Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Saturday 8 May 1852, page 5


THE COUNCIL — The public will be glad to learn that it is the intention of His Exxcellency immediately to convene the Legislative Council.

This is not in consequence of the application of the Council of the League ; the deputation from that body not having yet waited upon the Lieu tenant-Governor. The Council now stands prorogued till the 25th instant, the session cannot, therefore, commence before that date, but a fresh proclamation, containing a furthor p orogation, and then to meet for despatch of business, will most probably appear in the next


DRUNKARDS.—James Connor, John Barrett

Sarah Jones, and Charles Carpenter were fined 5s each yesterday for drunkenness.

Shoplifting.—Charles Davis was, yesterday, committed for trial by the Mayor, for stealing three baby jumpers from the shop of Mr John Stanley Parker in Melbourne.

INSOLVENCY. —In the estate of John David son, a third meeting will be held at eleven o'clock, on Monday, and in the estate of Richd. Ocock, a first meeting will take place on Tues-day at the same hour.

The Escort —The Mount Alexander Escort arrived in Town yesterday, and brought 23,914 ozs 10 dwts of gold. This is the largest amount yet received by Escort.

Gross Ingratitude — Richard Morgan, a confidential seivant of Dr Thomas, was charged

at the Police Court yesterday with robbing his master of a pair of drawers. The evidence was not sufficient to convict, and the Mayor, in dis charging the prisoner, cautioned him not to come to that Court again, or it would be the

worse for him.

Highway Robbery — A man of the name of Summer, was yesterday sent for trial on the charge of being one of three men who knocked down John Brown and robbed him of £1 as he was leaving the Ship Inn, on the night of the 29th April. The other two men had been pre

viously committed

JTi ash Noies -A fe'low named John Wall or was i-haigcd it tho police cou t yestetdav with attempting to pani ada h noto to Mr i'llzgor aid lnndioid of the Hibernian Tavern, ISli/i

beth stieet As, hoivveter, the cheat was dis-covered befóte am goods wero supplied and no va'ue therefore, hid leen given tur tho note, fhe Bench we e compellod to diseluigo the


Tin RC Bisiioi orAniiLAinE-No soontr wrs it known that dilheultios had fallen in the wai of tins eiemphry prelate, than hu friends in Sjdnev, by whom ho hsd bocnsoloag known and respected, rosoli ed lo come forward and aid him in Ins disaster Accordn gly on Sunday evening a meeting wis held in ''t Mnrj's school rotm, and n lubsu qition list opened, and at the clos i of the proceedings it Wi s found tint I ho sum of £101 lud Icon nl icndr subpcuhod -Sydney Chronicle.

lui Hiruri-We aio inloimcd that on

'lliursdnv CaptainFdwinds of tie ship Ciinter hury gavo a sumptuous chnmpngno tprcid on hoar I to a large pilly of ladies and gentlemen innoiu whom »ho vin)or of Melbourne und his lady lheliijht Wo'shiplil on his drpnrtuic was honored with a salute of seven


Hliiiov m Bank -The average stock of bullion held hy the Bank of England in bo h departments during the month ending the 2 th of Novemhui was X15 777,-St , Icing un in crease of £62t),fi28 as eompuicd with tht pre viol» month, and a decrease of £348 121, when compartd with tho lame pemd lu t vinr

Ai Olo Criminal-On Monda), an wquoat ivis held at tho Quel n's Arms Inn on tho body of John O'Nul, then lying deal in Dnrlingliuist Gaol Dr Grunt slatid that tho doccasod ivas under scntcuco ot Ino years' imprisonment

lio ivas shout 78 years of sge., and liud bien an almost con tint inmate of n gaol or penal cstiblishmcnt for the hist ti ii ty teven jonis ~S, M Uti aid

Dieu san Sointrv. -».(ho Soe oli hold its tnonlhlv mot ting list night at the Médianes' Institution lbs Loi dship the B shop of 34* 1 bourne was m tho chair, and the mi eting liv-ing bein openid in tho usual mnnner, ibo A mindil o tho Archthncon dehveicd nu extel lent discourse o*t tho piovidentiiil (pillings'«! .he sproid of Gi «pel tuith lliospoukerms listened to with utlciition and delight bj n ve v niimcious und io peet able alidionci, and lio iiieoting did not bOj nrato till a lato hour

Ali Oid Lu">Aiicr-Many ofthe o'd inhalii

tantsot S\di ey will doubtless ltd intoicsttdii heating of the den'li of eue of the i Iden hiiiHties in the co onv , we alludo ti Man relict of tho lato Mr Hodges who wasonoof tie Tondon Mi-sionniics to tho South Sea lslmiih th t arrivod in the ship Dull Mis li d"ci mut have boen in ooiihiiomunt about tim tv

fcix jeme, and died last woik at tho igo ol eight) -four -Si/dney Jim nmg Hu aid

A DituNKiN Housi -Idin Bovd, ni niisnei te nohaige ol fiuum riding lu ou {ht Intel «t tho V iheu Court, pleaded th it lui houc v-as ¿pill), and he was not Dis htrse he Mid, was very di mik 1 ho Al ii) or, sum he could i »ililli» drunken hoi si s lite niblin on Hie f t( nth and mllieted a duo ol X10, which the l'étendant, who himsnlt appealed «nvihing hut folir, hamlet! ovoi with tho gicattst noreln nn i, hu p e~ots lung evi

di Hill voy well lined, and left thnLunrtto join hu hi ibo, tim companion of his debiuth

CIVIL SITTINGS. - Jurors and witnrssps arore tnindel IhM th n uttendanco will lo required tin» mo nmg at the Supreme ( oin t 'J In i uses set down 1 ir heal in ' be'o o Sp cud Juno* ol .webe, uro Kell and ano tin r n Potéis, 11 git v linker, Cantwell v Hordern.

Farming.—Mr Selby has sold his fine farm, some time advertised in this journal, to Mr Muirson, and, we understand, intends to take up his residence in Melbourne. He was deser-vedly one of the most popular men in the district, and we therefore heartily wish him every success and happiness wherever his lot may be

cast.—Belfast Gazette.

IniirceI'CY-Anewnnival frc-m Adelaide, named James Davis, was charged yesterday w'th conimitting an indecent act in the public utieet. The Mayor romorked it wa' an exf aor dinaiyfact that all the new an ivalsfiom whatever country, seemed to como hero without any no-tion of'decency. Bo would fine the defendant in the lowest penalty of £5, but would shorten the term of imprisonment which w.'.s the alter-native to 24 hours, and ho hoped tha defendant would in future lemember ho was in Polt Phillip, where it was necessary to obsoivo do


Taken up on Suspicion.—Three giants, who gave their names as Charles Smith, James Friar, and John Cleaves, were brought up before the Mayor yesterday, changed with sleeping on the wharf on the previous night. As it appeared they had only just arrived by the Melbourne, and took up their beds on the wharf, not knowing where else to go to, the Mayor discharged them, cautioning them at the same time not to go there again, as there was plenty of lodging accommodation in the


THE CONCERT.- The following is the pro-

gramme of this evining's Concert :


Overture - Bohemian Girl.

Song - Standard Bearer, Mr. Walsh.

Solo - Tuba Basso - Herr Hunerbeine.

Song - My Fatherland, Madame Allan.

Duet vocal.

Quadrille - Mary Blane.


Overture - La Gazza Ladra.

Song - The heart is a treasure, Madame Allan.

Song - The Pilot, Mr Wheeler.

Waltz - Elfin.

Ballad - The lads of the village, Mr Walsh.

Song - Spring is blooming, Madame Allan.

Buffo Song - Skying a copper, Mr Cooze.

Finale - God save the Queen.

A Thief Captured. — Yesterday, a man was apprehended near the Bank of New South Wales, under the following circumstances. It appeared that he had just returned from the Diggings with a considerable sum of money, which he had obtained by successfully "fossick-ing" in another man's pocket. The robbed one, not thinking exactly with Iago, that in losing his purse he lost merely " trash," followed the thief, and was fortunate enough to overtake him in town before he had had time to get rid of his ill acquired wealth. The fellow will be brought up for examination at the City Police Court, this morning.

Invalidity of Ships' Articles —We learn that it is the intention of a few masters of vessels to convene a meeting, for the purpose of taking into consideration the difficulty which has arisen with respect to the supposed invalidity of ships' articles, on the gr und of the uncertainty in the description of the voyage. As it is understood that the great majority of the ships' articles in harbour, are in a similar condition to those of the Nerbudda, and New Liverpool, it is feared that considerable inconvenience and l ss will be sustained by the owners of vessels, unless some energetic measures be immediately adopted to

c unteract the evil. We have not heard the nature of the resolutions to be brought before the meeting, nor what measures are contemplated to obviate the diffi ulty complained of, but there can be no doubt from the deep interest which is felt in the matter, that the meeting if got up with energy, will be well attended. It is also rumoured that the seamen contemplate holding a meeting about the same time, for the purp se we presume, of adopting measures to protect their own interests, in the event of any ex-traordinary steps being taken by the masters. —Empire.

Blacks and Chinese —The aborigines have, again commenced hostilities in this district. A special messenger arrived last night from the Upper Burnett, to report the death of Mr Adolphus H Trevethan, one of the m st exten sive flockowners in the district. It appears that on Monday last the blacks appeared upon the station in numbers, killed two Chinamen, and drove away 1700 sheep. Before Mr Trevethan was aware of this, they marched on the head station, some 500 strong, and with loud voices and gesticulation, demanded that Mrs Thomson the wife of the overseer, should be given up to them. On this Mr Trevethan ran out of his hut, unarmed, to hold a parley. He was in the act of picking up some tobacco he had given them, which they threw with vengeance to the ground wh n he was speared in several places. The unfortunate man succeeded in getfing back to his hut, where he expired in about two hours. The blacks then drove away the whole of the rams with the rest of the sheep. The station is the same as that on which Mr Ste et was killed some months ago. Only last shearing the blacks bailed up all the shearers, and took the whole of their blankets, tea, sugar, quart and pint pots, and clothing away, the men not being able to resist for want of arms and ammunition. Rowbell is not far from the head quarters of the Native Police, but unfor tunately Lieutenant Murray with his division is out on the Dawson River, almost all to a man, from the lieutenant downwards laid up with fever and ague. Lieut. Matshall is at Iderway with his division, his horses knocked up willi excessive duty. The police came into Gayndah the other day, with four of Mr Sande man's Chinamen, the ringleaders in a revolt, in which the Chinese shepherds left twenty - eight thousand sheep in the hurdles, and fled the station. Fortunately, Lieut. Marshall happened to be in the neighbourhood, and he arrested the ringleaders, and persuaded

the others back to their duty. The four men tioned were brought up at the Police Office on Tu sday, and fully committed to the next Brisbane assiz s A petition is about to go the round among the whole of the squatters of the Burnett District —for they ar all employers of Chinese labour—praying His Excellency wi 1 appoint a Chinese interpreter to the bench; the whole of their worships' attention being taken up every court day in deciding disputes between the Celestials and their employers ; and as they do not yet greatly under tand the language, these trials are necessarily one-sided. The b nch, it is stated, have therefore decided upon applying for a paid Chinese interpreter_More ton Bay Courier, April 17.

Cg}" Wo have been requested by Mess's Bear and Son to draw attention lo their horso Bute, this day, at devon o'clock.

fli?" We havo been lequestod by Mes'is Stubbs and Sju to ead attention to their salon, this day, at eleven o'clock, of 1 utter, chease, oranges, lemons, i evolving and other pistols,

funi.ture, dec.

tfgg*" Wo havo been rrquevtcd hy Mcsm-b Syimin^ und l'erry to draw attention to their eales, this day.

C5>" Wo havo been r>quested by McssrB W. M. Torment and Co to draw uti britain to their pale, this (lav, at their Booms, at elovon o'clock, ol' butler, flour, bran, niU'-catel raisins, piimo Anv-ricnn hams, oilmen's »lons, &.o ; at tv elvo (.'cluck, eighty acres lund u( Carlsrhuo; al. tho Queen's Winn I, lit one o'clock, cargo of

W Melville, fiom Hobart Town.