South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Tuesday 6 January 1891, page 3


The Hon. Db. Cockbcbx. — The Ministry having pointed out to the Imperial Government that Dr. Cockburn (the ex-Premier) has served three vears in Sonth Australian

Ministries, an omcial letter has been forwarded to the Government stating that Her Majesty has been pleased to approve of Dr. Cockburn retaining the title of Honourable within the colony. General Booth's Colokization Scheme.— The Premier has received from Mr. Munro, Premier of Victoria, a communication relating to General Booth's colonization scheme. The letter is as follows: — 'My attention has been drawn to the colonization scheme, about which a good deal has appeared in the public papers, propounded by General Booth, the head of the body known as the Salvation Army. I have no authentic statement of the scheme bafore me : but it would seem to be the. intention to draft a large number of criminals and paupers fromEngland to a colony. I can hardly suppose that it will be attemptad to transport the emigrants in question to the advanced colonies of Australia, and should be prepared to take effectual measures to frustrate such a. proceeding' in relation to Victoria. Bufc I feel strongly also that it is undesirable that any part of Australia should be made the scene of settlement for such a miscellaneous collection of people. Though the effect would not be so baneful as the abandoned system of convict transportation, it would be similar in one respect, namely, that a perpetual ground of reproach against the population of Australia would be created if it could be said that that population were largely recruited from the lowest stratum of old-world population ; and thus the very name of AusTalia would be lowered in prestige. I need not, however, detail the rcany and obvious ODjestions to the scheme so far as Australia is concerned, my object in now mentioning the matter being to evoke an expression of your sentiments upon it, which I shall be mueh obliged by your communicating to me at your convenience. I suggest that it would not be well to allow the scheme to become matured without the Australian Governments making application for information on the subject, and giving at the same time a friendly and courteous intimation whether or not Australia can accept an immigration of the character which appears to be contemplated. I propose, on behalf of this Government, telegraphing to the Agent-General on the subject.' So far the Government have hot considered the letter. The General does not mention any country as having been definitely fixed for the establishment of colonies. He only refers to 'some' country, but in this connection he speaks of South Africa, Canada, Australia, and British Columbia. It remains to be decided by the colonial Governments whether anything should be done before the General fixes on any place. Post-Office and Telegraph Department. — We been furnished bv the Postmaster

General with statistics for the year ending December 31 hist: — The number of poat-offices opened during the year was IS; post-offices closed, 4. The approximate number of letters passing through the post was 1G,462,27S ; of packets, 1,109,375 ; and of newspapers, S,9S9,771. The number of telegraph stations opened during the year was 9 ; and stations closed, 1. Local messages transmitted numbered 590,673; and 'intercolonial, 412,641. Cablegrams forwarded by South Australia were 3,901 ; received. G,531 ; forwarded by all colonies, 32,C8t); received, 34,315. Total number of telegrams was 1,070,315. Total value of cablegrams forwarded and received was £331,151, South Australia's proportion of cable business being £38,430. The length of. telegraph lines erected during the year was 104J: miles ; of wires, 359.\ miles ; of lines dismantled, 14A miles ; and of wires, 7'2h miles. The length of telephone lines erected during the year was 22£ miles ; and of wires, 214^ miles. Total length of telegraph and telephone wires 12,1772 miles. Resignation' of Mr. J. W. MEtpitujr. — Mr. J. W. Meldrum, who has been in Adelaide four years, and who now holds the position of Colonial Manager at the Bank of South Australia, has resigned his position on account of ill-heaith. It is not certain how long ho will remain in office ; he is awaiting advices from the Directors at the head office in London, who have under consideration the appointment of a successor. The late Commercial Rank.— We hear that Mr. G. F. B. Hancock has resigned his seat on the Board of liquidators of this institution. The British Pictures.— The British Art Gallery finally closed its doors on Saturday, after visits from about 12,000 people during its season of eight weeks iu Adelaide. The pictures had been previously exhibited with much success for ten weeks in Melbourne ; but in Sydney, where the exhibition lasted six weeks, the people showed themselves a long way behind Adelaide and Melbourne in art knowledge and culture, and the season there was a failure in every direction. Including the fine paintings of 'Zenobia' and 'Destiny,' purchased by our National Gallery, there are thirty-five pictures to remain in Adelaide, and these will be ready for delivery to their purchasers tomorrow morning. At the end of the week sixty-one pictures purchased in Melbourne are to be shipped there, and the residue will be reshipped to London in about a fortnight. The interest in the Gallery has been maintained to the end, and last week the numbers were within five of the opening week. There is a profit of about £100 on the Adelaide venture, but more than three times that amount was lost in Sydney. The sales to tirivate buvers in Adelaide amount to about

£800. and in Melbourne to £2,700. Engagement. — ? The engagement is announced of Miss Clayre Tennant, daughter of Mr. Andrew Tennant, of Essenside, Glenelg, to Captain W. Anstruther-Thomson, A.D.C., Royal Horse Guards, of Kilmany, Fife, Scotland. October Land Sales. — The return of land sold during the month of October last is as follows : — Cash Sales. — Auction — Township lands, 7a. Or. 29p., £1CO 5s. Twenty-one years' leases — Purchases completed, 633a. lr., £073.; amount paid into Treasury, £425. In addition to the above, the following amounts have been received: — Completion of purchase of 2,204 acres, under Act 14of 186S-9, &c, £1,002 Is.; paymentof portionof purchase-money, £987 3s.l0d.; payment of deposit (10 per cent.) on account of purchase-money, £23 8s.; interest on extension of purchase-money, £60 Ss.; interest on overdue amounts, £47 13s. Cd.; grand total payments on account of land during the month, £2,602185. 4d. Retumoflandsoldonleaseduring the month of October, 1S90: — Miscellaneous leases, 310,152$a., £4SS 5s. rent ; ordinary lands —right of purchase leases, 290,360fa,, £2,162 ISs. lOd. rent ; do. perpetual leases, 95,138a., £3S1 0s. 2d. rent ; working men's blocks—right of purchase, 406Ja., £31 13s. 7d. rent; mineral leases, 1.040a., £52 rent; gold leases, 80x,£40 rent. Total, 697,177^ acres, £3,155 17s. 7d. annual rent. The Royal Humane Societt of ^Australasia. — The bravery shown by George Luckett on the occasion of the wreck of the steamer You Yangs having been brought under the notice of the President of the Marine Board, the RoyalHumaneSociety of Australasia were communicated with and supplied with particular?. Sir. Sanderson is now in receipt of the following letter ; — ' Town Hall, Adelaide, South Australia, December. 22, 1SU0. : — Sir— I have the honour to inform you that Mr. W. Hamilton, Secretary of the Royal Humane Society of Australasia, has notified

me ' that at the general court of Directors held on the 17th inst. the honorary bronze medal was awarded to George Ernest Lucketfc for his humane exertions on iTune 16, 1890 ; and that it will be presented by His Excellency the Governor at the general distribution of awards which takes place in June of each year.'— I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, Thomas Woksnop, Hon. Correspondent R.H.S.A. To F.J.Sanderson, Esq., President Marine Board.' Pobt Adelaide Pilotage. — A new Marine Board by-law declares that 'the master of every ship arriving at Port Adelaide, and employing a sea pilot, shall pay to the Secretary Harine Board, before reporting at the Customhouse, the fees for pilotage, and the like fees for sea pilotage before clearing from the Custom-house on departure. '