill receive the above reward ; or if found on Buy person's premises after this notice will ba prosecuted.. 99

PATRIOTIC FUND BALL.-Lost a blue oloth

Ponoho, having a pair of brown leather glove?, and a wideawaiic hat in the pooket. Piesse return to owner at Conniok, Quinlan and Co.'s, Elizabeth-street, next Merri Jig Hotel.


KJFLE BALL.-Ii my Coats, Stolen from the

Exhibition, are not immediately returned, I will proseoute the peräon who took them. T. King, Collingwood._988

Sie,LEN or Strayed from Adelaide Lead, ba

tween Simeon's Ranges and the Avoca, ou Bur day, the 2.nd inst., a Dark Brown Mare, branded FM on the off neck. JJ near shoulder, blotch on the butt of tho tail, a lump or u wen ou the fetlook joint, on tha near toro loot, and a blaze down the ince. A reward or £10 if stolen, on oon vloiion ; and £5 if strayed. Apply to Mr. Lyona, Glasgow Commercial Hotol, Maryborough.


L-j RAYED into our Paddock, on June low. »a 1855, in the Box Forest, Will Will Rook, a Brown Bullook, brands unknown ; and if not claimed within fourteen dayB from this date, will le told to defray expenses. Orme, Nowcl, and Co. _ _30 jly36


'iuLKN or Btrnyed, from the btation of tue

undersigned, about three months Binoo, Two Herses ofthe following description:

Ulcod Bay Maro, short switch tail, about four-teen and a-half nanda high, eight years old, well bred, branded UD near shoulder und off side of steh, has a Blight toar on near shoulder.

Light Chesnut Horso, fifteen and a quarter hands high, about seven yeara old, very square built, tall lianbcen squared, but grown nearly toaflwitoh, has a soar on top of loin, branded IID conjoined, near ahoulder and S either above or below it, and 1TH off neok and should or.

It strayed, a Reward of £5 eaoh will be given te any ono who will give Buch information as Will lead to their recovery; and if stolen, a fur-ther Roward of £15 eaoh, on oouviotion of tho tbief. WILLIAM DONALD.

.Buninyong, Tower Hill, loth July, 1855.

91 Jly 33

M'EN FOUNDS REWARD.-Stolen or strayed JL irom Hewsea' Creek, Two Horsea, of the fol-lowing description :

til st, Bay Horse, branded SS near shoulder, »ame near hip, WC off shoulder.

Second, Bay Horse, branded R in cirole near

Shoulder. Both horsea in rather low condition.

The above Reward will bo paid to any person leaving them at Mr. JOHN BIUNALL'S, Avendel lietel, Howsea' Creek; or nt Messrs. KENNED? an d GHAT'S Stables, Lelceater.atreet. 133 jly l8 TO BTOREKEEPEHS.-A'Caw marked G

T A Co.

M 89

landed from the Partee in June, 1884. Any infor-mation respecting It to ba forwarded to Teal«, Savson, and Bruce, 109 William-Btrtet.

_138 Jly 36

WEN POUNDS RKWAIID.-Lost, on th« 2nd -»? July, at Kangaroo Point Back Creek, a Bay Blare, bald faced, near hin ii foot white, switch tail, banded yN near shoulder.

Information to Jenkin Jenkin», Warrnambool.

124 aug 8

TEN POUNDS REWARD.-Lost yeaterd.v, a

Bliok Pookot Book, oontaining'aboat £39 in Notes, Twelve Land Beoelpt« for land purobaaed at Heathcote, and «erne Letter« addreaied to John Palmer. The above mentioned Reward will ne

d to any ono on returning it to McBrrp. J. and _ Stewart, Bourke, street, opposite the Poat Office; ortoMeaar-, Dingle snd Bloggatt, corner ol'Lonsdale and BwanBton atreet». 139 Jly 98

TEN POUNDS REWARD for tho Recovery of

Two Boxea and Contenta, Sold at an Auction Korm in Melbourne about three months ago. On the boxea the name of owner, George Lee, paa. sen fer to Melbourne per ship Blackwall. Apply to liiorge Bell, 31 Little Collins, street west,

_70 Jly 97


Strayed, from the Bheepwaab, on Thursday. May Silt, a Chosnut Mare, brnnded P T on off »boulder; P O near aheuldor, white Mate down

K M*

f ace, off hind fbot white, and noir foot foot white. The above reward will be paid on conviotior of tbe thief. If atiaycd, £5 willbopuid on delivery to I, HIBBETT, tJnoepwnBb, near Bendigo.

.*" '* ' 3230 aug 3 wk

Lost or Found.

TEN POUNDS REWARD.-I do herri.» . »

; tien Poundkeeptrs and AnoHoÄC" I

belling the undermentioned Horses, as ttS,«*8 " Stolen or Strayed from me. as follow?-? Vw,M I

Stolenor Strayed, on 3rd May last, nekr.n»».».,

a Bright Bay'Mare, brandel j"'" twS¡¡¡

B boulder, MT on the off shoulder, short «mt.i. tail, and two white patches on the ¿eck m&>

Also, Stolen or Btrayed from Kilmore Di»*,.,,, on Saturday, 7th July inst., a Bay Mare*ffi

points, blaze down the lace, branded ES 'n'. «Í near shoulder, MT en the off shoulder. e

TAYLOR, Kilmore,


Kilmore, 9th July, 1855. 288 jly l8 d S7 Wï



57 Collins-Btreet east, has the pleasure of.? nouroing to the Daguerrean Operators tlirouÄ

tfce colonies that he haB permanently citalTfffi.

a Daguerrean Depot in Melbourne, where Ä now on hand, and is constantly reoelvine ».ïïï description of Apparatus and Materials MM j! the Art. Invoioes JuBt reoelved oonslstln» S cl-onp and fancy oases, chemicals, nl«t«i j,.1 Operators will be oheerfully supplied with lli£t nrtioleB and prices. Orders for any quantltv »£ amount remitted as per prlce.list, will meet'wiS pumpt attention; gooda oarefully «¿5,'i packed, and forwarded, by ExpreBs or ottoS *" andreaa._57 aug 17 "jp TO the Agricultural Interest ot Viotoria ¿áTñ:

adjoining Colonies.-0Pportunity K2 off. red to the Agricultural Interest of tils ColT?

by whioh they oan at onoe forward thelrordswZ tbe first Manufacturers in Great Britain forAni

cultural Implements, Maohines, Steam-Englnei

Messrs. Ransome and Sons, of Ipswiah h,» authorised vir. M'Arthur to reoeive orders on iSS!

behalf, lUHt

AH goods so ordered will be guaranteed »f flrB'-rate quality, and will be deflvered at i?l Rallwoy Terminun, Melbourne, at the mi? price, as delivered in the London Dooks naobi for shipment, with Invoice charges of FreitM Insurance, and Colonial Railway char!«

aCdrd. ""

Commission on the amount of order 91 ». cent. "' " T!

For Prices and Terms apply to JAMES MHB. THUR, Esq., at his offloe. 72 CollinB-streetwli

Communications from the oountry immedhti!,

attended to._17^ed m$ KEATING'S COUGH LOZËNGES.-Tho v«

inoreaee in the demand for these CbMhi Acreages, and the numerous tfstlmonials con Btantly received, fully justify the proprietor In asserting they are the best and safest yet offered to the publio for tho oure of the following ¿m plaints :-ABthma, Wiuter Cough, Hoarsens«" i-hoitness of Breutb, and otherPulmonarvMit?

dies. ' *".

'Ihey havo deservedly obtained the hM«! rntronatre, and the publio generally nts AM» under the recommendation of someofthemiui eminent of the faoulty. "«nae mo«

Prepared and sold in boxeB and tins, oivariosi flizep, by ThomaH Keating, chemist, Ac, No M st Paul's Church Yaid, London. Sold retail hi in drugciatB. ' m

Agents :-D. R, Long and Son, Melbourne: Pom te« andGoulter, Geelong; Ogle and KendilL1 Marj Borough. 52 fri & wk aug vT

BRISTOL ARMS HOTEL, Main-street, Miry,

borough.-Mr. Thomas Grady, of Bristol, in returning thank« for the liberal patron«! which haa hitherto been afforded him, beta to inform his friends and the public generally, that having renewed hie license for the eni-ln, year, and considerably enlarged and improved till premises, he ia now prepared to afford first-nte sccommodatKn to all who may fuvor him willi their eupport. Customers may at all timesrel? upon getting a good glas; of English ale lui porter, as also wines and spirits of the ¿tit quality, at moderate oharges.

An Ordinary every day at one o'clock.

Good Stabling. 1189 »og 3 wk

IF this should meet the eye of John Hooper,

who left Scotland for California, asti ton there to Melbourne by the Julia Ann, about t»a Ícars ago, please communicate with A. Forfyth,

oelew Bank, Melton Post Office, and you will hear of something important. Any informatisa regarding Mr. Hooper will be thankfully reoeivei if sent to the above address. 1444 aug 3 wk

NOTICE to Squatters and Owners of Fat Sheep

Intended for the Melbourne Market-Tha undersigned are wholesale purchasers of fat sheep for cash at market value, within ono or two din' 8'age of Melbourne. Apply personally or ty letter to Mr. Gray, Watson's Bazaar, Bourke-street west, or Mr. Nimmo, Rockbank. GRAY M4 NIMMO. 1013 wko

-f s -* f\ ACRES of Land in Van Dlerncn'a Laut X\J \J -For 8ale, Ono Hundred Acres of tan! at Treehut Point, in tho channel, near Holart Town, Van Diemen'» Land. It has a front«« o» the river. Prioe £18t'. Title-a Crown Grut, t pply to K. E. Brodribb, Er.q" »oltoitor. el. bourne, who has aoliart of the locality.

UBTRALIAN CLUB HOU3E, Blaokwooi, Btreet, North Melbourne, adjoining the Hem. in gon Road, by Edward Aldrioh. Board vA Lodging. 30s. weekly,or 5s. Daily. 80 Bedroom), n Ffparate one for eaoh person. Good bt.Mior, with large enclosed yard. l8 jly 37 wk

UN 8 A L E ,

20 bales grocers' wrapping paper, raAvu 10 do »mall-hand

10 do long elephant, suitable 1er print«'

ing large billa, io. j 19 balee double demy

8 do blue demy

12 tieroea London glue

25 casca floor oilcloth, great variety

20 do table do

10 do imitation morocco, for uphol.

storer', Crockett's patent

300 hand glasses, Boydall's patent ISO do« Amerioan shovels 100. do English do

20 boxes, 4 doz each, Child's night light! 250 kegB Cork butter

90 owt. blook tin, in smaU bara

40 feet length ctroular glass roof (euneil


Invoices of Ironmongery, various Gas fittings, Rupsell'e Planes, Ac, Moreley'a

Ploughs, Ransome and Sima'

Pumps, olesets, io,, Warner's

Iron bedsteads

Tinmans' mounting Harrows, rakes, ¿to. Slop olothing

Tailors' trimmings, assorted.

N. and K. GUTHRIDGE, 76 Flinders lane eut,

923 aug 7 tit



i of Melbourne, has determined on prolon¡¡liií bia at ay in England, will be happy to execute oom. missions for the aale of gold, wool, or other colo. nial produce ; aa well aa for the purchase of gool! in London and the manufacturing dlatrioU oa

the usual mercantile term».

References may be made te Edward WUKI Eeq., ¿rvtuOirioe, Melbourne; and letters addrtited io Mr. King, Jerusalem Coffee House, Cornhill, London, will meet with immediate attention.

MB, WM. ARMSTRONG, Church-street,

Brighton, having undertaken the Newl Agenoy of the ABOUB tor the Brighton fJIstrW bubeeribers in that looallty are requested to -MM arrangements with him for securing the KglUt /?rd early delivery of the paper. '


_'H. FRANCIS ROBERTSON, Of" Biytoaj -JL «treet, Kyneton, has been appointed Agent Sar the ABQCB at Kyneton. Partita in that neiw lorhood who may be desirous of receiving tu paper, or of advertising in the ABOCB, are requeitrt .u make their angemenu with Mr. Bobettioii for tho future. lwi


Bourke-street, near the Post Offloe, BIT« been appointed Agents for the ABODS and an »u« horlsed to reeeive Advertisements for IniertloJ n that Journal, .

MR. WILLIAM ARNOT, Bookseller, opptdtf

tbe Junction Hotel, Bt. Kilda, bat baa appointed an Agent for the Argus there.

NOTICE.-The following parues nave been is

pointed agents for the Anna, and ar snap« «ned to ooJleot moneys, and receive arden tor tai caper, and for tdvertlseawntt in their ewen»


Htm and Co , .Ballaarat J. M. Kain, Malop-street west.. Geelong

John Bitch Clark, Ford-street... Beeohwortk, tínel/jreveand Thonuon,George

sftatt ... _

Jona Howell, Hlndley-street ... J. Walch and Bon, Wellington.


, Bydney

, Adelaida

Mr. Spicer, druggist *~ ii...

Hobart Iowa . LannoHtoa .Portland . Btlttst

. Wamtmbtei Hamilton , casterton . Kilmore , Kyneton

, Baoehut Biri» . Beschwor« . Harrow

, WUlianutcwa . OolUagwood , Bandrldgt

, GUborne Thomas Loohland W. D. Halhed

John Macdonald ... D A. Beata. George Chaffey, ... hMlVBwaa.- ... t. Robertson.. H, Jamts . Fred. Brios. Davis and Chaffey... Mason and Guilty... A. 1. Best . Henry Harris

William John Morris

lesander Morrison, Levison. " ^ ... Street ... ..7 .North KÜtMr»l J. J. Walsh, stationer .«OEUttbtthf Cbarlwoodand Bon .Bonrkt-sMM Edward Btanford, Charing

Croat .London ft; orison Kyle.bookeellor.Queen.

street *.Glasgow t

At the establishments ol the Agents in GetlpM Sydney, Launceston, Forest Creek, and UoDiri Town, a oesa to flies of this Journal may a wty ew


j, .n nil and Published by KmUM> Witto« «¡j*

LALIIIAV JIAQHIWAN, t'roprmo 8, at tia A»u" ¿iJ.Ct'jS/SlÜlUi'liUfitl i»¡H, ¿leltouine,