Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 21 January 1853, page 4


Tue Revenue.-The return of the Revenue for the year ending October 10, shows the total to be £-19,765,417 against £50,202,814 in the previous year. The Times romnrks in1 its review :-" In the comparison of the whole year just ended with that ending October 10, 1851. tho Customs show a decrease of £84,752, a figure very far below the estimate of the reductions recently come into force In the Exeiso there is an increase of .£114,185 ; and in stamps, of £133,932. The decrease un-der the taxes gives us at least a near approxi-mation to the loss sustained by the subntitution of the inhabited house duty for the win-dow tax. It is £1,157,201 ; about what was anticipated. The year's property tax exhibits an increase of £53,(538-some comfort to those who rend in the declining receipts of this tax the approaching ruin of England. The year's receipts under the Post Office, the Crown Lands, . and Miscellaneous items, are se-verally £26,000, £50,000,_ and £130,000 moro than in the previous year. In the year's ordinär)' revenue there is thus u net decrease oí £733,941, which, though a large sum, is less than half the estimated loss by the repeal of the window duties and the other remissions lately come into operation. On taking into account the extraordinary item», this decrease is reduced to £437,397, owing to the repayment of advances, a matter on which the pansies assisted with loans, as well as the public, cannot be too warmly congratulated. Wo presume that wo shall not now have the improvement of the country' denied simply because there is a decrease at the foot of the columns. No reasonable being can expect taxes to be lopped oft' by millions at a time, and the revonue to be wholly unaffected. If tho lpss to the revenue is much loss than the gain to the public, that is all the prosperity we can possibly desire ; it is at least all that our financiers ever reckoned upon.

The 1 neveu PitnsiDFNT -Louis Napoleon ? spe°eh delivered at Bordeaux vvi« as fallows -

I Pceopt with eagerness the opportunitv affoidcd mc bv the liol deaux Chimbci of Com meicc for thinking jour gleit city foi its coi dial reception and its magnificent hospitihtv

and I am happj at the end of niv journej to communicate the impiessions I have receive 1 rho object of mj tom as vou aie well ware wis to make mjs If acquainted by personil observation with tho beautiful prov inces of tlie south md to ascertain .hen ki! w mt? It Iii" however led to fal moic important result 1 mnv «av indeed with a candmr as fir re moved from pi ide is from falso midcstj that never did a people moie direct!} moie spon taneouslv moie tuiRiiimoiuh testify a detcrmi nation to fice itself horn all uneasiness lespect ing tho futmo bv placing in tlie b uno hands as heretofore a powei winch svmpathises with its feelings Ino people his now at last learned to v duo at then puce the falso hopes with wh eh it has been cijolcd and the dmgeis with which it was threatened It seems then that 11118o2 society appioich"d ita dissolution because" each pal tj consoled it

self with tho belief tint amid the general wreck it might still plant its standud on the floating fiagmcnts Now that its eves aie openccl to alxsuid theories thepooilchns ac quired the conviction that tho 0 11 eternice! Reformers were lucie Visio lanes m 1 much us

tlieie has always been a eUspiopoition and a ss-ant of consequence between theil expedients and the promised result. At piesent the nation sunouniU mo willi ils sympathies be-causo I do not belong to the fimily of the Ideologists. To pioinole the svell'aie of the countiy, it is not necessary to apply new systems : but the chief point, above all, is to produce confidence in the picscnt, and security foi the fntuie. Foi

tlieac reasons, it eeeni"; Fiance desiie-s a ¡ íctiirn to the emphe. Iheie is one ob-jection to which I must le-ply. C'eituin

minds seem to entertain a (head of vs.ii : c

tain pei&ons sav, the empiic is only ,\.ir; but 1 say, the oinpiic is pence ; for Fiance di'siics it, and when Fiance is sati-fie-d, tho ssoild is tianquil. [These woids, utteicd in a finn voie1, and with strong emphasis, produced a magical eflect. Enthusiastic biavos weie bend ¡mm all sides.] Oloiy descends by inheritance-, but not vv .11. Did the pi inc-es, w ho justly felt | ride that thcysveic the giaudehildicnof Louis XIV.,

le-coiiiiiicne-o his wais? War is not made lui

plea-uie, but through necessity; mid at this epoch of tiansitinn, whcic by the side of «o many elements of pio-poiitr spring so many eau-cs of death, we nins tnily say,-Woe be to him who gises the fhstnignnl to a eolli-ion, the consequences ol which would be incalculable. I conté-«, boss ever, thal, like the Empcioi, I havo many conque-ls to innl.e. I wi-li, like him, to conquei, by conciliation, all hostile paitic-, and to bring into tin- ginnd poptiliu ciuicnt those hostile stieams which noss lo«e themselves ssithout profit to any one I ssish to ic-toie to leligion, moinlily, mid opulcnci1, that still numerous p.ut of the population which,' though in the1 lio-om of the moot feitilc countiy in (ho wuild, can -eaice-l) obtain the common nece-suies of life.

We base immcii-t- waste teiiitories to culti-vate, roads to open, poit- to dig, riseis to lender navigable, a -vstein ol' laihoitd« to com-plete ; we base opposite to Mai-eil les a -vast

Kingdom whichwe must assunil ite lo 1 nile

we hive to bung all oin gleit western puts mt ) ct imiMoii willi the Aiiuncan contint nt bv i lapulitv ot communie (idem v Inch vvc siill want h tlv vvc hive min« to îcstnii

fil«e L,oil« te ovuthiow, an I liiiths to le mude tinimrhnit This is the mii«i which 1 attich to tht empne i! the ciiijnic is lo 11 ie«tucd Snell mc the conqui ts wine li 1 rontcinphte mid all von who nun lind mc mid who like nie elcsiii voui coimtiv « vvilfuie-von mc mv reildici '

A DiuiiUid Comí «un-Hie Swedish jniunils publish the fo'loning nunttivc -M idillK Nil en wife ol n blivvcl eil the high (st ic peetaliilitj eif Ode 11 feihng tint she vv is «lout to du sent fal M lime,!., the Lu thci ni clcigvinu) ol tho pnii«h, md having c niscd even one to le ive the loom, cunte sed with inútil nngiii h 01 mind,fh if dum! iwenivfivo veins igo «lie and liri husl md lind mm

ducd then infant child S||L «ml th it Nilssen

li id «educed bel and that tht v «ubsc picnth ni ulled conti itv to the \vi«h of finn piicnts A« in Sweden a v imn.r unin in led wumnn who hiivictcilniiplopuiv i«piolv)iindlv ilc-^)ised,i vtn though sin uiav mai i v bifoii a child he bom hoi )tt!«b¡i!id pinposid to lie I lu kill (lu infant

She icccivul flic piiipositiiin with hourn lut

he insisted mel she it !it«( consented 'lliev ii tiled lo in i« ii itcd house at (onie distune e

flinn the,jewn and thin ^he was ihliviied

liol lit «band stùTii itedthc chilli iiidhuiiidthe both m i fiel el She de «cubed till pleelsi spot wilclo tin inlcinicnt tink pliiu V )Lw bonis allei st tting llicsi. futs, she died A« in the Kiitlicuin Chinch confessions m eliot i onsidi led niviolabh stciet M lîingk i lfeuincd tho all tliontiis of what Mininoo Nüssen lind sud A seal di was mnelo m the field, and llio skele-ton of the iluld «as found 'I lim upon M ÎMlsscn wa« aiiistid lie his fillcel Ihn hieb-et iiuiitKipili (tlhcos in the town, and has alwu\s been noted foi hisc\liuiio bein vnknet

Suiuni oi v I vin -A young ladv named Chailottu liidd, who was but tweiitv jims of age, and who had bien living at Newington und with hoi puent« left the house, md no tidings weto heatd of hu til! the dicadttil ni

formation was taken home that she had S found a corpse in the Burrey Canal Itfci generally reported in the neighbourhood, «J7 this lamentable case has arisen from some Sk appointment in a love affair, W dMhrenilï < with her family on that occasion. TltelSi has caused a great sensation in the parMhon Camberwell, from tho great respeetaVüäty rf

her relatives and friends. '""*

HOW THEY PUNISH TREASON IN PERSIA. We mentioned a few days since the attempt against the Shah of Persia. We now learn that Hajee Suleiman Khan, accused as the in stigator of the crime, was seized, his body pain fully drilled with a knife in parts which would not at the moment cause death; pieces of lighted candles were then introduced into the holes, and, thus illuminated, carried in proces-sion through the bazaar, and finally conveyed to the town gates, and there cleft in twain like

a fat ram. The Kurret-il-Ain, better known as Bab s Lieutenant, or the Fair Prophetess of Kazoeen, who since the late religious outbreak had been kept a close prisoner at the capital

has been executed with some dozen others. His Majesty received three slug wounds in the shoulders, but all of a very slight nature.

Failure of a Russian' Merchant -Ad.' '' vices from St. Petersbtugh state the failure»fi Podsossoff and.Sons, the largest tallow,ám lers in that city. Their liabilities " are ttt

£ 100,000, but the creditors are chiefly local i The houses connected with England lose i little, but none more than £5000. M. Podso». soff had other occupations, the principat o' which was gold washing, and in this heustm! posed to have sunk a large capital, althouA the business is ¿aid to pay, ^

A Hoax.-Mr. Boultbee r;ritcs to the Am -Sir,-A paragraph is gcintJ the round of the paper«, giving a pretended account of thesu].' ing of a Dutch emigiant ship for Australia, ind stating that she was accompanied by a chapUfo

tho Rev. Thomas Pownall Boultbee MA'' ? Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge,'lit J late cm ate of Cheltenham, Sec. May I beg jUPä to inseit this letter, giving mv absolute contk'1 diction to the stoiy, which is a pure fabrication ' and contemptible hoax ?" <*

Outraok on Mb. Paget in Saxokt. Z. On the 2nd of September Mr. Pagct's hott« in' Diesden was entered by five policemen,- who

demanded tlie keys of his wrif-'irç-table, 4c, . threatening to force thcin open if. oojed; They^ pioceeded to examine the house, and carriedee every particle of writing they could" find, fa. eluding 200 or 300 lottere, a MS. history ofuV late revolution in Hungary, nearly completed, four volumes of a MS. diary kept during ths

year 1849, and a variety of other papen, » -. well as twenty-seven printed books Air, jjnt immediately communicated the affair to w Hon. Mr. Forbes, tho British Minister to the Court of Saxony, who took the matter'up vi y wai inly, and at once handed in an official not« to M. de Benst, Minister for Foreign Affairs demanding an explanation of these arbitra? proceedings. After tome diplomatic con»

pondence tho property was restored. The»!',' picion of the Saxon Government was, that Mr. Paget was an advocate of Kossuth's views. ' ' '

Noimr Avieiiican Iíaimioad.-The conti**i for the European and North American Raltoad, fiom Shediac and the Nova Scotia Une, »m St.'John's, to the mihi boundary, had been closed hy tho Executive and the Company with Mr. William Jackson on behalf of himself éiz associates. The pi ice per mile is £6500 ¿ti-

ling. The Executive takes £1200 in stock. ¡ and leaves the Company £1800 per milo.,.Ile loan bears intci est at the rate of 6 per cent ,v