Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wednesday 19 July 1854, page 2

Pot Geelong« Ac»

ba 5 Steamer DUNCAN HOYLE, John

. *M.v aann pnVnmander. ldavo« the Oneoa'«

m_rl on Tott-ty, Thm-day, and Saturday, nt 11

M ALCO. JIL,! 1LEJOHN, Agent, Rou t-Iiulldli n> H___eil-..".|" '«aja!, iola o


STEAM to Goolong.-The poworlul cllr ? per.bnllt new Iron «teamcr MEL BOURNE, James J-ott, Commondor, leave» -MQsMaMr. Wharf.for Goolong, every Monday, Wed MM_y, _nd Friday, at half past 10 (Voloek a.m. t ro laValng from Geelong at tho lame hour on the klternate



flOR Urolrng -Tho swift and powerful 1 Cljde.bulltpnddloStcamerSHANDON _ John Anderson, commander, will leave the .ttetn'l Wharf, Mclhonrno, every Monday, Wednes-day, «nd Friday, at half past Ion o'clock a m . and ro tura, leaving Grclorg at Ihe tamo hour on, Thursday, and Saliirday.-WHARTON, CAIRD and LITTLE, Queen street south.

Mr. Littlejohn will take charge of any goods sent down to the Shandon in the course of the day.

399 jly 22



STEAM to Geelong-The new Steamer

BREADALBANE -The fast and

powerful Steamer BREADALBANE, D. Graham, Commander, will leave the Queen's Wharf for Geelong every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at eleven o'clock forenoon, returning from Geelong at the same hour on the alternate days.

DUNCAN M'MUHRICH, 97 Flinders lane west.

517 Jly 24

POR Geelong, with despatch.-Tho brlgan

tlno ALEXANDER 1) Ing in the Bay, hal mont of her cargo engaged.

Apply early io CAUTirLD nnd rilF.EVAN, 13 Klng-strcet ; nr Captain Wyman, on hoard 01H Jly 20

R" EDUCTION of Farci to Willirnislonii,

per Steamer VESTA, J. T. Potter, CommauUer.

Cabin . 4s.

Fore cabin . 3«. Will leave

Colo"! Wharf at "From Williamstown

«am. I to » a.m. IO.] am. 1 pm.

4 p.m. 61 p m.

1600 0 COLE, BRUCE, and NORTON,

ITEAM-IUG and Llghtcngo Company*. _5 On and aftor Monday, 17th Ju'y, the _ *- fare« tai Williamstown and Bav, per

ttt-mert Comet, Sophia, and Olpsey, will ."? .*" tot

ÎÏR^i-t'ViÔiAPrlra'ndCO., 1» King itreet.

~~.._4 î» Jly 21 alt

FOR Welshpool, Corner Inlet, and Port

Albert, Gipps' Land-The Clipper ,_-- Schooner MOSELLE, 120 toni, Henry

lOtehlnion, Muttr, will tail for the above porta cn Tbandtty, Mth Inst For freight, apply to COLE, ,-a-CC- an* NORTON, Coln Wharf.

Uti July, 1854. «11 jly 2»



1 TEAM to Sydney -The General Screw 5 Steam f hipping Company's nut Steam ship BOSPIIORUS, B. Douglas, l>q, Commander, will sall for tho above port on Saturday,

Und lost.

To engogo pa»«age«, having unrivalled ocenmmoda tttn In tho cabin and steerage, apply to GRAHAM, LAMB and CO , Agents, 92 Llttlo Colllns-strret east.

July 18th, 1854._1512 y

POU Stdnoy. - The brig MAYPO, B F

Pickering, Master, will sall for tho 1 above port with despatch.

For freight r-pply to C L THROCKMOItTON, 1 OWs-bnlhlinc», Flinders line west_(.08 y

FOR Sydney and Newcastle. - The A 1

fast-sailing schooner MARIA THE-RESA, Upton, Master, will sali for the above ports, on Thurnby, 2uth inst For freight or pn.»sai¡o apply to H. P. TALLANT, corner of Collins and Wil-

liam streets._200Jly 1»

»OltSjdncy, with Immédiat« desp tch.

Tho <ost sailing tchooner, ALMEO l, 210 tons, Go*« go Gray, Commander. This favorite vo.'sol I» now on tho berth for Hie above port, and will sall from Raleigh s Wharf on Thursday, tho

KKh lust.

For freight or rass»go apply to WILLIAM LAW-RANCE, Agent, 93 Collin» street west. 434 J!) l8


F0 Fí

Vor AdaltUde.

TOR Adelaide, with ImmedlatoDespstch. 1 -Iho fastsAlllnr; »ehoonrr ALBION, 200 tons, W. Gilfillan, Commander. |Thls "tMiel will «all fr. in the Wharf for Uio abevo port on Wednesday the 19th Inst.

For freight or passago apply to WILLIAM LAW-RANCE Agent, 03 Collins street west. 436 Jly 19


¡for Sîow SionJtaBiJ.

TOR Auckland, New Zealand -The'. A 1 1 clipper buque INVINCIBLE, 350 tons 'burthen, W. Brier, Commander, will fall for ' the above port as soon a» her inward cargo Is discharged. For (Wight or nassesro (Tit which osrljr application Is kMCMary) apply to T. HENDERSON, 31 King-street

415 Jly 1»

For Etaglandt

b -

THE Genrral Screw Steam Shipping

Company having entered Into a contract with Her Molest)'« Government for the Conveyance of the Australian malls, will despatch the following splendid steamships from Southampton for Melbourno direct, to follow the QUEEN OF THE

?OUTH, U00 ton«.

LADY JOCELYN ... 1S00 tons, Augnst 4 ARGO . 1850 tons, October 4

Whian vessels return on tho homeward voyago In the

Mm» rotation.

For furthor particular», apply to GRAHAM, LAMB, tsd CO., Agent», 92 Little Collins street east

July 11th, 1864. 1383 o


(HEAT BRITAIN, Steamship.-In con. T «cquenco of an accident occurring to »thl« vcsiil shortly after leaving L vernool, Milling her return to that port, where she would havo to dlschiirgo and reload her cargo, tho timo of lier de parture irora thenrn would be necessarily delaved lill ?boot 13th Juno. Sho may thoroton he looked for here »bout 15th August, and will bo despatched for Sydney la a few days utter; and for Liverpool towards tho ted Of September. .

For freight and purago apply to BRIGHT BRO IIlERfl nul CO., Agent«. _1470 o


iMRST Ship for England. -Tho superb ! now clipper «hip, GUIDING STAR, 1476 tons register, J. Johnson, commsr der, will bediirntrhod to Llvirpool f unctually on Wcdnej. day tho 19th Inst. Her unrivalled accommodations and extraordinary tailing ca| abilities, render her n most detlrablo opportunity for paHlcs wishing a comfortable Utt speedy voyago; and passengor« finiront Britain «ire Invited to Inspect Ibis ship before engaging passages


Tho steamer Lowestoft will bo at tho Queen's Wharf on Tuesday flin lallt hist., at one o'clock, to convey {ias. «engere and rold on hoard.

Gold will be weighed over daily, as shippers may appoint, until Tuesday the 18th inst., at twelve o'clock.

For further particular«, apply to GKAWPORO MAINE, 70 nlulrrs-Iuno west; ir WILLIS, MERRY and CO.. 72 FHndera-lano west. 1521 Jly 19


-For Livorpool direct, tho American "»built ellpiK-r ship RED JACKET, fully »roied, ard fitted with bul lou safe.

This mrgnineentelliper, already fa-.fsmed for hor tinprecidintrd imisogo of 13 days frrmNisvYork to Liverpool, rnd fur lier astonishing run of 417 milo» In twenty-four hours, lins Just arrived from Liverpool, making the mo-t rapid pusiago ever modo utdor can-vass to this port.

We have nut yet seen hor, butshnll publish It tlio moment It cmnrs ta baud, as It will bo eagerly read by all Interested in mall communication with Aus.


Tlio RKD JACKET was built expressly for tho Aus trftllan trude t nml her modol combines capacity Milli the greatest pos>lhlodispatch, tier registered tnniuu.e li 2430 tim«, and her burthen 4000 ti ns. Lciirth over »II, 365 feet ¡ depth of hold, 21 feet; height between decks, 8 frit. Iiir enbln ocoimmodntlon» aro superb. Tho ladles'saloon Is liixii'lantty fitted up, belna*|nncllol Willi thi vicho t cabinet ssoods, and earrollod. It run. talni three largo itaterooms,aid a family cabin tslill four births. 1 ho dining Milorn is a comni'dlnus mid ehascly ilccorulrd aj.mtinent, filtid up lu the style of the lar.'o si a going steamers.

I For famille» thurn ran bo no better ennvcyn' 05. Tlio bltwcen decks nro \ovv spacious, and tlio sshoie nmld. Ships aro filled up nilli sucnml cabin berths, 'Ihodliilng tablr«, promenade deck, ni«! general arrangement of theililp uro planned fir the comfort and convenience of

tlio passagers.

Captain Reed lias had l8 years' experience In the Eastern Seas, nuil Hi ginlli manly dctmiinor and kli d Attonlloii to li'* potseiigers nro well ki own.

This splndld cIIim cr inckot sslll linvo Immcdhlo do. ?patch f'<r Llsrrpral, and ns she Is tho largest and fust li .nip Ir. the world, oller» great li di cements to Um tlilppeiscf gold or oilier colonial produce.

Tho despatch given tlio Onldoii Era. which ship dh ehargrd a largo caigo, and »as got reody fur sea Instill of thirty days, Is a guarantee that tiaro sslll be no delay lnirettligiilltliollnljockot.

For plans of cabin and every Information, apply to CALDWELL, TRAIN, and CO ,T Quecn-slri'it.

4'.njly 23

T7H)R London tllrcot -To sall punctually T 15th August-'Ilia far« rito iKistcrful cllri'ir »ml armed ship BALL «.All IT, Al 12 years, Iltur) Jours, C. miniindor. Ihoqunlltlosnf tills void aro noll knots it, ami «i 1er» a musí ellglblo Ojiporliinlt«, to shippers «f gold »nil passengers. Car-riel an experienced surgeon, and hat a most liberal

dietary loalo.

No steerage p-iticngcrs takon.

For tVelght or passago apply on board, or to Iho agent, UllltHTIIS, ¿AN «INO and CO., Mell«oiir*«u

and Geelong. 08 nug 2 j

IjMJll London dlrout, lo sall 1st August-in Tho new A 1 allpptr-tiullt pooka ship

JOHN BANKS, 1200 tons hurbon, Jurats Walker, Enq , Cotiuuaudcr, will be despatched ns abovo


Her acromirodatlatis arc unequalled by any vessel lu jport, being bulli expressly ror tho Aiistriillaii Indu Inipcctlon li particularly Invited to her unrlvulliil tabln and liitcrniesllalr berths, combliiliig es»c willi «omfrirt In a nianncr rarely obtainable on lioard sailing »mioli. !

Shippers of goW.iluil nnil onlonlal prwlnco will con knit tlielr Interest! lu availing thomsrlvei of thl« npimr tunlly, ai strict punctuality of »»Hin.- and early noll .rery of Ihr good» mai* be depend«! upon,

iLuatci of freight at.tliaäi»(;o.inoncy a« follow s :

£ i. i», i Cabin . «soo Intermedíalo . 25 0 0

Wool, per lb. 0 0 0| I

Tallow and hld». 10 0 ! .

' Gold dut and other prodiioa a* per agrasmant. r COCKB» BROTUBJO, li, M, M tod M litUe

roi Foreign Portd


OR San Francisco, California.-To »all

on the 25th Jnlv positively_The first class American Pocket Ship LOUISA, 600 tons burthen, will be despatched to the above port promptly on the 25th July, and can accommodate one hundred »toerago passenger!.

Thl» »hip will bo liberally «uppllcd with tho best of ) provisions, ami pa«acngers may confidently'oxrcot a I eomfortablo and speedy passage.

San Fronolsco Steerage, £25, Ko Cabin Passengers taken. Freight taken at low rates.

ADAMS and CO., No. 69 Colllns-strcet west

* 310Jly IB

rt&tÇ5C IJ^'K Calino, will be despatched promptly ^SAS9 -*? °" t>M 20tl> current, the fine'all'iiu «*tB«S» Al barquo HENRIETTA, Captain Hall.

Her accommodations for a limited number of first olas« passengers aro unusually rood; and, htslng; it house, on deck, offers moro than ordinary Indu -ementa 11 sicond-class passengers, a fow of whoui can also bo


For rntoi of freight or passage apply to BRIGHT BROTHERS and CO._1533 Jly 20

_J&fi3T T70R Callao direct, to «all on or about tho TSyraFs» X? 1st August -Tho fine A 1 cllppcr .»T» barque PACIITC. David F. Job'on, Com-mander, 469 tons register, 800 tons burthen. This splendid vessel aifrrds a good opportunity for persons slslilng tho abovo port, being under charter to sall

aliout the ¿hove date.

Ila« »till roomf or a few flrst-closs passenger«.

For freight or paungo apply to BltOADFOOT, BONAR and CO., 1 Flinders-lano cast

14th July,-.1»54. 1454 Jly 20

J&&SÏ TTOR Mauritius and the Capo of Good £(&3rc3B;J? Hopo, should sufficient Inducement 'wetäSsr- offer, tho fine Al sthconer ABEL, 16Mtons registor, 225 tons burihon. Henry Martin, Commander. This vessel having ongnged tho most of her cargo offers a good opportunity to shipper» to the abovo |mrts.

For freight apply to BROADFOOT, BONAR and

CO., minders-inn» cast._1515 Jly 20

_¿£4¡5 "¡TOR HoiigJCong.-Tho Uno fastsalllnc;

brig ADELE, 33-1 tons register, W11 425JK1KÍ Ham Shannon, Master, will sall for tho abovo pox «bout the SCth Instant.

jgrgZL T?OR San Francisco, California.-To sall ESaSsSB " positively the 25th Inst.-T ho first class «*»»» American Packet Ship, LOUISA, 500 tons burthen, win be despatched to tho above port promptly as above, and can aicommodato 100 »tocrageptssrngors.

The ship will be liberally supplied with the heat of provision», and passengers may confidently expect a ccnfortalls and speedy passage.

Pr ce of passage, £25. No cabin passenger« taken. Freight taken at low rotis.

ADAMS and CO., 6» Collin« street west. »3 Jly 12

F o


OU Slngapor« direct -The splendid A 1 fa-sUailIng llrltlih-built barque JAMES LUMSDEN, 400 tool regliter, Andrew W11

im. Commander, willbedeii-tched for the above p-rt positively on Thuridsy, 20th current. For freight or passage apply to DICKSON, GILCHRIST and CO. 1 Queon-strcot. 163 Jly 20,

_*ror_ aasl-a-a

t/AiSS? TJA83ENGER8 from England.-Llverpoo £e_r3?g3 X Eaglo Lino of Packets, belonging to SufwmV, Mcssn. Gibbs, Blight, and Co., sailing Ter month for Australia, Including tho Groat Britain « -earner, 3600 tons ; Eagle, ship, 1106 tons, anl otho!

rst-rlaii cllppor vessels, whose characters aro well Down. Fauagu ra» be secured on paymontof the mount of passage money to the underaigned, and re. ittances mado by drafts on Messn. Gibbs, Bright,

Co., Liverpool. BRIGHT BROTHERS and CO.. .f outs, IO LODSa-ile-«tra_act west, nair Parwll't Rtpc.

\fiIhnnrno,2itthOotoheT 1863. 1023«

Votice to Consignée«.


ICANGAIiOO, and ADA. can be en *;SXSBba gaged for Sho towage of vessels, by »ppll. tallon to Captain DaUimore, on board the ot-1 hulk, 3U George, Hobson'! Bay, and to COLE, BRUCE und


Cole'i Wharf, 5th Jane, 1854. 1026 a

»A*«*-. aTiONSIGNEES Wanted for the follow £¡2'JE_B'-' ing goods, ex Port Waiko«, lrom

*--V.aa «" London :

1 case furs, T. Myer

Consigned to T. Myer; shlpprsl by T.andR.M'Crakcn.

10 aaasos merchandise, J. R.

Consigned to T. Relph, Richmond; shipped by A.


DROEGE, FAITHFULL, and LEDGER, Mon^floro't building». 218 Jly 20

Vor aal«, -Freight, or Oharter»

F Oit Sale, (to arrive In all July) Ihe

.powerful Iron Clydo-bullt Steam Tu* METEOR, now on her passage from Glasgow.

This iowcrftil steamer was built by Iho celibratcd onglnren. Merin Caird and Co., of Grconock, about live ) ears ago, and boa since been employed as a tug-boat on tho C1) do. Du-Iug that tima sho proved herself to be tlio swiftest as well as the most powerful boat on the river. Hor engines aro nominally of 60 horse power, but can bo worked elTectually up to 100 horse power, tnd arc In Br»t rate working order, having received a thorough ovorhaul before leaving the C1) do. The bollen an also In good order. Her dimensions aro as follow, vlx.

Length over all, ... ... ino f et Brcilth of beam. l8 "

Depth of hold, . 8 "9ln.

As a really good tog steamer Is very much wanted In the Bay, the Meteor would be a luorative lnvcstmentfor any capitalist. For further particulars, apply to DICKSON, GILCHRIST and CO., 1 Queen street.

6th July, 1854. 1210 o

F Oil Sale, tho New Iron TI) do built

Screw Steamers OBEItON and TI-TANIA, expected to arrive In all July and August. Thcso steamers nero built at Dumbarton, In Iho beginning of tho present )car, by MoJir«. Win Dinny aid Brothers,tho celebrated Iron Shipbuilders; a specimen of is hoso workmanship ha» been so su*-coi«fully tested In the tcrow-stoamcr William Dctiiiv, latel) so great a fatartto in tho Hobart Town trade. Ihoy aro will adapted for the Bay and river Irrita, hating been tilted out for tug ns well as pisicngir boats. Tiny bato each two condensing copines, or 25 horse I oss ir collectively, which can, ir required, bo worKcd elTeetit ely up to SO horse power. Thcso are placed rlgh' aft, so as to kicp th» screw alw»)s lmmersnl, thus sav. Ing tho room and expenso of ballast, which, In this port, is a great coi sldcratlon.

Tiley will cacti bring to tho Wharf, on a draught ot water not exceeding U ft,, loo tons di ad wright or 130 ton» nto-isttrciiicnt. Thcso "steamers were built on the

samo lines as the C1) de screw »tc»tner A) rslilro I-ass, »o celibratcd for her fast pastages aud seagoing capa


For plans, spcclflcatlons, »lo , apply to DICKSON, GILCHRIST and CO , 1 Qucen.slrccL 101 Jly 22

refi&SL T*T0K Sal0 .'.??* nn" «choo'ter TIOFR, 72 äSttJgjJB JL1 ton» por register, 1) Ing at tlio Wharf.

enMSaSs. -ridj tes«-*) Is well sul'c « for a Hehler, cr the

coasting trade ; draw» olejit feet water willi 120 tous < f ss eight, and well round In stores.

Y it further particulars apply to JUST ami BCRUT TON, ninden strcot. 311 Jly 20

.¿ÄtjJA. T?°" S"1«- ''y Prívalo Contract, tho barquo

Ä'.ffiSö A1 PURTllSIURi:, 030 tons register, noss ^.i"t"'"" discharging a cargo of 000 tons of coal,

from Noivcsstle.

She l< in excellent condition, and could be rcndv for sea «Ullin ten days. JAMES RAVEN. On Collins strootvtcst. 1547 Jly 20

1 T'Oit Salo or Cllurtur ibu A 1 fulmimrr

JANE, 77fons, liavliiR J'stdliifhargcd IjOSjliA cargo from Soottniul, In exce lent e»,minimi

J. and 11. JAMIESON, 220 Elliaboth-slriot north.

149 Jly 19

lâT Tí'011 Sl'°- ,ll(> l'e»ntlful fast-sailing brie TJ*«-P HLLEN FORESTAL, Just rrlscdfrom ??"Ia* Glasgow, « hero »ho «as ipi dally surveyed, and clnssul fnr four years A' 1, from UM i lit saino Unit was tihctitlicd i-itli hcavv llolsrlmi rlrtc, (patent), and thoroughly ricrhnulcd In hull, r i.'i-liig,nuil siars, linilni. had standing rigging partly rr-utud. mid all the run nlnir gear renewed ; Is extremely will fourni In nils, m which tho gunter number aro noiv. The sniiudness of this vessil's frame may bo seen v hero o¡ meei by Ltei) d's survejors aboso first foot liooks from sum lo stirn on both «'des, tho celling being now oten for |iurpei*o of Inspection. This vessel has nmilo the pimro Ibis year from Oil'bee 1» Ui lied Kingdom, sillh full cargo, li tlsts unusual ihort spice nf seventeen clnjs. Hlilfe» sslth out ballast, mid < arries iipsvnrds of 35u tons Height mid imnMircimnt, at a ctrauplit or It feet, <r 3(H) tons mcnstiriiiioiit lieht goods at from b to 9 feet A vein I so ssell ailnptsd fur the rltorar tousling trade Is rarely

ofll-rwl for Sato.

Apply to M'.MinClNOnml CO, nmuUtirrt. Flin den Innot or tu Messrs. PERRY and 8 VITMJF.U-l, WIllinnistoHu i or to Messrs. Perry and r-aumhrs, WllllUIIIStOSSIl. 4IHJIV20

.vEidtST TjIOR Freight or I hurler, tim Hist ii si '»ffiSSB-«-1 fast-sailing elinor scluuiier KliH. JSlTfcSa su Til. Till* vein-l Is 130 lons reellster, and «111 bring 233 tom (otho Whaif, mil« fast, and Is ndinlralilv fltteel Tor an Intercolonial trader. WILLIAM LAWRANCE, Agint, 03 ColUnr-striet ssi.t.

_433 Jlv 10

-ifi-frTir 1j"OR Hale, the Iron ichonnir KELVIN, of í&VSüSWX1 C3 tons register, only fur >e»r« «lil. .arKtSUESS. nm) Al.canles Still tims ilesil wright, on .> draught of tight feet, now lying rpposllo Itali Igh's


Having bren built to order In Glasgow fur (ho Forth and Cljelo Canal Company, great carn was lukon, lind no expense »pared to muku her completo In cury ro. «pro-, and the bo-t m* her elise, rho h-s threo largo hatches, ni d her Iron frame Is at strong as an ordinary Boutons ship.

Apply to M'MICKINO and CO , lionel street. Flin-ders lone ; or to Messrs. PENKY and BAIIKDI'IIH, Wllllnnistnssn ., of to Motin, Pirry and hniinilrrs, Wllllanutusin. , 407 Jly 19


«tor* îtiw XIT'AN'rF.D to Pinchase or Charter, a wVjjiS» VV firatolass Borow Hlmwirr, of from J«M*sWfc» goo |n joo Ton», pa|«1ilc of oairyllig »took, uni suitable for the Hobart Town ami Hyilimy trade«,

Applications fur til« Charter only of Paddle lloaU will

aim hi< received.

Address, stating full parllcular», and «here and when Inspection can bo held, to JOHN M. (101)1,1), Hrorrlivy to llnbart Town and Sydney Steam Navigation Com-pany, HnbartTnwii, 320Jly al


J October lo loth Aiirll, A 1 Veasel«. , Apply to ALEXANDER 1IEKI), l'oint d« Gallt, "? îMjâuiaalti

-_r__._ B-alneas Dlreotory.


ALDERR-EY, NATHAN A., Honse, Sign, and De-

corative Painter. Pape,hanger. Glazier, Ac., Lion Papcrtunglng Worehouao, Brunswick stroet. 1 Jly 38

BAIRD and GELL. Builders and Undei taken, TTnn

mor-aatrcet, Wl'llsmstown. Funeral Olden oxo cntcd on thortoit notice Coffins always on hani. 3 cet l8


and Color Warehouse, Great Napier-street Col-lingwood. , 1 aiig 12

BEILBY, J. WOOD, lato of Tirhatuan, Dandenong

reqnesta correspondent« to address him, Post Ofllco, Melbourne.-Glonforn Saw Mills.

2 aug 7

BURLING AMT3 and CO., Importer« of American Cook-

ing and Tarlor Stove«, Rnngc», Caboose», and Agricultural Implements, 132 Groat Bourkcstroet east. 124 aug l8

CHUCK, TnOMAS, General House rurnisher, 159

Bourko-street rast (from Heal and Son, Totten-ham Court Road, Loudon.) 1 aug 7

CARTER & PELLING8 cheap Fapcrhawrlng Waro

houio, corner King and Lonsdale streets, from ¿ho furnishing department of Shoolbred and Co., London. 1Jul21

COCKER BROTHERS, Wholesale Draper», Boot,

Shoe, and Slop Seller«, and General Importer*, (9 Little Collins st.cot east ; 3W4 «op. 8


Swanston street Subscriptions, £i monthly. Members enrolled dally from ten to four.

3 aug 11

COOK, ITnORBURN, and FOX, Account Book

Manufacturers, Bookbl n lor«, and Machino Rulers, 60 Llttlo Bourke-street west. 1 Jly 20

DAVIE8 and SMITH, Plain and Ornamental Writers, »,

and Imitator» of Wood-s and Marblos, 87 Rus - ' aoll-itroot, Molbourno. 2 aug 7

DE LITTLE, T., Civil Enulieer and Land Surveyor,

practises his profession in the Interior. Address Glenorchy, Wimmera Diatrlot 3 Jly 24

IIANDASYDE, GILBERT. General Merchant and

Commission Agint Timber Yard, corner of Lonsdale and Stephen strocl» ; office, 34 Colllns .trcct, west 2 »ep *


HARLEY, F. and CO., Importera and Whnlesal« Iron-

mongers, 305 Klnsr.strMt Flagstaff Hill. Tho , trade suppllsd al low price*. 1 Mp 14 '

UTAH and CO., Importer» of Drapery, Hosiery,

Clothlnjr, aad General Menhatidb», Victoria place, Fllnderi-lan« west. 244 auf l8

INGLIS and LESLIE, Shawl Marchant« and Genera

Importer«, 63 Sprlng-strett 122 aug li

JACOBS and SOLOMON Importer« of Booti and

Shoes, Soft Goods, Ula», Earthenware, and Gene ral Merchandise, fig Fllndcra-stroct east 1 oct î

KEANE and CO.,18er.Ils»both-stroot Anny and Navy

Tallon, Habit Makers, Bnwohei Makers, and Genoral Outfitters, Sjy26

LOUIS, MTER, and SON, Importer« ol every deserlp

tlon of Merchandise, 118 FllndcrjJano east near Russell.street laug 11

LOUIS, MIER, and SON, Merchants, Flinders lane

east, Melbourne i Edphiston.street, Blrmlncham ¡ Corpo-atlon-streot, Manchester) and Malden lane, Now York, 2 auc 11

NATAL DINING ROOMS, Eastern Market, Boan!,

26t. per wrek ; Board and Lodging, 33». A lillie unsurpassed by any In town. laug l8

PATERSON, JOHN, and CO, Shlrplng Groom,

Wine and Spirit Merchant!, 143 Iilndcrs-street, opposito Raleigh's Wharf. 1 aug 18

PAYNE, G. tv.. Ornamental Sign tt riler and Gnlnrr,

Cambridge-ttrect, Collingwood. 2 Jly 26

SCHULTZE and CO., Lltseniod Wlno and Spirit Mer

ohantt, Importen of General Mcrohiindlie, Great Bourko-ttrcot, adjoialog the Post Of-co.


SMITn,' OBERT, Tlanoforto Tuner and Regulator,

fro Mrssn. llrtndwrod'a. Willow Cotttge, Hruniwlck-stmt. l'lanot on Solo. 3au_lu

SNOW, ALFRED T., A tect. Purveyor to the lint

Collingwood Building Society, SS Swanston ttreet, opposite Bank of Victoria. 3 Jly 29

SUTHERLAND and AI.SOP, General Commission

Merchants and Importera of Produce, Flinders,, strcot west, opposite Cole't Wharf. l top 29

SHANLEY, JAMES. Wholesale and Retail Catholic

Bookseller, Stationer, and Printer, 139 Eliza beth-street, Melbourne. 1 Ang. 4 TAMAR FIRE and MARINE INSURANCE COM

PANY. Capital, £100,000 In 3.000 Sharet ol £60 each. Mollmurno A cents: William«, Head lam, and Co, 88 Flindnn-lane west. 4 aug 23


bourne. Board and Resldcneo 36s, per weok. Eighty woll ventilated boOrooms. 2 Jly 28

TOOIIEY, THOMAS, Livery Slnblo Keeper, at the

lunetfon of Leicester and Grattan Street!, North Melbourne, (opposite tho TJnlvenlty.) I jly 30

UPTON, J. A. and CO., Boot atd Shoe Importen,

Wholejsaloand Retail Dealer«, 127 Little Trillar. ?biet, o-it, above BnueU-ttroet. 1 aug 2


tranoe Fee, £1 per Share. Subscription, 20s. or 10t. per week. Offlco, 38 Collin» strcot east.

laug 24

WADE, JAMEB, Wholesale Manchester Warohoti«e,

Slnpicller, and Import r, 80 Colllm-street east, next door to the o3ce of this paper. 2 sep 13

WADGE, J. and CO., Wing Contraeton, Car.

_ pentcn, and Join i Imlsor. Letten aildre* -rd

~~~, at M'Cormack's L. Market, Bcurke-itrcet.

1 aug 7

WALKER, JOHN, Surveyor, Architect, and Civil

Engineer, removed to Central Land Office, 35 Swanston-stree. __ 2 jly 29

WALLEN, F. R., ai d SONS, Importing and General

Merchants, 10 and lu Fllndon-bme west.


WATSON, WM. and SONS," Fllrden-itrcet cast,

Merchants and Importers. Invoices of Drapery, &o., always on hand. Sales on ocmmlsslon.

1 Sep 12

WILKIE, JOSF.Pn, Mini*) seller and Publlsher,

Mnslo and Pianoforte Saloon, II Colllm-street «ut. 3 aug S

AS Gardener, a practical and oxpcrlctced M-m.

Best references given. Address I'o. Po«' Office, Prahran. 200 II)* 10

A GENERAL Female Servant wanted in a pt Is ato

family. II Noplor-atrect, Collingwood. Apply early._loi v

KUOM without llnaid wanted In a private family In Collingwood, Richmond or Ssulli Yarra. Ad dreii Harry, ofllco or Hill p»|«t-r. 446 y

WHEELWRIGHT, competent to make Spring. car* Itodtr», wanted for (letlong. Aitken'», Vii. llers.strerl. North Mrlhon-ne. 03U y

GKM'i.KMAN tnntlre« Boanl and fti

a prívalo frmlly, whero tliero aro ro other hoarders. Terms moderate. Addresi J. N., ofllco ol this paver. 031 y

nOU-sl Kl.l.l'I.II-Wants » sltimtlon ai Houso

kci>per, an VniJIih Lady, ml lilli-ogeil, and or

coi »lilciable rxperlcrr», now I mo time In Hie o I« nv, ' Iho mo»t in i »c | th tinlilis refrrr-neos Riten Al I ly bt lot.rtnj G, lim 101, Put Otilio, cr i.noii-illt nts» I llrilcn lune ta»t_loo ni w rjl) 20

IM Fill Al I 1 Y lliqnlrrd- A Grntlcmrn abhTTo

malo Mi.h ilisertnlloin « n colonial I Hu mut | tan Kees ns tioullbeinifiilif inmni Icatlonslna Fur pai Journil Aitlcleic it ilhutrd ssnuld ttqulro lo bo pro p-irrd tor Hie Pic»» Ap|'» b> lutter, to x 701 Pott Ofllco Melin lime_ 44 1)

SLA II 8- Largo »Ir », M anted b) lt< »I uri h and

Thominn, lu I llmlirr latin wet 2111 Jl) 2J

SAI 1 HM A \ - Wanted an exicrlenccd CiTonuO

._ Halen« an fjr a uurolianti trado. Addrc«» Mo»

17JI, P. it Ofllce 2»8 Jl) 1*1

all N DI IH Wanted fir Shop I llllne» (HliXrTnlt )

A||l) atLnicryi timber )»nl, Lillie La Trole streit_ 254 y

1 unt, Apply to \\ in. On gie, Simeon s ron I

_ WO Jly 22

TO I)r»| or», Mltlli cr«, «to -A comp tent i mon ts

ipili to ricclto woik ( lit of tho ostnbll limit AiWrrs« .10,6 Slonley »t cet, < t lllngw oil UK y

mill Adtirllkiriirinlil« urti«»»»» II» Uciitr In ti J. mrnntiijlo r»tub l«h t cut In tanti t ha» a ti orottel

irarllail knntlMl-m of bo kk eplng bv doubt-' >n rs, nil I« cip.bleif taking cluirgo of null nn c»tnhlhh limit | lu »t references call bo given, James Bird, .It 1 Iii..1er» lane wist 310)

Aiplv I «aid Mid Brotlmr, «satchtnnVr». cn« Smith and Grrtttitle »trci Is, Collingwood 07 Jly 10

TIt.tDI HMA,*s * II als Maittril to Wilta up b) au

exprrlencid lioikkintor. Iles] celui li refintro A|>|l) Account», illhio of thli pil|ir K13 Jl) JJ

IXTIIAlll^CLUIir^-WMtlrd a iltiiatltn In'llu V» ah te ca|«elly. Appl) J. II, Jj LotiMhilu

itrrettsst Oil)

WASHING Wauled by a resucita'le fiuial«

lomillo.' nr ilni-lo -.chlleuicni niatlv gi tip I-lltlli|rfS».r*llonnri|ll» |i»p«.r. 111,11) 20

WAN 11.1) an es pci It neil i «noun it Law I Itrk

Apply to F. Ularrell, solicitor, h Milli Collins street ritt. 164 Jlv 22


AN I Ell a I aittitlrcsi,

\ lutnrla parado.

WANIEDgnnilDtnpiry limul*, fir an rslahllsh

mont In (lecion**;. Apply lo Mr. lb bri t St ot

lan, Collins street_1400 Jly 10

WAN I ED a «impotent General Clerk, fhr a Mer

chant's oflloo. Address, with nfetpiicts, Ac

'A,Box »41. _BM Jly IB

WANTED a General Female Serrant, Apply to.

Oto. M«iUi), ltlclmiood.road. a» Jly »0« "


ANTED an experienced Walter for Ibu Royal

Hold, St. Kilda. _ loo y

WANTED Acta ol Council.-Callaghan'» Acta of

Connell, complote up to 31st December, 1861. Reference to J. H. Phlpsos, Esq., office of this paper.

10U o


ANTED n Young Man for tho Woollen Depart ment Charles Williamson mid Co. 110 Jly 20


ANTED Washing, by a good Laundress.

Address C. 8., cflloo of thl» paper. «o y

w w

ANTED an oxpeiiencd Témalo Cook. Apply

140 Colilla street cast._305 y

ANTED Earth Carted, which may bo had gratis at Charier House cottage. Q icen alrcet 383 y



WANTED an Engineer capable of Erecting a Steam

Saw Mill. Apply to H., office of this paper.

__ 172 jly 2

WAN t'EI) a rospcclablo Ghi, about 16 or l8 yoars

old. Work very light Apply at tho Mistletoe

Urtu), nour tho Supremo Court._ 114 jly 20

WANTED to 8oll cheap, two thoroughly «launch

Drai ght Horses, with oonstant employment Apply to 35 Great Eonsdjlc.ilreot west. Also Dray, JL35._101 y

WANTED a Situation as Nursery Governess by a

respec'ablo you ig person who cm toach tho piano. The bush preferred. Address II. M ,Post Dillie, Prahrsn. _103 y

WANTED a Governess to Toaoh In a Seminary.

Apply to Mr«, Gardiner, Fttzlloy IIouso, Windsor. 00 y

ANTED a Good Cook. Apply to Mis. Alfred Woolley, two storied house, opposite the church Richmond, 307 y

AN TED a RosprotBhlo Female Servant. Apply

Mrs. I.lttlo, Slinpson's-rood, Richmond Flat.

_225 y

WANTED a Female Servant who umlersUnds

washing, and to assist In housowork, atîui Great Lonsdale street west. 210 y

AN I ED a good Goncril Servant. .Mrs. Pass loy,

Srolth's.bulldlnge, next Mr. Masters', Land Agent, Noitli Melbourne. 609 y

ANTED to Rent h IIouso within n quarter of an

hour's walk of tho wharf, containing four moms, or f^ur rooms and kitchen. J. P., offlco of this piper.


WANTEO an Apprentice or imi rover, to the Sill,

llncry or Dressmaking. Apply 16 Stephen. »treet south. P8 y

WANTED a situation as Foreman. In a Market

garden or Nurwy, Address D. D., offioe of this paper. Il y

WANTED »situation as Gardener, by a Married

Man without encumbrance; practleally ac-quainted with the buslnesa, understands the manage-ment of Vines ! haa had colonial experience, Dlrcet II.G, Gardener, M'Cormack'a Labor Market, Bourke »treet._8C y

WANTED immediately, a gor4 Bhlpsralth. Apply

personally, to T. Outtram, Williamstown Iroa Work», Williamtown. «4 y

WANTED Board and Residence with a respeotabl»

fimlly at St Kilda ; reference given If required. Addrcsi, stating term» and titnation, to Theta, office of this parer. 217 y

GENERAL POST OFFICE, Melbourne.—List of

Unclaimed Letters for week ending 17th July,


List No. 10.

Parties applying for Letters at the General Post Office are particularly requested to give the correct number of the letter, and also the date and number of the list in which they may have observed their names, as such reference will materially facilitate delivery. Per-sons in the country making written applications, in addition to the number of the letter, and the date and number of the list are requested to state where they expect their letters from, and any information which may tend to prevent an unnecessary transmission of


Application to be made at the General Delivery De-partment, corner of Elizabeth and Rourke streets.

The next List will be published on the 26th July.

A. McCRAE, Postmaster-General.


23 Abbott, J 24 Abbott. P

25 Abercrombie, Wm

23 Abrahamsbery, Sig F 27 Ackerman, Walter 28 Aeres, J S

29 Ades, Arthur

30 Addisson, Chas F 31 Adams, Ed Geo 32 Adams, Ed B

33-34 Adams, H S, 2 35 Adams, John

36 Adams, Joseph 37 Adams, L G

38 Adams, Capt Rbt 39 Adams, Dr S J 40 Adams, T W

41.2 Adams, Wm B, 2 43 Adamson, Alex

44 - 5 Adamson, John, 2 46 Adamson, Robert

47 - 8 Adamson, Wm, a 49 Ardy, Hy 50 Aers, Thos 51 Agar, Chas

52 Agnew, Alex 53 Agnew, W

54.5 Agnew, Wm H, 1 56 Alnir.J

57-8 Ainslie Jas S, a 59 Aird, James 60 Aitken, Geo

61 Akerman, Miss 62 Akins, E

63 Akins, Mr and Mrs 64 Akitt, Capt J

65 Alberty, Mons 666 Alce, Mrs Wm 67 Aldsworth, A H 68 Alden. Benjn

69 Alderman. Jno 70 Aldrick, W A 71 Alison, T A

72 Allandyn, J W 73 Alldritt, F N 74 Allowry, J R 75 Allport, Wm 76 Almand, Thos

77 Alexander, Geo H 78 Alexander, J C

79 Alexander, Thomas


80 Alexander, Wm 81 Allan, Wm H 82 Allan, Daniel

83 Allan, Frederick

84-6 Allan, George, 3 87 Allan, Hy Luke 88-9 Allan, Thos, 2 90 Ambery, Chas 91 Ambrose, Hy 92 Ames, John 93 Aimes, R J 94 Amor, Geo

95 Amshratt, Thos 96 Angore, Richard 97 Angus, Jno

98 Anderson, Aylmer

99 Anderson, Alex Todd 100 Anderson, Anthony 101 Anderson, Elias

102-3 Anderson, Gideon, 3 104-5-6 Anderson, Geo, 3

107 Anderson, Hugh F 108 Anderson, John

109 Anderson, Josiah 109½ Anderson, James

110-11 Anderson, Robert

Rover, 3

112 Anderson, Robert S 113 Andrews, Mr

114 Andrews, Fredk 115 Andrews, Hy

116 Andrews, James M 117 Andrews, J Stewart 118 Andrews, Wm

119-20 Annan, Thos, 3 121 Anning, H

123 Anset, Wm. 123 Anwyl, John 124 Apellbee, Wm

125-7 Appleton, Fred 3 128 Appleton, Leonard 129 Arban, Maria

130-1 Archdall, F. H, 3

132 Archer, P G

133 Arden, Rohetha 134 Armittage, Saml 135 Armstrong, Alfd

136 Armstrong, Jas R

137 Armstrong, J Crowder 138 Armstrong Thos Wm 139 Arnold, T F 140 Arthur, Wm 141 Arroye, Jos

142 Arrowsmith, Miss


143 Arstall. Wm 144 Artis, Henry

145 Aseline, M Cambronne 146 Ashlee. E R

147 Ashburn, James 148 Ashcroft, M H

149 Ashcroft, Michl 150 Ashman, Israel 151 Astwell, John

152 Ashworth, John 153 Ashworth, J W 154 Ash, Mr

155 Ashton, Wm 156 Ashto, Fdk

157 Askam, John 158 Aspil, James

159 Aspinall, Wm 160 Asplin, Joseph

161-2 Asgwith, Wm, 2 163 Attrill, Ed 164 Atwell, Hy

165 Altridge, Jos B 166 Atkin, John 167 Atkin, H .T

168 Atkinson, Jeremiah 169 Atkinson, Rbt

170 Atkinson, Rbt B 171 Auty, Paul 172 Aultan, Hy 173 Antey, S D 174 Austin, Ed 175 Austin, Frs

176 Axworthy, Geo 177 Ayre. Capt

178 Ayres, Capt Ed 179 Ayers, J H 180 Ayres, John 181 Ayres, Thos

182 Aylwin, Mrs M B

120 Babcock, Z W

121 Baby, Josh

122 Babe ck. J A 123 Bacon, Geo 124 Bacon, T

125 Badcock, Wm 126 Babcock, Josh 127 Badger, G. A. 128 Bagley, Jno C

129 Bagnall. A and G

130 Bainbridge, Thos J 131-2 Baillie, Archd, 2 133 Baillie, Robt 134 Baillie, Thos

135-6 Baillie, Geo P.2 137.8 Baine, Archd, 2 139 Baine, Donald 140 Baine, John 141 Bamis, John 142 Bamis, Robt 143 Baird, James

144 Baird, Margaret 145 Baird, Thos

146 Baker, Edward 147 Baker, E J

148 Baker, Fdk J 140 Baker, James 150 Baker, Mrs M 151 Baker, N L 152 Baker, Rd 153 Baker, Wm

154- 5 Baker, Wm R Cole, 3 156 Baker, W W

157-8 Baldwin, G.H,9 159 Baldwin, Henry 160 Balaam, Jas H 161 Baldwin, Thos

162 Baldwin, Reuben 163 Ballagle, David

164 Ballantine, Jno B 165 Ball, Eliza 166 Ball, James

167 Ball, Jno Geo

168 Ball, Mrs Lydia HU Ball, Samuel 170 Ball, Wm H

111 Bamford, T B 171 Bannan, F

17! Bannatyne, Alex 1Ï4 Barber, James

175.6 Barber, Saml,3 177 Barber, William 17« Barker, Guylott 179 Barker, Robt

180 Bardwell, W E 181 Barcroft, Wm 182 Barfoot, Mr 183 Barff, Jas R 184 Barkell, Ed 185 Barlow, Fdk 186 Barlow, Jas

187 Barnier, Geo

188 Barnardo, Augtus 189 Barnes, Jas

190 Barnes, Wm

191-2 Barnes, W and H 2 193 Barnett, Arthur

194-6 Barnett, John, 3 197 Barr, James 198 Barr, J

199-200 Barrington, Thos

W, 2

2001 Barrow, Mr

202 Barraclough, Thos L 203-4 Barratt, Rubt, 2 205 Barratt, Mr

206-7 Barratt, H, 2 208 Barter, Mr

209 Bartham, John 210 Barmett, Win 211 Bartley, Geo 212 Barton, Wm 213 Barwick, Hy

214-16Basing, C F,3 217 Basford, John

218-20 Bassett, Gorham F, 2 231- Batcholder, Robt, a

390-7 Bole, David, 2 3'8 Boldero, G T

SS9 Bolertson, Wm 400 Bott. James

401 Bondfield. Josh 402 Bond, Mrs

403 Bond, Hy R

404 Bond, Thos R 405 Bone, John

4C0 Bone, James D 4117 Bonella and Reid 40S Boneotas, Mons 409 Bowfield, Mr

410 Bonyong, Eascock 411 Bootle, John 412 Bordes, J.J

413 Borris, John

414 Borrowscale, J H 416 Bortuk, Susannah 416 Borher, Chas

411 Bosustus, Capt Wm 418 Boulger, Mrs

419 Bould, Elizabeth 42H-1 Boulter, Wm. 2 4.12 Bourke, Wm

421 Bowden, J Day 4JI Bowden, Wm 4.'. Bowe, M,3 4-7 Bowes, Alden

4'.'ii» Bowle, George, 2 4JO Bowlby, Alex

4JI Bowman, Thos

4 11 Bowman, Caroline 4IJ Bown, Walter Rich 411 Bowen, E. N 4J5 Bowen, Mr

4.lil Bowen, John B 437.8 Boxall, Wm, 2 411 Boyd, Adelaide

440 Boyd, Ad, Prussian


441 Boyd, Major H 111 Boyd, James 44 1 Boyd, J

441 6 Boyd, John, 3 416 Boyd, J Jones 417 Boyd, Robert 44H Boyes, Mrs

449 Boyle, Michl 460 Boyle, John

4M Bradbourne, Thos 45J Bradbury, Wm 451 Brady, Alex

464 Brackin, Mrs P K 415 Bradley, Mrs N 456 Brainard, A R

461 Braithwaite, James 458 Brampton, John 459 Brams, L

460 Brawcle, John 401 Brawele.W <CJ Brandt, G H 46J Brandn, E

464 Brannan, Thos 405 Branson, Mr

4011 Branston, Hy 407 Brashaw, Geo 4iiH Brass, David 469 Bray, John

470 Brayden, Thos

471-2 Breckan, Francis, a 473 I Brennan, Edwin. 3 47Ü.7 Bregazzi. Felix, 3 476 Breen, W J

411) Bree, George 4iU Britt, Josh 481 Briton, H

481 Brewer, Mr

483 Brewer, Augustus, G 4«4 Brewster, James 485 Briant, Chas

486 Briant, Stephen 487 Bridqul, Edward 488 Briggs, Geo 489 Brings, Jno

490-1 Briggs, J G, a i 492 Briggs, J H M

223 Bateman, Mr

224 Bateman, Edward 225 Bateman Edwin 236 Batist, Thos T

227 Batson Hy Wm 228 Batten, Chas

229 Batten, Ed Dawson

230 Batty, William and Daniel

231 2 Bates, H. B

2115 Bates, Eli, 3 233 Bates, John

217 Bates, Frederick 218 Bauvoine, Mons 21" Baron, Thos 210 Baxter, John 241 Bayly, James 212 Bayard, Saml 241 Bayliss W D 211 Bayliss, Wm

215 Baynes, J and W 246 Beale, J T

247 Beale, Perry 248 Beard, Mary 249 Beard, Nathl

210 Beam, Augustus 211 Beamish, Rev M 212 Beamis, John

251 Bean, Readmond

2r I 1 Bearcroft, Wm 3 2T3 Beardsmore T C 217 Beasly , Rebecca 258 Bearup, Robt 2ri Beath, James

200 Beaton Roderick 261 Beaumont, Wm

262 Beaumont, Edward 231 Beck, Peter

264 Beck, T W Ad 265 Becker, C F

266 Becker Michl

267 8 Beckett, John, 2 2G9 Beckman, G L

270 i Bedwell, Chas L,2 271 Bedford, Mrs

272 Bedford, Joseph 271 Bedford, Thos

274 Beeby, W M and Co 275 Buckmor, Wm 276 Beeck Hannibal

277-8 II Beesley, Thos 2

279 Beggs Jas W 280 Belli A T B 281 Bellings, W

282 Belliveau, Joseph 283 Bell, David 284 Bell, Ellen 285 Bell, Fdk 286 Bell, Frs

257 Bell, Fdk Jas

288-9 Bell, Geo Ed, 2 290 Bell, John

291 Bell, Joseph 292 Bell, R W

293 Bell, Susan

294-5 Bell, H H J, 2 296 Bell Wm

297-8 Benson Chas, j 299 Bensusan Elias 300 Bernie, Robt

301 3 Bennett, C R 1 303 Bennett Edwin 304 Bennett, H.H 303 Bennett, John 30t Bennett, R

307 8 Bennet, Rd, 2 309 Benley, G 110 Bentley, A

311 Bentley, F T 312 Benjamin, L 311 Bergin, M C 114 Berger, H

315 Bermier, Theophilo 110 Berriman, Andrew 317 Berriman,Geo

118 Bertrard, Louis 319 Berwick, James

120 Berry, Lieutenant 121 Berry, John

123 Berry, Miss J 323 Berry, Wm

334 Bessant, Chas or Thos i"5 7 Bewley, Henry, 3 32S Bewley, Wm

319 Bibergell, B L

Bid Bick, G

331 Biggs, Geo 132 Bilton, Geo

m 6 Berchall, Wm H, 4 117 Berchall, A M J 133 Bjomsson, G 339 Birch, Wm

340 1 Bird, C P 2 342 Bird, G J F 343 Bird, Jas P 344 Bird, Thos

345 Bird, Willam 346 Biscombe, Mr

347 Biskett, Matthew 348 Bisst, Alex

349 Bitton, Stuart 350 Blackey, Wm

351.2 Blackett, Jno, 2

351 4 Blacklock James, a

115 Blacklock, John 150 Blackwell, E J

357 Black, Hamilton, and


"11 Black, Andrew 359 Black, G

360 Black, Samuel

361 Black, W or J Dalyell 162 Black, Wm A 363 Blain and Co 101 5 Blain, G 2

166 Blakely, Harry 367 Blands, J

163 Blampy, Peter

1 1 Blanchard, Mons

170 1 Blanchard, W A, 2 372 3 Blake, Albion C, 2 174 Blake, Michl

375 Blenden Wm 370 Blight, Mr

377 Blicke, Henry

178 9 Blight, John, 2 310 Block, Henry 381 Blow, C S

3«2 Blok or Braham, U 381 Blondell, J B 384 Blue, John

385 Blundell, John

8S0 Blundell, W and Co 187 Boarns, Mrs

388 Boddington, Alfd 389 Bodey, John

390 Bodenham, Mr 391 Boddy, T N

392-3 Bodpish, Calvin P, 3 394 Bogdanewiez, Mr 395 Boyd, Jas

493 Briscoe, R

404 Brittain, C Wesley 495 Brittan, James

490 Britten, Rachael

497 8 Britten, W W. 2 499 Broadhead, John 500 Broadhurst, John 501 Broadfoot, Rob 601 Brock, Josh W 603 Brock, H F

504-5 Brockwell, Thos,2 506 Brodie, Goo S and Co 507 Brodie, Anthony

608 9 Brodle, Henry, 2 610 Brodle, Rachael

611 Broadrip, Chas Hy 512 Bromley, James 61J Browner, M

614 Bromley, Wm 616 BromfieldJ A 610 Brooks, Edwin 617-18 Brooks, G, 2 619 Brooks, Henry 520 Brooks, John 621 Brooker, A A

622 Brooker, James 523 Brookfield, M P 524 Brown, Archd 525 Brown, B

526 Brown, Benjamin 527 Brown, Geo

528 9 Brown, Ed Elgin, 2 530 Brown, Daniel

530-1-2 Brown. Mrs E 533 Brown, Hamilton 534 Brown, Ed. E.

535 Brown, Dr Herbert 536 Brown, Harry 537 Brown, E E

538-9 Brown, H, 3

340 Brown, Fdk Josh 541 Brown, George 542 Brown, Eliza J 543 Brown, James 544 Brown, Jas B 545 Brown, John

546 Brown, Jas Hugh 547-8 Brown, James, 2 549 Brown, John, 3

550 Brown, John Brooks 551 Brown, Jas John 552 Brown J C

553 Brown, Ingret 554 Brown, T G 555 Brown, Josh 556 Brown, Thos

557 Brown, Robt P 558 Brown, Sarah

559 Brown, N Campbell 560 Brown, Margaret 561 Brown, Saml

562 Brown, Sylvester J 563 Brown, Patrick 564 Brown, Wm

565 Brown, Wm

566 Brown, Wm M J 567 Brown, Ward 568 Brown, Wm

569 Brown, Wm F 570 Branghall, Wm

571 Brougham, James 572 Brownell, Emily

573.5 Browton, Hy H, I 576 Browning, John 577 Brue, Hy

578-9 Bruce, Henry Alex, 3 580 Bruce, J and G 581-4 Bruce, J. 4

585-6 Bruce, Wm, 2 587 Brun, Mons.

588 Brunel, Mons P 589 Bruniges, Henry 590 Bruyeres, J H F 591.2 Bryant, Hy,2 593 Bryant, John

594 Bryant, Saul H 595 Bryant, T J

596 Bryant, Thos 597 Bryant, Wm

598 Bucher, Soloman 599 Buckler, J F

600-1 Buckley, Alf, 2 602 Buckley James

603 Buckley, Randall 604 Bucknell, A W

605 Buchannan, Alex 606 Buchan, Arthur 607 Buchan, Rbt

608 Buchannon, J R 609 Buchannan, Thos 610 Budnock, James 611 Buers, Chas

612 Buglass, Duvid 613 Buichler, Mons 614 Bulmen, Chas 615 Bulmore, E A 616 Bulworthy, Mr 617 Bulworthy. C 618 Bull, H

619-20 Bull, Robt, 2

621-22 Bullock, Cromwell,2 623 Bullock, Duncan 624 Bunda, Theodore 625 Bunning, J

626-7 Bunsen, A. 2

629 9 Burchell, Wm, S 630 Burge, John 631 Burgi, Y

632 Burgess, Josh 633 Burke, David

634-35 Burke, Jos A, 3 636 Burke, Jeremiah 637 Burkett, C

638 Burkett, Thos 639 Burleigh, Josh

640 Burnett, Jos W 641 Burnett, Hy R 642 Burnham, Rbt

643-4 Burns James , 3 645 Burns, Mrs Josh 646 Burns, Robert 647 Burrell, H 648 Burrow, R

649 Burridge, Mr

650 Burrows, John 651 Burrows, Rd 652 Burd, H J 653 Burt, C

654 Burt, Rd

655 Burter, Geo or W 656-57 Bush, John, 2 658 Buslam, John

659 Butcher, Chas H 660 Buttle, Thos

661 Butterfield, Mr 662 Butler, George 663 Butler, T

664 Bryas, Wm 665 Byrne, Mrs

666 Byrne, Jas or Michl

100-1 Cables, James, 2 102 Cadebols, Hosir 103 Cain, John W 104 Cain, William

105 Cains, Cornelius 106 Caird, John L 107 Cairns, Robt 108 Calder, Jas B

109-10 Caldicott, J H, 2 111 Caldwell, James 112 Caldwell, John

113 Caldwell, Margt 114 Call, Moses H 115 Calver, F

116 Cambridge, John 117 Camfield, Saml

118 Cammell, Capt James 119 Camplin, James M 120 Campion, G F

121 Campbell, Allan 122 Campbell, Chas

123 Campbell, Elizabeth

124 Campbell, Henry Elmes 125 Campbell, James W

126 Campbell, James Wat


127 Campbell, John

128 Campbell, Murdock 129 Campbell, Peter 130 Campbell, Robt

131 Cameron, Dr Chas 132 Cameron, E

133 Cameron, Hugh

134 Cameron, John R 135 Canan, Miss F 136 Canney, Richd 137 Canfield, Alfred

138 Cantzier, Caroline 139 Canton. Monsieur 140 Capel, Danl

141 Caporn, Alfred

142 Cardwell, Mrs E

143 Cardwell, Thomas 144 Card, Sweetner

145 Carey, Jno Randal 146 Carey, John

147 Carfrae, John

148 Cargill, Albert A 149 Carige, Henry 150 Carmichael, M 151 Carney, Wm

152 Carson, Mrs Richd 153 Carney, Ed

154-5 Carack, Graham, 2 156 Carrington, Fredk 157 Carroll, Geo. H 158 Caroll, Wm

159 Carroll, Laurence 160 Carpenter, Henry 161 Carter, Miss 162 Carter, G L

163 Carler, Henry 164 Carter, John 165 Carter, Robt 166 Carter, Wm

167 Carter, Wm, Junr

168-70 Carter. Wm H,3

171 Carson, Miss Hannah

172-3 Carswell, John, 2 174 Carton, Thomas

175-6 Cartledge, Henry, 2 177 Cartledge, Mathew 178 Cartmel, John 179 Carroll, R A 180 Carvell, J S

181 Cay Tristram, or Oakes


182 Casey, Stephen 183 Casey, Wm

184 Casement, Hugh, and


185 Cass, B

186-7 Cass, H W,2 188 Cassidy, Miss

189 Cassidy, Henry 190 Cassidy, Patrick 191 Cassidy, Wm 192 Cassius, M

193 Castle, John 194 Catley, W A

195 Cater, John Wyatt 196 7 Catt, Richd, 4 198 Cauborn, Mrs 199 Caughlin, W

200 Causton, Hy Wm Lid


201-2 Cavenagh, Owen, 3 203 Cave, James Platford 204 Caves, John

205 Cave, John Newman,


206 Cave, Wm

207 Cavenagh, Master


208 Cawley. Miss A

209 Cawthorpe, Thomas 210 Cayser, Thomas 211 Chadwick, Geo

212 Chalmers, Daniel

213 Chamberlain, J Colman

330 Cockburn, W T R 331 Cocking, John

332 Cockrane, John

331 Cockrane, Robert 334 Cockran, Alex M 335 Coe, F

336 Coffey, Daniel

337 Coffey, Wm John 338 Coghill, Miss Ann 339 Cognos, L 340 Cogson, F

341 Cogswell, G M 342 Cohen, M

343 Cohen, Enoch

344 Colbeck, Edwin 345 Coleridge, D M 345 Cole, Miss A 347 Cole, Edwin 348 Cole, E O

349 Cole, Miss H 350 Cole, J L

351 Cole, Jas Turner 352-3 Cole W H, 2 354 Cole, Wm

355 Coleman, Henry 356 Coleman, Fk W 357 Coleman, Fenkin 358 Coleman, Wm

359 Collins, Mary or Brid


360 Collins, Douglass 361 Collins, Josh 362 Collins, Geo 363 Collins, John

364 Collins, J W A

365-6 Collins, Rd E, 3 367 Collill, Joseph 368 Collete, Jno

369 Colley, James 370 Collison, Jno 371 Collman, A C 372 Collinson, Benj 373 Colyer,Wm

374-5 Colpman, Thos, 2 376 Colquhaun, Thos 377 Colsen, Thos

378-9 Cotter, Alex, 2 380 Combes, D 381 Combes, M

382 Combes, Nicholas 384 Coma, Jas

385 Comercey, A

385 Comport, Hy

386 Compton, Jno 387 Conchil, Thos 388 Conah, Miss 389 Conway, Jno

390-1 Conder, Wm J, 2 392 Congation, Saml

393-4 Connah, Thos, 2

395 Connors, Christopher 396 Connor, Rd S 397 Conel, Mrs J 398 Coons, Wm

399 Coombs, Alf

400 Coombs, J

401 Cookson, W 402 Cook, Mrs

403 Cook, Chas

404 Cook, Mark R 405 Cook, Mathew 406-8 Cook, W, 3 409 Cooper, A

41o Cooper, A W 411 Cooper, H A

412 Cooper, W J or T

413-14 Cooper, Richd Wal

ton. 2

415-16 Cooper, Robt.2

417-19 Cooper, Thos Chas, 3 420 Cooper, Thos Shepley 421 Cooper, Wm

422 Cooper, Wm Ralph 423 Cope, Mrs

424-6 Cope, H N, 3

427 Copeland, Joseph

428-9 Copeland, Wm. 2 430 Coppers, Den Herr 431 Corbel, Frs

432 Corbett, Frs A 433 Corbett, G 434 Corbett, S

435 Corcoran, J H or J M 436 Cordukes, Mr Isaac 437-8 Cormaldi, D, 2

439-40 Corkery,P B 3 441 Corkils, R

442 Cormack, D

443 Cormack, Josh

444 Cormack, Wm F 445 Cornelius, Ed H

446 Corner, Jos and A 447 Cornick, Jas

448 Corrigan, Thos

449 Cornwell, Martha 450 Cornwall, J 451 Colrick, A B 452 Cory, Fdk

453 Cosgrove, Mr

454-5 Cosgrove, Jno, 2 456 Cosham Thos

214 Champain, Capt M 215 Chambers, Geo

216-17 Chambers, James, 2 218 Chambers, Jacob 219 Chandy, Mrs

220 Chandler, Alfred 221 Chandler, Geo 222 Chandler J W 223 Chandler, Lewis

224-5 Chandler, Wm, 2 226 Chaplin, Wm J

227 Chaplin, Newton

228-9 Chapple, John Cole,


230 Chapman, Mr

231 Chapman, Capt 232 Chapman, Geo 233-4 Joseph, H,2

235 Chapman, Wm G 236-7 Chard, A G, 2 238 Charles, Wm

239 Charlwood, Arthur 240 Charlwood, A

241 Chasey, Miss Ann

242 Chateau, Monsieur E 243 Chataux, ??? 244 Chatfield, Dr

245-6 Chatterton, John H,


247 Cheesman Edward 248 Cheeswright, R C 249 Cherrey, Moses 250 Chery, Wm

251 Cherrington, Mr 252 Cheshire J R

253 Chesterman, Mr 254 Chinn, Joseph

255 Chisholm, John 256-7 Chislet, Geo, 2 258 Chisnall, Alfred 259 Chivers, John 260 Chivers, J

261 Chown, Henry 262 Christiansen, P 263 Christie, Geo 264 Christy, W F 265 Churches, Mr

266 Churton, Joseph

267 Churchyard, Robt 268 Clack, Augustus B

269 Clare, Samuel Fredk 270 Clare, Walter 271 Clavno, Wm H

272 Clavering, Matthew 273 Claxton, James

274-5 Clarke, Wm, 2

276-7 Clarke, Alexdr, 2

278-9 Clarke, Chas John, 3 280 Clarke, D C

281 Clarke, Edward, jun 282 Clarke, Geo Wilkins 283 Clarke, Henry A 284 Clarke, James R

285 Clarke, John Thomas 286 Clarke, John 287 Clarke, John 288 Clarke, Jabes 289 Clarke, J R 290 Clarke, J W

291-2 Clarke Miss M A, 2 293 Clarke, Richd

294 Clarke, Sarah A 295 Clarke. Samuel

296 Clarke, Wm Richmond 297 Clarkson, F

298-9 Clayton. Mrs G, 2 300 Clayton, John 301 Cleary, John

302 Cleary, Timothy

303-4 Cleasby, Johnson. 2

305 Clegg, Chas

306 Clements, Geo 307 Clements, John 308 Clement, John

309 Clements, Joseph 310 Clendinning, Mrs

311-13 Clendining Geo, 3 314 Clennell, James 315 Clermont, Jules 316 Clinton, James 317 Close, A J

318 Clough, J W 319 Clough, John 320 Clonson, John

321 Cluney, Margaret

322 Clyne, Captain James 323 Coates, Mr

324 Coates, John

325 Cobham, John 326 Coburn, Fred T

327 Cockburn, Jas M 328 Cockburn, Mrs

329 Cockburn, Henry

457 Costie, Geo

458 Costain, Jas 459 Coptick, Hy 460 Cosle, Mona J 461 Cotter, Rd

462 Cottrell. Jno 461 Cottill, E B

464 Cotterell, Thos 465 Cottingham, L 466 Cottingham, S 467 Coulon, Thos 468 Counsel, Wm

469 Coupland, Isobel 470 Couper, J G

471 Conturier, Madame 472-73 Covell, Eliza, 2 474 Covert, W G 475 Covell, Eliza 476 Cowell, Jos

477 Cowell, J Jos 478 Cowen, Thos

479 Cowland, Wm 480-81 Cowlin, 2 482 Cowper, Thos 483 Cowan, Jos 484 Cowan, Jno

485 Cowan, Joshua G 486-7 Cox, Edwinn, 2 488 Cox, Jno Jas 489 Cox, Jno

490 Cxt, Rachael 491 Cox, Rd R 492 Cox, D

493 Cox, Wm

494 Cogne, Mons 495 Coy, J W

496 Crabbee, Wm

497 Craddock, Jacob

498-99 Croften, Chas O 500 Crain, Silas E 501 Craig, Jass 503 Craig, Wm 503 Craig, T 504 Craig, W

504½ Crandley, Mr 505 Crane, Enock

506 Crawford, Pat R 507 Crean, Wm 508 Creasy

509 Crealman, Dr

510 Creelman, Dr J A 511 Crews, Richard 512 Crighton, Jno 513 Crighton, Wm 514 Crillen, Thos 515 Crisp, Mr

516 Critch, Wm

517-18 Creswick, Geo, 2 519 Crocker, C 520 Croft, Peter

521 Crokers, H D

522 Crombie,Helen 523 Cronin, Jno 524 Cronin, Jas

525 Cropley, James 526 Cropton, Thos 527 Crosbie, Jno

528 Crosthwaite, D 529 Cross, Geo

530 Cross, Jas W 531 Cross, Jeo

532 Crowe, Captain 533 Crowe, Michael 534 Crothers, Robt 535 Crotty, E P

536 Croneher, E H 537 Croron, James

538 Cronather, Jno or W 539 Crowther, F H

540-1 Cruickshank, G R. 542 Crump, Jno 543 Cruse, Thos 544 Cuff, Mrs R 515 Cullen, P

546 Culliford. J 547 Cullis, W E

548 Cundy, Mrs Jno 549 Cunliffee, Thos 550 Cunnach, Thos

551 Cummings, Peter

552 Cummings, Hannah 553 Cummings. Robt

554 Cummings, Donald 515 Cunningham, David 656 Cunningham. P B

557 Cunningham, Miss S J 558 Cupper. G M 559 Curry, Geo

560 Curry, Archd

561 Cushman, Isaac 562 Cullen, Miss A 563 Cultriss, Ed

564 Cutcheon, M

66 Daintree, Rd 67 Dainton, Geo 68 Dain,Warren 69 Dailey, Jno

70.1 D'Almeido, Joze E, 2 72 Daly Joseph and Jas 73-5 Dale, Thomas, 3 70 Dallaway, James

77-8 Daile Case, Madm, 2 79 Dale, Chas

80 Dalziel, Thos

81.2 Daly, Heny Bowes, 2 83 Dalton, Wm Henry 84 Dalton, Lionel 85 D'Altonn, Mrs

86 Dam. Dorreville A 87 Daniel, Joseph

88-9 Dann, Susan, 2 90 Dann, Rd

91.2 Daniel, Jno Green, 2 93 Daniel, Walter 94 Daniell, Jno D 95 Dando, Geo 96 Dandy, Jno

97 Darrey, James 98 Darrah, Geo

99 Darcy, Michael

100.1 Darbyshire, James, 3 102 D'Arcy, Francis J 103 Dash, Ed

104 Davoron, Anne

105 Davo, Francis 106 Davy, Mr, cook

107 Davys, Thoss Reed

108 Davey, Mrs Jno

109-10 Davids, T W H, 2 111 Davids, W J 112 Davies, Rees

113 Davis, Allen S

114 Davis, Abraham 115 Davis, Chas H 116 Daviss, Geo 117 Davis, Geo

118 Davis, Henry R 119 Davis, J David 120 Davies, Edward 121 Davis, E.

122 Davies, David 123 Davies, Mrs J

124 Davies, Moss E G 125 Davies, Lawrence 126 Davis, Roser

127-8 Davis, Thos, 2 129 Davies, Thos 130 Davis, Miss 131 Davis, Wm

132-3 Davies, Wm, 2 134 Davison, Jno

135 Dawson, Capt J 136 Dawson, Francis 137 Dawson, Mrs C

138-9 Dawson, Chas H, 2 140 3 Dawson, Wm Cros-

bie, 4

144 Dawson, Thomas 145 Dawkins, Jno

146-7 Daws Chas, 2 148 Day,Mrs 150 Dease, D

151 Dearborn, Sewell 152 Dearing, Henry 153 Dean, Theodore 154 Deare, Jno J 155 Deane, James 156 Dearsly, Mr

157 Deering, Michael 158 Delane, Mrs

159 Delagarde, Mr 160 D'Elbona, Mr

161 Del Valle, Sig Enrico 162 De Lany, A S 163 Delay, Louis

164 De Michell, N T 165 Demowiez, M 166 Denham, Jno

167 Dension, Jno W 168 Denyer, Chas

169 Denton, Geo O 170 Dench, Henry 171 Denning, Mr 172 Dennis, Wm 173 Dennis, Chas

174 De Renzy, Wm Geo 177 Desire, Loyer

178 De Wht, Miss

179 Dewar, A and Hugh 181 D??k, Robt

182 Dibbie, Geo

183 Dickins, Henry 184 Dickins, H

185 Dick, James

186 Dickinson, Jno 187 Dickinson, Geo

188 Dickson, James S 189 Dillon, Louisa 190 Dillon, Jno

191 Dillon, Mr

192 Dimmick, Ed 195 Dingle, Edwd

196 Dixon, Catherine 197 Dixon, Mr

198-9 Dixon, Robt, 2 200 Dixon, F R J 201 Dixon, Thos 202 Divers, G Rd 203-4 Dix, Wm, 2 205 Dobbie, Jno

206 Dobbie, Watson 207 Dobney, Wm 208 Dobson, Fredk 209 Dobson, Edwd

210 Dobson, Thomas 212 Docherty, Wm 214 Dodd, Wm D

215 Docher, Matt B 216 Dodd, Wm 217 Dodds, Mr

218 Dohomy, Dennis 219 Doherty, Chas

220-1 Dollar, Wm. 2

222 Dollar, John Hay 223 Donovan, Wm Rd 224 Donne, Jno

225 Donnan, Wm

226 Donoughty, Robt 227 Donohe, Mary

228-9 Donold, James, 2 232 Donnally, Chas 233 Donely, James

234 Dorrington, Miss 235 Dorman, Stephen 236 Dormer, E E

237 Doran, Timothy 238 Dorset, Roland J

239-40 Doulan. R R A, 2 241 Douglas, Patrick 242 Douglas, Peter 243 Douglas, Jno

244 Douglas Wm Mc A 245 Douglas, Wm

246 Dove, Wm Hards 247 Dougan, Francis 248 Davey, Timothy 249 Doule, James 250 Dougherty

251-2 Dowding, Jno, 2

253-4 Downing, Saml, 2 255 Dowling, Miss 256 Downie, Rd 257 Downey, Rd

258 Downing, Saml B 259 Downey, Michl

260-2 Downs, Fredk, 3 264 Downs, Thomas 265 Dowling, Philip 266 Dowdy, Robt

267 Doyle, Patrick 268 Dotten, Robt

269 Dransfield, Floura 270 Drain, Jno

271 Drevar, Gerarde C 272 Drew, Ames L

273 Drew, Geo Robt

274-5 Drew, Jno H, 2 276 Dromgool, Joseph 277 Drury, Chas

278-9 Drury, Geo Dixon, 2 280 Drury, Arthur 281 Drury, Thos F

282-3 Druitt, Jno T, 2 284 Dryden, Henry

285 Der Froeg, Peter 286 Dufall. R B

287-8 Du Four, Jno, 2 280 Duffy, Wm

290-1 Duffin, Saml, 2

292-5 Duggan, Patrick, 4 296 Dulany, James H 297 Dumolard, Mons

298 Dumarck, Frederic

299-300 Dunbabin, Jno, 3 301 Dunstan, M and C B 302 Dunstan, Henry 304 Dunkendoff, C

305 Dundas, Winslow 306-7 Dun, P H, 3 308 Dunlop, Alexr 309 Duck, Mrs

311 Duncan, Andrew 312 Duncan, Archd 313 Dunn, J and C 314 Dunn, Jno

315 Dunne, James 316 Durrant, Geo 317 Durant, T J

318-19 Durham, Captn, 2 320-2 Duve, C, 3 323 Dyer, Jno D

324-5 Dyte, Chas, 2 326 Dyason, Isaac

327 Dyason, Isaac E 328 Dysant, Noble

15 Eadiee, Alexr 16 Elgar, R

17 Eady, Cupt

18.19 Eastman, Thos, 2 20 Eastman, Alexr 21 Easther, Chas 22 Easton, Wm

23 Eastwood, Frank 24 Easton, Geo Robt

25 Earle, Geo Seymour 26 Eart, Mrs Emmaline 27 Egan, H T W 28 Egan, Wm

29 Eccles, Edwd 30 Eccles, H

31 Eccles, O'Connor

32 Edwards, Mrs. Jno 33 Edwards, James

34 Edwards, J Shadrach 35 Edwards, J S

36-8 Edwards, Henry, 3 39 Edwards, Edwin D 40-1 Edwards, Chas, 2 42 Edwards, Jno

43 Edwards, Edwin

44 Edwards, Thomas 45 Edwards, Geo

46-7 Edmonds, William

L, 2

48 Edmunds, Wm 49 Egar, James 50 Eeet, Josiah

51 Eggers, Bernart 52 Ehret

53 Elds, Geo

54-5 Ellis, Thomas, 2 56 Ellis, James 57 Ellis, Alexr

58-9 Ellis, Albert R L, 2 60 Ellis, Geo

61-2 Ellis, Jno, 2 63 Elliott, Wm

64 Elliott, Henry

65 Elliott,Timothy

66 Elliott, Armstrong 67 Elliott, Alfred

68 Elliott, Charlotte 69 Eld, Thomas

70 Elllngworth, Jno and


71-2 Ellam, Thom, 2

80 Ellerker, Jno 81-3 Ely, A L, 3 84 Elson, Mrs

85 Emerson, Jas or A 86 Emden, Chas

87-8 Emson, J B,2

89 Emery, Plummer 90 Emmerton, Josiah 91 Empey, Chas

93 Endey, Henry 94 English, Rd

95 England, Thomas 96 Ennis, Patrick 97 Ennever, Robt 99 Enderby, J E

100 Erickson, Torkel H 101 Errington, Robt 102 Estes, Wm P

103 Espian, et Plancher 104 Eshelby, T

105-7 Escombe, Wm, 3 108 Esson, Francis 109 Epping, Jno

110-11 Ettershank, Edwd

L. 2

112 Etter, C

113.14 Evartz N W, 2 115 Evance, W J S 116 Everett, J

117 Everett, Wm

118 Everett, Thos E

119-20 Evans, James, 2

121-3 Evans, Wm Smith, 3 124 Evans, J Hornsby 125 Evans, Wm

126 Evans, Fredk

127 Evans, A and E

128 Evans, Capt David 129 Evans, Evan

130-1 Evans, John Prit

chard, 2

132 Evans, Daivid 133 Evans, Seth 134 Evans, Ellis

135 Evans, James Henry 136 Evans, Jno 137 Evans, Wm

138 Evans, Mary Ann 139 Evans, T 140 Eyre, M A 141 Ewart, Jno

73 Ellard, Jno

74-5 Elias, Wm. 2 76 Ellen, Tom M 77 Ellary, Thos 78 Eld, Wm

79 Ellison, James

142 Ewart, David 143 Ewart, Wm 144 Eyston, Chas

145 Eyre, Edward 146 Ewer. W H

147 Ewens, W R

48 Fache, Geo. 49 Fache, Wm

50 Fairiam, Mr

51 Faircloth, Jno 52 Fairley, Wm 53 Fairsh, Thos

54 Fairbridge, Rt

55 Fallshaw, Daniel 56 Falkiner, Fredk 57 Fanner, Henry

58-9 Fana, Joseph, 2 60 Farmer, Walter 62 Farces, Geo 63 Faram, Geo 64 Farley, Geo

65 Farquharson, Rt 66 Farndon, Jno

67-8 Farr, Leonard, 2

69-70 Farrell, Wm W, 2 71 Farrell, Patrick 72 Fassert, Mr

73-4 Fawcett, Niles, 2 75 Faust, W G

76 Faushut, Marten 77 Fay, F W

78 Featherson, Ralph 79 Fearnsides, David 80 Fearon, Miss 81 Fed, Jno C

82 Felix and Soyer 83 Feger, Jno

84 Feironz, Capt S 85 Felm, Thos J 86 Fennell, R

87 Fenlie, Capt

88 Fergusson, Margaret 89-90 Fergusson, Wm, 2 91 Ferguson, Capt Wm 92 Fergusson, Geo W 93 Fergusson, Neil

94 Fergusson, Alexr S 95 Fergusson, Alexr 96 Ferrier, Wm

97 Ferrier, Emma 98 Ferrett, Wm

99-100 Fernley, Joseph J, 2

101 Field, Wm 102 Field, Robt 103 Field, Mrs

104-7 Fido, Henry, 4 1o8 Fielden, O H 109 Fiedler, Chas 110 Fife, Geo

111 Fife, Sarah

112 Figgures Wm 113 Finlay, Thos 114 Finlay, Andw 115 Finlay, James 116 Finlay, Wm R 117 Finlay, Jno

118 Findlay, Jno

119 Finn, Margaret 120 Finn, Johnson 121 Fincher, Frank 122 Fink, H

123 Firmy, W

124-5 Flak, James, 2 126 Fisher, Mr 127 Fisher, Jno

128 Fisher, Esther

129 Fisher, Thomas 130 Fisher, David 131 Fisher, W S

132 Fitch, Lionel, F and


133 Fitzgerald, Jno David 134-5 Fitzpatrick, Jno, 3 136 Fitzsimons, Jno 137 Fitchet, Geo 138 Float, Alfred

139 Fleming, Robt 140 Flea, Benjn

141 Fleming, Jno

142 Fleming. David C B 143 Fletcher, Rd 144 Fletcher, Jno

145 Fletcher, Edwd 146 Fletcher, Jane

147 Fletcher Fredk

148 Fletcher, Geo S 149 Fletcher. Geo 150 Fletcher, G H

151-2 Flett, W W G, 3 153 Flett, James

154 Flaxman, Chas 155 Flwein, Geo 156 Fleury, Rd A 157 Flint, Tom 158 Flintoff, Jno

159 Flisher, James 160 Flower, W F

161 Fagarty, Bridget 162-3 Foers, James, 2

164 Foley, H

165 Foley, Thomas 166 Foley, Louisa

167 Follett, A D 168 Folett, Mrs

169 Folkes, George

170 Folkes, Mr 171 Fogg, James A 172-3 Fouseca, B, 2

174 Forbes,P A and J 175 Forbes, Alexander, 176 Forbes, Geo 177 Ford, James

178 Ford, Joseph 179 Ford, Frank 182 Ford, Mrs Peter 183 Ford, Jno 184 Ford, T

185 Ford, R. Swingwood 186 Forgeor, J F

187-8 Force, F M, 2 189 Forrest, Mr

190-1 Forrest, A H, 2 192 Forrest, Peter

193 Forrest, Patrick 194 Forsyth, Mark 195 Forsythe, James

196 Forscutt, W 197-8 Forster, Abraham, 2 199 Forster, Geo Jno

200 Forster, Wm 201 Fosster, Geo H 202-3 Foster, Jno, 2

204 Foster, Henry 205 Foster, Chas 206 Foster, A L 207 Foster, Wm Joseph

208 Foster, M Henry 209 Foster, Ebsworth 210 Foote, Joseph 211 Foot, Miss

212 Foot, Rt Lane 213 Fooks, Chas 214 Fox, Alexr

215 Fox. Master T A 216 Fox, Alfred T

217 Fox, Henry 218-19 Fox, Jno, 2 220 Fox, Alcanzo

221 Fox, Wm Walls 222 Fox, Jno Redford 223 Fowler, Wm

225 Fowler, Alfred 226 Foulkes, Jno

227 Foulkes, Jno G 228 Fourdrinier, J W 229-30 Fothergill, R, 2 231 Foyster, C

232 Frances, Henry

233 Frances, Henry

234-5 Francis, Captn D, 2 236 Franklin, Edwd

237 Fraser, Jno F 239 Fraser, James 240 Fraser, Jno D 241 Fraser, Simon 242 Fraser, Wm 243 Fraser, W

244 Franke, Amalie 245 Frans, Carl

246 France, N V 247 Franks, Alfred

248 Freeman, Henry W 249 Freeman, Robt 250 Freeman. G D

251 Frederick, B B

252 French, J W

253 French, Wm Nay 254 French, Jno 255-6 Frew, Geo, 2

257 Frickey, Thos E 258 Frier, Han

259 Fricker, Miss Ann 260 Froste, W P

261 Froggatt, Geo W 262 Fruscott J C 264 Fry, Chas

265 Fryer, Thomas 266 Fulton, Francis

267 Fulton, Thos Henry 268 Fulton, Robt G 269 Fudge, Wm 270 Fuge, Wm

271-3 Fulcher, C A S, 3 274 Fuller, J E R 275 Fuller, R 276 Fuller, S

277 Fuller, Mrs

278 Fullerton, Wm

279 Furgenson, Christian 280 Furmston, G

281 Furlong, Thos 282 Fussell, R C

283-4 Fyfe, James, 2

66 Gafeny, Jas O'B 67 Gabiles, Geo 68 Gaffney, Mrs

69 Gadd, Wm Burton 70 Gabriel, David R 71-2 Gale, Geo, 2 73 Gale, Jno

74 Gallichan, Thos

75 Galbreath, Maria 76 Galen, Mr

77 Gall, Anthony 78 Gallately, Alex

79 Gardner, H A O or G 80 Gardner, S S 81 Garbet, Wm

82 Garbutt, Wm D 83 Garben, Charles 84 Garaway, Robt

85 Garratt, Jno Graham 86-7 Garrett, C H, 2 88 Garrick, Elizabeth 89 Garrigues, F

90 Garner, Edw M 91 Garrick, Isabella 92 Garrod, Horrace 93 Garrot, Mrs J

94 Gaskill, Henry C 95 Gass, Fredk

96 Gatward, Thos 97 Gates, Theodore 98 Gates, Mrs W

99 Gattrell, Wm 100 Gawler, Geo S 101 Gawith, Jos H 102 Gay, Capt Wm 103 Gay, W and C 104 Gault, Capt J 105 Gedye, Wm 106 Geddes, John 107 Geddis, Geo 108 Gee, Thos

109 Gee, Henry 110 Gee, Richd 111 Gee, Robt 112 Gell, Thos

113 George, Edwd 116 George, E T

117 George, Henry 118 George, James 119 Geres, Mr

120 Gerrand, Dr

121 Georgeson, N

122 Gephart, Daniel 123 Gibbs, Capt H 124 Gibbs, Hinton 125 Gibbs, W

126 Gibbons, W F

127-8 Gibbons, Thos, 2 129 Gibbons, Napoleon

130-4 Gibbons, W & Co, 5 135 Gibbins, J

136-8 Gibson, Jno, 3

139 Gibson, Michl Jno

140-1 Gibson, Thos E, 2 142 Gibson, John H 143 Gibson, Joseph 144 Gibson, A

145-6 Gifford, Gilbert, 2 147 Gifford, Roderick 148 Gifford, Barney 149 Gifford, Hdk 150 Gilbert, Wm

151 Gilbert, Margaret 152 Gilbert, J B 153 Gill, J

154 Gill, Mrs

155 Gill, Edwin 156 Gill, J W

157-8 Gilchrist, Jno, 2

159-61 Gilchrist, Robt, 3 162 Gillies, Matthew 163 Gillies, Thos L 164 Gillies, Thos

165 Gillett, Messrs

166 Gilpin, Chas, 2 167 Gingell, Fredk

168 Ginever, Thos A 169 Girdwood, R T 170 Gisborne, Jno 171 Gisby, Jno

172-3 Gladwin, Cornelius, 2 174 Gladwin, Francis 175 Glascott, Miss

176 Gleeson, Bryan

177 Glenister, Phillip 178 Gleason, Benjm 179 Glidden, Albert 180 Glisson, Mrs M

181 Glassop, Chas P 182 Glover, Robt

183-4 Glynn, Mrs, 3 185 Goad, Mrs E

186 Godfrey, Isaac

187 Godfrey, J and H 188 Godfrey, Mrs 189 Godfala, Jas

190 Goldstone, Rd

191-2 Goldie, Wm, 3 193 Goldsbury, Jno 194 Goldenberg, Sal 195 Goldfinch, Chas

196 Goodwin, J Austin

197 Goodridge, Wm

198 Goetchins, Thos C 199 Goodson, Wm

200 Goodall, James 201-2 Goodson, J. 2

203 Gooden, Ambrose 204-5 Gonton, Robt, 2 206 Gordon, Miss M 207 Gordon, James 208 Gordon, Daniel 209 Garely, Geo

210-12 Gare, Wm, 3 213 Garton, Edwin 214 Gustick, David 215 Gould, Aaron 216 Goold, T G 217 Gough, John 218 Gough, Thos

219 Gough, Thos P 220 Got?, Miss

221 Goullett, Mr

222 Goulding, Robt

223-4 Goulden, Benjm, 2 225 Goulden, Mr

226 Gowans, Peter 227 Grace, Patrick 228 Gracie, Robt

229-30 Gracie, James, 2 231 Graham, Mrs C

232-6 Grahame, Robt, 5 237 Graham, Jacob

238 Graham, Mary Ann 239 Graham, Wm 240 Graham, James 241 Graham, Geo 242 Grant, Wm 243 Grant, Geo

244 Grant, Allan J

245 Grant, Nathan W 246 Grant, James 247 Granata, G B 248 Greives, Wm

249-50 Gray, Jno, 2

251 Gray, Jno ?r Robt 252 Gray, Miss H M 253 Gray, Capt Wm 254 Gray, George 255 Grey, Edwd

256 Grey, Henry 257 Grey, Jamos

258 Gravatt, Thos

259-60 Green, Jno Yorkings


261 Green, Chas Saml 262-7 Green, W H, 6 268 Green, Jno 269 Green, Fred

270-1 Green, Henry, 2

272 Greenwood. S Gouge 273 Greenwood, J R 274 Greenwood, Mr 275 Greenwood, Mrs 276 Greenwood, Thos 277-9 Gregory, Mr, 3 280 Gregory, Thos

281-2 Greggs, J G, 32 283 Greenhill, James

284-5 Greenway, Jno, 2 286 Greenlaw, James 287 Greatrex, James 288 Greenfield, G E

289 Greenland, Alfred 290 Grew, Chas

291 Grenfell, Jno 292 Gretton, J B 293 Griffin, Mrs

294 Giffin, Jeremiah 295 Griffin, Saml S 296 Griffin, Jno

297-8 Griffin, Fredk, 2 299 Griffiths, David

300-2 Griffiths, Thos, 3 303 Griffiths, Jno

304-7 Griffiths, Wm, 4 308 Griffiths, Evan 309 Griffith, Chas 310 Griggs, Mrs E 311 Grigg, David

312 Grimshaw, Jos 314 Grills, Wm

315 Gi??sted, Mr

316 Gripe, Gurilernee 317 Grove, Mrs Jno

318 Groves, Henry S 319 Grohow, H

320 Gross, Chas 321 Groom, H

322 Groom, Henry

323-4 Grubb, A T, 2 325 Grubb, Henry

326 Gudgeon, James 327 Guden, IE James 328 Guihenene, M 329 Gulcard, A

330 Guille, James 331 Gunber, Jno J

332-3 Gunther, Frederic, 2 334-5 Gustafason, J, 2 336 Guyatt, Chas 307 Guy, Henry 308 Gye, Thos

117 Haddock Thomas 118 Haddow, Andrtw 119 Hadfield, Geo H

120 Hadfield, John Albiston. 121 Hadlard, John. 122-3 Hackett, Charles P. 2

124 Hacoke, John

125-6 Haffield, John, 2 127 Hafford, Saml B 128 Hagger, Joseph 129 Hagger J J

130 Haigh, Benjamin 131 Hain, John

132 Hainsworth, John 133 Haistings, James

134 Haistings, James, Mrs 135 Hale, George 136 Hale, James 137 Hale, John

138- 138½ Hales, Samuel,2 138 Hales, William 140 Hall, Alexander

141 Hall, George Rufus 142 Hall, Henry

143 Hall, J M, Miss

144 Hall, June Margaret 145 Hall, James

146-7 Hall, Richard, 2 148 Hall, Thos A

149-51 Hall, William R, 3 152 Hall, William Edwin 153 Halpin, Matthew 154 Halvey, William

155 Halligan, Alexander 156 Hallen, Thos George

157 UHalligan, John

355 Hewart, Robert

356 Hewetson, Richd 357 Hewth, Joseph

358 Hewson, John Free


359 Hewson, Robert F L 360 Hey, Edmund 361 Henton, Mr

362 Heydon, Geo T 363 Henser, Henry

364 Hiels, Robert McCae,


365 Hicks, Thomas 366 Hicks, W

367 Hicks, Walter

368 Hick, William H 369 Hickey Luke

370 Higgins, Edward 371 Higgins, John

372 Higgins, John R 373 Higgins, Patrick

374-5 Higgins, Walter 376 Hickling, Wyatt 377 Hickson. J B 378 Hill, A S 379 Hill, A

380 Hill, C P

381 Hill, Charles 383 Hill, Edmund

383 Hill, Elliah

384 Hill, Emanuel

385 Hill, John Barton 386 Hill, Henry 387 Hill, John

388 Hill, Thophilus 389 Hill, W R

390 Hilliard, E 391 Hilliar, Dr

158 Hallifah, F

159 Hallon, James

160 Hamilton, Daniel 161 Hamilton, J W

162-4 Hamilton,Thomas, 3 165 Hamilton, Marcus 166 Hamilton, Charles

167 Hamilton, Gottfried 168 Hamilton, Mrs M A 169-71 Hambler, David, 3 172 Hamlyn, Rd

173 Hammae, C A 174 Hamon, E J

175 Hampton, Daniel 176 Hampden, W J 177 Hancock, John

178 Hanesby, George Her-


179 Handasyde, George 180-1 Hanley, John, 2

182 Hannan, Richard Wil-


183 Hanlon, Laurence

184-5 Hansford, James, 2 186 Hansen, John 187 Hansen, Peter 188 Hanson, A

189 Hanrahan, Patrick 190 Hann, C

191-2 Happell, John Geo, 2 183-4 Harding, Thomas

Edward, 2 195 Hardie, Andrew

196 Hardy, Mr. Joiner 197 Hardy, R F

198 Hardy, John, Mrs 199 Hardy, John Mayo

200-1 Hardy, Thomas, 2 202 Hardy, Wm

204 Hargreaves, James,2 205 Hargreaves, William 206 Harkness, John, B

207-9 Harkness. George, 3

210 Harbert, Edwin

211 Harcourt, George

212 Harcourt, Thomas 213 Hard, Charles 213½ Hardum, Mr

214 Hardwick, Francis 215 Harkins, Robert 216 Harland, W

217 Harling, John 218 Harlow, Mr

219 Harlow, Lameck 220 Hartlett, William 221 Harper, Andrew 222 Harper, George 223 Harper, Henry 224 Harper, Robert

225 Harper, William 226 Harper, W.J. 227 Harris, John 228 Harris, John

229 Harris, Edward 230 Harris, H G 331 Harris, N

232 Harris, Ji hn

233 Harris, Win Nicholls, 2 234 Harris, John

235 Harris, lsaac Adamson 236 Harrls, Abraham 237 Harris, William 238 Harris, Capt

239 Harris, Henry

240 Harris, Chas Alexr 241-2 Harrison, Mrs 2

243 Harrison, Edward


244 Harrison, E L

245 Harrison, James

246 Harrison, John and


247 Harrison, William 248 Hart, Jolm

249 Harvey, Burton, Mrs 250 Harvey, Charless 251 Harvey, G B

252 Harvey, James, Esq 253 Harvey, John R 254 Harvey, William 255 Haruit., John

256 Harwood, John 257 Harrap, H J

258 Harrington, John 259 Hasker, Richard

260 Hasluck,Thos, jun 261 Hassonalt, F

262 Hastings, William 263 Hatch, James

264-5 Hatherly, Joseph, 2 266 Hatters, Thomas

267 Hatton, Lucy, Mrs 268 Hatton, Michael 269 Hawkins, Mr

270 Hawkins, Benjamin 271 Hawkins, Charles H 272 Hawkins, C B, Mrs

273 Hawkins, George


274 Hawkins, Joseph 275 Hawkins, Thomas 276 Hawick, William 277 Hawkes, George 278 Hawkes, H Esq 279 Hawley, R E 280 Hawton, John

281-2 Hawthorn, John, 2 263 Haynes William 284 Hay, Mrs

285 Hay, James T 286 Hays, Alfred 287 Hayes, Dr

288 Hayes, Edward

289 Hayes, George, Esq 290 Hayes, Thomas

291 Hayward, William


291 Heywood, Thomas A 292 Hansmann, Henry

293 Havers, George, Esq 294 Haymes, George

295 Hayman, Miss M A 296 Hayter, H H, Esq 297-8 Hazen, Robert, 2

299 Head, Robert or James 300 Headley, Joseph

301 Heald or Neale, Mrs

302 Heale, Mr

303 Heale, Caleb

304 Healds, Charles 305 Heap, Thomas

306 Heaton, Herbert

307 Heathbourne, Robert

308 Heathcote, James


309.10 Heathcote, William

Lawley, 2

311 Healy, Joseph, A 312 Heath, George 313 Heddell, Peter 314 Heddell, Hugh

315 Heddley, Joseph 316 Heckle, George 317 Heffer, G H

318 Hefferen, Robt 319 Hedjack, C

320 Hemelton, George

321-2 Hemming, Samuel, 2 323 Hemme, Robert

324 Henderson, John T

325-6 Henderson, Capt W

H, 2

327 Henderson, Charles


328 Hendersonn, Frank 329 Henderson, John, 2

330 Henderson, William 331 Hendrey, William 332 Henesey, John

333-4 Hennah, H H, 2 335 Henon, John

336 Hensgens, Theodor 337 Henshaw, William 338 Hensler, John

339 Hensman, William 340 Hentsch, Fredk J 341 Henri, Bondin 342 Henry, Hugh

343 Henry, Robert

344 Henry, Thomas Gibson 345 Herbert, Mr

346 Herbert, Mrs, 2

347 Herbert, Michael 348 Herbert, Robert

349 Herdsman, Saml R

350 Herwyn, Henry Monr 351 Henchant, Antoine

352-3 Hewett, Fleming, 2 354 Heward, Robert

392 Hinard, Robert 393 Hillas, Thomas 394 Hillman, John 395 Hlllyard, J

396-7 Hilton, Michael, 2 398 Hilton, William

399-400 Himing, Charles,


401 Highley, Edwin

402 Hiscocks, E G, Mrs 403 Hislop, Alexander 404 Hislop, John

405 Hippisley, Edward T 406 Hittle, Hatzell

407 Hines, S W, Mrs

408 Hinchliffes, Joseph 409 Hingram, Thomas 410 Hinson, Miles

411-12 Hinson, Horatio, 2 413 Hobson, Alexander 414 Hodgins, George, 2 415 Hodsman, James

416-7 Hodge, Samuel, 2 418 Hodges, Fredk

419 Hodges, William

420 Hodgson, Anthony

421 Hodgson, Edward, Esq 422 Hodgson, Edmund 423 Hodgson, George 424 Hodgson, John 425 Hodgson, T B

426 Hodgson, Thomas 427 Hoff, Isaac

428 Hoffman, Joseph

429 Hofman, J F Joseph 430 Hobart, R N 431 Hoeg, R

412 Hoffman, B, Esq 433 Hogan, John

434 Hogg, James T W 435 Hogan, Patrick 436 Holden, John

437 Holden, Samuel

438 Holdsworth, Thos and


439 Holbrook, Charles F 440 Holliday, Robert

441 Hollings, Tower, and


442 Hollings, C. Esq

443 Holland, Emanuel 444 Holland, Charles

445 Holland, H O H, Esq 446 Holland, W

447 Holland, William 448-9 Holme, J, 2

450 Holmes, John, 2

451 Holmes, W T, Esq 452 Holmes, James 453 Holmes, R A

454 Holvey, Joseph 455 Holt, Capt

456 Holt, Thomas Giddins 457 Homson, Mr

458 Homersham, John 459 Hook, Frederic

460 Hooks, S M, Miss 461 Hooper, Oliver

462 Hooge, Fredk Gustav


463 Hooper, Mrs

464 Hope, Geo Fred

465 Hope, Joseph or


466 Hope, Joseph

467 Hope, Thomas

468 Hopkins, Daniel Morris 469 Hopkins, Jonathan 470 Hopkins, Philip

471 Hopkins, Thomas John 472 Hopkins, Thomas 473 Hopkinson, Wm 474 Horn, James 475 Horne, G R

476 Horan, William

477 Horetzky,Charles 478 Horing, Catherine 479 Hornby, James 480 Hornby, W

481 Horneman, James


482 Horaidge, John P 483 Horsfall, James

484 Hopper, Obadiah 485 Hopwood, H F 486 Hopwood, John

487 Hosking, William 488 Hosking, George

489 Hoskole, Henry Davis 490 Houghton, Alfred

491-2 Houghton, Mrs, 2 493 Howard, Capt 494 Howard, H J

495 Howard, John Jewell 496 Howard, Robert

497-8 Howse, Geo Wm, 2

499 Howell, J P

500 Howatt. Willam 501 Howarth, William 502 Howarth, Thomas 503 Howlett Henry

504 Howlson, Andrew 505 Howick, R C 506 Howatt, Mrs

507 Hoyle, Thos H

508 Hoyguston, Joseph 509 Houston, R H

510 Howson, Fredk IR

511 Houten H L Vanden 512 Hudson, Miss

513 Hudson, Charles

514-15 Hudson John, 2 516 Hudspith J A

517 Hugnenin. Lindsey

518 Huggett, Henry Alfred 519 Hugman, Charles 520 Hughes, David

521 Huches, Hugh H 522 Hughes. James

523 Hughes, Capt J A

524 Hughes, Geo Medhurst 525 Hughes, Capt John D 526 Hughes J F

527 Hughes, John Frank.


528 Hughes, John and Co 529 Hughes, John

530 Hughes. Mary. Miss

531-2 Hughes, William G,


533 Hull, W Bennett 534 Humphry, John

535 Humphry, John D

536-7 Hummerston, Mi-

chael, 2

538 Hummerston T 539 Huff G

610 Humble, B

611 Huntley, Stephen O

3.2 Hntitoon, Caiit llonry


Í41 Hint, Clar-s V.Mrs 641 Hun!, T and J

615 Hunt. Waltor David

648 H ntor Dr

547 II i 1er, Daniel 518 Unter Ce n.o 819 Hi tor, 1 I q

611 H II tir Jalucl 2 531 Hinter I 111

552 Hiirloi.J hu Art sur 651 11 srren I eric«

651 5 Hurst Ian rs 2 6«0 Hush Oro lllllus 657 Hu t Irk W m 658 Hustle, Um! s

919 00 II lisse), Jolianiah,

Miss, 2

681 Ku,ton, Ii T.-rt

6<.2 H i Da,,l 1 313 llu'ton, John

681 11 i,"l,Ins, Samuel


6«] Hit hil», Char es

6 6 Ilulihu i, No h W iCT Hutchins Mr

511« Hutihlioi, SlophenO,

5 9 Hu chl»on, J sei h

610 llutahltni Janies M 571 Hutclil is u, Mrs

i!J Hit lilntoi lohn J 571 Hm- J hu A

67« Hu«, sb o Hi mis

f 5 1 lljdo lh uas 2 677 II le riloihoi

671 9 II) i 1 | h » »J, 3 fs) Ililli,,, M s 1 y 6sl H) mai James

15 Ibbotion, Henry 46 Ibolion, It ti

47 Hutton, It, Ho) wood 4» Unison, It li

19 Ihli Ison, WE 60 Hi r, John

61 Ker, Jo eph

51 Illingworth, Juba T ti linviir.l, Mis

C4 y Jikoph

»5-0, l.T 2

67 Iiigruii John Dryden 68 llif.r.iu Miss M 69 lil letltoriio, J «0 lugiill, Win

«I Ingleton, A O ti llulb-,11, Jam I

(3-4 I rssl.i, Thomas 2 63 Inland,Jismes

(0-8 IrulaiiJ, (losiT!ii«s3 «J Ireland, CI...» d 70 lroti»,J,iino»

ti liMng, Thoiti-es

72 3 I I h, Will II 71 Irvlio, Josijih 75 lasbdl, Rib it 79 Isblslur, W in

TI linn ni),er and Wild l8 li liny, \1 It

79 li »lu, J isliua

(0 Iiuaoi, Ueoand Henry II 3 Jaiksun, Albert i

«3 Jackton, Alfred O

It Juoluon, Arthur Levitt «5 Jacks jil, Edward O 16) Jituk nu, l-dwaid

li Juukun, Etholbirt ll| J.iok nu,Ldffurd 11 Jackson, (len. Hall .I Jackton, J P

69 Jsoksnii,JnhtiMortlnltr .9 J uki ni, John . I Ja kim, J

12 J ickioii, Joseph IJ Jauaiuu, Mnthor ti Jackson, W

.5 Jackson, Wm

li .lucks in, Win t rrtxlk

«7 Jackson, Win 8 . 4 JtsOMOi,, Wm D

ti Jaokion, Har WVIotr 100.1 .lam««, Charles 3 103 Jan,el, H M

103 Jamos, Fitnoei lOt .Inman, Jamel 105 Janie!, Mariam

10S J iiii», Mitrlou, Jaattu« 107 Janies, It II

109 Janie«, Tim»al

109.10 Janies. Thomas I Ul James, Wi-

lli Jamltinu, 0*0

113 Jaiultton, Naran 114.7 Jante«. Wm 4

118 Jtquti, l"raniii 110 Jay, W K

110 Jaques, Moisirai 111.9

133 Jnonbl, ii

111 Jacob), H V

1U JaOO'aMDD, UllUaltl

174 J unison, Mrs 17 î J luisón Mrs

170 J li ism Anelrew 177-s .1 Ins-si is. Alex 3

17» J ilini m, »1rs Ann


180 J liiis.u, Chsrloi Hil J In, ni, 1 roi W IM Juin son, (ice 183 lohiisun, II

181 Julius 1|, J I) 1&5 Jutiiuon, John

1»6 Johnson jj or Job 187 Johnson J

lb« J .Inn n, J ."pi,

H-9 Join sun, pjiiiiicI HU Ji h ison, Hubert

lill Ji hiiluli, Serriaut 19J Jo nsun, s limul 19 I Johnson, r-isinuel IJl Jn mon, I hi mu 1U5 J luisón, V G 190 Ji hnslon, (j lit 187 Jull l ti ti, A

19S I ib »lo i Al (row 199 I hinton Getr-to J io Jo i id t, li ac

01 I nins ot lanes 202 I h st i J u es 203 J I, >t n, James .01 J Illiston, ,lu i es

205 Johnston, Thomas SOO J ii u ton R | oil JuJ Johntii n, ( a t W iii I ilinsi t, »tri ?09 John t n Mr

JlOll J nos, Alfred Tiwi 2 iii I nui, A H

JI3 I tes, ) Isvar! 414 J nes 1 Iward 216 lines, I P

4 0 J mes 1 Iwar I Jacob Jil Jonsi , Mrs I!

lit J ties (I rt,olerr!cr 219 Jones Urlltlih

-ill) Juno», Miss Jane Sheen ill Jims Henry

222 J* oi J h i Mm

2J1 Junta, J.IHO

'221 Jons«, J und D ?IIS Jone«, J It

226.7 Junos, Omen

22« Jones, John llonry 129 June», J

229 Jiiiie», J nil n

311.3 Junos, .1 nut Henry 2 913 Jones, J .Im Ilrldiinian 2JI .Innis, .lohn (Ilatui'J) »J» JiiutH, Mr, Ir

231 Juliet, Jnlili

23« Julius and Stewart 231 JuiK-a, Mr

IM J nies, John 240 Jones, John 241 Janes, Jnlm 242 Joii(«,,lnhn

2(1 Jouus, Mr» J O

314 June», J l'roiton 2U Jones. Owen HU Junes, Il W

Kit Jout», IllolisrU

126 Jick, Trane!« 127 Jack, John

128 Janssen, Jno. Lorenl« 12» Janis, Jacob

110 .Tartllnl), Wnltcr 1 It Janian, Patrick

US .birman, Miss J Bunnli 113 Jay, Ceo

Ul .hitor, A P

IJ5 Jeff ry, 1 hos I li Juifir), Win

137 .Icllt-ry, Joseph lis .Iiir.ry, Divl.t

111 Jin", non, II and J lill .I.llerson, Benjn

1 it 2 Jilfirso», Joiuph 2 14 I .Icons, Tiloma«

114 Jill«, John Arthur 115 Jcnkiou, Michael li. Jcnoui, G 117 aiiss. Win

118 Jenkins, John

149 Jenkins, 3 homos

150 JenMiia, 1 bonc/ir 151 Iiiakln-, I mil.

15J Joitiiii g«, llonry Wm l61 J. nulli).», Jabir

l61 Joiii.!i>"s, Miss A W 155 Jrnillllll, Jollll

150-7 lo ultim, Hristoiv 2 iris Jt si lus ai d Stephen! 15) .1..bin, J-.lui

10,1 Jink, f.oo Wm

101 2 Joisbur), Join)

'Hi mpson 2

103 Jolhiir t, Mrs Wi-lt. I 5 .1 li), John 2 loo .loll ),Mr

107 8 J li),sim 2

109 Juill, Atfuil Joseph 170 .loll),lt.b"rt 171 Joh i, Kinn

172 i Juill.», T liornas 2

248 Jones, Robort 210 Jones, Robert 250 Jones, Robert 251 Jones, Robert

253 Jones, Robert Edgar j 211 Jones, It II

1214 Joins, Jehu Win

255 Jones, Thomas 250 Jones, Thomas

217 Jonos, 1 li wini Cahill 218 Jones, Thomas 259 Jones, 1 hollins 200 J ncs, '1 bourns 201 Jones, Win A 202 Junes, W

201 Jonos, sWm Q 201 Jouo', Win 205 .Innes, Mm

200 Jones, Wm Y 207 Jonos, Wm

208 .lordT, Ml« Anna

209 .Toniin, It

270 dindnii, Henry 271 .Ionian, Hubert

273 Jordan, Hubert J 27J .Irseih, Mr«

274 Joseph, Alex 1.75 Jo.aili, Mia It

270 Joseph, L Solomon 277 Jo) io, John 278 Jo) te, John

271 Jo ophion, Mr

2HJ Jisliui .linns 281 ,'osl i, Paul

263 J"| i', 1 remis

213 Jo|ili. g, J ImR 2*1 Jonsen, Christian 2e5 J milln, Janies

180 Jotirel m, Me lis. Eumeno 287 Joumt, Mons. Jules 2o8 Josser*, Henry Ric 2d9 Jukes, Mrs

230.1 Judson, Thomas 2

27 Kalo, Chrlftcn Ois»!n J- Il Liri oles »i. I eers, 4 11 Karsten», li Hinrlck 13 Lane, Peter

34 kuvut agh. James

35 Kuvauabh, Gooroo 311 Ka) II, Arthur C 87 Ki)sir, Mr

.'S keelilo, Ilonr)

29 Keen mid Parlor 40 Keenan, ribs 41 Keen Jose] li li Keech, Mr

41 K'ctty. Patrick 41 Koiti, Josqh

45 Kell, Chirles 40 Kcop J hil

47 Keel ai, J line»

48 Kenton, Christopher 49 k11), John

50 Keatin-, J Wultalr 61 keating, illili iel 62 K attjti, George 5J 4 Ko»y, Piter 55 kubb), John

5tl Ko ullo, Mrs Hellen 67 Kcildy, Joba 5S kling, Win

59 Kelli), Michael CO K lilt, Wm el keig. Win

C2 k Hutt, Du Id 03 Keliher, John

C1 Kell) and OiK'dortT 6) kell), Aloxatl 1er Cb Kill«, Georga C7 K II), llonry

C8 Kill), Mus Mary C9 It 11), Milnch) 70 kill), Will

71 Kelly, Hotiry Fdmond li kell), IjioUio

73 kemp, James Hare

w *nd

74 Kemp, R

75 Ken p. James 70 Ktrap, It itcrt 77 knott, Gc i

78 kinnclt, C A

79 kell) on, llor.llo E to Ko a, John

ii Kendrlc», Bcnlaiuln BJ Kinsvorthy, Dr C

Jam s

81 Keuslar, Edward

As keimetl

85 Kondall, A C

80 kenney, Arthur 87

S» Kiofcli. W li

89 Kool aw

0» kermi do, Wm

ot korchoriill, John 92 kotlo),!bomas 93 kum uly, Mrs

94 kalindi. Ail «ni

J5 Ker, W llllam Leyden 90 kerr. Margaret 07 Kirr,Junes 98 kelr Andrew

99 ke), 1 disvd 1U0 Kessle), K M

lui k11 ikaiiturg, Augt lol KI ro), Wm

103 K11» ir, MarLL tot Klinckcmherg, A Ki Ktctiing, Auj

II 6 Kid 1, Wm D 107 Kidd, A C

Hi« Kllinirtln, Min Anno 10J k 1 aikcv.MIs» Mary 110 Kllkti) IA m

III 2 Killuru, Roderick H3 Kilgour los

114 Kllluir Michael 115 Kin I le, Belji 116 Klui.wtll. Win 117 Klmliln, Jus

lia kinchant, Hetry

11J 21 Kb g ford, i Dod

will, 3

122 Kin loy. Goo

l.J 24 kit gswo th, Henry 125 Ktn"coinbi 1 tlw 126 Klnn ile, John 137 Mi nur, ltobt 128 Kind li , I

121 KI (. lind, John

130 King WtA t.P. N) 131 KI K, I II

132 K nt, Mia» A A 113 Kin ,Idwln 131 King, I hn

135 King, Charles 133 Klni, Aleur 117 King, C

138 Mnt, Charlotte or

Cn trl>»

139 Kb g, thomas

14« 1 Kui, Hi's Fleet, 3

142 J Mn" Ctp W in LA, «. 114 Klug, Mehi

145 King-, S ci hen

HO 7 Mi t 11 U ra > 118 9 Mii,,WniCliaskiibi2 150 K | Unir, Arthur

151 Klrkm, Capt Win 1j2 Kirby, Win

J5J Klrb), Mrs Mary lil Klrb), Mr

155 6 Kirwan Pcrgt J, 3 167 Kirwan, 1 hu

15a Kirk and Klines« Ita kirkwood Wm

100 Mini«, Inoc's .> 101 K lirmtn llr is 102 Kitchin, Ilcurr l61 Knauf, Ilmry

Hi Is. au l'tttr

165 klupp, All

166 kipillon, Itlc'id 167 kui It, 8

163 knott, J O

loo kuyvott, Herbert Ter-


170 Kiikht, Jt» M 171 Kiltht, Jrshua 1". Mifclt AS

171 Knight, Katlnnlel 174 knallt 1 horn is 175 k ki kilt, Wll ,2 177 K iowIo«, David 178 Knowles Jthu 179 Knox, Gforgo

liO Knox Dudlev W 1*1 Knox, W m Hobt

182 k Hing OijtJ CC 183 K eli, llcnr)

1«4 5 K hu, Iluodor,2 lill Kreh* (lo nard H7 Krafl", Lewis

Ha Krcilne, Sir Jullul ISJ k)dl David

120 K) m i, Hoary Nacro«n

OS L'LullUer, Mons Tcllx


67 Liddon, James

OS 9 Ladlow, Charlu, 3 70 l.adflrtn, Jainis

71.2 Leirj|ey,KliasJohn,3 71 Li Farquu and Lewis 74 Lacv, .IroF

75 Lafnloy, Ellas John 7B L-sVcmaii, 8 T 77 Lake, Wlllm

7b Laidlaw, Hobt or Thos 79 Lally, Henry

S3 Laidlaw, A'oxr II Laing, Jas W

83 Laidlaw, Andrew

63 4 Loin,;, J lines M. 1

85 Lililla«'. Hobt or Thos Sit Laing, Miss Elinor O 67 I.akln, Fro I

?8 Lsuipird, Thos

89 Lim mt, John Moore in) ljelllli, Richard

91 2 I.anili.lliiiir)ltobt,2 93 Lamí-, David 11

91 Lambert, Stanton 95 Lambtrt, Aloxr M 90 Lambert, Edward 97 laib'rt. III am l18 Lawley, Mr» (leo 93 Lanittmi llr dhir« 100 Lanío, Louis

101 Lsn"'lo), OcoW 101 laml'mecr, 1'

103 L-suJiam, James lol 1 -ingilnan, W

105 Lancaster, Eelwel 101 Linds lorne, 11 R 107 I annies, Kdwd

101 L-si gmutr. Jo n

109 Lui Uy, Miss Emma no i.-iiigh .mc, J

111 Linthorne, Alfrel 113 langley, Mr» O 11J Lane, Geo

I 4 15 Lane, l.bcncur, 3 118 Lane, Jos

117 1. tv, .Min

na i.itipM<, Captn II 119 Lankctcr, 11

120 21 Laruor, Mrs II, 3 12! Carram, Thomas

1J3 La»o nibo or Luscombe


121 Lui iiic",Fredk

12) Lim renco, LSir J W 121 Ijiiinncc, Mrs 1 7 I uureiico, 1 reel

121 Laurence, Nelson 1.11 I ann nee, lloyd

1311 Laurence, Abraham

lil l.aur rice, S 1. or J W 1 U I, mrenco, Thelmas A 113 L us-son. Jil D ti» 1 atii", Hobt

111 laugh, HUlnrl

lil l.iundir, Jas Hinllii 117 I au. hlln Hinr) in 1 ii- plisr, Mr

111 I isshr. Marita HO List, James 111 Lawton T

IIJ l.ivsford, BonJ 14 1 Liw, diorço 114 Li) ton, Gio

lil Li)otk, vrs Anne HO l.a)co-k, Wm

147 Lrrarns, 8vnl 8 14t. Liraru«, Il.senr 119 I nrarns, Le isis 110 Lagani*, Disld

111 I.eriril, I an renca 131 Le iib, ( hurles lil I each, .li hu 11» l.ivh, Beujn

1S5 Lrarh, Mr cr Mrs

Ji hu

160 I faili Mr

151 I trsii I It lini 1 168 Ita« »In«!

161 Inltlbeltiri I) T

lilli I cake, lohn anl Geo l61 I rake Win anl J

lil I cako, tv in or Jon D 163 Leask, Robert 114 I arke, Mrs O HI} I r li nu as

HO I re til centO l61 I ee, Tames

It8 1 et Margaret D.tllsi HU I co, Ho > Rall h . o 170 I ce John Hi I lord 111 Iel) .ree C.|t A Iii Ltslgtr, Heiry 171 li lull o I hu 174 I cdkreeu 1.1 n 115 I (Ir y Henri

116 I curtíale) 11 Hip 111 I ou-olt, Henry 178 I elimnii, George

170 1 el,man Al < lum IM) I eui,, I In O lui I rilli II

182 1 lilli, 1 dwartl INI I It in Alfred l8« I elue Mr

185 1 una quail T l8« I 111!, Jil ti

181 1 el Ulan, kumlah

184 1 it 1er, J mil Goinpy 189 I cumin, tt ni

190 I ei 11n, Herkle) lot I ii illy, I.tltsil O

IU I eltuy, J hn Julinion

103 I or ia,M ii

101 I otter A«#onov

196 0 lillie llenr), 3

lil.8 levy. Air.ham, 3 K9 I ovy Iiaao lit mu

09 Ltwoi, Mrs It I I m1 ii I ewe», .'mik John ¿til l.swe», John

ii I Lewis, loteph

lot 1 «wet, II,omul 105 Lewes, Mrt 11 H DI I tw«s 11,011111

107 I owet, Mr

lot I «wes, John

103 l.ewri, Joseph HO Leavei, Jan«!

111 3 _«WM, Thonitj »

213 Lc'hbrldge, Richard 214 l.essell Joscih 215 Lewin, F

210 Levsriok, T W

217 Livingston, Jamss 21-, 1-ovliig», Henry 219 L vers, Henry 2isi I.ldd o, Capt.

271 Lldd), Henry ?iii Eltlillcnt, Mrs

223 Llitgold, George

221 Lid toll. Win Bros 2i5 Md ty, Ilenrv

22*1 Lld"old, Tliomts

2)7.8 Mghtr.i t, Noah, » 229 Lilly, Mis» Jans 230 Lllc, Henry

211 l.lllolatid HW 231 Ltmbert, John 213 Mmlng, D C 211 Llnnan, Thoa 215 Mukldatcrs

231 Lindsey, Hadrow 237 Llmlsil!, ll«.nry 238 Linley, Jamoi

?iii Linehans, Mrs Char


240 Linklater, Go«rgo 211 Milliard, A H

212 Lli.tnbb, Edward 213 Llndtieu. Cli-rlcs

"Jil Linthorne, Itotit * 243 Liiiah, R

210 7 Ujier, Cornelius 244 Ltssetcr, Edwd 219 Lisle, 1)

250 Little, Samuel 251.2 l.lttlo.M, 2

253 Little, Messrs. and Co 2.-.I Little, Ridley

255 I.ivMinori*, Joel W .(.'.8 Livingston, J A 257 Livingston, H L 25« l.lvlugston, Win

259 Ltsngcprl. John Jon« 200 Lloyd, John

201.2 Lloyd, Lewis, 2 203 Lloyd, Jas Henry 2J4 Lloyd,ThosWm 2il5 Liotd, WinEdKd 200 Lloyd, G W 207 Lloyd, Hobt ,208 Lloyd. Geo 209 Lloyd, Mr

270 Lockhart, Robt .211 Loos, Henry 272 Lock, 11

273 Lockhart, Geo D 274.5 Lodge, Tin«». 3 270 Lodge, (¡yurla 277 Lobb Win Hy 278 Locntltt. M 279 Lodge, Th'is 2-0 Loft, elms L 281 Lohn,,lohn

583 l-nekctt. Jai

2s:i Lockhart, John

2-t L'ignos, Montr. Looiice 285 Logan, 'thomas 2»0 Logan, Jih'i

2»7.!> Logan. Michael, 3 2P0 Louait, Jil«

211 Lock, W Frolic orN 29) Loluo, Jacob 2'«3 Long, It, Miss ful Lnn,¡. K.thtr 295 Long, W11

2110 l.nrinrr, Hobt 2)7 I.or.l. Cha-Íes

'.".is London, J Richi

29.1 Li.iigbottim, David

:iot)-l Langdon, Duncan,2 Dti2 Loser, Peter Carl 301 Loati't. Til"»

.11)1 I.oiittilt, AK'xr 30» l.ovolay, E

3f0 Lovtgnivo 107 Loin, Ja»

ins I^ivtly.Wm H3 Lrttll J H

U10.ll Low, Miss F., 2 :H2 low,'Hu unas

31J Lowo.Ooo Gregory 314 Lowe, Wright 316 Lowo, Rulpll

316 Lowe,'I hoiiias 317 Liiwi-, Charles 318 Lowi,James

319 Lowt, lhnnia» 3i0 Lowe, Samuel 321 Lowe, A U

.122 EMU«»», Morn Fred 3J1 I*owry, John

.124 liouilonitreet, Mack 32.1 l.ourilln.Mniis 326 Lough, ltlihd 327 Lowuinn, los

328 Lowlnr, Abbin J 320 Lowing, Mr 310 1/iwry, It J

311 2 Luiioy. btamnot, 2

3 ti Luce)', Mrs Margaret 314 6 Luce)', Samuel, 2 310 Luke, Mr

3J7 Luke, Henry 9 li Luke, John 319 Lukis, J lui

.110 Lmkle, Wm M 311 Luriimls.H

313 > Lntw)che,B, 9 310 7 Lund, Win, 2

3(8 Ennuin

349 Lyall, John

36» Ev mil, Pat Mr« 351 l.vncli, Geo li

333 4 Lynch, Putt, 3 315 L) mil, Wm 36U li) nth, Tho«

357 Lindon,( has

316 Lynn, Adam L !1!9 L>ivr, Ja» H 360 Lynn, Win

3«! L) Il m, A Mon« 364 Lyall, Jus

361 Lyinfht, Mr»

364 Lytagilt, IMwd

361 6 Lysaght, John, 2 367 I.'Oiia, IMwd 3«a Lynn, Will

ato Lythaudir, 0 V

76 Macólo, Walter 77 Mnooy, Hobt

78 0 Machen, Hy, 2 80 Mack, Win

81 Macks, Ml»5 82 Miililen, Chs

83 Madden, Michael

84 5 Maddison, Jno, 2 80 Madcly, Oswald «7 Midgi, T

88 Madox T M

89 Magee, Muster 90 Maguire, alas Ot Malier, Chs

92 Mali' r, Julia

«1 Mallo, Gcorgo

94 5 iMiiingay, 1 retlk, 2

90-8 Malnon, Mons Clot i»,


09 plains, Adam

KIO Mi Uland, Ales: l«l Majar, là A 102 Makin, Thos

103 Malcolm, A J 101 Malcolm Sonil

WH Mslcollii.'Ilins W, 2 107 MaPaiJ mut dil Hcuv,

Missrs Kiiitíliu 108 Malone, Pu ir

100 Malony, Simon HO Multi,.!-, Chs

111 Manuel, -simon

112 Man, Dot Id Iloitl, 113 Maruell, rriinils 114 tin .]y, W m

lir. Mann, Arthur 110 Mann, Francis 117 Munn, Jos H

118 Munn, Peter V 119 Minni, K

120 Ma.Itlclid

Ul manning, Jno Harris lil Mniinon,'I hos

121 -M,ii,"., Gilbert

114 Manra.n, Mrs Jano 125 Ma,,ron, Jos

120 M,iiron,MI»»Margarcl lil Mai tin, W II

128 Marchand, Jian 129 Manl.rnl, M 110 Mai cus, E A 131, l'an

132 Mark, Mlts Mar) Ann

13J Marke, W m

114 Markham, timothy

135 Mirks, Messrs D and


13« Marley, Jno G 117 Marlo«, Mr

118 Mnr iott, Tho« 119 Mar den, la» 140 Mirth, Win

ia Marshall, Rulo and Cj 142 Mural ill, Divld

143 Marshall, Gcor0o

14« Marshall, linn Arthur 145 Marshall, Ibu* uud

Mary Ann

146 Marshall, Wm

147 Marshall, Wui Miles 148 9 Martin, Captn, 1 150 Martin, Mr

151 Martin, Austin M 152 Martin, I lis

153 M irliu, Clis O 154 li irtln, Geo lil Murrin, O F 156 Martin, Ja»

157 a Marlin Miholas, 151 Msriln, Rd

160 Martin, Hobt

161 Mirllii, iiuiuthy lbJ Martindale, l.ilud K3 Marton, Edud 164 Marlyn,.Miss 165 Marlyn, Jus

K6 M-rwcda ind Co 167 Marlon, II) 164 Mason, A l . 161 Milson, J

UKO Mason, tirnce

171 Alttson,'111 is jnr 17 2 1 Maion Wm, 2

174 Al wn, AVm ?tprunt 175 Mast), Gio Wai 176 Masters, Mr

177 'lasters, Gio 178 Masters, W

179 Alath-r, Peter

1*0 Mather, At in Hy 181 Malhlss, Divid

182 Mullions and M'Ken


183 Mathews, Alfd

184 Matthews, L Iwd

1x5 Mathow», Hi)iii*n 186 Ma'hcws, J nins., 187 Mathews, Jno 183 Mathews, Joo

l61 Mullions, Phillip 1«> Mut ows, Hlchd 191 Mithew«, Tins

192 J Maihiws, Win, 2 194 3 Alaure, .Ioho, 2 190 H miloo, Hy 107 Matttcd, Mr

198 Maxwell, Mis»

lil Muxwill, Mis» Ann 2(111 May, Miss

201 May, Duncan .202 Mav, Edwin

»01 4» May Jim, 3

205 May, Miss Sarah 266 May, S II

207 AI«) s, Emma

208 Mayer, Tobias 209 Mayers, Jas

HOI Ma) ger, I redk, 2 212 Mayo, Wm Hy 213 Mears, Jno

214 Measures, Thoa 216 Miathoon, Wm 216 Huton, W

217 Muckonlsiirgh, Alf 216 M«H, AVm

219 Meddlns, Ceo

2J0 1 Medley, E B,3 122 Merk, J

223 Mauling,Tho» 221 Mci Ts I redk 231 Mein, AV II 226 Mrlllllth

2(1 Melluuh, Win 228 Mellor, Geo M Melrrso, Ja»

2in Melville Miss Ann 211 Melvin, A

212 Milvln, A Al

231 Mciikonnet, rhos 234 Me-rlcs, Him 215 6 Mcrtor, Jno, 2 237 A trotth, C 218 Mirtctt J is

2-9 Mi i ritt, Win 240 Merry, Gio

3(1 Merrj weather, J 242 Minio, 1 Ud 211 M r)elt, .lou

214 Mit'iir, Cirncllu» 215 Alrsscngir, Air 240 Metcalf, 11 ink

2»7 M'toslfo, J s Cameron 211 Mo lis'on, Mrs

249 Mom,Mu,Ino 250 M-)er,9

211 2 Miyir, HT, 3 213 Mo)lick, Thos 25» Michell, J

355 Mlohill.J J 310 Michell, Wm

257 Mlcklibu-gli, TB 218 Mllellet-ll, F. C

313 Mhlilleton, Elwin Cor-


231 Mldillutou, Wm 2(11, Jni

202 Mlldi'ilsteilll, Captn,

ii a ii

211 Miles. Hy M

21JÍ-5 Mlles. .Ino, 3 2ÍS Mlles,Will 2il7 Mill, Rob»

208 9 MlHor, Alex, 3

270 Miller, Alfred Ingomar

271 Miller, Mr« B | 272 4 Miller. Franooj, 3 , 275 Ml 1er, Geo

276 7 Miller, Jas 2 278 Miller, Jno II J79 Mlliir,.! W

280, J W It 281 Miller, Ralph

282 3 Miller, Unlit, 2

281 Miller, Hobt Jack 285 Mill*), Cb» los

280 Mills, I* dnd Jas 281 Mill«, Jas 288 Mill», S P

mi Mills, Walter

290 Millwood.'lhosWm 291 2 Milne, Arejtd It, 3 2J) Milton, B

.Ml Milton, Geo

291 Minder, Cits R 210 Miner ( )rus

ill Mini gue, Alls» Bridget

2J8 -Mint n, Muirs li D

and I

219 Mlrlc, Jnn

100 Mitchell Mr

301 Mllihcll, Andrew 302 Mitchell, I* dwd ntl Mitchol , (loo

J04 Mitchell, G o Zacha-


315 Mllihcll, Mrs Hy j 0 lil to c1!, Jos jd7 Ml chill, Ino

»8 Mitchell Jno F

K9 M Hebel , Phillip 310 Mitchell, R

311 U Mi i hell, 1 has 2

31114"Ultchell,WRcdford,2 315 Mlit-n, rho«

110 17 Mickott, J R 2

318 M es«, IolinctMliha»l 319 M lift', Ciptilti

3) I I ilMrat' li 0,2 3)1 Molney.Rihurt UJ M Hard, Wm 3.1 Moller, rA

IJ. Miiicrielf los 8.« Month! 11,1*1) 3.7 Monk, Hour)

311 Monk, W

329 Monks, Miss

330 Muiikhouio, llibsrt 311 Moniuvillo, Francis 3 >2 Montagu, Ooo E 333 Minteliire, uavid

.'111 5 Montefiore, M ses, 3 310 Moat-fiorc, Samuel 337 Montefiore, S B

331.9 Miintg imory, Alex

lohn, 2

310 Montgomery, Robert


311 Montrose, Wm or Air .'lia Montr.isc, W 313 Montrose, Wm

3U Mo .ney, Lawronce

315-0 Moonoy.TW.srron, 3 31! 8 Moor, Gsptsln, 3 319 5« Mooro, Alex, 2

list Moore, Christopher 333 Mooro, Edwin 35J Moore, G F

354 Moore, Hamilton .155 Moore, O O

350 Moore, John Murray 357 Moore, J 'shua 358 Moore, J J

359 Mooro, Phillip

300.1 Moore, I'oiiifrct, 2 36i Mooro, Sarah 303 Moore, Wm

304 Moorhoiiss Mr

30.1.6 Moorhouse, B M, 2 3tl7 Moorhouse, Geo

0(18-9 Moorhouse, William

horton, 2

310 Moori nid, J din

371 Mo-elaiid, Wm Green 372 Moresl, S D

373 Morgan mid Smith 314, I) svld W 375 Morgan, Goo 370 Morgan, Jas

377 Mors-iui, T und Co 378 Morgan, TA, 379 Morgan, Wm 3s0 Morrcs, Thos

311 Morrel, Thos T or Hy 3-2 Morris, Mr

31-3 Morris, Dan A 384 Morris, David

382 Morris, Geo Wilkie 380.8 Morrl«, .Ino, 3 .1-8 Morriss, Rd

390 Me rrlss, wm 3il Morriss, WW

393 Mortimer, David 3JJ .Mortimer, 0 394 Moi timer, R 395 Morton, Mr

390 M irtoii, (loo O 397 Morton, J is 3J8 Morton, Jos

3S9 Morton, Hobt 400 Morlan, Saml 401 MorwIck.Jas

402- Moseley, Henry, a 404 Miss, AH

40i moss, Hy Hillier 408 Moss, Joel

407 Moss, Mrs J C 408 Moss, Wm

409 Motherwell, Wm 410 Mottashcd, Jos 411 Motte, Pierre 412 Mottram, Geo 413 Mouat, Jno

414 Mouohemore, Danl

416 Mourler. «

410 Mount, Edwd 417 Mount, Drily 418 Mount, Mis II

419.2* M..nutfield, W B, 1 4al Mnusloy, Chs

422 Mowat!, C>ptn

423 Mowatt, Capt F R 434 Mossatt, Alcxr 425 Moxttay, 11 li 4.16 Moy, Ali

437 Mayford Joseph 4¿8.» .Mo) le, Thos, 3 410 Muir, And 411 Muir, Jas

432 Muir, Jas II

413.4 Muir, 1 lim, 3 435 Mulhall, Mlchl 410 Muller, D F

437 Muller, Mrs T 418 Mulley, Jua 419 Mulligan

410 Mullins, J M 411 Munday, Dan

4i'l Munro, M-.lcolia 411 Muuton, G II

444 Muroiilsi'ii, Allan 445 Murdoch, Jas

416 Miiiphy, Mi-ses

447 8 Murphy, Haul, 2

119 Murpht, Miss Filen 150 Murph), Jin M 451 Miirpli),.lroX 452 Mur, hy, Thos 451 Mu, ray, Aloxr

454 Murri),Chs tt'yntt 455 Murray, Danl

456 Murriy, Dultl

417 h Mu ray, Jno, 2

459 Murra),.Ino Cuthbert 400 Murray, T Campbell 4 it Murriv, Win

4i>2 Miisgnsro Kdtrd «r, l 4 Mtisktr .Its, 2

4ta5 7 Muspratt, Thos, 3

4UH.9 Mu-sen, ilyGantlt, 2 470 Mutton, Wai 471 M) ers, Hy 473 Mjcrs ,1m 47J Miers, Ji.a

414-6 M>rtle, Juo.S

ts MrAllstT, Jon

Jb 7 Mu «.Hun, t'tis, 3 31 Mc »iii I , Chrlsr 39 MoMrliio,Jw 40 ¡..t'Ar'hnr, J»»

41.1 Mc tilley. Dar.l. 2

43 Mullean, Jas,' watch.

u nl»nr

44.« MeCih». Jno, 3 47 M« C «limn. Um

48 M .'.('an.., I rands .1

49 McCalHtm, Mlli-rt, 2 51 McCarthy, Cutherliio 62 MoCn thy, D ml

fi Mcf'ar ney, S ititi C4 Mid hie, Ruht

8« MoCnllll, Or CN 66 Mii'il-liud Jno 67 McUhoino, .Inn

68 McCli'lin. Aulhony 61 McCbllau,

«II Mi Heiland, Jua, 3 C2 McCHiioIif), Polcr « I Maduro, |,

C1 Mcclure, Mark 65 Media, .tun

66 McCoi.achy, Ja»

07 McConohl , Tito«, 3 69 Mo'Vll no!, (Tn, 3 71 MrCo nulli«, Wm ti MoCormlrk, 71 Mi't'orinoi'k, Palk

71 » MoCrockcn, David, 3

70 Mol ni 1 m Jno

17 M, Cul»!,, I) "nil It MoCllilnih Brit

_7» MeCiilliih, Thos

¡80 MvCiilliini Um rg«

81 MoCiinl),Oeori,o

83 MrDstill Ino

81 McDcrnll Win W Il McDivitl In i

13 MoDiv i Id Ino K. McDunill Mr

67 MiDonall \nllly Il Mellon ti I Cole

89 Bl Mel)mill I) nai_3 03 Mel) i iii Hincan 03 Milli a I lai Util «4 Mi Doini 1 T n 05 Moll n al 1 tt m 0) Mel) >m II A

.7 Mel) mell Jno

08 MoDuugall Jim Alex pi MeDosiMll Ittxlirltk 109 MiDiwal, Jno loi Mollnwnl (1

HU 3 Mt Dur I, a 101 Mrlluir Jim 103 Mci) lill , lim 101 Mol-lune Wm

Hil Mol larallli ihot ID« Mel tvmi Jno I I Mel arm

110 Melarían Ai Iw lil Mol aria io, ( ht

113 Mel «ria io, Geo B 113 Molarlaue M 114 Metlic 11 ivld

115 MuGlhhoiy ||y

116 7 MoGIlilvrtt, AI«, 3 l18 Mollllwai, Ino II» M Oirwan, Il

120 MeGrigir linkt 131 MoUraln.Jtio

11» Afcln yre, A

11J Alolntvre, Arihbl HO MoInt>re, las

111 Mulntvn, J>s Stewart 112 Mihi yro .Its 1 rottur

111 Moimi re Malcolm M4 AIoKay, Chs

145 0 McKay (leo 2

1 H Mt K i), J is W A T

lu McKni, Jno, Jnle of

Wcstfiild 119 AUK ty, .Ino

l'O Nelvtv.JunS 1 ii M-K»), Piter

1Í2 McKay, Win II

15J McKeihnlo Win 151 Airdire.A It

lil « Mi Kee, Win, 2 lil MoK>nie),J lia MoKeniia, Dr

151 M«K-i ner, Mlohl

160 1 Mo<ennei, II), 2

162 MoKonrlo. Thompson

r-nd (Io

103.4 MuKintlo, Alex, t 105 Mclvuii/lo, And 180 MuKcnrl», D 1'

187 Mclienrle, Divld

108 0 MoKoule, Donald, 2 170 McKcntlo, Jno R, lato

or India

171 M, Kennlc, Wm 173 McK a, Wm 173 McKow, Jai 174 MiKle.Tlim

171 McKew, W W T 176 MeKli-rnan, Thos 177 MoKinlay, Colin

118 McKtnlay. Duncan 179 McKlsiack, A

180 MoKiinagan, Sargent 181 MoLiohlan, Onptn 182 MiLaolilan, James 163 MoLsehlan, duo l8» McLaren, Geo

lil'otcr 180 Mol.anulilan, L

187 MeLass inn, John l18 .Mcl.ra, IInvli 169 Mol, an, Mrs 1!>0 Mol can, J

HI MnLoaii, Malcolm 192 Mnl.emull,,Ino

193 4 MnLeod, Norman, 1 195 Mul.cmt, llnlerlck IB6 MeLrmi, Roger It 197 MoMalmn, p 1' 198 McMMtor.Wui

199 McMellor

mo McMillan, Wm

301 Mo.Marlrle, Jno Ham »03 MoNab, C1«

301 Mo Na nara, Jno

901 MoN.iuisra, Owen 903 MoNnight,» an« M«N»v, Jam» SOT MoNelsh, Arolid 101 MoNlcoll, Win

O'i» Miil'horsnn, Adam am Mol'licrinn, Altxr

911 Mol'hcrion, ArchW aia Mol'hnunn, Hugh «13 Mol'herson.Jfss

au Mil'liorton, keals.

123 Moorain, Mt»» Ann 123 MoOicgor, A W 121 MoOregor, D

125 MoOulniioss, Thos

12U.0 MotJungnll, Wm, 4 120 Mollurtly, Jno 131 Möllern, Hy

132 Moilhono, Potar

133 Mcilwraith, Thas 131 Muluiloo, Jnn

135 Molulosh, David 130 Molntosh, Win

137 Mcintyre, Bu'.lor

OIS BloPhoraon, Mary


216 MoQuoltBr, Malcolm 217 Mctjiiarrlc, Daniel 218 McQiilr, Mrs

219 MoKabb, Jo» , , . 220 MoRto, Miss Sarah 221 MolUlohlo, Mr

2Î2 McRltohle, Donald 273 MoTavl'h, 8

224 MoTuildridgo, AV

225 MoVIcar, Arohbd or


23 Nash, W G H 24 Naît, Nlolos

25 Naliter, Thomas ??! Ntitiklvoll, Hobt 27 Nardin, Mrs 2-1 Nash, W S

29 Nallian, Hy 30 Niait-, Wm

31 Needham, John 32 Noos, Carl

33 Nccson, Jno 31 Nocve, J It 35 Negus, T 36 Nell, Mrs

37 Neill, .lehn (baker) 3-1 Neill, Mr» Satul 33 Neill, l'ami

40 Nullsoti, Jno (»later)

41 Kelson, John

42 Nelson, John (brick.


43 Kelson, J II T

44.5 Nilson. Thos, 2 *

40 Nelson, Thos, of Ret-


47 Nelson, Widow

48 Newell, Matthotr ?49 Newling, Paul

60 Newman, Edwd 61 Newman, J F

62 Newman, Matthew 53 Newman, Robt

54 Newman, Thos B 65 Newman, W

56 Newman, W T

67 60 Newman, Wm H, 4 61 Newsom, Goo

(2 Nicholas, Mrs Jal 61 Nilli'las, John

61 Nicholls, li B and C R 65 NI holts, H G 66 Nichol, J T

67 Nicholls, Theophllu!, 2 68 Nicholson, B II 63 Nicholson, J li

70 Nicholson, Siml 71 Nicholson, W

72 Nickle», Capt 73 Nlokloss, Hy 74 Nicol, Jno

75 7t) Nichol, Cap'. R, 2 77 Nlch ii, Wm 78 Nicholson, N 79 Niomnnn, I II 80 Nimmo, Wm 81 NI von, Wm

82 Noir, Jnn Jfra 83 Noblo, Mr

81 Noblo, J B or T 85 Noble, J II

86 87 Noblo Wm, 2 68 Noblo, Wm G 8 I Noblet, G 90 Nokcs, E

01 Nolin, ForTW D2 Noldn, Gustav 91 Noorbcolr, Mr 94 Noicott, Mrs

05 Norcott, Mr» Hy 90 Norgate, Frank

07 Norniin, Mr or Mrs 98 Nornnn, Mr

99 Norman, (ieorgo 103 Norrcs, Charles lill Norris, Francos 102 Norris T D 103 North, T J

101-102 North, Capt W G,


107 Norlhorp, Thos

108 Norton and Bentley,


109 Norton, Semi

110 Nor'on, Win and Co lil Norton,S

112 Norton, Wm

113 Nntlay, Jarnos 111 Notley, Jame« 11.1 Nott, Mr

116 Nowlun, Jno 117 Noyos, LT 118 Nugont, Mr

119 Nunton, Joseph 123 Nutloy, Jumos

19 Oakes, tir ¿o Oiklo, 1 li 21 Oit!, Jno

li Oborry, Ribt 21 O llrlen, riq

21 O Urlon, I dw T 25 O llrlen, D not 20 O II ion, ti Mri 27 O llrlen, 1* Mrs

28 Ollrlra, 1 orónos 29 O llrion, Thomas

30 O CalUjh-i, Mary Jl O Connor, Mrs

12 O Connor, Anthony

31.4 Ofonnn,- George 3 15 Od lie, C W

30 O D innoll, Win 37 O Do ii I'ilrick 38 O I irrell, t O 13 O rornll J T 40 Oí, lile Josoph

41 Ollalirtn *. W 42 3 O Ha a Dan! 2| 41 0\e tío Honora 45 O -eil liso 48 Old T rs

47 Olli! tt HP 43 Oliver «.loi. 49 Oliver, il)

60 Oliver, Tames

51 Oliver tti Ham

52 O Loiiirhlin, (J T

63 O Malle), J mid E 64 O Mara, Mary

55 ONilll.I'ttrick

56 Oppenholnier, C T 57 Ord, AVui

68 Ordlih, Ihoi 63 Ordlsh, AVm ro O It lily, G B

61 1 Ormo, Triilk, 3 61 Ormiston, Jno 64 Oi'in's on, J L 65 O R irke, Jas 66 Orr, lames

67 Orrld"'t>, Mr

6' 9 Osbirn Jno Geo,3 70 Oihirn, Pitkenham 71 Oihorn, ltibt

72 Oibirn Wm II

71 O-veii, Evui I roderick 74 Owen, Hy lousbuln 71 Owons, Ino 76 Owon, Jno

77 Owen, Thos

78-9 Owen, Owen, 2 60 2 OTon, Win, 2 83 Oswin, W 81 Oiulon.Jis 85 Onsle), Jno 86 Outrura.Juí

87 Outtrim, Mr«

(I Picker, Herbert 63 Pact, William 66 Page, Bradford 67 Page, H

68 Page, James E 69 Page, Thomas 70 Page, William 71 Page, Wm G 72 Paine, Alfred

73 Paine, Ulyssus 74 Payne, Mr

75 Payne, Chirles

76 Pa) no, Edward II 7) Pavnc, Emma 7s Fa», ne, J

71 Poym, Jas II m Payne, L F

61 Payne, William f?-1 Payn», W II 84 Palmer, Henry 85 Palmer, .Ki

i-6 Palmer, John

87 Palmer, John A 68 Palmer, Robert 19 P«lmcr, Sidney

00 Palmor, Wm Geo 91 Painter, John t>2 Poll, William m P-llier, J

Oil Pape, John

94 Pamphllon, E 93 Parker, Mrs A »a Parker, Hugh

»7 Parker, Levi E

(1.100 Parker, R O. S 101-2 Parkfr, Wm, 2 101 Parr It, Ch'rll»

lot Parsons, Anson K los Parsons, II D

106-7 Parsons, John, 3 108 Pardee, T B V» Park, James

ion» Parks, Thonui HO Parlett, Chas

til Parmlstor, Edwd 112 Park, A S

111 Parr, Thomas

114 Parr Mrs Ashling 115 Paris, T and J 116 Pirton.S

117.8 Picton. Sidney, 2 119 Pirr, Piter

12» Pasooe, C>ias E 121 Pascoe, Wm 12) Pascoe, Mr 121 Pask.Jihn

121 l'osqular, s j

1J5 Pis'iniro, C»rtM 130 Passmore, Chu lil I'Vcrson, W in

131 1'is'erson, I eslío U9 l'at-Tson, Win

119 I Patterson, C M a 1 li 3 Patterson, Wm, 3 1J.I l'atlesnn, Oiorgo 115 Pattison Rib rt 130 Paul, John

117 Patience, I hn

1J8 l'atihitt, 1 bonus

113 40 Patient, lohn, i 141 Piton, W n

143 l'ottlnsoti.W 113 l'a-sion J F,

141 Pi), Thomas 115 l'a) 1 ti

116 l'a) en, lames 117 Pi)ne, WL 14* Pa) nter, S

149 l'avton, rho-nu 150 1 l'.nc .ck, .Ino, 2 11-.1 l'iacick, Jen), a 154 l'i-ini.Jno HI l'iarco, Wm 166 Beare *, Ihos 157 Poirco, Wm 15a l'ilrse, O

159 Pairie, M R 100 l'ilrse-; Wm

l61 Poarso ,lluery

103 l'caricn William 181 Pcnli, Charles 164 Fc-si-el, W11

165 Fiaruiau, Wm HO l'«nr In, Wm 107 V at. Fil ward

118 Pulling Mrs Hy Ki l'e-d He, Hour)

170 I' derioii, John 171 l'eslill), Junes 173 Peel, Giorio 171 Peil, W A

174 l'eow.JtilSorW 175 Pill, H nias

176 l'cuiilnctnn, Benjn

177 8 I\nnlngton.llaroid,3

179 l'i inlngtnii, Win I«0 P.« kits, Ileginld ist I erklns, William 15? l'.rklus Selena A I«I l'trrt, Citarlos l"l Pirty Dull leo Perry, Jaihn

II« 7 Purr),.I 11,1 184 Ptri),R..bort lsj Piny, It

I'.O I'oiilhett, Charles 191 Pinketh, Wnltor 192 Finne), Mri

193 Ptuni), J itsrii 194 Penntculik, «las

196 Penrloe, Amil ny 190 Pinttntid W W 117 Pentland, II T 198 Pt'rchiiient, J II 199 Percivall, F KIO Pirl, M M

201 Pean, Finlay ¿03 Peters, John

¿oi I'elors, Jonathan 204 Peter«, Polor

2"6 Poterton, ( liarlei 210 Paterson, A J 207 Peterson, F

208 Petrie, David

209 I'otrio, William 210 Ptltet, JnoG

311 i'ttlersson, A G

¿lal Piitlctireiie,Thomas 313 Petti«, M W

213| Fottls, M W : ¿14 l'ottlt.JJ

¿16 I'MUt, J W II 31« Pillll, Win li ¿17 Petty, George

¿I« Pelt), Mrs. Kate ¿19 l'o)iuan, II

¿10.1 1'holr, Rob, 6

¿15 0 Piulan, M J, 3

227 Phifer, S

228 Phllbriiok, Mosel 329 Fhllipott, Wm 230 Phipps, C

331 Phipps, G A 332 Phlllipps, O J

333 Phillip», Edward 234 Phillips, James

225 Phil ips, John L 236 Phillips, P 8

237 Phillips, Rodger 338 Phillips, 8te|h-n

239 Phillips, TlMtnai . 240 Phillips, William 241 Phillip», WO 242 Phllllr«, W li 213 Phillip», W S 241 Piare, Chas

241 l'lckird, John

249 Pickard. William 217 Pldduck, H

218 Piercy, Thos

249 Pleraon, Tho« 25« Pike, II

151-2 Pilgrim. Cha«, 2 253 PUgrain, Jame« 254 Pillât, G

255 Plnchella, A O 251 Piper, J, Mrs 317 Plrrlo.Geo

253 Pitcher. D 8 359 Pitt, Wm

360 Plttaway, Jo» 261 Pickering, BJ 262 Pickering, Wm 263 Pike, Jas Thoa l61 Platt, Rich

365 Plain, John 210 Pledger, T

267 Pledger, AVm 261 Plumer, J J

149 Plummer, Wra 270 Pocock, Edwin 271 Poeock.E W 372 Podmore, Jos 213 P. Hail, T B 274 Pollard, W

275 Phol, Siinond and C» 270 Pointer. W II 377 Polntnn, Geo 371 Poldinir, J 379 P In, Mr

310.1 Polehampton, A, 2 282 Polkliit'horn, Wm 281 4 Pollojk, Jamî», 1

3-5 Pol'nnt. John

280 Polwarth, Hobt 287 Poiiiro), Wm 2»a Pop». John 2»9 Pope, Henry 290 Porter, N E

291 Porter, An ¡row 292 Furt«, Wm 213 Porter, N E

211 5 Portor. Robert, 2 2<is Porter. Mri E

217 Portle'htsalteandMllIer 218 Porch, Miss

299 Poitcons, Thomii TO Portcous, Alex 301 Portean», Thai 312 Porch, James

3t«1 P« Her, Warren 3114 Puller, Thoa

115 Potter, Wm N

30C 7 Potlor, Thos,3 .108 Powili, Mrs 309 Potten, W V

310 1* .well. Edward ¡III Powell, Mar/

312 1 Powell. Charles, 3 314 Powoll,.Illili 315 Powell, Thos

316 Powell, Thai II 317 8 Passer, W li 31) Power, W 3.10 Potts, W

3J1 Pownall, WR 32.1 Poynton, Alex

323 l'oiinsford. Miss 311 l'O) liter. Chas 3Î5 Fowl», Henry 3J0 Pottinger, Mrs

317 Patts, Maunders and


328 Powles, T

3.9 Pratt, Bnbert 33 ) franco, It W 331 Pratt, Geo

3D Prrscot.Thos

3J3 ProsUgo. Chas 331 Prowell, Wm 915 Prenons,.!

311 Frentón, Rlchd 137 Pringle, Frcdk

314 Prlsiiiall, Mr

.119 Primmer, Jno

310 Prickelt, Funny

341 Pritchard, Sophia 342 Prlikmnii, Tnoi SU rrlumer. .Ino

341 Pilco, Winlura 311 Price, Mrs

316 Price, James 117 Prlco, David 348 Prke.WO

319 Pritchard, Chu 350 Pritohard, A II 351 Pritohard, W H 352 PrltOiard, J II .1/13 Pritchard, A

351 IMKhirtl, AVn 355 Prltchird.J H

366 Prosser, Thomas S51 Probtrt, AV B 358 Prottso, E 159 Prothers.T 310 Prosch,O

l61 Provolt, M A l63 Prowse, £

303 Provan, David 301 Punch, C A 365 Pung, W O

366 Piigsley, Jno 167 Pugh, Robert 368 Pullar, Chu 369 Pllirll, Rlhort

370 Pullar, Samuel

371 Purvis, Thom is 372 Piilvorniache, II 37 I Pullar, Janie« 374 Purcell, Poler 375 Purcell, li P »76 Pyke, Tho« lil Pyke, J 376 Pye, V

319 I'lisb.flO

319 Pym, lÀlmiind

4 Quayle, T W

9 t)"i,lirotish, Wm I Viiayle, Tho« t Onefoli, H 0

B Q, lolell, Stephen 9 Ou mi, Julimon

10 Quirk. T

11 Quinn», Motir 0 12 Qulntui, Jno 13 Quirk, II II

14 «Ultimi, Jamos 15 Quirk, Min A

67 Rae, Geo

64 Ray, Edmund ii Rae, II It Oil Ray, J H

61 Ballone. Tho« 61 HulolHTo I) «1 Raden, Miss

01 Kielollilo, AT til itmlf.ird.MriQ 00 linburn, Hinr» 01 Ksluo, 11 \T

»OH Riven, Jam«! ¡>"9 ltluhen. Win 110 Hodwall, II J 911 ltnhorts, Chai 111 Ilntlll ii. II It Roden, U, id 216 Hobbins, A Ü Ribbln», IHM,3 II« llobbordt.QO 219 Robson, Win 330 Rob ion, Jno

B4 Bnlllon, William 09 Haines, Joseph 70 Itni hook, Jas 71 Rath, Charlo! 72 Ralph, John

73 Ramsay, Win 74 Ramsay, J P 75 Rain.ny, L O

70 Ramsay, William 77 Ramsay, W II 7M Rankin, .Ino 79 Rankin, R II cn It inking, J L 81 llanillo, P

82 Randall, Alfred 83 Ransim, U F 84 Rasmussen, O 85 Raneo, Rob

86 Ititi,som, Sntnl 87 Raper, Jua

88 Rawlings, Wm 89 Rawlings, Jno 90 Rawlins, L

91 Raymond, W J

92 Raymond, Josoph 93 Rawson, nil 91 Rayso-i Ellon

05 Rattenbury, Mrs on Raynnutl

97 Rayboulil, John 08 Ratbny, Alex 99 n««-. Alear-

lo,) Bajyhoiild, .Jno 101 lfflynor, W li mi ltnivl.', W 103 Head J W 104 Real, Mr

105 Rood, Edward 100 Hold, Eiltiur 107 Road, S W ins Head.O

109 Read, .Tame« 110 Reeal, Win

111 Reed, Thomai lia Reed, A A

11.1 Heal, Thomai 114 Reed, Allen

115 Reid, Thom« 110 Hold, David 117 Reid, Til 118 Reid, LE 119 Reid, Mis« 120 Held, Wm lil Reeve», 8 G

132 Rcdshaw, T II 123 Rent', Jno

124 Beadon, Mary 1253Hoaircarn, Thos 128 Iteloey, Bobcrt 127 Reardon, Mary 13«. Reddish, Geo HO Re lick, Tnoi 130 Ray, Jno

111 Reach, John 131 Rctldon, Jno 133 Rec!, W J 134 Rees,DP 135 Roes, W J 116 Rees, A

137.8 Uemy, Felix, 2 139 Kearn), R 140 llel),P

141 Regan, P

142 Began, James 143 Bendall. Jno

144 Reiif.irth.J II 145 Renou, Wm

NS Reynolds, T A

H7 Reynolds, Tlinmat 148 Heyn «Ids, J F HO Reynolds, ET 150 ltovnolds, E II

151-2 Roynnltls, S W, 2 153 Iloyna.Ids. Il X l61 Rowell, OT 155 Royniond, T 158 Ilewell, G T 157 Reyburn,Jas

158 9 Rhodes, Josh, 2 180 Richards, Wm 161 Richards, M S

102 Richards Jno M

163 4 Richards, Itaphae', 2 165 Rlcharil«, O O 160 mellarais, F

1B7 Rlcliirdl, f I S C 168 Richards, David 163 Richards, F

170-1 Richard«, Win, 2

i7¿-3 Hioharilsoii. Thos, 2

174 Richardson, li E 175 Richardson, K 176 Richardson, F

177 Richardson, Sarah 178 Richardson,A 179 Richardson.C 180 Ridley, Rlilld 181 Rich, Mr

183 Hiddle, J S 183 Hice,Til

1-4 Klckfsird, WT 185 Rice, Margt

186 Rldiont, U M 187 Rider, llenr/ 188 Ridley, It

169 illckrord, Mr 190 Ricketts, Wm 191 Rich,E

193 Rldpath, E

193 Kldcout/O M 194 Bleldcll, A 195 Hldpith.E

196 hiclimond, W 197 ki I eton, II 198 Rix .til, H A 199 Rimes, G F

aso Riley, Margt aol Ricley, It

302 Rielly, E B 203 Ripper, E

204 Ripley, W II 315 Ritchie, A 206 Ritchie, Jn» 207 Risers, Fred

221 Roche, Jame! 222 Roiclio, s »tul ?/23 Roncho, J T 2J4 Roache, N

225 Ilo.ioho, Jno

221 Roberts, Miss 2J7 Roberts, B

223 Robert», Sarah 229 Roberts, Evan 2 io Roberts, J P 2JI Hoborts, JE 212 Roliorts, J J 233 Robert«, Wot

211 6 Holier!», T liol 3 216 Hobarts, John 217 Roberts, C W 218 Roberts, W S 219 R «berts, RT 210 Roberts, Thoa

211 Roberts, Francis

212 Roberts, Thomas 211 Rohnrls, WC 211 Robîrti, S II

245 Rohorts, Peter 210 Roberts, T F 217 Roberts, Wm

218 Robertson, Potcr 219 Robertson, J H 250 Robertson, Josh 211 Robertson. A W 252 Robot tson, Ja»

213 Robertson, Ellnbctli 254 Robertson, Hobt

255-0 Robertson, A, 2

257 Robertson, Francis 258 Roi crtson, R W

2J3 Robertson, Bowkcrani


260 Robertson, i«fr

201-2 Robertson, Titos, 3 281 Robertson, W

244 Kobe-tson, Ma srl 205 Re bin», MrsU 200 Robins. John 207 Robins, Sattll

208 Robin», Mm Thoi 269 Robinson, Mrs E 270 Robinson, R

271 Robinson, Geo

372 Robinson, W II 27.1 Robinson, David 274 Robinson, Jno

275 0 Robinson, Choi, 2 277 Robinson, E 2 78 Robinson, F

279 lloblns-n, J E 280 Robinson, Capt

281.2 Rogers, James, 3 3 3 Rogers, J

284 Roger, Robt 285 Rogers, C

2e0 Rogers, Geo

287 Rogers, Ja'nes

288 Rogors, Hrldgol 289 Roger«, Enoch 500 Rombach, T 291 R lift, J A 292 Ross, C

231 Ho»», Thoa 291 Ross, D

295 Ross, Jno 296 R i«s, Rich 297 Ross, J E K 2"8 Ross, M

2H9 Ross, K J 300 Roper, E

301 Ronoyno, R P 303 Rosie, Jas

303 Rosauhal, G 301 Rooney, Wm

305 llonchettl, L II 300 Ronchottl, Josh 307 Hosie, Jus

308 Rosenthal, Mr 30. Ronchettl, L II 310 Ro«coe, Allred 311 Itonchcttl, J

312 Ronnonxamp, C 313 Rosonborg, T 311 Ronald, Jos 315 G Roso, II, 3

317 Roto, Alexander

311 Ros», Mrs . 319 llowo, Josh

3'JII I Rowe, It R, 2

322 Rawlinson, Poler 323 Riwell, F J

321 Roivlos, Capt

3 li Rowand, Jas I 3)6 Rome, Chai

327 Rowles, Geo 328 R-iyd, A

329 Hound, J J

330 Routlcdge, G il 32t Roy, Chas 331 R«mw, T

333 ltutuey, T B 114 Rumble, It

335 Ruddock, N 336 Huston, Ja«

337-8 Ruddock, T D, * 339 Rutherford, Ju 340 Rumble, R 341 Runnales, A 342 Rumsey. .Ino 313 Rudd, AV T

344 Ruscton, The« 315 ltudkln, R

318 Rutter, T II

347-8 Ruddock, TD, 2 319 Rudd, A H

350 Rutherford, Ja« 351 Ruddock, T D 352 Russell, G 0 353 Rundel!, M 354 Rule, Tho«

313 Russell, Alex 361 Russell, P W

357 Russell, Catherin« 356 Russell, Rob 369 Russell, Jno

360 Russell, J Paton 361 Rymer, F

'362 Ryan, Jame«

«1 Sabine, C

BJ Ssblster, Alex »I Bach, John

«5 Sadlier, Rlohard M 96 Sadler, C

17 Satmaoti, Oscar C ti Sachuiarm, B L 99 Sage, Henry 100 Battery, John

101 Salkeld, James

103 Salmon, Francis 101 Salmond, Wm F 101 Salmon, FL

103 Salter, S) dney 106 Sams, Charles

107.8 Simpson, Tboi 3 I0> Samuel, Tranc's HO Samuel, M

HI Minnel, Thom« 112 Sandelar.d -113 Sands, It

114 Sumiller, J F 115 Sander, Emll 116 Saiders, EJ 117 Sirke, J P

118 Sergeant, Mrs M

11» Sergsant, Rubt Hill 120 Sergeant, R. Hill 121 Sergeant, Tlurna« 122 Saner, Ant l'it Saul, O

124 Saunders,Allan Stewar 125 Saunduis, John

126 Saunders, H M A 127 Saunders, It M A 128 Saunders, a S W

129-30 Savage, Alex E a 131 Savage, Joh

133 Sivlll, A M J ni Sa) era. Mr

134 Bi> ers, Mrs Mary

135 Sayers, stephen syd.


136 Sassell, CaptH V UT Saxa, Miss Jane

139 Saxton, Edmond

1.13 Say, Marcus Albert 140 Say, Albany 141 Sohlld.Johii

143 Schullslad, 8 P 143 -ichllpaltus, O 141 Scbmedos, Mr

145 Schwurio, Charles 140 Scholiy, Joseph 147 .Hoholis, John 146 Hell.Wok, Alf

149 Soliolcllelil, Mason 160 Seholleld, Mrs A

161 SchotUeiwortli, Ml»


132 Bclirilbcr, Louis 153 Schwenn, C P

l61 be, »Its, Mm Win 155 6 biurf, Juhn, 2

157 Scatcliord, Julius li 168 So itt, Abraham 16J Scott, Alox M 160 booti, Mrs C li 161 ho ilt, Eieklel 16} Se itt, Geo

163 Hco't, Henry l61 Scott, Ja ni« 165 Scott, John

166 7 Scott, J Knowles, 2 188 Scott, Malcolm

169 Isoott, Mary Ann 170-1 Scott, Peter, J 173 Scott, Pottir 173 Stott, Robert

174 beult, Robert A 175 Hiiilt, R

176 So itt, Richard Ja« 117 hoott, Richard J 178 Scott, S tiiiuol

179 Boult, Miss 8 Elanor 189 1 Scott, Wm, J 182 ¡>v,ott, W W

183 Sooliiw, ldwG 164 Sunland, Jus

IBS 6 Scotland, John, 2 l8? Scott nul, R tbert 188 ScuUow, Samuel 189 Siulsow, Samuel 190 Soougall, Jumos 191 Soorrar, latuei 192 Sorlvar, John

193 Sourr, Ellluor

194 6 Sourr, 1 loannr, 2 196 Starlo, Josoph 0 197 Searle, Miss M A 128 Searlo, Simon 109 tUildall, a 200 »editor, Mr

201 Soelowmoyer, John

I redk

302 «count, uuy

203 Sefton, daniel 201 Sillar», Robert

9113 »clover, John P 306 Holman, Dátil B 207 Seller, Robert

2"B Scltnei, Spencer 909 SuldoLOhr

210 Helfe, Francis 211 t-cngclilo, Mr

213 felile.ul.Juhn 21« Hollín, J

214 self, William 215 Senior, Stanton

216.7 Begiave, Win, I 91« Beg rave, William

918 Say inore, Mrs «Margt 2)0 Senior, Mr John II 211 Belhbrlditi, Illolid 212 Seiscl', Joseph 323 Sewell, William 221 Buxton, Samuel 346 ÖImoJ. well, Air

.<S1 Smith, John -JJ I Smith, John

392 Smith, John Fulto» IJJ Smith, John H

394 Smith, John Martin

195.6 Smith, John Pâment, 3 397 Smith, John V 338 Smith, John

399 Smith. John

400 Smith. John F 401 Smith, Joseph

402 Smith, Joseph M 403 Smith, Magnus 401 Smyth, Patrick 409 Hnalth, Patrick

«Oil ¡smith, Sam! and


407 Billilli, Mrs Sidney 4 is Smith, Miss Sophia «09 Billilli, Pallor

410 Sinlili.TlioniisRobeit« 411 a-nlt«, Walter 41¿ Smith, William 413 Smith, William 414 Smith, Win

413 bmiih, WmC

41b biulth, tt'in Lbcnczer 417 Smith, tt' G

41« Smith, Win Henry

410 Smith, Win Heddon 43) bni) th, Henry 1421 bin) th, Hy

421 Smyth, Patrick «¿3 bnell, Stml Jno 431 Sne«ln, lretlk 4.S Snook, Wl.Iiam

4.0 Snow, Mrt Henry 4¿7 bnow, Mrs Hy

428 Snow, Leniuil O 419 Snow, T

430 bnowden, John 431 biilp, P L

4¿¿ bmi-tgs. James

43J Sol iiinu. Julian D 4JI HQd-i), I'

4 5 S loman, Loa Is anl


438 Sotom-in, l'hllllp

431 Sommert Hie, Jaiii-j 438 Soiuuurtilto, John 439 SjrUy, Mrs

440 borton, I.lward

441 2Sori.n»in,I.arsPeter,2 4IJ Soriill, Henry

414 Hoihirn, Ldward

415 boullia .Win I humpsoi 440 Southgate, Kiln 417 Southern, D

41S Spsrko, lidtt J 419 Sparrow, Gio 450 Spain, Capt W 451 bponco, Miss

452 Spence, Mrs Anna 453 -spence, Gllbirt 454 S¡iiuct, Jo in 451 Sp-inotr, Ablo 456 S| tneer, A

457 Spencer, Jane 458 Spencer, tv S

45J bpcnooi, riiosl'lrln 460 Saucer, William

461 ipear, Ltvvr nea C 402 Speary, William 461 jw «ly, Mr 464 r>pkcr, J

465 Splcoi, J E

468 8|lol, Will II

467 Spiers, 1 IwurJ 468 S| Ink, Geo

461 >s| litio, Joseph 470 Splatt, Thomas 471 Splatt, Thos

471 Spollitt, Jas W 47J Spooner, Rand,! 474 Spooner, Rich inl 475 Spirlnt,, Louisa M 476 Springer, Win II 471 Spurr, Mr 478 bpurr, Mr

479 8 pilbil, Mis« A

489 squire, K L F 481 buoy, J unis 482 Stau), J II

4sj Staoy, John 484 btuuty,J II 481 SUhh, Mr

486 Htabb, P F

4hi Sbihart, Geo

488 Stnuk, AHoh iel

489 Stall inl, Richard 49U Stall ird, 1 Ila« 0 421 »Magg, llinuit« 41.3 Stulne«, II) II

49.1 Stainton, Henry 491 Stamp, John

495 Stillsrd.Jans 426 Slallard Ctpt 491 »tamp, John 498 »laniard, O

499 Slaudli g Mr

tot) Hi unit lil, 1 lins li 601 Staugcr, lohn

602 SUmmir, Julia

601 Staiiwlt N J 604 »tar, William

(US SUrklo, Willi in to« Starling, Mrs II 601 Starling, Jamo»

60« Starren, William

60» SUneiihiKon, Phillip 610 Staiie t, K S 111 Stead, J dm d12 Blears, Chr

Old Stearin, Charlo A 611 SUctllill, Jtuo

815 Steadman, Joh« 616 Steel, Alfred »17 Steel, Alfred

220 Shackleton, Jamos 337>Shade, William" , 3i8 Shaliler», Walli r 319 Shavor, Almond 230 Sharman, John

2 it Sliaunnssy, Margt 212 Shanks, John .ill Sharman, J

314 Sharp, Fredk .

231 Sharp, Jonas Binns 210 Sharp, P

237 Sharp, Thos Hy 218 Sharp, Thos C 211 Shaw, J J

240 Shaw, Eelward .ill, Sbasv, Hdw

242 Shaw, Frcdk 211 Shaw II

211 Shaw, Alor

241 Bbaw, Edward 210 Shaw, Gcorgo 217 Blniv, Thomas 2(6 Slid, l'a t

219 Slea, William 250 Shears, James 211 Shea, Dmnli

252 She sis. Crawford i51 Shoals, C

254 Shower, Ohnrlcs 216 Shoird, Wm L 250 Shepherd, Alix

267 Shepherd, Edmund

251-9 Shephord, John Ware


2il0 Shepherd, T

201-2 Sh»pherd, William

Geo, 2

201 Shepherd. W G

201 Sherwood, P 0, John iS5 Sherwood, William

26il Shepley, William . .108 Shepley, Mr

299 Shepherdson, Jabe« 270 She.'ord, Geo

271.2 Sherrard, J S, 3 371 Sherrin, Win

274 Shevlll, James 275 Sliovlll, J W 216 Shield, Hiclld

277 Shield, ltd lliomas 278 Stilton, John

219 Short, Beresford

isa short, 11

281 Short, C B

212 Shoubrldgo, Edward 2»3 "Shoobridge, Mr 2.4 Simm, 285 Shotter, W

J88-7 Bhovelton, Wright, 2 26» Shrlglcy, J A 3,9 Shuck, F A

J90 1 blbloy, Thomas, 2 2J2 Tan Choon, Slan 213 Siddons, John

2)4 5 Bidders, Thus Allen,


290 Silva, For and C).

2J7 Sitverlook, Willum 2J8 9 Slmmins. Honry, 3 doo Simmons, Jahn 301 Simmons, Jno

302 Blmmons.John 303 Simpson, Francis 304 Simplón, O

305 Simpson, Geo

306 Slmp'on, Geo B 307 Simpson, II V

308-9 Simpson, Isaac, 3

310-11 Siuip'O-, W J HU

312 Simpson, James Ji3 Sinipsjn, l'el-r

114 Simmon Is, Phiebo

315 IS bim,son, ltobt,2 317 Slni|son William 318 Sims, Miss

319 Sims, James and Hour) 3J0 Sims, Mils

321 Sinclair, Adam 32J Sinclair, Basil

2JI Sinclair, Jamos

321 Sinclair, Richard J25 ¡sliimtt, H

3.0 blndrj, James 3J7 Slndcry, Jas 3J4 blrsom, lohn 333 »kirie, N P 3J0 Bkonner, Mr

331 Skinner, Thomas

J3J Skinner, John Arlhir

313 Biene, Hobt

33t Skuwis, James 3.15 Slater, Geo 330 Slater, Jno

337 Slarkugs, Edward 338 Slardmaii, Chas 339 Slatter, Geo

no slattery, Mlsi

341 Slesven, Walter 342 Binney, Mr

343 4 Siie, Thomas, 3 315 Bl an, Gordon 316 Slooy, Miss 3(7 Sloper, B C 348 Sloroey, II

319 Sluttnn, »1rs Georg« 350 Sly, George

351 Smallbnne, Cha« It 3.12 Smart, Geo 353 Stuart, D

35« Smart, Miss Jan« 355 Stncthurst, J K 356 Bnilloo, Alix

357 Smithson, Thomas 358 Smith, Mr.

359 Smith, Miss A 361 Smith, Amella

301 Smith, Alexander .l63 Smith, Alfred Wm U3 Smith, C

364 Smith, Edward T 365 Smith, Augustus 366 Smith, Francis

3<7 Suiilh, Francis L 368 hinllh, 1 redk 36» 8 nilli, O

J70 Smith, Georg« 371 Smith, Georg«

173 Smith, George

373] Smith Geo Willisms 373 Smith, li

374 Smith, Henry A Knapp 3 5 bmltb. Henry 370 Smith, Henry

377 Smith, II Willmott

J78 Smith, Hinry Ta) tor

379 80 Smith, Mrs Jaraei,3 3Hl t Smith Hugh, 2 383 Smith, J

184 Smith Jim»

385 Bint h, James Charles Jil bin* h James Heury 387 Smith, Ja« Sheipwd

3 « Smith John

GI8 Steel, Hy Mark 619 Steel, John S20 Steol, John

Sil Steel, Rlchd 623 Slot I, Klein!

623 Steel, Stephen B24 Stool, Mi «W 625 Stell, W P

010 Step),onion, Mr | S27 Stephenson, Mr

»l8 Stephenson.Arch 629 atovenson, D ivld 610 Stovcnion,I)M

631 Stoveiisoii, James Loio 533 Stevenson, «loliu

63J "stephenson, Matlliow 614 Stovonson, Robert " S15 Stephenson, '1 human DM Stovins, I'tlivln 617 Stephens, là W

f.38 Stoplnns, Frincls

mi Stevens, .lolin llonry 010 Stevens, Henry OH Stovo is, J and n

013 Stephens, alnlnnoss Oil Stephens, Joseph 514 Stephen«, Lnko 015 8tepl.un, M A

040 Stolen«,Messrs Morris

and Co

617 Stephen, W li 018 Sieve,,», S

r. 19 bteptient, Thomas 050 Htoion», V5IIII ,1,1 551 Stevens, W II

652 Stet ens, tVllllam Rich-


653 Sttiplious, W ii 654 Stewart, I) tvltl

S55 Stewart, Duncan 650 Stewart, I'rnnolj 657 Stowari, Fredk r.58 Htowart, Goo 659 bluirt, Il C

SoO Stoiiard, James ta',1 Stowni t, Jamos 602 Stewart, Junie«

6CJ Stcrart, J hn F 604 Ston art, James 0 665 Stewart, John It 380 Steward, It toort

567 Steward, Robert '

6CS Stuird, Hamley 569 Steis-art, Wm

570 Slowart, Wm M B 371 Steinberg, Edward 572 Stomman, Harro V 673 Stornier, Anchsl

Mlohscl IC 574 Bim', James

575 Stllo«, LavilG

670 Stodart, Jno Watson 677 Stokes, John

678 Stockard, Peter 57!) Stone, David U 680 Stono, D B

681 Stones, Lawrence 682 Stones, Robort 683 Stones, Thomas 6S4 Stones, Thos 615 Sumer, Mr

3!8 Smith, John

6P6 Stoney, James 617 Slotbard, Geo

5!8 Stoneham, Mary Anno 589 Stormouth, James 690 Stonoworlhy, Mr 591 Stowe, J B

693 Strachan, J J 593 Strahan, Wra

694 Stiakoich, S and O 695 Stratford, Chas

690 Stranger, Elijah

597 Strangwldgo. Geo

593 Strutton, ltobt James 599 Strickland, Henry '000, Robt A 601 Strike, Win

C02 Stringer, Alfred 603 Stratton, Charles COI Strow, Frcdk 0 605 Story, Thomas 606 Stubbs, James 607 Stublngton, T

608 Studtlart, Archd C09 Study, Joseph 610 bturloy, J A

«li Stutloy.John Arthur . 612 Sturley,JA , I 613 Stunner, Fredk J

«14, Styles, Bridget «15 Sudworth, Win «16 Hugden, Alfred 617 Sugden, Selwyn 618 Sullivan, Joseph 619 Sullivan, Michail 6i0 Sullivan, M O

611 Summers, William 622 Summers, Wm 633 Bullock, T 624 fulton, Mrs

625 Surtieran, Joshna

620 Eummrricales, Hv

617 Summerfield, Henry


C2I Summerfield, It L

C9 Summerfield, Henry L 630 Summerfield, II Lewis 6)1 Sumner, W O aud A 633 Susane, Geo

«33 Suthor.'and, Mr

«It Sutherland, Geo

6J5 Sutherland, James «36 Sutton, E

637 Sutton. Hamael 638 Sutchllffe, Juba 639 Sutcliffe, Job« C40 Swaine, John

611 Swalllng. Wm 6ia Swan,AUr«d 643 Swan, James 644 Swan, James

615 Swanncll, Joseph

.io Swanston, Willis, lad


.47 Bwcatman, AVin 6U Sweeney, Dtnl

649 Sweeney, Mrs Daniell 650 Sweeney, Mrs Francis 651 Sweeney, Janie« C52 Swi»no),Owan 65S Sweet, Charles

C54 Swenssan, liter 13

655 Saloman, Lewis Syd I» 656 Sykes, Aloxandcr 657 Sjkes, WllllamC 651 Sy me, David 659 S) ram, Mr»

ISO Symon, James 661 8) monds, Wm 662 8) mons, Mr« 661 8) c, Edmund

111 Syson, Charle«

31 Taft, Hamilton 31 ToO, Honry U

32 latgart, 1 humos 13 luit, Willoi 54 I als), Dinl

35 36 1 albut Charles 2 17 r. nur, J It

J6 Tarascón, Augusto


39 Tari ti n, Julien 40 42 lute It \V 41 la c, AN Ulm

44 Tai cn r, < harks 45 ra)lir. Mr

46 Fa) lor Capt A

47 lav I r, Alot Molntot'i 48 49 Ia)lor, Arthur

Crisp, 2

50 Tat lor, Divld 51 Tailor, Ld*d

6 J Tatt r, GD 1 63 Tayl .r, Henry 54 lu)lor, HI,

55-60 I a) lor, Juno!, 3 67 68 Ta>lor, J uues

Sis bullit, 2

69 61 T'a) lor John, 1

64 Taylor, Messrs John

und Co

63 Taylor, John

64 Tn) lor, .Lulah 65 Ta) lor, Jotoph 60 Ti«)lor, J G 07 la)lor, J 1*

C8 69 taylor, Lewis Ednd


70 1 a) lor, Merris

71 lu>lor, Thomas

7 J Tas loi, Wm Henry 73 74 Teiguo, J .1,2 75 Tonpletun, Rlitid 70 1 implctoii, Wm 77 Toner,Holt

78 lender. Alix

79 91 'lorry, Charles, 3 83 Teny.ltloluid 83 'liri), J

ill Terr), liri Charlot

65 T Uley. Witt Anderson 80 1, E I.

87 '1 iii' ker, T humas HH Tin lander, I! J 89 Tlietoiulii, Elo 90 Thirst, Joseph

91 T huriiitiii, JO..U and


93 Thorn, Geo

93 Thotnlcv, AlexWyldo D4 Tit w, Wtllu

9j D8 Tnurl urn, WUlm, 3

97 1 lloma» Mr

«s iii mus,(barios 99 I bomas, Du Id

100 Hi nias, Dinl H

101 Humas, 1 rancis

W oiUin

KUI lli< nias, John, 3

101 1 hum s, John Hüllet 1115 ihoinus, lessls 0

Kill I boums, Miss Mary 107 Tilomas, Hie lui

108 Hu nui, Richard It9 fhoulus, Hubert

Iii li um is I toi henani I, HI 1 humas, S oilien und

I. Uln

112 1 h mías, Thomu lu Ibu ins, re

114 16 riioiuni, Thomai

Llo)d, 3

117 l8 Hiemal, Win, 3 119 lliolni,, W11

130 1 Thompson, Mr, 1

UJ 1 lu lupton, Mrs Alicia ii T ti uni son, U A

1115 1 hool ps ti, George, a lill Hilliup, n, Henry lil I h imps in, Jose] li

lil 130 1hnoi|iin, John

Mullían I, 3

131 Thompson, John

132 Thompson, Richard 133 Thompson, William

131 Thompson, Wm Ban-


US Thomson, Mn

136 1 doune i, Aulrsw UT Uwins e,llll

ni» lb.Minmi,John, a HO thomson, jiuiei

141 Thornton, It

142 Thomson, William


143 Thomson, W A 144 Thorp, Henry 145 Thorpe, «lohn

146 Thorpe, Joseph

147 Thorp, Sydney B 148 Tlarowir, John

140 Thulfall, Richard 160 Thunder, Atttlrevr 151 Throir.ll, Itlilnrd 152 Tliurst, Jos. pi,

153, Augusto«


154 -htailt, Thomai Cow-


155 Tielt, N G 158 Tille),!',

l61 lliiiolli). David

154 H r burl ill" J lill 159 Tliikham, John loo Tliikham, John 161 Tl| pis W 162 Tilley, O

l61 I ohio,'I liornas

K4 tobey, J Hun« 165 loj, /lur 166 Todd, Puter 167 Ti d, Waller Iii loliil.l, F

169 Toker, Miss Jane

170 1.U or til), Wm Geo

171 2 lo'pult, 1 lloma« II, 2 173 Toniklns, Jiuiesbluip. 179 Torrens, James Agnew


74 Tombs Mlts y A

176 6 Tiiiuklcs, ih una«, 3 177 tomlin, James

178 Tu"-i«ii li hu riioi 180 'lush, J din lal rout, 0 11

1><2 Ï »w nanni. Alls« Il A 183 1 iwn, ni, 11 huh nN l61 looiiiov. Ulalie» 185 'Irse), J

180 Tras or», Ml« Catho,


187 Tra) te, AVIlltn 188 9 Ir gay, J, 2

19» IrtKouliK, Wlllm II

191 TrolliinluK, ibu« or


112 Trciulctt, Mr» H'3 Tringiove, Mr 1'U Irtiiholm, (ko 1116 Trow, James

198 Iroso or Peler

197 IroAhif, ItibtM

198 Trollop», WiuTlioi 199 Trutur Junos loo I rou', 1. II

201 Tn uns.1 n

¿12 Ir u m,!» mu 1

2(J I Jn tiluok ). 1, 3 305 lr ml eck, I H

300 Irusoott I It irlos 207 lrusi lit tv ii or ¿08 1 run ian (let

¿03 IO Trim ni Ilciir). _ 211 fioka i- I hu ¿13 luiki) M rk 213 Tuft» 11,arl.«

¿14 run lillil' it in ¿19 I Illili tt in

¿10 Tiru in I hn 317 lune), IM r 218 rnricliln, I hn

J 9 50 liult u ( harloir,3 321 Turner I II

¿¿linn r, Gio 331 I unitr, Ira

ail 1 inter Jn h a S

¿25 6 lurntir Hit liar I a 327 Turne , illili ud 1 ¿l8 lur nr II ii

¿¿8 lun I H m,) jjitn,


330 Tugg rl John

3)1 3 1 .serillo, Joui h, a 313 Iwli«, U

331 Julio CaptLdwd 333 lye, {)

3)1) Ijo, tt m ¿.IT lyle Mist 9111)1 r 1

HI« lylor, Henri,a 341 Uhr, Mary ¿13 rymill. Aux

1 Uglow, J B II . 3 llilmer, Michael 3 UllllliKiiie, A

4*6 Uiiiph«lby,Tr., 3 . Uiiilorw.iril, Rlohit R

t UilJvrwMMl, WuiEdinl i Uulacke, Hobt

»-io Un'sln, John, a 11 Unthank. . K

13 Upton, Htilnmoti 13 Bril, Mrs Luis«

It UrsiulHtrl, J.ti Barret II Ussher, Arthur U.

g Vatr, Hngh M 10 Valentino, W It Valentine, 0 F

12 Valentino, Til'I 13 t-Iront, P D P il Vallanoo, Henry

15 Vnn Wyck, F P II

l8 Van Hoiiloii, B R . 17 Von Damm) Karl

18 Van Driiinuiolon, O C

and N

19 Vundorslaycs, E 20 Vnnce, Wlllm J 21 Vnrdoil, Charles 23 Varnda!!, Mr

2.1 Varndi'IT. Alfred

21 Venlo, John Hobcry 29 Veitch, Ellaibetli

39 Veltoh, Nathan 27 Veiinor, Tim»

28 Vernon, Mr» I" I»

20 li Vernon, Wm, 3 32 Verdon, Joiophlne 3J Vial, Polor

31 Vick Ed Sinrkcl .15 Victor, Torrlor 30 Vickers, ltlchd 37 Ylllanill, E

37 Vine, Stophco S8 Ylrder, Wm 39 Vivian, Thoa

40 Vltch, Nntbon

41 VonThun Nlcolatut 42 Voss eli, Francis 43 Vnloknian, J W 44 S Vjo, Phillip, 3.

87 Wadlo», I ranci« 88 W vilo), I rank 82 W ndilell, B 1

au A\ uggonor, Mahton D Jl W alle, Mrs

U2 Wallu J Thomas

OJ Wall wright, Allrctl

84 stiiiwrlir t Clurle3 95 6 W Hing, Hour), 2

9)28 Wilke Hannah Mo

rlnh J

SO AVukcfioll.l'redcrlo 109 W kifiold, Giurgo lui W lc,C

lu2 Vsnle, Clifton

10J Wale«, Willi im 101 Walmsley, It J lou AVulher Mr» 116 Wall W11

107 AVills, Robort 108 W a kill", lid

lu!) W aller, Daulel 110 Waller J

HI 2 A\ aiw) n, John Mr«,2

113 Walitow, Alfreii

114 Wallho, William 116 Wallal', Charles

110 Walford, Thomas 117 Wallslabc, A

118 31 Walsh, Jones,

and Co., 4

123 Wa ,b, lllogaey W 1.13 Walsh, Jano

121 Walsh, James

125 Wabli, James S 1.6 Wallho, Wm

127 Walker, Delabcr« 123 Walker, E B

123 Walker, Fredk

130 1 Walker, George, 3 13i Walker, II

1-3 Walkor, Henry

114 Walker, James M

135 Walker, John Mitchell

130 Walket, KG

137.8 Walker,'I bomas, a 139 Wa ker, Wllllum T Ui'.'l Walton, E M, 3

143 4 Walton, John C, 3 143 Walton, John 140 Wallace, D M 117 Wallace, Joliu

118 Wallace, John or Geo


HO Wallace, Marianne Mils

160 Y! allace, M A Miss 151 Wallace, Samuel

163 3 Wallace, Ihos W,3 151-8 Wallis, Janies, 3

166 7 Wallis, Miredlth, 2 158 Wallis, Robert

15» Wallis. William

loo Wardman, Ourles 161 Wurdropo, Georgs 161 Wartiuton, W

l61 Warkiuau, John

164 Warkmas, Joseph 165 Wardlaw, James la« Warne, F S Fils 167 Walton, J

l61 Wareham, Jonathan Ibis Wortham, John

lio 1 Warr, i liarles, 3 173 Ware, Oliver

173-4, James, 3

175 Warsuap, James and


176 Worm ck, David

177 9 Waring, John, t 180 Waring, William l61 Ward, Andrew S U2 Ward,Benjamin 113 Ward, F

114 5 War«t, Martin, 3 186 Warner, Harriet

m7 91 Warwick, U E,

Capt, t

112 Waterman, Charlas 19J Water tock, W J

194 6 Walters. Peter, 3 l8«) Watten, Thomas

1JI-5 Watti», Edwin, 3 19J Waters, J

109 Watk ni, Thoi

201 Wallon, Charles 301 Wa ion, C H 203 Watton, D

Hill Wotaon, David

305 Walsuu, Ldward ,04 Watson, E M

J07 Watson, Ueorgo 08 Watson, James J0J W alaon, John

¿10 Watson, Richard

111 Watson, Richard or

Mary Ann Grao* 212 Wallia,Sam 1'

21314 Watson, Thai, 1 216 Watson, William F

2t( 17 Watson, Wm revo

rill 2

318 ttlUon, WmZa 319 ttaton, Vain ¿30 tt atl, L

¿21 -M tt att, Hobt, 1 l-U Watti, Charlct

1.4 29 Watt«, Qax rge, ? 2 . tt atti, tt llllttu 211 tt altl, W

228 Waugh & Innes, Messrs 2.4 VVuUj,h, 1 horn-i ¿JO Waylen, Mill 231 tW-trti, Mr

lit tt eau, Jama

US tt caver and llcmphlll,

M eura

34 ti caver, T M 231 Wt baler, Mist

3Jtt tt ebitcr, Châties

¡il it Webiter, Chsrlei R,


231 ttibster, Charles Roll

219-41 Webster, Otorgo

Hindson, 2

312 AVibsler, lioaryBrewer 2«3 Witi.ur, Ml» Jca.le 241 Wtbslir, Jihn

2(5.46 Wotiiter, William, 3 ?247 Wtbiter, W11

.248-9 Webb, He iry II n 2 250.31 Wetib,Johu,2 '

lil Wibb, It birt

253, Thomaj S51 AVukis, Win a 255 Wildnor, L 256 W'.ii, John

?HI Weir, Win Forrester 258 Weiden, Mr

2J9 AVildon, Chat Edwd 260 Wtliteatl, John

201-02 Wellington, lVcr

llauoy, '2

263 AVtuoh, Richd M 26i W'tlsh, Chailu II 215, John 2ti6 Wells, '111115 267 W emu!, Mr

2ti6 Wtntw rill, Mr

261 W'otbjiime, John 21U We-s n, Win

271.2 Wuterdulo, Juhn, 2 2ÏJ W'tstoii, Peter

211 YVmllalkJ bli J

27S nia't ti,'I hot Kow 27U Wist, Ktwurd lilli 217 Wi I, Mrs Louisa

378 9 Wut, Richard, 2 2ad W e>t, faimiel 2-1 Weit, Wm J

2o2 Wu h rill. Hobt

¿ti Whait««, Mr«. Henry

'1 nihill

28) Wharf hi, T

¿«5 W l,i l|»lale',.I II

¿rd W lull lull, Will O Jd7 hil lion, Will

i a Wbotltr, ( urgo

J J W osier, Rediuonl -JO W i eu ir, W m p J'l W hitit

J.U W11 ilisl w, Mr W

.»J Wliimonli.MlistllM


291 Whitwi rib, Hobt -ii W mil 1, John

-JO Whitli',Di»|d 8 -Jl Whitby, tollu

JJS W blieb), Andrew -si W lilli», ud, w

JOJ W Intimi, It dieri

J01 nina II I iirlitophor JUJ Wlillellile, Mr» A D tua W tittil des, G II JOi W hlicsltlo, John

Jos W11 Hilde, I hunns 3uo \\ hil , A V

1U7 White, MrsBrldgott io» White, David

im White, UlsrdHcmmlufi 310 W lilli-, L J

311-12 Whlto, Otorgo, 3 .113 White, James

314 Whlto, James Carter 316-10 White, John, 3

317-18 Whlto, John Ve«"

?ey, 2

319 Whlto, John Baml 330 White, Nathan lill Whlto, Patrick

133 3 Wlii'o, Wm. 3 321 Will noy, Alfred. 325 Whitney, Jos

320 Wtiltl-ok, Jumes

3i7 Whittaker, Phillp


32« Wb) lo, Moiler A 320 Wickens, Mrs O 3J0 Wldliv, IS II

331 W>|fiiall, Gorge

tl.ll Wiggings, Otiiirlc« 333 M Igliloni, Georgo

331 Wiggles« oribe, (i T 335 Willoughby, Wm . 330 Wilby, doo

337 tVilley, Jn« A

3.8 tt'il.lsmitli, Georgs 339 Wlll'itt, Divid

310 tVlllborforoo, Jnr. WriX ' 311 Wiles, Gilbert .It-t Wille, John M 343 Wilder, J tmca 314 Wilkes, C. II

315 Wilks, George 3HI Willis, II It

317 Wild,.Tat Edward. 318 9 Wi.d, W II, 2 350 Wills, Orín do

351 Wills, Junr, George

352 Williamson, Mr«

353 Williamson, Francl» 354 Williamson, George 316 Williamson, Hudson

356-7 Williamson, John, * 338 Williamson, Jebn Bon,

' nltt

359 Wlllamson, John Ben-


360 AVIIIIainson, J and T 381 AVIlllamson, NlcholW 382 Williamson, Hobt F 303 AVIIIIainson, Thomaa

361-5 Williamson, - Ttroi


366 Williamson, Wm 267 AVIIloccks, Josoph

368 Wilkinson, Mr

369 Wilkinson, Edward

370-71 Wilkinson, Charlot,


372 AVllklnion, EFD 373 AVIlklnson, Georg« 374 Wilkinson, J Y

375 AVIlklnson, Peter

370 AVIlklnson, William 377 Willum», Mr 378 Williams Mr

379 Williams, Anne Mill 380 William«, (J, Mr«

381.2 Williams, Charle»,» 383 AVIIllauis, (J M

384 AVIIllauis, Charlea K 385 AVIIIIam», David J

386 AVIIIIam«, Etward J 3a7 AVIIllauis, Uoo go

388.91 Williams, Ii Mr, 4 392 Williams, il F

39J tvilllaiu«, Jamoi

394.6 Williams. John, S

397 Williams, Jno o.-D-vH


391 Williams, John L 388 Willum«, Juitlo «J 410 tVlllltms, JJ

«oi Willum«, Lovl

«03 William!, Owes» o «03 Williams, Italph

401.5 Willlama, Richard, 1 «06 Williams, Hobt Mast«* «07 tYilllaiia, S C

«08-10 nilllams.Thom««,» 411.12 Williams, Wm,3 «13 Willson, Arthur

414 Wilton, Chailoi WO 416 Wilson, David W 410 Wilson, David L 417 Wilson, Davia if 418 tt'llsoii, I J 413 tt'ilson, O

4M Wilson, Junr G

«31-2 W11» ,n. George, »

433 Wilson, Qoorgo War* «¿4 tt I son, Henry Jobs «¿6 7 Wilson, James, . «33.« tt'ilson, John, a 430 Wilson, Johnson

«al Wilton John .1

433 Wilson, Joseph BiMo* 433 Wilson, Peter H «34 Wilson, Itobeit

435 6 Wilson, Thomas. . 637 Wilson, Wm

431.40 Wilson, Wm, . «ti Wilson, W A B «13 Wljini, W n

443 Wemmcl, Henry 41« Wlnterton, F W 44» Winter, PeUr 446 Wingate, Josh

441 Wlugfield, Walts» «li Wlticoy, la

449.80 Winoh, A Q, t 431 Wlshirt, Wm 453 Wise, Charles «53 Wise, O J

454 Wise, Joseph

465 Wlthene, Reuben B 436 Willy, A

4SI Wliolier, Georgs

45« Witlilngtnn, Chu B 443 Wolfe, Arthur 460 Wolir, Henry

461.3 Wulf, Fits Henry D,

«63 Wontner, J

464 Worthington, Chu T 406 Worgan, Charl«

463 Wurruck, Monsieur 467 Wurley, Mr 408 Worliy, J B

4.9-71 Wirlham, Henry g 471 Woodriir, John 47J Woodruff, J W

473 Wocdtfurth, Chaucer 474 Woodrow, Blnhd A. 476 Worland, VT

47a V/no I)aril, Jamal 477 Woof, John 478 W.od, Capt 479 Wo d, C

480 Wood, Goorgo

481 Wood, JamesorCharlw 483 Wo V, Moses

4 bj 4 Wood, Perkins. 1 485 Wool» A

488 Wools, David

487 Wood«, Fred Chu 488 Woods, J

»69 Woodssard, Joseph

49J Woe«! »ard, Samuel


411 \Vo3do .ck, Mrs

4U3 Wiolooik, James

493 W.olo *k, Nichol»!


491 WodUrJ, Wm Mr ot


495 W«ndf')cs, KIT 490 WiKk», I lins

40) Wo, Mr dje, Edtr Dr

4Ja Woo!<lrUge,EllMMU« 499 Wool (ridge, a Mrs 600 Woollutt Wut Ml«

601 Wrag, O O 5.2 Wren, T'lioj 601 Wilgti'.Mr» Sill Wright, A

8H5.0 Wilgiit.Albirt.a 600| Wrlgln, Alpheus, 607 Wrl0iit, AiuiiDiior f.e.M Wrignt, Chaunoay

609 WrWit, Olas Lawio» 61U Wrlgh', Edsvard 611 Wright, 1'rauoU M3 Wright, O A 611 Wrlgi't, li

M4 Wrl/lit, John Rar M3 16 Wrl"ht, Jsihn, I

bit WrU-ht, John Wilso* 618 Wright, N .Mb« 619 Wright, Uobert oai Wi |a loy, John

631 Wil Icy, Tiloma«

623 3 Wright,ThomasDars\ C2I Wulhler,« 6ii Wulleíats-i, Win tai W)ir, Eui

627 Wynn-, Hobt Lloyd 634 Wjli uiiu, Froiortt 63J Wyo, ii

630 Wjali, George

6 Yate, F, J fl

7 Ault», i redk O

H li Ytiatt», AU,« 12 ! eau. Janie« U A lutoi, Hobt 14 A eil., Win

15 Vi If. Collard litatlcy 16 17 Yeoman, Jas, i 18 \or ury, Edward 19 Yi uto i, John 31 1 tillo, Wm

21 Yuulcll, Ileiijimln ii Yuuldm. mind 2i Young, Air

21.5 Young, Mr), I 31 Young, A It 27 Yuun/,J

2 i, J»lm 3) Yon,,,,'. J H

sii.i Young, Lowrie, I 33 Yitosiis;. ill

31.4 V.iun'. 1'itr lok, 1

33 Yinilia;, I'ryia) UaUipt>«ll 38 Y"llll,j, U U 37 Young, T

3s.9 Yaaui.g, Thoraa«, t 40 Young, Tlioiuaa itiif

3 Keil, Willm

2 üliii.Kolor, F M

4 Zong, Win


T Melbourne Pint Ollie« 11 Polloo HtgtltnH « Editor i«r Hugh's Mci. Ltnd-ny

Ixiurii«) Price Current 13 Ooumrvators BotMj.Nl 8 Editor of Colonist Gar teni

l8 Buii.rliiloiidont Col. 13 Capt llanillo Ia«

Ungwood atvok-sde,


< Mrs AM 11 1. IC I, TCI, 13 Jlia M . I) A 8 Id It

»HW» li WK, WandO

lu J A M

Lilt of Non rolurnsblo Lutten dotalnod form J***, agu, lo be applied for a', the Uffisi« t _«4 Mullan, Fratiooli. Mohellni, California