Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 3 October 1853, page 5


LITERATURE - We have received a copy of a most admirable little book entitled "The Productions, In-dustry, and Resources of New South Wales,' Just I iibllahcd In Sydnoy, hy two very Intelligent gentle. men, long eonncoted with the ¿t/tfnry Um nlnij lin ah! Ti) now oomors who wlih to know aomethlng of the ab s

rigincs, animal, vegetable, and mineral «nductlon« of Aiislrall», the agricultural, horllcul'ural, and past irai pursuits coraraerioandtranuiaclure» Ac , of our »liter e-olont, (lila little work- will be Invaluable As Mr Moore of Sydney I» the publlihor, w» fanoy that Ih« brienoh csttUlshmmt of Co Ita -ttxeet, wH! re »up piled with osplrs for sale, lind we I'rongly rccommoscl orory "newchum' who ha« a f>w«hillings to »lare, I'limedlately to provide hi xielf with a copy. We will try to make room for a rovlew In an airly lune,

llmasw Croons - The Jowlih new jeir Soil w11 commence to day, the 3rd Initant, and will be o.ielirnled on this ami Hi» lullowlng ty the Jowi in Hill olly. Tho annual day ot atonement will alsi bo celebrated on Wednesday, the 13th. On h Uli occu-ltent there will bo an entité cotation of business at tho various establishments of our fellow- citizens of that faith,

The Murderer Finnessey.—As Sergeant Cummins was conveying this prisoner to the city gaol, on Satur-day, the man made great efforts to force his handcuffs and escape. His conduct, we are informed, was wild and strange, and by his anxious glances it was thought that he was impressed with the belief that some of his companions would rescue him. He was, however, safely lodged in the gaol to await his trial for the mur-

der of his wife.

ItoiuiKiiv -A jouog and decon*.looking person, n'-tuoil .lohn Noasjn.wu placed bel ire fio Majo- on ilatitrday last, charged by Ilobert Malsey with lias lut; r blied Illili mi tin preceding esc I-f at tlio Mull and Mouth It »pieared that the prosootttoi, tlio hQjUic.t, and a third ¡ratty, slept on tho ulalu bil ro lu the samo room, and tint Malloy, hofors irolng to ileup, placed lill trillion, la the pookoti of which ssere np. eartlsof £00,underh'spillow lu the morn'rghc f und tha £35 of li I money bael been ubs'»! Suspicion fell upon the prisoner, and a knl c, HIIICJII Malley Met tilled, win foil'el on hil porsou Th" ninney wai feiuud In Ilia crner o( lite room, close lo Hie prltoner a bed I'ollon ComtaWo Illaok was callcil In, ami Nea ion wat glson Into custody i ami mon belo; further loiroiH'd, a llfto prows er, a until Jonrny, »nd other »rtlolei, were lound upon bim. Chlof luipeat-irAih. ley produced ««von pawubrok««' dupltealti, toitntl on the young roan, »bowing Uiat ha had. pledged losOp (urti anti a gun, at the varlom ihapi in the town. The officer mid he ihouldh»v»noillftloully, he thought, lu finding out tho tiwuri of Iho property that had been nttdtvd, for 1» had no doubt but that It had hein Hidea, Tko prlMMr, whodeollatdto aaka any da. tata to th» olivia, mi «MaiiM tv* Irlal,

LUNACY.-A woman of the name of Bridget Horan wa remanded for three days, on charge of lunacy, the Mayor speaking In termt of ooninre with regere! to tho conduct of Uie offlclalt who hadlaatUie o'argo ef thlt oDf irlurate woman. It rcflsotcd little credit upon

Uiem, III» Worship aided, for negltstlng to próvido J

her vrltli a pre,por home. The tdjournmoot or the case on the present ucoaslon we« for the purpose of procur-ing a suitible plioe of ios! caco fjr the woman,

Committal of the Bushrangers - At about three p.m., on Saturday the men who have for the last two weeks startled the propriety of the entire colony, with their bloody and daring atrocities, were safely lodged in Melbourne Gaol. They were escorted to the city, by a strong body of mounted police, troopers, and cadets. Among the number we saw the trooper who so nar-rowly escaped death. The ball touched his cheek near the eye, and from there passed in a slanting direction towards the mouth, grazing the skin and flesh as it passed. The ball next struck the mane of the horse on which he was riding, and passed through its long hairs, without touching the animal's neck. The two prisoners are named Patrick O'Conner and Henry Bradley. They are both fully committed for trial by Mr Noel, J P. at Kilmore, and conse-quently they will undergo no examination here, unless the authorities should determine to prefer any new charges against them, in which event they would be examined in the Gaol, as Mr. Wintle, the Governor of the prison, declares he will not part with them, ex-cept in due course of law. They are both com-mitted on two distinct charges of attempt to murder. In one case they are charged with an at-tempt to murder the cadet Edward Thompson, and in the other, with an attempt to murder John Clark. From what we have heard, up to a late hour last even-ing, (to which time, Mr. Wintle, the keeper of the prison, courteously gave our reporter every assistance and information in his power,) there is every probabi-lity that they will plead guilty. They appear calm, composed and determined. They fully appreciate their awful position, but seem ready, or rather willing, to part with life, at the earliest possible moment. As our readers may not have an opportunity of seeing these new notorious desperadoes, it may not be uninteresting to give a brief description of their personal appearance. O'Conner came to Australia in the year 1850, in the ship Deslandes. He is a native of Galway, and was transported to Van Diemen's Land, but escaped to Adelaide. There he was apprehended on two or three charges of murdering a shepherd and robbery with violence .The evidence of the murder was pretty clear but he was acquitted. He was convicted, however, of robbery with violence, and transported to Van Diemen's Land for life. He says his creed is that of a Roman Catholic, and that his occupation is that of a laborer. He is about five feet seven and a half inches high; is stout; has a fresh complexion with light red hair and blue eyes. A scar decorates his right eye, and he has another formidable mark of the same kind in the centre of his back. Bradley arrived in Australia in 1840, in the ship Joseph Somes. He came here as an exile. By an exile is meant one who has been in one of the English model prisons, and who is considered to be reformed.

As a specimen of his reformation we give his own words - "In about two weeks after I arrived in Aus

tralia, I committed a robbery and got caught. For that they sent me for twelve months to Van Diemen's Land. I escaped from that and they caught me again, and then they sentenced me for life." He also is a Roman Catholic: was born at Liverpool and is a shoe-maker by trade. He is about five feet four and a half inches high; fresh complexion, with reddish brown hair and blue eyes. He has a scar on his right cheek, and a great many names, initials and drawings tatooed about his arms in Indian ink; among them is a tomb and around it the words - "In memory of my mother." Lamentable is it to see that even that memento of an apparently beloved parent, has not been sufficient to restrain him from a career of crime.

Mn. IlAnaaAvm,.-The Committee ofthe New South Wale« Legislature, which wai appointed to eonslder the management of the gold-fields, havo given In a report, In which they take the following favorable »lew ofthe olalm to compensation of Mr. Hargraves, the great discoverer. It I« worthy of notice, that the chairman signing the report, wu no other than the well known Mr, Wentworth, who, when the lame claim wat brought before the Conceit lest loislon, not only op-posed It, but Insulted Mr. Hargrave« in doing to, In the most grot« and cowardly manner. When N. 8. Wales has done thla tardy act of Justloe, oar own ingratitude will stetd out In blacker ugllnc*s thai ever. There pirt «ays-" Al regard« th« proposed gratuity of 6C00! to Mr. Hargrave«, on the ground that he wu the first dl«coverer of the auriferous we «Uli of tho c jlony, your Committco have takca a gocd dotl of evldeneo, ai d among other »1 Incises examined Mr. Hargraves hlmtclf, as well as Mr. John Lister, who, with Messrs William Tom, jua., and James Tom, have presented a petition to your honorable Homo, setting forth their claim to a partieip tlon in this gratuity. Ti o result of |Uilt evidence hu been to satisfy your Committee that Mr. Hargraves returned to the colony from California for the express pu'pote cf searching for gold ; that he showed those petitioners tho Californian method of obtali ing gold by cradles; tint while In the eourto cf thlt kntruotton, end In the com-pany of John Llttsr, ho found I mo minute par'.ldoi of gold ; tint shortly after J ihn Lls'cr and James Tom returned to n spot on the Ophir Creek, called FitzR'.y Bar, and proved that gold in romu oiatirgquniii'tlee could bo procuted thero. Mr. find the gold, which they eventually obtained. Ymr Committee, th-ref no, approve of thoproposel gratuity to him, Hunch they think that the Messrs. Lister ard Tom a-e aha entitled to a gratuity of 1010/, which they accordingly reo-mino, d s' mid bcaw»rdcd to I'.CT.

Uauvg ATO Vioi.Ka-r.-Bimnel Myers wa» fined SOs. for aisaultlr g Constable Flowers, on Friday dening, aid SOs. fir bilng la a state of drunkenness.

DnuaixBrüccas »so irs EirECTä-A )ûung and ap. parently a rcipeetablc men, named Daniel Gow, In

.nlled and threatened to »hoot Mr. Warnor, one of the reporters of the Argut, at Hove.» Circus, on Trlday night He admitted to having teen druck, and Mi

Warner, on the easo being calle! cn, slated that lil felt It waa bli duty to leaso the matter lu the hands of llio Ma> .ir, at the same time he had no vindictive feeling against the defendant Ills Worship remarked Hut, had flow bren armed at the t me he made- the threat, lio i ertalnly should have »ant Iii« case for trial at the Sur-remo Court Thne klid of vio'ent Intimi lalln-s sh nld bo put a »top to, and as a lesson in future to Gow, Ve orderet bim to pa) £6, In default to bo Im-prisoned for toroa da) s

Nrot muir. llosas-, ii mu Venue Sturts;-. -Two

mei, named John How and Patrick M'GIll, »orDcao'i

fined 20« for Hill offence.

THE CONDEMNED ESCORT ROBBERS.-Some degree of excitement prevailed in Hie el y on Satiird»), In coi

quence of a report beleg freely circulated, that Wllion, Me'vll o, and Atklus had rattle their crape from the Gaol Tho report, we nee I scarcely say, wai w trout foundation, anil tho unfortunate and misguided men undergo the lilt penilly of Iii» law thl« morning-. The onnilnot of Die cn'prlti, »Ince their cor.dcmnt.tlon, hu bren ser) exemplary.

A STRANGE MEETING - Divine service was performed in the corridor of the City Prison yesterday. All the prisoners who were in health were In attendence Among them were Melville, Atkins, and Wilson, three of the men who attacked the Escort, and who are

to be executed this morning), and Simon Russell, the man who Is c-immltlrd for his partlalpstlon In tho bashrangleg operations at Brighton twelve months sinoe Al soon at the service was over, numil rnihtd to Wilson, when they heartily ihook hindi together, ard appeared to be eery clad lo loo each other, al-though it wal lo a place schere probably bot'i of I hem

will soon breathe tbelr lut.

A CAUTIOM TO DÜMAI-BD WOMBS.-A lltllo wom»n, wbu supported hortolf willi the nld of a crutch, was charge! with being drunk and disturbing tho public peace. Tho Mayor Informed her that she had bien before him on many occasions fur a similar offtuoe, but t' e woman docluicl the wai not tipsy, at the had nothing hut a glais of glngor-beer durinr» the wiin'e

eftheday. The police sfoke to ftcvblcnt conduct ofthe I defendant, and thoy were oompolled to get a convoy. ance for tho purpose of taking her to the ststion. TI e Mayor, much ti tho istonlshment of the lltllo lame woman, setterced her to ho liu;rlinncd tit a peri d of

six months. '

A Bi'i'TOSho Paisosta or Tit« CHOWN,-Chief In. specter Ashley charged an Irishman rained Jjhn

Bryan with Icing a prisoner of tho Crown, Illegally at | largo. The Mayor reminded tho o-io fir itvcn days,

tor further evlderoe.

DISCHARGED.-David Quail was discharged on the accusation of stealing a nugget of gold. The prosectutor not appearing, the attorney, Mr. Stephen, informed the Bench that he was in a position to prove that the gold was Quail's property, and that he had brought it from California. The gold was ordered to be given over to Quail.

BTOI.R.I Ilnniil -Thora were, a« until, some fen case) gone into with regard to horns that had bein stolen, laing round In the poitoislun or cettalu partie«. The customary order wat m .do for restitution, whoro the clalmt were p-oparly roado ont.

DtäCiianciKii.-An old troubling man, who sahl li s name wa« William Bait, ami that he canto from Hie nel.hbqrhood of the Reedy Lakes, wal discharged li) the Mayor, on lils promise nut to oiVonil the law again by getting drunk,

Faur Wanouri asn BAI.AMCHI,-On the Informa. liais of Mr. K. II. Ty Jil, tho Inspector of Wolflits Meainies for tho County of llourko, the followiui; »hopxeeper» appeared bc-fo-eMr. Fenwick,Mr. Thflmu , Mr Vanillin, and Mr. Dalblinlo, at the District Polin Court, OB Fr.iday, and wore convicted and fit ed for having false weight! In tliel - possession :-.Ianies Henry While, for having an iinoiual balanco Tile defendant »tated thal tho »teelyard» found oi lil» pretnlios hal boon borrowed from a neighbor for the purpose i f welching lomo bacon whloh ho ( White) had purchased. Ile did ant know that they were falle, nor had he mid anything by them lo any on». Al tills wai lim dm complaint, the lloneh Inllieled a (Ino of 40i, and «i lui. costs.-Jattiii Br«/sr pleaded guilty In having In h's poslMiton on» Unlit weight and one falle balance lined £6 and costs,-James I'oanon, for basing lour false weights, was lined £8 and 4). til. costs.-Oaild Murdock, baker, wai fluid £10 7«, Od. for having 70 lossy«« of braid diflolinl In wolglil by 78 ouncti. Th» Menah Informed this party, who, It wai stated, had boon Ihrlio conylotwl of a ilmllar ofl'utico, thal the linn would liaVa bee« heavier had Ilia Aot allow»J the In niollon to have been lilglnr. Mr. Tydd Mid thal tis« dieiakUat hal offoiod hin niOMy Mt to wforoa the tnMMtloa.. ". ¡ - ',i<"-' ? ' ' ,' .

ADJOirattBB IKQUBST, OK 11 on aVoDT or. EMXABKTD - At ten o'clcek a.m an Saturday, Dr. Wilmot, the City Coroner, returned th» proceeding! la the above Inquost, al tho house of Mr Bronot, the Black > Eagle, Lonidale-ttrcot. Tho flrat witneia examined waa Eliza Hcrlmnan, w! o, after being «worn, iteted ti follrwi;-I em the1 wlfo of William Hcrlmnan. Ile hu beta a gardener I live in Melbourne. The deceased lived noxt door to mc. I have kaown her for about lix weeks She seemed during that time to enjoy good hea'tli I law no chango in her appearance lately. I last law her fade, and ifoke to her l«st Saturday, previous to t*o day of her death. Shawns then washing la tho yard I did not hear of her belüg taken ill before Tuesday lut, tin day she died she on the morning of that day scat a little hoy to «ay tho wanted to io« me.

I went in to har, immediately. She wu than stitt n down In the kitchen.' Sho slid the w11 dying. Her face wu then snueh swollen. Sho looked fluslioi and very 111, and thore wu it slight cut on her left cheek. It was not bleeding then. I alked her what was the matter with her. She tai. her husband liad bee» abasing her the previous right. She laid ha had kicked her ln|thc back and In the fore patt of her atomaoh. She di 1 not «ay how she had tasted the night. There wai no one In the house at that lim». I did noir see him go ou. of the hou c. She did not lay how long elie had I ca 110 111 and dying. I do Lot know If any medical men had then leen her. I wai in and out of her hemo all that day until »ix p.m , I ut wai chiefly with her. Her husband carne Into the heute et one o'clock, winn I wai there. Her husband said, "Betty, thla la what I expected; you have brought It on yourie'f." Sue made no reply to that. He tild before her that the

Injury the had received on her fa e ni ooeuloned by : her going out in the yard In the dark, end falling on »omo wood in a tent whloh they hed In the ya d. He «aid «he went there for something the required. He «a'd ha wu very lorry to tea li or in such a condition.

She wai thsu much worae, ana wai at lime« in«»n»itiie. Screral time» in the forenoon ahe wa» iiiianilble. Bhe did not faint or aotnplaln of pain In her head, but ap-peared at time» In a state of torpor. She complained of pain In her back and bowal», Dr. Creetrnan wai the o when the hnibend oama lo. vte lent for him. Bosse violent wordi pwsed between D-. Cieolminand the bus bend,and tLodcotorlaoonscqueneo wentaway. I cannot tell what naiaed between them. The huiband then curio up »laira to remain with hil wife during fe dinner hour ;

I aaked him, if he eonld not »top during the aftarnoon.. He laid, ho would I go to bli muter and aik permission to be with his wife during the afternoon. Ho went away and returned in a quarter of an hour, and »aid he eould not be «pared. He than remained away until .Ix o'clock. Bhe wa» then dying, and hld boon most of the afternoon, Her huiband did not appear to think »he waa se ill or BO near death, aad aa!d be Weuld tend f r another medical man. Ha did n'.t do io, while I remained I went away at about that time to attend to my family, and he expreiiei gtcat gratitude to ma for what I li sd doce during the day for hil wife. I did not MO her again until »bout balf-put »orea that evening, when «he wa» dead. Her hoiband lent to tell me -»he wal doad, and to ask for lome one to come to ds what waa necenary. I cannot te 1 how they lived together, whether on good or bad term». I norer heard any quarrelling betweea them. Bhe appeared . eery decent, quiet, orderly, alean woman ; not at »It addicted to Intempérance I sever law him intoxicated bat once, and that wa« abiut a forti.l»ht ago. The day ater Hut, I law inarki of Tlolenco on the wlfo'i faoe. That wai about a fort-night ago. She told me that her husband had canieai the mark! cf violence, and laid It waa the fi rat time ha had ever done inch a thing. I think I aaw him In the yard on Monday ; he waa not then under the influence of liquor. I am su-a he wa« not Intoxicated on Mon-day up to the ever In,-. I am ant aware cf her 11AV in< under any complaint) otxsaalonally »he eomplaioed

or bei ig poorly, but me oontleuea to wain

very heavy wa'hw. From what I heard between her buaband and D». Cree'roen I formed the opinion that the husband ' wu discharging Dr. C. and I beard Dr. C. threaten to give bim In charge, because he had abused bli wife. I do not know any thing of the cause of the quarrel bet we in them. Dr. Creelman returned after that to «ee the worner She alwey« «poke very kindly of her husband. About a fortnight tgo her eye wat blackened and her face s vollen. I cannot Judge ef her »tate of miad when her husband ipoke of her having brought It on herself. She appealed to be collected and tanc when the ipoke of her hutbaid hiving kicked her. The next wltuei« examine! was Dr. Kd ward Barker, who alalcdt-I made a po)l-mortem cxamluat'on of ttc deceased on the evening of the 28th September. The only external mark« of violence were two «light contuiioc« on the left cheek ; I examined every part cf the body carefully, and could find no ether mark. I next proecoded to opeu the chest. The lungs were quite healthy, ard collapsed. The left lung had old adhesion! all around It. The heart wai healthy and empty. I then opened the abdomen and removed the stomach, having secured the contenta. The liver waa larger than na-tural, rather ««scalar, bat otherwise healthy. The large lntcstltc« were vascular too. The imall laics, tines wera mutually to. The kldneyt and paner at wiro healthy. 'J ho bladder vu contracted and healthy. I then opened the head, and removed the brain. The max braneswerc »di.crentto the bialn. On cutting Into the substance of the brain, I found «mall point» of blood, and It wa« a great deal more vascular than ii usual. The content» of the stomach I smelt, ard could net »nvthlrg deleterious; ita eoatt were healthy. I attribute death to Incipient Inflammation of the brain. The external violence eould not have caused that. I think the state of the brain more likely to to produced by mental cxcltetn-nt rather than from incipient fever. I should tay the Inflammation had been going on for tomo few dayt. If she had received kicks on the back and stomach within fotty-elght hoon of her death, I would have found Indloatleni of them, but I found no tuch Indication«. I wu assisted la the examination by Dr. Hutchinson and Dr. Deate, and Dr. Crcolman ctme an hour af.or the appointment. Dra. Hutchinson and Dcito coincided with me in my opinion.-The Coro-er then made a few remark» on the character cf lite medical evidence, and highly eulogised Dr. Barker'» mode of examination, aid the clear and lucid manner In which he gave Iii evidence One of the juror« hero oxpreued a wish to bare Dr. Creelmsn examined. He wa« accordingly «worn, and 'hen talJ, My ntmo Is John Creelman ; I «?jj celled In protesslotially by the deceased at aV-ut

h-ilf-pait twelve p ra. on Tuoi.'a-, the 37th September. I font ii her In be I willi a deadly ralo countenance, her pulso scarcely perceptible, ard «he wai Ihen quite In-sensible I »toppoi there about ha'f an hour. Tbo pupil» cf her eyes were then niuoli contracted. She had ¡"co, ont vomitings. From the »tatémenla msdetome by

the females In afondante, and not by the deceased, I examined the lower part of tho body and lower part of Hie bowels carefully, and e-uld perceive no marks of violence on an) part, except two »light soar! in tho face. On miking preisutc on tlio lower part of the bowel«, iho »tarloI from me as though it earned pain. I repeated my s lilt In about an hour, when »ho recognise 1 me, called ma by nama, and ap. peered collected. She gave no reply whoa I uked her If the folt palo. She made ro particular complaint The only thing »he ial.1 to mo, wai, " Dou'c take away my husband." She «aid io becauie »ho thought I wai about to giro him In charge Ho had tem In the loom witta her, and hil desired mo and otlion to lone the room. Then when lomo dlrotloni wera being given, the «aid what I have above itateil. Ha laid he would dlimlis me. I said, "Very well- get another medical min, and pay my fee, and I will leave.' Ho laid he would not do io, I then got a constable because I hoard 1 o had 111.used lill wlfo. Ile then orford my fce.'ard I oonttnuol to attend her until her death, which to;k place at about eight o'clock. Slio wai notiinilbit afterward» and made io complaint. If no itatemeet had been mide to me, I ihould hivo considered It a calool natural dlieaso, nill-ing from an affection of tia train. The coroner then loft the cue to the Jury to determine, without making any oouinicnt, and Hie Jurors Immediately »creel on a

s ereilet of "natural death."

STEAM GONDOLA COMPANY.—A meeting of gentlemen connected with this company took place on Friday last, at the Cremorne Gardens, at which John Tulloch, Esq., presided. The object of the company is to form a communication by water from Melbourne to the Punt, in proximity with the Botanical and Cremorne Gardens on the river Yarra. The capital proposed to be raised is £10,000, to be divided into two thousand shares of £5 each, of which about three hundred have been already applied for; and it is understood that a very great interest prevails for its ultimate success, as promoting increased facilities of communication between Melbourne, Richmond, and the adjacent neighborhood. Upon the motion of Mr. Kemp, seconded by Mr. Henry, the following gentlemen were elected directors of the company :—Alderman John Stephen, Alderman Cosgrove, Dr. Eades, Dr. Carr, James Balmain, Esq. Colonial Architect, John George Knight, Esq., Samuel Argyle, Esq., Alfred Bliss Esq., Thomas Stubbs, Esq., Waller Palmer, Esq., Townsend M'Dur-mott, Esq., Edw. Row, Esq., John Tulloch, Esq., Jas. Ellis, Esq., Geo. Kirk, Esq., all of whom had consented to act. It was stated that Messrs. Robertson, Martin, and Smith, engineers, Flinders lane west, have tendered to construct a steamer, within two months from commenc-ing, sixty foot long, and of ten-horse power, for a sum of £1800. Mr. Evans, of Williamstown, also sent a tender. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Balmain, Bliss, and Tulloch, was appointed to prepare a scheme of the future proceedings of the company, to be laid before the Directors at their first meeting for the transaction of business on Tuesday next. After a vote of thanks to the chairman, the meeting separated.

CORONER'S INQUEST.—On Saturday, the coroner held an inquest on the body of Wm. Parker Hardcastle. The deceased was committed to the city prison on the

7th of last April, for twelve months, as a vagrant. He continued healthy until about five weeks ago, when he was attacked with diarrhoea, and continued sickly ever since, until Saturday morning, when he died. Dr.

Youl had attended him. Verdict, "natural death."

LIBERALITY.—We are requested by the committee of tho St, ,lanics'i,Or|>hin Asylum and Ylslllng Boolcty to acknnwlidgc the reoelptot d10 from K. A, nalblrnlo, I'.iq.

SHOOTING AND WOUNDING.—James Kent was re-iimnde.1 for n week, on tho chirge of having ilict and woumlct a woman, ioma few days agi.

ASSAULT.—Patrick Dunn and John Quinn were re-mandld lor riunleitlon till Monday, the proieoutar, Jim«« O'Ne II, who hul oliarged thom with having vlnlwtly aismltcd hire, Reflecting to appear.

IiDitutKor,-Tbi lara el C1 wai trairai by tin Mayor to be »aid by a party naauod Oearg» Davit, (or havlif »ommlited thla ofreae», In defaiilt Of pa»«»«»!. 1 ti bo OO*AM> la ttv»(Ml for ima «Ujrt,