Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 19 September 1851, page 2


THE DRUNKARDS' LIST.-Mary Smith, and Margaret Gallagher, were yesterday charged with being drunk, and were lined five shillings


EARLT CLOSING.-A meeting is mlvcrtised to take place this evening, at tho Temperance. Hall, in. Russell-street, for-the purpose ol'con-sidering the propriety of the general adoption ol'

tho above measure.

QUARTER SESSIONS.-A Court ? of General Quin ter Sessions of this place, will be held at the Court Houso, on Monday, the sixth day of

October next.

SMITHFIELD MARKET.-The bill for the ro movul of Smithfield market, was read a third time on the twenty-third of Jnno.

A STOLEN HORSE.-A mnn named John

Berry, was yesterday committed to take his trial for having in his possession a mare, which wus stolen a few weeks ago from John Wilson, a mun of oolour, residing nt the Deep Cieek.

THE POLICE OFFICE,-Uwitig to the, non attendance of any of the City Magistrates« no business was done at the police ellice, yesterday, until a quarter past eleven o'clock, when Messrs Payne mid Sturt took their seats on tho bvitch, and disposed of the cased on the wutchhouse


THE LITTLE BIRO.-lilias been reported in town for the last few days, that Mr. Moor's an-nouncement of his el ction for Portland, was premature, and that in counting his chickens befoie they were quite hatched, he had not cal-culated upon the possible existence uf a better candidate for the city of the far west ; who bus appeared in the person ot Lachlan M'Kinnon, hsq. to the entire destruction of Mr Mour's plans on the Speakership.

INQUEST.- An inquest was held yesterday at the ship Inn, Flinders-lane, on the body of Lewis Henry Hobson, aged four years, the son of Mr Hobson, wine merchant. It appeared, from the evidence, that the poor child had entered the spirit store, and that he had there swallowed a large quantity of some spirituous liquor from the sample bottles that were within his reach. The intoxication pro-duced by the stimulus had caused so much in-jury to the brain and nervous system, that after lingering for a few hours, he expired. It was not ascertained if any one had supplied the child with the liquor; but it was shown beyond a a doubt that the said liquor had occasioned his



Queen has been pleased to grant tho place of

one of tho Lords of Session in Scotland to John

Cowan, Esq, Her Majesty's Solicitor-General for Scotland, in the room of Thomas Maitland, Esq., deceased. The Queen has also been pleased to nominate mid appoint the said John Cowan to he one of tho Lords of Justiciary in Scotland in tlio room of tlio said Thomas'Maitland, rlo cuusod -London Gazelle, Juno 24.


TENDERS - Tenders are called for by the Government Gazette of the 10th of September for clearing the dead timber and trees from the river Yarra from the bridge at Melbourne to the falls near Mr Dight's mill; also for a sup

ply of broken metal, to be delivered on the ... road, and for the erection of a laundry at the Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum.

ASSAULT.-A case of this nature was heard yesterday at the Police Office, in which per-son named Bingley was the complainant and Mr and Mrs Pickett, of the Hotel at Salt Water River, and a man named Dunbar were the de-fendants. It appeared that a dispute had arisen between the parties on account of the refusal to the complainant to lend them his boat and from high words they at last came to hard blows from which the plaintiff was a suf-ferer. The three defendants were fined ten

shillings each and costs.

Sties ron >'EW VILLAGE«.-Sit« fT ., villnges have been fixed upon at the undenW lioned places, and copies of the approved S may be seen at the Surveyor General'sOffi«.

Carlsrhue, on the Campnspie River . ßmuT at Jackson's Ford, on the Mount MatsedonW' Elsternwick, in the parish of Prahran ; reniW at the late Mount Rouse Aboriginal Reserve ; Woodend, at the Five-mile Creek, near Mount Macedon; Castle Donnington, M Sinn Bill 1

the Murray; Welchpool, ¡tilley» ÄJ!

Inlet, Gipps Land. . ; !**

THB GEELONG ELECTION.-We ure hisllt pleased with the repeated expreswom of diimit indulged ni by the Argus at the nomine ti fourth candidate for Geelong. This dite«! is a oieur acknowledgment that the defeat ofti» Argus's favourite candiJate wathe'rebjHdBd - Geelong Advertiser. [We conjfnitúUt» tar contemporary on the ease with which hs'cubt "highly pleased." If his pleasure be ».In proportioned to our " diigust," hi onihtto hi pleased indeed I-ED. A.] ,"*'»»

ATTEMPTED ESCAPE.-Yesterday a man ? John Berry, who had just been 'comraHWfbi trial on a charge of IIMSO-stealing, nianaseafo get away fiom the constables who had chu» of him. Seizing, what he considpred a favourable opportunity, when being escorted to the «ateo. house, ho made a sudden bolt,nnd ran like an uU. lope across the open iliaco behind thu ne» Town Hall. It turned out, however, that fie «no, was not to the swift," for he wai ¡mmediitelt pursued, re-taken, and bionght back to thi lock-up, where ho was instantly consigned to I


UNFORTONATK OCCDRBKSCR -A circnmitaneé occurred on Monday night lust nt the ¿liken' Arms Inn, which is likely tobe attended with very disagieeublo consequences to Mr Short, tie Iniulloid. It uppeaied that a mun naraej Mai. ligan was creating a disturbance ¡n the bone mid that Short having struck him with h»fiii on the month, tho blow occasioned a profw haemorrhage. The bleeding hu continaed ,from that time to the present date, in spit« of ill the endeavours of the medical attendant to ir-rest it, and the man ia reduced to so lo» asiate thut his life is despaired of. Mr Short lu been arrested on « warrant iihued by Mr Sturt, and tho wounded man's dcjioiltion at Jo til circiunstanc ?*, was yesterday taken by ti«clark of the City Bench.

THE FALLOW Durr..-We »re very gltd to hear that two of Uto fallow-deer, of which wi have made mention (.nee or twice, bite beti reprieved from tho odious fate intended for them, and have been puicliaied to bread fron, The locality chosen for their future home,« i very suitable one, namely Phillip Island in Western Port. The ¡Aland presentí an impft ranye of country, and as there ire no wild dogs to endanger tho fawns which may at some future time be droppd, these beautiful cre.itures will get fair play, tuul the interest in;; experiment of the intraatotitn of the fallon deer into Victoria, will lie te»tal under very favorable oirciimiUiici«. It ii with regret that ne have to udil, thut the third of

the set imported, is to be turned out and hunted, < we believe, to-morrow. We »iih (Ut til pardon to the poor things could hare been mido gonornl, and that the community could Lars been spired the por|«tration of ibu barbsiiljr,

NEW GOLD FIELD. - Mr. G. H. Wathe_ has returned from a tour to the northward of Bunin-

yong, between the Avoca and Mount Alexander. In almost every part of the country there are rumours (many of them no doubt unfounded) of the discovery of gold. There is only one spot, besides the diggings already known and de-scribed, at which men are actually employed in mining; that spot is in the vicinity of Mount Alexander, in a secluded valley about four and a half miles south-west of the Porcupine Inn, and only one mile west of the road from Melbourne to Swan Hill. The gold is found in quartz veins traversing primary clay and mica slate. These strata are nearly vertical, and running north and south. The quartz is more rotten, and there-fore more easily worked than at Clunes, and is at least as rich, probably will prove richer. The party of miners had only worked a few days.

The range in which gold is found is a prolonga-tion of that of which Buninyong forms a part -Geelong Advertiser.

THE BALLARAT GOLD FIELD. - We learn from a credible source, that one hundred ounces of gold were brought into Geelong on Wednesday last, by a man, who stated that it had been gathered by him and two others, in three weeks. All parties, it appears, are getting abundance of gold. Between four and five hundred men of the labouring class have left Geelong within the last week for the diggings, and the emigration still continues to such an extent, as to threaten the depopulation of the town. Drays are seen on all sides ready laden, all surmounted with the significant cradle. The diggings are repre-sented to be about fifty-four miles from Geelong, in ranges that are spurs from Mount Alexander. Gold has also been found in small quantities within seven miles of Geelong. Mr. Commis-sioner Armstrong started for the diggings in the beginning of the present week.

LAND SALE.-A further «nie ol' Lind bu hew proclaimed in the Government Ga««« P* lishcd yesleiday, to take at Geelong on WediKHdav tli'o 22nd October. TOIHLOII Portarlington, County of Grant, parish of Bel-lerine ; upset piico 61 per itere; 2 ro(Kl,."t.,' allots 1 to 10 of seo 1,1 to loof sec 9. >»"' Geelong-parish of Corio; J rood .*<*; op«« price '3002 per ncre, allots 6 to 0 A»ud 6 lo s B of seo 3S. SUBURBAN LOTS, Gwut, vm «

Burrabool, upset prico 32 per tere, 3»Jip p» ¡26 sou 22, 2n lr lap cudi portion! 27 to » sec 22, 2u 3r fip por 30 of 22,4ti por 2 allot I. seot 2j, 3u 3r 3Up port 3 allot I, sect 2% 3» «»P port 4 «Hot 1 sect 25, 2a 16p each port»«

and C allot 1 sect 25. 2a lr 32D each portion! 7 und 8 »Hut I scot 25, l'atish of Moto °i* priée £1 per acre, iGOn poition i sect lli»P« price 30i per ucre, port 1 sect 12, MA » »P port 2 sect .12, 77a lr 8p po:t 3 ««*>}«»* 4|i port 4 sect 15. Grenville, Parish oOM

upset price £3 per acre, ,2a 2r îMff«? ,' .2a 2r 22p allot 1C, 2u Sr I«P ¿T'. I 3a Or !2p allot l8, 3a Or «p."j» 19, 2a 3r allot Hi. SÏAUAI WOT»"* Grant ; parish of Modewarre» »P*« V**¡?. 10s per acre, 78* each, poitionl I,, »,¿» of sect 8, 93A lr I4p portion fl or 8, »*"?'

pott e and 7 of 8, 781 port »ofV, 8*»^ port 4 of 9. COUNTRY Lm-Or-li P» ol' Duneed; upset price, £1 pw *?*'.,.,, port 5 of «oct 30, 104» port 6 «f ». J" J 2üp pott 7 of SO, I71fl port 1 **» «-J"?" lCp port 2 seot 3: ; parish of Mc<J.w.«*.»', 22p port i 1 atet 28, 163a 2r 2Upport I»» 107u 3r 16pport2 of 9, 226a lrWi**'5 9, 203a 37p port 6oi»< '"" ?' ,fc0,P if a", 9; pariab of E-llflriiie ; port II b ta* M / euch portions 13 to IC of block 1,31* »^ port 39 of 2, 320a port 40 o J M*» J Wy wit ; 324a port 14 of block l,«^t%

ofJI; parish St Moolap; f^'fff^

of block I, 238a port 3 (if I.25J» ""fXT^ 4 of I, 482A 3r 8p port 9of J,4*J« "' I, 4.8.1 port 23 of 1, 550A port 25 ot I.

(®- We are requested by Me"r,Ä,#( Cohen, to call publie attention la. WT*^ room papers, ohairs, rice, &c. ut »I» »"* day, atelevon o'clock,