Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 26 September 1854, page 4


(PROMT omi own coaaaaroHDinrT.)

ÎOth September.

You may remember that some time ago I drew your attention to a movement then just com-menced for rendering the scrip of the 8ydney Ballway Company transferable liko a bank-note. My own impression, as that of many others, was from the first strongly in favor of this scheme; Tout it was discouraged by the directory. On Monday afternoon, however, there was a very full meeting of tho Bharoholders, called for the especial purpose of considering this proposition, and it was folly npprovod o£ There will be a chance now, therefore, of carrying it into opera-tion ; and if the scrip be once freely transférable

from hand to hand, I have no doubt that tho sav-ings of workmen will be freely invested in this

Whllo upon the subject of railways I must con-gratulate you upon having been the first to start tho iron horse fairly in Australia. I was under the impression that locomotives were in opera-tion on tho lines between Burwood and New-

castle, but I find thoy have not yet arrived, and that the horses which run there arc, as yet, of flesh and blood.

Thcro was also on Monday a very large and respectable meeting for the purpose of getting Up subscriptions to relieve the distressed Jews at Palestine. Sir Charles Nicholson, Archdeacon M'Encroo, and many magnates of various deno-minations took part in the proceedings, and eave [ the movement a capital start. It wns gratifying

to see this, for tho members of tho Hebrew com' munity havo always been ready and willing to aid

in any phUantliropIe enterprise to whloh their aid f was required.

, This is the «lay on which the great battle be

twocn the Executive and the Opposition is to be ' fought ; but tho opening of the contest by Mr. Cowper has boen so lame, as I hare already pointed out, that unless some of those who follow him botch up the ease a good deal, tho Govern-ment will havo it almost wholly its own way.

It is rumored that tho business of the Sydney ; Fishery is about to pass into tho hands of a

Bingle individual-a man of energy,-in willoh case it will doubtless prove a prosperous as well ' as n highly useful undertaking. I have just seen, . by tlio bye, a true John Dory, welshing about

two or thrco pounds*, and there are, doubtless, a tolcrablo supply to be had, now that tho where, abouts is known to the fishermen. I hone your fishing company mean to act energetically and I practically, so as to have the fall benefit of the ecason whloh wc have just entered upon. Sosoonas I havo shaken off a rascally influenza and two or . thrco subordinate aliments, its companions, which 'render all sorts of labor, mental or bodily, a most disagrceablo task just now, I mean to offer a few remarks with reference to this enterprise which may not perhaps bo unacceptable, seeing that this is a branch of industry in which I have always taken much interest

L In the Legislative Council on tho 19th,

Mr. Conner's motion that tho Commercial Bank Bill bo referred to tho consideration and s report of a select commlttco, was carried

Mr. Flood moved that the evidence given by Mr. Walcott and Captain Moriarty, at the bar ol' the House, on tho subject of the Circular Quay, bo printed. Tho motion was carried.

Mr. Nichols withdrew his motion for aa

address to the Governor-General, praying that His Exccllenoy would bo pleased to place upon the estimates.of expenditure for 1655, a luBclcnt sum of money for the purpose of defray-ing tho expenso of erecting a publlo wharf at the foot of Ersklno-strcct, ii» this city.

Mr. Martin's motion for a copy of the grant from tlio Crown to the Sydney Exchange Com-pany of an -allotment of land in 'Bridge-street, w> a site for an Exchange, was carried ; and the Colonial Secretary, in anticipation of the motion, laid the copy of tfio grant upon tho table.

[ Mr. Parkoffs Coal Bill was read n second time,

and Its third reading was ordered .to stand for [ Tuesday next.

Tho second reading of tho Unpaid Justices Bill i was postponed, and tile Carangara Copper Mining Company's Bill was read a third ume, and passed.

THK JEWS IS» PALBSTINK.-A draft for £2000 on account of this fund lias been forwarded to ? Sir Moses Montefiore by tlio Madras. Tho draft ? has been Issued at par by tlio Bank of Now South 1 Wales.

Tnii MADRAS».-A grand ball-was given on tho IStli by Captain Parfitt and lils officers, which waa attended by about three hundred of tlio leading families of Sydney and neighborhood.

Miss CATII mux« HAYUS.-It is announced that tlili lady had concluded an engagement with Mr. Horning for six nights, and was to appear

on the 20th instant

AUSTllALASUN BOTANICAL AND IIORTIOULTUiiAL SOCIETY.-Tho spring exhibition of this aoclcty was held on tlio 19th instant,

nt tho Botanical Gardens. Tho weather ?was «tost brilliant, tho company was moro mimeI rous and more elegantly dressed than on any

aimllar occasion. At one tima during tlio after, noon, It Is statcel that nbovo three thousand por' Font woro present. Tho following remarks on i the subject appear in tho "Empire." Those

which refer to tho cultlvatlon-of vegetables will i desorvo consideration by the pcoplo of Melbourne.

" Tho meut striking features of tlio show wera the axalias, whioh wera In full bloom, and excited much attention. A vory Ano "specimen of the pitchor plant, exhibited by Mr. Mort, ivas muoh admired. Sir. Norton exhibited somo very b'sautiful peonies, and Mr. Thomas Woolley fully sus-tained tho high reputation willoi» ho has obtatno 1 as on enterprising «nil successful cultivator. Mr. . Smart's collection of plants were in high health

nod vigor, and woro highly crcditnblo lo his gar-dener. Thojthow of fruits and vegotnbles was necessarily limited, owing to tlio period of tho Îear ; hut suoh fruits ns wero in season woro in

ilgh perfection. Tho oranges wcro peculiarly fine. Tho variety and oxccllene-o of tho vege-tables caused us to wonder anew that this souroo of weultli should bo so scoiillly worked. A good vrgctablo garden In tho neighborhood of Sydney, wo repeat tor tho hundredth timo, would furnish moro profitable) diggings than any we are acquainted with in tho wholo Australian conti-nent, The asparagus was peculiarly lino. This is a'vegetable which, from our proximity to the sea slioru and our looso soil, wo ought to produce In great abundance, but It remains at a prloe that puts it quito beyond tho roach of ordinary ptirohasors."

Bits« FIRE.-Ono of thoso destructivo confla-

grations is described us having occurred nt South Ulead on tho 17th inst. :-" Tho day was oscoodiugly sultry, nnd aliout eleven o'clock In the forenoon allot 'southerly buster' began to blow, lifting clouds of dust Into tho air, willoh, fur the remainder of tho dny, hung Uko a dark pnll above tlio city. Many ple-nsuro-sookcrs, who lind gone nt an early hour down tho bay, nero constrained, iVom tho violence of tho gale, to tnko sheitor ht tlio nearest spot, mid thcro remain throughout tlio night. Soon after tho hot wind began to blow (between 11 and 12 o'clock), dark clouds of smoko wcro seen to ascend from tho high bush ranges overlooking Double Bay. To persons at a distance, these clouds appeared at first to be formed of dust, but they gradually became heavier, mid sudden bright flashes occasionally breaking through the dark wreaths, told plainly that the bush was on fire. From the moment

that the fiery element gained a little ascendancy, ils progress was frightfully rapid ; for somo tinto Itscourto appeared to bo confined to tlio high rango south-west of lioso Bay, from, however, qulokly descended luto tlio valley, and tliore, fed by the dry bush mid loner grass, Its llamos burst forth lit broad and brilliant shoots, which gavo a lurid glaro to tlio surrounding at» motpherc. Aa tlio evening advanced It bernama cvldont that tho conflagration ivas not cottQnod to ono particular locality, for In nlaooi se-veral miles distant clouds of smoko almost rtlimiitanooutly woro tor ono moment soon to curl upwards, and tho noxt bright Hushes of light rovonlcd tho fact that tito hush was i on tiro in ovory direction. Around Coojco, Í Bondi, anti tlio nelglilMrlng buys, tho oin

flngrailon swept with doitrueflvo rapidity ! and Airy, and formed n fiery cordon for milo«

around. The view from Watson's Bay, as may bo Imngtnod, was cxoooJIngly grand, tho fiamos lending to tlio sky, which was lu tho commonoe| went of tlio night without moon or slur, n strange,

. As a proof of tho oxlutenco of valuable nth ia our own water«, wo may mention that we havo teen the John Dory oast ashore on the beach oetwwa V»udridg«aud6t.UUdii,-Kv,^,

unnatural line. Many persons in the etty, darlu tho evening, took up a position on snots nvorabb for a view of that part of tho conn try,, while Borne went out to Darlinghurst sod other points nearer to tho sccno of tho conflagration. Exten-sivo as was the rango that the destructive ele-ment swept over, it is announced that no lives were lost, or any dwelling-houses consumed."

SCAB IN SIIKKP.-In tho Council, on the 19th

fast., Mr. Morris, as chairman, brought up the report from, and laid upon the table tho ovidonce taken before, tho select committee appointed oa tho 1st August last to inquire into and repart whether any measures can bo" adopted to arrest tho spread of tho discaso 'iii sheep called scabTho report was ordered to bo printed.

MBUOUHKB.-A correspondent of tho "Eta. pire," in a letter full of the most gloomy spprehonsioas as to tho futuro history of Victoria» admits that a wonderful contrast is existing lotwcen tho present aspect of tho city and that; which it presented in October, 1852. Ho says» " I must tnke this opportunity of expressing my unbounded astonishment and admiration of the Îrogrcss that has been made during this IntcrvsL.

tun not ashamed to say that I havo always habt strong predilections in favor of Sydnoy. Landing; two years ago in Melbourne, and exposed thor» to the horrible discomforts which that pisco pre rented, I fled to Sydnoy as a city of refuge, and was not disappointed I* obtaining thnt which I sought, nearly alt tlio comforts 'of an .English home. My impressions of Melbourno took their color front that most unfavorable period in lierhlstory. How v as I astonished on my recent visit to seo that stupendous alterations that had been effected t Tlio wide streets, tho hnndsomo shops, the capital foot-pavcmcnt9,tho nbundanco of excellent hotels, tho torrent of population, tho order and activity in the streets, and tho vast extent of tho city, with tho stability and even splendor of como of its buildings, i wera subjects of constant surprise and congratulation. Thoso who resido in Melbourne, and havo become dally acquainted with its growth, cannot appreciate the» 'wonder with which strangers must .regard thole ' voik. In my humble opinion, Melbourne at tills» moment presents the most extraordinary instancoof the power nnd enterprise of tho human race that tho world over saw. Streets, with well-pavoo. footpaths, of tho width of Oxford-street, anoT ?nearly of the same length, and lined with shops,

in whoso plato-glass windows oro displayed all tho luxurious necessities of tho highest stato oC civilisation. Suburbs extending for miles, where

'comfortable houses as well as cottages of over« description aro found, constituted of iron, wood, brick, tin packing-cases, or of canvass; these, interspersed with churches, chnpcls, school-. : houses, and now possessing an imposing structure

in timber and glass, in lnunblo mutation of the Great Crystal Tabico of 1851."

TUB JEWS IN PALESTIHE.-A meeting to take into consideration tho condition of theso suffer-ers was held on tho 18th inflt About a thousand assembled, of whom it is stated not above oneIiolf wero Hebrews. Hie chair was occupied by Sir Charles Nicholson. It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Cunrlo3 Lowo, seconded by Mr, Parkes, ''That this meeting has learned with feel-ings of tho deepest regret and commiseration tho dcstittito condition of tho Jews in Palestine,, ia consequence of tho war in which Europa is engaged, and the famino now prevailing In Syria." On tho motion of Mr. Holroyd, seconded try Archdeacon M'Encroe, " That tho occasion is one on which it befits all classes and denominations

of persons to comoforward and assist In allovlating tho sufferings of their Hebrew brethren." On tlio motion of Dr. Douglas, seconded by Mr. ».Gilbert Wright, "That this meeting views

vi ith pleasure tho sympathy that has been manifested in tho neighboring colonies for tho members of tho Israclltlsh faith, in sub* rcriptions that havo been raised for their re-

lief. And on tho motion of Dr. Lang, seconded by 9 ¿Mr. Arkins, " That this meeting considers it a duty

on tho port of tho citizens of S>dncy, that they should cordially and liberally unito with thole brethren of tho Jewish pcr.uas.on In rescuing those Jews who aro residents in tho land of thou, fathers, from tho unmerited suffering they have been colled upon to endure."

SYIMKY HAU.WAY CourAirr.-An extraor-

dinary mceting'of this company nvas hold on the *18th instant. Slr.T. S.Mort moved tho following

resolution :-" Tliat ¡tis expedient so to alter and omend tho Act of tho Sydnoy Hollway Company 1 as to moko it lawful for any holder of paid-up ¡Government guaranteed railway shares In tho S j (lucy Hallway Company to demand, at any time, terip for each snare transferable to bearer, such ¡scrip to lmvccouponsnttachcd.forrinymcnt of In-terest and profit, to suiflcc for six half-yearly pay-ments; nniifurthcr.tomako it lawful tor any ono who may become n holder of scrip transferable to [bearer to demand, at any time, that tho same 'shall bo placed upon the register, and tho Ironsifcrnble scrip exchanged for registered scrip. ¡Viovitlcd always that tho right of voting und the privilego of taking port in the proceedings at any .meetings of shareholders ihall ho confined exclu-sively, as at present, to thoso shareholders whose uumes ara on the share registry ol' tlio toiiiiiuuy." .After a lengthened d'scussion.Mr, Smart, M.I¿ C., suggested that tho directors were pcrrtctly wil-ling to coopcrato with ¿Mi. .Mort in his plan, in caso the railway were lo lia carried beyond Parramatta. It would, nt tim same time, iio submitted, bo iliai.ii.ct to motel Um resolution by adding the folbwing :-" That tint «1'rectors aro hereby reemested to take such stop« as they may consider advisable, after the select 1 cuinnitteo of tlio Legislativo Council, now sit.

tirg on railways, bring up their report" Mr.

¿Mort readily complied with the suggestion, which ho regarded as an indication Hitit tlio directory ticrefavornblo to his schoinc. Tlio seconder of the resolution also agreeing to the addition, tha i »solution vrus put to tlio meeting, and mimi-li tu=ly adopted. Sir. Holt tlk'iimoved,"That tho directors bo requested to transmit n copy of this

resolution to tlio Committee on Hailroads now

sitting." Mr. A. Campbell seconded tho motion, willoh «as carried. Mr. Mort, after passing a warm riilogiuin upon Mr. Cowper for his seal In minictiou with tlio railway, then guvo notice, ii at nt the ensuing lutlf-ycariy meeting, ho should move-" That tho sum of JCÍOO bo presented to ¿Mr. Charles Cowper, as an acknowledgment of llio services rendered to tho Sydney Hallway Company by that gentleman, hnving reference moro especially to tho period during which ho itccived no compensation for his services."Abridged from " Empire"

SroNTiMwa LinFitAMTY'-Since our last

nniioiiiiccinuit of a similar pleasing net of spon-taneous libcmllt}, wo havo Leen gratified by tim intelligence that tho further sum of X10 has boca paced in tlio hands of Mr. Con ric, of Mlllor'g Point, by tlio sumo gentlemnu 11)10 ilcelinoel giving nny other nomo than that of "A Iiurtliora Squutter," with tho request that It mnj bo ap-propriated as follows:-i ho New South Walos Blblo Society, £10 ; tho Now South Wules ItollÎtlous Tract nnd Book Soolcti, £lb ; the Saoloty

'or tho Helier of Dcstlttito'Chllelren, £10 ¡ tho Sydncj Tórnalo KcfugoSociety, £10-" Herald"

?\Yiuowa' ANO OnrnAKs' 1 UNO-Sunday, tlio 2<tth instant, 11 as set apart by the Arclideaoou as the day on Milich a collection should bo modo In all tho Catholic churches throughout the colony, lor (ho purpose of raising a fund to bo appropri-ated to tlio relief of thaw leloivs and orphans of cudi men as may full In tho present ivur