Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 25 July 1853, page 4


23rd July, 1653.

Gold has advanced slnce last week, and is now quoted at £3 17s. 6d., at which price it is firm, with but a small supply offering.

The escort robbery, and the butchery connected with it, have caused great excitement in all classes of tho community, but particularly in commercial circles. Since the robbery or the Nelson nothing has been per-petrated or such enormity, though the present cold-blooded, cruel, and treacherous act far outstrips even that deed in all the shocking details or mean cowardlco, and cool and calculating ferocity. The importance of the robbery is lost sight of in the unusual feeling of horror and detestation with which its perpetrators are regarded, it being almost beyond belief that fourteen such miscreants could be found in the whole world so dead to every manly sentiment, as tho bloodthirsty treachery of this act has exhibited at our very doors. Independent of the loss which the Escort Company must sustain by this deplorable business, we

fear it will so shake public confidence, as to give a fatal blow to its future success, though no human calcula-tion could provide, and no escort whatever bo proof, against such fiendish treachery as has been displayed in this outrage.

In banking and money matters, we have little altera-tion to report. A considerable amount of specie has come in during the week, which will likely continue yet for some time, though we have already adverted to the fact that the amount of these exports has now received a check in England, which will likely exhibit its effect« here in the course of a few weeks.

Tho London Chartered Bank of Australia ha» now oponed their new premises in Collins Street, where they have shown considerable taste and activity In providing themselves with the necessary accommodation. This establishment has the large subscribed capital of £500,000 ; the whole of which has been taken up in Eng-land, in terms or their charter, which renders that com-pulsory. But we understand there is a provision enti-tling the Directors to raise a certain additional amount or capital, which they propose doing, so as to enable them to give it off In the colony, so as to create an ad-dltlonal interest in the establishment here. We under-stand this Bank is established, and Is proposed to bo conducted, on a liberal basis, and in a friendly spirit with its sister establishments in this quarter,-tho Directors having no intention to do business In a spirit or competition, but merely to afford additional facilities to trade in a liberal and honorable spirit for which the character of their manager and officers is a sufficient


SALES OF LANDED PROPERTY -Stubbs and Son sold last week the following properties:-Four years lease of the Bull and Mouth Hotel, on the Flemington road, for £5000; allotments in the township of Windsor, £3520¡ allotments In Richmond, £2200 ¡ allotments in East Melbourne, £1525; Fitz Roy Cottage, Little

Bourke Street, £1530; lease of offices in Collins-street,

£700. Total, £14,481.

Mr. Jao. Mackenzie sold last week the following pro-perties:-Two allotments of land, St. Kilda, 40 feet frontage each, by a depth of 208 foot, portion of Colonel Anderson's Paddock, at 10l. per foot, 800l. 16 feet fron* tage to Queen-Street, by 50 feet deep, above the Theatre, at 60/. per foot, 800l. 10 acres of portion 3, Doutta Galla, with a cottage of 6 rooms, kitchen, and stabling, &c. detached, for 5,0001. 50 feet frontage to Robe-street, St. Kilda, by 182 feet, 300l. Allotment B of section 23, allotments A and C of section 25, and A of section 54, parish or Dandenong, containing in the whole 620 acres for 2,0001, Cottage of 8 rooms, offices, garden, &c, com-prising one acre of land, the resldence of Cnpt, McRae, Richmond, for 40001.


Saturday, 23rd July, 1853.

Dight and Rnekor'a Mill.-Fine flour, SOI. t seconds, 28/. ; bran, 6s, i wheat bought at IO».

W. »egravct and Co.1» Mill.-Fino flour, SOI. t ne. condi, 261. | bran, 6s. ¡ wheat bought at 10s.


Saturday, 33rd July, 1853.

Hay continue» with very little alteration. Large quantltlo« are still arriving, and »alea aro heavy, though rallier Improved; the quolatlona now itanillng tt from 171. to 311. er 22/._


Saturday, 23rd July, 1853.

Tlie mpply lu (hit market during Iho tait week hat boon «cry considérenlo, yet price« do not fall. Markot

gardening, too, li now going on to a large extent In j tho neighborhood, hut the effect will not bo expo, rlonood for lomo iluto yet. The oonioquenoo li that price» lilli rulo about the lame figure at tatt wcok, and

a» high ii limy have been for inme time patt. Tho |

market prloct aro aa followi, vi«.-Cabbage! and caull

flnuors, 12«. 'lo 14», per dnzon'i carroll, 6a, perdonen I blindies | turnips, 4a, to 6a. por do. | lettuoea, 4«. per |

do,| no pumpkins. Apple«, la, Oil. per Hi., eggs, 6a,

to Vu, per do/on i butler, Ila. per lb. i onions, lOil. per I

do.| potatoes, 21». por owl. i turkey» and geôle, l8», to |

30s. | foti h and tltioki, 12«, to 14». por do,


Saturday, 2.1rd July, 1863.

Fat Caí Ti.«,-There ho» boon n fair supply. Trloe» | remullí nt from ali. to 22s, por lOOlba, | and lowerqnall.

ties about tho taino ai last week, viz., 17». Grarlug | calilo continuo lu request, anti may be quoted [»anio i

lilt week.

Cows.-Good milch cow« continuo scarce, and are quoted, the few that aro offered, at £16 and under.

Calves are also In request, though none ara


Bukst.-Fat wethera fetch 311. ; lecond quality, from Ki, to l8». The market la still heavily tupplicd with ordinary k«liecp, and store ihecp continuo unsaleable, from the samo causo ai wai mentioned lett wcok.

Hours -Superior staunch draught hortet have told during the week at Bear'« Hone Market, at from £85 to i.'aO; butiiorso» Io low condition arc very difficult of ?»leg «nd from Hilo cause many good draught horsci »re told at VJry ion- price«. Superior hack! in good order Mid it ion)» plan» »Vi?T £60 to £96"; but thi» market, throughout (ho »{ck, hat biO ««'««"y aul1

_, OEe£c?.V(1 STOCK MARKrTJ' , ".


....-u«a norata »o'1 -n-rloi nae», «30 to £45 ; Interior do., «0 to £U< "Crime- working bullock», «35 to £40 per pain 1" ferlor d»., «0 «° «8 ; first class fist catii», «8 to «W

pt,h«»d;mlkhcow.1*8 to «161 «toro cattle >>' «° '

TO». , ......

»fct w«"

. .. ...icn, IS«, to 18s. ; fat ewes, 13s. to 15s.

Teams of 6 or 8 bullooks and dray, £120 to £170 each ; good hone drays, £30 to £40 each ; spring carts, £40 to


There has been little alteration In tlio state of this, market slnco our lut report,-»lock or all kinds con-tinuing very scarce, although the former high prices have been fully maintained. Fat cattle and milch cows

are very scarce Irnieed, and readily salcablo at high


E. A T. M. LASCELLES, Jun. Hone, Banar, Great Ryrie street,

July 23rd, 2853.


Saturday, 13rd July, W53.

-Gold ha» advanced again during the week to £317». 6d.wlthagood«upply. ;

Inproducoand «uppliestb« »«me qaotalion a» »r lort week stand« good. An evident dulnMI prevail» ^ Fine flour, 20t. to 32t. per ton; American i'0-., iof. to, 1«.| wli«at,9«. ; bran, 4i. 6d. per bnihc'.-, jwtatoosl 1«J. to l61. ; oata, 13». ; maize, 8». to 9s.., three.bushe. «ackl,20t.per doten; woolpack«, 4^, ed.i twine, 1«. 3d. ptr lb.; hyiontktn tea, good.# jj, j,,, congou,Bl, 108.; lugar, Pampanga, 221.; '¿lam, 2ií.< Mauritius« Ml.; Sydney piece», 421. ; lo»>, 701. ; tabacco. Barrett', best, 2». 5d. perlb. ; Kerr'-i, 1«. gd.; keg, lod. ; cigar». No. 2,4L 10». ; No. 3, 4J. ; «oap, Liverpool, J5Í. ; colo. nial, 351. ; candiel, sperm, 2s. ed. ; patent sperm, Is, I 8d. ; tallow, 7d. t bacon and ham», Is. 3d.; cheese,

English, Is. 3d. t colonial, li. ; hay, 201. to 247. ; coals


In the stock market, there I» still a great searclty of good animals oWered; and prices continuo nearly as bc loro. Good beary draught horse«, 907. to 1001. ; ordi-nary, 60V. to 701. ; Inferior, 301. to 457 ; good hacks, 101. to 361. ; inferior, 101. to 201. ; working bullocks, 301. to 40/. per pair; Inferior, 18/. to 24/.; good heavy, fat cattle, g1, to 10/. lOt. ; ihecp, Its. Id. ; horse carts and drays, 36V. to 407. ; bullock drays, 35/. to 40/. ; spring carts, 4M. to f 01.



21th May, 1853.


Oriental Bank Bills on London, at S month»' sight, at 6». per dollar.

Baring1», Brown's, and other credits on London, at « months' sight, 5s, to 5«. ojd. per dollar.


To England-Per ton of 60 cubic feet, (3 10s. to

£3 16«.

To United States-Spd. 10 for tea, and spd. 20 for silks, per ton.

To San Francisco-Spd. l8 to 20 por ton of 40 feet.


The price of gold hit advanced during the week to 77t. 6d., the demand for thlpment ky the Eagle being

aicrlbed at the cauto of the rise.

We obtervo that the wish of the Sydney Council hat been compiled with hy the Home Government, in re-gard to granting a branch of the Royal Mint being eitahllihcd there, '.while that of Victoria hal been postponed, and that of South Australia refused. The

deciden come to In regard to Soath Australia ii not J

.urprislng, teeing that ihe docs not potten, «a yot, gold-fields to warrant the expense of inch a costly establishment. The canso assigned for the delay In acceding to the wish of victoria tn thli respect, li «aid to be «orne routlno details not yet completed ; but even were everything ready for compliance with the term» of tho Home Government, it would not be prudent to defer the deelilon until diicutted in tho newly-conitl luted home. Surpoilng that a mint wa» eatablUhed.

the coinage wanbi only have a colonial circulation,

Taking a commercial «lew of the »nhlcct. It doe» not require a very great amount of calculation to prove tho fact, that with £10,000 «unk In machinery, and .ay other £20,000 In building», coupled with the amount for »alaric», «vage«, and contlngenctct at detailed by tho Matter of the Mint for the manufacture of £5,000,000,000 pieces annually, we can Import sove-reign« sufficient for all practical purposes cheaper than manufacture them. At the time the question wat agitated about having a mint established in one or these colonies, tovcrcigni were «careo ; hut the reverse Is Hie cato now, at the quarterly statement« of the different Banka »how, also from the abundance In actual circulation.

Gold I« now bring melted and asi»> eil, and sold lo shippers at so much tho standard ounce, which, on reaching London, Is at onco sol 1 to tho Bank of Fng land at 77« id Now, wo woul 1 ask, whero Is the gain to arito from coining tlieso* Ingots or gold-dust here, they having only a locol circulation t If the) aro shipped to London ss a remittance, they will cost moro than tho Ingot, besldis Incurring tlio additional expense or melting and assaying over again The in guts, «ty or 260 ouncei, has onlj to ho tested lit assay after It roache» London, the coat of which I» 4» C1, Having tho standard value stamped on It, and gua

ranteoj, no shipper woul 1 pey for coined gold or cminl

value to the sovereign, when ho mit lit purcliiso In got» at a price to cover freight, Insumnco, Ac

Great excitement prevailed In town by a report having been circulated that the Melbourne Fscort Companj ? branch escort, from M'lvor to Kjneton, liad been plundered, which unfortunately has turned out too true By tho arrival or the escort this after noon, It I» slated that upwards of 2000 ounce» of gol 1 dust, and £700 In cash, had been stolen Tho robbers were about twenty In number, while tho guard wero only eight It Is further »tatetl, that four or tho robbers havo been caught, and we hopo soon to hoar of the whole gang being »ecured It Is surmised, from the »lylo In which this robbery ha» boen effected, that tlio unpunished or tho Notson robbers aro at tho bottom

of this «ne

Hie amount or spode received during the week

Is £92,000

Number or persons who have arrived In

tho colony during tho week . 2162 Number who have left 386

Addition to our population tills week 1767 Tho Government Escorts brought from- ou

Mount Alexander and Bendigo 17,468 Hnlaarot . 0,072 The Ol otu .. .. 1,737 M'ltor . . 3,100 Tito Moluonrno Fscort Company brought from

Mount Aloinndor and Bendigo 0,241 M'lvor 2 035


Gold «hipped from Victoria Injl853 1,235,073 Or 51 ton», 0 esrt. 3 qr. 23 lb., 2 oi. at 76i. £4,033,782

Exchange on London, draft« agalnit gold taken at par. Tho Banka ndvnnoo from 60t. to 60». per ounoe. Freight of gold dollvcred at the Bullion Omeo, London, 4ld. por ounce. Inmrancc, 3} guineal per cent.

EDWARD KIIULL, Ilulllou Broker. 69, Great Colllni.itreet, weit, 23rd July, 1883.


Tho prlco hat again advanced during tho woek, ai it may at Hill date bo quoted at 77a. Od. The market bal boin a lillie mare lively than of late. On the part of telling, we have hail a good number of digger! in town, who loom to have had decent luck, and who talk »ry largely of Prince Regent and other new guille« ; on that of demand, merchant« have boon anxloua through tho week to procure loti, Tho ¡notai li «till tho favorite

medium of remittance.

Tho account! from tho digging! generally arc more favorable, and tho operator! teem moro letltflod than they have boen.

A meeting of th« digger« of Bendigo ha« taken pi ice, to consider on Die bett meant of annulling or reducing the license foo,-and alto lit« getting thom, «elvo», as a elm, roproionted In Hie Loglilaturo.

Tho now guille» on (he Balaarat »Ide aro turning out j

well, rcallalng all that has been »aid of them.

Blnco last circular, there ha» arrived by eicort a» j

follow» :


Cnitlemalne Eicort .17,713

Ballarat ditto . 6,072


Exchange on London. Tho flank« at preunt buy at |

par, and loll at 2 por cent, premium.

Freight of gold delivered In London 41d. per o«.

WM. PATERSON, Kanllnli.itrcot, 33rd July, 1B5S.


Saturday, Sard July, 1853.

Tho supply In tho market he« boon great for tho last wee*, nn* so ha« tlio demand. Evsry bend has boon riadlly takon offas offer eil, more particularly for agricultural purpose!, labor In till« dopartmont being now much required, In coiucquenoo of tho numo.

rom iníiill lend allotment! which havo Iwoa. rooonlly I

taken up throughout tho country. Thli It a feature of I ottiployment willoh It very «atlifaotory, at It give« I tnksn or a regular and healthy employment through-out tlio colony lo a mott legitimate; direction, The

rate» of wage», however, are nearly the same as last week, and may be quoted as follows, vis. :

Married couples (without family), per annum, - £ £ with ration» .70 to 100 Ditto, with family !.00 " 00 Shepherds, per annum.35 " Hutkcepers, ditto.32 " General useful »errant», with rations, per

annum .,.. 70 " Bullock-drivers, with rations, £2 10s. to £3

per week (on farms)

Bullock-drlvcr», for the roads, per wsck, £2

10». to £3 10s.

Gardeners, per annum, with rations ... ... TO " Cooks (male), £2 to £4 per week

Walter«, per week, from 20». to SO». Groom», from £60 to £70 per annum

Carpenter», good bouse, town work, per day,



Vfoca spI'Ateta and renrare.-Ki.VdVr, wftni


Btot'kkMper«, ditto .; , Blacksmiths, accustomed to country work-,, and

to horse-shoeing, from 20». to 25s. per «Tay

* -M" «'*»to«Is*,

Good tarin inuorors, »tt».;i - -

with rations

Ploughmen, 30t. to «0». per T«k, with ra Laborers on the roads, Ms. a day, with wood,

water, and tent accommodation

Boamcn, for London, for the run home

Seamen, for Calcutta, for the run .

Seamen for Callao ... .

Coasting, £9 to £10 per month.


Thorough «errant!, per annunf

Housemaid», ditto

Laundreaaca, ditto ..? ," Nureemalda, ditto , ," Cooki, ditto

«.. In


,0. In ..; ;.; .,; ;;. ... 35 ;; 50

of 10" - outs where rations are-iupplled, thoy contltt : r «es. flour, 1016s. moat, 2nWiugar, Jib. tea, weekly,

-*ch person, with tatt, Ac., ai required. These rations I are generally foaad to be more than tufflclent.'



July 23rd, 1853.

bates or macoDirr.

On Billi not having more than 95 dayl to run, ( per


Beyond that currency, 7 per cent.

San* of Australasia and Union Sank of Australia,

rimciusK HILL».

On London, at 30 day»' sight, par. v

For every additional 30 day», j per cent, dlicount.

On Sydney, at light, ) per cent, dlicount, On Maitland, } per cent dlicount. On Adclaldo, 2 per cont. discount.

On Now Zealand, and Van Diemen'! Land, at light, 1 per cent, dlicount.

On Geelong, at tight, ) per cent, dlicount.

On Portland and Port Fair)-, J per cent, dlicount For every additional 16 dayl, } por cent dlicount.


On London, at 30 days' tight, 2 per cent, premium.

On Sydney and Maitland, ai tight, 1 per cont. pre-


On Bathurst, Adelaide, and Van Diemen'» Land, at alght, 1 per cent., and on New Zealand, at 3 per cent, premium.

On Geelong, at sight, | per cent, premium.

On Portlaad and Part Fairy, J per cent, premium.

Bank of .Vne South Wallt.

purchase bills.

On London, at 30 day«' tight, par.

On Sydney, at sight, ) per cent, discount.

On Wast Maitland and Newcastle, at tight, | per

cent, discount.

On Moreton Bay, at light, 2} per cent, dlicount.

On Launceston and Hobart Town, at light, 1 per

cent, dlicount.

On AdelaMc, 3 per cent, dlicount. On Geelong, J per cent discount.


On London, at 30 day»' sight, 2 per cent, premium. On Sydney, at »Ight, 1 per cent premium.

On Moreton Bay, Weit Maitland, and Newcattle, at tight, 1 per cent, premium.

On Launceston and Hobart Town, at light, 1 per cent, premium.

On Adelaide, at «Ight, 1 per cent, premium.

On Geelong, at »Ight, ) per cent, premium. -

Bank of Wctoria.

roaciiAst hills

On LondoR, at 30 days' sight, par.

On Sydnoy, at light,} per cent, dlicount. On Adclaldo, 1 per cent, dlicount.

On Van Diemen'« Land, at light, 1 per cent die.

count. '

On Geelong, at light} per cent, dlteount

On Beirut, Port Fairy, at tight, } per cent. du.


issue mum.

On London, at 30 day«' tight, 3 per cent. prt.


On Sydney, at tight, 1 per cent, premium.

On Adelaide and Van Diemen'« Land, at «Ight, 1 rer cent, premium.

On Geelong, at light, | per cent, premium.

On Belfast, Port Fairy, at «ight, } per cent, pre-


On English, Provincial, and Scotch billi, an'extra charge of ¡ per ccnL 1» made, and on Irish bills } per cent., unless payable in London.

Inter-eolonlal bills are charged } per cent, extra for every addlthnal 16 days.

London Chartfretl Bank of Australia.

rURCHASB lill.Ii.

On London, SO days' sight, par ; for every additional 30 day«, i per cent, discount.

On Sydney, at light, i per cent, discount.

On Geelong, at light, i per cent, discount.


On Len Inn, 30 dayl' «Ight, 2 per cent, premium. On Sydney, at sight, 1 per cent, premium. On Geelong, at sigh!, i per cent, premium.

1IATK9 or mscotusT.

Bills discounted under 05 day« to run at 6 per cont. Abovo that date, 7 per cent.



Paid up




£ SO



BANKS Australasia

£ s

40 0

Op ct

J" Nono




("25 0 I 2 10

10 do t

00 popio New South Wale»


20 0

10 do«




25 0

10 dof

41 p c



15 0

£4 pm

Punt ia Companies


Melbourne Oat


2 10

los pm

Mclbourno Water


0 10

Par. Victoria Insurance


2 10

10p et t


Gcolong Insuranco


2 10

Union Building Society


10 0

10 pm.


Milbottrno and Hobsons



30 0

Far. Melbourne omi Moimi


25 5s dep

Geelong and Mt lbnurue

20'SS dep

. For Shares upon tho Melbourne Register

t Bonus 12J per cent from profits added to Capital Stock, Moy 18th, and further bonus of 10 per cent

added to stock, 22nd October

1 And 101 per »hare


Stock and Shore Broker.

55, Colllnt-strcot, Melbourne, 23rd July, 1M3


July 23rd, 1853.

Trade hat been languid during the week, but rather

a better feeling existed towards Its close, so far at least J

as to confirm largo holders In their determination to

maintain thslr prices. With the exception or flour, ¡ there havo been no transactions or any mom mt, but In that article there have been a good many Inquiries, and a row lots of good sound stuff hate changed baiuliatSSs,

Sour flour, too, lias rather risen lu consequence or tho I large shipment« making to Englsnd, which, no doubt,

will pay we)l enough, seeing that clio freight on the »r. j tiela I« io low a» to bo almost nnpiliml. This bns

lloved the market materially, and high prices monow I »iked by tho targe bolder». Colonial flour, It will bo

obiervcd, Is alio firmer | both mill» were quoting Hie bott quality at £30. Oatt, maize, bran, and hay malu. tain tholr formor quotation», and, perltapt, the latter

article li a aliado higher.

Provision» and groceries, bacon, ham», and particu-larly chene, are rallier firmer. Pickle« and oilmen's itorei, fruit, and preserve«, arc lilli dull of lale, Sugar liai fallen a little. Crush«! lump has been »old at 66»,, whick I» « declino of 4i. per owl. ou formor price».

Brandy, notwithstanding tlio large Importation!, hal not declined any further, mid generally other spirit» arc flrmof thlt wcok, though sales uro few. Port and .berry continuo at former price», with n small demand, and for light wines there Is no Inquiry,

Ale, beor, and porter still rather decline, Porter of good brand has been »old Hil» last work nt £7 pov hog«, head, mid «t 11«. per dozen i but tlteio »ale» have boon forced, and those who have »locks arc now Inclined to hold on ralhor than tell at theio low flgurei.

Sort good» aro ttlll at a dlicount, »ml even winter olotlilng and bool« and slice» are continuing to fall, which 1» not to be wondered at If we consider Kio enor. mon» number of »hop» opening In every direction, par-ticularly hy Aniel ¡can donltri, who aro deluging the market willi tlielr »looks, more especially willi booti and »hool, which aro exposed for lale to any amount, and at any prloo,

Building material! wo need scarcely refer to, fur they mutt cnnllnu», at least for «onie time1, at preiout high prlcoa, willoh are a» finn na last week, and give no tyniplom of any reduction,

Hnrdii'nre good« aro quoted tho lamo a» laat week,but Ini'oloo« have bein »old at rather reduced rate», Ro-uiller» complain (hat there I» no demand, and »took» nre «oouintilallng. Iron, lend, «ml olia aro In good demand, and io li whitening, willoh li acareo, and fetching high


Under the circumstances it is dlfficnlt to submit an accurate price list, when one merchant Is holding on at remunerativo prices, and another forcing sales at ,a large reduction ; but wo give the following list as being as close an approximation to accurate quotations as the state of the markets will permit :

£ «. d. » «. d.

BEER-Borton Ale, hhd.IO S 0 "11 0 0

Other do., hhd.» 0 -Bottled do. do.0 12 Taylor's Porter, hhd. * 0 Other do., hhd.7 0 Bottled do. dor.. 11 SPIRITS-Brandy, Martell's,

Longuet'», gall..0 l8 ( " 0 IT Genera, case, 4 gall, sale-

able . Rum, West India, per gall Do. East India, per gall.

0 14 » 10

0 14

"" 1»«

11. \ f"

WINES-Champagne, do».

Claret, dor, no demand Marsala, pipe

Port, pip» ;-,;

do«. ;

."terry, pips) '" Tencrlirc, pt »,

SUGARS-Java, b

Yellow, ton Manila, ra*'

Maurie .ion, ton ...

*>' ^.ea, first counter, ton

.-ewtt^0Tdl^.*^^c<».nte,? .

totshnmedlump ... ...

ÏYoaf, English, owl. . Sydney, ton . Cruihedloaf sugar . Molasses, toa. TEA-Congon,'eho»l '...' ...

Hymn skin, chest . COFFEE-Jara, lb.

Mocha, lb, .u . Other lort« ... ... ... TOBACCO-In Bondi Cigars.


X I » ose 0 3« 0 3



1 16


.. » »

0 12


" 0 l8

IS 0


" II 0

3» 0



1 .


ii i to

SO 0


" 80 0

' ... II II I n li . 0

.own, ton " 10 0 " 21 0 0

... 24 0 0 " 28 0 0

ti o o "ii 1 o M . 0 " «4 0 0

; io ¿

es o o ,, 70 o o 70 0 0 " 75 0 0 11 O D "IB 1 _,0 B ti

3 II 0 1 0 1 6 0

4 16 0 1

Manilla, Ne. 2, thoutand, 4 6 0 No. 3, thousand.4 4.0 Calcutta Cigar«.0 10 6 Nogrohead, Barratt'«, lb, ... 0 1 10

Kerr-»,,lb. 0 10 Dunlop'», lb. ...0 1« Cavendish, lb.t 0 lo PROVISIONS - Cheese, Eng

1 10 0 S 6 1

lilli, large stock

Dutch, lb. American, lb. Ham, English, lb . Herrings, red, balf.barrtl ... Oatmeal Scotch, lb. Pearl barley, cwt. . Peat, split, ewt. .

whole, Calcutta, etrt. ... Baited Uah, lb. Preacrvcd salmon, lb.. Butter, lb. ..." . Vinegar, of matt, gall.,

French, white wine, gall. ... Ficklct, quartt .

pint« . Balad oil, quart« .

pint» .

lialf-plnt» . BICE-Java, cwi. .

Fatua, cwt.

mill drcited, cwt. ... Carolin», cwt. SALT-Coarse Liverpool, ton ... Rock, ton, dull . St. Ubo'», ton . Dalry, ton . Stovcd, ton .

in 31b. Jan, dot. ... Saltpetre, E.I. refined, lb. BPICES-Cassl», lb. '

C.lnvnm It, In

0 0 10 0 0 7

1 0 0 10

1 10 0 ,, 1 15 10 0 o ii " o o a 1 10 0 " 1 14 0 14 0 " 1 1 O 10 « " 0 19

0 15 0 13 0 19 0 13

0 0 0 " 12 0 0

Clove«, lb.

Nutmegs, lb. «caree Pepper, white, lb.

tjlack, lb.

Maco., FRUIT-Almond», Jordan, lb..

Shell, »ort, lb.

Apples, dried American, lb, . Currant», cwt. . Fig», drum« ., Raisins, Elcml, cwt. ...


Muscatel, lb. non« ., IRON-Scotch, ton ... ..

Welsh, ton, none offering .. Hoop, size», ton . Nail, rod, ton. Nails, patent (sizes) ewt

Do. do. shingle, cwt. Sheet Iron, ton. LEAD-Sheet, ton .

Shot, ton .

demand 0 4 0

io o o " ii o o

12 0 0 " 15 0 0 10 10 0 "II 0 0 l8 0 0 " 20 0 0

8 0 0 " 10 0 0 3 3 0 " 2 8 0 , 0 0 0 " 60 0 0

28 0 0 " 34 0 0 33 0 0 " 40 0 0 30 0,0 " 34 0 0

ZINC-Rolled, Ion .60 . 0 '" M O OILS-Black, tun .«0 0 0 " M 0

Linie«!, boiled, gallon, do. '... 0 8 Í ,, 0 « Do. raw, gallon.0 « 6 " 0 7 Sperm, tun .0 0 0 " 80 0

SLATES-Ladles, 1000 ) . . 15 0 0 " 20 0

Counlessct, 1000 > , 30 0 0 " 35 0 Duchesses, 1000 .> manu'40 0 0 " 45 0

TIMBER-Battens, foot ... 0 1 8 " 0 2

Cellar, In log . 4 0 0 " 5 6 Deals, red, 111 3, foot. 0 2 0 " 0 3 Ditto, » x 3, foot . 0 2 2 " 0 2 Cross-cut drawn flooring,

1 In., foot . 0 0 0 " 0 0

Ditto, 0x1} In., foot.0 0 » " 0 0 I laths, 1000 .3 0 0 " 2 6 1'lno Now Zetland, 100 feet ... 2 6 0 " S 0 Paling, Circular Hcad.lOO foot 4 10 0 " 4 15 Shingles, 1000.J 0 0 " J 10 Staves, 2 R. 3 In., 100. O 0 0 " 0 II V.D.L.TImbcr.cargn.lOOreet 2 15 0 " I 0 CORDAGE AND TWINE

English, ton .60 0 0 " 60 0 Manila roi«, pat., ton.100 0 0 "HO 0 Wool lashing, ton, sale ... 26 0 0 " 30 0 "Sowing twine, lb., . 0 1 1 " 0 I Shop twine, lb. .0 1 0 ,, 1 .


Arrowroot,Bermuda,lb. ..

o i a


Eut India, lb. ...

0 0 »

" 0 0 10

Blacking, doten, attorted »Izet

0 I 0

" 0 13 0

Baga, 3 buahcla, dozen

o ia o

" 0 22 0

Gunny bag», dozen.

0 0 0


Canvass, Engtlth bleached, )d

0 13


Eaat Indian.

0 0 10

" 0 0 11


0 0 0


Candle», »perm, lb.

0 14


Ditto, competition, lb.

0 16


Candlewlck, lb, .

0 0 10


Coalt, Port Arthur, ton, Boy..

3 0 0


Nowcaatle, ton, do, ...



Corka, wine, great .

0 3 «


Epsom Salts, cut.

0 8 4

" 0 12 6

Gunpowder, Matt, lb.

0 0 7


Gluo, London, lb.

0 0 6


Itlnglatt, finest, lb.

0 10 «

"Oil s

Jama, V. D. Land, lb.

0 19


English ditto .

0 1 10


Oakum, cwt- ... .A ...

1 13 0


Pitch, Stockholm, turrel ...

1 10 0


Resin, American, barrel ...

0 13 0

" 0 16 0

Soda, Carbonate, cwt.

3 « 0

" 3 10 0

Crystal, cwt. ... ...

0 l8 0

" -\ 0 0

Bago, Pear!, Hi.

0 0 0


Starch, London, lb.

0 0 6


Tar, Stockholm, barrel

1 10 0

, 1 15 0


0 3 0


Thumb blue, Colman'«, lb,

.caree .

0 1 1


Turpentine, English, gallon...

0 6 «


Wliltlng, ton, acaree.

l8 0 0

"32 0 0

Woolpack», 9 and 10 lb. dull,..

0 3 3


INVOICES OF Rlankcla, saleable at reduced rate« Boot» nnd Shoe» do.

Slop Clothing, no demand Broad cloth», »alcablo Narrow cloth«, do. Flannels, snlcablo

Ginghams, no demand

lloilcry, »ultablo for the «tuon, «aleable at radueed


Shirt», »trip«!, do.

Dlllo whlto cotton, market full Ditto hluo sorge, »alcablo Sadd lory, good

Stationery, In demand


Tallow, 40», to 60s. por ton,- and 6 per cent,

Quid, 4yd. per or,, delivered M the Bullion OBoe Wool, greasy, J<l. per lb. Ditto, washed, |d. per lb. Hldos, 20», io 25s. por ton

Tallow, £i ios, per Ion, and I per teni. Oil, £3 por ton, and 5 per cent.

IMPORT DUTIBB. All »pirlta Ti. per proof gallon Cordials, Ti. per gsllou Wine», I», por do.

All tnbacoo, 2a, ptr lb. Tea, Oil, por lb.

Colter, los. per owl,

All other goods, free.

LIGHTER AOE.-Ms. to 40«, ptr ton, from Hobson'«

Bay to the Wharves, Mribourno,


Per Horse Drays. Bendigo

Passengers' swags and light goods, 30s. per 100lbs. Stores .. .. .. .. .. 75s. do.

Cartage to and from any part of the town, per load, 7s.

to 9s.